View Full Version : Elder Scrolls Books

Slayer Lord
2012-12-21, 10:40 AM
I'm a bit of a nerd for Elder Scrolls lore and I've heard that there are two or three Elder Scrolls novels have been released over the last couple years to bridge the gap between Oblivion and SKyrim. I've been considering reading them, but I'd like to know if they're any good or not.

So what's the verdict: Fit for human consumption or is it the Baldur's Gate novel all over again?

2012-12-30, 03:10 AM
Hmm...Good question. I have been wndering that myself regarding The Infernal City.

Kitten Champion
2012-12-30, 04:39 AM
*Runs off to read the TES novel*

Kitten Champion
2012-12-31, 06:27 AM
The Infernal City is, rather unsurprisingly, pretty generic adventure fantasy. With a plot that scoots along nicely and is mostly coherent, likeable albeit thin characters, some crisp and well written dialogue, and sufficient tension to keep me intrigued until the end.

It's heavily dependant on you knowing the details of the Elder Scrolls world up to the end of Oblivion, with very little in the way of exposition about the various elements lifted from the game world.

The biggest knock I have against it generally is the lack of descriptive language, the author gives you the thinnest outline of what is an intriguing and splendorous world, that it's hard to immerse yourself in the experience.

The best aspect of the work is the choice to not frame it around the gaming experience, both geographically and chronologically. It's is own story, not rigidly steadfast to any predefined narrative.

In short, it's not Baldur's Gate, if you get it from the library you won't be cringing inwardly the whole time. You will, however, forget most of it a week after reading.