View Full Version : Musho-Diga City Business Game (IC)

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-19, 09:58 PM
(New place for information. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267058))
(OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264992))

Gorram’s Tavern

Gorram’s Tavern is a large building at the northeast end of the burn. Made of stone rather than the wood of the shops around it, the shop quietly shows that the owner has been very successful. Inside the front door is a wide open room with rough, dark wood tables of various sizes and heights scattered haphazardly around. Dominating the right side of the room is fireplace so large that you could spit roast a cow in it. On the back wall is the bar counter with several stools in front of it. Above the bar are several weapons and the head of a tiger… if a tiger was 3 meters tall. Doors lead off to the kitchens and the private rooms. The left side of the room has some private booths for quieter business negotiations.

Gorram’s Tavern is well known as neutral territory. A place for anyone to meet and do business peacefully. Thieves and toughs never bother anyone when they are in the tavern. Gorram, a retired adventurer with many dirty tricks up his sleeve, is the bouncer, and he has never had a problem with throwing anyone outside. Aside from this job, Gorram seems to know everyone and can set up meetings between different groups.

Today the bar pretty full with different merchants and tradespeople milling around and talking.

2012-12-20, 01:44 AM
"Why hey there, Gorram! Thanks again for stopping by earlier, that was a most pleasant surprise you gave me. Don't worry, I would be happy to help another as you have. In fact, if you ever need any minor woodcraft done around here, I'd be happy to help you with it," the aasimar with the coin-bright hair says as she settles in to a stool at the bar.

2012-12-20, 01:58 AM
Toying with the medallion around her neck, Cezka entered the tavern with an eyebrow arched and a great deal on her mind. She glanced about, seeing the various tradesmen and such, and moved towards the fireplace. She took a seat near it and began to contemplate how best to go about the little situation currently plaguing the Burn.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-20, 02:28 AM
Gorram smiles. Glad you could make it. And thanks for the offer. Seems like there is always some ass that wants to sharpen their knife on the table. What will it be?

Leaning closer he whispers, I know a couple of guys who might be customers for you. Simple work, but in bulk. If they come in later I'll point them out. Gorram seems to lose his train of thought as an absolutely gorgeous redhead walks in. That’s distracting. I hope it doesn’t lead to too many fights.

Conversation slows as you enter, and dozens of eyes follow you as you move to your chair. (Like usual, you probably barely notice it.) A very short and squat barmaid comes over. What can I get for you, ma’am?

2012-12-20, 02:31 AM
Cezka looked over at the barmaid and smiled. "If you have a supply of water, I would be pleased to have a glass of it."

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-20, 02:40 AM
When you look closer at the barmaid you notice that her skin is pale gray and kind of waxy looking. Her bright and warm eyes dispel any notion of zombie, but her skin does not look right – somewhat cold and unfriendly.. A cup of water for the pretty lady. And if you don’t mind me saying so… you probably don’t need to worry too much about paying for drinks with some of the guys around here.

2012-12-20, 02:43 AM
A grin. "I will take that into consideration. Thank you, Miss...?"

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-20, 02:49 AM
People call me Em, ma'am. She flashes a quick smile that shows she doesn' have upper or lower teeth, just greenish bone ridges where they should be.

2012-12-20, 02:53 AM
"Thank you very much, Miss Em. You're too kind."

Cezka turned her head from the waitress and glanced about the tavern, taking stock of who all was there. All potential customers... and she would need to see what the local competition was. "Tell me, Miss Em, whom should I speak with in order to learn of the various local guilds? Is that information Gorram should be approached for?"

2012-12-20, 04:17 AM
A young well-built human with short brown hair walked into Gorram's Tavern. He looked around for for the owner, and strode over to him directly with long, even strides.

"Thanks very much for your hospitality, and the hides," Letho said with a genuine smile, "I'll be sure to return the favor soon as I can. I'm actually looking for a butcher and an alchemist to do business with, do you know of any reputable ones?"

Letho nodded at the answer.

"Thank you," he replied, "do let me know if there's anything I can do for you."

He glanced around the room quickly.

"Also, have you heard of the Grommets?" he asked.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-20, 05:27 AM
Em gets distracted by calls for beers at another table. I’m sorry ma’am. Whatever you want to know, you can ask Gorram. He is very knowledgeable and can take a rest whenever he likes. I’d tell you what I can, but I’m pulled away so often. The basics circumstances are that when King Curta invaded two years ago, he decided that the economic leadership was arrayed against him and had most of the leadership executed. He isn’t strictly against guilds per se, however he prefered… She breaks off as there is another call for beers. Sorry ma’am. I’ll try and tell you later, if you still want to know.

You sure are direct. Gorram smiles. I like that. He nods over to a silver eyed, gold(en) haired girl to your left. I don’t know how reputable she is yet, but as this is a party for the both of you, at least you should meet. Letho Anoram, tanner, Alesti Macht, alchemist. Maybe you two can work something out. As for a butcher, I know a guy by the name of Kov. He is a fair guy. He spends most his nights with his wife though, so he probably won’t pop up here tonight. He quickly gives you directions to Kov’s stall in the Burn.

Grommets eh? They are a gang that got their start in the cloth district after the guilds were broken up. Not such a big group, but they are looking to expand. Mostly kids who were too young to defend the city when Curta rolled in. Gorram pulls a couple of pints and offers on to the both of you. I gotta get back to work, but I’ll be around if you need me.

2012-12-20, 05:52 AM
Cezka wondered if she'd ever get the water, but determined it wasn't worth inquiring about. Moving towards the bar, she waited to see if Gorram would have a lull in his work schedule for a quick chat about guilds. She had heard some discussion about the Grommets, but over the din and distance, she hadn't been able to determine much.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but did I hear something about the Grommets?"

2012-12-20, 10:18 AM
Valthen edges into the room, blinking at all the people. With a determined hunch to his shoulders, he gradually navigates his way through the busy room with a combination of gentle pushing and backtracking, as crowds do not generally part for someone only just over three feet in height.

He arrives at the bar, eases his canvas satchel off, letting it hit the ground with a clank, and climbs with practiced awkwardness, onto a stool. . Without ceremony he reaches up a muscular arm to thunk a small clay bottle onto the bar next to Cezka.

Hi Cezy. Got you a drink.

He shoots a suspicious look at the barmaid as she arrives for another load of drinks. Why was that woman suddenly smirking?

Have a taste, see what you think. New brew, not sure what people'll think.

He glances up at Em again, who is refilling her tray.

And you.. he produces a second bottle from what looks suspiciously like a jury-rigged bandolier ... can try this one. It's a bit sweeter.

He looks at the two of them. His eyes narrow. I wasn't uh... interrupting anything was I?

2012-12-20, 10:25 AM
Francezka sampled the new alcoholic beverage. "Valthen... is that copper I taste? Or perhaps..." She shook her head. "You have confounded my taste buds, I cannot surmise what it is you've used to brew this. But it's rather good!"

2012-12-20, 01:34 PM
"Wraf! Waf waf! Wrafwafwaf!" Cheerful barks filled the air as the door to Gorram's Tavern opened and a young small dog eagerly ran in, dashing through the legs of a barmaid in the process. "Ho there, Rakker, get back here." The voice of a young lad called out with a laugh, the one who had opened the door. "Wrrraf wraf! Waf waf! Waaf!" Circling back towards the door, the white-brown dog dashed back with young eagerness, his ears swirling along his head as his tongue hung out its mouth while running.

Swiftly halting before the feet of the newcomer that had just closed the door behind him, the young dog looked up at his boss with a happy face. Thomas laughed softly as he leaned over to give the dog a pat on his head, after which he moved towards the barmaid. "Apologies for Rakker, madam. He can be ever so eager in new places" He said politely with a soft smile across his face. Looking at her with friendly brown eyes, he apologetically moves a hand through his brown hair. Giving a short bow to her, he then proceeds to make his way towards the bar.

With boots on his feet, brown trousers on his legs and a simple beche shirt with a brown jacket over it to ward off the cold, it shows Thomas is dressed in a simple manner. On his trousers traces of a some hairs can be seen. Not belonging to his dog, but rather to the sheep he tends to, it shows that he is here to relax from his hard work. Some dirt can still be spotted underneath his nails and his hair is modelled by the whims of the winds.

As Thomas found himself on the bar, he gave a warm smile towards Gorram. Rakker settled at his feet and gave out a joyful bark. "Wraf!" "Haha, yes, quite new to you, isn't it Rakker?" He said to Rakker, who completely agreed: "Waf waf!" Smiling, Thomas turned to Gorram again. "I hope you don't mind Rakker here, he's a friendly fellow, isn't he?" "Waf!" Letting out a short laugh, Thomas then continued. "Thanks again for the gift, Gorram, I am grateful for the welcome. And now, I'm here for the friendly offer of free ale." Obviously in a good mood, Thomas was shortly distracted.

"Waf!" "No no, Rakker, don't bother the lady. Come back here." "Wraf!" Rakker looked up from sniffing the feet of the bright-haired lady and walked back over to Thomas, who grinned for a moment. "So curious!" "Waf waf!" Looking at the aasimar lady with the coin-bright hair, Thomas gave a short nod. "Sorry about that, this place is so new for him."

2012-12-20, 03:28 PM
Saraquette ducks as she enters the tavern. The lintel is certainly high enough, but it is a habit picked up in the monastery. She scans the room for the "party for new shop owners" she was told of, but what she immediately sees is the young man and his dog, who must have entered just before her.

She, too, makes her way to the bar.
If she catches Gorram's eye, she will thank him for the gift. Otherwise, she asks of him or any of the staff, "I was looking for the welcoming gathering of new shop owners."

2012-12-20, 04:59 PM
Letho"...I'm actually looking for a butcher and an alchemist to do business with, do you know of any reputable ones?"

At this, Alesti perks up, and turns to look over the human who asked about an alchemist. Then, with Gorram's introduction, she feels free to make a little small talk, smiling at what appears to be a new friend.

"Hey there stranger, you look like a nice honest fellow. Tall glass of distilled water in an hazardous chemical wash station, as it were. In any case, though, I heard you are looking for a skilled alchemist, and aren't you lucky to have found the best around. It's an absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance, please just call me Ali. If it isn't too forward to ask, what manner of work do you need done?"

2012-12-20, 06:39 PM
At this, Alesti perks up, and turns to look over the human who asked about an alchemist. Then, with Gorram's introduction, she feels free to make a little small talk, smiling at what appears to be a new friend.

"Hey there stranger, you look like a nice honest fellow. Tall glass of distilled water in an hazardous chemical wash station, as it were. In any case, though, I heard you are looking for a skilled alchemist, and aren't you lucky to have found the best around. It's an absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance, please just call me Ali. If it isn't too forward to ask, what manner of work do you need done?"
"Well Ali ma'am, I'll be heading into the forest from time to time, hunting for deer and other wildlife so as to get hides for the tannery," Letho replies, "We're in the tanning business. I know oak bark can be refined into tannin, which we need, but if there's any other herbs you might be needing, I can keep an eye out for you during my wanderings."

"Just let me know, maybe we can work out some kind of trade," he adds.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-20, 08:04 PM
@ Lucretia and Togo
A few minutes later Em brings water for Francezka in a nice glass. She hands the empty bottle back to Valthen and smiles shyly up at him. It was good. I tasted a copper and zinc vat with elder berries and anise leaves mixed into the malt. Plus something else. Cherry pits? Anyway, I gave some to Gorram and suggested we carry it if the price is right.

About this time one of the bigger tables opens up. Gorram waves you all over while Em brings over a plate of sliced bread, meats, and cheeses plus a smaller bowl of diced vegetable. (Any drinks are also delivered.)

Starten a business can be a tough thing. Not many will give you a hand up. I just want you to know… The front door opens and a dozen heavily robed men enter the tavern. … that I’m not good at maken speeches. Good luck and help each other out if you can. He smiles and turns away. Briefly he turns back again to Valthen. That is a good beer by the way. I’d like to try offering it to my customers.

Gorram leads the robed men through one of the back doors. Em looks up at the group (except Valthen) Sorry, that happens a lot. He keeps lots of irons in the fire. If you need anything, just let me know. I’m sure some other people will come over and introduce themselves too. Just then there is calls for drinks. Of all the days for Ru to be sick. Em starts off as Rakker comes up to sniff her. Em stares hard at the dog for a minute, then turns to Thomas. Your canine companion is acceptable as long as she does not disturb the other patrons and does not defecate in the establishment. She fixes Tomas with a stare. If there is a mess, you are cleaning it up. Then she pats Rakker and heads off towards the bar.

2012-12-20, 08:37 PM
Francezka sipped the water and looked around the table. "How marvelous, that fate would conspire to bring us all together to begin in Musho-Diga today. I am Francezka deVor, and it's delightful to see that others have attended this little soiree."

2012-12-20, 09:05 PM
Valthen moves to the table with the others. Now in a chair rather than a stool, his chin is roughly level with the tabletop. His eyes dart from face to face.

So. he begins dourly. I'm Valthen. I'm getting into brewing. Cezy I know. Rest of you? Not so much.

He clears his throat. I reckon we can help eachother. Way I figure it, everything we get off eachother in trade is a straight sale. I don't know how thirsty any of you are, but I'd rather swap beer for something than pay in money. Anything we pay eachother in kind helps us all, right? So.. you. He nods in the Aasimir's direction. You've got that new apothacary place, ain't you? I recognise your hair. You need neat alcohol for your mixtures, you're better off starting off with stuff I've got going to waste then trying to make it from scratch, right?

He shuffles a bit in his chair, then looks up again. His eyes are a deep greyish blue.

Also, we can look out for eachother. I got a nice present from Goram, I guess you all did too, since you're here. Anyone else get any other visitors? And if you did, what are we going to do about it?

2012-12-21, 11:40 AM
Saraquette takes a seat at the table, carrying a cup of mint tea. She looks around at the others and introduces herself. "You may call me Saraquette, or Sara, for short. I have just opened up a Dojo -- a school. It is the large blue tent."

Also, we can look out for eachother. I got a nice present from Goram, I guess you all did too, since you're here. Anyone else get any other visitors? And if you did, what are we going to do about it?
"Yes. I did: a red-haired elf, calling himself Viz. The imp is trying to shake me down for 5 guilders a week." She chuckles. "I think I know what I would like to do about the problem, but what does anyone else know about him or his supposed gang?"
Sara was not here for Gorram's earlier mention of the Grommets.

2012-12-21, 01:29 PM
Thomas gives a nod to Saraquette as she approaches, though he is soon distracted by Gorram, who leads them all to a table. Thomas, like the others, heads to the table as well, bringing his ale along, and takes a seat, while Rakker gives an enthuastic comment about it all: "Waf!"

"Rakker won't make a mess, here's a good boy." Thomas answers Em. Rakker agrees with that and gives a clear sign he likes the pat: "Wraf!" "Yes, aren't you? Come here, boy!" As Rakker wags his tail, he hurriedly moves back to Thomas, but it won't be long until he curiously goes sniff the feet of Thomas' neighbour.

"Hello everybody, I'm Thomas, and this is Rakker." "Waf!" "My farm is just outside the city, and if you need cow milk or pure water, or perhaps an egg, then do stop by. The farm's still small though, but the sheep like it there. Also, if you give me a heads up beforehand and find some fresh berries, I can make them fill your stumach better."

Thomas had introduced himself with a friendly tone, looking at each around, and offering them a smile. However when Viz was mentioned, the smile vanished from Thomas' face. "That Vis came by my place as well. I don't like the fellow, nor those Grommets he mentioned. He made me the same offer, and it's put me in a bind.. I don't want trouble, but those Grommets are basically trouble no matter how you turn it." Thomas sighs and shakes his head, after which he tries to lure Rakker's attention back from the person he's sitting next to and gives him a pat on the head. "Waf!" "Don't really know much about those folk, though, except how they introduced themselves.."

2012-12-21, 02:12 PM
"The Grommet problem is... peculiar. But there are many avenues we can take to address the situation. Paying them seems to me to be folly. There is no guarantee they will keep their rate the same, and encouraging them -- showing them that we're willing to pay and to give in to the illusion of pain or consequence -- does not seem exceedingly wise.

"On the other hand, if I heard correctly, the Grommets are a group of misfits who were too young to oppose the siege of Moshu-Diga two years ago. The average age of conscription is generally around seventeen, so these boys are most likely around that age now, if not younger. The power of the Grommets' threat is that they sent the half-human about to spread their message. Our minds can substitute in whatever musclebound, hulking individuals that we'd care to imagine, which gives the fear more power.

"I suggest that we attempt to turn their threat into an opportunity, to speak with their messenger when next we meet and offer him something superior to merely gold. They are attempting to expand their territory of influence, I believe I heard? If such is the case, then we need only offer military experience, a base of operations, some sort of non-tangible something that improves them while also endearing them to us."

Francezka sipped the water and looked around the table. "I know, I know. 'You silly old cow, what is this 'us,' who is this 'we,' you are crazy, why should we work with you?' It's a natural response. But this... situation with the Grommets represents only the first of many troubles that will plague us. By making use of each others' talents, by staying together, we will improve our chances of flourishing together. To my understanding, no one here has a business which competes with the others'? Then we have nothing to lose by pursuing this avenue, while having a great deal to gain.

"That is, at least, my view on the subject. I feel the power of the word will be the most effective in dealing with this situation, and will give us the greatest overall gain. If we have a gang who finds us approvable, then we have some level of protection. We may need to shed them off in the future, but that's for a different dinner."

2012-12-21, 02:30 PM
Sara gives the Madam an appraising stare. "Your thoughts are not too different from mine, truth be told.

"I think this Viz's threat is overstated, especially if what you say of the rest of the Grommets is true.

"And I think that what appears at first as an obstacle may be turned instead to opportunity."

"I think that I differ only slightly in how I would approach them. I am looking for students in any event. While paying students are good, talent has value wherever it may be found, and I already planned to invite street urchins and others who may profit from what I can teach, and perhaps profit us by their use of it. I would happily take in as many Grommets as I could find, pretending I know nothing of their gang.

"Let me give them something useful, and perhaps we may see how much longer they'd rather follow Viz's bidding than our own.

And who of you might not profit from an apprentice or assistant? I can perhaps send those with talent to you to learn a craft . . . ."

She pauses and blushes slightly, as the thought suddenly occurs to her what that might mean in Cezka's case.

2012-12-21, 02:41 PM
If Francezka noticed the blush, she didn't react to it. "Viz may not be their leader, but simply their herald. But I believe I understand the sentiment."

2012-12-21, 02:49 PM
Sara recovers, sips her tea, "He is the face. I hope is the leader. Otherwise, these Grommets may be more sublte and better organized than we think.

"If he is the leader, he has talent, worth putting to good use. I may not pay him protection money, but I could probably find other good work for him to do."

2012-12-21, 02:51 PM
"Then now I see the difference in our opinions. I believe keeping them as a gang and making use of them in that capacity is the soundest solution, whereas I believe -- although you must forgive me, I may have misunderstood -- you wish to dismantle the Grommets and put their members to work in other industries. Is that correct?"

2012-12-21, 03:09 PM
"Yes, I think so," Sara nods. "Give me your counsel, but my thoughts are two-fold:

"First, in any negotiation, I prefer the upper hand. Assuming that Viz leads the Grommets, that means weakening his hold over them, at least with regard to us -- if I may assume we work together on this.

"Second, we are all of us merchants of one sort or another. Extortion weakens our marketplace. Assuming the Grommets, or anyone in their place, succeeded, they would not only take gold from you and me and you . . . ," she waves her arm around the table. "They will also take it from those who might otherwise buy from us.

"The Grommets may spend it, true. But the cooper may use his five guilders to build more barrels; the fletcher to make more arrows; the brewer to make more beer. The Grommets, not so much.

"We have an interest in all of us -- and the other merchants -- doing well, providing ever more goods and services. That is how we all become wealthy. In their present form, the Grommets take away from that.

Viz, I think he is too conceited to be redirected as is, so I would weaken him first.

". . . but now I am monopolizing the conversation. Please," she looks round the table, "share with me your thoughts."

2012-12-21, 03:17 PM
"I disagree with your interpretation, however, on the spending of the five coins. If the Grommets buy from us with the money they extort, then we are benefiting. The market continues to have currency. If we increase the supply -- that is to say, if we simply build more barrels, or brew more beer -- then we have more product to sell, and the market of those who might buy from us is reduced, no? The cooper should go and buy beer, or the brewer candles, or the candlemaker a corset -- well, you get the idea, I'm sure. We will succeed by having a marketplace that can afford to spend their currency on the services we provide -- especially the two of us, Saraquette.

"Our product, such as it is, cannot truly survive in an impoverished economy. When the buyer must choose between sex and bread, or martial training and a cure for his son's illness, do you believe we will be the choice?" Francezka smiled and shook her head. "Luxury comes after you have established the basic necessities of life. Traveling on the roads taught me that."

2012-12-21, 03:43 PM
"Ah, uhm, ladies, Miss deVor and Miss Saraquette, if I may interrupt.. to be honest, I have some difficulties keeping up with what was said, but, ah, well.." Thomas looks a bit shy at the ladies. They seemed such deft conversationalists, and here he was, sticking his opinion in between.. "But this whole, letting the Grommets work with us, for us, or get them to do other jobs.. well, do you really want to work with them while they try to unfairly get money? And, I really don't think they want either of what you're suggesting, unless you're really persuasive. I know I couldn't be able to persuade them.. and I really wouldn't want to work with such untrusty fellows if I can help it." There, it was out. Thomas looked at the table, and quickly continued speaking.

"Isn't there, well, a city guard or something in this city? Their behaviour is not the right thing to do, after all." To him, it sounded like an easier solution than all the schemes he had just heard. Looking up from the table, he looked at the others gathered here, wondering what they thought about that. "Wraf waf!" Rakker let out, at least one agreeing with Thomas, but then again, Rakker would likely always agree with Thomas.

2012-12-21, 03:54 PM
"We are poor," she said simply. "The city guard, they are not known for worrying about those who pay few taxes. If the Grommets were to take their extortion to High Town, then the guard would eradicate the creatures. But as it is, we are poor.

"And because we are poor, we do not have the luxury of scruples. Working with the Grommets may be unsavory -- and I do not dispute that -- but it is infinitely preferable to work with a group that is merely unsavory, as opposed to being bedfellows with someone even worse down the line. If we can use the Grommets now and establish ourselves such that the guard will actually provide some level of protection, then I feel that is the proper path to follow."

2012-12-21, 04:02 PM
She looks to Thomas and then Francezka. "We have different views, but are any of our thoughts mutually exclusive?

"You, sir," looking at Thomas, "may see whether the city guard is good for any relief. I too doubt they will give much succor, but if that puts pressure upon them to halt their present course, all to the good.

"You," looking now at Cezka, "may see about recruiting them for what project you have in mind. So long as that does not hurt the market, I think I have no complaint, and if it directs them to something more useful, I see it as a good.

"I can pursue my own plan to cultivate them to better ends. Maybe I won't persuade them all, but if I were to persuade just one -- my time would be worthwhile.

"But I think we are all agreed not to pay them this 'protection money,' yes? All of our aims are better if they are not rewarded for their present course."

2012-12-21, 07:55 PM
Valthen stirs. I don't know. Maybe it would be better if we did pay them.

He looks up, his voice low. Thing is, I hope to have, what, a couple of hundred of gold worth of stock supplies and tools going through my place? And while I'm there most of the time, I have to sleep, I have to eat, and I have to go out sometimes. I certainly not at home now. I reckon, sooner or later, someone's going to break in and help themselves.

Now I'm not going to pretend to be happy about having to pay for security, but I figure that I'll have to, one way or the other. I thought of getting a few of the guys I hire as loaders and barrel shifters, but the costs get high pretty quick. If we can get these Grommet people down to a reasonable fee, then they may be cheaper and more effective way of keeping my gear safe, or at least of getting it back.

He gives a grimace. Of course I'm not blind to the problems of paying criminals to keep the law. They get the upper hand over us, or feel they have, or feel they have to, and we've got a fight on our hands. And we've got a lot more to protect than they do. But if we can get them on side, and working with us, well it might be nice to have a gang on our side. Useful even. And they won't be the only ones out there with this bright idea. We don't deal with these guys, we'll be dealing with their competition.

A sigh, and Valthen starts idly rolling his mug between his hands. We might be better off relying on the guards, but we don't know how effective they'll be. There is still a war going on, and I think we'll see a lot of soldiers around. But I don't know how critical we are to the defence of the city. If I were our new king, this isn't where I'd be focusing my patrols. If law enforcement is effective, this whole thing is moot. If it isn't, we're going to have to do security ourselves, one way or the other.

I say we haggle them down to 2 gold, and demand some actual protection.

2012-12-21, 08:49 PM
"The greatest issue with that," Francezka said, wondering what the smoking policy was within the tavern, "is that the payment is for protection from the Grommets. I agree with you on using the Grommets to protect us, I simply disagree on the how. Paying them isn't the way, at least not immediately. We may need to provide some gold, but simply paying them and then talking to them seems... counterproductive, I suppose."

Finishing off the glass of water, Cezka shrugged. "It is difficult. There is no right answer."

2012-12-21, 09:08 PM
"I personally think that these Grommets appear to be a tax on doing business here. Not to say that it is impossible to do business without paying them, but that if we keep our heads down it would be a much simpler and quieter process. Then, later if we decide to fight back we hit them, and hit them hard. Root, stem, and branch. It would be a terrible misuse of my talents and the things I could make if they were to get their hands on it. I could pay them in other ways, such as healing their injured or ill, but there is no reason for outright fighting at the moment. Haggling, though, is just fine," Ali says. She shakes her head, clearly irritated by the extortion attempt.
"In any case, though, I'm sorry I've been quiet for so long. I'd be happy to trade any of my talents for supplies to go into my alchemy shop with any of you. I'm an excellent alchemist, a healer, woodworker, and have a deft hand at making just about anything else. Just let me know anything specific you need, and I'd be happy to make it. Though, if you don't have anything I really need, I suppose we could go to money. I can shave that down to make dust for various things."

2012-12-22, 03:35 AM
Letho Anoram

The young man pipes up from his seat near the back.

"We should find out how many they are, and who their leader is," he said, "if they are few, and all young, perhaps they only wish a little coin to line their purses, but they are too young with no skills. If that be the case, we can provide work for them. We all want to rebuild our city, and extortion will only hinder us."

"I suppose all I am saying is we should not blindly make plans one way or another without knowing what we're dealing with," he added.

2012-12-22, 06:52 AM
"I agree with Mister Valthen here, I have a flock of sheeps to tend to and I'd hate to leave my home and get back with seeing Fluffy or Wooly gone.. I really do not want to pay them, but well, can't say that I like their proposed alternative. So I'll visit the guards tomorrow and see if I can get some support from their end." "Wraf!" Thomas looked at Rakker and smiled, giving him a pat on the head.

"I'd love to hear it if any of your plans do work out, but I fear that I'm not so quick with words some of you here seem to be.. I hope you'll be able to convince them before they come over at my place, but I'd rather not see them come at all.

Oh and Miss..?" Thomas lets a short silence fall, as Ali hasn't introduced herself to the table with a name yet. "When I have a few more coins, I'll be interested to build a chicken coop, so if you are a wood worker, that'd be great. But that's for the future."

2012-12-22, 04:45 PM
Valthen looks up. He's grinning.

Ok, so some of us want to pay and some don't. Well that's not ideal, but it's good that talking to you folk puts some ideas on our table.

So, we all want to find out more about them. That's all well and good, but I'll wager our mutual friend will be popping his head around the corner a'fore we finish counting him and all his buddies. So, we investigate, sure. But in the meantime he's going to come back. It would be better if we all tell him more or less the same thing. And if we don't pay them something, well, they're not just going to sit there. They've got to have something planned. Particularly not if it feels like we're moving against them by trying to find out who they are and where they live. We might get away with stalling for a week without them arranging a 'demonstration', but I don't think so.

So, do we pay, pay a reduced amount, or stall them, or just tell them no?

He starts taking a bottle out from his bandolier.

I'd say pay them 2 gold. I'll go with stall, if that's what you want to do. Tell Vik that I'm not going to hand money over to people who may not exist, and may not be capable of protecting my barrels from anyone else.

He gives a practiced glower.

I think the other two are too dangerous.

After a moment the glower cracks. He raises an eyebrow at Thomas

Fluffy? Seriously?

Without looking away from Thomas, he slides the bottle across the table to Ali.

That's my latest brew. Contains honeysuckle and charred sage, and few other things I won't mention. Tastes pretty good, a bit sweet for my tastes, but I reckon the locals will like it, and sweet beer's cheap to make. Trouble is, honeysuckle's poisonous. Not very, and it would only make you ill anyway, so maybe noone would notice, but I don't need trouble like that. So, the question is, can you do anything to make the plant less poisonous, or make the brew less poisonous, without changing the taste too much?

He turns and stares at Ali with grey-blue eyes. Crack that, and I'll owe you. I hear alchemy uses a lot of... ulgharen... ack what the common word... spirit alcohol? Should be possible to distill from some of my hops mash. That any good to you?

Valthen relaxes a bit.

As for everything else, well, I can make things pretty well. I've been banging away over at Cezy's...

He pauses, puzzled, at a sudden coughing sound, then continues.

...doing odd jobs, and that's worked out ok. I can make most things, although I can't do much metalworking until I can some parts for a proper forge. So I could probably do you your huts, Thomas, if Ali ends up too busy. They won't look spectacular, but I doubt the chickens will complain. And maybe I can get some water that won't taste like cheap copper...

He subsides into a grumble, his eyebrows bristling.

...definite hint of copper Valthen, how do you do it Valthen...

2012-12-22, 06:45 PM
As for everything else, well, I can make things pretty well. I've been banging away over at Cezy's...

He pauses, puzzled, at a sudden coughing sound, then continues.
Sara covers her mouth and crosses her legs. It was not the best time to be taking another sip of the tea.

"I think I will do what I can to learn more of these Grommets, and of Viz. I'll be happy to let you know what I find.

"I don't think I shall be paying Viz anything. Mayhap I shall be a test case for what they will try to do. I simply cannot bring myself to embrace the strategy of feeding a small dragon with the hope of slaying it later when it is bigger." She shrugs.

Looking at Thomas, "Perhaps if this does not work out I should get a guard dog. Do you, sir, train such animals?"

2012-12-23, 03:55 AM
Thomas grins apologetically at Valthen when he asks if he really named a sheep Fluffy, admitting it. "Sounds good, Mister Valthen. And looking forward to see you drop by for some pure water." Giving him a friendly smile, Thomas then continues to listen until he is addressed.

"I do, and you don't need to call me sir, that's a bit above my head, really. But training animals does require time, and a properly trained guard dog might take a month. And for now, I'll be busy with Rakker here." Upon hearing his name: "Wraf!" "That's right, boy."

"I'd personally wish nobody of us would pay, but considering the threat.. I'll try to get them to go over to one of you with a plan, if the guard won't help, so stall, but well, since I do have animals to take care off.. I'll be sure to try and haggle it down to two gold if it comes to that, though." Thomas says with a sigh.

2012-12-24, 01:21 AM
As the evening draws late, Saraquette stands and excuses herself. "Best of luck to each of you in the coming week. Let us meet here again next week, and we can compare notes." She smiles and makes her exit.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-24, 04:21 AM
Sorry to retcon a bit. I should have gotten this in earlier but... real life. This would happen just before Stegyre line.

The night wears on, with your group discussing and debating. Slowly people begin to drift out the doors. As each of you start to think that it is time to get home (in various states of sobriety), the main door opens and a tall, pale elf enters the tavern, dwarfed by the largest full-blooded orc that you have ever seen. The orc is straining to carry a chest.

Gorram comes out from the back room and stares at the stranger. What are you doing here Berrith? Out of Gorram’s mouth, Berrith sounds like an insult.

Long time, isn’t it, Gorram? Berrith smiles carelessly. Jor and I are here for the meeting. I know we are very late, but I’m sure that it is still going on.

What meeting are you referring to? Gorram asked, blank faced. The new business owner's party is over there.

I think you know, Berrith replied. I know I wasn’t invited, but there is something that I want to say and a gift to offer them. Please let me meet with them.

Why do you think you should be allowed in? This is a place where people can meet in peace and quiet. Gorram’s face remained blank but an extra energy filled his voice. Besides, you aren’t the type to join this kind of cause. (Sweat breaks out on Jor’s green-skinned head.)

No, I think you are confused. I do feel strongly about this. We just come at it in different ways. You make all you decisions from the heart. You do what is good. I make my decisions from the head. I do what is smart. But either way, we come to the same decision. Don’ deny me… don’t deny them my help because we have philosophical differences. (Jor’s arms begin trembling.) Barrith’s voice drops. You know that Ru will vouch for me in this. I have brought very material proof of my commitment. Let me speak to them and let them decide. They have ways to know the truth of my words.

Gorram thinks for a second. Well, we can’t have poor Jor collapse here. They will make up their own minds. And may the Gods help you if you are plotting something. Em, show them to the back.

Gorram turns to the room at large. Alright, it is time for you all to get home. Tomorrow will be a busy day and you all have to be clearheaded and hard eyed. He glances at back doors as they swing shut. You have to know who you can trust.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-25, 10:53 PM
Sunday night comes again and once again, the warmth and friendship of Gorram’s taven becons to you. Inside a full cow is being roasted in the fireplace and beef dishes are half-price. Also featuring beer from Valthan.

You have until midnight on Sunday (farthest away time zone… Hawaii?) to get your next set of orders in. You should all have your turn results… I wrote WAY too much, so the next set will probably be shorter. Any questions can be asked in OOC or in a PM.

Dramatis Personae (so far)
Gorram – Owner of Gorram’s Tavern
One of the largest, grimmest, ugliest dwarf you have ever seen. Scars crisscross his face and arms, leading under the thick banded leather armor that he wears. At his belt hangs two well-worn short swords. He has the solid build of a dwarf, but there is something else there. He is too big, the skin is a touch too green and the left ear is pointed. The right ear might have once been pointed but the top half is gone. Scars on his neck and mouth explain his rough growly voice and strange accent.

Em – Barmaid at Gorram’s Tavern
She is very short ( 3’ 6”) and squat barmaid with skin that is pale gray and kind of waxy looking. Her bright and warm eyes dispel any notion of zombie, but her skin does not look right – somewhat cold and unfriendly. She doesn't have upper or lower teeth, just greenish bone ridges where they should be. Will occasionally start using fairly large words.

Ru – Another barmaid at Gorram’s?

Berrith - ?
He is a tall, pale elf. Has some sort of antagonistic history with Gorram.

Jor – Works for Berrith?
He is one of the largest full-blooded orc that you have ever seen.

Vis – Member of the Grommets
He is a gawky, teenage elf with bright, flaming red hair wearing a simple forest-green tunic.

Kov – Butcher in the Burn
He is average-sized for a human and average looking, with a bald head and a nice smile. He has high quality meat for a pretty fair price

Father Stea – Member of the local Church of Purity
He is a large black man with flowing, straight black hair. While his size and the great sword on his back are intimidating, his smile and friendly blue eyes make you feel that this is a man you can confide in.

Decon Swet – Visiting member of the Neth-e-Stedus Church of Purity
He is short and stooped over. His sallow hands rest on the handle of a coiled bullwhip; braided in razorblades glinting in the sunlight. An angry glare and grimace seem to be permanent parts to his face.

2012-12-25, 11:25 PM
Francezka entered the bar and rubbed her eyes. Apparently there had been bone dust in the brothel. What did that mean? Who had been traipsing about with bone dust? Unsettling. And disgusting. So many diseases could be passed on by means of bone dust.

Moving to an empty table, she awaited the arrival of whosoever else decided to appear this evening. She was interested in seeing who had paid the Grommets and who hadn't -- and she was also interested in seeing the boys develop into something they could be proud of. There was nothing maternal within the darkened, shriveled heart within Franczka deVor, but some part of her felt sorrowful for the situation the Grommets were in. Sara had been interested in getting more students for her school... paying for it would be the tricky part.

And given the nature of her business, the foolishness with the Church of Purity had cost her dearly. Cezka couldn't simply 'create' something and sell it -- she had to await her customers and their fancies. Perhaps this week would see a recouping of the losses. Or, perhaps, it wouldn't. If business continued to be hampered by the Church, she would have to seek her fortunes elsewhere. Perhaps a small village...

Francezka received a glass of wine, although from who she couldn't tell.

2012-12-26, 11:57 AM
"Waf waf waf waf! Wrraaaaaf waf!" Rakker charged into the tavern again when Thomas opened the door, leading to a grin on Thomas' face. Rakker eagerly ran in a few circles near the door for a bit, after which he looked around with a happy expression on his face. "Easy, boy." Thomas said amused, but it was meant for deaf ears, as Rakker had spotted somebody he had seen earlier.

"Waf waf!" Rakker dashed off towards Em, sitting in front of her and looking up with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. His friendly eyes looked at her with expectation, hoping for that friendly pat on the head. When he got it, he was satisfied and it was time to move on to the next interesting thing. If he didn't, he would wait for a while, before moving on the next point of interest.

Which in this case was Francezka. Walking over, he sniffed the air near her. "Waf!" He let out, before sniffing again and playfully moving in a circle around her legs. "Rakker, easy now boy! You shouldn't dash around like that!" Ah, the youthfulness of a dog.. Thomas let out a short sigh. He offered a quick apology to Em before focusing back to Thomas. "Come here, Rakker!" Finally managing to grab Rakker attention, Rakker moved over to Thomas. He gave the dog a friendly pat on the head, whom reacted eagerly. "Waf!" "Oh, you." Then, he looked up at Francezka. "He's eager, you know." He said apologetically. "Anyway, good eve to you. Rakker and I have been excercising this week, so he's kind of full of energy."

2012-12-26, 12:03 PM
Saraquette enters Gorram's after another busy day. Scanning the room, she spots Fracezka and Thomas-and-Rakker at an otherwise-empty table and moves to join them.

She orders a cup of spearmint tea as she sits.

"Well for all of our talk last week, I must confess I found Viz and his Grommets a disappointment. He never showed up. I feel as though I threw a party and nobody came.

"Not quite 'nobody,' I guess: I gave a good feeding to a number of street urchins.

"Did either of you suffer a visit from 'The Church' and their dragon-blood test?"

2012-12-26, 02:26 PM
Greeting Saraquette was Rakker: "Waf!" Thomas gave a short grin. "Good eve, nice to see you again. Vis didn't show up either and I'm happy he didn't. I got a visit from the Church as well, with their test. As usual, nothing special there." He said with a shrug. Seemed like merely formalities.

Thomas did look at Saraquette for a moment, as she mentioned feeding street urchins. Frowning for a just a moment, he then decided to follow the example and ordered something as well. For him, some simple ale.

2012-12-26, 03:18 PM
Thomas did look at Saraquette for a moment, as she mentioned feeding street urchins. Frowning for a just a moment, he then decided to follow the example and ordered something as well. For him, some simple ale.
Patting Rakker on the head, Sara says, "More of a 'school party,' really, and originally intended to help defang Vis. Feeding the hungry poor more regularly may be a good idea though. Perhaps we could work together on this: I can pay at least something for more food; you can give me a discount; I can publish the fact of your assistance: we would be advertising both your goods and your morals.

"I would prefer if I could feed them at the Dojo, so I have them in classes longer. The desire is partly selfish: it looks like I have fuller classes and a more popular school. Yet it is also for their benefit: I want their minds and characters fed, as well as their bodies.

"I wonder about Vis. It was a very poor bluff to make a veiled threat and then not come around for his collection. If it was no bluff, it was even worse for him: for now folk are more apt to believe he was bluffing, and turn him out. Did anyone see him anywhere doing anything?"

2012-12-26, 05:18 PM
Francezka smiled. "I saw him, yes... and it may be that his stop by my place of business was the cause for the lack of a visit you both received. He has agreed to work with me. As for the dragon test, there was some peculiar substance in my flooring that I'm going to have to deal with. Neither I nor the girls showed any lights, but there was this chip... very frightening. One of the men needs to make use of my girls' services, I think -- he was a little uptight."

She sipped the wine and considered the future. "Saraquette, what is the price for your dojo per student?"

2012-12-26, 05:43 PM
Francezka smiled. "I saw him, yes... and it may be that his stop by my place of business was the cause for the lack of a visit you both received. He has agreed to work with me."
"Cheers to you, madam!" Sara raises her glass in toast. "I shall not regret the pre-emptive success of your strategy over my own."

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]As for the dragon test, there was some peculiar substance in my flooring that I'm going to have to deal with. Neither I nor the girls showed any lights, but there was this chip... very frightening. :smallfrown: Sara's face expresses her concern. "Something you want to share?"

One of the men needs to make use of my girls' services, I think -- he was a little uptight."
"'Deacon' Swet, yes. I hear that he is something of a fanatic. Father Stea does not seem to care much for him, though, and I wonder what he is even doing around here. The way I hear it, Neth-e-Stedus had a roll to play in the regicide. I cannot imagine he and his would be too popular.
High knowledge (local / geography) check, FTW!
"His kind thrive upon ignorance and superstition. Now that we have been 'tested,' may they stay well away."

She sipped the wine and considered the future. "Saraquette, what is the price for your dojo per student?"
"I have tried to set my prices to match my students. Everyone is to pay something, so they will value what they learn. But the penniless and foundlings will pay in future services, with what I hope an education will give them. Most of the tradesmen and shopkeepers I have dealt with this week are paying me in kind." A puzzled expression crosses her face, "Did you have someone you wanted to enroll, Cezka?"

2012-12-26, 05:57 PM
"I wish only to share my confusion as to who dropped chips that radiated a draconic aura in my establishment," the madam said with the same level tone she always had. "If I knew why it had happened, I wouldn't've mentioned it at all -- I would be taking care of it. But now I will be plagued by the unsightly priests for some time yet. Ugh.

"As for students, I will see about enrolling the Grommets in your establishment. They're really just boys playing gang, and I do not wish them to get hurt by their ignorance. At the same time, I believe they will be useful in keeping my girls safe. Thus, your training could be instrumental in their development."

2012-12-26, 06:12 PM
Sara gives a contemplative nod. "Yes, we can do this.

"You know that I will insist they learn more than just how to defend themselves and your girls? But I would welcome them as serious students.

"That would not be something you would pay for though. I have services they may perform for me, too.

"What about your girls? We are women, you and I. When all else fails, a woman must be able to defend herself. I can also teach them some of the entertaining arts. Another blush, The other kinds of entertaining arts, I mean."

Saraquette slaps her forehead, "I should have brought my lute. Next week, friends, I am going to torture you all with my rendition of the Ballad of the Tam Lin."

2012-12-26, 08:13 PM

"Hah, a good week altogether then, thanks to your brilliant plan," Letho said, raising a goblet.

"A toast to you, for making busy idle young hands," Letho said.

Later, he speaks to whomever is willing to listen.

"The lands immediately around the city have been hunted clean," Letho said, "I intend to travel north this week, deeper into the woods, in search of game. I can take one or two of the boys with me, if they are interested in learning how to survive in the wilds."

"And learn how to carry a carcass," he added, taking a swig of his drink.

2012-12-28, 06:41 AM

A small figure makes his way through the crowd, as always taking a longer route rather than trying to make ripples in the throng. He arrives at the table and settles himself into a chair with a soft sigh.

And so we again are meet, that have travelled far and delve-ed deep. To meet by the fire and share good cheer, and warn of dangers drawing near. For the safety of the hold, endures as a band of beaten gold.

He looks up and clears his throat.

Sorry I'm late. Had to take some mash off the boil. Good week?

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-28, 08:55 AM
Em comes by and drops off a load of drinks. She smiles at Val. Your beer is really popular. It's heady overtones pair well with the bovine dishes. She looks out at the rest of the group. I hope you don't mind but I have been spreading your names around a little bit. There is a customer who is working on a project. If you are openminded and friendly, you could get some very lucrative contracts. She seems about to say something more, when there are more calls for food. Dammit, Ru... she mumbles as she walks off.

2012-12-28, 10:08 AM

Once things settled down a bit, Letho called Em back over to the table.

"I'm open minded. So tell me about that project," he said.

He rested an elbow on the table, full mug poised for sipping held firmly by one hand.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-29, 09:28 AM
Em come back with a bone for Rakker. Well, I can’t tell you too much yet, as I don’t know too much myself. However, I know, she looks around, leans in, and lowers her voice, There is a plan to do some construction in part of the Burn. Construction means money flowing around, pay to workers, workers buying food and needing places to stay. Action and re-action. Now, the plan isn’t firm yet, but I believe they have most of their funding sewn up. They just have to come out and do it. Problem is, some people discuss a course of action for so long that they begin to second-guess themselves and lose motivation when a manner in which to proceed becomes apparent.

Anyway, my guess is that you will see more and more business in the next few weeks. And I tried to aim a bit of it your directions.

2012-12-29, 02:50 PM
Valthen frowns.

I was hoping to see Ali here. Had some business to discuss about that work she did...

He gives a near invisible and carefully neutral nod in the direction of Deacon Swet.

And the church is out in force, I see. Valthen says in a low voice. The good Deacon makes no secret of his dislike of this area, of mixing with the impure races and lesser beings. So why is he here? I can only assume he is driven by dedication to his holy cause. Not a trace of emotion can be seen on Valthen's face. But what would interest Swet in Gorrum's tavern?

2012-12-30, 04:03 AM
"Waf waf waf!" Rakker eagerly jumps up and down at the bone presented by Em, giving rise to a grin on Thomas' face. "Thank you, Em." He states while Rakker gets the bone. "Wrrrraaaf!" Is Rakker's thank-you.

Other than that, Thomas remained relatively silent during the conversation, rather listening. He didn't feel like he wanted to add something as they talked about one of the religious men needing to loosen up, or how there could be training in entertainment.

But eventually he did speak up towards Letho. "Remember, if you find any fresh berries on the way back, I'd be interested, as with the blessing of nature they can be stomach filling." When Em talked about other businesses opening up, Thomas seemed distracted, thinking how it would benefit him, but he had some trouble coming to an idea there.

At one point he did turn to Saraquette again, addressing her earlier food plan. "I don't have much food for now, but I could sell you some potatoes if you'd like."

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-30, 07:53 AM
Deacon Swet sits by himself in a corner of the room, drinking a glass of wine. As he sits, he is sourly scanning the room and writing notes on a parchment. Every ten minutes or so, he goes to the bar and orders another glass of wine. When his glass is 3/4ths empty, Em quietly goes to his table and glances at what he is writing.

Would you like another?

STAY AWAY FROM ME! Swet yells out in surprise. As people turn to look, he drops his voice and hisses at her, I know what you are. They are either blind or stupid, but I am not. This town reeks of your type, but not for long. His hand slips down to the wand sheath at his hip. With a flair he stands, pulls out a wand and points it at Em.

Conversation in the bar freezes. Do you know what this does? his hands caressing the smooth brown wood and the large blue gem at the top. He jobs it towards her and pauses.

Nothing happens. NOTHING he yells out, laughing at his own joke.

He looks around the room as if he expected others to be laughing with him, but all he sees are hard, unfriendly looks, and a very large, very angry dwarf taking a crossbow out from behind the bar.

What? Really? People loved that back home. Gorram lifts the crossbow to his shoulder. Ah, well then, I must appologize to one and all if I made you uncomfortable. Different cultures and all. He looks towards Gorram. I'd like to leave under my own power and not be carried out as all I did was give a little scare.

Gorram gives a slight nod and Swet pushes all of his things into a bag and walks unsteadily towards the door. Just as he reaches the last table the wand gives out a bright flash of blue light. Swet pauses as he stares at each of the faces at the table. Oh my. You got it to work. Thank you. I'll remember you all.

And with a last look to etch those faces into his memory, Swet walks soberly off into the night.

2012-12-30, 02:16 PM
Francezka sighed and looked at the wine in her glass, swirling it around. "Do we know who was organizing the building construction? Or is there a list of names that we could have so we might attempt to reinforce the will of those who had their money saved?"

2012-12-30, 09:02 PM
Valthen was staring at the departing Swet.

...Yet. Does anyone else find that ominous? It may be that the church is about to undertake a holy mission in this district. As good, right-thinking folk, we may want to take some precautions, least we be overcome by a sudden flood of blessings. Valuables, such as useful barmaids, should safely stowed away.

He tries to catch Em's eye when she next comes near. It takes him two or three tries.

Em, it sounded like the Good Deacon was hoping for some kind of purge. I'm sure you and Gorrum have more experience in such matters than we do, but I trust you have a safe place to stay should the True Faith become overgenerous with their zeal, and that Gorrum can count on my aid in a crisis?

He glowers apologetically to the others at the table, his eyebrows bristling.
However true the faith, men are falliable, and Swet does look to be moved by more than mere contemplation. A few sensible precautions might serve us all.

He settles down again, his sudden relaxation now revealing just how tense he had been before, how tense he has so often been.

I wouldn't mind a peice of that construction work. I know a little engineering, a little of building design, what works and what doesn't with different materials.

He drains the last of his mug

Or I could sell them drinks. Some construction sites used to pay their casual labourers in food and beer by the day, and only pay coin if they lasted the week.

At the very least, we could organise the locals more effectively than someone who doesn't live here.

2012-12-30, 09:43 PM
"Cezka's new boys may keep track of the 'good deacon' better than any of us could. Perhaps she could talk to them about it?" Sara gives Francezka a glance.

"As for me, I think I shall go visit Father Stea. Maybe he can tell us something of use, especially if the deacon is not around. Any of you are welcome to come along." She looks at Valthen: "I'll stop by tomorrow morning on my way over, if you'd like?"

"I think the evening is drawing to a close, and I need to plan for the coming week. It is very good to see you all again."

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-03, 12:03 PM
It is Sunday night and Gorram’s Tavern once again beckons you to come and relax. Except tonight the place seems to be busier than ever. Many merchants are negotiating terms in every corner of the restaurant, but in a very friendly manner. Gorram is busy painting over the price list for drinks and food. As soon as it is dry enough Em starts to repaint the prices at double the old price.

Characters who are very socially adept can roll to try to find extra information about the place.

2013-01-03, 05:28 PM
Francezka appeared in all her gypsy-attired splendor with a look of serene calmness across her face. Beneath that exterior, anger and rage boiled. She was furious, so much so that the events that had transpired to boil her blood would never be forgotten. If she had to wait until the end of days, she would have her revenge.

She moved to the table that, for the last half-month, had served as the meeting location of the little consortium. She also ordered a glass of red, then struck that and asked for a glass of something Valthen had brewed.

Fiddling with her thoughts, Cezka knew what she intended to do. It was only a matter of when. And so, she waited for her fellow captains of the Burn's industry.

2013-01-03, 08:34 PM

The young man arrived with a medium sized leather bound case, and looked around the crowded room.

He spied Francezka and moved to sit down, stowing his case on the seat next to him.

"Ale," he said.

"How goes?" he asked as he waited for his drink to arrive.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-03, 10:30 PM
Em swings past with an ale and a smile for the both of you. Tonight is going to be a busy night.

2013-01-03, 10:54 PM
Francezka smiled at Em. "Oh, of that I have no doubt. Thank you. And to you," she said, looking over at Letho, "it goes very well, thank you for asking. How was your week? Is tonight a cause for commiseration or celebration?"

2013-01-04, 05:18 AM
"Wraaf! Waf waf!" And once more, Rakker burst in when Thomas opened the door, happily ran around in a circle and then darted over to sniff at Em. "Waf!" Wagging his tail happily, Thomas followed the energetic dog with a smile. "Come, Rakker!" He said as he moved to sit with the other familiar faces at the table. "Wraf!" Rakker walked over to Thomas, got a pat on his head, and soon enough was sniffing Letho and his leather bound case.

"Good evening, all." Thomas remarked before ordering an ale as well. he seemed to be in a happy enough mood.

2013-01-04, 05:26 AM

"Business was better this week," Letho said, taking a swig of ale, "picked up some herbs and berries others were looking for, found some good potential game hunting grounds up north, and made some money to boot, so I can't complain."

2013-01-04, 12:22 PM
Saraquette arrives late, carrying her lute across her back. Looking around the crowded room, she spots the other three-plus-Rakker and heads first to their table. Slightly out of breath, she says, "I'll join you in a bit. Someone I need to see. Business," she smiles, by way of explanation.

Wending her way through the crowd she tries to catch up with Em. Touching her elbow, she whispers, "Big Jonn?"

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-04, 11:35 PM
Em smiles at you and leads you to one of the more private booths. Two men with thier faces hidden deep in the shadows of their cloak hoods stand up and give you some privacy as you sit with Big Jonn. You notice that they don't go too far and that they are well armed.

private conversations can go on in PMs.

2013-01-05, 07:54 AM
Valthen sidles into the bar, and settles down at a stool. He has the all-purpose glower of a dwarf that has not yet settled on something to be annoyed about. Clearly, despite his best efforts, he's having a reasonably good day.

He settles on a seat.

2013-01-05, 12:05 PM

"So, anyone else get a visit from someone called Big John?" the young man asked.

2013-01-05, 01:12 PM
"Yep, he visited me too." Thomas added. "Waf!" "Yes, and you too, Rakker." "Wraf!" "Wanted me to take care of an animal, seems like a friendly fellow to me." Thomas states, looking at the others.

Thomas looked with a bit of sadness towards Letho as he mentioned berries. "Who else is interested in berries, then?"

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-05, 06:24 PM
Em leads Sara over to the bar and pours her a drink. Gorram looks critically at the new higher price list and smiles at her. How do they look? he asks gruffly.

2013-01-05, 06:37 PM
Sara lowers her hood again, looks at the new prices and then at Gorram. "Higher?" she says, smiling. She orders a mint tea and makes her way back to join the others.

"What have I missed? Did Valthen tell you of our visit to the church?"

2013-01-05, 08:51 PM

"You Thomas, just you," Letho laughed, clapping Thomas on the back, "but I didn't want to say exactly who, in case you didn't want anyone to know."

Letho nodded to Thomas.

"Yeah, he said he was going to meet me here tonight, but I don't see him anywhere..."

"Well then, anyone get to talk to those construction people Em mentioned last week?" he asked.

2013-01-05, 09:16 PM
"Yeah, he said he was going to meet me here tonight, but I don't see him anywhere..."
"He's at the table over there," Sara nods back the way she came. "I was just visiting with him myself."

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-06, 01:11 AM
Sara lowers her hood again, looks at the new prices and then at Gorram. "Higher?" she says, smiling. She orders a mint tea and makes her way back to join the others.

OOC - Although the price on the sign is higher, you (all) were charged the same price as usual.

"He's at the table over there," Sara nods back the way she came. "I was just visiting with him myself."

Looking over, you see that Big Jonn is sitting by himself in a quiet booth.

The door to the tavern opens and three clerics swagger in. They are wearing heavily used armor and carrying swords at their belts. They see a table that just opened up and sit down at it talking and laughing loudly.

OOC Anyone with knowledge (religion) can roll to find out more.

2013-01-06, 07:59 AM

Letho steps over to Big John's table and sits down.

"I have some pieces, would you like to take a look?" he asked, setting the case down on the table.

2013-01-06, 08:33 AM
Anyone with knowledge (religion) can roll to find out more.
I believe that would be me, among others. Sara looks them over:
Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-06, 08:39 AM

Letho steps over to Big John's table and sits down.

"I have some pieces, would you like to take a look?" he asked, setting the case down on the table.

Big Jonn looks up at you and smiles. He then jestures for you to sit down.

Moving to PMs for the conversation

2013-01-06, 10:38 AM
"Oh no, I'm fine with people knowing, that way they are more likely to bring over berries." Thomas said. "Didn't talk to those construction people, but I would be interested in talking with Big John as well."

When Sara returns and mentions him, and with Letho making his way over to Big John, he says: "Well, seems like we'll be taking turns then and I'll follow after you, Letho. He's been an active person then."

2013-01-06, 02:36 PM
"I wonder if these new clerics mean good or bad news. I think I'll go over and introduce myself," Sara says as she stands up from the table.

She makes her way through the crowd again, until she reaches the three new men. "Welcome, Fathers, to the Burn. I fancy myself a teacher of religion, but I do not recognize your insignia. Tell me of your sect and what brings you to our city."
Diplomacy roll, if applicable: [roll0]

Oy, vey! This may be a short conversation.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-06, 07:48 PM
All three men look like travel stained adventures. Their armor and weapons are worn from use. The first two look similar enough to be brothers with dark brown hair and full brown beards. The third man is blond, clean shaven, and handsome with a nice smile and a hearty laugh.

The three men look at each other and then at you. The first two smile while the third looks you up and down as if deciding whether or not to invite you home with him.. The first one gestures at a nearby seat. (They don’t lower their voices at all.)

Hello, I am Brother Jorda, this is Brother Dava, and at the end there is Brother Crios. It is good to meet someone who interested in religion in this den. He looks at the others and smiles, However if you have come for theological debate maybe we aren’t the best people to talk to.

Brother Dava speaks up, It is no surprise that you haven’t seen our sigil before, not many in this country have. Our group is called the Foundry and it is an important, if not so public, part of religious life in Neth-e-Stedus to the North. Most of our sect delights in the creation of new ways to root out corruption but these new toys have to be tested. We are the testers.

Testers. Bah. Brother Crios smiles at you invitingly. When people are threatened by flying, fire-breathing horses with scorpion tails, who do they call? The priests? No, they call us. And we fix the problem. Am I right? He asks the others. He leans in towards you, But the flying horses thing is real. I’ll show you the scars some day.

(They are loud, cocky and arrogant with a “party today for tomorrow we may die” attitude. Each of them will tell you about the monsters they have fought for as long as you want to sit there. They are not interested in discussions of religion, but if you want to try to steer the conversation in one direction or another, tell me and make another diplomacy roll.)

2013-01-06, 08:07 PM
Sara hopes that she did not blanch. Part of the problem; not part of the solution, she thinks to herself. But on the outside, she puts on her best smile. I need to try to draw them out: why are they here? What are they planning to do?

"So someone called you here? I have not seen any fire-breathing horses. I thought Musho-Diga was a civilized city. Surely there is no work for you here?

"Ru!," she calls over her shoulder. Please, not Em!, she says in silent prayer. "A round for these good brothers, as they tell me of their visit to us."
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive (sense that also seems applicable): [roll1]

EDIT: THAT's more like it!

2013-01-06, 08:44 PM

Letho returns to the table, without the leather case he had been carrying.

"Mysterious sort of fellow, isn't he?" he commented.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-06, 08:48 PM
The three look at each other and burst out laughing. Civilized? Well of course it is civilized. Dava’s over the top sarcasm grates against your ears. You have houses and all the things that make a place LOOK civilized.

But what this town doesn’t have is the purity, that makes being civilized worth something. The Salomian Kings were always too accepting. Changing to a singsong voice, It isn’t the children’s fault that they were born that way. Changing back to his normal voice. Of course it isn’t their fault, but we do what has to be done.

It isn’t fire’s fault that it wants to burn down your house, but no one cares if that is stomped out.

I don’t blame the flying horse or the poisonous cats, or the turtle dogs, but the world has got to be kept safe and pure. When the people here realize that, then Musho-Diga will be a civilized city.

Crios smiles winningly. We will help the people realize the way forward and using this as a base we will find the Black Tower where Morrack broke the world and set everything straight again. Then this world will be pu…

He falters as Em comes up to the table with the drinks. Em looks at you. Ru still isn’t back yet. She then smiles at the three men, showing her bone ridge where her teeth should be. Gorram’s is a very accepting place. Everyone is welcome here. She sets the drinks on the table and walks away.

The three clerics don't try to hide their disgust and don't touch the drinks that were set on the table.

2013-01-07, 12:19 AM
Part of the problem, but men like these are only the tools, not the mind that guides them, I think. I'll never be able to stop them, and probably cannot even sow any doubt, but I can try.

"Neth-e-Stedus, then, is 'pure' and 'civilized'?" she asks innocently. "That is interesting.

"I do not know nearly as much of war as you do, but I have a fear: it is not that the dragons are stronger than us, but that they are smarter:

"They tried to win the war with force, and they lost.

"Their next attempt would be by stealth – deceiving us into turning upon each other. First they get us to 'purify' our nations of all who do not look like us. Then those who dress differently. Then those with the wrong color hair. Eventually, there is just the four of us, and we won't even be all that certain about each other.

"And then the dragons come."

She stands up and laughs, "But what would I know of such things. I just hope you men are certain of where your orders really come from.

Enjoy your drinks. Em may look different from you or me, but the ale is ale."

Sara walks back to the new business owners table and sits down, trembling.

2013-01-07, 08:47 AM
Valthen dips his head as Sara comes back to the table.

So, Deacon Swet's got his boys in town after all? How reassuring for him.

He glances over at the cleric's table, seeing if they've touched their drinks.

We're not looking at a peaceful future, lad and lasses. Anyone who thinks that a couple of clerics can 'purify' this city hasn't seen what the opposition is packing. And it only takes one side or the other to get a little careless over who they're really fighting, and then noone's safe. If they ever were.

He takes a long swallow.

It's like High Helzak all over again. I hope everyone's armed.

2013-01-07, 12:06 PM
"Indeed. I am finding entirely too much Neth-e-Stedus in our Musho-Diga. I wonder how the rest of the Burn feels about this. I wonder how the rest of the city feels about it. And I wonder what all they are up to, besides the obvious.

"I think I will spend some time this week finding out where else these clerics have tried their 'purification' and what came of it.

"Francezka, would you mind if I asked the Grommets to check on these northerners, too? I'd like to know how many of them are here, where they're going, who they've been seeing.

"I am having so little time with friends tonight, but I feel like I should roam the crowd."
Sara will try to mix with the different tables and those at the bar. Where she sees tradesmen she has dealt with in the past couple of weeks or parents or guardians of students, she will use that as her entre into conversation.

For newcomers, she will introduce herself and inquire what brings them to the Burn.

In all of this, she will try to steer the conversations to what people think of the many "visitors" from the north and their "purity" campaign:

"Did you hear that Neth-e-Stedus was behind the regicide?"

"King Raspian seems to have done such a good job bringing order by leaving people free to rebuild. Now these northerners are trying to interfere again?

"These clerics from the north are trying to change how the Church of Purity serves the people. They want to treat our own barmaid as if she were an abomination."

Relevant skills mods: Gather Information (+1 :smallfrown:); Bluff (+7 :smallsmile:); Diplomacy (+5). I'll leave any rolls to DO.

2013-01-07, 03:16 PM
"I hope there won't be trouble.." Thomas says with a sigh as he hears the others speak about the clerics, while Rakker agrees: "Waf!" "Anyway, now it's my turn." With a nod to Letho, he then moves off to meet Big John now that Letho is done.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-07, 07:54 PM
The three clerics sit muttering to each other and glaring around the room. (They do not drink the ales.) The rest of the room studiously ignores them, but several people make a special effort to call out to or speak with Em. You hear several people whisper “Good job” and “That shut them up.”

Sara as you start to wander around the room you get the general feeling of good will towards Em and bad will towards the clerics – with some exceptions. A small number of people do seem to be uncomfortable with Em now that it has been pointed out that she is different. And some people just seem uncomfortable with the situation. Most people just don’t seem to care about religion and want to carry on with their business deals.

Gorram comes over to the table carrying a round of drinks – and one for him. As he passes Thomas and Sara he points to their drinks on the tray and says, They will be waiting for you. On the house. He then sits down at your table. (You all notice that he is very well armed for just running a tavern.)

At the table he says, Sorry I haven’t had time to talk to you all recently. How are your businesses going? I know Valthan’s beer is selling well here, but how ‘bout the rest of you? Have you all changed all your prices yet?

A group of seven hooded people enter. Gorram nods his head to Em and she leads the group back to the private rooms. Gorram turns back to the table and takes a sip of his drink.

2013-01-07, 08:07 PM

"I'd noticed your prices are higher. I was out of town for a few days, what happened? Is everyone's prices higher now?" Letho asked.

2013-01-07, 08:38 PM
Sara returns in time to hear Gorram's question: "Business is good. It's the climate I worry about," with a meaningful glance at the clerics.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-07, 08:44 PM
You haven’t heard yet? A caravan is coming in early next week from Siasur (OOC - the country to the south). Merchants sell their goods, usually at the upper class shops and then pay their guards and drivers. They all flood in here and buy up all they need for their trip back south and He looks at Francezka have a good time with all the coins in their pocket. It is usually three or four days of craziness before the merchants have bought their new goods, gotten everything packed up and they travel out on the road again.

2013-01-07, 09:52 PM
Hmph! grunts Saraquette, in mock disgruntlement. "I'll be no more than a secondary beneficiary: I don't expect any of the merchants or guards will be enrolling.

"Good luck for the rest of you, though," she raises her cup in toast.

"And the other merchants of the Burn will be better able to afford tuition," she smiles.

2013-01-08, 02:23 AM

Letho raises a tankard.

"Well, having been out of town, I had no idea, but thanks kindly for letting me know, I'll drink to that!" Letho said.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-08, 06:05 AM
Thomas comes back to the table with a happy look on his face.

A few minutes later Em comes over. Valthan? Do you have a minute? She asks.

2013-01-08, 02:20 PM

Late into the night, Ali finally comes in, seemingly drained but wanting to have a bit of time to relax too. Seeing the group congregated at the table, she gives a weary smile and grabs an empty chair before slumping into it. Her usually nice clothes are covered in splotches of different dyes and glistens with dried glue in others. With a wave to Em ("If it wouldn't be too much trouble, the strongest alcohol base you have, tall"), she makes an effort to give a real smile to everyone.

"Well now, how have your weeks been my friends? I'm sorry I missed last week, I tried making a trip up to find Berrith, but no luck. Also, did you all see that Big Jonn guy? Seems like we've got another friend here in the Burn now."

2013-01-08, 03:43 PM
Thomas walks over to the table again, sitting on a chair as Rakker jumps up. "Waf!" Giving the dog a pat on the head, he is soon sniffing the air again, while Thomas offers his companions a smile. Looking towards Ali, he nods. "Big John is over there and I've had a decent week myself." He points over to where Big John is seated as instruction.

2013-01-08, 04:41 PM
"You're just in time to be tortured, Alesti." Saraquette unslings her lute. "In a fit of pique at current religious trends, I am going to play St. George and the Dragon. I didn't haul this," motioning to the lute, "all the way here tonight only to take it home unplayed."
St. George and the Dragon is a ballad about a probably mythical knight in the Dragon War. Stopping for refreshment at the home of a beggar woman in the country of Silene, George learns from the beggar of a poisonous dragon that holds the country in its thrall, demanding the sacrifice of two children every day for its meal. George, the noble and good man that he is, swears to destroy the evil beast or die in the attempt. (4 stanzas)

Convinced of George's will and ability, the beggar women instructs him where he may obtain the magical sword Ascalon and tells him where she has seen a gap in the dragon's fearsome scale armor. (2 stanzas)

George obtains the sword. (8 stanzas: he has to slay the basilisk guarding the sword)

. . . travels to the dragon's lair, where the princess is about to be devoured (2 stanzas for the travel time, 3 stanzas on the princess's beauty, finery, and despair)

. . . battles the dragon (another 8 stanzas; apparently the original composer felt that all battles should be neither longer nor shorter than 8 stanzas)

. . . and finally succeeds in driving Ascalon through the weakpoint on the underside of the dragon's wing and into the beast's heart! (eighth stanza)

He returns with the princess and the head of the dragon to the city, only to find that the people have murdered the beggar woman and burned down her hovel, believing (wrongly) that she served the dragon. (2 stanzas)

George bemoans the ignorance and folly of the people and praises the dead woman's memory for her vital assistance. (4 stanzas)

How good it actually sounds:

Perform: [roll0] (that is the playing +2 skill +2 mw lute; the singing is 2 points lower. Since this is a combined performance, my thought is do it with a single roll.
Putting the lute down after a decidedly mediocre performance. "Now you know why I'm a teacher, not an entertainer. Next time, I propose a drinking game: one swallow for each missed note.

2013-01-08, 08:23 PM
Thomas comes back to the table with a happy look on his face.

A few minutes later Em comes over. Valthan? Do you have a minute? She asks.

Valthen manages to tear himself away from the music with disheartening speed.

Yes! I mean, right now? Of course, what do you need?

He nods at his companions.

Ali, I would be interested in any news you have from that direction. And can I get more of that honeysuckle mix you prepared? I have the honeysuckle. I think, he says mildly, I just might be able to do something with it, so we need to talk volume.

He gives a quick bow to Saraquette And don't give up hope on the incoming caravan. To them you're a teacher of strange arts of combat in a foreign and exotic land. Rich merchants have guards that live by their skills and tricks in fighting. He grins, a rare and faintly disturbing sight in so concentrated a face. Paint a big all-seeing eye above your door, and offer to teach them the sacred mysteries of combat at three times the usual price.

He turns back to Em. What did you need?

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-08, 08:57 PM
Em smiles at Sara's singing. I always liked that song, she says encourangingly.

She turns to Valthen, Big Jonn said that you might have brought a special brew with you. He needs to go to a meeting and would like to bring it with him. He said something the same about you Ali.

Em lowers her voice and leans in. I told you I was trying to get you some more business. Big Jonn has connections with the group that wants to build here in the burn. If he likes your stuff it may mean a big contract for building supplies in the future.

Gorram frowns at Em. Are you making deals behind my back? That's good for them and I like that. But I don't feel comfortable asking for favors from any of groups that meet here. This is supposed to be a neutral place and I don't want that to be compromised. If someone feels they are doing me a favor them may expect a favor in return. I know Jonn isn't like that, but as a general policy, I don't want you to make deals where people think you are representing the tavern.

Em looks at Gorram and laughs. You think I don't know that? This was a private word with Jonn. I'm not just a barmaid here, you know. I make my own choices and have my own life. She turns her back on Gorram and looks back at Val and Ali.

2013-01-08, 09:23 PM
Valthen waves at Gorrum.

I don't think Em represents the tavern. He shrugs. I don't see as how she'd have the time to do that as well.

With a quirked to his usual glower, that might even signify a smile in another face, he pulls a few bottles out of his bandolier, and hands them over to Em.

The blue one is for him. The other two are another brew we've been working on, involving honeysuckle. He gives Ali a sharp glance. See if you can encourage him to share them around the right people.

2013-01-08, 11:48 PM
And don't give up hope on the incoming caravan. To them you're a teacher of strange arts of combat in a foreign and exotic land. Rich merchants have guards that live by their skills and tricks in fighting. He grins, a rare and faintly disturbing sight in so concentrated a face. Paint a big all-seeing eye above your door, and offer to teach them the sacred mysteries of combat at three times the usual price.
i like that idea, Sara thinks to herself with a smile.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-09, 06:25 AM
You talk for a while longer and it starts to get late. Gorram goes back to tending the bar. People start to wander out and head back home for another busy week. A cloaked figure walks in and Em calls out, We are just about to close.

A gorgeous woman throws back her hood. Waist length dark blue hair falls around her. Do you want some help cleaning up then?

Ru Em yells in excitement. After a short pause, Your hair!

Do you like it? Ru asks, spinning so the hair flies out. I had it dyed just for my homecoming.

Bah yells Dava. Only in this god-forsaken town would someone dye their hair to look more like a freak. The three clerics stand up, throw some money on the table and walk out.

Ru looks crestfallen for a moment, then smiles. He doesn’t know what he’s is missing. Gorram comes out. I’m not sure we need you anymore. Em has shown she can do both of your jobs.

Ru laughs as Em throws a cleaning rag at him. Gorram looks at the room in general. Well that’s it for tonight. Safe journey home and sleep well. May all your deals be profitable.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-13, 11:03 AM
Musho-Diga and Gorram’s is quiet this Sunday as people recover from the week. Many tables are empty and the whole place has a sleepy feel to it. Gorram, Em, and Ru all have bags under their eyes.

New place for information. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267058)

2013-01-14, 12:05 PM
Saraquette strolls in and is at first surprised, not only at how sparse the population is but that she is the first of the new proprietors to arrive. Touching the lute that is, again, slung over her back, she thinks, They must have seen me coming.

After ordering some mint tea from Em and taking an empty table, she tunes up and plays a song for herself while waiting for the others to show. (I should look into a teacher for myself.)

"When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say there is no other way
I tilled the sorrows of stone."
"I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost
You showed me your love in the light of the stars."

Perform: [roll0]

Yep, definitely need to see about a teacher. Or maybe this is a new business opportunity: Gorram can pay me not to play!:smallwink:

2013-01-14, 07:13 PM
Valthen strolls into the Tavern, whistiling off key.

Ah.. Sara! A sight for sore eyes, and a sound for sore ears. Does the body good to hear a bit of music around the place. Let me get you a...

He notices the tea approach, and shrugs himself into a chair.

...maybe next round. Em! Might you have a bit of that nasty bitter drink from down south? Can't understand why they drink it, but I figure you must have laid in a supply for some fool who wants to try.

He glances around the room, as if only just noticing that the place is deserted.

Everyone still sleeping off the fair?

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-14, 07:18 PM
Em brings over a small glass of red liquid for Sara along with the tea. Men troubles? I find when I have problems, this makes me feel much better than sad songs or sappy poetry. Em smiles and puts the glass next to you. (And if you let her, takes the lute from your hands and put it on the chair next to you. On the chair and definitely not in the fireplace… probably.)

The red liquid is thick like syrup and if you taste it, it is sweet, herbal and very, very strong.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-14, 07:24 PM
Em smiles at Valthen. We've got it, but are you sure you want to drink it? she says with a laugh. I'll get you one and some water to wash it down with.

As she is walking back toward the bar, she responds to his second question. Seems that way. Usually the caravan is in town for a week, maybe two. Resting the animals, negotiating prices. This was the busiest few days I've seen in a long time.

2013-01-14, 08:19 PM

Letho stumbles into the tavern.

"Good week," he said, "good week. Ale,"

He takes a long, deep drink.

"how about the rest of you?" he asked.

2013-01-14, 09:11 PM
Sara fans her face after a sip of the red syrup. "Oh, my! That tastes like the sort of think the Grand Abbe warned me about.

(To Valthen and Letho) "I am celebrating a banner week. I am even thinking of expanding: I think the Dojo and its headmistress could use an assistant instructor, particularly one specializing in the lute," with a rueful glance at her instrument, now sitting on its own chair.

"I should see what builders have not already been conscripted for other construction projects. It is time for the Dojo to have a more permanent presence.

"How about you?"

2013-01-15, 04:24 AM

"Also thinking about expanding," Letho replied, "do you know anyone involved in carpentry? Seems like it might be a good person to know, what with all the building and rebuilding..."

"Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about what Big John is cooking up?" he asks, "Em?"

2013-01-15, 08:45 AM
Valthen makes a face.

I was also... thinking about getting a new place. I can barely move for barrels now, and the neighbours are getting restive about, well...

He shakes his head.

City life is very different to what I was expecting. Does everyone sleep all night?

2013-01-16, 03:40 PM
Thomas walks in another weekend, but not before Rakker: "Waf wrraaff!" The dog eagerly makes his way towards the familiar faces now and happily barks up towards them, hanging his tongue from his mouth as he looks up with happy eyes, hoping for a pat or two on his head.

Thomas softly laughs at his dog as he takes a seat with the others. "Evening, all." He looks at those gathered, and since Ali isn't around, he focuses his attention on Valthen. "Say, did that earlier offer about working with some wood still stand?"

2013-01-17, 01:25 AM
Ali comes in with a smile wide enough to threaten the top of her head, and bags under her eyes dark enough to make raccoon come to mind.

"Well, good evening to you fine folk again! How has the life of a shopkeep been treating you? I've been," she pauses, stifling a yawn, "-been doing great. Busy, but great. I think I need an assistant though. I don't suppose any of you know of any other alchemists in town besides that Berrith gent?"

2013-01-17, 03:24 AM
Valthen looks a little startled.

Eh.. Mebbe. I've not worked much with wood you understand, but I figure if I can make barrels out of staves, I can probably make whatever you need doing. Time is the problem, how big is this job?

2013-01-17, 12:33 PM
"Same thing I mentioned before, a chicken coop." Thomas said with a friendly smile, while Rakker let out a happy bark up at Ali. "Waf waf!" "I want a place where I can hold chickens, and they can be at ease as they sleep and such. Not too difficult, I reckon, but if you're pressed for time, perhaps you'd be interested?" Thomas looks at Ali, seeing how she's doing and scratches his head. "Though it seems like you are pressed for time as well. Miss, I don't know anything about assistents, but that sounds wise, as no offense, but it seems to me as if you could use some sleep."

2013-01-17, 04:53 PM
"Rakker! Hey there little guy, been causing Thomas many problems," Ali asks while bending down to scratch him behind the ears. "I bet you have. You can't be so well behaved all the time, I just know it."

After a minute of petting and playing with Rakker, Ali straightens up and pulls her backpack from over her shoulder. It clinks like muffled bottles, and makes a few odd noises as she rummages through it before pulling out a few sheets of paper marked up with her plans for the coop. Apologetically, she hands them over to Thomas for him to look over, sheepishly saying "Really sorry about this...I've actually had these plans for a week or two, I've just been so busy with other things I've forgot to bring them up."

2013-01-18, 02:07 PM
"Wraf waf!" Rakker is happy to respond to Ali. Eagerly petted, he rolled around on his back and licked Ali's hand, before she pulls out her plans. Thomas looks curiously and when she tells about the plans, he looks with interest. "Oh my, you've put quite a bit of effort in it. I'd love to see you build something like this, and I think have the money for it, but do you have the time for it?" Hearing how she was so busy, it dimmed the excitement now showing from his end somewhat.

2013-01-18, 07:43 PM

"I may be heading up north again this week. If anyone has any special animal or plant needs from that way, let me know and I will keep my eyes open," Letho said.

2013-01-19, 02:38 PM
"Well, as always, if you find any fresh berries, please bring them to me, and in return I'll give you a berry which can fill your belly as if you ate a meal." Thomas mentioned to Letho.

2013-01-19, 03:16 PM
"Took me most of a day to figure it out," Ali says with a touch of pride in her voice, "And while I am busy with Big Jonn's orders I can always take the time to work things out for you. As this is business, though, I have to ask what you think is a fair price for a day of work making this for you?"

2013-01-19, 08:50 PM

"I do still need tannin, Ali," Letho said, "I can pay in gold, but don't you think it'd be easier if I picked up a few rare herbs and bulbs from the forests up north?"

"Why not provide me with a list, and we'll see what I can find?" he asked.

2013-01-20, 02:49 AM
"I'd love that! Did you want more of the colored tannin as well, or just the plain sort? Otherwise, beyond making a list, I'd love getting as wide of a variety of herbs as you can get, that way I have some things to experiment with and I can give you more specific requests in the future. Does that sound fair to you, goodsir," Ali asks with a warm smile at the prospect of the business and the time for experimenting.

2013-01-20, 05:33 AM

"It surely does, ma'am," Letho replied with a smile and a nod, "the colored tannin would be excellent."

2013-01-20, 07:41 AM
"To be honest, I don't really know. Can't really compare it with my work either, so I have little to base it on." Thomas holds up his shoulders, and has to admit he lacks the knowledge. He looks over the coop again, trying to get an idea of how big it is, how many chickens it will hold and how much work it will be. As he's no carpenter, he asks: "This is a day's work?"

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-21, 06:42 AM
Em comes over with the beautiful blue-haired woman that you saw last week. Hey, I’d like you all you all to meet Ru. She and I grew up in the same village so I know all her dirty little secrets. If you want to know any just ask. She laughs as Ru glares at her. Ru this is Valthen, Thomas and Rakker – who is very well behaved, Ali, Letho, and that’s Sara avoiding a broken-heart-mender. Funny, where is Francezka? Oh well, when she comes in I’ll introduce you to her too.

Ru smiles and nods at each of you. Nice to meet all of you. Gorram tells me that it is hard work to run a business. That’s why I won’t do it. She laughs for a second, then turn more serious. Em and Big Jonn also say that you are kind-hearted. That means a lot coming from them. She smiles once again, the seriousness gone. So what businesses-y things are you discussing?

2013-01-21, 10:45 AM
"It's a pleasure meeting you Ms. Ru, and while I can't speak for any of the others besides Rakker who is of unimpeachable moral character, I'm sure you're being just too kind saying that of us. Right now we're discussing making a chicken coop for Letho and how long we think it will take to make it."

2013-01-21, 02:18 PM
"Wraf waf waf!" Rakker eagerly spoke up, either agreeing with them or enjoying the attention. For a moment, he walks over to Ru and sniffs her, after which he happily barks another time. "Waf!"

Thomas in the mean time looks at Sara, confused about the aforementioned broken-heart-mender. He seems as if he's about to ask something about that, but when Ali mentions a coop for Letho, he looks even more confused as he scratches his head. "I thought we were talking about a chicken coop for me?"

2013-01-21, 04:54 PM
Ali looks supremely embarrassed and blushes a deep crimson at her error. "I mean, yes, for you. I'm so sorry, just must be too tired to think straight. I'm dreadfully sorry I misspoke, Thomas."

2013-01-21, 06:05 PM
Valthen nods sagely.

As you can see we are masterful professionals, who never get a detail wrong. We were discussing a chicken coop for Thomas, and all the honeysuckle Letho is going to pick up for me on his next trip.

He inclines his head towards Letho.

If you would be so kind?

He glances around.

Unless there's an easier place to get it?

Relaxing, he gestures towards Ru once more.

We were also discussing new premises. My shack is overflowing with barrels, Sara is teaching students in a tent, is it? It's a big tent, but it's still a tent.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-21, 07:11 PM
Ru pats Rakker’s head and then scratches him behind the ears at the sweet spot that dogs love.

Ah, details, details. Building this for that person and buying this from him at one price so you can sell it to her at so much profit. I can never keep all that straight. That’s why I’m usually broke. If I was smarter with money I wouldn’t be working here, now would I?

But if you are looking to build on to your property I’d suggest talking to Dilmort Bags. He’s fairly honest and very good at what he does. He lives in the old deeshell* ten minutes south of here. Just follow the road, you can’t miss his sign.

If you want to just move someplace, Ru falters and looks at Em. Dorran?

Em looks doubtful. Dorran sells properties, but he has been known to be a little less than 100% honest about the worth of the property he is selling, and he is all about procuring more money for himself. He won’t swindle you exactly, but you had best investigate to make sure the wood isn’t rotten and the roof doesn’t leak before you buy. He does have the best connections with the regime. He certainly bribes… :cough: gives them enough gifts. Makes official paperwork go through pretty quick. If you buy from him, you know it is legitimately yours. There are others who might be cheaper, however…

*deeshell – Dragon Shelter – During the many years of the Dragon War, hundreds, perhaps thousands of underground shelters were constructed by teams of dwarfs to protect people and troops from the flying menace. Many of these still dot the landscape around the country and can be found in most villages. Some were simply dirt holes to hide in (which have since collapsed) but many were stone reinforced, properly-made dungeons. Some of these lie buried and forgotten, some have had things move into them, and some are still actively used. Occasionally, adventures will find one that still has supplies from the war that can be sold for profit. (Yes, this world has both dungeons and dragons - but there is a reason for the dungeons.)

2013-01-21, 10:54 PM
"Thank you," Sara tells Ru, for the recommendations. "I, for one, plan to keep my business in the Burn. One of my teachers once told me to 'Lift where I stand,' and that is what I intend to do. I shall pay a visit to Master Bags tomorrow."

Catching Thomas's confused glance, she laughs. "It was just another song I was butchering. Seriously: last week I sang about St. George and the Dragon, and no one thought I was going dragon hunting."

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-22, 12:21 AM
Em looks at Sara, I like your idea but I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Dorran can get you properties here in the Burn just as well as other areas.

Someone calls for ale and Em and Ru look at each other. They start to flash their fingers at each other in some sort of game, then Em sighs as she apparently loses and goes off to take the order.

2013-01-22, 10:07 AM
Valthen gives Ru a speculative glance, and then turns back to his drink.

Yeah... he mutters, memorises every face within a half-mile in every direction, along with their personal habits, knows what to say to people she's never even met yet, can negotiate a game of chance, in sign languge, and win, faster n' it would take to say what she's doing. I could do with being that kind of stupid.

He drains his mug.

But... not so good at counting the little discs. And that's all that matters, right?

He sighs, and then notices eyes upon him.

Sorry, sorry. He shakes his head. It's just that... you ever wanted to visit yourself when you were a child and just slap some sense into that idiot?

He slaps his mug down on the counter.

You know that stuff is every bit as horrible as Em claimed it was. What is it with the South and their bitter drinks? So Sara, when is the great all-seeing eye going to organise a martial arts tournament?

He turns his head.

Letho, do you reckon you can get me some more honeysuckle? It'll be a pain to carry, but I'm not sure where else to go. Unless Thomas, you can grow some for me? And if either of them manage it, Ali, I'll need more of the same mix you did the last time.

2013-01-22, 02:39 PM
So Sara, when is the great all-seeing eye going to organise a martial arts tournament?
"Well, there's a thought," Sara muses. "When is the next festival day? Anyone?"