View Full Version : So, How's The Apocalypse Working Out?

2012-12-21, 09:52 AM
Me, I'm doing fine, really.

Zombies are fun, particularly when it turned out there's no such thing a a zombie plague. Daleks not so much, but I got a railgun, so not as bad as they could be.

We're also making a dinner for this guy:


After he's done eating Australia after the End of the World started over there yesterday.

2012-12-21, 09:56 AM
Things started to get a little weird around here earlier. But then some guy in a blue box showed up, told me he had it covered, and everything's been fine ever since.

On a side note, I've deicded to buy a fez. 'Not sure why.

2012-12-21, 10:03 AM
The Blob has moved out of New York City and is moving toward Philadelphia. We are bracing for impact. Luckily I have a lot of experience fighting Gelatinous Cubes in D & D, so I've become a valuble source for the government's Counter World-End Unit.

2012-12-21, 10:19 AM
Some Chinchillas performed alchemy over here to save this part of the United States. They lost most of their lives but they said, "To obtain, something of equal value must be lost".
Their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. :smallfrown:

Morbis Meh
2012-12-21, 10:21 AM
Well I challenged Death to a game of Twister and won.... so there you're all welcome

2012-12-21, 11:05 AM
It snowed here.

We freaked out for about two seconds before remembering it's winter in Canada.

2012-12-21, 11:12 AM
Mildly scary thing: 50+ miles per hour winds caused two power lines to touch around 8 pm in my area, which caused the local power to go off.:smalleek:

Then, five second's latter, my little sister says "I think the Mayans were right, papa.":smallbiggrin:

Capt Spanner
2012-12-21, 11:17 AM
In London we've got volcanoes and Utahraptors.

Here's a picture I grabbed: I promise it's not photoshopped:


2012-12-21, 11:30 AM
It's going poorly! We've got this horrid wet stuff pounding down from the sky in large droplets, and something is making the air slide off to one side really fast, like 50+ mph! :eek:

2012-12-21, 11:34 AM
13 and a half hours until folks can start panicking over the next apocalypse (On the grounds that that's when it will be 12/22 in the Mayan's area).

Oh, and there was also a lot of snow. But, *gasp*, that's normal around this time of year for my area.

Dave Halfbreed
2012-12-21, 11:36 AM
Well, it just snowed, and I guess the Mayans would be panicking. My mom's Mexican, and she's pretty angry about it.

2012-12-21, 11:50 AM
In London we've got volcanoes and Utahraptors.

Here's a picture I grabbed: I promise it's not photoshopped:

So many amounts of win, sir. So many.

The Succubus
2012-12-21, 11:54 AM
In London we've got volcanoes and Utahraptors.

Here's a picture I grabbed: I promise it's not photoshopped:


Randall Munroe was right!! :eek:

2012-12-21, 12:56 PM
Well, it's brought a whole new meaning to that old holiday verse:

Well the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful


Giggling Ghast
2012-12-21, 01:00 PM
It snowed here.

We freaked out for about two seconds before remembering it's winter in Canada.

Those ****ing yetis are proving to be a real handful in Alberta, though. Where the hell did those guys find tanks? :smallconfused:

Nonetheless, I think Alpha Flight (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlphaFlight) is taking care of it.

2012-12-21, 01:01 PM
I've just been contacted by the Nazis from the inside of the hollow earth, the death laser got wet, but they'll surely destroy earth once it's been cleaned up again. Unsafe working conditions could endager people!

2012-12-21, 01:15 PM
Well, cat's and dogs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSiU9mKUskk) are living together, but no mass hysteria as of yet.
I guess I am just not in the mood for a good panic.

2012-12-21, 01:17 PM
Switzerland is having it's at least third green christmas in a row. Does that count? It's probably more than three, but I don't remember details farther back.

2012-12-21, 01:19 PM
The Lord Cthulhu has spoken !

And he has said : " Thank you for you're interest in Cthulhu Inc. but sadly all are lines are busy at this moment. If you could call back at the next Apocalypse we will be happy to devour your souls. "

2012-12-21, 01:57 PM
All this rubbish about the end of the world is ridiculous. No one is stupid enough to believe the world is going to end today. I don't beli - <crackle boom!>

<Normal service... probably will never be resumed.>

2012-12-21, 02:39 PM
I dunno, there were only three of us at work this morning instead of twenty so we kind of wondered if the end of the world was happening somewhere else.
THEN we figured there was a christmas party downstairs and we weren't invited.

2012-12-21, 02:45 PM
I dunno, there were only three of us at work this morning instead of twenty so we kind of wondered if the end of the world was happening somewhere else.
THEN we figured there was a christmas party downstairs and we weren't invited.

Saddest. Response. Yet. :smallfrown::smallsigh:

2012-12-21, 02:57 PM
Everything is quite over here. Too quiet as a matter of fact..............

2012-12-21, 03:14 PM
Well in my neck of the woods my robot overlords said that we were all going to <Message Redacted> a Christmas party at some guy's house. Apparently, his name is Hastur or some such and he has a hankering for Soylent Green, which we are going to make.

2012-12-21, 03:21 PM
Switzerland is having it's at least third green christmas in a row. Does that count? It's probably more than three, but I don't remember details farther back.

The WORLD may end. Switzerland will likely just stay out of it.

2012-12-21, 03:26 PM
The WORLD may end. Switzerland will likely just stay out of it.

You're right. The world will end. But nobody really knows when it will end. That is all I can say.

2012-12-21, 03:34 PM
Here in Yorkshire, we don't have no fancy southern Utahraptors.
Just ferrets. The size of houses. So this is how it ends...

2012-12-21, 03:37 PM
I was raining here, then it tapered off and produced a double rainbow.

2012-12-21, 03:38 PM
Ferrets are always a danger in Yorkshire, I warned them at the Otley show, but those Ferret racers just don't listen. It's always nice to see someone else from Yorkshire, so that we can share tips on survival.

2012-12-21, 03:41 PM
Okay, just got the best/worst fortune cookie possible:

"Get ready for a daring adventure."


2012-12-21, 03:43 PM
Today I woke up dead. Still had to go to school, though. :/

2012-12-21, 03:56 PM
Today I woke up dead. Still had to go to school, though. :/
Couldn't you get a doctor's note? Or a mortician's?

2012-12-21, 05:00 PM
Didn't I tell you people, I can't celebrate my birthday while sick! So no apocalypse for you! :smalltongue:

2012-12-21, 09:29 PM
Well, I decided not to buy any christmas gifts since the world would end. But it hasnt yet. So now I have no gifts and christmas is near. ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!! for me

2012-12-21, 09:35 PM
Today I woke up dead. Still had to go to school, though. :/

Is the problem all the currently unripe food? Try getting it from teachers rather than students.:smalltongue:

2012-12-22, 12:05 AM
I'm proud to say that I've officially survived the end of the world, along with everybody else.

So, I'll be seeing you folks at the next end of the world, ok?

2012-12-22, 12:17 AM
I'm proud to say that I've officially survived the end of the world, along with everybody else.

So, I'll be seeing you folks at the next end of the world, ok?

Meh. I'm so blase about the whole shlitc now.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-12-22, 12:32 AM
Everybody sing along with me! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIdPPVkkHYs) :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-22, 12:37 AM

Galactus loved our Baked Pluto, excellent comfort food after the Doctor kicked his ass.

Also, does anyone know an undertaker? Zombie corpses getting stinky.

2012-12-22, 12:38 AM
Finished my playthrough of Assassin's Creed (the first one) and realised that the date 12212012 was written on the floor in the lab after you're done.
Kind of fitting, I think, even if it's technically the 22nd here right now.

Emperor Ing
2012-12-22, 12:49 AM
Worst. Apocalype. Ever.

2012-12-22, 12:53 AM
Worst. Apocalype. Ever.

Nah. I think that title belongs to The Rapure, take 2.

5a Violista
2012-12-22, 12:54 AM
I had a pretty fun apocalypse! After taking a drive and swerving to avoid all the rocks that fell on the freeway, I did some pretty cool things. Such as, I ran into my cousin. I haven't seen her since before the apocalypse! It was so neat. She seems to be doing fine, what with all the apocalyptic stuff happening.

I saw some insane advertisements, I saw some neat Mayan stuff and a couple of Christmas trees, my brother's joining the military, and so on.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got all my post-apocalyptic business to get back to.

Edit: Oh, I remembered. I also found out that I got an A in Chemistry.

2012-12-22, 12:57 AM
Armageddon is pretty good so far. On my fourth beer, and just about exactly 32 years since I was born. Also, amazed I can type correctly.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2012-12-22, 12:57 AM
I agree. Totally lame.

Although, my page-a-day Doomsday Countdown Calendar tells me that alternate interpretations of the Mayan Long Count place the End on Dec 23, so maybe we can try this all again on Sunday.

2012-12-22, 01:06 AM
I sat around with a high school friend an organized a quick Pathfinder campaign. Hopefully all goes well. I might even roll up a Kobold.

2012-12-22, 01:14 AM
Well it's past Midnight, so I'm officially living in a postapocalyptic wasteland. It's just like I was telling Cassandra..."your predictions will come true, you just have to wait a while."

2012-12-22, 01:32 AM
So... no Zombie hordes? No one has pressed the big shiny red buttons at all? No Meteor, no Meteors with Dragons inside them, no silver haired/armored bladesmen using summoning magic to call said Meteors? No "Death star/PlanetX"? No "Cosmic Rebirth" with us gaining Psychic powers as according to some (What could possibly go wrong with that idea?!)? The world is still turning, and proving, that despite popular some belief to the contrary, gosh darn it, The Little Planet that Could is about to make another revolution around?

What a shocking surprise...... /sarcasm.

*Puts on super nerdy voice:*

"Worst. Doomsday. Ever."

:smallbiggrin: See you around ladies and gentlemen, and Happy holidays.

2012-12-22, 04:58 AM

2012-12-22, 09:44 AM
All was well over in Brooklyn. Had a blood sacrifice, lots of red facepaint, a fair quantity of alcohol. Actually pretty much par for the course, for our parties...

2012-12-22, 10:37 AM
I'm being blistered by fridged winds that taunt me of their true nature! The time may be neigh! :smallfrown:

Oh wait; it's just yet -ANOTHER- Green yet Cold Christmas in the South. If it's gonna get this cold, it really should Snow... at least a little... :smallannoyed:

2012-12-22, 12:18 PM
Couldn't you get a doctor's note? Or a mortician's?

Turns out it was just a phase I was going through. I survived the end and all I got was this lousy Ascension...

2012-12-22, 12:25 PM
Just letting you all know that I died last night.

At 12:01.

Huh, guess the 21st just wasn't the Day was it....

2012-12-22, 01:31 PM
I dunno, just had 9 kids between ages 5 and 7 in my house and I feel quite dead at the moment. Onwards to the next Armageddon!

Morph Bark
2012-12-22, 01:35 PM
The Friday before Christmas should become an international holiday known as "Apocalypse Celebration Day".

2012-12-22, 02:35 PM
It snowed here.

We freaked out for about two seconds before remembering it's winter in Canada.

Well, it just snowed, and I guess the Mayans would be panicking. My mom's Mexican, and she's pretty angry about it.

Yeah, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man took a crap all over us too.

2012-12-22, 02:43 PM
I feel fine. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY)

2012-12-22, 03:12 PM
It rained here in California, so I blew my life savings on hookers and blow... in hindsight, probably not the wisest of choices.

2012-12-23, 06:17 AM
It rained here in California, so I blew my life savings on hookers and blow... in hindsight, probably not the wisest of choices.

I don't know... It worked for NPH didn't it?

Beacon of Chaos
2012-12-23, 06:55 AM

2012-12-23, 11:11 AM
I don't know... It worked for NPH didn't it?
Yeah, but I'm not as cool as him.


Bulldog Psion
2012-12-23, 12:57 PM
Everything is normal here. Carbonized flesh, check. Strange reddish light guttering in undead eye sockets, check. Burning sky streaked with falling meteors, check.

Just a normal day for me. No apocalypse, no siree. :smallsmile: