View Full Version : Alignment Change Causing Issues

2012-12-21, 11:30 PM
I DM'ed a game where the players were allowed to create almost any character they wanted up to level 15, but knowing I would fiat any NI loops (making basically the D&D version of the Avengers or Justice League). Well one was a Half-Giant (for powerful build) Dwarf Fighter 7, Cancer Mage 1 (with festering anger), Hulking Hurler 3, Hammer of Moradin 3.

He challenged and slayed a fallen Paladin of Heironeous, and looted him immediately. Without checking he put on the Helm of Opposite Alignment without even giving a second glance, and failed his save.

He roleplayed the change from LE to LG beautifully, never complained as I always have the magic items pre-set and written, able to prove there is no coincidence. But his character realized the blood he had spilled and the pain he had caused, so he wanted to atone, by becoming a Paladin of Moradin, and joined the group after deserting his "League of Doom". The problem, came when he gained the class feature Divine Health, as it came to conflict with the festering anger. I thought there was a 25% chance Moradin would allow him to keep the disease as it greatly benefited one of his order. I told him about this and had him roll a d20, 16-20 ensuring the disease stay in effect but being unable to advance further. He rolled an 18.

The table started crying. While yes his build is overpowered, but they ALL are. That was the point of me allowing near anything. To win a one on one duel with another, there would basically only need an initiative check. Finally after so much whining (dead gaming for at least 45 mins, way too disrespectful to me as a DM) I decided it was time for them to each make an encounter that could oppose their weakness. The charger's mount was entangled, the war hulking frenzied berserker was taken by mind control, etc.

I was going to give them a few good chances to escape, but I have decided against it. They built their players to be grossly overpowered in at least one aspect, but left very vulnerable weaknesses. What I want to know is if I should give them a better chance to escape or should it just become a stay alive mission for each of them? I plan on the latter so far. Any ideas are welcome.

2012-12-21, 11:37 PM
Well, maybe it's nitpicking, but isn't the helm of opposite alignment supposed to change your alignment to its diametrical opposite? And, umm... isn't the opposite of LE CG, meaning that he shouldn't have become a paladin of Moradin, making the point moot?

2012-12-21, 11:51 PM
Well, maybe it's nitpicking, but

Also, he no longer qualifies for Cancer Mage, and therefore isn't immune to the harmful effects of Festering Anger anymore.

But to answer your question, don't show mercy. Part of practical optimization is making sure your character is playable. If a tiny thing like entanglement or ~1/5 of all spells (Will saves) make it so you can't win, you're doing it wrong. Unless you want your character to be vulnerable, anyway.

Erik Vale
2012-12-22, 12:12 AM
Go whole hog. Just make sure you go whole hog on ALL of them. And if you find that you can't really exploit a weakness in the character they complain about, then you have to give it to them that they were right.
And then you point out he role played well, and that if they role played well, they might get similar bonuses.