View Full Version : [3.5] Clerics changing religions

2012-12-20, 06:27 PM
One of my players started out worshiping the broad concept of freedom (CG), but then when wanting to get into the radiant servant of pelor prc changed religions to pelor (NG). I didn't have a problem with this, we did some RP he talked to a priest and it seemed fine. Now maybe 5 levels later he feels our groups paladin is acting selfish and reckless and is requiring her to be healed throughout most of combat preventing him from doing anything else and as a cleric of pelor he feels inclined to do it. As a result he now wants to change religions again to a neutral deity so he can feel free to refuse her demands for in combat healing without worrying about dogma or alignment issues being brought up.

I think for a cleric its a bit much to have redrawn moral/ethical lines so often and I'm debating whether or not to require he make a new character in order to facilitate this change, but I thought I'd get the boards opinion on it. I'm not looking for posts that have me tell the player that he won't have repercussions for not healing the paladin; rather I want to know if you as a DM would set a limit to how many times a cleric can change religions and under what circumstances you'd allow it.

Preferably I'd just like him to use this opportunity to RP with the paladin, I recall several shows where a character will act recklessly and require the support of his friends to recognize it and recover (B'Elanna Torres from ST: Voyager deactivating the safeties of the holodeck while running dangerous programs and Dr. Franklin from Babylon 5 abusing stims both come to mind). However he may not be interested in doing that and since its his character I don't feel its my place as DM to force it.

2012-12-20, 06:38 PM
Making a new character is paperwork for everyone involved. I'd advise against doing paperwork for no real reason. If he wants to play a cleric that switches gods a lot, just have him RP it. Not that hard for him to say in character things like "Gosh, these goodie-two-shoes types are such jerks. It's nothing but work work work with them. Now that I understand that good and evil are just two sides of the same jerk coin, maybe I should talk to that cute goddess over in the neutral zone."