View Full Version : Jumping from an airship

2012-12-25, 08:51 PM
Basically, what the title says: I'm looking for a way to be able to survive jumping from an Eberron airship to the ground, all dramatic and such, without taking damage.

I have flight, and a ring of featherfall as a backup, but neither has that same punch. The character is a lvl 10 Warforged warblade.


2012-12-25, 09:04 PM
What do you want to look like when you hit the ground?

2012-12-25, 09:08 PM
create a one shot ring of feather falling wait untill you almost hit the ground and then say teh command word POW now you feather fall the last few feat.

falling damage is not so bad anyways your shoudl surive that at 10th level regasrdless.

2012-12-25, 09:12 PM
There's a mundane armor addition that halves falling damage (and constriction damage, actually). I think it was in Complete Warrior. There are more options to further mitigate it as well, but I don't recall anything in particular at the moment.

2012-12-25, 09:21 PM
Sharn: City of Towers has the answer; Feather Fall token. Single-use Feather Fall for 50gp a pop.
If you make a habit of it (and, really, why wouldn't you?), you may want to invest in a ring of feather falling instead.

2012-12-25, 09:28 PM
Sharn: City of Towers has the answer; Feather Fall token. Single-use Feather Fall for 50gp a pop.
If you make a habit of it (and, really, why wouldn't you?), you may want to invest in a ring of feather falling instead.

Actually, I do have it. We all started out in Sharn, and given that Im the only mundane(technically, given Tome of Battle...) character and I'm 400lbs of adamantine and plant matter, it seemed wise to have it.

Just, the way we've been using it, based on the spell, it's a sort of gentle fall like you've got a parachute.

Admittedly, the entire idea is inspired by A. Iron Man 1, where Stark lands kneeling with one fist in front of the terrorists wrecking that small village and B. My love of dramatic entrances, both OOC and IC(as one of my moves was to fly through a stained-glass window, dropping alchemical fire on some mercs, slamming into their wizard as a surprise action\action point combo).

If we've just been looking at feather-fall wrong, Im sure I can talk the GM into letting me be all showy.

2012-12-25, 09:34 PM
well what you are thinking about feather fall is right

what we are saying is not the same thing

feather falls lows your fall the WHOLE TIME you are falling and a ring fo feather fall is alwasy active..

we are saying a one use item fo feather fall so you cna fall 99% of the to the ground then feather fall to slowly flal teh last few feat

also, tony stark FLEW and landed in front of the terrorists.

not to be a giant downer here.. but if you have flight already why in the world is preventing you from just saying ' I jump from the airship and a dead fall i fly dead first coming to rest kneeling with one hand on the groudn stabalzing my balance, i then slowly look up at the bad guys and say ' well, you day just got worse.."

I mean if all you want is RP FLUFF.. why are you not just RP FLUFFing..?

this boggles my mind to such and extreme im bout to eat a half gallo of icecream in 1 bit so the ice cream headaceh actually drowns out(hopefully) my bians dieing trying to figure out what you are not just RPing what you want to do when the rules already 100% fully support you doign just that.

2012-12-25, 09:45 PM
Because I like making sure what I'm doing is *just* RP fluff and not some mechanic by which Im going to screw myself. If thats all it is, then consider the question closed, and go pour yourself some brain bleach :)

2012-12-25, 11:09 PM
How about Ready Actions? You could ready an action to equip your ring of Featherfalling just before you hit the ground.

A Feather Fall spell could also do it; it has a casting time of 1 immediate action.

2012-12-26, 01:16 AM
Swashbuckler 1 gets Feather Fall at will 1/day for 1 round as an Immediate Action.

Work out how fast you will fall at your current stats, and then declare whether you will apply Feather Fall on round 1/2/3, (6seconds a round, right?), then feather fall.

2012-12-26, 02:16 AM
Swashbuckler 1 gets Feather Fall at will 1/day for 1 round as an Immediate Action.

What? No it doesn't. Where did you hear this? :smallconfused: Also, I don't think "at will" means what you think it means.

2012-12-26, 07:47 AM
Sorry, forgot to state ACF from Complete Mage IIRC. Stupid early morning no sleep shift.

2012-12-26, 07:49 AM
It's 1+Int mod times per day, even.

2012-12-26, 03:02 PM
121+ hp ensures that you will survive falling and not be staggered or unconscious....

The Dark Fiddler
2012-12-26, 03:30 PM
Jumping intentionally and then making a DC 15 Jump or Tumble check would reduce the 20d6 damage you'd suffer to 18d6 plus 1d6 nonlethal. Unless your DM rules that you're falling from high enough that the damage that would normally go over 20d6 (since that's the maximum) just bumps it back up, I guess.

If you're looking to land in a specific spot, don't forget that you'll have to jump off the airship significantly ahead of reaching said spot, since you've still got a horizontal velocity as you fall.

2012-12-26, 03:36 PM
I think what he wants isn't slow fall because slow fall, well, slows the fall.
I'm thinking more on terms of equating Dynamic Entry and Atmospheric Reentry...a full impact, landing face-first without taking a dent.

2012-12-26, 03:36 PM
If you want to be super-cool, I'd just suck up the damage and quietly use some heal-item asap if you are expecting combat. Nothing is quite as cool as letting the enemy take their best shot and just shrugging it off. Plus, if your RP for warforged is kind of super-tough or robot-like, anything less than near-lethal damage won't impact your behavior a lot.

However, it is also possible for a non-brainy character to totally underestimate the distance to the ground. After the first hundred feet or so, every ten feet is a pretty small increment to notice, and visibility or buildings and such can further complicate things. Nothing would suck quite so much as thinking you can take it and then landing as a bunch of scrap metal and shrapnel.

It'd be cool if you could wings of flurry or some other damage-avoid to allow full impact but zero damage.

2012-12-26, 03:43 PM
Basically, what the title says: I'm looking for a way to be able to survive jumping from an Eberron airship to the ground, all dramatic and such, without taking damage.

I have flight, and a ring of featherfall as a backup, but neither has that same punch. The character is a lvl 10 Warforged warblade.


Boots of Landing?
Doesn't reduce speed just damage plus you always land on your feet. They only work 1/day so they are cheap.
Price is 500 gp x power level (1) x manifester (2).
The current ones in SRD are manifester 2 so stop 20 (2d6) ft worth of landing.
If you bought ones with 10 manifester they would stop 100 (10d6) ft of damage.
This would be 500 x 1 x10=5, 000 gp.

2012-12-26, 03:51 PM
To reiterate what others have said, simply taking the falling damage will probably be the most impressive.

Get the boots of landing from the magic item compendium to reduce the falling damage by two dice (and always land on your feet). Then you'll take at most 18d6 points of damage from a fall. Therefore, if you have at least 109 hit points, you'll never be staggered or unconscious from a fall. Things are even better if you allow yourself a little wiggle room. For instance, if you're all right with only staying conscious 99% of the time you fall, you can get by with 81 hit points. If you're OK with having a 1 in 20 chance of falling unconscious, you can get by with 76 hit points.

You're a 10th level warblade, so you have 12 + 9d12 + 12x Con modifier hit points. Assuming average rolls and a +1 Constitution modifier, you have 84 hit points. You're good to go if you get the boots, and even if you don't get them, you still only have less than a 4% chance to become staggered or unconscious when you fall any distance.

Edit: The boots of Landing in the Magic Item Compendium work all the time, not just once per day.

2012-12-26, 03:59 PM
There's a mundane armor addition that halves falling damage (and constriction damage, actually). I think it was in Complete Warrior. There are more options to further mitigate it as well, but I don't recall anything in particular at the moment.

Anti-Impact armor, Complete Warrior p. 133. It's not mundane, it's a magical enhancement, +2000 GP. Halves all damage from falls, constriction, and crushing damage.

However, it sounds like what you want is the catfall (http://srd.realmspire.com/psionicPowersAtoC.html#catfall) power:

"You recover instantly from a fall and can absorb some damage from falling. You land on your feet no matter how far you fall, and you take damage as if the fall were 10 feet shorter than it actually is."

Stylistically, this is a little different from feather fall, which slows your fall. Catfall doesn't slow you down, it just negates the damage when you land and makes sure you land on your feet. If you've got a build that depends on maintaining your gravitationally-inclined momentum to do 20d6 falling damage (such as Sinfire Titan's 4500 lbs of stupid (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19863510/4500_lbs._of_Stupid?pg=1) build), then you don't want to slow yourself down.

You can pick up catfall via PsyWar dip or the Hidden Talent feat. You can also put the Landing property on your armor (+4000 GP, SRD/XPH/MIC), which works a little differently: you ignore the damage from the first 60' of the fall. If this airship you want to jump off of is only 60' off the ground, then you're golden.

If you're looking for a non-magical method, then from the Skills section of the Epic Level Handbook: Tumble check DC 100, ignore all falling damage. Depending on what level of optimization you're comfortable with, this may be doable around ECL 15ish.

2012-12-26, 04:01 PM
Wouldn't massive Damage take effect here?

Or is that just a variant to be used at DM choice?

Morph Bark
2012-12-26, 04:14 PM
Just get enough hit points if you do not want a slower fall.

I once grapple-dunked an enemy from 5 miles high inside a volcano and survived it with ease. You should be able to do so as well without too much trouble (minus grappling in your case).

2012-12-26, 04:23 PM
Just get enough hit points if you do not want a slower fall.

I once grapple-dunked an enemy from 5 miles high inside a volcano and survived it with ease. You should be able to do so as well without too much trouble (minus grappling in your case).

This conversation has exceeded my quota for thread coolness.

To add to this, though, I find that the standard rules for falling fail to strike the proper level of fear into the hearts of higher level characters. I once had an epic-level bad guy maximize and empower the damage the characters took from the fall from his arbitrarily tall tower when he teleported them out of his throne room. While I approve of the creativity behind using your body as the projectile in some kind of gravity-driven mass driver character build, great power should come at great cost, so the occasional natural variation in gravity or magic-induced SUPERFALL should be possible as well.

2012-12-26, 04:47 PM
This conversation has exceeded my quota for thread coolness.

To add to this, though, I find that the standard rules for falling fail to strike the proper level of fear into the hearts of higher level characters. I once had an epic-level bad guy maximize and empower the damage the characters took from the fall from his arbitrarily tall tower when he teleported them out of his throne room. While I approve of the creativity behind using your body as the projectile in some kind of gravity-driven mass driver character build, great power should come at great cost, so the occasional natural variation in gravity or magic-induced SUPERFALL should be possible as well.

Isn't that why massive damage should be used? I do agree, I feel unless you have a magical or supernatural ability you should not be able to just fall from an airship and live or shrug off the damage.

2012-12-26, 04:52 PM
I find that death by massive damage is trivial at higher levels, though it does remain that 5% threat to anyone that hasn't managed to become immune to it. Tough/melee classes usually have nothing to fear unless the DM uses some alternate rule to scale up the DC of the Fortitude save (another cool idea, BUT YOU SHOULD TELL YOUR PLAYERS IF YOU ARE DOING THIS EARLY AND REMIND THEM OFTEN). :smallwink:

Isn't there a way for warforged to become immune to death by massive damage? Seem to remember there being something of the sort out there.

2012-12-26, 04:53 PM
Sorry, forgot to state ACF from Complete Mage IIRC. Stupid early morning no sleep shift.

It's 1+Int mod times per day, even.

Oh, huh. Neat!

2012-12-26, 04:54 PM
Like other people said. Fall from the airship until your like 50' off the ground. Kick on your feather fall until your 20' to 30' off the ground the deactivate it. The last 20'-30' free fall using the Tumble and free 10' to mitigate the damage. You should land with sufficient force to look cool. Remember, Tony Stark didn't just fly in and slam into the ground, he used stuff to slow down just before the impact.

P.s. Use Alchemist Fire and Smoke sticks for a more Dramatic landing. (Take care with the Alchemy fire though, remember, only you can prevent forest fires)

Morph Bark
2012-12-26, 05:21 PM
I find that death by massive damage is trivial at higher levels, though it does remain that 5% threat to anyone that hasn't managed to become immune to it.

Steadfast Determination. Awww yeeeaaaahhhh.

2012-12-26, 05:45 PM
Punch a hole in the airship & ride it down. Jump off at the last second. Take no damage & you will have a righteous explosion behind you to make you look like a badass.

2012-12-26, 08:26 PM
First off, much thanks to everyone who's responded. Now for a few more precision-guided replies.

If you want to be super-cool, I'd just suck up the damage and quietly use some heal-item asap if you are expecting combat. Nothing is quite as cool as letting the enemy take their best shot and just shrugging it off. Plus, if your RP for warforged is kind of super-tough or robot-like, anything less than near-lethal damage won't impact your behavior a lot.

However, it is also possible for a non-brainy character to totally underestimate the distance to the ground. After the first hundred feet or so, every ten feet is a pretty small increment to notice, and visibility or buildings and such can further complicate things. Nothing would suck quite so much as thinking you can take it and then landing as a bunch of scrap metal and shrapnel.

It'd be cool if you could wings of flurry or some other damage-avoid to allow full impact but zero damage.

Well, in all honesty he's ended up(via having the soul animating his form be that of Karrn the Conqueror and getting a personal 'EPIPHANY!' slap from Helm) moving from 'Chaotic Neutral Street Samurai' to 'Optimus Prime'. So, yeah, both super-tough AND robot-like. He's even got transforming hands the wings docent has been fluffed to transform into something resembling Batman's glider shape.

To reiterate what others have said, simply taking the falling damage will probably be the most impressive.

Get the boots of landing from the magic item compendium to reduce the falling damage by two dice (and always land on your feet). Then you'll take at most 18d6 points of damage from a fall. Therefore, if you have at least 109 hit points, you'll never be staggered or unconscious from a fall. Things are even better if you allow yourself a little wiggle room. For instance, if you're all right with only staying conscious 99% of the time you fall, you can get by with 81 hit points. If you're OK with having a 1 in 20 chance of falling unconscious, you can get by with 76 hit points.

You're a 10th level warblade, so you have 12 + 9d12 + 12x Con modifier hit points. Assuming average rolls and a +1 Constitution modifier, you have 84 hit points. You're good to go if you get the boots, and even if you don't get them, you still only have less than a 4% chance to become staggered or unconscious when you fall any distance.

Edit: The boots of Landing in the Magic Item Compendium work all the time, not just once per day.

I am currently rocking 122 HP, so technically I probably could just slam down and shrug it off. It's just that ever since we nearly ruined two chunks of the campaign due to being a tad powerful(and in my case, crazy-prepared and, well, being a Warblade), the DM has up'd both the assumed intelligence and resources of our foes, making it more likely to actually run into HP issues during combat. We don't run with clerics or anything, just wands of cure X wound for post-battle.

Anti-Impact armor, Complete Warrior p. 133. It's not mundane, it's a magical enhancement, +2000 GP. Halves all damage from falls, constriction, and crushing damage.

However, it sounds like what you want is the catfall (http://srd.realmspire.com/psionicPowersAtoC.html#catfall) power:

"You recover instantly from a fall and can absorb some damage from falling. You land on your feet no matter how far you fall, and you take damage as if the fall were 10 feet shorter than it actually is."

Stylistically, this is a little different from feather fall, which slows your fall. Catfall doesn't slow you down, it just negates the damage when you land and makes sure you land on your feet. If you've got a build that depends on maintaining your gravitationally-inclined momentum to do 20d6 falling damage (such as Sinfire Titan's 4500 lbs of stupid (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19863510/4500_lbs._of_Stupid?pg=1) build), then you don't want to slow yourself down.

You can pick up catfall via PsyWar dip or the Hidden Talent feat. You can also put the Landing property on your armor (+4000 GP, SRD/XPH/MIC), which works a little differently: you ignore the damage from the first 60' of the fall. If this airship you want to jump off of is only 60' off the ground, then you're golden.

If you're looking for a non-magical method, then from the Skills section of the Epic Level Handbook: Tumble check DC 100, ignore all falling damage. Depending on what level of optimization you're comfortable with, this may be doable around ECL 15ish.

This is actually...scarily potent. The Captain of our merry little band of mercenaries\burgeoning do-gooders is a psionic, and my explanation for being the only Warblade in Eberron is basically Nietzchean 'Will to Power', picking up a slash of psionics would fit. Why psychic warrior, pray tell? Near as I can tell from the books, Psion gets Catfall as a power as well, and extra power points which I can augment with the Wild Talent feat for a few more, double the range(and I can *so* eat anything the DM wants to toss my way for 20ft that isn't total BS). I was unable to find the Hidden Talent feat though. I'd take a slight initiator level hit and the d6\d8 isn't that impressive, but hell, I've got more HP than anyone save our paladin. I hadn't actually considered the Acme Anvil attack, though now...*evil grin*

Like other people said. Fall from the airship until your like 50' off the ground. Kick on your feather fall until your 20' to 30' off the ground the deactivate it. The last 20'-30' free fall using the Tumble and free 10' to mitigate the damage. You should land with sufficient force to look cool. Remember, Tony Stark didn't just fly in and slam into the ground, he used stuff to slow down just before the impact.

P.s. Use Alchemist Fire and Smoke sticks for a more Dramatic landing. (Take care with the Alchemy fire though, remember, only you can prevent forest fires)

I already do use smoke sticks and such for a Darkwing-Duck style entrance. Might consider a few bits of bombardment since our wizard has fire resistance scrolls out the yin-yang(he likes fireballs). As for the fall, I suppose if I'm not allowed to take the Psionic dip, I can use that move. 20ft to ground in one go is still mighty impressive.

Punch a hole in the airship & ride it down. Jump off at the last second. Take no damage & you will have a righteous explosion behind you to make you look like a badass.

Both the Captain and the animating air elemental prince of our airship would take offense to that. Besides, we just got a spelljamming helm installed by Vol, wouldn't want to waste the effort it takes dealing with a crazy-prepared sorcerer-lich.

Many thanks for all the suggestions! I might just post the solution chosen once games resume post-holiday-season.

2012-12-26, 08:49 PM
Why not just build up a buffer of temporary HP's to suck up the lion's share of the damage?

A powerstone of vigor at a decent ML would mitigate the better portion.

2012-12-26, 09:46 PM
This is actually...scarily potent. The Captain of our merry little band of mercenaries\burgeoning do-gooders is a psionic, and my explanation for being the only Warblade in Eberron is basically Nietzchean 'Will to Power', picking up a slash of psionics would fit.

Why psychic warrior, pray tell? Near as I can tell from the books, Psion gets Catfall as a power as well, and extra power points which I can augment with the Wild Talent feat for a few more, double the range(and I can *so* eat anything the DM wants to toss my way for 20ft that isn't total BS).

I was unable to find the Hidden Talent feat though. I'd take a slight initiator level hit and the d6\d8 isn't that impressive, but hell, I've got more HP than anyone save our paladin. I hadn't actually considered the Acme Anvil attack, though now...*evil grin*

I think Psiwarr because they get a fighter bonus feat. Although, Psion get an extra feat as well but less hp.

2012-12-26, 10:06 PM
Iron Heart Surge.

I can't believe we're at page 2 and no one mentioned this yet. The playground has gone downhill.

2012-12-26, 10:10 PM
Iron Heart Surge.

I can't believe we're at page 2 and no one mentioned this yet. The playground has gone downhill.

Freedom of Movement.

2012-12-26, 10:35 PM
I didn't think I could shrug off falling dmg with IHS. Hell, I'd be reminded of Fighter from 8-bit Theater a bit there..

Though it was stuff like status effects, magic(wonderful when a certain asshat vampire drops cloudkill on the group) and the like. *shrug*

Is kind of evocative yelling really loudly and scaring damage so much it flees. Though with Psiwarr\Psion, the 'Auditory' component of the manifestation brings to mind a Reaper-ish ominous latin choir.

2012-12-26, 10:41 PM
Iron Heart Surge.

I can't believe we're at page 2 and no one mentioned this yet. The playground has gone downhill.

It hasn't been mentioned because, even under the most permissive ruling, IHS can't do that.

Unless you're actually suggesting he IHS gravity. You're not seriously suggesting that right? :smallconfused:

2012-12-26, 10:42 PM
I didn't think I could shrug off falling dmg with IHS. Hell, I'd be reminded of Fighter from 8-bit Theater a bit there..

Though it was stuff like status effects, magic(wonderful when a certain asshat vampire drops cloudkill on the group) and the like. *shrug*

Is kind of evocative yelling really loudly and scaring damage so much it flees. Though with Psiwarr\Psion, the 'Auditory' component of the manifestation brings to mind a Reaper-ish ominous latin choir.

Full disclosure, you can't shrug off the damage. However, depending on how your DM rules gravity (e.g. do you fall and/or accelerate at a certain rate per round) you can certainly argue the use of the mechanicism.

"When you use this maneuver, select one spell, effect, or other condition currently affecting you and with a duration of 1 or more rounds. That effect ends immediately."

EDIT: Really full disclosure - this should all be blue, because I am not serious. But in a world where wizards and psions can turn the world upside down before breakfast, why not?

2012-12-26, 10:51 PM
I didn't think I could shrug off falling dmg with IHS. Hell, I'd be reminded of Fighter from 8-bit Theater a bit there..

No, no, no. While you could end the "damaged" condition, that's not anything like as fun.

No, what you do is you Iron Heart Surge while you're falling, and end the "falling" condition.

Alternately, you could end the "gravity" effect altogether...

2012-12-26, 11:43 PM
Okay since for some reason, you don't want to wreak your new shiny airship. Attach the ring/talisman of feather falling to an undead goat. Put the undead goat in a bad of holding, along with a Lute of Pyrotechnics. Whilst falling take both out. Surf on the back back of the undead goat & play/cast Pyrotechnics from the lute.

Total metal, & as we all know, D&D is very metal, & you are a warforged (also metal), so just doing the math here... that's like over nine thousand metal

2012-12-27, 03:02 AM
No, no, no. While you could end the "damaged" condition, that's not anything like as fun.

No, what you do is you Iron Heart Surge while you're falling, and end the "falling" condition.

Alternately, you could end the "gravity" effect altogether...

You actually IHS the condition "Gravitational Momentum" At 12 feet and one sheet of paper above the opponents.

2012-12-27, 04:19 AM
You actually IHS the condition "Gravitational Momentum" At 12 feet and one sheet of paper above the opponents.

What's gravitational momentum?

2012-12-27, 05:06 AM
What's gravitational momentum?

This makes me wonder what would happen if you used Iron Heart Surge to end the "momentum" condition affecting you in general.

My first thought is you'd fly sideways at 1000 mph (because your momentum no longer matches the rotating earth), and fly either off into space or directly into the earth, depending on your position on the surface, at 490,000 mph (because your momentum no longer matches the orbiting earth), and fly 2,200,000 mph in some direction (because your momentum no longer matches the galaxy's progress towards the Great Attractor). Needless to say, you would die (but you could of course then IHS the "dead" condition, as well as the "millions of miles from home" condition. The math is confusing me, so I'm not sure whether you'd need to also IHS the "earth was destroyed by the impact" condition if you happened to be on the wrong side of the planet).

But before I even did any looking things up at all, I remembered Einstein and the whole "no privileged reference frames" business. So I think trying to Iron Heart Surge the "momentum" condition would return a sort of cosmic divide by zero error. Which you could, of course, then IHS away.

Morph Bark
2012-12-27, 05:20 AM
Full disclosure, you can't shrug off the damage. However, depending on how your DM rules gravity (e.g. do you fall and/or accelerate at a certain rate per round) you can certainly argue the use of the mechanicism.

"When you use this maneuver, select one spell, effect, or other condition currently affecting you and with a duration of 1 or more rounds. That effect ends immediately."

Under the most permissable reading, Iron Heart Surge would then cause you to either float in place (because gravity lost its effect on you) or you would stop and then begin falling again (because gravity lost its effect on you at that moment). In the first case, someone will have to come get you, unless you can fly or teleport. In the second case, you'd best do it in the round before you hit the ground.

Can you ready an action to use a maneuver?

2012-12-27, 05:45 AM
Under the most permissable reading, Iron Heart Surge would then cause you to either float in place (because gravity lost its effect on you) or you would stop and then begin falling again (because gravity lost its effect on you at that moment). In the first case, someone will have to come get you, unless you can fly or teleport. In the second case, you'd best do it in the round before you hit the ground.

Can you ready an action to use a maneuver?Losing gravity does not change your speed, honey. He'd continue plummeting like it's nobody's business. He'd hit the groudn slightly slower than he'd otherwise do, but it's negligible for the figures here.

2012-12-27, 08:54 AM
use your knife on the side of the airship to slowly decend, and while you are doing that you are ripping a hole into the airship causing it to slowly decend. when it is about 20 feet off the ground let go and roll to safety, it lands about 100 yards away from you and explodes but you walk away completely unscathed.

2012-12-27, 09:34 AM
Besides which, if you IHS gravity, it ends for everybody!

2012-12-27, 10:01 AM
I was unable to find the Hidden Talent feat though.

It's hidden in a sidebar, Expanded Psionics Handbook p. 67. It's an "optional rule", however (an alternative to Wild Talent that is actually *useful*), so you'll need to clear it with the DM.

I'd take a slight initiator level hit and the d6\d8 isn't that impressive, but hell, I've got more HP than anyone save our paladin. I hadn't actually considered the Acme Anvil attack, though now...*evil grin*

If you're going PsyWar, pick up expansion while you're at it. Next time you find yourself jumping off an airship, make sure it's *above* another airship. While you fall, activate expansion. This octuples your weight (x8), assuming adamantine body = 320 lbs, 320 x 8 = 2560 lbs = 12d6 falling object damage (+1d6 per 10'). At the very least, you should blow a 10' hole right through the deck if not the entire airship.

You could also use this "Inhuman Cannonball" trick on creatures. Another variation: use a Folding Boat or Feather Token: Swan Boat, assuming you can get the DM to agree on a weight for the boat (best to ask him this beforehand, under the pretense that you need to calculate the hardness or convert it into firewood).

By RAW, there is no Ref save for avoiding a falling object in the Core rules, although if you spring this trick on an unwary DM, he may come up with something on the spot. If you have access to Heroes of Battle, you may or may not feel inclined to mention the Aerial Bombardment rules in there, which gives a Ref save DC 15 to avoid all damage. Some DMs may also attempt to give you an attack roll, or treat large heavy objects as a "falling blocks" trap (attack roll with an arbitrary attack bonus).

2012-12-27, 10:51 AM
This conversation has exceeded my quota for thread coolness.

To add to this, though, I find that the standard rules for falling fail to strike the proper level of fear into the hearts of higher level characters. I once had an epic-level bad guy maximize and empower the damage the characters took from the fall from his arbitrarily tall tower when he teleported them out of his throne room. While I approve of the creativity behind using your body as the projectile in some kind of gravity-driven mass driver character build, great power should come at great cost, so the occasional natural variation in gravity or magic-induced SUPERFALL should be possible as well.

We were playing an epic level planar game. We get ejected from the obelisk in outlands. The dervish cat-person successfully made the check to grab on to the pillar, and the caster gishes made their checks as well, but the scythe wielding warrior roll a 1 (when he needed a 2 or better to succeed) and cratered into the landscape.... a couple hundred feet below us...


Punch a hole in the airship & ride it down. Jump off at the last second. Take no damage & you will have a righteous explosion behind you to make you look like a badass.

Only Spehss Mahrines can do that.

2012-12-27, 11:53 AM
This thread is hilarious. I can't decide what's funnier: Darrin's link and comment about the "4500 pounds of stupid build" or Malimar's discussion of IHSing things that where never meant to be surged.

I'm going to be thinking of this and giggling to myself all day. :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-27, 12:07 PM
Hang Gliders or Ornithopters :D

2012-12-27, 12:18 PM
Punch a hole in the airship & ride it down. Jump off at the last second. Take no damage & you will have a righteous explosion behind you to make you look like a badass.

This. Just so much this.

2012-12-27, 12:26 PM
Still makes me wish I could figure out a way to make the Warforged Cannon(tm); instead of dropping, which is all well and good, you get shot out of a nose-mounted cannon a la Expendables 2.

Few things'll ruin your day like 350lbs(alot more if enlarged) of angry adamantine Warblade flying at you.

I think I'm going to just try and purchase a smaller airship to crash every time I need to impress\intimidate the natives.

2012-12-27, 10:33 PM
Was just thinking about this, isn't there a warforged component that gives them wicked awesome wings/blades?

The Dark Fiddler
2012-12-27, 10:37 PM
Still makes me wish I could figure out a way to make the Warforged Cannon(tm); instead of dropping, which is all well and good, you get shot out of a nose-mounted cannon a la Expendables 2.

Few things'll ruin your day like 350lbs(alot more if enlarged) of angry adamantine Warblade flying at you.

I think I'm going to just try and purchase a smaller airship to crash every time I need to impress\intimidate the natives.

If you could find a way to count as though you were standing on the ground despite being in midair, then said Warblade could also use Mountain Hammer to smash through something or other, becoming the ultimate siege weapon.

You could also Mountain Hammer the ground when you land for an extra-spectacular impression.

2012-12-27, 10:45 PM
If you could find a way to count as though you were standing on the ground despite being in midair, then said Warblade could also use Mountain Hammer to smash through something or other, becoming the ultimate siege weapon.

You could also Mountain Hammer the ground when you land for an extra-spectacular impression.

What put dirt in your boots so you are always touch the ground :smallcool:

2012-12-28, 12:12 AM
What's gravitational momentum?

The movement created by gravity that is the source of you falling.

This. Just so much this.

Except, typical Airships wont drop out of the sky, unless it is that one Air Yacht that is built entirely from Brass and Gold.

And you cant jump off of that one while it is falling.

2012-12-28, 01:42 AM
Putting dirt in you boots, means you have dirt in your boots... not that your touching ground.

2012-12-28, 02:08 AM
You could ready a Shadow Jaunt (or one of its alternatives) to teleport to the ground mitigating the falling damage.

2012-12-28, 02:11 AM
Putting dirt in you boots, means you have dirt in your boots... not that your touching ground.

Fine. Coffee grounds in your boots, then. Not only are you touching the ground, you're touching more than one.

2012-12-28, 04:58 AM
Fine. Coffee grounds in your boots, then. Not only are you touching the ground, you're touching more than one.
Ah, but are you touching the RIGHT ground?

2012-12-28, 05:26 AM
Ah, but are you touching the RIGHT ground?

You are as long as you're wearing the right boot!

Morph Bark
2012-12-28, 05:34 AM
You are as long as you're wearing the right boot!

But what about the left one?

2012-12-28, 06:15 AM
All you need now is a long thin trailing wire to ensure you're electrically neutral.

The Dark Fiddler
2012-12-28, 07:10 AM
What put dirt in your boots so you are always touch the ground :smallcool:

Fine. Coffee grounds in your boots, then. Not only are you touching the ground, you're touching more than one.

All you need now is a long thin trailing wire to ensure you're electrically neutral.

These are all great suggestions, but I don't really if you could say that you were standing on these grounds while in free-fall.

Morph Bark
2012-12-28, 10:24 AM
These are all great suggestions, but I don't really if you could say that you were standing on these grounds while in free-fall.

I always stand on the moral high ground.

2012-12-28, 03:08 PM
If you could change into an earth elemental you could land inside the ground then come back out.

Simplest solution might be smoke stick + last second feather fall. No one has to know you slowed down, and smoke looks cool.

2012-12-28, 07:45 PM
Simplest solution might be smoke stick + last second feather fall. No one has to know you slowed down, and smoke looks cool.

Smoke stick still needs to be lit. Liquid Smoke (20 GP, Oriental Adventures) starts as soon as you open it (or drop/break it).

2012-12-28, 07:54 PM
the entire idea is inspired by A. Iron Man 1, where Stark lands kneeling with one fist in front of the terrorists wrecking that small village and B. My love of dramatic entrances, both OOC and IC

So really, you don't want to be Ironman, you want to be the incredible Hulk. The only superhero who's main method of transportation is jumping. :smallwink:

2012-12-28, 08:14 PM
What about those boots of teleport they are cheap like 1800 or something let you teleport 10ft. do that right as you hit 10ft from the ground:smallbiggrin:

2012-12-28, 08:22 PM
So really, you don't want to be Ironman, you want to be the incredible Hulk. The only superhero who's main method of transportation is jumping. :smallwink:

Enh, only when it comes to getting off of the airship. I've got a built-in enchanted grappling hook, wings for flight, those weird ninja-ish climbing claws built in...'bout the only methods left are jumping and teleporting.

I try and save *some*thing for the party wizard after all.

Probably going to go with a lvl or 2 of Psion. I *should* go Psychic Warrior but its stat is Wisdom, and Wis has pretty much been my dump stat the whole game, just the bog-standard 10 in it, no bonus at all. At least Psion has synergy with Warblade via their focus on the Int stat.

2012-12-28, 09:36 PM
Seriously dude, pick up vigor as a power known. Psion 2 with practiced manifester, you can manifest it for up to 30 temporary HP to soak damage for you. Jump off the airship, let your PP eat at least half, if not most, of the damage at a 5:1 rate and look like a total badass.

Bonus: you can use the power in combat to soak damage just as well.