View Full Version : Premium MIC on Amazon

2012-12-19, 06:20 PM
I can't be the first one to have noticed this, but thought I'd share the link (http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Dungeons-Dragons-Compendium-Accessory/dp/0786964499/). July of next year, so they say.

Looks like the Spell Compendium (http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Edition-Dungeons-Compendium-Accessory/dp/0786964480/) is on the way as well, a little earlier.

2012-12-19, 08:38 PM


2012-12-20, 12:43 AM
the spell compendium one has been up there for a few months now but i hadn't seen the MIC one yet!


Agent 451
2012-12-20, 02:17 AM
Huh, there's also a bunch of adventure modules and the 2nd edition core books listed.

2012-12-20, 04:58 AM
I notice the description says that both books feature errata. Does anyone know if that would be new, or just reprinted from years past?

Wishful thinking, I know, but I can still wish...

2012-12-20, 10:58 AM
No idea, but I'll take what I can get. I'm perfectly happy with my old, beat-up PHB, but I've been kicking myself for years that I didn't snag a copy of the MIC when it was still on the shelves.

Seven months...seven months....

2012-12-20, 11:05 AM
MIC would be one book I wouldn't mind picking up, even though I primarily run and play Pathfinder. There was a lot of neat items, and the gem slot system is a great way to add a little versatility to mundane characters without having to carry a whole armoury around.

Laura Eternata
2012-12-20, 09:07 PM
Nice. I remember voting for those two when they asked, as they've been glaring holes in my collection for years.

2012-12-20, 10:50 PM
I notice the description says that both books feature errata. Does anyone know if that would be new, or just reprinted from years past?

Wishful thinking, I know, but I can still wish...

If the reprinted core is any indication, it should include only the already-extant errata. It's a good buy if you don't have the books, not so much if you do.

T.G. Oskar
2012-12-21, 12:58 AM
If the reprinted core is any indication, it should include only the already-extant errata. It's a good buy if you don't have the books, not so much if you do.

Oh, so the Premium Player's Handbook doesn't have a load of about 29-40 extra pages with new spells that only the Monk and Paladin can use, that they call "Blade Magic"? That said, are they using the errata on the Fighter, Monk and Paladin? I've heard of so many people mentioning about that errata, so... And no, I don't use blue like most of you guys in here...
Fun to see that they're finally dealing with AD&D 2nd Edition. I was thinking they'd neglect 2nd Edition for some reason; it was merely put for last (went for 1st Edition for the sake of nostalgia, then 3.5 for the Pathfinder crowd, and then AD&D 2nd for purposes of completion). They're also re-releasing some dungeon modules...

It was an obvious move to release the MIC and the SpC as premium editions. Will they re-release the most popular books based on the poll they did some time ago, or will they do the compilation book as I heard somewhere? Also: will they re-release the Rules Compendium?

2012-12-21, 05:38 AM
Oh, so the Premium Player's Handbook doesn't have a load of about 29-40 extra pages with new spells that only the Monk and Paladin can use, that they call "Blade Magic"? That said, are they using the errata on the Fighter, Monk and Paladin? I've heard of so many people mentioning about that errata, so... And no, I don't use blue like most of you guys in here...

Peace, man, I was going by what I was seeing in Amazon's reviews a few days ago. Anything we should know about the premium books?

2012-12-21, 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar
Oh, so the Premium Player's Handbook doesn't have a load of about 29-40 extra pages with new spells that only the Monk and Paladin can use, that they call "Blade Magic"?

I can't even begin to understand this comment. The harder I try, the more my neurons congeal.

The Random NPC
2012-12-21, 12:22 PM
I can't even begin to understand this comment. The harder I try, the more my neurons congeal.

It is sarcasm.

2012-12-21, 09:51 PM
Wizards is gaining a lot of sense to re-release popular 3e material while continuing into newer editions. No sense fighting against your own stuff. If some people want X then give them X, if some people want Y then give them Y.

And ya, getting reprints like these when the prices were going up is awesome. One of these days I'll be re-employed and I'll jump right onto a nice set of books.

2012-12-21, 09:54 PM
I can't even begin to understand this comment. The harder I try, the more my neurons congeal.

The joke is that Tome of Battle is a bunch of errata for fighter, monk, and paladin.

2012-12-21, 11:14 PM
Wow, that is excellent.

I've been boycotting WotC for years now, but I am pretty tempted to finally grab my own copies of MIC and maybe SpC, too.

I'll have to see what the "errata" is. The past several years have kind of given the word a negative connotation to me. 4E demonstrated it meant "massive piles of rules changes based on hyper-sensitivity to a few loud complaints on the internet" ...hell, they had errata for 4E before it even officially released (the whole "take out Orcus w/ a level 15 Ranger" thing). And PF has taught me that errata means, "nerf teh martial classes, especially the monk."

So I am hesitant to embrace versions with "errata." I'd be fine if they just fixed the glaring and obvious mistakes, missing information, and typos in those books, especially SpC.

2012-12-21, 11:15 PM
The joke is that Tome of Battle is a bunch of errata for fighter and monk.

Not really for paladin. The Knight would be a better example of a class that the Crusader outright replaces, as paladin has mechanical support that does not involve combat, as well as support for their class features. Crusader doesnt have anything mechanically outside of combat, but is a class that is build with solid foundation and less ignorance at the fact that paladin spells should be worth themselves (Glory of the Martyr vs Holy Sword at 4th level, Holy Sword may be a good spell, with a duration of too little, but Glory of the Martyr is worthy of a 4th level paladin slot)

and its TG Oskar, its hard to believe he actually means the paladin bit.

2012-12-21, 11:46 PM
Crusader can use Martial Spirit (but not the strikes) to beat the **** out of captured enemies in order to heal allies. And the Aura of Perfect Order (take 11 on d20 rolls) works just as well on skill checks as it does on attack rolls. And, as all martial adepts have access to it, when it doubt, use Mountain Hammer to break it! Trap worrying you? Wall in the way? Want to burst a damn to flood a town? Crush a beer can on your forehead? Let them know that you're really serious about this? Mountain Hammer!

They get some non-combat useful stuff. Much less than the other 2 adepts, of course.

2012-12-21, 11:54 PM
Crusader can use Martial Spirit (but not the strikes) to beat the **** out of captured enemies in order to heal allies. And the Aura of Perfect Order (take 11 on d20 rolls) works just as well on skill checks as it does on attack rolls. And, as all martial adepts have access to it, when it doubt, use Mountain Hammer to break it! Trap worrying you? Wall in the way? Want to burst a damn to flood a town? Crush a beer can on your forehead? Let them know that you're really serious about this? Mountain Hammer!

They get some non-combat useful stuff. Much less than the other 2 adepts, of course.

Heal: If the king lets you see his daughter with a dangerous prisoner who could, if they escaped their bonds, kill her, then you probably should re-examine your party, and punch your DM in the face
Aura: And rogues can take 12.
Mountain Hammer: If you were a commoner, who most likely wouldnt be proficient with a metalic weapon, then sure, Mountain hammer would count. Except EVERYONE can do that if the DM doesnt read the HP/Hardness rules straight.

2012-12-22, 12:09 AM
I thought this thread was spam (i.e. someone advertising sale of a copy of the MIC) when I first saw it.

Anyway, that's great news! I lost my copy of the MIC a few months ago. Looks like I'll be able to get a new one. Also, my SpC is really beaten up, lol.

T.G. Oskar
2012-12-22, 12:27 AM
And its TG Oskar, its hard to believe he actually means the paladin bit.

Actually, the quote (and the bit of sarcasm) is a jab at all the people who, like Glimbur mentions, claim that the Tome of Battle book is stealth errata. I mentioned once that I would accept that if, and only IF, the Premium version of the Player's Handbook replaced the Fighter, the Monk and the Paladin with the Warblade, the Swordsage and the Crusader. As, from what I can recall, that's not the case, it should be enough to bury that notion.

Certainly, people can choose to replace the Paladin with the Crusader, the Fighter with the Warblade and the Monk with the (unarmed) Swordsage on their own tables and expose it as their opinion, but to force that opinion...well, that irks me a bit, and hence the reason why I had to be particularly sarcastic on that remark. It's also why I made the mention of "extra pages adding 'blade magic'" bit, if only because you'd need that extra bit of info to fully introduce the mechanics of ToB into Core. It very clearly shows the intention of the developers, because otherwise they would have made that change with the re-releases, given the mention of "all errata".

Question, though: what are the chances that they release a Premium (Expanded) Psionics Handbook, with all the changes from Complete Psionic tacked in (including the infamous change to Astral Construct)? That's a book that most people would want, though ignoring the changes of the latter.

2012-12-22, 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Glimbur
The joke is that Tome of Battle is a bunch of errata for fighter, monk, and paladin.

Thank you. Didn't know the in-joke.

Originally Posted by StreamOfTheSky
I'd be fine if they just fixed the glaring and obvious mistakes, missing information, and typos in those books, especially SpC.

For a while I was keeping notes on typos in the 3.5 books, but it got too depressing. Complete Divine was awful, and I seem to recall Shining South had a couple truly spectacular editorial fails.

Speaking of the Completes, my new pipe dream is that they'll offer those in an omnibus volume. If Paizo can reprint Rise of the Runelords in an omnibus, and charge $60.00 with a straight face, then the market's gotta be there.

2012-12-22, 02:14 AM
$60 bucks is a bargain if you don't already have a copy of the Rise of the Runelords adventure path, and it's a really good starting adventure and introduction to Golarion.

2012-12-22, 04:09 PM
And if there's a market for that, they can certainly do a Feat Compendium.


2012-12-22, 05:03 PM
And if there's a market for that, they can certainly do a Feat Compendium.


The printing of the Feat Compendium would require an Epic level Lumberjack, no one on earth is that kind of level

2012-12-22, 08:13 PM
Actually, the quote (and the bit of sarcasm) is a jab at all the people who, like Glimbur mentions, claim that the Tome of Battle book is stealth errata. I mentioned once that I would accept that if, and only IF, the Premium version of the Player's Handbook replaced the Fighter, the Monk and the Paladin with the Warblade, the Swordsage and the Crusader. As, from what I can recall, that's not the case, it should be enough to bury that notion.

Oh, makes sense now.

2012-12-23, 12:28 AM
Heal: If the king lets you see his daughter with a dangerous prisoner who could, if they escaped their bonds, kill her, then you probably should re-examine your party, and punch your DM in the face.

The guy doesn't have to be a dangerous enemy, a CR 1/4 enemy works just fine. The guy can be unconscious and have no ability TO attempt escape. The beneficiary does not have to be a princess.

And if you feel the urge to physically assault your DM over nearly anything that happens in-game, then you should probably re-examine your entire life.

Aura: And rogues can take 12.

Clerics can't cast as many awesome spells as wizards. Clearly, clerics suck.

Druid's wildshape is pathetic compared to the Shapechange spell, clearly, wildshape is worthless.

My character has a +10 will save at level 5, but another 5th level PC has a +11 will save, so I may as well just pray for a 20 anytime I roll will.

I could also point out that rogues can take 12....on 3 + int mod skills only. And for most rogues, int isn't even the 2nd most important stat, and later increases do not retroactively apply (like, say... from having a +6 Int hat), so if you want the take 12 when crusader gets take 11, it will not be terribly many skills. And also the part that it's debateable if you can even apply Skill Mastery to certain skills, namely USE MAGIC DEVICE. While as the aura applies to any skills, any ability checks, any d20 roll. But why point out the omissions that undercut what you said when I can just mock how ridiculous being 1 point lower = pointless is as an argument?

Mountain Hammer: If you were a commoner, who most likely wouldnt be proficient with a metalic weapon, then sure, Mountain hammer would count. Except EVERYONE can do that if the DM doesnt read the HP/Hardness rules straight.

So a maneuver is worthless if the DM houserules to make it worthless. Got it.

And yeah, those -4 nonproficiency penalties are killer, dude. Tryin' to attack those inanimate objects that the rules let you auto-hit as a full round action? Yeah, you just can't recover from those kinds of crippling repurcussions. Like, seriously.

2012-12-23, 01:26 AM

Healing in combat doesnt matter, primarily because the rogue's Wand of Cure Light Wounds will be outhealing you for a long time. Healing as Plot? then you might be allowed to make it count, if the DM lets you have a prisoner near the lvl 1 aristocrat who's only feat is MacGuffin of Plot Advancement, then yes, your DM needs a punch.

your Counter is to point out that clerics cant cast as many awesome spells: Tell me this? Other then Shapechange, which they can get anyway in a multitude of ways, what makes a cleric worse? The ability to cast Inside Dead Magic Zones? there is a reason its called Cheater of Mystra, and Shapechange is the only good 9th level spell druids get, and it trumps their main class feature. Might as well use the Upgrade while it is relevant.

Being able to take 11 is not good on non-skill checks. The DM always has fiat asto whether you can suceed on anything less then a 20, out of fairness or spite, when it comes to combat.

Um, no. The Reason you need to ignore the Hardness/HP rules specific wording, is that the rule is written wrong, and was only recently amended (as in has not been correct until this year), and except for that specific instance of the rule where it is correct, Hardness multiplies with thickness. This is the only reason Mountain Hammer counts, because a Rule it specifically ignores was broken for 10.5 years, and taken straight, made walls practically invincible. Taken logically, Mountain Hammer is a Non-argument, because it does Nothing a character cant do already