View Full Version : Gauntlet + Weapon

2012-12-21, 11:29 AM
Could someone wielding a Gauntlet (Common or Spiked) be able to also wield a sword in that hand? Hence being able to enchant the Gauntlet AND the sword. Of course the enchantments from the gauntlet would not affect the sword. BUt you could go with something like Warning (+5 Initiative) on the gauntlet.

Can a construct make use of its Slam attack even if he has a 2 handed weapon equipped.

Can a construct make use of its Slam attack with gauntlets equiped?

2012-12-21, 11:33 AM

You could also put armor spikes on your armor, shield spikes on your shield, wear gnome quickrazors and/or any other weapon that you can use but don't have to wield with your hands.

About the slam attack:
Yes if you are not also swinging with the weapon and have a single slam attack.
Maybe if you are not also swinging with the weapon and have more than one slam attack.
No if you are also using the weapon.
Yes for gauntlets, but their proprieties would not apply to the slam attack.

2012-12-21, 12:13 PM
+1 Warning, smoking gauntlet spikes are always nice. :-)
For bigger guys, +1 smoking armor spikes, two +1smoking spiked gauntlets, and a smoking main weapon are required though for full coverage.

2012-12-21, 02:25 PM
Could someone wielding a Gauntlet (Common or Spiked) be able to also wield a sword in that hand?

Yes, they can be enchanted separately. If the gauntlet is enchanted with enhancements that don't depend on attacks/damage, such as Warning, then they would presumably still work normally.

Can a construct make use of its Slam attack even if he has a 2 handed weapon equipped.

This is not clear, and may depend somewhat on the creature type, creature size, how they gained the slam attack, etc. If the creature is roughly humanoid-shaped, then it's implied that they make slam attacks with their arms. However, this isn't stated in the rules anywhere, and more or less boils down to a DM's Call.

Despite being heavily implied by common sense, there is no rule in print that says if you attack with a manufactured weapon, then the corresponding appendage does not get to make a natural attack. The best evidence we have that this is a rule (or was intended as such) is the stat blocks in the Monster Manual, mostly the giants, golems, and elementals. If a creature is large-sized and somewhat humanoid-shaped, then it often has two slam attacks. For those creatures that also wield manufactured weapons (mostly the giants), they lose both slam attacks when wielding a two-handed weapon.

If a creature is medium-sized and has a slam (pretty rare, actually), then again, it's not clear if they keep the slam if both arms are occupied. Doppelganger and vampire may be the only two in Core... but the doppelganger doesn't mention what happens to its slam if it wields a manufactured weapon, and the vampire gets a slam via template, which can be used regardless of whether the vampire is using manufactured weapons or not.

Outside of Core, the best example is the Warforged in MMIII, but the only clue we have in the stat block is when it wields a spear (two-haned weapon), it no longer gets a slam. There's no indication about what happens to the slam if it's wielding a one-handed weapon. There's also the Woodling template in MMIII, but that works pretty much the same as the vampire's slam.

Can a construct make use of its Slam attack with gauntlets equiped?

Again, this isn't clear. Slams don't necessarily involve the hands, so presumably wearing gauntlets doesn't interfere with it's ability to slam with its arms. However, if you're asking can the construct attack with the guantlets as a manufactured weapon and still use its slam as a secondary natural attack... the rules don't really cover this, so it's a DM's Call.