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2013-02-13, 08:04 PM

The Whirlipede growls at you and takes up it's place at the opposite end of the ring.

Humans go first, so you go


Westin takes off, and once he's hidden, the two dogs chase off after him. Between the two of them, they track him down, hiding near a gas canister. They dive at him, but Westin fades through a large metal pipe and gets away. Leupold takes off after him, and keeps up. Trigger starts to fall behind, and so peels off.

After about a minute of chasing, it looks like Westin was going to be unable to shake Leupold off, and have to rely on his stamina to keep him away, when Trigger jumps down off if a platfrom he had been waiting on and pins the ghost. Seems he had decided to wait until Leupold would lure him nearby then make his move.

Trigger: 410 xp
Leupold: 330 xp
Westin: 185 xp

2013-02-13, 08:37 PM
Lucia moves towards the middle (5 m in out of the 20 m circle) and hollers.
"C'mon, show me what you've got!"

2013-02-13, 09:13 PM
Being willing to take the first hit. Very odd. Either she was exceedingly stupid (quite possible) or just cocky about being able to take it. Wait, those go hand in hand. Shame that the water here was unfit for non-poison types. Pheobe probably needs to stretch her limbs a bit. Might see if she can find a place to let her get some water. In the mean time, she should get some training. Hm...

Some discarded cans and a bench that is not in use later, and Sophia has a basic target range for the Staryu and Joltik. Ariadne was close to learning her species' signature move, she just needed to master mixing web and electricity. "Alright, Pheobe, target training." She guides the Staryu 10 meters back, the limit of its range for Water Gun. "You are going to fire shots of water at those cans on my go.

Ariadne, you are going to be mixing web and electricity as one move into your repertoire, and work on that accuracy." She pulls out her pocket knife, jamming a screw driver section of it into a board and flicking out the blade, which she then wraps a wire around, connecting an LED to the other end. She has Ariadne give a small shock the the blade, and the LED lights up. "Good, the circuit works. From the same place that Pheobe is, I want you to aim shots of web at the metal of this knife, firing off sparks of electricity through the web at the same time. The light will glow when you hit it. Can you do that?" The Joltik looks wide eyed, not seeming to quite understand. Too complex. "Shoot web at the knife and send electricity through the web at the same time." The Joltik nods more quickly.
Presumed AC Checks, one for each of them each round that Lucia and the Whirlipede are fighting, maybe a few afterwards.
"Pheobe, hit the EvioSprite can! Ariadne, fire!"
Pheobe: [roll0]
Ariadne: [roll1]

2013-02-15, 06:25 PM

After a few minutes of practice, your pokemon are sharpshooting with such skill even Colt would be impressed.

210 xp each


The Whirlipede moves to the Centre and digs itself in, pointing out it's spikes at you, daring you to try and touch it.

it moves to the centre of the circle

2013-02-15, 06:37 PM
Lucia grins. Like hell that's going to dissuade her. She rushes over and slams a fist into its face, uncaring of the consequences.
in case of crit [roll1]

2013-02-15, 06:43 PM
Sophia gives several more commands, the Joltik firing web after web. The shocks are fairly weak, barely enough to even harm a person, but they are enough to light the bulb. The Staryu gives shot after shot at the cans, knocking them down with blast after blast of water. Sophia focuses on watching both Pokémon, keeping track of their movements and their targets. By the end, she was getting a feel for it. Not a good one, but a feel none the less. Eventually, both her mons are tiring, the Staryu feeling a bit dry. "Good job, Pheobe. Take a rest. I'll find you a bit of clean water to soak in soon." She pets the sea star, then taps it with its ball. Ariadne meanwhile seems to be tiring, her webs getting messier and messier until they stop supporting a current. "Okay, that's enough." The Joltik lets out a relieved chitter as Sophia goes to collect her trinkets, pulling off the webbing from the knife and wire. Hm, that web might serve as a good fix for wires in a pinch.

2013-02-15, 11:53 PM
Alright. Smith and Westin. Your up next. Smith, I want you to blast water at both me and Westin. I'm worth 2 points, Westin worth 10. Westin, you must stay visible. You have 1 minute. We will keep going till you get 50 points in one minute.

Misc number of dex rolls

Misc number of rolls for Smith and westin

2013-02-16, 05:34 PM

Unfortunately, Smith is unable to keep up with the requested training, and collapses after a good 15 minutes of non-stop training after running himself dry. He was now dehydrated.

Smith gains only 100 xp, and can no longer use water moves


Lucia feels the spikes dig into her hands and spread the venom round. The Whirlipede backs of, then rushes back in with a Tackle, but Lucia dodges.

Lucia is poisoned via Poison Point

2013-02-16, 05:46 PM
"I KNEW IT! I knew you'd have the best choice!"
She doesn't seem too bothered, actually ecstatic even as the poison enters her veins, even as she charges after.
"But this is barely anything after swimming in the waters near Virbank!"
She grabs onto the whirlepede and suplexes it*, hoping to end this before the poison took too much of a toll. Also glad Colt suggested Lumlum Juice. Yay Lumlum juice!
[roll0]-to hit, 6+def

*because a crit is probably the best use of that mental image.

2013-02-16, 09:09 PM
Oh.... I'm sorry Smith. Lets go get you rehydrated.

I'm not sure where to go....

2013-02-21, 11:48 AM

Lucia flips the bug, slamming it to the ground. Unfortunately, she can't hold it still, and it rushes away, coming back in for a tackle. Luckily she was fast enough on her feet to dodge it.


There are plenty of rivers leading into Viribank, though if Lucia was anything to go by, the docks and the plant were to be avoided. Either a stream from the forest, or maybe up north near the movie studios.

2013-02-21, 11:55 AM
Barely phased him. Strong shell, very good. She dodges to the side before grabbing at the spinning bug again. If she can ring him out then she wins...
[roll1]-grapple check

2013-02-21, 12:06 PM
The Whirlipede once again breaks out, and jumps back 5 meters, before launching a Poison Sting which hits Lucia in the knee for 16 p poison damage.

2013-02-21, 12:16 PM
Getting trickier, learning. Lucia charges the bug, knowing she's running out of time.
"So you did catch on. Good, you're a smart whirlepede too!"

2013-02-21, 12:29 PM
She's poisoned. This will not end well. "How about flipping it upside down next time. Might disorient it long enough to get it out of the ring." (To be applied next round, not this one)

2013-02-21, 12:31 PM
Colt decides to go to the river near the studio. Maybe the activity would allow them to rest in peace.

2013-02-21, 12:32 PM
The Whirlipede edges another 2 meters away, and shoots more Poison at Lucia. This time she manages to dodge them by ducking and weaving.

2013-02-21, 12:33 PM
(Applying bonus to accuracy)
Could be worth a shot. She nods, before going for another grab.

2013-02-21, 12:55 PM
The Whirlipede again backs up, and charges in with a Tackle, causing 24 p normal damage.

2013-02-21, 12:58 PM
Lucia clutches her chest where she is hit, and goes to a knee.
"En...enough, you won."
She pulls the lumlum juice out and downs it.
"I'll buy you food and see you on your way.":smallfrown:
Man, this was the second chance she had at a scolipede today and she blew it.

2013-02-22, 10:08 PM
Sophia and Lucia

The Whirlipede follows you until you buy it a nice berry meal, which it happily scoffs down before rolling on back to it's spot under the tanks.

You spot Colt heading past you guys on over towards the studio.


You pass by a rather sore looking Lucia and a slightly bored looking Sophia.

You take Smith over to the coast, where he refills himself from a stream leading to the sea.

All of you, roll wisdom checks, see if you overhear something

2013-02-22, 10:40 PM
Sophia picks up on some yelling (according to Irn). Hm, what is that? Sounds interesting. Or maybe follow Colt. What's he doing at the studio? ... She heads to the yelling first.

2013-02-22, 10:56 PM
"I'll be back for a rematch, so no losing!"
She chugs the water on the way to clear some of the wooziness away too (heal 30). Oh, there's Colt!

2013-02-24, 03:07 PM
Sophia overhears some sort of discussion over the walls of the PokeStar studio.

'What do you mean they cancelled? Quick, we need to find some trainers and fast, otherwise we can't film this scene.'

Seemed they were having a bit of trouble today.

2013-02-24, 03:09 PM
"Guys, come on. Think I heard something interesting." Sophia heads towards the people panicking. "Hey, what's this about needing some trainers?"

2013-02-24, 05:56 PM
The director points at you. 'Quick, we need some extras for our movie. The bus broke down, so we have no one to fill in. Are you a trainer? We'll pay you for your time.'

2013-02-24, 06:31 PM
"Depends what you need us to do, but I'm interested."

2013-02-24, 07:01 PM
Sure what do you need?

2013-02-24, 07:21 PM
"Will we be able to catch the boat to Castelia after?"

2013-02-24, 09:59 PM
'Castelia? Castelia .... CASTELIA! It'll work. To the boat!' The director starts to plod off towards the docks, and the crew, seemingly puzzled, pack up and hurry after him.

2013-02-24, 10:01 PM
Lucia beamed as she walked. She was helping!

2013-02-24, 10:36 PM
"Um, what?" She follows along, confused.

2013-02-25, 05:29 PM
Wait!! Colt runs after his fellows, returning Smith.

2013-02-25, 06:32 PM
The three of you are led to the ferry to Castelia, where the crew sets up shop on the deck, getting confused looks from the Captain, but he lets them do it.

'Okay, we need to film this pirate scene before we get to Castelia. Everyone, get changed.' A large wardrobe hamper is brought out, and many of the extras go off to get changed. There are plenty of costumes. You also notice no-one has yet to grab the captains outfit. 'You 3, get changed quickly. I hope you are good at improv, we're filming by the seat of our pants here. Don't let me down.'

2013-02-25, 07:31 PM
Lucia's eyes go wide as she squeaks that out. Being on stage was one thing, but in front of cameras? Where people would watch her be...well, herself?!...oh dear, sweet victini.
Okay, okay, gotta think, gottathinkgottathinkgottathinkmywayout. Uh...Colt! Maybe I can hide behind Colt until I can find an escape route...

2013-02-25, 08:36 PM
"Wait, what the heck are you talking about!?" Sophia heads towards the area indicated, but doesn't change yet. Had she ever done acting, even? Don't think so.

2013-02-25, 09:00 PM
Colt wiggles out of Lucia's grasp and grabs a costume, staying the muk away from the captain suit.

2013-02-26, 04:46 PM
Okay, cover acquired. Now time to-no, wait Colt, come back! Ah, dammit. Lucia sends out Nevi and, holding her close, grabs a costume before fleeing to a changing tent. Oh void. Oh victini.
She clutches Nevi close as she begins to rock on her heels a bit. There had to be some way out of this. Some way to avoid attention-wait! If she just went down fast-that'd work, right? Yeah! No one can object if you're a redshirt!

Meanwhile, as soon as she heard the word, Nevi has been trying to scramble out of Lucia's arms, but is just too late to avoid being squished in her owner's arms.

2013-02-26, 05:02 PM
'We're making ART miss. Don't think about it, just go with it. Don't think, act!'

A couple of the extras mutter about him having some crazy new age ideas. Lucia feels some arms slip under hers and drag her to the changing room. 'C'mon hone, no need to be shy. I'll help you with your costume.' She feels her clothes being pulled off her and a bodice strapped to her chest as she's forced unwillingly into a costume by some friendly extras. She ends up in some sexy tight pants, a white shirt and a black corset over it. A cutlass is pushed into her hands. Meanwhile, Sophia grabs herself a hat with a giant plume on it, along with a long red velvet coat, lined with Linoone fur (probably fake). She gets a pistol to tuck into her light blue sash she wears around her waist, and she's given a rapier.

Meanwhile, in the men's changing room, colt grabs a costume. He'd be going shirtless, with a belt of knives over his chest. He was armed with a pair of boarding axes.

When you all get on deck, Sophia is spotted wearing the captains costume, so the director sends her to stand on the front of the ship. Colt, Lucia and about 20 other extras are on one side of the ship, all dressed as pirates, while another 10 or so are lower down, and dressed i what is probably supposed to be period navy costumes.

'Okay, everyone send out one pokemon. Feel free to rough house and get a bit physical, but remember, it's a movie, so play it safe.'

The cameras roll, and the man dressed up as the fanciest marine steps forward. 'Umm, the captain is a cute girl? Wasn't expecting that.' He blushes and then coughs, nodding to the director.

He points his sword at Sophia.

'Pirate Captain Deckerd! I'm here on behalf of the Queen of Hoenn's navy. We are here to negotiate the terms of your surrender.'

'Good good, keep going everyone. Just play it natural, as ifthis was really happening. We'll shoot around you.' The director was practically bouncing with joy.

remember to pick a pokemon to have out as you act. Give me lines or actions, and any check you want to throw in (eg. CHA check for awesome lines. an arms attack roll to throw a punch etc)

2013-02-26, 06:59 PM
Pirates, always fun. Ariadne makes a little web between the plume and the hat.


Sophia pulls out the pistol. Light weight, so likely a fake. She points it at the man's chest. She pulls her best Orrean accent. "Surrender? You look a bit outnumbered to be the one demanding a surrender." The Joltik in her hat hops down onto the barrel of the pistol, chittering happily, sounding similar to laughter. "But I need a good laugh. What does she propose?"

2013-02-27, 11:35 AM
The man looks down for a second, thinking up his lines.

'She offers you your life. Surrender, and you'll be allowed to keep your ship and crew. You'll be Privateers in the Queen's navy. You'll be allowed to attack foreign ships and other pirates, but are forbidden from attacking ships with the Hoenn flag. The Queen also demands 20% of all your loot. Do you agree to the proposal?'

2013-02-27, 01:18 PM
"Rather appealing proposal... Tell your queen," the gun in her hand goes off on the man, "what I said to her last messenger: I don't surrender."
Arms Attack: [roll0]
She calls out to her crew. "To arms!"

2013-02-27, 01:24 PM
Colt charges forward, drawing a knife. He screams a war cry, but instead of charging the sailor's, he charges at Sophia's back, driving the 'dagger' into her spine. Sorry, Captain. We own this boat now.


2013-02-27, 01:35 PM
"Wh-bu...but that's mutiny!"
Lucia has been busy trying to not start quivering while standing by Nevi, probably looking a lot like a newly grabbed or brought on sailor finding the life wasn't what they expected. She raises her blade, shaking in her hands.

2013-02-28, 12:52 PM

The director stops the shoot so Sophia can get a blood pack strapped to her.

'Okay, resume.'

When the shoot resumes, as Colt stabs Sophia, fake blood seeps through her coat, dripping down.

'Haha. Did you think pirates are the only ones who can betray people?'

2013-02-28, 12:58 PM
A'ight you yella bellied landlubbers. Any yar have an issur with a change in 'mang'men', speak now. Colt twirls the dagger between his fingers, coating them in fake blood.

2013-02-28, 01:06 PM
Sophia coughs from the ground, struggling to stand. "Aye, I do. Sparks, detain." Ariadne spits web over her trainer's "attacker." She fumbles the rapier from her side, but it slips from her hands.

"You!" She points at Lucia. "Show the rebel what happens to mutineers."

2013-02-28, 01:15 PM
GAH! Westin, get the bug! The ghost materializes next to him, spooking the spider.

1d2o AC 2 Flinch 18+

2013-02-28, 01:16 PM
"Uh...uh-right, cap'n!" :smalleek:
She charges forward recklessly, Nevi going with her and blasting shards of ice at anything that tries to stop Lucia. She takes a swing at Colt's chest.

[roll0]-arms attack
[roll1]-random chunks of ice

2013-02-28, 07:02 PM
Lucia and Nevi attack Colt as he's tied up, cutting up his shirt while Ari and Westin roll about on deck fighting each other. The marines charge, and the pirates soon respond, with everyone getting in the spirit and having fun acting.

Colt finds himself getting smacked about until a stray sword cuts the web. Luckily Ariadne hadn't used her real web, or he'd still be stuck. A passing marine tosses him a navy hat and a naval rapier.

Lucia finds herself getting tackeled and pushes up against the railing by a female marine. She puts her plastic sword to Lucia's throat, but a cannon ball rolls around on deck, and bumps into Lucia's leg.

The fighting goes on all around Sophia as she sits bleeding. The man in the navy captain uniform comes over and points his gun in your face. A couple of bawling extras move slightly, so the camera can get a good shot of you two. 'You should have surrendered while you had the chance, pirate scum. Now tell me where the treasure is and I might spare your life.'

2013-02-28, 07:17 PM
Lucia takes the opportunity to drag herself back and over the rail, "accidentally" losing her sword as she goes. She tries to grab for the side so she doesn't have to take another swim though, and Nevi moves to gum Colt's leg in as savage looking fashion as she can.

2013-02-28, 07:22 PM
Sophia laughs, coughs, and laughs some more. "Good luck finding it. It's in the Liechi Forest on Mirage Island. Though knowing the location isn't going to be your problem... How about you take your traitorous lackey and we can leave this battle for another day. Or are you gonna kill a dying lady?"

2013-02-28, 08:36 PM
Roaring in the heat of battle, Colt starts stabbing anything non-navy left and right, bloodlust fueling him.


2013-03-01, 03:23 PM
As Lucia tumbles over the edge, on of the stunt men swings over and pulls her off the side of the ship, saving her from having to either hang there till the shoot was over or get wet.

Colt has a dexterous display of agility, holding off a pirate with his knife hand, while battling a cutlass wielding Tangela with his rapier hand.

The naval captain drops to his knees and wavers his gun, still pointing at your face. "What do you mean? What do you know you aren't telling me? Is it cursed? Haunted? TELL ME!!" He couldn't kill you yet, not while you held out on him.

2013-03-01, 03:44 PM
"You mean you don't know? Hm." She swings a kick at a particularly soft spot of his body while the man is distracted.
Nut Shot! [roll0] She rolls out from under him, grabbing her rapier and holding it (as far as the camera saw) to the man's throat as he falls. "Now I will say again. Call of your men. Now."

2013-03-01, 04:41 PM
Once they're off the set, she thanks the guy, much happier offscreen. Meanwhile, Nevi lets herself get skewered by a random marine and falls over, tongue sticking out. She occasionally peeks around to make sure no one steps on her.

2013-03-01, 06:50 PM
You scurvy dogs, I'll skin ye alive! Colt shoves off one pirate with his rapier, stabbing the other with both blades before bringing them back to defensive position.


2013-03-02, 01:51 AM
"Sparks, quiet him. The adults are talking." The Joltik gives a tiny salute and fires a light shock at Colt, supposed to be a false Thunder Wave.
Roll? It's a can't fail move, but I'm not sure if you still want the dice roll or not. Also, Compound Eyes, should it matter.


2013-03-04, 04:21 PM
Colt seizes up as electricity paralyses his body. Seeing his best fighter stopped and at he mercy of a vicious pirate queen, the captain decides to retreat.

'Fall back men. We've lost the day. Fall back. The Queen of Hoenn shall hear of this! You've not seen the last of us!'

'Aaaaannnnddd .... CUT! That's a wrap everyone, great job.'

2013-03-04, 04:30 PM
"Does that mean we can get changed back then?"
Nevi rolls her tongue back in before swinging around and up, waddling down and off the ship. She gets down and patiently waits for Lucia to pick her up, which doesn't take long at all.

2013-03-04, 05:07 PM
Colt takes a minute to calm down. He got a little carried away there. He goes over to Sophia. You alright?

2013-03-04, 06:27 PM
Sophia picks her self up. The fake blood smelled kinda nice, like Cheri Berries, actually. Glad it wasn't gonna stain her own clothing though. "Fine... That was fun." Ariadne chitters happily from her trainer's shoulder.

As Lucia asks for a place to change, the researcher seconds the martial artist. "As much as I like the outfit, I doubt you'll let me keep it, and its a tad stained anyways."

2013-03-06, 03:25 PM
The wardrobe people come and help you get changed into your normal clothes. The director hands everyone a pay slip, and you notice Sophia has a different coloured one from most. You also notice the ferry to Castelia is getting ready to depart soon. You could jump on this one, or wait an hour till the next.

2013-03-06, 03:28 PM
Colt thanks the director, taking a look at the pay slips. We should catch this ferry.

2013-03-06, 03:53 PM
"Agreed. Guess my challenge with Cheren will have to wait."

2013-03-06, 04:04 PM
Colt and Lucia find they got 2,500 for their help with the movie. Sophia, having a main part, got 3,500.

2013-03-06, 04:23 PM
"Yeah, let's go home! I know this great place for ice cream, and there are places to buy stones, and TMs, and the desert, and you guys can probably find good mon in the area..."
Could see mom and dad, show them her family's grown.
"C'mon, let's go!"
She grabs their wrist and drags them, Nevi grabbing on to her head.

2013-03-06, 05:29 PM
Lucia drags the other 2 on deck before the boat leaves. There was a dining room below deck, an observation area, and there was a guy fishing off the side, and renting rods to passers-by. You were asked by signs on the deck to please not battle on the ferry for health and safety reasons.

2013-03-07, 11:57 AM
"What would you guys like to do? I have just enough for the stone I want, so I can't fish. Either going to grab food or watch things, or explore and see what mon are out."

2013-03-07, 12:04 PM
"I'm up for anything, really. Exploring or-" Her stomach begins to growl. "Food followed by exploring, I guess."

2013-03-07, 12:28 PM
Food sounds lovely.

2013-03-07, 01:32 PM
You can either eat your packed lunches, or pay $10 for a Grab-and-Go meal

2013-03-07, 01:43 PM
Colt heads toward the gally for a Grab-n-Go meal.

2013-03-07, 01:47 PM
Lucia heads to the galley, grabbing enough to feed her team and herself. She sends Nera, Clara, Pros, Mare, and Andrea next to Nevi.
"Okay, no fighting here, okay? I'll get you all happy fights later. For now, lunch time!."

2013-03-07, 01:58 PM
Sophia gets food for her, Asc and Pheobe, while Ariadne sucks on an outlet. They head down closer to the water, where Pheobe is let out in the water to get some much needed hydration.

2013-03-08, 11:52 AM
After a long boat ride, about 2 hours, the ferry finally docks in Castelia. The colour of the clowns dancing in the street. The soft sounds of music, drifting out of Cafe Sonata. The high rise tower of the Game Freak building. Street dancers performing for money. It was as busy as it was magnificent. The largest (geographical) city in Unova. Castelia City.


Manwhile, as everyone was getting off the boat, Sophia feels the dock shake, and tumbles into the water. She takes 27 water damage and is trapped in a whirlpool.

2013-03-08, 01:03 PM
Sophia screams as she is knocked into the water. She tries to keep herself above the water, but was struggling. She lets out Pheobe and holds on to the Staryu. With the water's buoyancy, the Staryu should have an easier time of holding her up. "Ariadne, tie us to the boat." The Joltik wraps some thick strands of silk around Sophia's shoulders and chest before sending a connected strand at the hull of the boat.
Thread AC: [roll0] 3

Requested Perception: [roll1]

2013-03-08, 01:12 PM
Colt and Lucia spot Sophia struggling as she sticks herself to the boat, and they see a big blue pokemon. Sophia recognises it as Wailimer.

2013-03-08, 01:23 PM
Lucia takes out the rope she had gotten, and ties it around the nearest heavy object before handing it to Colt.
"You probably have better aim than I do, so toss it to her, I'll reel her in."

2013-03-09, 07:06 PM
Colt loops the rope into a lasso effortlessly, releasing Smith from his hip, before tossing the lasso at Sophia. Hold on!

Smith into the water
[roll0] +4 if to add dex

2013-03-10, 11:25 AM
The large blue creature hits Lucia with a Water Gun for 19 s water damage, while Sophia manages to struggle into the lasso Colt tossed her. She takes 4 unresisted damage from being battered about by the water.

2013-03-10, 12:31 PM
Sophia holds on to the boat for dear life. "Ariadne, like we practiced!" The Joltik spits a strand of web at the Wailmer, followed by a decent sized current down the web. Sophia pulls out her knife to cut the line if the whale made any moves to pull against the Joltik.
Thread: [roll0] 3
Electric, Special
AC: [roll1] 1
Damage: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

2013-03-10, 01:15 PM
"Nevi, go get help!"
Lucia grits her teeth after that hit. Normally, it wouldn't phase her much. However, she had planned to get patched up after finding a stone. Another hit like that would complicate things a lot. Might even mean she doesn't get to go home.
(Assuming I can just do this)
"Now, call out Silver and tie an end to her!"
She begins pulling on the lasso, trying to get Sophia out of the whirlpool at least.

2013-03-10, 07:58 PM
Smith! Tackle the whale. Colt tugs on the rope, bracing himself against the banister.

[roll0] Str roll
[roll1] AC 3 Physical Normal

2013-03-12, 05:38 PM
The electricity travels down the web, lighting up the Wailord. When Smith tried to tackle it, he finds himself deflected off the creatures rather large girth. In return, it stops the whirlpool Sophia was trapped in, allowing her to be pulled out, and then traps Smith in one, hitting for 21 p water damage.

2013-03-12, 05:46 PM
Sophia pulls herself out of the water. Soaking wet, cold...stupid Wailmer. "Hit it again, Ariadne!" MOAR POOR GAL'S E-WEB!!!
Thread: [roll0] 3

Electric, Special
AC: [roll1] 1
Damage: [roll2]
If Crit: +[roll3]

2013-03-12, 05:49 PM
Meanwhile, Lucia, lacking options, tosses a pokeball.

2013-03-12, 06:13 PM
The ball snaps shut on the big Wailimer, trapping it. Ariadne's web smacks uselessly against the side of the pokeball.

2013-03-12, 06:16 PM
"Muking Wailmer... Ariadne, pull it in." The Joltik does as asked, pulling in the ball with her string of web attached. "I believe this is yours, Lucia?"

2013-03-12, 06:17 PM
Lucia reaches down and coaxes Ariadne onto her hand, before reeling the ball in. She pets the little spider.
"Good little joltik." :smallbiggrin:
Lucia plucks the ball off the web and holds it up to Sophia.
"Want this for the throh?"

2013-03-13, 01:00 PM
Colt returns Smith, panting a bit. 'Rebody alright?

2013-03-13, 01:02 PM
"Great, I trade off one mon that attacks me only to find another... Sure. It should be useful to us all."

2013-03-13, 02:16 PM
"Guess nature thinks you're punchable. Which means you're our good luck charm when we go hunting!"
Judging by the look on her face, she actually thinks that.
"Now, heal up or clean up, and then ice cream? My...my home's nearby."
She hesitates in offering this. They're strangers! But...they've helped. A lot. And they'd find out sooner or later anyway.

2013-03-13, 02:24 PM
Sophia coughs up a bit more water. "I think I might want someone to check up on me first, though the rest of my team is fine. Some ice cream sounds good."

2013-03-14, 01:45 PM
"Okay then!"
Lucia puts Ariadne on Sophia's head, before grabbing her and Colt's wrists and dragging them off towards the city.

2013-03-14, 06:57 PM
You eventually are led to the Castelian PokeCentre and are healed up.

2013-03-14, 08:36 PM
Ah, home again. Oh, we might be able to see Fennel. The others haven't met her. Still, best to let Lucia do what she wants us to do first.

2013-03-14, 09:54 PM
"C'mon, we can get rooms and whatnot set up, then I'll take you and any of the ghosts who want to come with for ice cream and a dawn stone."
Lucia grabs their wrists again, and runs off towards her house.

2013-03-14, 09:59 PM
Wait, what? "Did you say gho-" but she was cut off be being hauled off again.

2013-03-14, 10:05 PM
Ghosts? Colt releases Westin to float along with them. It had been a long time since Westin was near others like him.

2013-03-15, 07:08 PM
You follow Lucia to her home, which is near the edge of the city. It was a 3 story house with a walled off garden, and an old sloped tile roof. One of the old houses from the beginning of Castelia that was kept around due to historic value. On the front was red tape with 'DO NOT ENTER' taped to the front door in an x shape, making it obvious if you tried to open it.

2013-03-15, 07:18 PM
Lucia stops in front of the house, now looking a little nervous.
"Uh...you guys will be the first company I've had over since...since the accident. There're a few ways in that won't disturb the tape, too. I go in to clean up now and then. And I do honestly own this...mostly. Well, when I turn 21."
She taps her fingers together awkwardly, blushing. Was she really going to share her safe place with strangers? No...she had to. They were going to be her friends. This is what friends did, right?
"...I'm just going to introduce everyone to my folks now."
And she heads around towards the back, sending Pros and Nevi out. Pros looks around curiously, trying to sniff out the path, but Nevica...Nevica knows. Nevica could remember her own mother floating alongside her here, teaching her to walk right over there, or to breathe ice at that copse of dead trees. So many memories...

2013-03-15, 07:25 PM
Sophia follows quietly. She seems to be somewhat emotional about this, so it's likely best to not to disturb her too much.

2013-03-16, 09:21 PM
Wait.... we are breaking in? Isn't that, like, illegal? Colt was apprehensive, but wasn't trying to stop her.

2013-03-16, 09:35 PM
Lucia jumps a bit, before turning. Seems she might've forgotten you were there. She begins rummaging in her bag as she heads back.
"As I said, almost mine. Anyway, well...oh, muk, flowers! Nevi! We forgot flowers!"
Her eyes seem wide and panicked as she scoops the little snowrunt up to eye level.
"What do we do, Nevi? Go back out to town for some, or hit the forest and go pick some?"
Wouldn't do to return without a bouquet for something like this, it'd be disrespectful!

2013-03-16, 09:54 PM
Oh dang it... Sophia sees the girl panicking about forgetting flowers for the graves. She lets out her Snivy. "Hey, Asclepius, there's a few small flowers that haven't bloomed over in that corner over there. Mind helping Lucia out?" The Snivy nods, and hops off after them, curling up around the small plants. The scene is like a time lapse. The flowers grow taller before finally blooming. "What about those ones, Lucia?"

2013-03-17, 09:57 PM
Lucia looks around, before spotting them, tucking Nevi under an arm where she squirms out. She pulls out a pocket knife that looks fairly worn, and unfolds a small knife.
"Think those'll be perfect. They draw some of the more colorful denizens over, too."
Together, they go over and harvest the flowers carefully.

2013-03-20, 05:48 PM
An old man Lucia recognises as a neighbour spots the three of you digging up flowers.

'You kids be careful around that house, you hear? I hear it's infested with dangerous pokemon. You stay outta there if you know what's good for you.'

2013-03-20, 05:58 PM
Lucia waves to the man.
"It's okay Mr. Henderson, they should remember me, right? How's Charles doing?"
Charles was a lawn gnome. Henderson was always odd...nice chatot, though, even if it never did move up.

2013-03-20, 06:05 PM
Henderson. Where had she heard that name...eh, probably nothing. She picks up and pets Asclepius, her mind wandering back to the assortment of parts she had bought. Needed some more wires and gears. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to show us, Lucia?"

2013-03-20, 06:24 PM
"It wasn't...wasn't supposed to be you guys."
She gestures to her pokeballs, and looks down, face burning red.
"I wanted...I wanted to show them I was doing fine. Even though they weren't here any more."

2013-03-20, 06:45 PM
"...oh. Um...sorry." Sophia stands kind of awkwardly... "Sorry, didn't mean anything by it." She pats Lucia on the back. "Um... Hey! You said we were gonna get some Castelia cones, right? Come on, that should cheer you up, right?"

2013-03-21, 06:47 AM
"I've had four years to get used to that. It's fine. You guys may as well come back too."
She looks over at Mr. Henderson and waves, wrapping the flowers together.
"Anyway, hope they haven't been making a mess of your wee men, Mr. Henderson!"
Lucia works her way to the back again.

2013-03-21, 09:16 AM
Colt is just standing there, a bit dumbfounded. Uhhhh.... whats going on?

2013-03-21, 09:32 AM
Lucia looks at the boy, trying to decide whether to tell him or not. He saved her life. He deserved to be told.
"...I'm an orphan, Colt. This is my inheritance, and I wanted to check on my parents' graves while you guys took a look around my house. Buried nearby because mom was a ghost ace, and dad loved the forest as a bug ace. You guys just followed me."

2013-03-21, 09:35 AM
Oh.... Colt looks away, hiding the red that spread across his cheeks. He follows sheepishly.

2013-03-21, 01:27 PM
Old Man Henderson sticks his finger in his ear, furiously trying to dig out the wax.

'If'n yer Maw n Paw were Bug and Ghost Aces, why have the council been saying it's infested with wild Houndours then? I'd assume they'd not want them near the house, since they feed on bug and ghost types.'

2013-03-21, 01:40 PM
"Houndour? Wait, EAT THEM?!"
She drops the flowers. They're in danger!
"Nevi, return, this is too dangerous, you're too fragile! Pros, c'mon!"
She begins heading towards the house.

2013-03-21, 01:48 PM

Old Man Henderson tosses you his boomstick. Most people would think twice about tossing a shotgun to a kid, but as we've established, Mr Henderson wasn't all that sane. He was likely still high.

Stats? Level? Not going to tell you till you use it :smalltongue:

2013-03-21, 02:19 PM
"Well that's bad." Looks like Pheobe is going to be getting some more training. Sophia recalls the Snivy and lets out her Staryu, while Ariadne hides on the girl's head. The two run after Lucia.

2013-03-21, 06:44 PM
Colt releases Smith, thankful for the distraction from the real world.

2013-03-21, 07:36 PM
Lucia catches the shotgun and primes it, before heading for the door. Cleaning day had come!

2013-03-24, 07:44 AM
The door to Lucia's house opens, and Colt and Sophia realise just how big and spooky it was. It was full of spider webs, smashed floorboards and scratch marks. You all could smell a faint sense of burning in the distance.

The Map!!!!!!!! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgOI6RqpeLKLdGhtcF9TVms3Smg2cjl6dGlrVm1Nd nc#gid=0)

2013-03-24, 10:52 AM
Lucia's eyes twitch at the damage, before she primes the shotgun and goes towards the door on the left.
"Mom and Dad used to do some studies for Juniper, which is why I got Pros. We should make sure the lab's fine."

2013-03-24, 11:05 AM
"Alright. Hope some of their mons here are alright." Sophia takes position behind Lucia, Phoebe spinning counter-clockwise over her owner's shoulder. Let's see how much that target practice worked.

2013-03-24, 04:35 PM
Colt and Smith position themselves next to where Lucia guides them. We open the doors in 3. 1....

2013-03-25, 11:45 AM
On three, Lucia tosses the door open and steps in, Prosciutto close behind.

2013-03-28, 08:16 PM
Lucia opens the door, knocking away the cobweb behind the doorway.

Inside the lab, there was .... nothing. Well, at least no pokemon, for better or worse. It looks like the lab was avoided, likely cos of the chemical smell it had.

The two tables were covered in papers, and the desk had 2 strange looking flasks. A pink one, and a blue one.

While Sophia and Phoebe were standing back, Sophia feels something crawl on her back.

2013-03-28, 08:21 PM
Sophia freezes. "G-guys. Is there something behind me?"

2013-03-29, 10:01 AM
"Why? Did you hear something?"
Lucia turns around and looks back.

2013-03-29, 10:14 AM
The little Spinarak on Sophia's shoulder turns to look behind, then turns back to Lucia and gives a 'can't see anything' shrug.

2013-03-29, 10:26 AM
Lucia shrugs back to the spinarak. Guess Sophia was imagining things.
"Nope, nothing behind you. Your new friend doesn't see anything either."
Happy to have helped, she turns back to the lab.
"Think we should leave this for now?"

2013-03-29, 10:37 AM
Sophia slowly turns her head, spotting the large spider by her head. Wide-eyed, she starts flicking her hand at the bug, trying to at least shoo it from her shoulder. Don't scream. Don't scream. Don't scream.

2013-03-29, 10:47 AM
Its just a bug type Sophia. It won't hurt you unless you provoke it... like that....

2013-03-29, 10:50 AM
The bug waves back to Sophia, assuming she was waving at it. Then it jumps onto her hand and starts crawling up her arm.

2013-03-29, 10:53 AM
"What's she doing?"
Lucia turns again.
"Look, just give the little guy to me if that one's reserved for your joltik, don't shoo him off."

2013-03-29, 10:57 AM
Ariadne steps in as her trainer was clearly about to freak out at a Bug type, and not even a really scary one. She points the Spinarak to Lucia. She likes bugs a lot more than Sophia did. "I'm okay with most of them... Just as long as they aren't touching me." Ariadne being the obvious exception. But Ariadne was a lot smaller than a Spinarak.

2013-03-29, 11:22 AM
The little fellah bows in respect to Ariadne in a gentlemanly way, then shoot a web and swings on over to Lucia's head.

2013-03-29, 11:28 AM
"Hold on." Sophia heads over to the flasks, looking over the papers near them. "Curious what these are."

2013-03-29, 11:38 AM
"Pleasure to meet you. Don't think you were here last time I visited. Who're your parents? Dad had a few spinarak and ariados back...well, before."
She extends a hand towards the spinarak, shaking one of his legs.

2013-03-29, 04:03 PM
Colt goes over to the two flasks, examining each.
For pink
[roll0] Wis
[roll1] Int
For blue
[roll2] Wis
[roll3] Int

2013-03-29, 04:19 PM
The flasks looked .... strange. The pink seemed to be moving, as if reacting. The blue on the other hand was extremely viscous, sticking to the edges as Colt turned the flask over in his hands.

The dashing young Spinarak shakes hands with Lucia, but is unfortunately able to tell her his parentage, due to Lucia not speaking spider.

2013-03-29, 04:30 PM
Colt jiggled the pink vial lightly and the blue one assuming the pink didn't explode or something.

2013-03-29, 04:57 PM
The pink one starts to move faster, heating up as it moves around. The blue one seems to emit a strange sound, growing to fill the entire flask.

2013-03-29, 05:01 PM
Colt quickly puts them down, seeing if they go back to normal.

2013-03-29, 05:26 PM
Sophia steps back as Colt messes with Uxie knows what.
Wonder what Blue is: [roll0]
Wonder what Pink is: [roll1]

2013-03-29, 10:12 PM
Lucia stares blankly for a minute among the chitters.
"...I completely forgot I never learned spider."
Spinabro facepalms. Then she smiles.
"Still, glad to hear it! Sounds like they've been happy, at least!"
She pauses and considers something.
"Say, can you help us find the houndours? A valiant spinarak such as yourself would likely know the location of such hooligans, and be loathe to let a fair lady like Ariadne over there face such dangers without aid. I'll get you ice cream after, too."

2013-04-03, 09:38 AM
The two flasks eventually calm, the blue taking much longer than the pink.

Sophia summarises that the pink is a reactive substance, but it needs another chemical compound to complete .... whatever it was. Could the blue thing be it?

The little spider wasn't sure what 'houndour' was, but motions his pointy little legs both at the kitchen and upstairs. Seems like there was something in both those locations.

2013-04-03, 11:36 AM
Sophia picks up some of the papers, scanning them for any further hints to the purpose of either chemical. If they do something together, that might be useful, but also important is what they do together... Wait. "Lucia, when was the last time this house was used?"

2013-04-03, 11:55 AM
"Whenever I could sneak away from the Empoleon and her orphanage, so...once every few months for the past four years. Never really came in here, though. Anyway, our gentlearachnid friend here says there's stuff going on in the kitchen and upstairs."

2013-04-03, 11:57 AM
On the table there are books on pokemon genetics and breeding, as wells as studies n how humans have impacted the evolution of pokemon.

2013-04-03, 12:12 PM
Four years... That is a fairly stable compound, if it still is active. Sophia looks over the books and the chemical. I could take it to the lab, but then I have the problem of explaining where I got the chemicals... Eh, it's Lucia's house anyways. "Lucia, mind if I take these to Fennel to see what they are?" Perhaps they work to suppress or speed up evolutions. Then again, the books could just be referring to long term evolution, rather than growth evolution... Who was the idiot who made both of those the same term?

2013-04-03, 12:21 PM
"Go ahead, Sophia. Since you're helping out, after all."

2013-04-03, 12:36 PM
"Cool." She grabs the vials and puts them in opposite pockets on her jacket. "Now, let's find those fire types."

2013-04-04, 11:43 AM
Whats the verdict Sophia?

2013-04-04, 11:48 AM
"Wait, eating happens in the kitchen...TO THE KITCHEN!"
Lucia then proceeds to rush towards the kitchen door, stopping long enough to shove it open and level the gun.
Prosciutto runs after his headstrong trainer as well.

2013-04-04, 12:04 PM
"I'm not sure, I'll-" At the words "ye namblies," Sophia pauses, running over to see what chaos Lucia was about to cause.

2013-04-04, 12:07 PM
[roll0] for idiocy related shenanigans!

2013-04-04, 12:12 PM
As Lucia is shouting as she busts through the dining room door, heading for the kitchen, a chair just narrowly flies by her head, smashing against the wall.

Link to the map: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgOI6RqpeLKLdGhtcF9TVms3Smg2cjl6dGlrVm1Nd nc#gid=0

2013-04-04, 12:14 PM
What the muk was that!?

[roll0] Perception!

2013-04-04, 12:16 PM
Whoa, what Colt said! Sophia grabs her Staryu out of reflex.

2013-04-04, 12:23 PM
"Is that one of my wee Mon? Don't worry, Lucia's here to clear out the pesky predators!"

2013-04-04, 12:31 PM
As if in response, Lucia's face gets hit by a small blast of heat, taking 9 fire damage.

Colt spots something red and fat hiding under the table.

2013-04-04, 12:33 PM
Smith, blast that thing! Colt scans the thing, ready to chuck a ball.

[roll0] Water Pledge AC 2 Special Water

2013-04-04, 12:35 PM
In response to the fire, Sophia just hides behind the Staryu some more. "Spray some water over there," she says, pointing at where the flame came from.
Simple use of fountain to spray water at the apparent source of the fire

2013-04-04, 12:40 PM
A Darumaka comes flying out from under the table, rolling like a little ball and slamming into the wall, being knocked out by the water blast.

2013-04-04, 12:45 PM
"Darumaka. Huh, what is one of those doing this far out of the desert, aside from harassing the bugs here."

2013-04-04, 12:47 PM
"Dang nambly..."
She pats out a small tuft of her clothes that was scorched (and will adjust hp in a bit).

2013-04-04, 12:57 PM
Oops, little too hard. Good job Smith. Colt pats the Oshawott on the head, who holds his scalchop high victorious.

2013-04-04, 01:12 PM
And with that interruption over, Lucia continues to the kitchen. Hopefully, she remembered to clean it out last time...

2013-04-04, 02:00 PM
Lucia opens the kitchen door, and immediately she can tell she's not alone in there. Something else was in the kitchen, watching her.

2013-04-04, 02:04 PM
Sophia follows, trying to be more alert this time. You know, while still safe behind a mon, obviously.
Peeking over Lucia's shoulder: [roll0]

2013-04-04, 04:20 PM
Colt walks in behind Sophia but in front of Lucia. I'm guessing there ins't any grub in the fridge eh? He cracked. Smith facepalmed.


2013-04-11, 02:43 PM
As Colt cracks a joke, the fridge opens up and shoots sparks over at him.

None of you have any idea what could have caused it

32 s electric damage to the cocky cowboy

2013-04-11, 02:53 PM
Well, Lucia has an idea.
Of course, that doesn't mean it's the right idea...
She shoves past Colt, takes aim, and fires the shotgun of mystery at it!

2013-04-11, 02:54 PM
And another from the SHOTGUN OF MYSTERY

2013-04-11, 02:59 PM
The shotgun opens up the back of the fridge ... and the wall behind it. Light ould be seen hitting the inside of the fridge from the new hold.

Before Lucia can feel too smug with herself, she narrowly dodges a blast of water from the washing machine under the sink. A wheezy little laugh can be heard, mocking you guys.

2013-04-11, 03:05 PM
"By Arceus, it's spread to the washer too!"

2013-04-11, 03:06 PM
...Rotom? Certainly that's the only explanation that Sophia can think of. Either way, Pheobe would not survive an electrical attack. The Staryu is recalled. Ariadne meanwhile hops forward and sprays web at the angry sink.
String Shot
AC: [roll0] 3, Lower Speed

2013-04-11, 03:07 PM
The fridge is not only destroyed, t's now covered in sticky web.

2013-04-11, 03:58 PM
Carn sarn it! Smith, come back. Silver, Fire Spin! The Ponyta appears in a flash of light, shotting a vortex of flame at the washer.

[roll0] AC 4 special fire
Trapped for [roll2] rounds
[roll3] damage round one.

2013-04-11, 04:22 PM
"I am not letting any forgotten leftovers take over my house! Prosciutto, take out the washer!"
The pig mon goes in for a tackle!

2013-04-11, 04:32 PM
A large power surge shoots out the sink, rising up the wires and travelling across the lighting.

In the corner, the large standing fridge freezer opens up, and you see a small little red and yellow ball, giggling. It waves a little electrical limb at Lucia as it hums a little tune to itself. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvpyz6MUa1w)

2013-04-11, 04:51 PM
Lucia levels the gun, before spotting the mon and lowering it.
"Oh, hi! It's been a while!"
She smiles and goes over to the rotom, completely forgetting about the decimated washer and fridge. She looks back at Colt, then to the rotom.
"You know you hurt Colt, right? And hurting people who don't want to fight is bad."
She nods to herself, remembering sage words from her parents after the first brawl she had.

2013-04-11, 04:53 PM
The Rotom pulls a hurt face, as if it was only trying to have fun, and hums a strange sound effect. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC75aU47GRk)

2013-04-11, 04:57 PM
"Aw, I know. But most living people are squishy. It was pretty good timing, though..."
She giggles at the thought. When she's done, she holds up her phone.
"Hey, wanna help us out? We're looking to clear the mon that moved in that're eating ghosts and bugs. Could have some fun pranking them too!"

2013-04-11, 05:21 PM
Yeesh, was there anything in this house that wasn't gonna attack them?

2013-04-11, 10:06 PM
That mukking hurt! Ripe little bastard... Colt fumes silently to himself, Silver nuzzling him to try and cheer him up.

2013-04-12, 06:13 PM
The little Rotom flies into Lucia's phone, and the background changes to a little red Rotom face.

2013-04-13, 11:08 AM
She beams at the phone.
"I knew you'd help! But I can't hold you and use the shotgun too. Hm..."
She looks at her companions before handing the phone to Colt.
"Ghost types forget that pain exists sometimes. To show you're sorry for hitting him, why not work with Colt?"

2013-04-16, 10:02 AM
The background changes to a small Rotom looking sad, while a little violin next to it plays sad music.

2013-04-16, 10:04 AM
Colt holds the phone out at arms length, as if it was something contagious. I think it wants you back.

2013-04-16, 10:10 AM
"Aw, okay! Though I hope you two can get along later..."
She takes back the rotom.
"Wanna see who else is down here first, or head up?"

2013-04-16, 10:20 AM
"Think we should head up. So far there's not been much."

2013-04-16, 10:44 AM
The Rotom was crying cos it made Colt sad, not cos it didn't like him

2013-04-16, 10:54 AM
The Rotom was crying cos it made Colt sad, not cos it didn't like him
Well then....

Colt looks at the phone trying to figure out what to say. Uhhh... its alright... You only singed me. Honest, its alright.

2013-04-16, 06:28 PM
Content with the progress, Lucia moves back through the dining room and into the hallway. She pauses by the study, and decides to open it.
"Sophia, this is another room you might like. The books in here make my head hurt..."

2013-04-16, 06:42 PM
"Alright, awesome." Books could be interesting. Depends on the topic... Ooh, maybe they have one or two on the black and white dragons... On the other hand, what mons would make a home in here... Well, can't be anything too bad. Sophia opens the door and heads in, looking for any sort of organization that would help her find what she was looking for.

2013-04-17, 12:31 PM
Colt stays back a bit. Haven't we learned that opening doors indiscriminately results in being attacked?

2013-04-17, 12:36 PM
"But where else do you go for the rolling chair you race against the room when they've jacked the laundry machine?

2013-04-17, 12:44 PM
Sophia calls back without looking from the bookshelves. "I've found the labs often were full of rolling chairs as well. Was always a matter of getting one not in use."

2013-04-17, 12:51 PM
"Ah, but then where do you get the washing machine, huh? Labs shouldn't have laundry capabilities, probably. Well, the fridge can do, I guess, but there was a Conversation after that one."
She gives a sage nod, proud that she could counter the smarter girl so quickly. Prosciutto just looks up at her with a rapidly growing "What the muk" face.

2013-05-01, 10:03 AM
The trio enter the study and find a pokeball, a Caterpie, and a rather strange book that looks tempting to read.

2013-05-01, 10:15 AM
Sophia looks at the strange looking book that is tempting to read and attempts to read.

2013-05-01, 10:50 AM
Colt plucks the book from Sophia's grasp. Hey no stealing, I found it first. He said, tucking it into his nap sack.

2013-05-01, 11:39 AM
Meanwhile, Lucia has begun scratching the caterpie's carapace.
"Who's a good caterpie? Is it you? I think it's you! Yeah, you wanna come with us and become a big, strong butter free, and impress all the other bugs, don't you?"
She taps the ball that she got from a drawer on the caterpie, and frowns when it bursts.

2013-05-01, 01:05 PM
Sophia doesn't let go of the book. "May have spotted but didn't grab."
As a note, I *was* the one looking through bookshelves, so her finding the book made sense.

2013-05-04, 09:19 AM
"Didn't you grab the formulas, Sophia? Colt hasn't gotten anything so far, as the rotom's just lending a hand. Let him have it."
Lucia keeps on trying to catch the caterpie.

2013-05-04, 10:50 AM
"That's because they were simply interesting, and I doubt we'll even end up keeping them. Don't you want some of your parents' work to survive?"

2013-05-04, 11:01 AM
"It's been four years, Sophia. What makes you think it's not already out there? Now stop being greedy, and I'll show you guys the fun spots later."

2013-05-04, 11:13 AM
"Yeesh, fine, I was just curious to see what was in the Judged thing." She tosses the book at Colt and goes looking for anything more interesting.

Perception: [roll0]
Search/Wild/Luck: [roll1]

2013-05-04, 06:52 PM
Lucia catches the Caterpie while Colt skims through the book, discovering it contained secrets about certain bug techniques.

level 7, Brave, swarm, male

2013-05-04, 07:55 PM
Interesting. Colt says, with only a bit of superiority to his voice. Upstairs next right?

2013-05-04, 08:31 PM
"Sure, whatever." Hm... That would be interesting. Might have to do that. Ariadne jumps over to Lucia, seeing her newest acquisition and hoping to make a new friend.

2013-05-04, 10:16 PM
Lucia pops the caterpie and sewaddle out on her head and other shoulder respectively, letting Spinabro greet them both properly. Then Ariadne comes over.
"Just like the old days. C'mon, guys, the wilds told us they're upstairs!"

2013-05-08, 09:31 AM
Heading upstairs, Lucia and company find some fire types guarding the hall. The easily smell you coming, and growl as you reach the 2nd floor.

Place your character and any pokemon out between S3 and U8 on the map

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgOI6RqpeLKLdGhtcF9TVms3Smg2cjl6dGlrVm1Nd nc#gid=1

And list speed

2013-05-08, 09:38 AM
Pheobe floats out in front of her trainer. Ariadne meanwhile cowers in Sophia's bag. Fire! Fire bad!
11 Speed

2013-05-08, 09:40 AM
Lets go Smith!

Speed 3

2013-05-08, 10:08 AM
The so far unnamed cater pie and spinabro retreat to the stairwell as Lucia gets ready to dispense some double barrel fury, Prosciutto near her and raring to go.

Lucia: 82/91 hp, +3 dex mod
Prosciutto: 41/41 hp, 9 def, 5 sp. Def, 3 speed

2013-05-10, 10:10 AM
Phoebe, then the pups, then the other 2.

2013-05-10, 01:49 PM
"Spray them, Pheobe." The Staryu spins rapidly, targeting the Growlithe.
Water Gun
Special, Water
AC: [roll0] 2
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: +[roll2]