View Full Version : Destro Plays: XCOM, Enemy Unknown and Warlock, Master of the Arcane

2012-12-23, 05:01 PM
Hello, playgrounders! My name is Destro, and I've recently taken up doing video Let's Plays on youtube. Of course, by 'recently' I mean 'I did Minecraft for a bit, but my computer was too fail, and now I have a better computer so I'm doing it again.'

I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the playlist for which can be found here (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMH8KHfqIqF51tiasArWCuXXg9QA9zvjl&feature=view_all). This playthrough is now finished, and all 59 videos are uploaded on youtube. I'll leave the link here, for anyone who has missed it.

Voting for the next game I play is now closed, and the winner is Warlock, Master of the Arcane. Videos for that can be found here (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMH8KHfqIqF7AQ0r96e2V3wjyFbjgHF2M). I shall also leave the list of games I have available here, to be expanded when needed.

And, because I'm completely mad, I've started a Dishonored playthrough, as well. Special rules? No killing innocents! This means quest targets only may die. No being seen! Corvo must be stealthy. The last rule makes things the most difficult, though. No knocking people out and dumping their unconcious bodies if there is a good way to avoid it. The playlist for this can be found here. (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMH8KHfqIqF7LqY9yx-sLdpu9JTDxs0tL&feature=view_all)

Der List:
Fallout: New Vegas. I got this one shortly after its release, but never played it all that much. Wasn't fond of the PC controls. I'm willing to give it another shot, though.
Amnesia, The Dark Descent: I hear it's quite scary. I've never played it before, so this would be a blind run.
Metro 2033: One of THQ's which didn't run so well on my old computer. Only played the tutorial, so I have little idea what to expect out of this one.
Lone Survivor: Picked this up as part of one of the humble bundles. Never played it. Worth a shot?
Limbo: Same as lone survivor, except I hear this one is really good. If a bit old.
Dungeons of Dredmor: I have all three expansions, though I'm not sure this one makes for riveting viewing on video.
Thief, Thief 2, Thief, Deadly Shadows: Picked these up as a bundle from Steam's holiday sale. I've played Thief 2 before. Good game.
SOL: Exodus: A space sim. In space. Really, that's all I needed to know to buy it.

That's what I have, and could play immediately. I've also had requests for a couple of the older XCOM games, though I do not yet own those. Most of my other games don't lend themselves to LPs, or have already been completed. I'm also open to any suggestions.

2012-12-23, 07:18 PM
Hm... i'd suggest Warlock then, as the others are already well LP'd across the net. :smallsmile:

(Minecraft... yeah, that one is probably past it's sell by date as well by now. You'd need to do something special there that goes beyond "let's build something!". Something story-driven and pre-prepared. Too much effort, that.)

The Bushranger
2012-12-23, 08:43 PM
I've heard good things about Lone Survivor, and Limbo is supposed to be a 'modern classic' of sorts. Out of that bunch, though, I'd pick Fallout.

That said, though, if you decided to grab Dungeons of Dredmor, I'd watch the digglenog out of that. :smalltongue:

2012-12-23, 10:08 PM
Well, I do have Dungeons of Dredmor, it just seems like not the most interesting thing to do a video LP of. Not enough happens, and the floors take a long time to explore.

As for Minecraft... well, I had a sort of story thing going in the last one, and I do plan to pick up that one a bit more, but this time I mean to do it with someone else along with me. You're right, though, it needs to be something special. That's why it'll take me a bit longer.

2012-12-23, 10:32 PM
Throwing in another vote for Warlock here.

Thanatos 51-50
2012-12-24, 06:50 AM
League of Legends on some sort of single-champion challange to leve to thirty. Some relatively underpowered campion or something, preferably. Like Karma.

Karma is still a thing people make fun of, right?

(Serious vote time: Warlock sounds good. Let's see some WARlockery)

2012-12-24, 10:33 AM
I do actually have plans to do a League of Legends thing in the future, with a friend of mine. Something along the lines of 'Destro Sucks at League of Legends,' wherein I complain about things and generally do poorly. If this comes to pass, I'd be using Twisted Fate pretty much exclusively.

Thanatos 51-50
2012-12-24, 01:33 PM
I do actually have plans to do a League of Legends thing inI the future, with a friend of mine. Something along the lines of 'Destro Sucks at League of Legends,' wherein I complain about things and generally do poorly. If this comes to pass, I'd be using Twisted Fate pretty much exclusively.

If you ever need a sub-par Twitch, Fiora, Sona or Nunu, then, I'm your man.

2012-12-27, 01:05 PM
I shall keep that in mind. In other news, looks like Warlock is a pretty clear winner. I'll start making videos of that fairly shortly. In the meantime, I shall change the title of the thread.

In other news, part 25 of XCOM is uploading.

2012-12-29, 05:46 AM
Right, the first episode of Warlock is uploading now, and should be live in about half an hour from the time of this post. It shall be found here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS9G9zw2VCg

Let me know what you think!

EDIT: Video is now live.

EDIT: more XCOM shall be incoming shortly.

2012-12-29, 05:54 PM
Mhm... this only makes me want to play this myself. Sounds right up my alley. :O

*checks availability* ...oh. Steam-bound. Ok, nevermind.

Are there other games in this alley from a more modern time? And i don't mean Civ or HoMM.

2012-12-29, 06:28 PM
*Looks at to-do list*

I saw yamimash do Amnesia. If you ask me, any game that gives me an adrenaline rush from the other side of the internet is doing its scaring job well.

2012-12-31, 12:21 PM
Not sure about anything else. According to the website you can get it on a DVD, but it could still require Steam to run. I don't know. Personally, while I'm not a huge fan of Steam, there are worse things out there.

Still haven't played Amnesia, but I did play a little bit of Don't Starve, which I've filmed and uploaded some of. It's a pretty good survival type game. Quite fun.

2012-12-31, 11:40 PM
So you've got... what, two? Three? different LP's going right now? Granted, you've already recorded and edited the XCOM files, but now you're also putting out Don't Starve and Warlock? Dude... you are the single most prolific LPer on my watch list. By a good margin.

2013-01-01, 11:39 PM
Well, it's more like one, at this point, since I only really planned to do Don't Starve until my first death, and XCOM is already editted in its entirety. I do try to put out one video a day at least, though, which I guess is a point in my favour? This is largely a result of night shift - on my days off I don't have much to do other than video games, and filming them doesn't take much extra effort.

Speaking of Warlock, by the way, I was hoping to get a bit of audience participation going. I'm not sure what all can be renamed, but the cities can at least, so if anyone wants a city, speak up now!

The Bushranger
2013-01-02, 02:33 AM
*raises hand for a city*

Call it Mechanicsberg. :smallamused:

2013-01-02, 07:35 AM
Incidentally, you really need to become better at letting people know where they can find what. Ideally a list of active videos both in your sig and the first post of this thread. :smallwink:

(I had to click on your XCOM LP link and then to your channel to find the Warlock and Don't Starve videos. And with youtube's "Let's Make Everything Worse" redesign that is somewhat of a inconvenience.)

2013-01-02, 08:14 AM
Youtube is forcing everybody to learn to organize their videos themselves. :smallamused:

2013-01-02, 11:44 AM
*raises hand for a city*

Call it Mechanicsberg. :smallamused:

The Heterodines would be amused.

Also, I am not a fan of Youtube's new layout.

2013-01-02, 11:09 PM
Sorted, Domo.

ANd yeah, Youtube's new layout is terrible.

2013-01-08, 02:54 PM
My apologies for the delay in new Warlock videos. I meant to make a fancy intro thing for them, but then I got lazy, and busy. I've also got to do some voicover recording for one of the XCOM videos, but in the meantime, part 35 is up, and I've got part 6 of Warlock on the way.

I've been playing through Metro 2033, by the way, and actually enjoying that a good deal. I may take it off the list when I'm done, but then, I might not, if there's enough demand for it. Expect atrociously bad Russian accent imitations if I do play that one.

2013-01-26, 06:00 AM
It's been a long time since I posted here. Sorry about that. It's also been almost a week since I posted new videos. That has been rectified!

I do apologise for all the silly microphone nonsense in the XCOM videos. That gets fixed before the end, thankfully.

The Bushranger
2013-02-11, 01:23 PM
And so, with X-Com not caring for alien shenanigans, it's time to post Erin's final score!

16 Thin Men
15 Mutons
11 Heavy Floaters
8 Chryssalids
8 Muton Elites
6 Floaters
5 Drones
4 Cyberdiscs
4 Sectopods
2 Sectoid Commanders
2 Etherials
1 Zombie
1 Muton Beserker
1 Inigo Montoya
(and 2 portable toilets)

2013-02-12, 09:45 AM
Indeed, XCOM is done. Which means, I need to think about what I should do next! Warlock is fun, but I think my playing style makes it a little slow. I've got the Amnesia fortnight stuff from Double Fine, and everything else on my list is still on the table.

I've thought about getting Dishonoured for the PC, as well, specifically so I could do videos of that.

2013-02-12, 12:42 PM
I really enjoyed Coestar's LP of Dishonored, and I think it would make an excellent LP, since there's just *so many* ways to play the game.

He's trying for a No Death run, as "Her Majesty's Sleep Therepist". It's rather amusing.

And yea, you did an awesome job with your X-COM LP.

2013-02-12, 01:16 PM
Personally i'd prefer more Warlock videos in general, as that game is fascinating (and out of my reach, due to Steam). Your playstyle lends itself to that game. :smallsmile:

Hiro Protagonest
2013-02-12, 01:30 PM
(and out of my reach, due to Steam)

It's on Gamers Gate.

And Steam does have an offline mode, if you really hate the problems that most DRMs have. Personally, I check Gamers Gate and GOG first, but I still buy games off Steam that aren't on those sites (Cave Story and Team Fortress 2 being good examples).

2013-02-12, 02:54 PM
I've also been having a lot of fun with a game called Towns.

For those not familiar, it's a twist on an old standby.

In Diablo, the city of Tristram was beset by evil forces, with a dungeon buried underneath it. You played the daring hero who went down to do battle with the forces of evil and attempted to clean it up.

In Towns, you're the town mayor of the city which has a dungeon buried underneath it, and you need to attract adventurers to your town to clear it out for you, since your townsfolk are hopelessly outmatched. In addition, you need to build the town from the ground up, manage supplies, keep everyone fed, making sure you have all the resources you need, and continue expanding your town to provide the support infrastructure for the dungeon-clearing effort.

It has a similar feel to Dwarf Fortress, but without as much !FUN! to be had. The User Interface is about a million times better, the graphics, while simple, are entertaining, and the controls are intuitive.

Vechz is doing a LP of it, and it has been rather amusing, but I think your play style and witty remarks would make it much more entertaining.

2013-02-12, 03:05 PM
Towns does sound interesting. I'll have to look into that. I do mean to continue Warlock, I'm just worried people might not find it too interesting. It does seem to have a few fans, though, so there's that.

If I did do Dishonoured, I'd do a 'no detection, minimise number of people knocked out.' run. Obviously, this would mean I wouldn't explore everywhere, or collect everything, but it would also mean I'd get to show off a few of the sneakier ways I've found to get around in the game.

2013-02-12, 03:09 PM
It's on Gamers Gate.

And Steam does have an offline mode, if you really hate the problems that most DRMs have. Personally, I check Gamers Gate and GOG first, but I still buy games off Steam that aren't on those sites (Cave Story and Team Fortress 2 being good examples).

GamersGame says

DRM:Steamworks (Requires a third-party download and account)
Activation:Must be activated on Steam

and the Offline Mode of Steam is a joke at best. :smallsigh:

I tried Towns a while ago, and it seemed still to be in heavy need of development. In the same way, Gnomoria isn't bad, and Timber And Stone is looking to shape up quite nicely, too. :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2013-02-12, 09:53 PM
I'm certainly looking forwards to more Warlock. There's a few fire elementals who need a date with Mr. Extinguisher.

And I'll second (third? fourth?) the suggestion of Dishonored. There's always Orcs Must Die! for a fun time too. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-14, 08:08 AM
I've put up a couple more Warlock videos and, as I said in the second, I don't know what sort of temple to build. SO! Anyone have any ideas?

2013-02-14, 04:57 PM
Having watched video 16 now...

1) You're very quiet in that one, barely audible agains the game sound.

2) I think the Demonwood is resting. >_>

3) Why have you not yet build a Wizards Guild? You're a wizard. Act like one. This should be your first priority. :smallwink:

4) Get your ogre full protective gear. He seems to be quite worth it. :O

5) What do the Sisters of Krypta do? (If those are balls then i'd suggest the archers of Helia. Ideally i'd prefer you get a spellcasting type of unit soon.)

2013-02-14, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I think my microphone is defualting to low recording volume when plugged in. I'll try to remember to turn it up. It's a USB one, so I unplug it when I want to use the computer's speakers.

It probably is resting, because it's a jerk. I plan to send a galleon over there once I have a shipyard.

Wizards are next in line for the city up north, after the temple.

Yes. Yes he does. Can't remember if I do that, or when. I'll have to check.

I have absolutely no idea. I've not played this game before, so I don't know what any of the special units do. Pretty sure I do get a spellcasting unit in the next video, though...

2013-02-14, 09:40 PM
I'd suggest Helia for the temple. First off, your neighbor also worships her, so that can only improve relations. Second, you've already done quests for her, so she's already kindly disposed to you.

2013-02-16, 06:19 AM
So, a few people have expressed interest, and let it not be said that Destro ignores what fans he has. I've bought the Steam version of Dishonored, and am now uploading videos of that. Currently, there is only one. This shall be remedied in the near future.

2013-02-16, 06:34 PM
Love your playstyle of Dishonored so far. You've set yourself quite a challenge. I look forward to seeing more from the series.

The Bushranger
2013-02-25, 03:33 PM
I'd try to have someone grab that fort of King Rrat's if you could. Shame Mr. Evil Mage Guy has such horribly low move.

Also, maybe Westeroak should get a Prosperity spell so you can grab those donkeys before Mr. Annoying Librarian Guy does.

Also, it occured to me, that Summon Serpent might help deal with those pesky flying critters...

2013-02-25, 09:13 PM
The main problem with summons, I think, is the large casting time they have. In a lot of cases, there are other spells that are more useful.

As for King Rat, he's in for some hurtin'. You can't capture forts, unfortunately, but he manages to strongly annoy me in the next few videos.

2013-03-09, 02:41 PM
[Ep 20] Jeez, Rrat doesn't like being shunned like that, it seems. >_>

(You probably should have focused on his dudes instead of that tower up top.)

2013-03-09, 08:21 PM
Yeah, probably. He's going to get his, though. I'm back from vacation and uploading videos again, so you guys won't have long to wait to see what happens with him.

2013-03-09, 08:24 PM
You can't really defend your territory with all your units in the other world. You should build some more guys or towers in Westeroak or Mechanicsburg so you've got an actual defensive line.

Also, I'm guessing you can assign slow-moving units like settlers to move to a far-off location so you don't have to keep moving them by hand one hex at a time.

2013-03-23, 07:16 PM
Y'know, as much as i enjoy the Warlock videos; the video compression is effin terrible, especially after map movements. 1080p this is not. In fact, i'm pretty sure it drops to less than 480p on these occasions. :smallsigh:

(Rrat had it coming, really.)

2013-03-23, 07:57 PM
yeah, I'm not sure WHY it does that. The uncompressed footage is perfectly fine - this is the fault of moviemaker's compression, and I don't know if there's any way around it. Maybe if I told it to compress in high quality...

The Bushranger
2013-03-23, 08:27 PM
I've seen it happen in other peoples' videos, too, so who knows...

(And yes yes he did. And the Librarian is next.)

2013-03-23, 08:55 PM
yeah, I'm not sure WHY it does that. The uncompressed footage is perfectly fine - this is the fault of moviemaker's compression, and I don't know if there's any way around it. Maybe if I told it to compress in high quality...

You can fix your video compression issues pretty easily by encoding with the H.264(x264) codec in an MP4box.

MediaCoder (http://www.mediacoderhq.com/) is free and can do that for you easily.

2013-03-24, 07:28 AM
You can fix your video compression issues pretty easily by encoding with the H.264(x264) codec in an MP4box.

MediaCoder (http://www.mediacoderhq.com/) is free and can do that for you easily.

I'm sorry, but I really don't know what any of that means. I'll look into it, though. Thanks.

2013-03-24, 07:35 AM
How does Warlock compare to, let's say, Elemental? (or Fallen Enchantress)

I've seen a few of your vids, the game looks fun. But I was wondering if its the sort of game that has enough depth to keep me playing.

2013-03-24, 08:10 AM
Unfortunately I can't say, as I haven't played Elemental. I was interested in it, but by the time I had enough money to pick it up I'd heard it had a ton of bugs and wasn't as good as it should have been. Fallen Enchantress, I hear, is better, but I haven't got around to buying that one.

For me, Warlock compares pretty favourably to Civ, though perhaps not to Civ veterans, since it's got a ton of spells and things that add extra options and it does away with a lot of tedious nonsense (like stuff taking hundreds of turns to complete). I don't know how much of that is seen as integral to the Civ experience, but it always annoyed me.

2013-03-24, 08:13 AM
Unfortunately I can't say, as I haven't played Elemental. I was interested in it, but by the time I had enough money to pick it up I'd heard it had a ton of bugs and wasn't as good as it should have been. Fallen Enchantress, I hear, is better, but I haven't got around to buying that one.

For me, Warlock compares pretty favourably to Civ, though perhaps not to Civ veterans, since it's got a ton of spells and things that add extra options and it does away with a lot of tedious nonsense (like stuff taking hundreds of turns to complete). I don't know how much of that is seen as integral to the Civ experience, but it always annoyed me.

You should try Fall From Heaven II one of these days. If you like "Civs but with a cool twist", it's the game for you. It's also a Master of Magic spiritual successor

2013-03-24, 10:16 AM
I'm sorry, but I really don't know what any of that means. I'll look into it, though. Thanks.

Download MediaCoder. Use it to compress your videos using these settings: Container (http://i.imgur.com/Z6vNv8b.png), and video settings (http://i.imgur.com/Xp3zMdy.png). This gets a 30 minute video down to about 150-200mb, and gives HD quality(so long as you record in HD).

Audio you generally wanna use LC-AAC.

2013-03-24, 12:20 PM
That might work. I think I'd still need to use a seperate program to edit them, though? Adds an extra step, but not a long one. I'll try mucking about with Moviemaker first, see where I can get with that by changing a few settings around.

2013-03-24, 02:44 PM
I gotta say, Destro, your LP sometimes makes me tear my hair out in frustration. I scream "no! You selected the wrong thing!! No, you need X!".

But it's still damn fun! Actually, it's probably a part of the fun :smallbiggrin:

Love Da Ogre

2013-03-25, 05:17 PM
That might work. I think I'd still need to use a seperate program to edit them, though? Adds an extra step, but not a long one. I'll try mucking about with Moviemaker first, see where I can get with that by changing a few settings around.

It's really easy to do.

I, personally, use Audacity to record my audio, Fraps for my video, then use Avidemux to splice the video together and rip out the audio. Afterward, I use Audacity to splice the audio together with my commentary, then join the video with the audio in VirtualDub.

Finally, I run it through MediaCoder to compress it and keep the same HD quality.

I've tried using Windows Moviemaker, but frankly: It's terrible.

2013-03-25, 09:10 PM
It's really easy to do.

I, personally, use Audacity to record my audio, Fraps for my video, then use Avidemux to splice the video together and rip out the audio. Afterward, I use Audacity to splice the audio together with my commentary, then join the video with the audio in VirtualDub.

Finally, I run it through MediaCoder to compress it and keep the same HD quality.

I've tried using Windows Moviemaker, but frankly: It's terrible.

The way you do it is about three or four more steps than I really want to do. I just get FRAPS to record microphone input and game sound at the same time. Moviemaker may be terrible, but it's free with Windows, and I have a decently good idea of how to use it. I liked the old version better, though.

2013-03-25, 09:28 PM
Hm, in that case you can also get yourself virtualdub (free) with the ffmpeg codec pack. That one contains h264 with various quality settings as well.

It's what i used to edit and convert fraps videos with in the simplest way. :smallsmile: (Unfortunately that has fallen somewhat to the wayside.)

2013-03-26, 09:55 AM
so it turns out that telling Moviemaker to save in high definition resulted in fixing the problem entirely, combined with about 100MB of extra file size. Running the resulting file through Mediacoder caused a small drop in picture quality, and a 700MB reduction in file size. The episode I did this for is number 28 - once that comes up, I'll upload the mediacoded version, and you guys can tell me what you think. If you want higher quality, I'll skip mediacoding and eat the higher file sizes. If you want decent-ish quality, I can save a lot of disk space by compressing the files.

2013-03-26, 11:27 AM
Hm, in that case you can also get yourself virtualdub (free) with the ffmpeg codec pack. That one contains h264 with various quality settings as well.

It's what i used to edit and convert fraps videos with in the simplest way. :smallsmile: (Unfortunately that has fallen somewhat to the wayside.)

VirtualDub's major problem is that it doesn't compress well. That's why I use MediaCoder to compress videos, because it's a dedicated compression tool and gets files to ludicrously small sizes. 200mb~ for 30 minutes of content is not unheard of with MediaCoder.

The way you do it is about three or four more steps than I really want to do. I just get FRAPS to record microphone input and game sound at the same time. Moviemaker may be terrible, but it's free with Windows, and I have a decently good idea of how to use it. I liked the old version better, though.

Using Fraps to record mic/game audio together is totally doable, but it requires you to turn you game audio way down or shout over it. I use Audacity because it allows me to talk at a normal voice, listen to the game audio at a normal volume, then boost myself(or lower the game) in post to get an audio quality I enjoy.

And, really, whatever method works for you is obviously what you should do.

2013-03-26, 11:30 AM
I haven't had a problem so far, regarding the recording audio together. I don't think my voice is too loud, and I don't think the games are too quiet. I do use a pretty good-quality headset to record, though. Sennheiser, I think?

2013-03-31, 10:47 AM
I have now put up episode 28. If it is determined that the video quality is not terrible, this is the way I'll be doing these from now on.

2013-03-31, 01:10 PM
Hm, it doesn't have those dips anymore, but it's still far from 1080p, looking blurry at that resolution.

So, a improvement, but not quite there yet for what it should be. :smallsmile:

(Also, not sure what other temple to build... Krypta, i suspect. Krolm doesn't like you and i can't remember the other one.)

The Bushranger
2013-03-31, 02:05 PM
It does indeed look to be avoiding the quality drop upon sudden movement, which will greatly help for Dishonored as well.

Also: the Grand Librarian has chosen...poorly.

2013-04-05, 02:16 PM
Okay, the newest Warlock video has just been rendered straight, without any mediacoder stuff. It's a bigger file, and I don't THINK it goes quite to 1080p, but it should be good quality other than that.

The Bushranger
2013-04-05, 04:57 PM
Both the Dishonored and Warlock videos seem much clearer now - there's no more of the blurring when the screen suddenly pans/turns. The catch is it might be taking longer for Youtube to process; yesterday, an hour after Dishonored Part 23 was uploaded, it wouldn't go past ~6:30 at any resolution - it acted as if the video ended there. And two hours after the Warlock was uploaded, it buffered at 720p to ~12:00 before skipping to the end as if finished. ~4.5 hours after uploading, though, both buffered fine all the way through.

Dishonored Part 24, however, just buffered completely just fine at 720p, so maybe Youtube just disliked you yesterday.

2013-04-09, 01:45 PM
Having watched ep31 of Warlock... Helia, why you gotta be so greedy? :smallsigh:

(The video quality has overall decreased, but it doesn't have those dips anymore, yeah. Seems acceptable for 720p, if you can't tickle anything more out of it.)

2013-04-09, 08:04 PM
Well, in Dishonoured, I haven't found a way to increase the resolution high enough to make 1080p viable. I could do it for Warlock, I think, it would just make the videos even more enormous than they already are. I don't want to go putting stuff in a resolution higher than the one I recorded it in, that seems like a bad idea.

2013-04-09, 08:45 PM
Well, in Dishonoured, I haven't found a way to increase the resolution high enough to make 1080p viable. I could do it for Warlock, I think, it would just make the videos even more enormous than they already are. I don't want to go putting stuff in a resolution higher than the one I recorded it in, that seems like a bad idea.

720 is plenty good enough for most uses. I don't get why people 'need' 1080. Of course, I still use 320, but I have a fail internet connection and a lousy graphics card and monitor.

2013-04-09, 10:03 PM
Eh, 720 is plenty crisp, don't get me wrong. But your videos are still kinda blurry for being 720p. 1280x720 does not look like that. :smallsmile:

2013-04-10, 09:29 AM
That's odd. I record them in a higher resolution than 720, and I think the actual stuff I upload is 1600x900 or something like that. No idea how I'd go about fixing THAT.

2013-04-10, 11:10 AM
Hm... kinda suspecting that the Moviemaker encoder just isn't up to snuff to make things decent looking at a acceptable file size. :smallsigh:

But just in case it's just a matter of settings, check this (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/create-custom-movie-settings-for-windows-movie-maker) out and see just how high you can get the quality and with what settings you can mess around in the first place. (Dynamic instead of fixed bitrates are a good start, for example.)

There are better methods of video rendering (As previously mentioned), involving stuff like avidemux, but that is way too complicated for casual use.
(Whoracle and me are using those for our videos.)

2013-04-12, 07:08 AM
I've mucked about with the settings a bit, and yea, it's probably a case of the encoder. At any rate, I'm not too worried, since it's by no means unwatcheable where it is right now.

NOW, we have come to another point where I need input! Dishonored is officially done as of now, and I finished recording all the footage I need for Warlock because I was bored last night, so I have all of that ready as well. Which means, I need to consider what to do for my next project. Stuff in the first-post spoiler is still relevant, and other suggestions are also welcome.

2013-04-12, 08:33 AM
Hm, i suppose for the next thing, and judging from that list, i'd vote primarily for SOL (since we're intro strategy) and secondarily the Thief series then. :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2013-04-17, 06:13 PM
I vote for Dredmor (Of Course), and then SOL.

EDIT: But first, Knife of Dunwall. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-18, 09:04 AM
Hah, yes, Knife of Dunwall. Picked that up this morning, and I've been going through it trying to get the lay of the land, so to speak.

This one, this one is going to be a THING with my rules. A horrible nasty thing.

2013-04-18, 12:32 PM
Y'know, ep35 of Warlock, where you made that Fraps "mistake" looked the best so far. >_>

2013-04-18, 01:50 PM
That's because it was recorded in my ridiculously high resolution. This makes it look prettier, but as I said, enormous file size. The other ones before it were too, I think. 34, 33, maybe 32...

In other news, I have completed my preliminary runthrough for the Knife of Dunwall.

This is going to be... interesting...

The Bushranger
2013-04-18, 09:18 PM
For some reason Youtube took almost nine hours to fully process (or, at least, to be able to buffer) HD on today's Warlock. Odd.

Why do I get the feeling the Grand Librarian is going to get to taste Armageddon? :smallamused:

As for KoD, I get the feeling Daud won't care quite as much about "kill no-one" than Corvo did. Although staying invisible, yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge...

2013-04-19, 05:40 AM
As for KoD, I get the feeling Daud won't care quite as much about "kill no-one" than Corvo did. Although staying invisible, yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge...

It's still possible, and the game still checks for it at the end of each level. It's just a lot harder to do.

2013-04-19, 06:30 AM
As for KoD, I get the feeling Daud won't care quite as much about "kill no-one" than Corvo did. Although staying invisible, yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge...

No no, you misunderstand... as Daud, you only kill people you are paid to kill. Killing people not in the contract is effectively giving away your services for free. Can't have that, now.

2013-04-20, 05:49 AM
Indeed we can't! The first Knife of Dunwall video is now up, and I'm doing things a bit differently this time. If I get noticed, I'm leaving it in, but I'm still reloading - the DLC isn't really long enough to produce enough outtakes for a whole video.

2013-04-29, 01:32 PM
Knife of Dunwall is turning out great so far, and SOL is just flippin' amazing!

2013-05-05, 03:45 PM
This latest episode is a great example of trial-by-error which this game usually is. People watching your original LP might be under the impression that this game is pathetically easy because you never get caught, when a) you already know where everything is, and b) because you're clipping out the parts where you DO get caught (even if you did release the humorous blooper reel at the end).

2013-05-05, 09:04 PM
Yeah, I left it in this time to save on editting, and because I didn't think I'd end up with enough for a whole video. So far I have a pretty good number, though. I've played through the DLC only once, as opposed to the three or four times I went through the main game prior to my run.

There's also the fact that the DLC is just a good deal harder to sneak through than the main game. Way more places where taking people out can't be avoided.