View Full Version : Help me with this build!

Heilmut Von L.
2012-12-22, 10:28 AM
For my next adventure, I need a PC with the following features:

From level 3 to 20
Race: Hellbred
Template: Half-Fey (template class variant: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a A single level is enough)
Classes: I want to play a mix of Paladin and Warlock
Role: a guy who tries to avoid combat. If needed, he uses his dark power for offense, divine power for buff/defense and melee weapon if very very angry (can we use the word "gish"?)
Optimization level: medium (preferably medium/low)
No TOB classes if possible
No psionic stuff
Try to avoid Dragon Magazine broken feats and ACF
No extreme mix of PrC and base classes, roleplaying and background are important

Thank you! =)

2012-12-22, 03:18 PM
Paladins are LG, Warlocks have to be Chaotic-anything or anything-Evil. That means you'll have to use Paladin of Freedom, Slaughter, or Tyranny (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladinVariantsFreedom SlaughterAndTyranny), so it really depends on what alignment you want to make him.

I'd start out Half-Fey 1/ Cloistered Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#clericVariantCloistere dCleric) 1/ Warlock 1, and make the final build Half-Fey 1/ Cloistered Cleric 3/ Warlock 3/ Prestige Paladin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/prestigiousCharacterClasses.htm#prestigePaladin) (of Freedom/Slaughter/Tyranny) 3/ Eldritch Disciple 10. You can get Eldritch Glaive for a melee weapon, and replace your free Knowledge domain with Knowledge Devotion.

Note that if you can buy off a level adjustment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm), you can start Half-Fey 1/ [classes] 3, buy off that +1 LA for 3,000 xp, spend your next level to get the rest of the Half-Fey, and once you've gained three more class levels buy off that last +1 LA for 6,000 xp. You'll be exactly the same number of class levels behind the rest of the party, so there's no drawback, but since you'll be a lower ECL you should get more xp per encounter and eventually catch back up.

Heilmut Von L.
2012-12-22, 03:36 PM
Seems good! What about feats and items?

EDIT: and why cloistered cleric?

2012-12-22, 04:05 PM
Seems good! What about feats and items?

EDIT: and why cloistered cleric?

Because you lose just 2 HPs per level (you get armor proficiency back from prestige paladin) in excange fro a domain and 4 skill points per level.

Btw, Biffoniacus completely swordsaged the build i was going to suggest.

Only nitpick, keep the knowledge domain (so all knowledges are class skills) and get devotion with a feat.

2012-12-22, 04:06 PM
If you have a cooperative DM, say that before he became a Hellbred he was originally a Dwarf, Elf, Spirit Folk, or any of the Planetouched races (Aasimar, Tiefling, Chaond, Zenythri, Air/Earth/Fire/Water Genasi, etc.), so you can take the feat Magic in the Blood (PGtF) at 1st level. This will make all of your 1/day racial spell-like abilities usable 3/day instead, which will include your Half-Fey spell-like abilities.

You'll need Mounted Combat to take Prestige Paladin, but it can wait until 6th. If you plan on being good/exalted, Nymph's Kiss is a decent choice, both mechanically and for RP. Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot are fairly obvious. You definitely want Practiced Spellcaster twice for both Warlock and Cleric, two flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm) (others here (http://alt.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258440#30)) can help out with that. Ability Focus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsterFeats.htm#abilityFocus): Eldritch Blast will add +2 DC to any Eldritch Essence that you add onto your EB (confirmed by the official FAQ). Quicken Spell-Like Ability will be a good choice later on. If you go with the Spirit aspect of Hellbred, you definitely want to take Mindsight (LoM p126) at 15th level.

Get max ranks in Intimidate, be the guy who scares away weaker foes instead of killing them. Nymph's Kiss adds to these checks, you can get the Never Outnumbered skill trick, and even pick up Imperious Command and get Fearsome armor, both from Drow of the Underdark. Possibly even say your character visited the Otyugh Hole detailed in Complete Scoundrel (as a criminal in his previous life) to get the feat Menacing Demeanor without having to spend a feat on it.

For items, a (Greater) Chasuble of Fell Power should be a priority. Gauntlets of Eldritch Admixture (MIC) is extremely good in the early levels. Get a (+1) Mithral Buckler for increased survivability early on, there's not even a nonproficiency penalty. A standard Strand of Prayer Beads which has the Bead of Smiting removed will only cost 9,000 gp per DMG pricing, you can activate the Bead of Karma before casting your hour/level buffs, and the Bead of Healing can be extremely handy. A Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend is extremely useful for low level buffs, and later on use it for hour/level spells like Magic Vestment.

When you start getting close to 20th level (16+) you should get a standard Metamagic Rod of Extend and a 6th level Pearl of Power. Every other day prepare Energy Immunity (SC) twice, using the pearl cast it three times with the rod of extend so each lasts 48 hours. On the days in between prepare Energy Immunity once and Superior Resistance (SC) once, cast those and Energy Immunity a second time with the pearl, using the rod of extend on all three again so those will last 48 hours. This way you'll always have Energy Immunity x5 (Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic) and a +6 Resistance bonus to your saving throws, for the cost of those two items and two 6th level spells per day.

2012-12-22, 04:16 PM
Only nitpick, keep the knowledge domain (so all knowledges are class skills) and get devotion with a feat.

There are six Knowledge skills that can be used with Knowledge Devotion (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, Planes), and a Cleric already gets three of those as class skills. Knowledge Devotion itself gives you one more of those as a class skill (Nature is the best choice). You can easily put one cross-class rank into each of the other two and always get the minimum +1 bonus from Knowledge Devotion.

This character is already going to be MAD so he can't afford a high Int, and he needs Concentration max and Spellcraft at least 4, plus probably UMD and Intimidate from Warlock, so he's not going to be putting max ranks into six Knowledge skills. Plus considering all the feat taxes in this build (Practiced Spellcaster twice, Mounted Combat) he shouldn't even spend a feat on Knowledge Devotion, so it's replace the domain or don't get it at all.

2012-12-22, 05:06 PM
There are six Knowledge skills that can be used with Knowledge Devotion (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, Planes), and a Cleric already gets three of those as class skills. Knowledge Devotion itself gives you one more of those as a class skill (Nature is the best choice). You can easily put one cross-class rank into each of the other two and always get the minimum +1 bonus from Knowledge Devotion.

The cleric does, the cloistered cleric doesn't.

The cloistered cleric's class skill list includes Decipher Script, Speak Language, and all Knowledge skills (from the Knowledge domain, see below).

Without the domain no knowledge is a class skill for cloistered clerics.

2012-12-22, 09:17 PM
The cleric does, the cloistered cleric doesn't.

Without the domain no knowledge is a class skill for cloistered clerics.

Includes is the key word there. None of the PHB Cleric's normal class skills are removed, only additional skills are included.

2012-12-22, 09:28 PM
Template: Half-Fey (template class variant: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a A single level is enough)

If I may ask, how do you feel about taking the Fey Heritage feats from the Complete Arcane instead of the Half-Fey template?

Heilmut Von L.
2012-12-23, 09:35 AM
If I may ask, how do you feel about taking the Fey Heritage feats from the Complete Arcane instead of the Half-Fey template?

I like the flavour of being a fey creature and I like the spell-like abilities. My work in progress-build is really feat-starved, I suppose, better choose other feats IMHO.

and replace your free Knowledge domain with Knowledge Devotion.

Is it possible? Where is it written?

You can get Eldritch Glaive for a melee weapon

I know that this need a little bit of optimization. Any tips? In terms of flavour, it's cool to invoke an eldritch weapon instead of using a material one.

Heilmut Von L.
2012-12-25, 03:44 PM
Christmas bump :smallwink:

2012-12-25, 03:51 PM
Is it possible? Where is it written?

Complete Champion page 53, Clerics and Domain Feats, second paragraph:
In addition, you can choose to give up access to a domain in exchange for the corresponding domain feat.

I know that this need a little bit of optimization. Any tips? In terms of flavour, it's cool to invoke an eldritch weapon instead of using a material one.

The only optimization you need with Eldritch Glaive is Power Attack. It makes a touch attack so it ignores most of your opponents' AC. It's two-handed so dump your whole BAB into PA to get twice that back in extra damage. Combat Reflexes is highly recommended, since it is a reach weapon and both the glaive and your Power Attack bonus damage lasts until the start of your next turn.

Unusual Muse
2012-12-25, 03:56 PM
I see a lot of builds throwing in the Prestige Paladin... but isn't that available only as a campaign-wide replacement for regular paladins, i.e., extremely campaign-specific? Or do people tend to handwave that and allow the prestige variant classes alongside their standard counterparts?

Kobold Esq
2012-12-25, 05:33 PM
I see a lot of builds throwing in the Prestige Paladin... but isn't that available only as a campaign-wide replacement for regular paladins, i.e., extremely campaign-specific? Or do people tend to handwave that and allow the prestige variant classes alongside their standard counterparts?

The SRD says: "If you use any of the variant classes presented here, the standard version of the class should be unavailable. For instance, you shouldn't include both the standard paladin character class and the paladin prestige class in the same game."

So yes. But using the very edge of what is arguably acceptable is the norm in CharOp questions, unfortunately. In general I don't ask for help in forums any more (except in very broad questions, like "Is there a PrC that will help me with X?"), because the default answers are usually far outside the realm of what my DM considers kosher.

Heilmut Von L.
2012-12-26, 11:18 AM
Thank you all!