View Full Version : How to deal with problem players

2012-12-23, 09:43 PM
There is an problem player in the rp club I am in. He is arrogant and believes that he is right even though the book and the DM often must correct him. He also gets angry when other party members outshine him. He never tries to learn from his mistakes. Even though I just joined I create better characters than him. His main use is the fact that his house is a convenient place to meet. So what to do with him?

2012-12-23, 09:51 PM
You are new. He is not.

It is his house. It is not yours.

Ergo, you do nothing. Let others deal with him unless he gets in your face. If you aren't the DM and you haven't been part of the group for a while, then you aren't in any position whatsoever to be even considering an attempt at dealing with him.

Wait a while. See how things really are. Look for the undercurrents within the group before making any moves. Just watch and wait for a good long while.

If you take any actions against the problem player who has been there a while, you will just be seen as the new guy who now seems to be a problem player for causing problems within the group. Focus on how you act, not how he acts. Any bad things you say will only make you look worse (even if they are true).

2012-12-23, 09:57 PM
Other members of our group have the same issues with him. Last year we even had a bet to see if anyone one could get him to admit he was wrong and to learn. I have hung out with them as friends most of the time except for this guy and I did not join the club because I was in a school band.

2012-12-23, 10:43 PM
Other members of our group have the same issues with him. Last year we even had a bet to see if anyone one could get him to admit he was wrong and to learn. I have hung out with them as friends most of the time except for this guy and I did not join the club because I was in a school band.

(1) If other people have a problem with him, then confront him as a group, not individually. Do it gently to avoid him feeling ganged up on, but you want to send the message that it's a problem the group has with him, not just a problem you have.

(2) Before you do this - find another place to meet. There's a good chance you'll need it.

2012-12-23, 10:50 PM
1: Find a new place to meet

1B: Find a new place to meet

2: Either talk to him as a group or kick him out.

Give reasons and all but make a clean break if you go that way. This has aparently been happeneing for a while so talking to him may not be an option since you guys never brought it up before.

You said you was new but you mention last year... You may be the newest but if you have been in the group for a year you aren't a/the newb anymore.

You could always play a system he doesn't like... Passive aggressive tends to work sometimes. :p