View Full Version : Good Boss Necromancer?

2012-12-20, 04:16 AM
I'm running a relatively short campaign for a party of four, with an undead motif. And what else would be more fitting then having the end boss of it be a necromancer? I'm still pretty new to DMing, so I was wondering if any of ya'll had any tips, advice ect. on how to run an end boss encounter using a Necromancer (I want it to be a challenge, but obviously not to the point where there is a large chance of the PC's getting obliterated.) The party is all level four, but I plan on bumping them up to five by campaigns end (and before they fight the necromancer.) The party is comprised of mid-to-low tier classes as per my request: a Dwarven Fighter, a Strongheart Halfling Bard with two levels of fighter, a Human Duskblade, and a Desert Half-Orc Dragonborn Dragonfire Adept (Try saying that ten times fast.)

Any input?

2012-12-20, 05:11 AM
You can try this.


2012-12-20, 05:14 AM
Well, minions make for better boss fights (to avoid your boss getting one shotted). Consider a Necropolitan Cleric as your boss, with a few Zombie Hydras as primary minions. That's definitely a scary fight, but just pick the right number of heads so your party doesn't get creamed.


2012-12-20, 05:50 AM
You may add a lot of mini-minions (3 to 5) which should be killed in a breath of your Dragonfire adept.

You may add a 3rd-level adept with cause fear spell to play the apprentice.
in fact you may make this a pre-boss encounter: a guy in black robes and surrounded by children skeletons and zombies.

Your BBEG should be a level 5 cleric with the death and evil domain (however you shall not use the death domain power). I agree with JaronK, make his minion unforgettable. If you think the hydra will be too strong, weaker it by having one of his head cut but the neck still trying to bite as if the head was still there.

2012-12-20, 06:26 AM
If you really want to up the ante in an unusual way, remember that undead do not breathe: Why should the hideout have breathable air?

2012-12-20, 08:12 PM
Dread Necromancers make good bosses. I have a Half Vampire Dread Necro who is riding an 11 headed zombie hydra in a campaign right now (needless to say my DM hates me). I would say Have the Necromancers stand on the back of the hydra, the heads should give him some cover, and then have about 5-8 skeletons. then just add fog and presto! one creepy boss fight

2012-12-20, 08:34 PM
+1 on the Dread Necromancer.
you can take the corpse crafter feat chain, including the Retribution feat that makes undead go boom in negative energy when they die. keep some skellies next to the bbeg and when one of them goes down, baam more hp for everyone (that is undead).

You could also go for the Lord of Uttercold Necromancer (wizard build)
Its not so much a build as it is only 2(!) feats it can make all of your damage dealing spells deal half cold and half negative energy damage.
Meaning undead take either no damage or are healed by half the damage!
for example; cast a few walls of fire (Lord of Uttercold) and make your skellies all but immune (since they will get healed every round), while damaging the PCs.

Just as an idea.
the bbeg could be a small or smaller creature like a pixie.
and she could "ride" inside a large undead like an Awakened Ogre skeleton.
It would appear that the enemy is the Ogre, but he is only another minion.

2012-12-21, 02:19 AM
If you want to be evil, remember to cover the floor in partially hidden Tiny Viper Skeletons (1/4HD each) with +12 Turn Resistance. That means that turning anything important is nearly impossible. And the partial cover makes it difficult to root out the vipers with normal attacks. Cover the floor with water to prevent fireballs.

2012-12-21, 12:41 PM
One idea I have come to enjoy is to load the necromancer on debilitating and misdirection spells while his minions do the dirty work. While his hydra (or whatever ye want) is taking potshots at the party, have the actual boss be dropping down fogs, webs, mirror images, silent images, and such really annoying things to make him a pain to pin down. As a squishy caster, if the party can focus him, he will go down easy. Your party will realize this. Prevent it from happening for a long enough time and fight becomes more epic with each passing round.

If your party shows themselves to be extremely resourceful and imaginative in their adventure, give your necro boss invisibility. It will be effective at delaying them from finding the boss easily, while simultaneously giving the PCs clues to his general location with the fog. (Odd fog movements could be him, or one of the hydra heads.)

Lastly make sure he has access to easy undead for him to raise as the fight progresses. Nothing near as powerful as what he started out with, but enough to keep the pressure on to find the tricky bastard. Use your own discretion when doing this.