View Full Version : Sarone's Skull and Shackles: The Wormwood Mutiny: IC

2012-12-21, 01:09 AM

The gentle rocking of the wooden floor greets you as your senses gain focus. Opening your eyes, the darkness gets a bit lighter as you see a few lamps hang from the ceiling, casting what light they can on the area around you, several lumps on the ground.

A second goes by before you realize the shapes are various humanoids: mostly human in various outfits (or lack there of), plus a male dwarf in rugged clothes, a male elf in sailor's clothes, a female halfling, and two gnomes, a female in barroom attire and a male in a garish purple outift meant to look like a pirate's costume, at best.

When you start moving around, the male gnome looks at you. "Aye, young las," the gnome says gently as he tiptoes his way to you. "You wouldn't happen to have a little coin on ye, wouldn't ya?"

As you work on getting your thoughts together, you hear footsteps above you, stomping towards the bow from the stern. What little you make out indicates the person is not only in a foul mood, but also could be in charge.

(OOC: Arch, you have about 5 minutes before the welcome party gets there. Taking stock of your gear takes a few seconds, and you find just a waterskin, a bedroll, a belt pouch, and your signet ring. Waking one of the others will take a minute, though they can't wake anyone else up in time. You can ask the gnome to help you, thought that will take a diplomacy check. You won't be able to change his initial attitude to you in the time you have.)

Everyone Else:

Your slumber is shattered when you hear the screaming of a man, his bright lamp in his left hand, a scourge in the other. Behind and off to the sides are a number of other sailors, mostly human though you see a dwarf and two humans. The expressions on their faces and the weapons in hand, clubs and saps, indicate they are not going to be friendly with you in the least.

"Still abed with the sun over the yardarm," the man says, making it known that the question didn't require an answer. "On your feet, ye filthy swabs!"

Looking to one of the formerly sleeping crew, the man takes his scourge and strakes at one of the posts, leaving a series of gouges in the wood. "Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"

Looking to his followers, the man goes next to the door, leaning against it with his right arm over his chest, his left arm outstretched, the lantern hanging there as though he was a gatekeeper of a crypt.

(OOC For All: If you wish, make a perception and an Intelligence Check.)

Morbis Meh

Along with the clothes on your back, you are left only with a bedroll and a waterskin. The rest of your gear is gone.

King Tius

Along with the clothes on your back and your tricorne, you are left only with a bedroll, a waterskin, two belt pouches, and your spell component pouch. Your spellbook is next to you, though it looks like whoever went through it didn't show the proper respects for it. The rest of your gear is gone.


Along with the clothes on your back and a set of brass knuckles still clenched in your fist, you find your backpack with the journal, ink and ink pen, the bullseye lantern with a pint of oil (does not count against the five extra pints) still in it, as well as the grappling hook with the rope. The rest of your gear is gone.


Along with the clothes on your back, a belt pouch, waterskin and a set of brass knuckles still clenched in your fist, you find your backpack with grappling hook and rope and bedroll. The rest of your gear is gone.


Along with the clothes on your back, a belt pouch and a specll component pouch, you have your books as well as the ink, ink pen, and the loose paper. The rest of your gear is gone.


You come to, only realising that you are left with the clothes on your back, the sash around your waist, and a set of brass knuckles still clenched in your fist.


Along with the clothes on your back, your gear is remarkably left mostly untouched, except for the lack of weapons and the Formulae Book.

2012-12-21, 05:14 AM
Gareth bolts to his feet, crouched and ready to spring. He felt practically naked without his armor, and this was not the naked-among-strangers kind of wakeup he was somewhat accustomed to. Still, the knucks were a comfortable weight in his hand, and at least he wasn't the only one these tossers had shanghaied. He staggers slightly, not accustomed to being on a ship. No way he was fighting his way off this boat without his gear, and probably not alone at that. For now, play along, let these sea dogs bark. He could wait until it was time to bark back. Slipping the knucks into a pocket on his sash, Gareth cracks his knuckles and heads for the door.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-21, 09:31 AM
Cas gets up and yawns looking around at her surrounding she laughs softly Well this is most certainly the first time anyone has knocked me out and put me ON a ship... Kind of nice instead of being the other way around for a change She looks at the others, an odd assortment of beings ranging from gruff looking humans, one particularily foul smelling dwarf, to two human ladies. Judging that she was at the very least whole she smiles brightly "My what a charming man that was! Though I suppose today has already started on an up beat, time to meet our new and probably violent captain! Toodles everyone and for you tall folk, remember to duck on the way out!" She quickly scampers off in the direction the grouchy man who woke them up.

perception [roll0]
intelligence [roll1]

King Tius
2012-12-21, 10:12 AM
Binderal bolts upright, nearly hitting his head on the bunk just above his own. Hurriedly he feels around for his spellbook, finding it and cradling it much like a lost childhood toy. He quickly flips through the pages with a frown on his face, doing his best to iron out a wrinkle here and there with liberal uses of prestidigitation. Once satisfied that his book is back in decent condition, he stuffs it under the mattress of his bunk and grabs his tricorne hat. Only then does he realize that he isn't the only one in the room...

"Has anyone seen my thimble?"

With a worried look on his face, he hurries out of the room, not bothering with pleasantries.

Intelligence: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2012-12-21, 12:10 PM
Varya awakens to the sound of unfamiliar voices in an unfamiliar place. She doesn't open her eyes immediately. This is not my hotel room... where am I? A soft creak of strained wood, a slight slow lurching from side to side, the word captain - a boat. Hands? Unbound. Legs? Unbound. Slight movements clue her into her situation. Slowly, she opens her eyes. blades and bow? Missing.

Her last memory floods back to her. The deal never went beyond pleasantries before things stopped making sense - nausea, slurred words, a confused cry, then came the floor. She reaches for her belt pouch, Journal? Spellbook? Still here.

Varya surveys those around her, finally beginning to listen to the words of the talking man with the scourge. She sighs, press-ganged.

Perception: [roll0]
Intelligence: [roll1]

2012-12-21, 11:42 PM
Harold snaps his eyes open and cowers until the man with the scourge is gone. What am I doing here? What's going on? I'm not meant to be here, I was just drinking and... oh this can't be right... Still got my brass knuckles. Okay, so maybe I can get out- no, too many of them. Right. Let's see what's going on. Keep the knuckle close, don't let anyone push you around. Yeah, they can't push me around, I'm an adventurer now!

With an falsely confident smile, he hauls himself to his feet, picks up the backpack, and with one hand stuffed in a pocket and tightly clenching the brass knuckles, he heads out of the door.

Perception [roll0]
Intelligence [roll1]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-22, 12:27 AM
The Qadiran frowns as she takes stock of the situation.

"I'm afraid I don't seem to have any coin to give, else I'd do so in a heartbeat," she whispers.

She watches as the others stir while the man with the whip arrives. She winces as he makes his mark on the post. Definitely not a man to be trifled with. She didn't want her soft, supple skin marred by the lash. Scars seemed to be more attractive on hard people, and hard she was definitely not.

She raises an eyebrow at the gnome's enthusiasm to their apparent kidnapping, but there's little time to question it as she falls in line.

Perception: [roll0]
Intelligence: [roll1]

2012-12-25, 12:50 AM
Archpaladin, Husky, Morbis, Rhyvurg, Sarone, and Tius

Despite the nausea from drinks and other questionable item you ingested or not, you sense an aftertaste of oily nutmeg on your tongue. Please make a Knowledge (Nature) or Alchemy check.

Ezekials Rolls

Alchemy [roll0]
Knoweldge (Nature) [roll1]

Beat DC 15 Alchemy or DC 10 Knowledge (Nature)

You identify the after taste as oil of taggit. The various foods and drinks were probably used to deliver the oil. It is also commonly used to knockout victims and if often used by pressgangs and other scoundrels.

Husky, Rhyvurg, Tius, and Sanguine

Despite the fog of slumber, you remember spotting the man with the scourge the other night, going around and taking notice of you.

As the man wakes the crew up, Ezekial immediately tries to check his gear. The lady from last night, he thinks to himself, doing a quick check of his gear. Blast it, looks like my armor, weapons, and formulae book are missing. Need to inquire on that as soon as possible.

Quickly moving, Ezekial hurries up the stairs, barely looking back.


Though most of the passangers moved towards the stairs, one in particular, Rugnar, lays on his side, snoring soundly. The man with the scourge looks at him, a look of contempt on his face, before he goes over and kicks him. "I said get up, you blasted ground digger," the man says, striking one more at the hull above the dwarf.

Finally aroused enough to look up, Rugnar lets out a huff before rolling over. Seething now, the man looks to his group nodding to a large Rahadoumi man and a male half-orc, who immediately go over and grab the dwarf, hauling him up by the arms, his feet dangling a few inches off the ground. Turning around, they bring Rugnar up to the man, who leans close to Rugnar.

"I'm sorry, princess, but we aren't in the business of letting swabs like you sleeping in," the man says, he stands up. "Ungrateful swabs like you aren't uncomon and must be shown how to serve aboard a ship. I'll teach you how."

You make your way up the stairs to the level above, you are greeted with the sight of another hold. Immediately in front of you and towards the stern side are a number of barrels, as well as a few siege engines with grates letting in sunlight. Three sailors, a female half orc in leathers, a fat human male with a blood stained apron and a peg leg, and a human female with a peg leg as well, her face in a perpetual scowl, are arrayed around the stairs, clearly acting as a sort of barrier to ensure the new crew make it up top.

As you go around, a hulking man, his body covered in tar and feathers with shells at his feet, sitting on a crate. Before you start up the stairs, he jumps up, hands reaching out to Artazostra, only to halt as the shackles around his waist and wrists a taut. He lets out a feral scream, arching his back.

Intimidate [roll2]

As you reach the next level, a female human in long robes and a human male wearing a simple craftsman's tools stand around the top of the stairs, the man pointing towards outside and indicates you should shield your eyes. A quick glance indicates that while it isn't a single occupancy room, it is indeed reserved for the officers of the ship.


A cool sea breeze goes over the ship, as the cries of gulls greet your ears. As you look around, you realize that you are out at sea, with the day burning into midmorning. Looking out past the stern, land is becoming an ochre haze, one that is quickly becoming a memory.

As you spread out from the officer quarters, you realize there are more crew here, some working as riggers, others as swabs, though all take a moment to see the new recruits. From the stern, two more sailors are on it, though from their composure as well attire indicates they are officers.

Before you can get more of a look, the man with the scourge appears, followed by two of his henchmen as they are half-dragging, half-hauling a dwarf. "For those of you who are not familliar," the man says as he steps off to the side, crossing his arms, "let me introduce myself: my name is Master Scourge. I am the boatswain, master-at-arms, and disciplinarian of the Wormwood."

Slowly, Master Scourge walks around, looking at each of the new recruits. "For those who become swabs, I will be in charge of you," he says, stopping at one of the sailors, a human male with a blue bandanna, before turning and places his hand on his hips. "However, some of you, like this ground digger" Master Scourge says, indicating Rugnar, "aren't fit to swab the docks of Port Peril. I intend to rectify that in the most severe way."

Nodding at the two holding Rugnar, the sailors take him to the mainmast, where two more of the party who went down to greet the new recruits take off Rugnar's shirt and tie the dwarf to the mast. Once tied, the four sailors step back.


Master Scourge's Attacks with the whip (1s are a fumble; ignore damage)
Attack [roll3] for [roll4] non-lethal damage
Attack [roll5] for [roll6] non-lethal damage
Attack [roll7] for [roll8] non-lethal damage

(OOC: Master Scourge takes his time, going for more showmanship than anything. He will take a minute or so between each attack. Except for IRollTwenties, all other players may discuss and share information.)


(OOC: During this time you may try to roleplay his out how you see fit. Be mindful, though, you are out numbered and a out weaponed. My apologies for singling you out if you feel this is unfair.)

2012-12-25, 01:35 AM
At the display, Varya mutters under her breath, "Desna escort me..." Her eyes and thoughts turn back to the haze on the horizon from whence they came. She distances herself for a moment in thought. Ultimately, she concludes that she lost very little. Her bow was of value, but she has dried up her liquid assets. She needed to catch a boat anyway. Perhaps this sojourn shall garner the riches she seeks. A sly smirk graces her face for but a moment before she wills it away.

This "Master Scourge" seems a base, blustering buffoon in Varya's eyes - however, he is in charge. Follow the rules for now, she decides - at the very least, some of these pirate types are bound to be a laugh. While avoiding drawing Scourge's attention, she speaks loudly enough that those nearby her can hear, "anyone know the Wormwood's course? Where we're headed?"

2012-12-25, 01:53 AM
Harold does not like his surroundings, not one bit, and flinches with every lash of the whip to the dwarf. This is terrible... I can't believe what's going on. This shouldn't be happening! Aren't I supposed to be a hero now? He tries to hide the tremble in his voice and the shaking in his legs, and steps forwards to address Master Scourge:

"Stop it! Leave him alone!"

He suspects this may not have been a great idea.

2012-12-25, 03:48 AM
Gareth takes this all in silently, the hulkling human's fists like scarred clubs as he fights the urge to attack his captors and demand to be returned to port. He even gives the scowling peglegged woman a wink as he passes, it would take more than these filthy scum to cow him. But when the smaller man speaks up during the flogging, Gareth elbows him back. "Shut up or you'll feel that lash yourself you fool!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-25, 08:57 PM
The Qadiran winces as the man screams and reaches for her. Tar and feathers generally weren't something people wore, though, nor were people chained up like that without reason.

Sense Motive: [roll0], I can't WAIT to get to 2nd level when I can use my Perform (Oratory) check instead. :smallannoyed:
Alchemy: [roll1]
Knowledge (nature): [roll2]
When Harold attempts to stop Master Scourge and Gareth pulls him back, The Qadiran assists in keeping Harold quiet.

"To be angry is easy," she hisses in Harold's ear.

"But to be angry at the right time, at the right people...for the right reasons...that takes work. Keep your anger ready for when it's right. Who knows, maybe the Captain will be more sympathetic and break this up?"

2012-12-25, 10:09 PM
Varya doesn't bother trying to stop Harold. She simply says softly, "something tells me this is the norm around here. He likely wouldn't be Boatswain Scourge if the Captain disapproved of his disciplinary ideals."

2012-12-25, 11:07 PM

Despite, or because of, his attempt to intimidate you, you notice the man is both slow as well as not very bright. You also see he is blind in his left eye. If someone was to face him in battle, attacking from that side will help dodge attacks from him.

Seeing the young man try to stop it, Ezekial helps out as well, placing a hand on the man's right shoulder and gently pulling him back. "Easy, my good man," Ezekial says, leaning forward so the man can hear him, as well as the few near him, keeping his eyes on Master Scourge and the dwarf, "these pirates captured us and made hate to leave Port Peril. The fact that they used oil of taggit suggests they are not above using such poisons against us. Best to abide our time and learn more."

Releasing the man, Ezekial looks on, crossing his arms in an attempt to hold himself from doing what the man was doing. A motley crew, by the looks of it, he thinks to himself as Master Scourge makes his first strike, but one that can be a handful.

Putting out his right hand at the would be rescuer and those around him, Ezekial quickly introduces himself. "My name is Ezekial Somrivatram, late of Andoran. Doctor, researcher, alchemist, and cook when I'm doing the former."

Nodding to the female half-elf and the muscular human and giving a raised eyebrow to the auburn haired human, Ezekial gives an attempt to carry a conversation with the group while keeping his eyes on the punishment. "From the sounds of it, you two have been through this or heard of this happening before. It would look like we may need to work together if we are to survive this."


Satisfied at his first strike, Master Scourge slowly stalks around the dwarf, trying his best to emulate a jungle predator. A few sailors, mostly those from the welcoming commitee, cheer at the punishment, while one of the sailors on the stern is leaning on the rail, watching both the punishment and the crew. The other sailor stands with his arms crossed, clearly not impressed by the showmanship, but not moving to stop it either.

2012-12-26, 12:11 AM
The magus replies curtly to the alchemist - wincing momentarily as the Boatswain delivers another lashing, "Varya. Yes, I think the lot of us who've been shanghaied will fair better if we cooperate."

2012-12-26, 09:10 AM
Harold steps back, restrained by the other. Probably for the best.

"I'm Harold. Harold Turnboot. Do you think we can get off here, if we work together? Where is our equipment? And where did you all come from?"

King Tius
2012-12-26, 11:38 AM
The white-haired elf stands amid the new arrivals looking up at the rigging, rather than at the man being lashed. His eyes squint against the light as he scans the billowing sails and crisscrossed ropes, looking for something in particular. After a moment his face lights up as he seems to find what he was looking for and he hurriedly puts his fingers into his mouth and lets out a short, sharp whistle.

A response comes from the upper rigging, not a whistle, but a panicked chirp. Out of the sails a tiny ball of feathers plummets to the deck and lands (somewhat ungracefully) on the elf's shoulder. What appears to be a rather plump Thrush quickly preens its disheveled feathers back in to place and begins to titter into the elf's ear.

The elf responds out loud in Elvish.

"There you are, Thimble! Looks like we're in quite a pickle, here. Have the gulls been giving you trouble again? Point them out and I'll make them think twice about it. Best stay close until we have a better lay of the land. This is a nasty lot on board, but the others that got dragged on seem decent enough."

Suddenly realizing that he was talking to a bird on his shoulder (and how strange that might seem to some) he looks about and smiles meekly at those around him, though he quickly dismisses the smile to avoid drawing attention from the other sailors.

"Binderal, pleasure to meet you. I'm from Port Peril, I suppose, but I prefer volunteering for duty as opposed to being drugged. Any idea who the Captain is around here?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-26, 12:12 PM
"I'm a Qadiran," says the Qadiran.

2012-12-28, 03:14 AM
The large man crosses his arms over his barrel-like chest. "Gareth. Anyone ever tell these guys it's a really stupid idea to take people ruled by fear into a fight?"

Morbis Meh
2012-12-28, 06:53 PM
Cas looks away from the gruesome display and lets out a low whistle as the lash bites into the flesh. Oh pirates and their love of torture... Oh well lady luck is still smiling at me since that's not me tied to the mast. When the others begin speaking and introducing herself she ponders on whether to follow suit or lie about her identity. Since she figured that she would be on this ship for awhile she might as well garner some advantage even if was only the rag tag bunch of bilge rats. "People call me Lucky Cas, don't know if it is meant to be a joke or a compliment... Just call me Cas or lucky just not late for dinner!"

2012-12-28, 11:15 PM
Shrugging, Ezekial shakes any hands offered, then looks at Gareth. "Simply put, it means they are either stupid or more than confident in their abilities."

At Ezekial's words, Master Scourge tries to put more showmanship into the strike, but misses Rugnar by inches. This brought a chuckle from a few o the sailors within earshot of party, though far enough away that they don't draw his attention. "I'll leave it to you all to decide which," Ezekial says.

Snarling, Master Scourge strikes again, leaving another welt across the drawf's back. Satisfied he hit, Master Scourge looks over at the two figures near the stern of the ship, the one standing shaking his head. With a sigh, Master Scourge looks at the half-orc and , nodding at them as he strats winding up his namesake.

Returning the nod, the two sailors go over to the dwarf, releasing the dwarf from his bonds.

"As you see, punishment will be dealt with, swiftly and harshly," Master Scourge says, throwing an atttempt at a grin at the thought. "Now then, move out."

It doesn't take long for the group to make it across the deck of the ship, Master Scourge leading themwith his helpers around him.

The Ship

The Wormwood is a three-masted sailing ship, 100 feet from stem to stern and 30 feet wide. There are multiple decks and in addition to the mainmast coming up from the main deck, two more masts, one coming up out of the foredeck (you exited the holds and officer quarters from this part) and the other coming up out of the poop deck.

As you get closer to rear of the ship, or 'poop deck', you noticed that the man standing is a tall and heavily muscular Vudranni man, his beard bound with gold rings and an eyepatch over his left eye. A permenant scowl is on his face, though whether it is from the weather, the crew, or something else, you don't know immediately. Once you are within earshot, he speaks out, eyeing each person as he speaks.

"Glad you could join at last," the man says, before smirking at Master Scourge and Rugnar. "Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for 'volunteering to join my crew. I'm Barnabas Harrigan. That's Cpatain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you'll ever need to address me. I have only one rule - don't speak to me. I like talk, but I don't like your talk. Follow that rule, among others, and we'll all get along fine."

Taking a minute to make sure his point is has been recieved. "Another thing; even with lot, we're still short handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There'll be a keelhaulin' for anyone caught killin' anyone." Giving a hard stare, especially to Gareth and Rugnar among others, before turning to the man leaning against the rail. "Mr. Plugg! If you'd be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it'll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of 'em." With that said, Captain Harrigan turns and heads to the stern of the ship.

The other man, leaning against the rail, is the larger man's opposite; shorter, thinner, with his most of his hair gone except for a ponytail, and wearing a blue overcoat. As he stands up, he adjusts his coat, before starting to to walk back and forht on the poop deck.

"Alright, scum," Mr. Plugg says, leering down at the group, his hands behind him, "I don't care what did before today. It doesn't matter. What matters is right now." Bring his arms to his sides, Mr. Plugg points up at the crows nest on the mainmast. First test is as such: you will climb the rigging to the crow's nest. Do not fail me."

With that, Mr. Plugg nods to Master Scourge, who in turns nods back and smiles at the group. "Don't keep Mr. Plugg waiting."

Rigging Climbing

Each PC needs to roll several climb checks. The distance being climbed is 60 feet. You can either go for a quarter speed climb or try and go faster by going for an accelerated climb (going half speed). There are enough rope that you will be able to keep yourself from falling.

Standard DC is 10; Accelerated Climb puts a -5 to your check (basically DC 15)

At minimum I'll need 4 rolls from each player.

Ezekial's rolls (basic rolls at 1/4 speed (7.5 feet))


2012-12-28, 11:36 PM
Harold smiles to himself for the first time. He might not be tough or fierce like these other pirates, but he's strong and fast and can climb well. He decides to clamber up as fast as possible, in the hope of getting out of trouble! (going for the accelerated climb)


2012-12-29, 11:09 AM
"A race then!" Adopting a sneer of confidence, Varya charges the rigging. Her mother trained her to climb swiftly even when armored carrying gear - her brief excursion as a sailor familiarized her with rigging specifically. There was her desire not to be whipped and her desire to be placed in an area she excels, but foremost was her desire to win - a competition was something she loved.

In case she knows some way to climb a bit faster up rigging
Profession(sailor): [roll0]

Doing DC 15

Climb: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]
Climb: [roll3]
Climb: [roll4]

Climb: [roll5]
Climb: [roll6]
Climb: [roll7]
Climb: [roll8]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-29, 12:07 PM
The Qadiran sighs. Her soft physique meant climbing would be a chore. She begins ascending the rigging at a steady pace, but it's evident that she won't be winning this little race.

Going for regular climb (DC 10).



2012-12-29, 04:16 PM

2012-12-29, 04:28 PM
Gareth eyes the Captain with poorly-concealed contempt, then goes to the rigging.



2012-12-29, 05:48 PM

King Tius
2012-12-29, 10:27 PM
Binderal stares up the rigging with a bit of a dazed look on his face. "I feel like I've done this before..." He murmurs to himself. Shaking his head to clear the daze, he slowly and surely starts to climb the rigging. If he should fall, he will activate his innate Feather Fall ability. If anyone other than him should fall, he will cast his Feather Fall spell on them.

Going for the DC: 10


2012-12-31, 12:37 AM
In the time it takes for the first few participants to reach the rigging, bets were being cast on the winners as well as how far each person would go before stopping. As you start the climb, the cheers, catcalls, and jeers erupt from various crew, taking a moment to rest and watch.

With much adulation, and one that drew more than a few scowls and curses, Gareth reaches the Crows nest first, followed closely by Varya, beating Harold out by a second, followed by Rugnar. Looking down you noticed what seems to be most, if not all the crew, standing on the deck or in the rigging.

Unfortunately, as much as those up top were cheered, the ones at the bottom were jeered at for their lack of climbing skills. Whether unable to grasp the next rope up or failing to gain a footing, Ezekial, Binderal, Lucky Cas, and the Qadiran couldn't get more than half way up, trying to ensure they had a footing as they went.

"If you would be so kind," Mr. Plugg yells up at the four struggling recruits, "you can stop with you failing attempts at trying to climb."

Though it takes a few minutes for the winners to get back down, a quick glance at the bridge indicates Mr. Plugg and Master Scourge chatting and gesturing with each other, while the man with the bloody apron stands off to the side, not quite part of the conversation but not excluded either.

Once all participants are on the deck, Master Scourge indicates to assmble before the bridge. "Alright, seems we have worthwhile recruits here," Mr. Plugg says, smiling at the four who made it to the crows nest. "However, only two will be the new riggers."

Casually, Mr. Plugg points at Gareth and Varya. "As of now and until I see fit, you two will be working for me as riggers." Nodding to Master Scourge, Mr. Pluggs waits for tthe two to move off to the side before looking at the rest, his gaze hardening at the those who didn't climb so well.

"As for the rest of you, I pray the following task is simplistic enough for you to handle." Clearing his throat, Mr. Plugg throws a disdainful gaze at the overwieght man in the bloody apron before looking at the recruits. "Unfortunately, the last assistant we had died unexpectedly. The question is; who here can, or at least able, to cook?"


Any one (besides Sanguine and Rhyvurg) who feels their character can cook can volunteer.

Also, I need each person to roll a 1d20, a 1d3, and three d100 either here or in the OOC. For the 100s, please indicate which order you would prefer them. In the case of doubles, you can +/- 5 from the result.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-31, 02:52 AM
"I have many talents, Master Scourge. In addition to a competent sailor, I am a teller of stories, a weaver of dreams. I can dance the sword dances of Qadira, tell the old pirate tales of the Shackles and in the right weather, I can stand on my head for an hour. I know a bit of magic and a trick or two. I can cook in a pinch, but if someone else knows how to do it better, I certainly won't get in their way.


Perception: [roll5]

2012-12-31, 03:13 AM
Harold does not in the least bit like the idea of working for this giant man in a bloody apron. But he even less likes the idea of Master Scourge thinking he's useless, so he raises a hand.

"Um... I can cook a bit too. Just learning, but I can make stew and things"


Perception: [roll5]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-31, 03:24 AM
"That's more qualification than I have."

2012-12-31, 12:30 PM
Varya grins at Gareth, "pah, you only beat me because of your height. I'll best you next time." She doesn't like losing anything, but she pushes her disappointment aside. "I guess we'll be working the rigging together - should be more fun than swabbing decks at least."


Perception: [roll5]

King Tius
2012-12-31, 03:55 PM
"I've never cooked, but I can make food taste much better." He quickly casts prestigitation and makes small sparks dance across his fingertips.


I'll take the 100s as is
Perception roll: [roll5]

2013-01-01, 04:05 AM
Varya grins at Gareth, "pah, you only beat me because of your height. I'll best you next time." She doesn't like losing anything, but she pushes her disappointment aside. "I guess we'll be working the rigging together - should be more fun than swabbing decks at least."


Perception: [roll5]

"Whatever you need to tell yourself to make up for your shortcomings." He keeps a perfectly straight face.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 04:40 PM
Cas looks at everyone though they were all upside down, she didn't even make it a quarter of the way up before falling and getting tangled in the rigging. "I know my way around a ship sir, I was born on one... as for cooking well last time I made something only 3 people vomited out of the 4! I am much better at telling stories....

perception [roll5]

Dear jeebus 3 1's well this character might end up like my previous one.... RNG screwed all the way!

2013-01-01, 09:00 PM
Partly amazed, Ezekial quickly puts out his own arguement. "Besides being a chemist and a doctor, I was also a cook," says Ezekial, before shruggin to the others. "Most of my training is of the practical and educational sort, so I can easily work with most if not all ingredients."

Ezekial's Perception Test

Perception [roll0]

Letting the recruits state their cases, Mr. Plugg looks towards Master Scourge then the fat man. "Seems like we have a fewwho can say they can cook and one who looks like he actually might be able to cook." A quick glance at Master Scourge, nods twice, and Mr. Plugg nods backs. "However, since we don't know where your loyalties lie, I can't have a wizard who might try to disguise sewage as a king's banquet," he says, eyes narrowing at Binderal, "be mindful of that when you are on your duties, swab."

Turning to the Qadiran and the gnome, Mr. Plugg frowns at them. As for you two, I was asking for cooks, not Entertainers from Oppara. Besides, I doubt you two could weave a good enough tale to entertain Owlbear." Turning and spitting onto the deck below, Mr. Plugg turns to the last two, Ezekial and Harold. "Which leaves the bookworm and the ranger. Usually we would only have one, but the last one wasn't up to par. In this, though, I believ having two assistants would be worthwhile. Just remember this, though; the punishment for trying to poison the Captain or any of the officers is a triple keelhauling for the cook, and the cook's mates. Have fun with Fishguts."

Satisfied, Mr Plugg look over at a female half orc with the sides of her head shaved and a nasty scare on her neck, nodding at her. In turn, she goes to each recruits with a several keys in hands. "Aye, I be the ship's quartermaster, Grok. I'm in charge of the stors and rum rations." Saying this, she hands each recruit a key, each with a a set of bumps and raised dashes. "When you are finished for the day, you'll be going down to the middlehold. There are several lockers down, goes to the corresponding key. Inside is a hammock. I suggest finding a good place for it."

Done, Grok goes off letting the recruits quickly get seperated; Gareth and Varya are address by Mr. Plugg, Ezekial and Harold follow the fat man named Fishguts belowdecks, and the ramaining recruits are given their duties by Master Scourge.

OOC: Perception Roll of 15+

During Mr. Plugg's talking, you notice his accent changes a bit; it becomes more clipped and pronounced, as though he had some higher upbringing or his 'parents' atttempted as such. (Linguistics or Knowledge Local test to figure out where.)

Gareth and Varya

Satisfied with the briefing, Mr. Plug moves toward the two of you, though remains on deck. "For you two, you will be here at daybreak. Most of the riggers already have their jobs picked, which leaves ropework." Mr. Plugg points to various bundles. "Move them, coil, stow, and secure the ropes. Get to it."

Work Details
I need either a Profession (Sailor) or a Dex check from both of you.

While you are working on the ropes, you notice a gnome in a purple 'pirates' outfit helping you. A quck guess would show that he is having trouble lifting the rope, which is why the two of you are assigned to help him out.

Ezekial and Harold

Taking you below decks, 'Fishguts' Kroop walks you towards the stern of the ship, past the main chained to the mast, who seems to be in a bit falmer mood. "That be ole Owlbear Hartshorn," 'Fishguts' says in a thick Shackles accent as he walks by, "sort of simple, but is one of the strongest crewman here. Be mindful of that."

Dodging the various pigs, 'Fishguts' spots a black chicken eyeing the three of you. Smiling, 'Fishguts' coes over and picks the chicken up, setting on his shoulder. "This be Black-Hearted Bezebel, my favorite chicken. She sometimes speaks to me." Petting the bird's head, 'Fishguts' turns back towards the task at hand and leads you through the door.

Inside, you see a mess of a galley: two worktables and several cupboards, as well as two stoves, are inside, with almost every utensil imaginable being seen and a number meatcleavers that everyone on the ship could be dual wielding and still not make a dent in the number shown. On the ground, walking around and among the galley, are three goats and numerous chickens. A quick look at 'Fishguts' explains it all; with a sigh and a shake of his head, 'Fishguts' walks over to a small enclave holding a pen. '"Seems they broke out again," 'Fishguts' says, "not that it doesn't help."

Standing up, 'Fishguts' look to Harold and Ezekial. "Look, I don't much care to order either of you around. Captain or that black hearted First Mate tell you to do something, you do it. However, you are assigned to me. Apparently Mr. Plugg is getting tired of my cooking, and is probably hoping either of you two will replace me."

Looking up and around, 'Fishguts shakes his head before reaching for a bottle with the word RUM on it and takes a swallow. "Being that as it may, here are your tasks. Decide on how you want to do them between the two of you." Looking at the two of you, 'Fishguts turns to the various stoves and starts cooking. "Captain is celebrating the fact we are underway. Can't blame him," 'Fishguts' says, stiring a pot, "so he wants turtle and pork tonight. The turtle will also be used for the crews meal as well."


One person hunts for turtles using nets, harpoons, and treble hooks, which requires either a Profession (Fisherman) or Survival check.

The other has to slaughter a pig and then help 'Fishguts' clean, cut, and prepare the carcass. This requires a Preofession (cook) or a Survival check.

Up to you which one you want, HuskyBoi.

'Lucky' Cas, Qadiran, Binderal, and Rugnar

As the others are lead away, Master Scourge approaches you with a pained smile on his face. "Seems we be working together, then," he says, crossing his arms as he says so. "Know this; you start using magic to do your work and I catch you, it'll be three lashes at the bloody hour. And I will find out. This be your only warning."

Turning, he looks at the various swabs doing work, then gazes back at teh recruits. "You," Master Scourge says, pointing at Cas, "you seem nimble enough. I need you to relay messages for the officers. Stay by the bridge and relay messages."

Sending 'Lucky Cas off, Master Scourge looks around, smiles, then turns to Binderal. "So, 'Magic-Ears,' you like to use magic? Let's see how you do with out." Pointing over to an unattended bucket with a mop inside and a sandstone block next to it, Master Scourge jerks his head at it. "Your job is swab the deck. you may use your 'magic' to clean the water and such, but I catch you trying to animate a mop and it'll be the sweatbox for you. I heard what happened the last time someone did that. Didn't look pretty for everyone einvolved." Shuddering at the thought for a second, Master Scourge turns to the Qadiran.

"My pretty, seems you have nimble enough hands. Your job for today is sewing and splicing the sails and ropes. Should be easy enough."

Finally, turning to Rugnar, Master Scourge smiles. "Seems I'm light one member today. You are to head down to the Bilges. Say hello to Mr. Magpie while your down there."


Runner: Relay messages for the crew and officers on ship. Requires a Acrobatics Check and a Constitution Check. Two others, both human females, one a redhead with tatoos her arms and a foul tempered woman with big ears, are with you on this job. The redhead gives you a friendly nod.

Swab the Deck: Mopping the deck and scrubbing them with sandstone blocks called 'holystones'. Requires either a Strength Check or a Constitution Check.

Repairs: Repairs to the sails and ropes. Need either a Profession (Sailor) or a Dexterity Check. A young human male and a tall female Mwangi (dark skinned human) are working with you. The female seems to regard you with suspicion.

Man the Bilges: Vile and Sweaty work, it requires a Strength and Constitution Checks. A female human is also there, working on the pump, while a male human in a foul mood is shackled to the portside hull.


You can interact with the various crew that is working with you. Follow the actions as stated.

Role Play:

For those interested in roleplay, I'm game. If, however, you feel you are done, just post.


Or the equivelant.

2013-01-01, 09:51 PM
Gareth gets to work with the ropes, trying not to step on any garishly dressed halflings.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 09:55 PM
Cas salutes smartly at Scourge "Aye Aye Master Scourge I will not let you down!" Dear sweet Besmara this isn't going to end well... She scuttles off with the two women looking the more friendly red head "Pleasure to meet you two ladies, people call me Lucky Cas, so feel free to call me Cas or lucky. Also may I say that you hair is positively stunning! I wish I were as lucky as you, ooooo those tattoos look so fascinating you must tell me what they mean!" Turning her head to the slightly gloomier woman Cas beams "I apologize if I am unable to keep up with you, I will take the blame for it, I was a ship navigator... I hope we can all be friends!"

Time to persuade the crap out of these peeps! So my ship action is Persuasion!
diplomacy [roll0]

2013-01-01, 09:58 PM
Varya sets about coiling the ropes. After a few minutes at the task, she finally says to the gnome, "name's Varya, you been aboard the Wormwood long?"

Profession(sailor): [roll0]+4=10 for working diligently.

2013-01-01, 10:26 PM
Harold, not wanting to be stuck in a small room with Fishguts and his collection of meat cleavers, volunteers to go up on deck and hunt for turtles. And he's going to makes sure he does a blasted good job of it too! (Work Diligently)

This is good, working in the kitchen. I can do this. And maybe tonight, I'll get an opportunity to look around a bit... best play it safe for now though. And see what that alchemist thinks.

Survival check, including the bonus for working diligently.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-02, 12:13 AM
The Qadiran

The Qadiran ponders where she's heard Mr. Plugg's accent before, her face scrunching up a bit at the mention of Oppara. She wouldn't be caught dead in that garishly gilded pretender to the name of city if her life depended on it.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Upon receiving her orders, she folds her hands and bows to Master Scourge before heading to the mast to patch up the sails. She gives a sympathetic look to the Mwangi woman.

"Why the hard look? We're all on the same boat here. Literally."

Ship action for today will be persuasion. As I can't yet use my Perform check in place of Diplomacy, I'll have to make a plain ol' Charisma check and hope for the best.

She then begins sewing along with the other two. It wasn't something she'd had too much experience with, but she was a fast learner, something that invariably came in handy on the high seas.

Profession (sailor): [roll2]

2013-01-02, 02:06 AM
Rhyvurg and SanguinePenguin

Work goes good for you. Either due to luck or easy ropes, Gareth finds that he was able to get the work done quickly, thought it still was long.

Unfortunately, Varya didn't have as much luck, though working with the gnome in the purple, foppish hat and white silk shirt helps out.

"Pleased to meet such a lovely lady," the gnome says after helping tie down. "My name is Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone, thought you can call me Mr. Shortstone." When he says this, he gives you a very noticeable look as he 'appraises' you.


Whether it was time at home or time abroad, you quickly catch that his accent reminds you of those from Cheliax or it's colonies and contempories. Hell Harbor, located in the Shackles, is one such location, though you can't place precisely where he is from.

Though your attempt at repairing the ropes and sails has been difficult, the Mwangi female warms to your presence. "My name is Shivikah, and I am used to a hard life. Slaving was never an easy business, even among those who embraced it."

The young man, working better at repairs than you, listens in, though he keeps to himself.

Morbis Meh

Barely acknowledging you as you left, Master Scourge goes about his duties. While you aren't used to the running around, the redhead helps you out, introducing herself as Sandra. The big eared woman is less friendly, openly critical of you. "Someone like you woul dbe used as shark bait, shorty," the woman says, openly hostile to you though careful to tread lightly.

"Some of the crew are more than unfriendly, little one," Sandra says once the other woman is out of earshot. "Her name is Aretta, a former harlot from one of the more 'hospitable' regions. My guess her temper caused trouble, not that it isn't uncommon."

HuskyBoi and Sarone

Though it was a bit over done, Harold managed to get enough turtles in the first half of the day to get back to the galley with a nice catch: three decent sized turtles and a few fish as well. 'Fishguts' let's out a whistle as Harold displays the catches.

However, it wasn't the only bit of luck for 'Fishguts'; realizing what he was staring at and working with, Ezekial finds that despite the mess, the Galley was easily more than accomodating. Expertly slaughtering, cleaning, and preparing one of the pigs, Ezekial chatted with 'Fishguts' about cooking on land and on sea when Harold walks in.

"You see, 'Doctor'," 'Fishguts' says as he stirs various pots with one hand while drinking from the rum bottle with the, "the one thing to know about cooking while at sea is to be a bit creative. Normally you can get away with whatever for the crew, but Captain Harrigan has peculiar tastes and such. One reason he keeps me around."

Seeing Harold walking in, 'Fishguts' nods at the catch. "Excellent job with the catch. Thought you two might not be much of assistance, but seems I'm wrong." Reaching over, 'Fishguts' holds out his hand in an attempt to shake it. "Name's Ambrose Kroop, called 'Fishguts' by every one else."

Taking a minute to look around, 'Fishguts' waves you both around closer. "You both seem like good lads, so I'll be frank you; it's poison, that's whats Wormwood is. Poison to her core, but don't speak it too loud. The hall listens, y'see, and the Capt'n hears it all."

Taking a moment to look up at the door, 'Fishguts' smiles and nods as Grok walks in and heads to the door, who waves back. "Looks like the new assistants are working out," Grok says, eyeing the turtles and the pig as they are being cooked and prepped. "Wish I could stay, but I need to check on the rations for tonight."

Nodding at Grok, 'Fishguts' looks back at Ezekial and Harold, the former listening intently. "Grok is pretty safe, she doesn't stand much against the Cap'n since he took her in. Though beyond that, you won't find a more dangerous, nasty, and sour piece of work than our Cap'n in all your days at sea, though that's just from my perspective. Most of the crew, those who have been here a while, can be just like him, and the First Mate, Mr. Plugg, is the worse."

Spitting off to the side, 'Fishguts' nods at you both. "Viscious little sod, would sell his own mother's liver to a butcher to make pies out of." Taking a deep breath and shaking his head, 'Fishguts' takes a swallow from the rumbottle. "But they leave me alone for the most part. They know I can't 'arm 'em."

Shaking his head as well, Ezekial goes back to cleaning and cutting the pig a bit more. "Looks like there's more to this place than meets the eye, Harry." Stopping for a moment, Ezekial looks back at 'Fishguts'. "Master Kroop, would it be alright for Harry and I to comeback down here and clean the galley tonight? That way we can get familiarized with its layout."

Taking a moment to think about, 'Fishguts' shrugs. "Suits me just fine, to be honest. Though I better not find half my wares being traded to Grok for more rum."

A smile on his face, Ezekial turns back to Harry. "What do you say, Harry. Ready to figure out how to cook?"

2013-01-02, 02:24 AM
"So Mr Short, how badly are slaves treated on this boat?"

2013-01-02, 02:24 AM
Harold smiles in response.

"Sounds like a good idea to me!"

I'm assuming here that Ezekial is planning we do a little bit of snooping tonight. If so, then Harry's right up for that! He'll spend the rest of the afternoon chatting with Ezekial and Master Kroop, to try and get familiar with the cook and with Ezekial. On reflection, he seems a decent enough sort, though Harry's not exactly feeling encouraged after the terrifying description of the captain.

King Tius
2013-01-02, 01:55 PM
Binderal's eyes go wide with wonder at the mention of animated mops but he does his best to try and remain focused on Master Scourge and to seem thoroughly intimidated. Truth be told, all this machismo and threats didn't bother him much. Though he couldn't remember where he'd been for the past twenty years, he did remember his training as a lad. Elves live a good long while. With enough patience, any human that bothers you will be dead and gone before too long.

The Elf gives Master Scourge a nod and an "Aye aye" as he moves to the mop and bucket. The act of swabbing the deck comes naturally to him, having done it for years in his previous life. Unfortunately, the body he possessed now was considerably less suited to the task. He sets about cleaning the bucket's water with his Prestigiditation before getting started, whistling quietly as he worked.

Daytime Activity: Work Diligently
Nighttime: Sleep (rearrange some spells, recover from presumed fatigue). I'm presuming I'm not fatigued with a 21, so I'll go for Influence

With his -2 to strength, I'll take the con check: [roll0] (+4 from Work Diligently)

2013-01-03, 02:09 PM
"How long have you been with the crew of the Wormwood?" Varya asks Shortstone again.

2013-01-03, 02:14 PM
Rhyvurg and SanguinePenguin

Conchobar looks at Gareth, then back at Varya, then back at Gareth. "Mr. Shortstone, though that would be only to those who are under my employ. Not that I employ anyone," Conchobar says. "As for slaves, does it look like we are saves here? I don't see chains and shackles around our ankles and feet. And except for the dwarf,there hasn't been any needless torture."

Helping haul the rope and securing, Conchobar looks around before talking again. "Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact I was drugged and taken against my will at the same time you were, I was going to try and find passage on a ship. Seems like fate decided to help me out."

Tipping his hat, Conchobar, gets back to work.

King Tius

Though it's been some time since you last swabbed a deck, it comes back to you. It also helps that you were able to use magic to help clean the water, something that Master Scourge views as unworthy. You notice he keeps an eye on you, talking from time to time with various crewman, one of whom was a big earheard human female.

Your hearing pick up that the lady had a run in with the female gnome, and views her as a unworthy of being on the crew. However, a quick admonishment by Master Scourge indicates she should mind her place. Nodding at him, the human female leaves in a huff.


Manning the bilges, which is mostly repairing the pumps and ensure that it hasn't rusted up, is long and hard work. But like the people you are part of, it is no different from working a mine. Working dilligently and taking a break every so often, you finished the work in time.

HuskyBoi and Sarone

As Harolds speaks, he places his hand on a bottle. Realizing it has something in it, Harold picks it up, only to see a label on it: Devil's Cut Fine Brandy. Sensing movement, 'Fishguts' looks over at Harold, then walks over.

A whistle escapes his lips as 'Fishguts' take a glance at it. "Thought that was sold a couple months back," 'Fishguts' says, before turning around and getting back to work. "Good to see you have a set of eyes on you, Harry. Anything you find, you can keep and use."

Smiling at Harry's luck, a quick glance by Ezekial finds a vial. Picking it up, Ezekial looks at the various symbols, seeing various sunbursts on. "Looks to be a vial of holy water. Useful in case we face undead." Putting it off to the side, Ezekial picks up the bottle of brandy.

Ezekial's Appraise Check [roll0]

Squinting, Ezekial shrugs. "Not sure," he says, putting it down, "can't be a wholelot. MasterKroop, what happened to the rest of the brandy?"

"WHat do you think we did with it," 'Fishguts' says, looking back as he brings up the rum. "We drank it!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-03, 04:23 PM

Whether it was time at home or time abroad, you quickly catch that his accent reminds you of those from Cheliax or it's colonies and contempories. Hell Harbor, located in the Shackles, is one such location, though you can't place precisely where he is from.

Though your attempt at repairing the ropes and sails has been difficult, the Mwangi female warms to your presence. "My name is Shivikah, and I am used to a hard life. Slaving was never an easy business, even among those who embraced it."

The young man, working better at repairs than you, listens in, though he keeps to himself.

"Ah. Slaving. A common profession for those in my homeland. I'm a Qadiran. So where did you sail out of? Osirion? Jalmeray? Sargava?"

She pauses for a bit.


2013-01-03, 04:47 PM
Varya adopts a friendly tone - chatting idly while she works vapidly, though no care is put into the task, it's quite obvious she has done it before."and where did you come from Gareth? Shortstone? I'm a Korvosa native myself, but have been traveling several months now. Like you Shortstone, this Shanghai is a muddled blessing, I was short on funds and needed to get on a ship. On that note, do you know the Wormwood's course?"

2013-01-04, 03:47 AM

Eyes narrowing, Shivikah goes back to work. "I don't know you that well, Qadiran," Shivikah says as se moves on to another sail, "and for someone to not tell me their name indicates distrust. Why should I trust you with more information than you are providing in turn?"

It is dusk before the bell is sound and the crew is brought up on the maindeck, where Mr. Plugg, Master Scourge, and those under Master Scourge are surrounding a disgruntled man who brought up from the bilges, paraded around.

"Just so that you all won't forget," Mr. Plugg says, walking around between the man and the assembled crew, "crime and slothness will be severely punished. However, those who at least try to make themselves useful," Mr. Plugg says, eyeing 'Lucky' Cas and Artazostra in particular, "can find their time easier."

Satisfied, Mr. Plugg looks up at the bridge, Captain Harrigan stands. "Jakes Magpie, you have been caugth stealing from the Quartermaster's Store twice before we reached Port Peril. Though you confessed to the crime, the punishment is still the same." Smirking at the crewman, Captain Harrigan leans forward and grips the rail in front. "Mr. Plugg, keelhaul this piece of filth. I want the barnacles to be scrubbed off my boat. May Besmara accept him in the sea."

Even though Jakes tries to struggle, Master Scourge and his cronies quickly bind the man's hands and feet and is thrown over the starboard side, his screams cutoff when he hits the water. With a nod by Mr. Plugg, Master Scourge and his cronies then grab the ropes on the portside, where the start pulling the ropes quickly.

After a minute of pulling the ropes, Jakes Magpie, or what's left of him, is pulled up. One of the ship's officers, a male human with carpenter's tool in his belt, approaches the remains, as does Ezekial, who breaks ranks from the crew. Even though it was obvious the man was dead, it was better to be sure. Both men look at each other, with the carpenter shaking his head.

"Let that be the lessen to you all," Mr. Plugg says, before nodding at the carpenter and Ezekial. "Throw the carcass over board."

As Ezekial and the carpenter untie the remains, Sandara comes over and says a prayer over the body, with the hope that Jakes' remains be undisturbed and restful. Putting the body on the rails, Ezekial intones a prayer to Pharasma as well, praying her judgement be lessened by the punishment brought forth by the Captain and his First Mate.

With it said and done, Ezekial and Harold then go back down to the galley with 'Fishguts' Kroop, heading back up with two pots of stew and ship's biscuit while Grok brings up pails of rum. As each person gets a bowl and a biscuit, Mr. Plugg ensures that each pirate fills a half-pint of the rum.

Rum Rations

Used mostly for keeping the crew sated and docile, rum is key for most pirate crew to be kept from mutinying.

While most fo the crew willingly drinks the rations, some do not. A crewmember must make a stealth check to spill the rum overboard.

If drank, a character must make a Fortitude save in order to prevent becoming addicted as well as take 1d3 points of Con Damage from drinking the rum as well as be fatigued for 1d8 hours. The benefit is a +1d4 Alchemical bonus to Charisma. (Make the Fortitude Save before rolling for Con Damage)

Taking additional actions while fatigued adds to the DC for being fatigued the next day (4 hours or greater from the fatigue check from the rum; stacks if your get fatigued during the day).

Ezekial's Rolls

Fortitude Save: [roll0]
Con Damage [roll1]
Fatigued for [roll2] hours
Alchemical Bonus to Charisma [roll3]

Though Ezekial feels good, he realizes his original plans, taking the remains of the stew and biscuits down to the galley to start cleaning up. He comes up every so often to get dishes and a break.

Ezekial's Nighttime Action: Clean Galley

Cleaning the Galley

Cleaning the Galley requires time, patience, and a know how of what needs to be done. A Profession (Cook), Survival, or Intelligence check is required for each half hour of cleaning. A Survival check is required to get the goats caged up again.

Perception can be made every so often with the above checks as well.

During this time, Grok shows the recruits the lockers to the keys down in the crew deck. While each locker has a hammock, some rope, and a light blanket,there are additional stuff that either was ignored or left behind.


Under the rolled up hammock and blanket you find bullseye lantern and a fancy peacock feather. Picking up the lantern reveals it isn't empty but it isn't filled with oil; a quick check reveals 6 gold pieces the oil compartment, probably hidden there by the previous owner.


As you lift up the blanket, you noticed that is is a bit heavier than expected. Taking precautions, you go off to the a corner to see what you find and discover that this person clearly wasn't searched to well; in addition to 17 gold pieces, you find a gold earing and 2 small hematites woth about 10 gold each.

King Tius

As you move the hammock around, you notice a vial with sunburst symbols sitting on top of the blanket, under the hammock. lifting it up, you notice a small silver ring worth about 5 gold and and a small agate worth about 10 gold. Under the blanket you find 2 gold pieces.


Sitting on top of the hammock is a wooden flute, probably used by the previous occupant for entertainment. Under the blanket is 3 gold pieces and a green flask with work acid etched into the glass.

IRoll Twenties

Lifting up the hammock, you notice four pieces of gold lying among the blanket and chest. You also find a well crafted needle used in working with either leather or cloth objects, though it is only part of a set.

Sanguine Penguin

Opening the locker, you find a small xylophone on top of the hammock. Picking both items up, you find a bottle of wine, Andoran White, on top of the blanket and 2 gold pieces.


Picking up the hammock, wrapped object with a finely crafted, curved needle holding the cloth in place. Unwrapping it, you see a stone covered in runes along with 16 gold pieces in the wrapping, which has been destroyed, and in the chest. The curved needle looks to be part of a set used for both leather and cloth objects.


Opening the locker, there is a carefully sealed pouch with with splotched of tar on it. Carefully putting it aside, a quick glance shows finely crafted needle in the blanket, while lifting it shows four gold pieces and two hematites worth 10 gold each.

(I'm going to hold off moving forward until Sunday/Monday night unless majority says otherwise.

Note: While the needles aren't worth much seperately, together the various needles count as masterwork tools for leatherworking and tailoring. The can also be used to give a +1 bonus to taks involving sails and such, but only as a whole (only one person can benefit from the set at a time).

Hope you enjoy the update.)

2013-01-04, 04:17 AM
Harold gives a cheer as the rum ration is handed out. This might not be an ideal voyage to be on, but if there's rum, he'll be a happy man for now! He happily takes his share.

Fort save for drinking


After having his share, he gets down to help Ezekial cleaning the galley.

Rolls for cleaning.

Survival check to round up those blasted goats: [roll1]

As he works, Harry keeps an eye out for more odds and sods about the galley.

Profession: Cook [roll2] Perception [roll3]
Profession: Cook [roll4] Perception [roll5]
Profession: Cook [roll6] Perception [roll7]
Profession: Cook [roll8] Perception [roll9]

Profession: Cook [roll10] Perception [roll11]
Profession: Cook [roll12] Perception [roll13]
Profession: Cook [roll14] Perception [roll15]
Profession: Cook [roll16] Perception [roll17]

2013-01-04, 01:33 PM
Gareth stows these items in his pockets and finds the quartermaster, holding out his rum. "Drink?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-04, 05:06 PM
Eyes narrowing, Shivikah goes back to work. "I don't know you that well, Qadiran," Shivikah says as se moves on to another sail, "and for someone to not tell me their name indicates distrust. Why should I trust you with more information than you are providing in turn?"

"It sounds more dignified than Artazostra bint Rusmanya. And I don't want to go spreading it around in case someone on board might know of my father. He was sailing through the Shackles to Sargava about a year ago when he disappeared. I came here looking to find him...and to escape marriage to an odious Kelish sheikh."

"Just so that you all won't forget," Mr. Plugg says, walking around between the man and the assembled crew, "crime and slothness will be severely punished. However, those who at least try to make themselves useful," Mr. Plugg says, eyeing 'Lucky' Cas and Artazostra in particular, "can find their time easier."
"Note his mangling of slothfulness?" The Qadiran whispers to whoever is standing next to her.

"He only pretends to education."

Her snide smile fades quickly when she sees Mr. Plugg's efficient brutality, though. She tears into her food and rum like she's starving, desperate to get the image of Jakes' mangled body out of her mind.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]
CON Damage: [roll1]
Fatigue: [roll2]
Alchemical Bonus to CHA: [roll3]
After slurping down the last of her rum, she belches and tries to find an open space to dance.

2013-01-04, 05:58 PM
After a dull day of pointless beatings, draconian keelhaulings and mindless labor, Varya takes her rum ration eagerly. "Bottoms up!" she briefly raises her cup in a toast to rum.

RUM: Fortitude: [roll0] edit: Oh man, more awful rolls... that just means her luck is about to turn!!!
Con Dam: [roll1]
Fatigue: [roll2]
Cha bonus: [roll3]

Upon receiving her locker, Varya admires the wine, pockets the gold and stares quizzically at the xylophone. She chimes it with her finger once, rotates it before her eyes, sniffs it cautiously. What in the nine hells...

Rather inebriated and slightly bored, she approaches some of the other pirates with a grin, adopting a roguish countenance, "know of any games of chance to pass the time?"

Varya will gamble with her 2 gold!

2013-01-04, 11:29 PM
HuskyBoi and Sarone

Though it takes a few hours, the galley is noticeably better looking; trash and half rotten food has been taken care of, the three goats are back in their cage which was further secured by Harold.

Unfortunately, for as much effort was put in, there was still more work needed. Roughly half of the Galley has been cleaned, with Harold being able to clean an additional surface to Ezekial's; however, Ezekial's luck held through, with a the growing bounty items and weapons that he has found.

Ezekial's Discoveries

3x Daggers with sheaths
3x Waterskins
2 Silver Pieces
Bottle of Magnificient Rum

Searching next to a clogged basin, Harold finds a number of items.

Harold's Discoveries

2 Silver Pieces
2x Pounds of Soap
Bottle of Chelish Brandy (Devil's Cut Fine Brandy)

Stretching after cleaning, Ezekial looks at the goods he found and scratches his head. "Not bad for our first night on the job," Ezekial says, still feeling the rum from earlier still coursing through his veins. "And looks like we can arm ourselves as well, in case any one tries anything. What do you think, Harry?"


When you hold your mug to Grok for the rum, the half-orc laughs. "You have lots of guts, young swab," the hal-orc says as she turns to go. "You just take it from the pail."

Doing as she says, you notice that not everyone drinks the rum. Your time in Port Peril reinforces what alot of people know; rum is used to sedate and calm a crew, particularly ones that can be mutinous. It also causes damage to the body, though it does cause people to get more loose. Considering what is going on, it has it's drawbacks and benefits.

(OOC: Going to need to know what you do with your rum ration as well as your action for tonight.)


From Earlier
"If someone seeks you," Shivikah says as she continues working, "then luck must be on their side to find you here. Otherwise, as long as you keep your head down, you should have little to fear, Arty."

As the last bit of rum hits you blood, you feel loosen and start to dance, letting the noise of the ship, the sounds of the breeze, and the variety of voices to speak into you. When 'Lucky' Cas starts spinning a tale of the see, you use it's story to further augment your own dancing.

(OOC: With your roll of 14, +2 from the Rum, and assistance from 'Lucky' Cas, you managed to get the attention of several of the male sailors on Wormwood. Unfortunately, a practiced eye at these situations mean that several of the female crew are a bit put off by the attention you are getting. While there is no shift tonight, you gain a +2 to influence checks with male sailors and -2 to influence checks to female sailors for the next 24 hours.)

Morbis Meh

(OOC: I need to know what you are doing with your rum (spill it or drink).)

After dinner, 'Lucky' Cas starts speaking, spinning a tale of the sea. Unfortunately, few sailors pay attention to it, though it does help with Artazostra's performance, providing a rythm and words to her hypnotic dancing. Though she might notice the scowls from the various female sailors, the female human called Aretta, her arms crossed over her chest, is staring with seething anger at the Qadiran while the two male sailors, one human and another half-orc, stare wistfully at and the way she moves. Another female human, sitting across from the group, eyes Qadiran with a mixture of anger and fear as well, her hand on a dagger that she is sharpening on whet stone.

Sanguine Penguin

(OOC: A xylophone is a percussion instrument wooden bars that are struck by mallets. Each bar corresponds to a different note. The one you have has about nine bars on it.)

As you state you desire for games of chance, a quick scan reveals a few sailors arm wresting on top of a barrel with caltrops on top of it, another group lobbing what looks like bar down the deck, and a few trying to out drink each other. Very few seem to be looking for more mundane games of chance.

2013-01-05, 12:01 AM
Varya sighs disappointedly at the boorish pirate games. This crew didn't seem terribly fun overall. Looking about, she finds the half-orc, Grok. Varya smiles and introduces herself, "name's Varya. As quartermaster, you must have a deck of cards, right?"

Alright, gambling doesn't look fun to Varya - so let's use this new found charisma to persuade.

Diplomancy: [roll0] - about time I get a decent roll

2013-01-05, 03:15 AM
"Drinking got me into this mess, don't see a reason to repeat old mistakes." He sets the mug aside, not really caring what happens to it now. "So, what exactly made the captain so desperate for crew he'd resort to press-ganging?"

2013-01-05, 11:36 AM
Sanguine Penguin and Rhyvurg (though every one except HuskyBoi and Sarone sees this)

When Varya asks Grok about a deck of cards, the half-orc gives a toothy smile. "Actually, I do have one that I normally keep around," Grok says, opening up a pouch and pulling out a worn deck, "though I believe we should just play with out money. Very few people like to play if they wind up being a sore loser."

As she moves to an unoccupied barrel with two boxes nearby, Grok starts shuffling the cards. "While I do like the armwrestling and Hog Lob, and heave is nice when I'm in a drinking mood, cards is a good way to blow off steam as well."

Before she takes her seat, Gareth walks up to her, setting the mug on the rail. When he states his question, Grok's face turns a dark gray and her eyes flare as a snarl forms on her face. Grabbing the mug, she then splashes it in his face. "Rigger, I suggest you be mindful of who you ask questions about and to whom you expect an answer. I am not some lowly swab that must bend over backwards for you." Shoving the mug into Gareth's chest, she pushes him back a step. "Now, go get another rum ration. The crime for being caught dumping or selling it is six lashes. Do you want to end up liek your dwarf friend?"

Sitting down, Grok sets the deck on the top of the barrel and looks at Varya. "Deck check."

2013-01-05, 11:30 PM
The magus fails to suppress a smirk as the half-orc rebukes her fellow rigger. She was right to chat with Grok - seems more like her sort than the bulk of the crew. Varya checks the deck as she says, "a friendly game with no money is fine by me. Go ahead and deal..."

Assuming a few rounds of cards, then to bed.


King Tius
2013-01-07, 10:09 AM
Binderal pockets the items found in his bunk but keeps the vial out. He examines it thoroughly, opening the vial to sniff it and even takes a small taste if his nose doesn't alert him to it being poisonous. Though he is by no means an expert alchemist, some of his magical schooling involved the identification of magical potions.

Spellcraft: [roll0] or Craft(Alchemy): [roll1]

When the rum rations come round, he drinks his willingly, wanting to fit in as best as possible.

Rum Rolls

Fortitude: [roll2]
Con Dam: [roll3]
Fatigue: [roll4]
Cha bonus: [roll5]

He approaches the older Half-Elf woman on board, bowing his head slightly in greeting and speaking in Elven.


"How refreshing to find another of the Forlorn on board. How is it you came to serve on a vessel such as this? Were you....gently encouraged as I was? These humans are always in such a hurry...so pushy. If they'd only asked, I would have gladly joined their crew."

Diplomacy: [roll6] + Cha bonus from Rum

Morbis Meh
2013-01-07, 10:19 AM
Lucky never liked rum, it smelled foul and made those who drank it smell even more so. Since she was tiny and not overly noticed despite her story telling (which put a downer on her day) she walked outside alone and did her best to dump the foul brew.

stealth roll [roll0]
Also Sarone... could you not use that yellow for dialogue I can't read it and it really hurts the eyes to look at it

Wow Cas can't even roll above a freaking 5... looks like someone is getting beat up tonight

2013-01-07, 10:25 AM
Ooh, hard luck dumping the rum MorbisMeh. With the yellow text, just highlight it all, so it's blue background and white text. Much easier to read.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-07, 10:38 AM
Ooh, hard luck dumping the rum MorbisMeh. With the yellow text, just highlight it all, so it's blue background and white text. Much easier to read.

This is OoC speech lol No harm done but next time put it in there good sir! As for the luck well my last character was cursed it is just transfering over.. I do highlight the text to read it but the yellow hurting the eyes will not change...

2013-01-08, 02:19 AM
Morbis Meh

Though it was a pain in the rear, 'Lucky' Cas managed to get away long enough to spill the rum overboard when Conchobar steps in, adding his own tale to the entertainment. Afterwards, you help Artazostra down the stairs to the crew deck and help her setup her hammock.


The rum pail was almost empty when Gareth gets to it. Even though he was certain he was being observed, no one stopped or complained when he spills it over the edge. Turning, Gareth heads down to the Crew deck to get his hammock set up.

King Tius

The half-elven woman looks at you, scowls, then turns away, walking towards another group of sailors. Deciding to leave, Binderal heads down to the crew deck and set up his hammock for the night.

Before Binderal exits the deck, he notices Master Scourge talking with the woman from earlier, along with a half orc, an overweight human male, another human female, a large Rahadoumi male, and male dwarf with an oversized nose.

As the various recruits set up their hammocks for sleep, Ezekial and Harold come in with a few waterskins filled with water. Setting up his hammock as close to every one as possible, Ezekial goes to Varya first and hands her a waterskin and a dagger. "Never know when you might need a weapon," Ezekial says with a smile and a nod, before turning to Gareth. "Noticed you didn't have a water container. Better take this with you."

Turning, Ezekial then hands a dagger off to Artazostra. "Qadiran, here's a dagger. You never know when you might need one."

With that, Ezekial sets up his hammokc and goes to sleep.


Ezekial's Seasickness Roll [roll]1d20+2[roll]

The next morning, the ship's bell toll, indicating the start of a new work day. As crew start heading up, Aretta, along with a half orc, an overweight human male, another human female, a large Rahadoumi male, and male dwarf with an oversized nose, stand next to the stairs, their impressions unpleasent.

As 'Lucky' Cas moves to go up the stairs, Aretta stands in front of her and pushes her back. "Going somewhere, fishbait,", Aretta says, placing her hands on her hips. The other woman and the half-orc smiles at her comment, while the overwight man steps forward.

"In a hurry, mates," the man said, grinning as he starts cracking his knockles.


You have taken 8 hours of rest. Each character that drank the rum last night heals 1 point of Constitution damage.

Sanguine Penguin and Archpaladin: Your characters now have a dagger (for a medium person). Add it to your gear list.

2013-01-08, 03:26 AM
Gareth steps in front of the group. "I don't know what your beef is, friend, but we don't want a problem with you. And you really do not want a problem with us. Or more specifically, me. So whatever you're after here, go look for it somewhere else. Or I'll make that fat f**k's day and feed you all to him."

2013-01-08, 09:01 AM
Not 100% confident, but just confident enough, Harry steps up to stand next to Gareth. He keeps one hand in his pocket, carefully sliding his brass knuckles on. Best be prepared, aye?

Morbis Meh
2013-01-08, 09:07 AM
Cas looks at the woman a mix of pity and annoyance line her face "Of course I am, I am going to work which is exactly what you should be doing! As for this big man who always seems to have very poor tact.... I think he may have tourettes! I know you and I got off on the wrong foot but I do believe you and I could become very good friends!"

Diplomacy... or else she will be busting out da magicks [roll0]

2013-01-08, 10:38 AM
Varya takes the dagger and waterskin with a smile. "Thank you friend, I feel much better armed. I owe you one." She slides the dagger into her boot.


Varya awakens hungover and pissed off. Her training alone finds her thumbing through her spell book before the bell tolls. Varya ignores the mob's presence as she walks to the stairs announcing angrily, "I'm hungover and pissed off. Unless you want to find out exactly what happens to a handful of curs who get in my way when I'm hungover and pissed off, I suggest you play good little sailors and get out of my way."

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]
Strength: [roll2]

She will also attempt to casually shove her way through (not sure if it's CMD or strength, but it's the same either way).

King Tius
2013-01-08, 02:37 PM
Binderal follows the group of other new recruits up the stairs, hoping to make some conversation since things didn't go so well with the half-elf woman last night. Just as he is gathering his thoughts to break the ice, the ruffians blocking their passage shatter his ideas. He laces his fingers and pushes his palms outwards, cracking his knuckles and waggling his fingers to limber them up. He sidles his way through the gang to be towards the front of the group (in between us and the ruffians) so he can cast a spell if things get nasty.

Readied Action: cast Color Spray on them, avoiding any allies if possible, should punches start getting thrown.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-08, 05:35 PM
The Qadiran wakes up, somewhat groggy from the rum, and staggers up to the deck in time to hear Gareth make his blustering speech.

"EY! I'm not THAT chubby!" she drawls at him, clearly not quite awake yet.

2013-01-09, 12:03 AM
Ezekial's Rolls

Sense Motive Roll [roll0]

Hearing Gareth's speech and 'Lucky' Cas's pleas, the various crew members snickered and laughed. Luckily, none of the opposing crew saw Harold pull out and put on the brass knuckles.

"My, you certainly have spunk, gladiator," Aretta says, her hand resting on a dagger in her belt. "Unfortunately for you, this is a ship, not a parlor house."

"As for feeding my friends to me," the overwieght sailor says, mimicing Aretta's movements, "you must have taken a few blows to the head. I'm no cannibal. Though I'd gladly use your as bait for the sharks."

When Varya and Artazostra stepped forward and started to push their way, Aretta takes a step back, only for Fipps to stop Artazostra. "I don't think so, Princess," Fipps say, holding her in place. "We're here to ensure you understand your proper place..."

"And you should check yours, my good man," Ezekial says, taking a step forward as well, right hand looped around the sheath of the dagger in his belt. "While you were busy posturing us, we postured ourselves."

A quick glance around indicates it's true; with Varya and Artazostra up front between fat man and Aretta, Gareth, Rugnar, and Harold to their starboard, and Binderal, Ezekial, and 'Lucky' Cas slightly behind the group, recognition hits the various pirates as they realized that if a fight broke out, they would lose, especially with Binderal having a clear shot at Aretta, the dwarf, half-orc, and the Rahadoumi, with the fat man and the wild eyed woman being cut off and seperated.

"I strongly suggest you let us pass," Ezekial says, adjusting the healer's kit, "though I believe my skills are good enough to stop you from dying."

With a scowl forming, the fat man utters a curse and spits off to the side. "Fine, you win with your 'tactics', and thinking, and numbers," the fat man says. "But watch yourselves, ye hear me. 'Accidents' have been known to happen."

Nodding at the others, the recruits make it up, Rugnar holding the rear and looking back every now and then as the make their way up to the main deck.


Breakfast for the second day consists of ship's biscuit, handed out by a thin, young human female who doesn't speak. It takes a few minutes before Master Scourge shows up, a scowl on his face when he sees the recruits and a quick glance at the 'welcoming party' brings a curse to his lips.


"Good to see you all are here," Mr. Plugg says as he looks down from the bridge, eyeing the Gareth and Varya, "and not wasting time below decks. You might have met some of the crew earlier, but introductions can be made at a later date."

Taking a step back and gripping the 'cat' in his hands, Mr. Plugg takes a deep breath. "Mr. Shortstone, you and the gladiator have upper rigging work. 'Ratline' and 'Narwhal', you two teach the scholar how to do the Mainsail. Maheem, you're on Rope work. Barefoot and Slippery Sly, you two are on line work."

Nodding at the riggers as they leave, Mr. Plugg look in the direction of Harold and Ezekial. "Assistant cooks, here on the double."
Upper Rigging Work: Climb 50 feet up (requires climb checks) and either a Profession (Sailor) or a Dexterity Check.

Mainsail Duties: Raising and lowering the mainsail, requires either a Profession (Sailor) or a Strength Check and a Constitution Check to Avoid Fatigue


As you head to the rigging to start working, Conchobar looks at you. "Too bad your lady friend couldn't make it," Conchobar says as he starts going up the rigging. "Would be nice to chat with her."


Seeing that this was going to be a new job, Varya heads over, seeing the dwarf from earlier starting to work as well as a long armed gnome, slightly dishevel with two fingers missing on her left hand and a finger on her right. Both look at Varya when she approaches, with the dwarf spitting off to the side.


When Master Scourge calls the swabs to him, the scowl on his face is barely restrained. "Good, you all made it today," Master Scourge says, eyeing the each swab, leering at Binderal, 'Lucky' Cas, Rugnar, and Artazostra, "we might make good pirates out of each of you, eventually."

Putting his hands behind him, Master Scourge baarks his orders. "Aretta, you and the 'Qadiran' have the Bilges. Make sure they work. Jack and Fipps, you two and 'Lucky' are on ratcatcher detail. I want those vermin found. 'Cog' and Rosie, you two are swabbing the decks. I want to eat off them by dinner. 'Badger' and Tibbs, you two and 'Earboy' are on Hauling Rope and Knot Work. Tilly and Shivikah, you two and 'Scratchpost are on Repair Work.

Taking a deep breath, Master Scourge nods at the swabs. "Now get to work."

Man the Bilges: Vile and Sweaty work, it requires a Strength and Constitution Checks.

Rat Catcher: Ships like Wormwood have vermin everywhere and require daily hunts. Make either a Survival Check, a Stealth check, or a Dexterity Check.

Hauling Rope and Knot Work: Tying and untying the knots in the ship's ropes and moving heavy coils of rope from one part of the ship to another. Requires either a Profession (Sailor) or a Strength Check and a Constitution check for Fatigue.

Repairs: Repairs to the sails and ropes. Need either a Profession (Sailor) or a Dexterity Check.


As Artazostra makes her way below decks with Aretta, she makes it known what she wants. "To be clear, 'Qadiran'," she says as she opens the hatch to the bilges, "do not talk to me. You and your friends are trouble and don't deserve to be on here."

When Artazostra climbs down into the bilges, she notices plenty of boxes in the bilges, as well as the bilge pump and six sets of manacles bolted to the bulkheads.


About half way through the day, Artazostra and Aretta sense movement from above. Looking up, both ladies see two hairy spiders start coming down, with Aretta screaming at the top of her lungs and backing away from it.

(OOC: The bilge spiders, though large and hairy, aren't very tough and brave. An attack, successful or not, will scare it away. All I need is two attack rolls and damage rolls for each.)

OOC: Can I get a perception check for Artazostra?

King Tius

When Binderal makes his way over to the two sailors he would be working with, he notice that the half-elf he tried to talk to last night was there, as well as a bedraggled gnome with one eye named Tibbs. Quickly and with little words, the two ladies show Binderal what needs to be done, then move on to their own work.

Morbis Meh

Heading out with the fat man named Fipps and the young lad named Jack, 'Lucky' Cas gets a rundown by Jack on what needs to be done. Before heading out, Fipps looks at 'Lucky'. "DOn't know about you, Sharkbait, but you and your friends don't belong here. I don't care what happens, but don't speak with me. Pass it along with your friends."


A female Mwangi named Shivikah and a tough looking female named Tilly shwos you what needs to be done with the repairs.

Cook Assistants

"Assistant cooks, here on the double."

Catching Harold and Ezekial off guards, they run towards the bridge. Once there, both men stand beofre Mr. Plugg as he walks down from the bridge. "About time you two showed up," Mr. Plugg says as he directs both men to follow him, making his way towards the the bow of the ship. "'Fishguts' drank himself insensibly last night and didn't wake up, not that it would do much good," he says as he goes down the stairs, pass the shackled man, through the main hold and towards the galley.

"Any one else would be flogged and put in the sweat box, but Captain Harrigan likes his cooking." Stepping through the door, Mr. Plugg stops when he enters, gazing at the various spots cleaned, before turning to the two cooks. "I heard right, you two did clean this place up. Very well, then, let's see how you two do without 'Fishguts' today."

Turning, Mr. Plugg hoists himself on one of the tables, taking a seat. "Since you two demonstarted some competence yesterday, you two can decide how to deal with today." Mr. Plugg grabs an apple from a bushel nearby and takes a bite of it. "One of you can cook, while the other catch fish. I suggest you do well, because it'll be the bilges if you fail."


Cooking: Need a Profession (Cook) or an Intelligence Check. Don't forget the +2 for the galley.

Fishing: Need a Profession (Fisherman) or Survival check to catch enough fish.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-09, 12:52 AM
The Qadiran sighs as she's paired with Aretta, but doesn't complain as they venture into the bilges.

"Deserving's got nothing to do with it, Aretta. I'm not here by choice, and I doubt you are either. We're all on this crew whether we like it or not, so the least we can do is get to the point where we're not itching to knife each other after dark! Besides, my "friends" are only friends by virtue of arriving at the same time. I don't know them and they don't know me. Nor for that matter, do you."

When the spiders emerge, she whips out the dagger and attempts to skewer one of them.

"Sh*t!" she curses as she misses and the dagger sticks in the ship's wood.

Strength: [roll0]
Constitution: [roll1]
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage (if it hits): [roll3]
Perception: [roll4]

2013-01-09, 03:54 AM
"Do tell. We were accosted belowdecks this morning, any idea why?"

[roll0] Climb
[roll1] Climb
[roll2] Climb
[roll3] Climb
[roll4] Climb
[roll5] Dex

Morbis Meh
2013-01-09, 09:09 AM
Lucky winks at the young man "In truth no one belongs anywhere, a person has to carve out their own niche in life and do best with what they're given. I am used to working as a sailor and I think if we work together we can definitely take out a few rats, what do you say?"

Actions work dilegently for now muahahaha stealth roll [roll0] please be better than a 4 Cas has been taking a beating as of late...

2013-01-09, 04:32 PM

Rugnar is going to drink until he can't. He'll arm wrestle anyone for their share.

[roll0] fort check
[roll1] con damage
[roll2] fatigued
[roll3] CHA

[roll4] fort check
[roll5] con damage
[roll6] fatigued
[roll7] CHA

[roll8] fort check
[roll9] con damage
[roll10] fatigued
[roll11] CHA

The Dwarf didn't stir when the others woke. He lay there still for a bit more. Work make him hate, drink made him forget. He liked forgetting. Others dragged him up to the deck for his work shift.

Looking at the sewing that needed to be done, he got to work. He took his time. The work wasn't going anywhere and neither was he.

He'll take 20 for sailor check with a 26

2013-01-09, 04:50 PM
Varya smiles unabashedly - the dwarf wasn't one of the leaders, so maybe a bit of congeniality will do wonders. "'Ratline' is it?" she guesses pointing to the gnome, "and 'Narwhal'... did some one aboard find your horn a bit much?" she jests playfully before continuing more seriously, "I don't know what your beef is with me and, frankly, I don't care. We're both riggers and we'll work together at least today," she pulls a draught from her newly acquired waterskin, "I'm willing to forget. Alright, I'm a quick study, so show me how it's done." Varya sets into the raising the sail.

Work diligently:

Sailor: [roll0]+4=24
Constitution: [roll1] (not sure if this is needed with a sailor check)

2013-01-09, 10:57 PM
"I'll get to the fishing" Harry says, heading up on deck. "Let's see what we can get!"

Survival Check for fishing. Daytime action is work diligently, and the bonus from that is included here.

King Tius
2013-01-10, 10:05 AM
Binderal smiles pleasantly at the two woman who show him how to tie the knots. He tries to make small talk but quickly realizes that everyone on this boat seems have woken up on the wrong side of the hammock so he quiets down and gets to work. Standing on the deck and enjoying the breeze, he lets Thimble get some fresh air sitting on top of his head or flying alongside the ship.


Profession (sailor): [roll0]
Constitution check: [roll1] Con damage from Rum included

2013-01-11, 12:53 AM

Though Artazostra fail to hit either spider, she did managed to scare them off. Unfortunately, Arettta is a bit more ashen and scared and makes her way up deck for a few minutes to cool and breathe some fresh air.

While there weren't more attacks, Artazostra did find a pouch in the water. Picking it up and carefully opening it, she see seven godl pieces inside, and sets it aside, out of Aretta's sight when the former whore came back down. Though her mood and attitude are still hostile, she doesn't give as much lip as before, leaving Artazostra with her thoughts.


As the two of you work on the rigging, Conchobar takes a look back down before leaning close. "Seems a bit of a rivalry going on," he says, before looking around again. "You didn't hear it from me, but I saw Master Scourge speak with Fipps and Aretta. Seems he is a bit afraid you and your 'friends' might make a play for his position. Doesn't much like competition."

Getting back to work, Conchobar whistles out a small melody as he finishes for the rest of the day. Working as hard, Gareth finishes the rest of day thinking about what is going on.

Morbis Meh

Shruggging, Jack does his best to help you out, though with your smaller stature and natural ability, 'Lucky' manages to get more rodents and vermin than either Fipps or Jack, much to the former's anger.

Though it takes time, RUgnar manages to do a better job than the others from yesterday.

Though the work went better than expected, Varya's muscles ache from the massives amounts of tugging, pulling, and lifting you had to do. 'Ratline' was more willing to shows her what needed to be done, though only because Varya was stronger than the gnome. With the gnomes help and taking breaks in between, you managed to keep up with Narwhal and exceed him, to the rough dwarf's demeaner.

Though you expect he wasn't a ringleader, he is nonetheless one who can make life 'interesting'. Fortunately, he isn't as hardbitten and could be persuaded, though it would take an exceptional talker to do so.

King Tius

The work was long and hard, and something Binderal wasn't accostumed to after being away, it took everything the Elf had to avoid being a burden. Fortunately, the two females took it stride, especially when Tibbs asks you to 'enhance' her water.

A quick glance to make sure Master Scourge wasn't watching, Binderal changes the taste of the water in the waterskin that both Tibbs and Badger had, making the water sweeter and fruity tasting. With discrete castings through out the day, Badger and Tibbs chip in to help you out a bit more, in order to keep Master Scourge off your back.

Husky Boi and Sarone

With Harold quickly volunteering to catch fish, Ezekial went about setting up for the supper, using what was left of the turtles from the night before to help make the meal. Meanwhile, Mr. Plugg continued to observe the cook, maintaining his silence and trying not to sleep.

With the rods and nets, Harold quickly brought in plenty of fish, mostly ones closer to the surface than anything. Once he caught enough, Harold starts bringing them down, cleaning and preparing the fish for dinner.

Shortly before dinner, a young female human walks in to get the meals for the captain and the officers. Wide eyed at seeing the food being prepped and the smells coming from it, she smiles at both Harold and Ezekial, giving a wink to the former as the young lady moves back up to the captain's quarters.


As dusk settles on the second day, Mr. Plugg stands on the bridge before the assembled crew. "I must say," the young first mate says, his hands up at chest level, holding on to the sides of the overcoat. "You all have done decent. No one was shirking their duties, and we are making good time. Seems the new recruits are turning out better than expected."

Giving a self satisfying grin to Gareth and Varya, Mr. Plugg walks off to the portside, heading down the stairs to the Captain's Quarters.

Once again, supper is served, with fish and turtle meat in a light broth, with ship's biscuit added as well and a pail of rum for washing it down.

Knowing what happened to him last night, Ezekial quickly finished his meal starts bring the pots and dishes down stairs, conveniently forgetting to get his own rum ration. As before, Ezekial sets about cleaning the galley, seeking to find more worthwhile items.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-11, 11:31 AM
Knowing that she hit a sore spot with Fipps, Cas sits next to him during dinner "Sorry about today, I wasn't trying to show you up, please as a token of my forgiveness have my run. I know it's a precious resource on this ship but I would prefer to have a good relationship with my fellow crewmates."

Diplomacy and I may be able to get rid of that vile drink in one fell swoop! Though juding from the rolls probably not lol [roll0]

2013-01-11, 11:40 AM

After finishing his day of work he eat and then stands in line for the rum.

Can someone please try and talk Rugnar out of the rum.

2013-01-11, 12:45 PM
"That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We've been here two days. And we're hardly friends, we were just all enslaved at the same time." Gareth gives serious thought to just jumping overboard the next time the ship is in port.

King Tius
2013-01-11, 04:39 PM
Binderal tries to find a seat near Badger or Tibbs to try and make small talk now that they are "off the clock." He happily (but perhaps a bit too loudly) offers to spice up anyone's meal with a shot of Prestidigitation, doing so himself before diving in. He has no objection to the rum ration, finding its warming and dulling abilities rather pleasant.

2013-01-11, 06:49 PM
Harold delivers the food up onto deck, and once again heartily takes his rum ration.

Anything to help make life here a bit more fun!

Fort save: [roll0]
Con [roll1]
Fatigue [roll2]

2013-01-13, 11:38 AM
Tired from a day of work while hung over, Varya checks out early - passing out in her hammock for the night. Chugging from her waterskin, she hopes to feel refreshed in the morning.

2013-01-13, 01:01 PM
Morbis Meh

Though 'Lucky' Cas tries to be friendly when she sit next him, Fipps throws a scowl in her direction and moves off to where Aretta and Master Scourge are. As he does so, you pick up the whispered words, "blasted sharkbait gnome. Needs to watch herself or she'll become her nickname.

Partly stunned, 'Lucky' Cas turns to see Jack standing off behind her, eating an apple. "Ole Fipps doesn't like, 'Lucky," the young man says, before slowly reaching into his pocket and drawing out an apple. "Neither does Aretta. They both feel you are after a Master Scourge's job, who also doesn't like you.

Witha flip of a wrist, Jack sends the apple to 'Lucky' Cas, who catches it easily. "Name's Jack, Jack Scrimshaw. Sorry 'bout the silent treatment earlier, but it seemed like we needed to get the job done fast 'n well, less Fipps rats us out."


As Rugnar stands in line, you notice that there are quite a few games around that involve strength and skill. One such group are arm wrestling, though with the drunken nature of the crew, it seems like it would be entertaining.


As Gareth makes the comment, a red-headed female with a tricone hat walks by, but looks back when the gladiator mentions the friends. Turning, she has a smile on her face as she leans against a rail and looks at Gareth.

"Seems you're of the oppinion that everyone should leave you alone, gladiator. As she speaks, she leans forward and puts her hand out in handshake. "Me name is Sandara Quinn, preistess of the Pirate Queen. Like you, I was taken against my will, mostly because Master Scourge took a fancy for me. He didn't take it well to being told where to go."

Sighing she looks around, then back at Gareth. "Regardless of what you think, you are viewed as a threat by Master Scourge and the others. Master Scourge also has the ear of out First Mate. If both feel you are after their position, true or not, then they will view you as a threat. Those who wish to curry their favor, like Fipps and Arretta, will make it dangerous."

Giving Gareth time to process, Sandara gets up. "Just remember this, gladiator; it's not what you know that will help you survive, but who you know that will help you survive."

King Tius

When Binderal starts being too loud about his abilities, Tibbs elbows him in the side. "Watch it, you fool," Tibbs say as she looks around cautiously. "Only reason I helped you out was because you can change the taste of things. Master Scourge and the others do not like it that a mage is here. Bad tendency to cause problems."

Glancing at 'Badger', Binderal notices the half-elf shaking her head at the Mage's actions.


As you go by the shackled man, looking a tarred and feathered, you notice he is staring. While he seems to be dangeous, you get the feeling he isn't there for being dangerous to the crew as it is to being very simple and strong.

Husky Boi and Sarone

The second night in the galley didn't go as smoothe, with several place being an even bigger problem; certain areas looked to have not been clean in months, while in others the cabinets and counters were so full of dirty dishes it took longer to clean than necessary. Looking at the grime encrusted dishes in one cabinet, Harold looks over at Ezekial when the doctor walks over. "Whoa, I don't think that was looked at since the ship was built."

Ultimately, though, the cleaning turns fruitful for both men. Once behind the pots and pans and other dishes and utensils, Harold discovers a small armory, finding a shortsword, two daggers and two hand axes, while a glance found another bottle of Devil's Cut Fine Brandy, possible from the same shipment as the others. This time, a small letter was with it, indicating it was a manifest for the entire shipment. A quick glance indicates that each bottles is worth about 20 gold pieces on the market.

As for Ezekial, cleaning the cupboards, he finds three more daggers and an unsed lock with a key still in it, sitting inside and covered with dust. Cleaning another one, the Alchemist finds another bottle of Devil's Cut Fine Brandy and a waterskin. Moving to a barrel, Ezekial dusts it off and laughs, seeing a branded label from Galt. Looking over at Harold, Ezekial draws the rangers attention. "Don't know about you Harry, but you think we could get this stuff to the Quartermaster tomorrow? Don't like the idea of all this alcohol being unsecured. Maybe even get our gear back."


Morbis Meh
2013-01-13, 03:08 PM
Cas offers a genuine grin as she deftly catches the apple "Well I certainly did more 'ratting out' than old grumpy Flips over there and as for their concern for me taking Master Scourge's position. Well that is nothing short of paranoia and folly, I have been on this ship for two days why on earth would I want to shake the well established pecking order? That just seems like a good way to get killed if you ask me." She takes a bite out of the apple and proceeds to speak with a mouthful of apple "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Jack, I am Cas, though you already know that and by your surname I suspect that you are adept at carving? "

2013-01-13, 05:36 PM

As Gareth makes the comment, a red-headed female with a tricone hat walks by, but looks back when the gladiator mentions the friends. Turning, she has a smile on her face as she leans against a rail and looks at Gareth.

"Seems you're of the oppinion that everyone should leave you alone, gladiator. As she speaks, she leans forward and puts her hand out in handshake. "Me name is Sandara Quinn, preistess of the Pirate Queen. Like you, I was taken against my will, mostly because Master Scourge took a fancy for me. He didn't take it well to being told where to go."

Sighing she looks around, then back at Gareth. "Regardless of what you think, you are viewed as a threat by Master Scourge and the others. Master Scourge also has the ear of out First Mate. If both feel you are after their position, true or not, then they will view you as a threat. Those who wish to curry their favor, like Fipps and Arretta, will make it dangerous."

Giving Gareth time to process, Sandara gets up. "Just remember this, gladiator; it's not what you know that will help you survive, but who you know that will help you survive."

"Why does everyone keep calling me that..."

King Tius
2013-01-13, 09:42 PM
Binderal frowns before continuing in a more hushed tone. "But there's so much good magic can do on a ship like this! Control the winds, repair the hull, repel attackers, you name it! Just you watch, a day will come where my magic saves our butts and you'll be glad I'm around. I'm more than just a water cleaner."

2013-01-13, 10:38 PM
Minor Role Play Update

Morbis Meh

Smiling at 'Lucky' Cas, Jack shrugs. "Still do it from time to time. Was told I had a talent for it. At least, that's what Mum said before I signed on." Looking over at Fipps and the others, Jack shrugs once more.

"What you call paranoia and folly, they see as a threat. About the only thing keeping everyone in line is a keelhaul." Jack shudder at the memory of the execution the night before, then looks at 'Lucky' Cas. "All it takes is a lucky raid for you all to prove yourselves and then Master Scourge would get nervous."


Hearing Gareths question, Sandara smiles. "Unless you want to tell me your name, it's Gladiator," Sandara says, before looking around. "We all have nicknames, just you and your friends have theirs being used more often. As for you, I remembered that you were a pitfighter and brawler during my short stay at Port Peril. You fight for riches, fame, maybe even power and glory. That's why you are called as such. Besides, some one who invests in armor and weapons like you means you don't have much to fight for."

King Tius

Hearing the mage's words about the benefits, Tibbs laughs. "Oh, don't get me wrong, Bindy," Tibbs says, before looking around again. "Truth be known, the Captain does have a sorceress on board, an old friend of his. She is the sailing master."

Leaning back, Tibbs takes a drink of rum. "But for now, learn what it takes to be a sailor first. Time may come for you to prove yourself. When it does, several people will be watching."

(OOC: It seems you are trying to Influence Tibbs. Is that the right impression?)

King Tius
2013-01-13, 11:02 PM

Yes, trying to influence Tibbs:

Diplomacy: [roll0] (Rum bonus not included because I'm not sure if it applies yet.

Binderal smiles and looks about. "The Sailing Master? Do me a favor and point her out for me tomorrow, would you? I really do appreciate the help out there. If there's every anything I can do for you, I definitely owe you both."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-14, 12:55 AM
The Qadiran doesn't dance tonight after downing her rum and meal. The events of the day have more annoyed her than anything else. While she didn't mind working hard to stay alive, listening to that belligerent Aretta and that brute Scourge was grating on her.

She looks for Shivikah and strikes up a conversation with her.

"What IS it with some of this crew?! We've all got our part to play in keeping this ship sailing and yet we're all at each other's throats mouthing off 'bout who belongs and who doesn't!"

2013-01-14, 07:25 AM
Gareth approaches the female from last night. "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

[roll0] Better be higher than 1 this time...

Morbis Meh
2013-01-14, 09:28 AM
Cas lets out an exasperated sigh "See this is why you don't press gang people, haven't they ever heard of standard recruitment? Offering incentives and benefits like healthcare so people would sign on normally. You think that if I was competent in a raid they would be overjoyed that they had me at their back but no! People these days, oh well at least I have met a few friendly faces... not to mention a cute swab." She offers Jack a wink.

2013-01-14, 11:44 AM

Once he has his rum ration he strolls over to where he sees others in contests of strength. He simply asks, "What's the game and what's the stakes?"

2013-01-14, 09:33 PM
Hearing Gareths question, Sandara smiles. "Unless you want to tell me your name, it's Gladiator," Sandara says, before looking around. "We all have nicknames, just you and your friends have theirs being used more often. As for you, I remembered that you were a pitfighter and brawler during my short stay at Port Peril. You fight for riches, fame, maybe even power and glory. That's why you are called as such. Besides, some one who invests in armor and weapons like you means you don't have much to fight for."

"My name is Gareth. And I have plenty to fight for. I fought for myself. Fame and notoriety meant the gangs thought I was to high profile to try and force to join. Riches meant not having to sleep in flea-infested holes. Armor means I don't have to worry as much about knives in my back. But I never invested much in weapons, I just wrapped by fist in leather and iron. Swords dull, and I've seen many 'master swordsmen' disarmed and helpless."

2013-01-15, 01:11 PM
King Tius

The gnome looks around for a second, then nods. "I'll show you her, but remember, she is a sorceress, not a mage like you."

Yawning, Tibbs then gets up and heads down the stairs to bed.


When Artazostra approaches the former slaver, Shivikah is talking with a few of the ladies. When Artazostra asks her question, Shivikah excuses herself and guides you off to the sides, crossing her arms when you start talking. "You want to know why, Arty," Shivikah says, trying to keep an even tone. "Look around you. Before you all came aboard, half the crew was pressed into serving, the other hal signing on when they had a chance. Especially to serve one of the rising Free Captains of the Shackles."

Taking a breath, Shivikah shakes her head. "Those that signed on, want to be pirates themselves, captains of their own ships. For most of us, we aren't much cut out for leading or navigating, so they view us as harmles." Looking into your eyes, Shivikah nods in the various crew members recruits who came with you.

"You ask why those feel you and your companions don't belong? It's because they view you as a threat. For you, being a woman and a half-elf is exotic to various people. It certainly didn't help you start dancing last night, catching the eye of pratically every male sailor on board. Makes certain ladies jealous, thinking you might be trying to sleep with the Captain. That can put a snag into several people's plans and such, especially Master Scourge's."

Turning to go, Shivikah looks back at Artazostra. "Arty, you're a good person, so take this advice; Master Scourge is paranoid and sadistic. If he thinks that you can be an enemy, he won't change his mind unless otherwise proven wrong, which rarely happens. He also has the ear of Mr. Plugg, who is equally sadistic and even more arrogant. They will try to turn various crew against you, like Aretta and Fipps, though both didn't like you from the start."

Morbis Meh

Smiling at the gnome's perspective, Jack shrugs and laughs. "Maybe, but be mindful; Captain Harrigan had some troubles recently. Don't know much, I was signed on about three days before Port Peril," Jack says, suddenly half paranoid and looks around. "But it seems that the Captain's luck is a bit shaky. Rumor had it that he was trying to take on more ships and thus more crew. Problem is, he si trying to shake the balance of power here and that makes people nervous."

Taking a step back, Jack shrugs. "That's why he pressganged you; no one was going to miss you, and it happens normally enough. Besides, you're either going to die at sea, be it in a raid or or from storms, or you'll survive and get mor epowerful from it."


As Rugnar approaches the guys armwrestling, he sees Fipps and a few other sailors. Asking his question, Fipps looks at him, smirking at the dwarf. "Why, if ain't ol' Scratchpost," the fat man says, a smile on his face, and rum on his breath. "The game, ye see, is call armwrestling."

Gesturing to the barrel, Fipps puts his arm on it, hand raised up. Looking at it, Rugnar notices broken glass and caltrops. "The idea is that with one hand, ye force your opponents arm down, while they be doing the same. First one to bleed or surrender loses."

Lifting his arm up, Fipps looks at a few fellow Sailors, some bleading, others with scars. Fipps and the dwarf named 'Narwhal' look to have the fewest cuts. Crossing his arms, Fipps looks at Rugnar. "However, bragging rights alone aren't enough. We play for bets. You willing to go at it?"

Arm Wrestling

Each participant makes a strength check. Winner causes the opponent to take damage from the glass and caltrops on top.


Hearing Gareth's view, Sandara smiles. "A good philosophy, one that would work well when you are on land. Here in the sea, though, be mindful of what you do. You create enemies, like with the Quartermaster." Looking in the directio of her gaze, Gareth sees Grok milling about. I saw last night what you did. Don't intimidate her, because she is more than willing to take you down a peg and have Stitchman work on you."

As Gareth walks to Grok, Sandara follows. "What he means to say that he apologizes, Grok," Sandara says after hearing Gareth's words. "Especially after I told him the Pirate Queen frowns upon those who seek to coerce those who can smite them like a bug. He fears the wrath of the Pirate Queen and wishes to make amends."

Hearing this, Grok frowns for a second, then puts her hand out in handshake. "Very well, if the preistess of the Pirate Queen says so, then I say so as well," Grok says. "And I understand as well, being dragged on on to a ship with out a word to you. Be thankful you are friends with the sword lady and the cooks, otherwise I wouldn't speak with you.

(OOC: If it isn't too much, when you post your characters response, please put in an information exchange, please.)

2013-01-15, 01:37 PM

"Scratchpost eh... funny... my mother used to beat me harder... and that hurt... yesterday was what I call a wake up nudge."

Sitting down the dwarf looks at the others and says "Looks simple enough." With an arm on the table he accepts the challenge by placing two gold coins in front of him.

[roll0] strength check

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-15, 04:59 PM
*sigh* "I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation. I'm no good person, Shiv. If I were I'd have stayed in Qadira and done my grandfather's bidding or become a Sarenite. I didn't just leave to find my father. I wanted to explore. I wanted to gamble and curse. I wanted to stuff myself with pork and guzzle alcohol till I passed out. I wanted to enjoy the company of any man or woman that took my fancy. I wanted to enjoy everything that my grandfather said was sinful and wicked, because it all sounded like so much fun. And I thought the Shackles would be the place to have that life, even if I couldn't find my father. But the way you describe it makes it sound like being in a crew like this poisons your soul. That you either become a cruel wretch who takes his anger out on the weake or a dead wretch who was killed by someone crueller, doesn't matter if you're a captain or a crewman. If this is what serving an up-and-coming Free Captain is like, then why, by the Three Stings, does ANYONE want to sign on?"

2013-01-15, 06:03 PM

As Rugnar takes his spot, Fipps puts two coins on the barrel next to Rugnar's wager and stands up. "I'm going to make this fair," the fat man says, stretching a bit. "Let it be the battle of the dwarves. 'Narwhal', care to take the spot?

Immediately, the big nosed dwarf steps forward and takes his spot. Once seated, he puts his hand forward, grasping Rugnar's. Placing himself in the middle and holding the clenched hands, Fipps takes a look around. "Ready? BEGIN!"

Though 'narwhal' tries to bring Rugnar's hand down, the brawler quickly turns it to his advantage. With a grunt, Rugnar bring 'Narwhl's' hand up, over, and down the barrel, impaling the dwarf's forearm and hand in shards of glass.

"Bah, you said these guys were pushovers,", 'Narwhal' says, holding his bleeding arm when the carpenter steps and starts removing bits of glass and caltrops from the dwarf's arm. Sighing at the damage, 'Narwhal' looks at Rugnar. "At least we know my 'cousin' gives our people a good name in strength and such."

Looking at the defeated dwarf, Fipps sneers and cusses at him. "Bah, you probably let him when, being a dwarf and all," Fipps says, before turning to Rugnar. "Don't know if you two were scamming us or not, but I won't deal with it."

(OOC: Fipps and the others head down to the hammocks. You won the bout and gain 2 additional gold. Narwhal and the carpenter are still up for a bit longer.)

Arch Paladin

Snorting at Artazostra's story, Shivikah shrugs. "You father should have told you about the Pirates of the Shackles, Arty. Any one can make their fame and fortune, but it's what you do to get it that counts. As for crews and captains, there are better ones out there, as well as worse ones. The good ones, though, tend to get themselves turned into prey unless they especially good at defending themselves. Maybe that's what heppened to you father."

Looking over at the other ladies, Shivikah gives them a nod, then looks back at Artazostra. "As for me, I jumped ship to this one when my old captain was killed in a raid and the firstmate decided to go after more and more slaves as well as rampaging and slaughtering those who resisted. Not my fault they couldn't defend themselves, but he was giving them over to other, darker forces, those who won't just take a slave and work them for the rest of thslave's life."

Getting up, Shivikah heads out to leave. "Should get back. Anything else you want to talk about?"

(OOC: Need to know what your action for the night is, Arch. If it's influence, I need a roll (don't worry about outside modifiers, I'm tracking those)).

2013-01-16, 12:13 AM

Not quiet ready to go to bed yet he asks Narwal, "So how long you be in this rat trap?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-16, 12:35 AM
"My father was only passing through on his way to Sargava. You've given me a lot to think about, Shiv. Hope I'll see you around."

Influence Check: [roll0]

I can't wait to get Versatile performance.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-16, 09:59 AM
Cas simply giggles "Oh you silly people, don't worry Jack, just still with me and I'll keep you safe! Now I think it is time for me to get some rest, I bid you a good evening and look forward to future conversations.

Stealth check to get rid of the rum [roll0] egads, Cas has yet to roll above a 9 she really is cursed...

2013-01-17, 02:45 AM

'Narwhal' looks at Rugnar then shakes his head. "Been on Wormwood a couple months. Long enough to know I don't much care for certain crew." Once the carpenter finished bandaged 'Narwhal' up, the dwarf heads to bed.


Though Shivikah doesn't reply to Artazostra's farewell, the half-elf gets the feeling that Shivikah hasn't warmed to her, but neither has the ex-slaver gone cold.

As the crew start heading to bed, Ezekial and Harold bring the various weapons to the recruits, with Ezekial ensuring Rugnar, Binderal, 'Lucky' Cas, and Gareth get a dagger. "Never no when you might need a weapon or a sharp tool," Ezekial says with a smile. Looking to be sure he wasn't being too overheard, Ezekial leans close to each person.

"Harry and I found some goods that we could trade back to Grok for our gear. If you want to try and spring your gear tomorrow, stop by the Galley and we'll help you out." Ezekial looks up and around again, before srugging. "At least, that's the plan."


The ringing of the ship's bell signals another day on Wormwood. As before, crew start heading up to the top deck, though this time no one tries to stop the recruits, thought the looks from Aretta and Fipps indicate a loathing of the various crew.

When the various crew gets on top, a quick glance indicates that fresh droppings from seabirds and bits of various sea critters are on the decks. A glance at the poopdeck shows Captain Harrigan addressing Mr. Plugg, making motions at various parts of the deck.

As ship's biscuit is passed around, you see various crew milling about, though a glance at Aretta and Fipps chatting with Master Scourge and gesturing at various crew, such as Binderal and 'Lucky' Cas, indicate that the recruits might be the subject.

Shortly there after, the crew report to the various handlers, while Harold and Ezekial head down with to the Galley with 'Fishgut' Kroop, who looks barely able to stand and move.


As the riggers assembled before the bridge, Mr. Plugg is looking at them, as though weighing each and assigning them some random value. "Good to see you all are here and on time," Mr. Plugg sayas, eyeing Gareth and Varya, "though it seems that everyone know each other. Though honestly, I could care less."

Clearing his throat, Mr. Plugg starts assigning duties. "Barefoot, you and the scholar are on rigging repair. Maheem, line work. Mr. Shortstone, upper rigging work. 'Slippery' Sly and Gladiator, you two are on rope work. 'Ratline' and 'Narwhal', you two are on mainsail duties."

Rigging Repair: Need climb checks to get 30' up and either a Profession (Sailor) or Dexterity check for the repairs.

Rope Work: Handling of the ship's ropes, requires either a Profession (Sailor) or Dexterity check.


Starting on the rope work, Gareth notices that the wild-eyed lady stares at him from time to time, tracing the hilt of her dagger as she does so. He quickly remembers that she was doing this yesterday morning, when she was with the group that was trying to prevent you from getting to work on time.


When Varya gets to the rigging, she notices her fellow rigger for today, a female human with flowing brown hair. Barefoot flashes a smile at Varya as she make sher way up.


Gathering around the Boatswain, Master Scourge eyes Binderal, Rugnar, Artazostra, and 'Lucky' Cas before addressing the swabs. "Looks like a new day and a bad one at that. Master Scourge looks up and around before turnign back to the swabs. As you can see, we had a thrice damned flock of birds come over earlier, and they damned near sunk the ship with their breakfast and dropings. 'Badger', you and Ear-boy have the bilges today. Fipps and Sandara, ratcatching today. Tilly, Shivikah, Qadiran, and Jape, break out the holy stones and mops and buckets. Captain wants the decks done today. Tibbs, Crimson, and Scratchpost, get the rope moving and knot it. 'Lucky' Cas, Rosie, and Jack, you are runners for today. Aretta, you're on repairs."

Man the Bilges: Vile and Sweaty work, it requires a Strength and Constitution Checks.

Swab the Deck: Mopping the deck and scrubbing them with sandstone blocks called 'holystones'. Requires either a Strength Check or a Constitution Check.

Hauling Rope and Knot Work: Tying and untying the knots in the ship's ropes and moving heavy coils of rope from one part of the ship to another. Requires either a Profession (Sailor) or a Strength Check and a Constitution check for Fatigue.

Runner: Relay messages for the crew and officers on ship. Requires a Acrobatics Check and a Constitution Check.

Grabbing some of the equipment, Artazostra notices Shivikah is working with the half-orc from the day before that tried to stop you. Tilly, a tough looking female human with shoulder length black hair, starts using the holy stones to get the bird droppings off the deck.

About halfway through the shift, Captain Harrigan heads to his quarter. Master quickly directs the four of you to work on the poopdeck while the Captain is off the deck.

Morbis Meh

Working with Jack, 'Lucky' Cas starts her job, but fails to notice the halfling named Rosie until the halfling storms past her. "Blasted half-orc wench," the halfling says. "Not giving me back me fiddle. Fiddle was in my family for decades."

King Tius

Heading below decks with 'Badger', you notice that the bilges are hot and humid, but not too unomfortable. You notice a couple of boxes in the bilges with various items inside.

(OOC: Perception check, please.)


Working with Tibbs, who greets you with a smile, and the human male named Crimson, Rugnar starts work on the ropes.


"Aye, sorry 'bout yesterday, lads," 'Fishguts' says as he leads both men to the galley. "I let the rum go to me head. Though, I do have to say this is the cleanest that the galley ghas been in a long time."

Taking his spot, 'Fishguts' starts cooking when the young lady who delivered the Captain's food walks. "'Fishguts', can you get turtle and fish for today's meal. Captains wants to make sure that everything is good to go incase we need supplies."

Looking over at the girl, 'Fishguts' nods. "Ok, Caulky, I'll have the boys get on it." Turning to both guys, 'Fishguts' nods. "You two heard Caulky. Get to hunting the turtles and fishing. No need to wait any longer."

Fishing: Using nets to fish, character rolls either Profession (Fisherman) or Survival Check check to fish.

Turtle Hunting: Using harpoons, treblr hooks, and nets to get the turles, character rolls either Profession (Fisherman) or Survival Check check to fish.

2013-01-17, 06:17 AM
Gareth works diligently, but still finds time to give her a wide-eyed stare and slowly give her a slow and dramatic finger.


Morbis Meh
2013-01-17, 10:05 AM
Cas offers a sympathetic smile to the ensensed halfling "I know the feeling, they took my father's compass from me, the only thing I have left to remind me of him. If you'd like I can talk to the 'blasted half orc wench on your behalf, you never know I may have some luck with her. Are you good with the fiddle? I always felt that stories were more entertaining with a little music to accompany them."

Influence... time to show that 'Lucky' is really cursed [roll0]

acrobatics [roll1]
constitution [roll2]
alright 2 1's is beyond cursed, this forum roller just sucks... I wouldn't doubt that my average roll so fars in this game is 5

Morbis Meh
2013-01-17, 10:07 AM
Using eternal hope to reroll the first 1 for influence YAY GNOMES~!
influence [roll0] That is better but still nothing to write home about blarg!

2013-01-19, 12:20 AM
Varya sets into climbing, chatting with barefoot as she scurries up the ropes. "Hiya Barefoot! I like your hair! So what fraction of this ship would say has a serious case of the crazies?"

Diplomancy: [roll0] Edit: Alas, was a long shot...

Hurried climb
Climb: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]
Climb: [roll3]
Climb: [roll4]
Climb: [roll5]
Climb: [roll6]
Climb: [roll7]

Sailor: [roll8]

2013-01-19, 02:20 AM
Harry feels he's rather getting the hang of this!

"Yes sir, right away sir!" and he hurries up onto the deck to fish for turtles.

Action: Work diligently
Survival roll: [roll0]

King Tius
2013-01-19, 10:30 PM
Binderal smiles at his assignment, happy to be working with Badger again. Despite the grueling work of the bilges, he looks forward to the chance to get to know Badger better, seeing as they will have some privacy during their work. As before, he uses Prestidigitation to try his best to keep himself clean during the process and offers the same service to Badger.

"So Badger, how long have you served on the Wormwood? Did you come aboard voluntarily?"

Constitution: [roll1]
Perception: [roll1d20 = 9

2013-01-20, 12:45 AM

The dwarf slips the dagger in his boot before heading up stairs with everyone to begin their day of toil.

He works on the ropes as he has learned before, keeping himself quiet.

[roll0] pro sailor
[roll1] con check

2013-01-20, 03:07 PM
Varya continues the questioning, "so... who on this ship do you think is the most trouble? Where are you from, and how'd you end up here?"

Diplomancy: [roll0]
Diplomancy: [roll1]
Diplomancy: [roll2]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-20, 11:30 PM
The Qadiran assists Tilly with the holystones.

"So...what brought you to the Wormwood? Who's the half-orc working with Shiv?"

I'd like to "delay" my attempt to influence Tilly until further along in the conversation. I'm planning on using my Barroom Talespinner trait to grant a bonus to it first, but launching into a story unprovoked would look weird.

For now, here's the Qadiran's rolls for swabbing.

CON: [roll0]

Is my CON back to normal from the rum yet, since you said we weren't tracking that for last night's due to shifting the rules?

2013-01-21, 02:18 AM
Husky Boi and Sarone

After fishing and hunting for the evening meal, Ezekial strikes up a conversation with 'Fishguts' Kroop, swapping stories about meals, cooking, and the like. When Ezekial mentions the various alcohol found and the plan to trade it in, 'Fishguts' thinks about for a second before shrugging.

"Boys, I'd be honest," 'Fishguts' says, checking the various items for the evening meal, "I have not seen two more hardworking lads ina long time. Ever since I left Lobster's Armor and signed up with Capt'n Harrigan, I have been not having a good time." Pursing his lips, 'Fishguts' considers his thoughts for a second.

"Look here, if you need help, I'll talk to 'Cut Throat' about your gear, especially if your friends are having trouble as well. If you two are this helpful to me without complaining, then I figure I can help you out the same as well."

Hearing this, Ezekial throws Harold a smirk, nodding at him as the doctor finishes the fish and starts helping with the dinner. Before long, fish and turtle were ready when the young lady walks into the Galley, giving Harold a nod as she collects the evening meal. Shortly after, Ezekial and Harold help 'Fishguts' with the crew's evening meal.


Though Gareth was diligent in his work, the stares he was returning to 'Sly' just caused the woman to try and keep pace with him. More than once, Mr. Plugg looked upon the two and shook his head, while the other riggers took bets to see how long the two will keep it up. Unfortunately for the ones betting, it lasted till dinner time and neither side was flinching.

Morbis Meh

As 'Lucky' talks to Rosie, Jack chips in as well. "Actually, that is a good point," Jack says, taking a brief break from running, looking around before leaning close to the two females. "Sorry, 'Lucky', but I overhead you and your friends talking last night. The new cooks, Zeke and Harry, mentioned trying to get your gear back. Good luck with it, by the way."

Eyes wide, Rosie looks at 'Lucky' Cas. "Girl, you and your friends do that, and I'll gladly help you out." Turning, Rosie quickly goes back to work.

Unfortunately, the running was especially tiring on 'Lucky' Cas, to the point when the bell tolled for the evening meal, she could barely walk, let alone run.

(OOC: Sorry, Morbis Meh, but your character is Fatigued. However, getting your gear won't take long and doesn't count as the Evening Action, so you can still get a full rest for tomorrow.)

Sanguien Penguin

Hearing Varya's question, 'Barefoot' looks over at the scholar and laughs. "Thank you, though it's nothing special," teh lady says, doing her best with the ropes, "and as for the crazies, I'm pretty sure we all are to one extent or another."

As the two worked together, with Varya asking questions and 'Barefoot' answering, the day went by quickly.

"Who on the ship is most trouble? Just about anyone, really. You and friends, for one, though that is mostly due to the reactiosn of others. Master Scourge thinks you're after his job, but he thinks that alot of people are, or at least those who aren't toadying up to him, like Fipps and Aretta. Master Scourge also has the ear of Mr. Plugg, who views himself as the big fish when the Captain and the other officers aren't around. Trying to being friendly with them, or with him when doesn't trust you, would certainly get him on his bad side. As for the others, some don't like you because of the way you all are, and others don't care, though you seem like a decent group.

"As for me, I'm from a small village in the Sodden Lands, formerly a fisherwoman until monsters started being a problem. Matter of fact, Jack is my nephew, and we both started plying the trade in order to help our village and families when we fled the monsters there for the Shackles. We signed on to Wormwood about a month ago"

As 'Barefoot' finished, the sunsets as the bell tolls, indicating time for evening meal and entertainment.

King Tius

Hearing Binderal's questions, 'Badger' looks at the mage. "Bindy, how about you work as much as you speak? I'm not friends with you." With that, 'Badger' gets to work as she ignores the rest of Binderal's questions.

Quieted, the mage works as well, glad to hear the evening bell and that he could get out of the humid and claustrophobic bilges.


Keeping to yourself, the day goes on until the sun sets, the bell tolls, and evening meal is passed out.

Arch Paladin

Through long work, Artazostra and the rest of the group manage to get the bird droppings off the decks and railings of the ship. Mean while, Artazostra is told that the foul mood half-orc is called Jaundiced Jape, who is mute. However, it would be a mistake to call him simple, since he does observe his environment alot.

(OOC: Sorry about the lack of roleplaying for the day time actions, I was a bit busy and was waiting on everyone to post first.)


As the crew gather for the evening meal, Captain Harrigan stands at the bridge, giving the assembled crew a glance. Mr. Plugg is standing off to the side and behind the captain, hands behind his back. "I must say, you can't tell if the birds even looked at my ship this morning," he says, looking at Tilly, Shivikah, Jaundiced, and Artazostra and nodding at them. "Good job, you four. Keep it up and you could give ole Mr. Plugg a run for his money."

When the Captain says this, Mr. Plugg shoots him a look, before glancing at the group, squinting at Artazostra and giving the Qadiran half-elf a nasty look. "And that goes doubly for the new cooks. Apparently they were destined to become better than just another swab." Finished, the Captain steps off the bridge, Mr. Plugg follows, giving another nasty glance to Harold and Ezekial, before going into the captain's quarters with the rest of the officers.

"Excuse me, Master Scourge," 'Fishguts' says once the captain's door was shut, "ole Cut-Throat is a bit down with fever and she can't come up. I'm going to need some help with the drink and food."

Squinting at teh cook, Master Scourge shrugs. "Fine, take as many as you need, 'Fishguts'. Just make sure they are back up here quickly."

Nodding at the boatswain, 'Fishguts' looks around, nodding at Ezekial and Harold, who make their way back down. "Aye, Gareth, Qadiran, 'Lucky', Rugnar, Binderel, and Varya, get over here." Once the recruits gather near, 'Fishguts' looks at each. "C'mon, follow me. We need to get the food back up here before we get a mutiny."

Following the cook, the group makes their way to the Galley, where Grok is located in the back, the top half of her door open while the bottom half is shut. "Bah, 'Kroop', you didn't say the whole crew was coming down here," Grok says, before she realizes Varya and Gareth were among the group. "Ah, nevermind then. What can I help you two and your friends?"

While Grok starts fielding questions from the recruits, Ezekial and Harold quickly help get the food up to the crew. Once on top, Ezekial looks at Harold. "Harry, head back down and get the rest," Ezekial says as he starts dishing out the turtle stew and fish fillets.

Quartermaster's Store

A relatively cramped space, the Quartermaster's Store has several chests with locks, as well several barrels and boxes with various bits of gear and equipment in them. Bartered items, except for alcohol, can be bartered at 50% of the items regular price, though more mundane items wont be accepted (waterskins, soap, and the like). There are also a few weapons, mostly harpoons and nets, that a PC can see, so theree could be more weapons and equipment.

Ok. All recruits, except for Ezekial, are currently in the Galley with 'Cut-Throat' Grok and 'Fishguts' Kroop. Harold and Ezekial have a number of items that are going to be traded in as well, so that can help out. If you want your gear back, I'll need a Diplomacy (this is considered giving aid) or Bluff check. As always, roleplay can be helpful, thought don't be rude to either of the NPCs.

One more thing: Talismans can only be used by those pure of heart... Wait, wrong setting. Anyway, New Rules for Rum Rations are in effect (see 1st page of the OOC for details). The "barter" session is not considered your evening action (just something happening during the meal), so you still have the evening action to have influence checks, entertain, or anyother action.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-21, 09:37 AM
Exhausted and not overly observant, Cas looks up and the one they call Grok, aka 'that half-orc wench' by a certain halfling. Giving her best smile despite her fatigue she curtsies "Good evening miss, Grok, how are you on this fine day? As for helping me, well I was wondering if I can be of any help to you, you see I am a fair story teller and I know as much as anyone that being on a ship you need some form of entertainment. I would very much like to be that source of entertainment for you and my stories would become more immersive with a bit of music. I feel that the addition of a violin would add dramatic tension to my tales and overall increase the enjoyment ten-fold. I was told by a fellow swab that you are in posession of such an instrument, so if you would be willing to loan it out for a trial run this evening then you can judge if this is a worthy deal.

Alrighty... diplomacy, hope this is a good case and hopefully no more ones... having an average roll of 5 for this game is bs lol [roll0]

also the performance roll for the evening if rosie is allowed then she can accompany me [roll1]
jeebus... well hope I get some bonus for the RP.... and that Grok really likes stories cuz Cas told a doozie tonight, I may rp the story later.

2013-01-21, 10:03 AM
"So, quartermaster huh? Say, what happened to all the stuff you get when the captain gets new slaves? You don't just toss it over the side do you?"

2013-01-21, 11:15 AM
Seeing 'Lucky' curtsy and explain the situation, which Grok returns with glazed eyes, the quartermaster glances off the side before looking at the gnome. "Little one, you don't need to explain. I remember Rosie this morning. But if you say it can help you, then I wouldn't mind letting her use it for a bit."

Turning, Grok gets the fiddle, a masterpiece of art, as well as an oversized coat and a club. "Here are your items as well. I don't think there are that many people who mind you getting your gear back any way."

Giving the gnome a friendly smile, it disappears when Gareth launches his triad. Seeing Grok's face getting darker, 'Fishguts' speaks up. "Hey, boi, back off with the accusations," 'Fishguts says, as he starts cooking, this time with a oversized skillet. "You're down here to get your gear, not being disrespectful. Did they not teach you manners in the pits? Or was your mother a foppish, overpainted, slothful, Galtan whore who weeps when she realizes she was in the a whore house here in the Shackles and not at some palace in the hills with servant and massages?"

At 'Fishguts' words, everyone looks at Gareth, with Grok clearly not moving to do anything for Gareth until he either apologizes or leaves, though the rest of the group can get their gear.

(OOC: Yes, he just insulted your mother, Rhyvurg. I mean, he really insulted your mother. Fighting words insults that results in fights. :biggrin:)
OOC @Morbis Meh
Unfortunately, your character is fatigued from the work today. If 'Lucky' Cas doesn't go rest early, she'll have to roll for fatigue in the morning. However, since it a good roll, I'll allow it for the next Entertainment check you have. What do you say?

2013-01-21, 11:43 AM

The dwarf grabs his gear with a weary look, as if it might be some sort of trap or trick. Once in had he looks through his bag, check to see if everything is there. All the while he keeps a careful ear out for what might unfold with the insults flying.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-21, 12:10 PM
Cas smiles and accepts her items respectfully and walks back to her bunk. She quickly places her items inside her locker and goes up for dinner seeking to meet up with Rosie and tell her the goods news. "So I currently have your fiddle in my possession... keep it on the down low, I will give it to you later but you have it on the condition of using it to help me perform. Come by tomorrow because I really need to hit the hay, have my grog if you want. Toodles!

I am fine with using that roll for the next evening.

2013-01-21, 02:04 PM
Giving the gnome a friendly smile, it disappears when Gareth launches his triad. Seeing Grok's face getting darker, 'Fishguts' speaks up. "Hey, boi, back off with the accusations," 'Fishguts says, as he starts cooking, this time with a oversized skillet. "You're down here to get your gear, not being disrespectful. Did they not teach you manners in the pits? Or was your mother a foppish, overpainted, slothful, Galtan whore who weeps when she realizes she was in the a whore house here in the Shackles and not at some palace in the hills with servant and massages?"

At 'Fishguts' words, everyone looks at Gareth, with Grok clearly not moving to do anything for Gareth until he either apologizes or leaves, though the rest of the group can get their gear.

(OOC: Yes, he just insulted your mother, Rhyvurg. I mean, he really insulted your mother. Fighting words insults that results in fights. :biggrin:)
OOC @Morbis Meh
Unfortunately, your character is fatigued from the work today. If 'Lucky' Cas doesn't go rest early, she'll have to roll for fatigue in the morning. However, since it a good roll, I'll allow it for the next Entertainment check you have. What do you say?

Gareth sloshes his rum ration around in his mug, seeming to think something over, then throws it in Grok's face and pulls his recently acquired dagger.

2013-01-21, 05:28 PM
While waiting for Gareth's response, Grok looks at Ruganr when the dwarf asks for his gear, gladly giving the dwarf his armor and weapons, all tied up with string. Rugnar then quickly leaves the group and delivers his gear to below decks.

Looking at Gareth as the rum goes down her face, Grok looks at the rest of the group. "Excuse me for a second," she says as she reaches up to the upper half of the door, slamming it shut. The group hear the tell tale sound of the locks being used, as well as stuff being moved around.

Seeing Gareth's actions, 'Fishguts' shakes his head. "Oh, real smart. Lads and ladies, don't get involve if ole slap happy son of a whore decides to come at me. I don't want to get Master Scourge involve."

Looking at Gareth and his dagger, 'Fishguts' looks at Harold. "Look's like your 'friend' isn't very smart. His mother probably dropped him on his head a few times." Looking back at Gareth, 'Fishguts' shrugs. "Would explain how ugly he is, as well."

(Fight has started, Gareth has took his actions, Grok has shut the door and locked it, and 'Fishguts' is waiting for his move. You can still barter for your items, it just represents talking through the door. She's also getting the rum rations for the crew as well.)

2013-01-21, 09:50 PM
"What, nothing to say now? I'm willing to let this go and let you keep your skin intact if you keep standing there like the cowardly loudmouth you are. Or, you can come over here and we can do this thing."

2013-01-21, 10:19 PM
"I'm not the one who burned the bridge," 'Fishguts' says as the door unlocks. Opening it, Grok stands with a battle in axe.

"Little man wants his gear," Grok says, holding the axe in both hands, "you don't get gear. You get out. Now!"

"Like I said, his mother must have dropped him a few times," 'Fishguts' says as he checks the contents in the skillet. "Then again, pitfighting never did attract the smart ones."

OOC @ Rhyvurg

Gareth isn't getting his gear tonight. You're out armer, out armored, and this can and will end badly for Gareth. Up to you how you want to end it.

2013-01-22, 12:43 AM
"I don't recall including you in this, this is between me and Fishguts here." He keeps his hand on his knife. "I asked you a question, and this reeking camel-f***er went and said something suicidal. That doesn't have one thing to do with you, Grok. Why you took offence I have no idea."

2013-01-22, 01:31 AM
Seeing this could get out of hand quickly, 'Fishguts' moves around the tables to about ten feet from Gareth, skillet in hand as he keeps the contents inside moving. "Boy, you got a problem with me, take it up with me," 'Fishguts' says, keeping the food inside moving, "you don't take it out on someone else, let alone my friend."

Nodding at 'Fishguts' words, Grok looks at Gareth as well. "On ship, we look out for one another. You choose to question Captain's methods, take it up with him. Otherwise, you be nice to those here, because we can make or break you, little man."

Nodding at Grok, 'Fishguts' continues. "Like Grok says, she wants you to leave, now." Finished, 'Fishguts stands there, waiting for Gareth to leave.

2013-01-22, 02:55 AM
"Gareth, you threw your rum in her face!!! Hells, I'd hit you with an axe too if you burned my eyes throwing that swill in my face when somebody else called your mother a harlot," Varya interjects.

After that, Varya waits calmly for the situation to diffuse. Once it has she says, "hi Grok, do you think I can get my gear back?"

Diplomancy: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

King Tius
2013-01-22, 09:33 AM
Binderal rolls his eyes at the ensuing scuffle and folds his arms, waiting to see what transpires. When the door is closed in their faces he throws his hands up in exacerbation.

"Well, no great loss. I have my spellbook and that's all I really need."

Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2013-01-22, 02:47 PM
"Fine, whatever." He leaves, knowing there's no way to salvage the situation and avoid killing someone, he goes to bed.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-22, 04:51 PM
After Gareth leaves, The Qadrian scowls.


After this, she turns to Grok.

"I apologize for his boorish behavior. If it is not too much trouble, good Quartermistress, I have a request. When I was taken aboard much like the rest of us assembled, I was relieved of my personal effects. I can see why some of these items would not be allowed, as they're weapons and if Captain Harrigan's got one good rule in the midst of the dozens of bad ones, it's that the crew ought not to be killing each other. However, there is one item among them that is not like that, and it is this item I would like back more than any other. A nautical chart, the notes and names written in Kelish, of the southern Inner Sea and Obari Ocean, as well The Shackles and most of Northern Garund. It belonged to my father, before he disappeared over a year ago on a voyage to Sargava. I was using that very chart to trace his steps from Katheer to Eleder. I'd stopped in Port Peril to rest and restock when I was press-ganged onto the Wormwood. I know it may seem like foolishness, wanting a chart when I can't follow its course, but it still holds great sentimental value to me. Of course I'd be pleased if all my gear could come back, but I understand you're a businesswoman and you wouldn't do such a thing out of charity. But I would be eternally grateful to you if you would return my father's nautical chart to me."

Should I tell a sea story for Barroom Talespinner's bonus or just roll to persuade Grok?

2013-01-22, 08:13 PM
Harry waits, rather blank-faced and bewildered, while the Quadiran reels off her long speech.

"Um... can I get my gear back as well please?"

2013-01-22, 09:48 PM
(OOC: My apologies for the wall of text and Autopiloting, but it was pointed out before and I believe it should be covered now instead of piecemeal.)

Watching Gareth leave, Grok puts the axe down behind the door, then reaches around and goes into a locker. "He could have just asked nicely, not go and throw around his beliefs," she says as she brings out the various bundles of weapons and armor. "For being in the pits, he hasn't learned to respect those who have been here the longest."

Nodding at Grok, 'Fishguts' grabs a plate and slides the food inside. "Grok, put the pit fighter's gear in there. Don't want him to be too pissed off in the morning. Lads and ladies, before you go, I would like speak with you," 'Fishguts says as he reaches for his bottle of rum and takes a swallow of it.

Hearing Grok pull something out, 'Fishguts' stops and waits. Turning, the group see Grok put two pails of rum on the ground in front of an old chest. "Don't know why I should help that idiot out," Grok says from exertion, "but it does free up more space. And I did use his chest for the weapons and such."

"Because you know that I wouldn't ask you to do something for nothing. Harry, you and one your friends take the rum up to Zeke and help bring the pots down. I'll also need one of you to go 'Lucky', Rugnar, and ole sour puss. I need to tell you something about the going ons here."

Smiling at Grok, 'Fishguts' nods as he hands over a bottle of the Chelish Brandy. "Found this earlier. The new lads found a few already. I thought we gotten rid of it all already but I guess not. Still got Zeke to comedown for his stuff."

Eyeing the bottle, Grok reaches over and grabs, breaking the seal on it and takes a swallow. "Ah, better than the old stuff. If they find more, I'll gladly trade your lads for more of it."

Taking the bottle, Grok heads back inside and starts reorganizing the store again. A few minutes go by before Ezekial and Harry come down with the pots and Rugnar, 'lucky' Cas, and Gareth walk in, though, Gareth sticks by the door frame. "My apologies for caling you out, Gareth. But watch your tone and what you say. Despite our differences, Grok and I go way back and we look out for each other," 'Fishguts' says, then looking at each of the recruits. "Look, I've been listening in on some conversations. Apparently, you all being here has put a cramp on people's plans."

'Fishguts' quickly puts a hand up to prevent any objections. "You think otherwise. Understandable. But it was Master Scourge's idea to hit the tavern you all were at. Apparently thought that was where all the 'seasoned' sailors were. Mr. Plugg vouched for it and gotten Captain Harrigan to approve it. Unfortunately, all it gotten was you all."

"You see, lads and ladies, Mr. Plugg fancies himself a rising star of the Shackles, dreams of grandeur and ideas. Big reason he isn't against Captain Harrigan is that the Captain treats him like an illlegitimate son. Plus, Captain would kill him in a heart beat if tries to take Wormwood. Unfortunately for everyone else, he doesn't believe in friends and would gladly betray anyone to get ahead. Believes 'discipline' at the end of a scourge will help him. Unfortunately, you probably know all too well there are plenty of people, like our Master Scourge, who would follow a man like that."

"Unfortunately, you can't crew a ship with two people. That's why Master Scourge is discretely trying to get others of the crew to side with him. Those loyal to him out of 'convenience' and with a 'common enemy' would see that currying his favor would be a good idea. Captain Harrigan is bound to be seeking a prize ship to capture and sell. I figure that would be when Mr. Plugg will make his move."

Taking another swallow of rum, 'Fishguts' looks at each person. Ezekial, hand on his chin as he thinks about his words, looks over at 'Fishguts'. "Master Kroop, why would they feel threaten by us? We haven't shown any inclination to taking any one's jobs?"

Nodding at Ezekial, 'Fishguts' laugh. "Besides mine, you mean? Besides the point." Standing straight, 'Fishguts' leans on the table. "Fact is, several of you have demonstrated skills and abilities that is making Master Scourge and his cronies nervous. Only reason they haven't been replaced yet is due to fortune on their part and the fact Captain Harrigan is planning something. Don't know what, exactly, but he spends more time in the cabin than usual."

"At Port Peril, Captain left most of the duties to Mr. Plugg and Master Scourge. Like I mentioned, it was Master Scourge who led the pressgang, not Captain Harrigan. And it was Mr. Plugg who wanted a few more items that I don't know what to deal with."

Looking at the others, Ezekial considers his next question. "You said prize ship, Master Kroop. What do you mean by that?"

A look of disbelief is on 'Fishguts's face. "You truly are a green horn, aren't you Zeke. Prize ship is a ship a crew captures, normally a merchant ship or the like. Normally, pirates would take both and increase their forces for piracy, but if it is a merchant ship or something slow but still sailable, then a captain would sell it. Last few times we took a prize and Mr. Plugg was in charge, Captain Harrigan escorted it. This time, Captain is letting Mr. Plugg take it back by himself. Test of loyalty and all."

Looking at the rest, 'Fishguts' takes a moment. "Last few times, we would take the captured crew on Wormwood with teh officers, who most can them. The Wormwood crew would take the prize ship back. It's a perfect time for 'undesirables' to disappear."

Letting that sink in, 'Fishguts' leans back and let's the warning sink in. "But, if you can get enough of the crew to respect you, then it'll be harder for Mr. Plugg to get rid of you. At least not without causing a mutiny. That can be of most help for you."

Looking at each recruit, 'Fishguts' lets them process the information. "Any questions?"

(OOC: Once again, my apologies for the wall of text and PC Hijacking, but it was pointed out about the lack of focus for the group and I believe it should be covered now instead of piecemeal. What do you all think?)

2013-01-22, 10:54 PM
"It sounds to me like Plugg is an idiot. You don't get a loyal crew with press gangs and beatings. If you know all this, why don't you just tell the Captain so he knows not to trust the little bastard? Ruling a ship through fear is just insane, scared men do irrational, desperate things. Every day Scourge is running the risk of someone throwing him overboard at night and saying he tripped. How could they think seasoned sailors would be more agreeable than random people after getting dragged onto this ship? You can't demand loyalty at knife point. I'd lay good odds that I could get a good amount of the crew loyal to me by saying after we got rid of Plugg Scourge and the Captain we could all go home."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-23, 12:09 AM
"Because the Captain won't listen, Gareth. You heard him the first day. "I like talk, but I don't like YOUR talk," she says, imitating Captain Harrigan's accent.

"It was like I was saying to Shiv the other night. So long as results are gotten Harrigan won't care what Plugg does. Plus, given his arrogance he probably thinks he can take any trick Plugg will throw at him. You're right about him being an idiot. I can sense when a guy has class, and that Chel has the air of one who makes a big show of himself to make people think he does, when he's got nothing of worth at all. This is something we'll have to handle ourselves. Build alliances, work the crowd. Stuff I was good at back home. I can certainly think of a few swabs I might be able to get on our side. But home's the last place I wanna go. I could certainly think of a few things I'd do with my own ship if I got one..."

"Chel" in this instance is a derogatory term describing someone from Cheliax or of Chelish descent, taken from the Guide To Korvosa. To give an indication of how insulting it is, using it in conversation with a Chelaxian is practically guaranteed to start a fistfight.

Morbis Meh
2013-01-23, 09:18 AM
Half awake, Cas looks back and forth between Fishguts and the others Wow I sure won the lottery on this one, press ganged on a ship that puts the fun back in dysfunctional... Well at least I have a few friends: That Sandra lady, Jack and Rosie... great I got a kid and a halfling I'm sure screwed! Looking at the shapely woman talking on and on about herself Cas interjects "Best way to win over anyone is to make yourself a crucial part of something the enjoy, like entertainment. I have a doozy of a story that I am working on but tonight I would start snoring half way through. Tomorrow with Rosie's help I will unveil it, if people like it then it will go a long way to winning them over. Anywho I am going to chow down then pass out G'night.

King Tius
2013-01-23, 09:35 AM
Binderal listens to all that is said without much emotion passing over his face. All this talk of power struggles and mutiny brings wisps of memories back to him...glimpses of a former life where he was much better suited to handle these sorts of situations. Finally getting a grasp of what is going on, he clears his throat and asks a question of 'Fishguts.'

"Anyone in particular we should try and win over? Do you think it'll dissolve to a fight?"

2013-01-23, 11:32 AM

"Are we looking at mutiny or just getting rid of Plugg and his friends?" the dwarf asks with a flat expression.

2013-01-23, 12:46 PM
Taking in the comments one at a time, 'Fishguts' addresses, or tries to address, them to the best of his abilities.

"Boy, how about you listen to what I just said," 'Fishguts' says after Artazostra speaks, looking at Gareth with disappointment. "You sound dumber than a Galtan landlubber saying that. You sure you're from the Shackles? You should open your ears instead of opening your mouth."

"Lass, Captain Harrigan isn't some wet behind the ear noble with dreams of grandeur. He's been around for decades, probably longer than someof you been walking. Here in the Shackles, no one gets to command a fleet, let alone a ship, with putting down a mutiny or three."

"Wee lass is right. Be crucial to something. If it's work, great. If it's food entertainment, even better. But make yourselves useful and give someone a reason to back you up."

Hearing Binderal speak, 'Fishguts' leans back. "A sensible question, Bindy. Besides people like me and Grok for resources, crew who are at least willing to listen to you would be a start. I believe you have a few already. Get them on your side first, since they can help you get through the day and help with other crew. Next would be the ones who might not care for, but aren't trying to slit your throat in the dead of night. Last would be th ones who normally wouldn't speak with you, but aren't so sure about throwing in with Master Scourge and Mr. Plugg."

Hearing the Dwarf's question, 'Fishguts' nods. "Ain't no doubt in my mind. If Mr. Plugg is planning what I figure him to do, then it won't happen here. Captain would flay him alive and any supporters he has. Likewise, though, he runs a tight ship. You accuse an officer under him, he'll take the officer's side unless you have overbearing proof. And even then, he still might not listen."

"A bit of warning about Mr. Plugg; those who cross him wind up dead. He's a first rate rate fighter, especially with that cat, and I belive that sword is magical, as well. That, or those loyal to him are doing some deeds and he is protecting them. As long as they don't be stupid about it."

'Fishguts' takes a swallow, letting the recruits soak in his words and waits for more questions.

2013-01-23, 02:49 PM
Gareth straps on his cestus as he listens, and slings his shield on his back. He leaves off the armor for now. "I don't think I appreciate all the people on this boat calling me stupid. My father was a pirate, and yes, my mother used to be a whore. He was lost at sea when I was a kid, and now here I am, on the same gods-be-damned water that took away the only thing that made her happy. So yes, I am somewhat resentful for being here, and will continue to spew bitterness until it suits me otherwise."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-23, 02:54 PM
Cas looks at the gritty pit fight and frowns "Aww, I think someone is grumpy and needs a hug!" The gnome promptly shuffles towards the man, arms outstretched and wraps her arms around his waist while resting her head on his hip. "Better now? Always remember: Look on the brighter side of life, even if it blinds you! That way you will at least be happier."

2013-01-23, 04:56 PM
"Don't touch me."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-23, 05:10 PM
"Lass, Captain Harrigan isn't some wet behind the ear noble with dreams of grandeur. He's been around for decades, probably longer than someof you been walking. Here in the Shackles, no one gets to command a fleet, let alone a ship, with putting down a mutiny or three."

"Huh. Good point, Mr. Kroop. But remember I haven't seen enough of Harrigan to know most of that. The man hasn't even said two words to me directly, and his letting Plugg and Scourge run rampant doesn't exactly paint a picture of a man whose control over his crew is so strong they all live in fear. People here seem more scared of those two than of Harrigan himself. But I suppose I'm not seeing the whole picture?"

She sips her rum as she speaks, rather than gluggling it down in a single pull like last time.

"I could entertain, it's what I know best...but I don't know if it's a good idea. The other night I was dancing I'm told I managed to p*ss off almost every woman on the crew."

After Rugnar asks his question and gets his answer, she nods.

"What you're suggesting is a bit of both. Wait until Plugg makes his move and he doesn't have the Captain to protect him, and then we hack him and his cronies, winning not only our freedom, but a ship to boot."

2013-01-23, 06:59 PM
Varya is happy to have a blade again. Her mother trained her with a rapier, but her time on another ship drew her on the cutlass. As she fastens her scabbard to her side, she proclaims, "clearly Plugg is mad. If we need allies, so be it. I'll do what I can, but I don't make friends quickly. If I don't get along with someone, I tend to beat their face in until they stop hating me or die." She takes a big sip of the rum, "hopefully, sailors like that kind of thing. Otherwise, I can be there to skewer Plugg when it comes to that."

2013-01-24, 12:55 AM
"But couldn't we just escape?" Harry asks. "Next time we're in port, just make a run for it, and not get caught in the middle of this. Where are we even going?"

2013-01-24, 10:34 AM

"Plugg's sword is magical? What else is magical?"

2013-01-24, 04:10 PM
"I couldn't tell," 'Fishguts' sarcasticly says at Gareth, "and watch what you say and who you say it to. These 'gods-be-damned' waters are the only thing keeping a place like Port Peril alive and something we are proud of. You don't like it, you can jump port when you get a chance. Though be mindful, though, Harrigan doesn't care much for those who actually leave him. His last first mate ran on him a year back, heading out west. Captain Harrigan hasn't went after him due distance and he been busy with something else."

Seeing 'Lucky' Cas hug Gareth, 'Fishguts' starts chuckling. "Aww. That warmth you have crawling through you is the feeling of being appreciated, Gareth."

Hearing Artazostra speak, 'Fishguts' smiles. "Maybe, but then again ou haven't seen him cut the hearts out of those who cross him or the captains whose ships he captures. As for the women, their over it. Same for the men, as well."

Hearing Vayra speak, 'Fishguts' nods. "Even if you aren't much of a talker, those who can will need all the help they can get. Especially with the harder to convince ones."

"You could run, Harry," 'Fishguts' says to the ranger, "But do you really want to spend the rest of your life looking over the shoulder for Wormwood to appear and the Captain put a dagger in your back? Or anothe rof his allies looking to curry his favor?"

Hearing Rugnar's question, 'Fishguts' shrugs and picks up a grapple hook. "Spent most of my funds on this pretty. Will latch itself to wherever you throw it at. But that was before I found myself on cook duty. As for the others, they don't tell me much. When the Captain goes into a fight, his armor emits a wail that chills a man's blood."

Standing off to the side, Ezekial looks at Binderal. "You ok, Binderal? Any other questions on your mind? Or any thoughts on what we should consider?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-24, 04:54 PM
"Perhaps it's time for a...reminder, then," she says with a smirk.

2013-01-24, 05:14 PM
"So what you're saying is we're stuck on this rat barge so we better make the best of it."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-24, 05:33 PM
Cas looks up defiantly at the gruff warrior "No, I am not letting go until you smile damnit, I will permantly glue myself to you so that you will absorb my happiness! I will be your happiness tumour and there will be nothing you can do... short of universal solvent of course. Now quite being grumpy or I will sneak hug you while you sleep, and i warn you never test a gnome on a mission!"

2013-01-24, 06:43 PM
Cas looks up defiantly at the gruff warrior "No, I am not letting go until you smile damnit, I will permantly glue myself to you so that you will absorb my happiness! I will be your happiness tumour and there will be nothing you can do... short of universal solvent of course. Now quite being grumpy or I will sneak hug you while you sleep, and i warn you never test a gnome on a mission!"

"You are going to be there a long time, I will have to bathe eventually."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-25, 04:44 PM
"You are going to be there a long time, I will have to bathe eventually."

Cas smirks and tightens her grip "I am glad you bathe, remember I prefer lavender scented soap and bubbles lots and lots of bubbles!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-26, 12:18 AM
The Qadiran chuckles as Gareth's dignity is undercut by Cas' stubborn insistence on being friendly.

2013-01-26, 02:08 AM
Gareth stares at the bulkhead, a twitch developing under his right eye, and says nothing.

2013-01-26, 02:12 AM
Smirking at what is going, 'Fishguts' finishes his dinner. "Like I said, that's the plan. As far as Captain Harrigan is concerned, if he doesn't have to get involved, he won't."

"I'm getting done in here," Grok calls out to the rest of the group as she completes reorganizing. "And there are a few magic items in here as well, though I doubt any one can afford any of it."

"I'll take a look," Ezekial says. "I have a few things to trade in. Would I be able to get a loan of gear, as well? I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid. Well, if I survive long enough to get paid."

"Depends on how much. Though you being a cook assistant, I'm sure you can whip something up that is tasty." Grok says as she considers how much the cook assistant might be worth. "For now, though, I'd say 150 gold pieces might be enough."

"Excellent. We also found this barrel of wine as well. I figured we can keep it safe if you take it in."

"I'm fairly certain the Captain would like that. Even if it's a poor quality, it can still be a nice distraction."

Helping getting the barrrel in, Ezekial looks for a minute, asking to see the thieves tools, the flasks of alchemicts fire, acid, and holy water, and the various potions and scrolls.

"Hey Binderal and Varya, you two want to check out the scrolls?" Ezekial looks over at the elf and swordswoman, seeing if they were interested in the information. Looking through the thieves tools, Ezekial notices that one set has more and better tools. "I don't think this is a regular set of theieves tools."

Looking over at the set of tools, Grok shrugs. "I'll remember next time. They'll be regular price for you this time."

Nodding, Ezkial sets aside the thieves tools, potion of cure light wounds, a flask of acid, a flask of holy water, and two flasks of alchemist fire. "Never know when we might need some help with various situations."

(OOC: Last call for getting gear and such. Next move update will be in 22 hours or so.)

2013-01-26, 09:04 AM
"I would, but I'm basically broke," Varya announces. As a longshot she asks, "how much is this tiny xylophone worth to you?"

2013-01-26, 01:49 PM
MINOR UPDATE: 10 Hours til move on

Looking at the instruement, Grok shrugs. "25 silver for it," she says as she takes down how much and what kind of gear Ezekial was taking out as a loan. "Though you can take a loan out. Aren't you one of recruits who use a spell book?"


Diplomacy/Charisma check:
DC 5 for getting a simple loan of 150 GP
DC 15 for getting a major loan of 300 GP (if Grok gets audited, she could get keelhauled for theft)

As always, it's based on my interpretation of the dice rolls and how well you roleplay (that means being nice and not being a pain in the rear, Rhyvurg :tongue:).

2013-01-26, 02:08 PM
Varya smiles as she hands over the xylophone, "alright, I'll bite, what scrolls have you got?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-26, 02:25 PM
The Qadiran rummages through the arms and armor, hoping to find some proper protection.

"Grok, what would it cost if I traded in my leathers for one of these chain shirts? I can be quick when I have to, but my figure doesn't exactly lend itself to catlike combat reflexes. I'd prefer to have as much protection as possible without messing up my spells. I may also want to look into this crossbow here."

She hoped to Calistria that the armor wouldn't need refitting. Even before she'd arrived in Port Peril and feasted herself into being press-ganged it had been getting tight, and while she wasn't ashamed of her body, being too fat to wear armor was kind of an embarrassment for an adventurer.

2013-01-26, 02:27 PM
Nodding, Grok places the scrolls on the counter. Looking through it, you see the scrolls for the following:

scroll of cure moderate wounds
scroll of mage armor
scroll of magic missile
scroll of scorching ray
scroll of summon swarm

Scrolls cost at the standard rate for magic items.

As Varye looks through the scrolls, Grok stands nearby, keeping an eye on them.

Hearing Artazostra's request, Grok shrugs. "The chain shirt can help you, especially if you trade in the leather armor, though the crossbow is a bit out of reach. Unless you can get someone to get loaned to them, and then for you."

5 Gold for the leather amor. Need a Diplomacy/Charisma check in order to get the Chainshirt/crossbow.

2013-01-26, 02:48 PM
Varya looks through the scrolls, pausing only on the scorching ray. "I might come back for that one," she says as she slides them back to Grok.

King Tius
2013-01-26, 05:15 PM
Binderal looks at the scrolls carefully, deciding which would be best to add to his armament. He offers up the holy water and other items he found in his bunk as possible trade-ins for a scroll.

"Here's a deal for you: This vial of holy water, this agate, this silver ring, and 10 gold for the scrolls of Magic Missile and Scorching Ray."

2013-01-26, 06:31 PM
Varya says to Binderal, "don't worry about magic missile. I'll let you copy that from me."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-27, 12:56 AM
"I happen to have at least a little gold on me. It was in a lantern I found wrapped up in my bedroll on my first night here, apparently left behind by its previous owner. And I found some more money in the bilges the other day when I was working them with Aretta. If I were to sell you the lantern and my leathers, as well as hand over the money I've scraped together here, would it be enough for the chain at least? Forget the crossbow for now, I'm better with my scimitar anyway."

Charisma: [roll0]

King Tius
2013-01-27, 10:32 PM
Binderal turns to Varya, pocketing his items as a huge smile of wonder spreads across his face. "I...I had no idea there was another magic user on board! We MUST compare spellbooks! Where are my manners. Binderal Sellen, at your humble service." He bows low, quickly getting back up and drawing closer to Varya, the scrolls all but forgotten. "Where did you receive your training? I've not met many other practitioners of the Art since I left the academy."

2013-01-28, 01:15 AM
Pursing her lips, Grok considers, then writes down something on the pad. "What's your name," Grok asks, looking up at Artazostra. When Artazostra says her name, Grok gives the half elf a blank stare, then writes down a shorter name. "Do you mind if I call you Arty? You all go by long names it seems."

Looking back up, Grok walks over to Arty. "I'll take the Leather armor off you, but I'll put it on your tab. That way you can pay me back when we hit port. Or before then."

Done with talking with Arty, Grok looks at Binderal and Varya talking. "Seems like you two are getting along. Fact you two use a spellbook is good. Just remember, the scrolls should be here if you need them."

As the three recruits talk and barter, Ezekial is going through his formulae book, taking various components out of his kit and mixing the substances together.

Bomber's Eye

Hearing Varya and Binderal, Ezekial speaks up. "Though you might not be able to use my book, I can use your notes and help make additional potions and extracts to help us in battle. At least, that's my view of it. What do you think?"

As the group finish with the stuff, Grok closes shop, though she stays in to rearrange her shop. Likewise, 'Fishguts' starts cleaning the skillet and utnsils he used. "You all head back, ok. Don't want Master Scourge to get suspicious."

Nodding, the recruits head out of the Galley, though Ezekial grabs a small plate and puts some food on it. When 'Fishguts' looks at him, Ezekial smiles and does his best evil laugh. "As the ship's assistant cook and resident mad scientist, I have two words for the crew: Guinea pigs. Muahahaha."

Turning to the others, Ezekial quickly readjusts his statement. "Ok, maybe not that mad. More like a few screws loose." He then quickly gets his gear setup for being taken out, but leaves the armor and crossbow there. "You all can leave it in here. I'll be coming back here to clean up again anyway."

As thr group head out the door, 'Lucky' Cas and Harry stop when they hear movement. Taking a lamp, they shine in the direct of a set of bales of barley, seeing a group of large rats between the bulkhead and the bales. The light and movement cause the rodents to stop...

Turning, the group of rats hiss, their red eyes glittering as the light hits them. Clearly, these rats don't scurry and hide when faced with intruders.

(ArchPaladin, Morbis, Husky, and Sarone)

The rats are dire rats. You know that though Wormwood has rats and such, it didn't have dire rats. This means they gotten on the ship somehow, probably though cargo or such.

Untamed Dire rats also have filth fever from their bites. There are numerous cases and stories of whole crew dying to the rodents. And if there's one, there's probably more.

(OOC: Morbis Meh and Husky Boi have initiative and can act in the surprise round before the dire rats. There are six dire rats among the boxes and other cargo. Morbis Meh and Husky Boi, please have your actions for surprise round, then it's be the rats. After that, the rest of the group can act. Except for Morbis Meh and Husky Boi, everyone else is flatfooted.)

2013-01-28, 07:31 AM
Harry wastes no time- if anything, he probably reacted slightly out of panic- and hefts his newly-returned battle axe in two hands, takes a few steps forwards, and brings it smashing down on the nearest rat!

Move action to head forwards, draw the axe, and make an attack holding it in two hands:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit confirmation: [roll2]
Crit extra damage: [roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-01-28, 09:42 AM
Cas shrieks with disgust and lets go of the disgruntled brawler "Oh gods, I hate rats, especially rats big enough to swallow me whole!" The little gnome begins chanting and moving her fingers conjuring forth a... bird? "Eat this and leave me be you foul rodents!" The eagle lashes out at the rat closet to lucky

...So summon monster 1 which summons an eagle which will attack and disappear right after but at least it gets three attacks!
Talon [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Talon [roll2]
damage [roll3]
Bite [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2013-01-28, 09:16 PM
With a bit too much strength, Harry brings the battle axe down on one of the rats, cleaving it in half, before the oversized rodent realized what had happened.

Sensing urgency, 'Lucky' Cas quickly tries and summon an Eagle. Able to cast with out too much trouble, 'Lucky' Cas keeps conjuring the spell when the rodents move to each of the PCs, though another rat died by Harry's hand when it went too close to him.

Quickly, each rodent tries to attack another recruit, trying to stay out of Harry's reach.

Drawing his dagger, Ezekial tries to stab the rodent that squares off against him.

Ezekial's Attack Roll [roll0]
Ezekial's Damage if it hits [roll1]

In event of 19 or 20 (20/21 for the result) [roll2]
If it confirms, [roll3]

2013-01-28, 11:17 PM
Falling into a dueling stance, Varya draws her recently repossessed cutlass. With the blade in hand, she concentrates a moment to force some of her magic into the edge. When an opening presents itself, she lashes her blade at the rat encroaching her.

Move: Draw cutlass
Swift: Arcane Pool
Standard: Attack
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Arcane Pool: +1 weapon 9/10 rounds remaining

Varya (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=39281)
HP: 12/12 AC: 16, 13 Touch, 14 Flatfooted.
Saves: +3 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, +1 Will.
0th: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic
1st: Color Spray, Hydraulic Push
Arcane Pool: 3/4

2013-01-29, 03:10 AM
Gareth sends up a silent prayer to finally be free of the clingy gnome and unslings his shield, mentally kicking himself for stowing the armor. Thankfully, he wasn't one of those people who used weapons that had to be put away. Closing a spiked, leather-wrapped fist, Gareth throws a haymaker at the rat in front of him.

[roll0] Power Attack (-1)
[roll1] Damage if he hits

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-01-30, 11:39 PM
The Qadiran draws her scimitar, its familiar weight comfortable in her hand. She swings at the dire rat nearest to her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2013-01-31, 12:28 PM
Cas backs away from the rat and waves her fingers while blubbering loudly, bringing forth another eagle which tears into the threat.

5 ft step then summon monster I eagle will full attack and disappear again.

Talon 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Talon 2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]
Bite 1 [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2013-01-31, 01:04 PM

Drawing a small hammer the dwarf moves in and strikes the nearest rat.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage

King Tius
2013-01-31, 07:33 PM
Binderal quickly steps about as needed to find the optimal position to unleash his spell. When he's sure he can get most of the rats (and hopefully not too many allies) he casts Sleep.

If effects 4 HD of creatures with a DC 16 Will Save to negate.

2013-02-04, 01:14 AM
As the Dire Rats move to strike, the magic from Binderal's spell causes the hostile rodents to fall unconscious at the recruits feet. Looking at each other and at Binderal, then back at the rats.

Seeing this was as good of a time as ever, Ezekial sticks his dagger into the oversized rodent at his feet.

As the others do what they will to their rodents, 'Fishguts' Kroop and 'Cut-Throat' Grok storm out of the galley, weapons drawn. A quick look around by 'Fishguts' indicates his displeasure. "Zeke, Harry, what in the seven seas happened here? Where did these oversized critters come from?"

After looking at the other, Ezekial shrugs. "I don't know, Master Kroop, Master Grok. We were walking out when Harry and 'Lucky' Cas saw them, then the rats attacked us. They were along that wall behind the bales." As he speaks, Ezekial points in the direction of where the rodents came from.

2013-02-04, 01:17 AM
"We should check, in case there's more. There might be a whole nest of them back there"Harry says.

2013-02-04, 01:22 AM
"Agreed!" Varya dashes forward, sword drawn, eager to dispatch more vermin and stretch her martial muscles.

2013-02-04, 01:26 AM
Gareth is fast on her heels, there might be a lot of them.

Morbis Meh
2013-02-04, 10:02 AM
Cas looks incrediously at the eager pair "Well ta ta, have fun stabbing parasite ridden varmits... I am going to go over here and sterilize myself, oh how I hate the big rats!"

King Tius
2013-02-04, 10:46 AM
"Finally, a chance to use my spells! I'm probably better suited to hunting rats instead of working the bilge, so I'll tag along."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-04, 01:38 PM
"I'll go with too. I'll show these vermin how a sword dance works!"

2013-02-05, 12:04 AM

Smashing an unconscious wasn't challenging but satisfying after the days he had. THe surly dwarf scowls and raises his hammer again, waiting of another chance to kill something.

2013-02-06, 02:33 AM
As the group goes through the cargo, you all find little sign of more of the Dire Rats. However, there are a total of four bales of barley, two which loooking like the dire rats clawed their way out of them.

With help by 'Fishgut' Kroop and 'Cut-Throat' Grok, the group goes through the bales, discovering evidence that the two opened bales had rat droppings and such. Taking a harpoon, 'Fishguts' repeatedly stabs the two other bales, though nothing inside was moving or bleeding. Satisfied, 'Fishguts' had both taken into the galley and sealed in a chest in the quartermaster's office.

"You all did a good job," 'Fishguts' says, before he and 'Cut-Throat' go to one of the clawed bales. "Except for 'Lucky', you all need to be up deck. I need to take care of this."


As the recruits make it on deck, various crew staare at them. Among a few of them, such as Fipps and Aretta, Master Scourge moves towards them.

"Seems there was a ruckus down in the main hold. And you all were down there. What was going on?"


New Rum rules in effect. Only one to not roll is Morbis Meh. All others need to roll.

Also, I need the night actions the rest of you are taking. Ezekial will be heading back down to the Galley to clean up and check on the barley.

2013-02-06, 06:45 AM
We found your mother and took turns. "Rats. Really, really big rats." He finds it odd that Scourge (I'll die before I call him master of anything) has not commented on the gear they had now.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-07, 12:22 AM
"Rats like out of the start of a bad adventure story!" the Qadiran adds.

2013-02-07, 12:27 AM
"Yeah, looks like they came in on some of the barley. The cook is there with them now. On the upside, if you're a fan of fresh rat meat, dinners will be to your liking for a few days," Varya jests with a smirk.

2013-02-07, 01:11 AM
"Wait, THAT'S why they took the bodies? That's disgusting!"

King Tius
2013-02-07, 07:06 AM
Binderal shrugs. "at least it's fresh."

2013-02-07, 06:04 PM

24 Hours til next update (roughly).

Smiling, Ezekial looks at Harry when Gareth gives his expression and gives the ranger clap on the back. "I will have you know that the only thing fresh we have been using is the fine creatures of the sea, not some oversized rodents. You can trust me on that."

"Though, to be honest, in some cultures and societies, eating the flesh and meat of a dire animal is considered a delicacy," Ezekial says to Master Scourge, giving the recruits a wink.

Bluff Check [roll0]

Hearing what Ezekial says, Master Scourge's head raises, his mouth in a horror as the various crew around him give looks of disgust. "But neither Harry or I are the main cook, that is Master Kroop and the Captain by extension to decide what to do with the rats."

2013-02-08, 10:45 AM

"Atleast their not thrown in a pot," he mumbles to himself.

2013-02-09, 10:59 PM
As Master Scourge works his jaw to figure ut if Ezekial is telling the truth or not, a loud shout and yelling could be heard from the Captain's quarters.

Perception 15

You hear Captain Harrigan yelling at someone.

Perception 20

You hear Captain Harrigan yelling at Mr. Plugg for the barley. You barely hear Mr. Plugg say something when Captain Harrigan tells him to get this taken care and clean the hold. 'Fishguts' speaks up, then Cpatain Harrigan says not to use the recruits, since they already covered their duties.

Perception 25

Knocking on the door, 'Fishguts' Kroop and 'Cut-Throat" Grok walk in and present a dead dire rat and one of the busted open bales of barley. Giving his report, Captain Harrigan tells Mr. Plugg what was he doing gtting the barley.

Mr. Plugg stammers out an answer but is cut off by Captain Harrigan, telling him it was his mess, therefore he will clean it up. Clearing his throat, 'Fishguts' Kroop tells him tat the two cook assistants and the various riggers and swabs took care of the rats. Captain Harrigan then tells 'Fishguts' Kroop to make sure Mr. Plugg doesn't get the recruits involved.

A few seconds later, Mr. Plugg and 'Fishguts' are out the Captain's Quarters, Mr. Plugg's expression a look of simmering anger while 'Fishguts' Kroop has a slightly smug look.

"Master Scourge, get some crew and clean up the mess in the hold," Mr. Plugg says, giving the recruits a murderous stare, before looking at Master Scourge.

Looking at the various crew nearby, Master Scourge quickly nods at them, ignoring the recrutis. "Aye, Mr. Plugg. We'll get it cleaned. We'll make sure the hold is clean tonight."

Quickly turning, Master Scourge and the selected crew quickly. "If only to keep those rats out of the hands and pots 'Fishguts' Kroop and his assistants."

With that done, Mr. Plugg heads to the Officer's Quarters, leaving the deck for the crew to do as they wish.

(Night actions: Got Morbis Meh, King Tius, HuskyBoi, and ArchPaladin actions for the night. I'll post minor updates for those roleplaying.)

2013-02-09, 11:09 PM
Gareth waits until the officers have left. "I can't be the only one who thinks that was very strange."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-10, 12:57 AM
The Qadiran seeks out Shivikah.

"How are you holding up?"

2013-02-10, 10:17 AM

The dwarf decides to seek out company of others of his kind. Perhaps it is a sense of camaraderie he desires or that he sees a similar soul in "Narwal".

2013-02-10, 06:27 PM
Varya chugs her rum happily and finds the person she is looking for. She seemed nice, come on Varya, bring the charm... "Hiya Barefoot! How is your evening? You know... there was a pretty nice looking bottle of wine in my footlocker... along with a tiny xylophone of all things.... anyway, I was thinking it might be a tasty way to entertain us for a nice evening. The wine, not the xylophone, of course. You, your nephew and I, anyone else you like... we could probably split it tomorrow... if your interested." Varya smiles happily at her fellow female rigger.

Fort: [roll0]
Wisdom Penalty: [roll1]
Charisma Bonus: [roll2]

Diplomancy on Barefoot: [roll3]

2013-02-12, 02:30 AM
Hearing Gareth's question once the Master Scourge grabbed Fipps, Aretta, Slippery Syl, a lanky male human, and a wild eyed, grinning female gnome, Ezekial gives Gareth a smile.

"I believe they took my statement for dire animals being a delicacy literally," the alchemist says, looking at the recruits then at teh rest of the crew. "Welp, time to clean the galley. Don't want to give the critters a reason to go in there."

Turning, Ezekial follows Harold to the Galley, seeing Master Scourge and his group cleaning the hold and grabbing the rats bodies, making sure that neither cooks grab any of the rats, and hauling the bad bales up to the main deck and tossing it over the side.

Check #1 Profession (cook) [roll0] Perception [roll1]
Check #2 Profession (cook) [roll2] Perception [roll3]
Check #3 Profession (cook) [roll4] Perception [roll5]
Check #4 Profession (cook) [roll6] Perception [roll7]

Check #5 Profession (cook) [roll8] Perception [roll9]
Check #6 Profession (cook) [roll10] Perception [roll11]
Check #7 Profession (cook) [roll12] Perception [roll13]
Check #8 Profession (cook) [roll14] Perception [roll15]


As Artazostra walks to Shivikah, she notices the exslaver was by herself, looking at the horizon. When Artazostra gets closer, Shivikah looks at her and nods. "Good evening Arty. Looks you had fun tonight as well. You get any of the rats?"


Rugnar finds 'Narwhal' among the physical games again, this time seeing Jaundiced Jape and the dwarf wrestling. Noticing the Rugnar, Narwhal breaks the grapple by the half-orc. "Heard a scuffle down there. What did you and your 'friends' face?"


As Varya makes her way to 'Barefoot' Toppins and Jack 'Scrimshaw', Rosie is there talking with the two. Seeing the sword mage, Rosie waves and helps set up place for you to sit. Hearing Varya speak, Rosie smiles. "You know, the wine sounds good for tomorrow, but I am going to be helping your friend Lucky with her entertainment. You guys aren't half bad."

Listening, 'Barefoot' nods at Rosie's statement. "That would be good. Better than the rum we are having now."

2013-02-12, 07:07 AM
Seeing his chance, Gareth runs to bed before the clingy gnome can grab his leg again.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-13, 12:23 AM
As Artazostra walks to Shivikah, she notices the exslaver was by herself, looking at the horizon. When Artazostra gets closer, Shivikah looks at her and nods. "Good evening Arty. Looks you had fun tonight as well. You get any of the rats?"

"Unfortunately no. I'm not much of a warrior. My talents were always more suited to belly dancing, rather than dervish dancing."

2013-02-13, 12:59 AM
Rugnar finds 'Narwhal' among the physical games again, this time seeing Jaundiced Jape and the dwarf wrestling. Noticing the Rugnar, Narwhal breaks the grapple by the half-orc. "Heard a scuffle down there. What did you and your 'friends' face?"

"Rats, big rats... better be careful what you eat?" he says with a wink. "So what's the game tonight?"

King Tius
2013-02-13, 11:22 AM
Binderal does his best to try and talk to the resident sorceress on board. He asks her the usual questions that one would pose to a sorceress....

"How long have you been on board? Do you like serving? What spells can you cast? What does the Captain have you do. Is there any way I can help? Is there anything you can teach me?"

Diplomacy Roll: [roll0]

2013-02-14, 01:07 AM

"Ah, don't worry about it, then," Shivikah says, before noticing Varya and the other ladies talking. "Come on, let's find out what these other ladies are doing."

Turning, Shivikah heads to chat with Varya, 'Barefoot', 'Scrimchaw', and Rosie. Feeling good, Artazostra heads over with the other ladies as well, and to help out Varya if she would like some help.



Though the other crew members might have a negative reaction to the thought of eating dire ats, Jaundiced Jape gives a toothy smile as 'Narwhal' laughs. "Says you. Between Jaundiced Jape and myself, we are the only ones who could stomach the bilge water that 'Fishguts' was making before the bookworm and the 'ranger' showed up."

"As for tonight, we are wrestling," 'Narwhal' says, looking over at a human male with a scowl on his face. "Hey 'Cog', you up to next."

Turning back to Rugnar, 'Narwhal' nods. "Simple rules; no weapons, no magic. No kill hits. First one to go unconscious or taps out loses. If ref calls you out, then you are out. You in, Rugnar?"


King Tius

Despite waiting a few minutes, the sailing master does not show up, being in the captain's quarter. Just as he was giving up hope, the bed raggled gnome, Giffer, comes over. "You know, standing there and not mingling with the crew isn't the best of ideas, you know," Giffer says to Binderal. "You probably want to come over and say hi, like that lady sword mage."

Taking the elf's hand, Giffer guides Binderal to where the ladies and 'Scrimshaw' are. "By the way, thanks for being able to change the taste of drinks and such. Captain doesn't much care for book magic and view those who use it as untrustworthy, especially among crew," Giffer says to Binderal, taking a seat on top of a barrel. "'Course, if he trusts you, then he'll help you out. But for now, just stick with us crew until after you can prove yourself."

OOC @ King Tius

Unfortunately, though Peppery Longfarthing is a sorceress, she isn't friendly to the crew and spends a bit of time with Captain Harrigan. In addition, due to Charisma being a major stat for her, DC will be in the 20s or so.

Also, she doesn't come statted out, so I'll have to work on her CS if you want to chat with her. Be mindful, though, you are going to need some really good luck if you want to get her on your side.

2013-02-14, 11:01 AM

The sea worthy dwarf gives a toothy smile. "Is a dwarf match you want or dwarves against the world?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-14, 04:39 PM
The Qadiran follows Shivikah to where the other ladies are talking.

"Good to hear. Maybe I can spice up your musical performance with a little Kelish belly dancing?"

2013-02-15, 12:40 PM

Hearing Rugnar's statement, 'Narwhal' shakes his head. "Maybe later on, but tonight is just one on one. Just remember, no weapons. Cog, you ready?"

As Rugnar takes his place 10 feet from Cog, Narwhal places hand out in between. Raising it it, Cog launches himself at Rugnar

Crimson Cog Grapple roll [roll0]

Coming at Rugnar, Cog manages to get a hold of the dwarf, getting his arms around Rugnars arm and neck.

OOC @Shugyosha

You lost initiative and Cog manages to grapple you. You can attempt to gain the upperhand by grappling him.

FYI: Rugnar has the Improved Grapple Feat. He gets a +2 to his Grapple checks and +2 to his defense against grappling. Unfortunately, Cog got a 23, so Rugnar is grappled.

Beating Cog's CMD will make you the grappler. If he fails to overtake you next turn, you will need a grapple check (already asked for in the OOC) and then can either pin him or damage him. While lethal damge is an option, you should not use it and just inflict the nonlethal damage.


Hearing Artazostra's offer, 'Barefoot' laughs loudly, though quickly tries to stiffle it. "Sorry Arty, but the last time you did that, most of the men here were drooling over you. If you do help 'Lucky' just make sure you don't overshadow her."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-15, 02:18 PM
"I'm honestly surprised at that, to be honest. I'd have thought the men'd be more interested in a hard, practical woman. Someone like Shiv, maybe. I may have a pretty face, but I've also got the soft, fat body of a live spent in idle luxury. The kind that's not too useful working on a ship."

Influence check with the compliment to Shivikah: [roll0]

2013-02-15, 07:53 PM

The dwarf tries to slip out of the hold and pivot against Cog.

[roll0] to grapple
[roll1] nonlethal damage

2013-02-16, 11:29 PM
Oblivious to the intended compliment, Varya snorts a laugh at the Qadiran's statement. "I'm pretty sure that practicality falls rather low on a sailor's priorities when it comes to such things - probably ranking between handedness and the ability to whistle in their list of desirable traits."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-17, 12:48 AM
"The only list of desired traits I ever saw was my grandfather's, and there was only one thing on it: Fanatical worship of Sarenrae. Oh, and "Must not care about the exorbitant amounts of money I spend commissioning temples to be built with my name on them." I hate that self-righteous goat."

2013-02-17, 03:39 PM

Though Cog manages to get ahold of Rugnar initially, it is clear that his time aboard ship is doing more for him that anything else. Though he tries to pin the dwarf, Rugnar quickly manages to make it trouble for him, with Cog managing to get, and maintain, the advantage, delivering a knee to the human's gut before 'Narwhal taps on both wrestlers and seperates them.

Around the two, several of the crew appear, waging money on the outcome, with most being disappointed with the announcement of a tie, though if the fight had gone on another few seconds there might have been a clear winner.

(OOC @ Shugyosha (and other brawlers))

Though the rolls were in Shugyosha's favor, the Grapple rules state that if a grappler succeeds in the previous round, and the opponent doesn't break said grapple, the Grappler gains a +5 circustance bonus to the next grapple check to maintain the grapple. That's the reason why he was able to get you at the begining of Round 2.

Round 2 also saw the first reversal, while Round 3 gets Cog in control. HOWEVER, the subsequent low rols by Cog and the High rolls by Shugyosha means a tie.

Comments in OOC, please.

ArchPaladin, Sanguine, and King Tius

Though Shivikah eyes did darken for a minute when Artazostra mentions her life in luxury, Varya's quip and Artazostra response quickly smothered it. "Ah, so while your father was making his fortune, your grandfather was trying to spend it as a quickly. When you raised your voice against it, he tries to silence you."

Overhearing the conversation, Sandara Quinn strolls over, pipe in her mouth. "Oh, I understand that, though to a lesser degree," the cleric of Besmarra says, "though my papa died only a short while ago, he wanted me safe and secure. However, I want to explore the seas, and had put that on hold when he gotten very sick. Now that he is gone, I do not want to waste away in Hell Harbor. My mama is still there, though she is able to handle herself at the moment."

Hearing Sandara speak, both 'Barefoot' and 'Scrimshaw' nod. "That's how it was for us, though slightly different. Our Great Grandfather and a few of his friends set up a small village in the Sodden Lands when Eye formed. Our families still there, though we do send some our people to crew the various ships. Helps out our families, and if a few of us finds a mate who likes a "quiet" fishing village life, it helps us out. One reason why Jack and I are here, though that's du to us being a bit desperate to find a good captain that won't drink himself to death or try to pick fights with the larger and more powerful Free Captains."

For the next few hours, the conversation was about home and family, with each sailor givin g their perspectives on it.

HuskyBoi and Sarone

In the Galley, Harrold and Ezekial finish up taking care of the remaining clutter and garbage, leaving the galley cleaner than it's ever been. In addition, the two cook assistants finds the last of the various items hidden inside.


1 Dagger, cookbook (gives +1 circumstance bonus to Profession: Cook checks, stacks with the galley), 6 silver pieces, Bottle of Chelish Brandy and a Bottle of Maginificient Rum

Husky Boi:

Prosthetic Leg made of wood and silver, flask of acid, dagger, masterwork dagger, Bottle of Chelish Brandy, and a Bottle of Maginificient Rum

"Thought this place wasn't going to get cleaned," Ezekial says as he gathers up the items he found, "which means that cleaning can be done during the day instead of at night. About time, too. I'm ready to get some fun tomorrow."


The next morning, as the bell strike sand wakes the crew, Fipps is cussing and swearing. "By the black bones, who keeps opening the blasted bilge hatch," Fipps says out loud, before slamming the hatch down, "next time, I'll ctach the buggers."

Shaking his head, Ezekial looks at the others. "Too bad his fat rear wouldn't fall down inside, might quiet him for a bit," the alchemist says to the others once Fipps is out of earshot.

As the various crew gets on deck, their jobs for the day being assigned.

Crew Jobs

Rhyvurg: Upper Rigging work (Need Climb checks of 50 feet and a DC 10 Profession: Sailor check)
Sanguine: Mainsail Duties (Need either a Profession: Sailor or strength check. I also need a Constitution check to prevent being fatigued)

ArchPaladin: Repairs (Profession: Sailor or Dexterity Check (get a plus two from the ))
MorbisMeh: Hauling Rope and Knot Work (Profession: Sailor or Strength check, and a Constitution Check to avoid fatigue)
King Tius: Runner (Need an Acrobatics check and a Constitution Check to avoid fatigue)
Shugyosha: Rat Catcher (Stealth Check, Survival Check, or Dex Check)

Assistant Cooks*
Jobs Are Fishing and Cooking.
'Fishguts' is out, looks to be he was drinking alot more than usual and is hungover from the previous night.

Cooking: Profession: Cook or Intelligence check (+3 to Profession: Cook Check due to the Galley and Cookbook)
Fishing: Profession: Fisherman or Survival check.

NOTE: To hurry things up, the Swabs and Riggers can get a +2 to one roll due to getting help from a person they made at least helpful. Also, normal ship board actions are suspended for today due to the event.

As noon approaches and the sun starts making things hotter, the recruits are on deck, either working or taking a breather while they can. Before they get back to work ot finish what they were doing, the crew hear cursing and screaming, seeing Jack 'Scrimshaw' and Fipps run up onto the main deck, Jack bleeding from his arm. Seeing Master Scourge, the two run towards the boatswain, while Ezekial runs to Jack, breaking out his healer's kit as his instincts take over.

While Master Scourge looked annoyed at Ezekial's timing, he looks at Fipps and Jack as they stammered forth.

"Master Scourge, sir, we got an issue," the fat man says, trying to ctahc his breath, "those blasted rats down there are bigger, looking like the ones Ole 'Shark bait' and friends fought yesterday."

"Aye, Master Scourge," says Jack, wincing as Ezekial cleans the wound and bandages it up. "I saw something in the water and bent down to get, when something bit me. Fipps shined a light on it and we saw this big rat, far bigger than anything else I saw."

Dire Rat Attack

Damage [roll0]

Fort Save for Jack [roll1]

Heal Check for Deadly Wounds [roll2]
Heal Check for Treating the Disease [roll3]

Seeing Ezekial tending the wounds of Jack, Master Scourge looks at the various crew, then back at Ezekial. "'Bookworm', how long will it take you to bandage up 'Scrimshaw'?"

Looking up at Master Scourge, Ezekial looks back. "An hour tops, Master Scourge. If it's those dire rats we ran into yesterday, then I'll want to make sure the wound is clean. Otherwise, Jack might get filth fever and that'll be bad for everyone."

Scowling at Ezekial, Master Scourge is about to say something when he notices Captain Harrigan staring at him, giving the boatswain a hard glare. "Then hurry up, 'Bookworm'. You and you friends are going down there."

Quickly, he has Gareth, Rugnar, Varya, Artazostra, 'Lucky' Cas, Binderal, and Harold report to him. "You all have an hour to get ready, getting what ever weapons you need, report to the bilges. Once 'Bookworm' done up here, I want you all to go down there and kill what ever is down there. Do you udnerstand me?"

2013-02-17, 06:42 PM

After a morning on the rigging Gareth is glad to climb down and punch something. Going to his locker, he retrieves and dons his armor. He feels much, much better about being on this ship with a layer of steel protecting his back.

Morbis Meh
2013-02-18, 01:21 PM
Cas rouses herself from a deep sleep and quickly looks to the grumpy man's bunk and when she notices him already awake she silently curses I will get him tomorrow... I swear it but right now I need to focus on tonight! She quickly gets dressed and reports for duty.

working diligently so I won't fatigued again... prof sailor[roll0] con check [roll1]

2013-02-19, 12:41 AM
Varya sets about her duties diligently. Working the mainsail is arduous work and she doesn't want to burn herself out for the evening activities.

Profession (sailor): [roll0]
Con for fatigue: [roll1] (with +2 for help)

2013-02-21, 12:08 PM

His muscles ached in a good way that morning, which made him in a particularly good mood. That changed when he heard his duty of rat catching. "Damn rats," he muttered.

[roll0] Dex check (yes, +1 is the best mod I have of the three)

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-22, 12:00 AM
The Qadiran

The Qadiran works quickly on the repairs, aided by her friend (Shivikah?). After this, she returns to her bedroll, and assembles her gear, girding her new armor on and sheathing her scimitar. She felt like a badass now! But she needed to LOOK like it too. Remembering the peacock feather she'd found one the first night, she sticks it tastefully in her hair. It was time to get some rats!

Profession (sailor): [roll0]

2013-02-22, 05:20 PM

With 'Stitchman' taking over, Ezekial goes down, getting his leather armor on. Once done, he goes over to the hatch, looking at the others as he unlsung the crossbow and put a bolt in. "You all ready for this," the doctor says, as he looks into the bilges. "Who's going first?"

People who posts first gets to pick their spot. Otherwise, those who don't post will be close to the ladder.

Due to the work delay, you notice that there is about a foot of bilgewater. There is also boxes every where, making it difficult terrain for charges, though you won't have to do any climb checks. The terrain also provide a 20% concealment for the Dire rats due to their size. and shape.

Also, Perception checks, GO!

Morbis Meh
2013-02-22, 05:29 PM
Lucky grabs here coat and her club but makes it obvious that she is staying in the very back, she hates rats and will not stand to go near them. She is fine with bandaging up anyone who gets hurt but she will be damned if she is in front.

Perception [roll0]

2013-02-22, 06:19 PM

"Damn Rats," he mutters as he moves knee deep in water. The dwarf heads out with hammer in hand.

[roll0] perception

2013-02-22, 07:44 PM
"I'll go first, maybe I can draw them out."

[roll0] Perception

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-02-23, 12:24 AM
"Cas, there's no real point to drawing your clothes up like that. You're going to get wet anyway. May as well enjoy it while you can. We'll be out in the sun before you know it. This is gonna be easy."

She sort of begins to ramble about how the group will be triumphant.

Perception: [roll0]

The Qadiran uses Bardic Performance to Inspire Courage.

Perform (oratory): [roll1]

2013-02-23, 12:39 AM
Varya draws her cutlass and says, "let's slay some vermin. I'm right behind you, Gareth." She heads down the ladder with blade in teeth.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-03-01, 03:30 PM
As the group goes into the bliges, the sight of the slowly rising water and various boxes indicates why this area is such a valuable spot for the rats to hide.

The group is located around the ladder in the Bilges (Area A11) with the players in the following locations (starting clockwise from top square being #1) Shugyosha (@1), Sarone (@3), King (@4), ArchPaladin (@5), Husky Boi (@6), Rhyvurg (@7), and Sanguine (@8), with Morbis being on the ladder (for emergency healing)

All Players are flat footed for the surprise round, then ArchPaladin, HuskyBoi, King Tius, Shugyosha, and Sarone have their actions, followed by the Dire Rats, then Party Actions followed be DireRats for the rest of this fight.

Dire Rats
#1 Attack [roll0] for [roll1] against Rhyvurg
#2 Attack [roll2] for [roll3] against Sarone
#3 Not Attacking
#4 Attack [roll4] for [roll5] against HuskyBoi

#5 Attack [roll6] for [roll7] against Sanguine
#6 Attack [roll8] for [roll9] against Shugyosha
#7 Attack [roll10] for [roll11] against Archpaladin
#8 Not attacking

With the spalshing and distrubance created by the group, a number of rats immediately revealed themselves, attacking Gareth, Ezekial, Harold, Varya, Rugnar, and Artazostra. However, due to the distrubance, as well as the debris and water, the rats launch themselves into the water to ensure the "invaders" have a harder time hitting them.


Dire rats have a 20% concealment. If you attack, you have to roll a d100 and hoep you score high (1-20 will make it a miss).

2013-03-01, 05:07 PM
Gareth pauses to be thankful the water slowed the rat down before put his his fist through it.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Miss chance

2013-03-06, 10:26 AM

Sloshing through the water the surly dwarf punches downward with his brass knuckles.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dam
[roll2] conceal

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-03-06, 10:22 PM
The Qadiran draws her scimitar and follows the boys.

"Let's show those vermin upstairs how we deal with the vermin down here!"

Artazostra keeps her bardic performance going.