View Full Version : creating a gestalt build for the wbd

2012-12-24, 01:09 PM
hey all,

i've been tinkering with some build concepts for playing in the wbd, and i'd like some new perspective/ ideas for one concept in particular to help me make it viable and fun as i progress!

basics: it's 3.5, world's biggest dungeon. gestalt. most content is open, pending gm approval.. no psionics.

basic party comp so far is.. i think.. a warlock/rogue and a cleric/crusader focused on heals and looking to dmm.

the group is at second level (i'm joining one session late). we are allowed level adjustment of 2 lvls, which will be applied to one side of our gestalt as we progress. we are allowed two flaws.

they say they could use more front line fun in their group..

so i've been thinking a feral goliath dungeon crasher.
stats: 26 str (18+8), 13 dex (17-4), 18 con (14+4), 10 int (14-4), 15 wis (13+2), 9 cha

so the start may be : fighter/goliath, fighter(dungeon crasher)/feral

feats: power attack, improved bull rush, knockback, cleave
flaws: shaky, vulnerable

i was thinking then to go in to totemist/barbarian..

basically looking at lots of natural attacks, ferociously flinging foes back and being a real beastly front liner.

totem rager? frenzied berzerker? my real fears are i wont come in to things that can make me fly/deal with higher level threats. any thoughts on build progression?


2012-12-24, 06:48 PM
Get at least 1 level of crusader in after you get the natural attacks & take the martial spirit stance. Auto-healing 2 hp each time you hit an enemy will take a little pressure off the cleric (since I guess you won't be able to buy wands in the dungeon), stone power/delayed damage pool likewise

2012-12-24, 07:27 PM
I'd suggest Trapsmith, but your Int is too low. Try to get your rogue buddy to go into it. He'll have some crazy spells to have great fun with and you'll pretty much never have to worry about traps again.

Runescarred Berserker could be useful. Mystic Ranger or Druid levels could be very helpful for spells. Your party looks like it's missing out on arcane spells. That's... unfortunate.

Dungeoncrasher Fighter is good in dungeons. Barbarian is worth it if you get into a PrC that's worth it, otherwise something like Warblade is going to work out better.

Crusader 1, as mentioned before, would be quite handy if you're not going to go into anything else. Take it at level 5 and you could grab 2nd level maneuvers too (mountain hammer!!!).

I know you probably want to be the meatshield who does super high damage, but make sure to get some magic in there too. That's a big dungeon with all sorts of challenges in it, you're going to need magic in there eventually.

2012-12-24, 09:13 PM
Switch your flaws to Bravado and Bestial Instinct (http://alt.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258440#30). You should probably get Multiattack, Improved Unarmed Strike, and Improved Multiattack fairly quickly.

Trade Goliath for Half-Minotaur from Dragon 313, and put it on a Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs). Half-Minotaur is also a +1 LA, it gets Str +4, Con +2, Int -2, a gore attack, and best of all a size increase (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#sizeIncreases) that specifically states you get the adjustments listed on that table and comes with a 10 ft. speed increase.

Go Fighter 9/ Warblade 10/ Fighter 1 on one side of your build, and you'll be able to get Weapon Supremacy at 20th if you want it. Use the Zhentarim Soldier (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a) substitution levels, free class features (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a), and swap Ride for Tumble (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) as a class skill. Zhentarim Solder makes Charisma a necessary stat, you want a 15 there (including Enhancement items) to get the feat Imperious Command from Drow of the Underdark.

Future gestalt levels should be Binder 1 (bind Aym for Dwarven Step so you can Tumble in armor), Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) Wolf-Totem Barbarian (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures ) 2, Half-Orc Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#halfOrcParagon) 1, War Hulk 10, and whatever else 4. Get Knock-Down (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown) and Combat Reflexes.

I'd make your starting stats Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 14, so after race and size adjustments you would have Str 30, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14. Your level-up points should go Dex at 4th, Cha at 8th, and Str for the rest of them. You want Cha 15 to get Imerious Command at 9th level. Say you visited the Otyugh Hole detailed in Complete Scoundrel twice to get Iron Will and Menacing Demeanor without spending a feat on either one.

2012-12-25, 12:04 AM
thanks guys!- some very useful input and resources! crusader is a very real possibility, at least for a dip. and the runescarred barbarian could be both flavorful and a good addition.. the lack of arcane does scare me, to be sure.. but does it scare me enough to add some kind of arcane caster to make him a gish.. undecided. who knows- his sorcerous abilities may awaken after some trials. and i'm loving those flaws! i'll have to mull this all over..