View Full Version : (PF) A short adventure for tomorrow (assuming were all alive)

2012-12-20, 06:23 PM
So, I am put in the position of making a short adventure for my party for 12/21/12. Generally, I want it to be a horror kind of game where they all die against the big bad they havn't met yet, but it turns out to be a dream.

At the start of the game, they will finally decode the ancient prophecy and (shockingly) it is going down tonight!

What are some cool monsters and junk I can throw at them, perhaps granting them some inset bonus for defeating their terrors in a dream setting? They are level four, but I can make any idea work.

Alternatively, playground, how would you handle a 12/21/12 themed game?

Some background, if you care: My party is on an epic quest to seal away the doorway to evil that has opened, killing most or all of the good aligned population on the plane. To do so, they need the four macguffins of fate. The doorway is seated deep below the castle they are staying in, now ruined from the evil war that tore through it.

They have two of four macguffins, and have already seen the door. My plan is to have a powerful dream demon escape it on this day, while they sleep, and feed of their nightmares of failure. I also want to use some reoccurring elements from the game (Giant spiders that terrify my party) , and introduce the main bad guy that has been working against them so far.