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View Full Version : Insanity at its finest: The Delirionist (Baseclass, 3.5, PEACH)

2012-12-26, 01:39 PM
Hello again, people of the Playground.
Behold, my new Baseclass, now with extra insanity and a all new magic system. It is not completely done yet, as I still need to whip up some Induce and Madness spells for this project, but it is in a stage where it can be PEACHED, so if you read through this, please leave a comment below. ^^



Picture by Kittenmittnns

Insane?! ME?! WWWWHHAAAHHHAAAHHAAAAA!! - Raving Jack, a Delirionist, during his torture of a Gaoler Of Frostflame

Adventures: Nobody really knows why these lunatics take on adventuring and probably…They don’t even really know themselves. However they can be valuable allies when it comes to winning people over or debilitating a foe with their insanely effective spells.

Characteristics: Delirionists are always unpredictable and kind of weird to hang out with. Most of the time they are reasonably normal, but when they start using Induction spells they get weirder and weirder. Symptoms might include a strange sense of humor, lots of maniacal laughter and asking people straight out if he has permission to stab them.

Alignment: Always chaotic. (Except if you can tell me a way to be absolutely nuts and random in a lawfull way… :S)

Religion: Delirionists rarely worship a god, but when they do, it’s mostly a god that has Chaos and Madness in its portfolio.

Background: Delirionists, people who distort their own soul to inflict even greater damage on an enemy by the use of Insanity magic. Through the use of this Insanity magic, they are able to twist their opponents to such a degree that some may become insane themselves, only to be slain moments later by the caster.

In the Grand Cross of Four, consisting of Chaining Magic, Beacon Magic, Soul Magic and Insanity Magic, Insanity is one of the two spiritual forms of magic, together with Soul Magic. Insanity Magic is the opposite of Soul Magic, where Soul Magic focuses on manipulating other creature’s souls, Insanity Magic focuses on warping your own soul to such an extent, that your fevered soul reaches out to the outside world and other souls in your vicinity, tearing apart anything spiritual that it comes in contact with.

Due to these destructive properties, users of Insanity Magic are shunned all over Iugon and have no real organisation. However, this doesn’t mean that all Insanity magicians are evil. Good Insanity users do exist. Naturally though, because of the nature of this magic, they are much more rare then Neutral or Evil users. Also, the unpredictable nature of this magic makes it impossible to control for Lawfull creatures and there are only a few instances of Neutral creatures that successfully wielded Insanity magic, but they all converted to the Chaotic way in time.

In most cases, Insanity Magic manifests in a creature after mental trauma of some sorts, causing the soul of that creature to distort and give rise to this kind of magic. In other cases, an over-exposure to raw Insanity Magic can have the same effect. There are rumoured that there exist Artifact level items that allow Insanity Casters to imbue other with a seed of their talent, making it possible to teach others the art of Insanity, instead of relying on fate to produce more of their kind.

Races: Any living creature with a Int score higher than 3 can be become a delirionist.

Other Classes: They are insane, they are oke with all classes one moment and have a burning hatred for cat burglers and druids the next (For example). It all depends on how you wish to play this class.

Role: The magic of the Delirionist is most effective as a debuffer and as a (How strange it may sound, but mad people are charismatic!) Party Face.

Adaptation: This is MADNESS!!! Madness? This! IS! *Fill in adaptation here*!!!!!!!

Delirionists have the following game statistics.

Abilities: As you rely on corroding your own mental facilities, you would like to have a high Wisdom and Charisma score. This maximizes the amount and the power of Madness Spells you can cast.
Hit Die: d6

Starting Age: Earliest Adult Age of Race

Starting Gold: 4d4x10.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape artist (Dex), Knowledge (Any), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Rope (Dex)

Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with Simple Weapons and no kinds of armor.


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Number of Induce Spells Known
Number of Madness Spells Known





Insanity Magic







Delirious Mind







Insane Personality







Mad Epidemic (1d2)







Madman’s Perception







Psycho Surge (1/day)







Absurd Senses







Mad Epidemic (1d4)







Nightmare Mind







Psycho Surge (2/day)







Reaches of Madness







Mad Epidemic (1d6)







Mind Step







Psycho Surge (3/day)







Nightmare Mind (Greater)







Mad Epidemic (1d8), Total Insanity







Hair-Trigger Lunacy







Alien Aura







Psycho Surge (4/day)







Mad Epidemic (1d10), Maw of Delusion



Insanity Casting: (Su)
Some take raw, unchecked magic from the environment, some take magic from the souls of others. But a few who dabble into magic do so by corroding their own minds and souls, gaining great power, but losing their sanity in the process. These people practise a weird form of magic appropriately called: Insanity Magic.

Insanity Magic relies on the strength of the caster’s own mind to gain in power. The stronger the caster’s mind, the more magical energy he can break free from his own soul without succumbing to total madness and anarchy.

For the mechanics behind Insanity magic, see the spoiler:

Insanity Magic Spells

Insanity Magic spells are divided in 2 classes, Induce Spells and Madness Spells. You also have a Insanity gauge that indicates the amount of madness you hold within your mind at the moment. Your insanity gauge increases by a certain amount each time you use an Induce Spell. The exact amount is dependant on the individual spell. The total amount of Insanity points your Insanity gauge can hold is half your level plus your Wisdom and Charisma modifier (if positive). If you reach maximum Insanity points, you overload your mind and take 2d6 damage per character level as you twitch and writhe in mental agony. After the damage is dealt, your Insanity gauge is reset to half your maximum. For every 2 Insanity points that you have, you suffer a minus 1 penalty on Will Saves and all Wisdom and Charisma based skillchecks.

Induce Spells

Induce spells are mostly buffs and debuffs and have as a side effect that they increase your Insanity gauge. Each Induce Spell puts a certain amount of Insanity points in your Insanity gauge (See the spells for the precise numbers). Your insanity gauge is emptied after 8 hours of rest. Induce Spells can be cast at will and count as supernatural abilities for the purpose of spellresistance and the like. If you cast an Induce Spell, you can choose not to gain the Insanity point. (If you are 1 away from full for example).

However, every time you cast a Induce Spell, they erode your sense of self. When Inducing insanity in yourself, you must restrain yourself not to delve deeper into madness. Every time after the first you cast an Induce Spell, make a make a modified insanity caster check (1d20 + your insanity caster level + half the number of Insanity points you have). The DC for this check is 10+total number of Insanity points you have. (For example, if you have 6 Insanity points and are a level 3 Delirionist, then youll have a modifier of +6 against a DC of 16). If you succeed on the check, your induce spell functions normally. On a failure, the spell has no effect and you do not gain an Insanity point, and you are unable to cast any additional Induce spells for 10 minutes. The DC's for Induce spells reset after 8 hours of rest together with the Insanity point reset.

In general, Induce spells do not have DC’s, either because they are buffs or they rely on ranged touch attacks. They scale with the combined casterlevel of all Insanity casting classes that the character has. If, for some reason, a Induce Spell gets a DC, it has a DC of 10+half class level+1/2 your total Wis and Cha reduction.

Madness Spells

Madness spells are Insanity made form, the corrosion of your soul solidified in magic (For so far magic is solid). They are more powerful depending of the measure of insanity present in the caster.

Madness spells can’t be cast at will. You have a number of “Spellslots” equal to the amount of Insanity points you have, up to a level based cap (See below). These slots are used to casts Madness Spells with. You can cast a Madness spell a number of times equal to the amount of spellslots you have. You can only use a certain spell slot once, so if you heal or reduce your Insanity points in some way, you do not gain additional spellslots if you gain more Insanity points.

For Example, at level 3, you have a maximum of 4 slots. You also, in a certain situation, have 4 insanity points, so you have 4 slots, due to you having 4 Insanity Points. If you remove the Insanity points in some way, you would not be able to gain another slot until you have at least 5 Insanity Points, at which point you gain 1 extra slot.

However, you can only benefit for a certain amount of mental damage to fuel your unusual magic. The more proficient you become with this magic, the more mental abuse you can use to become more powerful. This amount is dependent on your level, as shown below.

Class Level
Amount of Insanity points to Slots





















In the above example, on level 3, if you had 5 Insanity points, you would only gain 4 spell-slots, because your mind cannot hold that much madness yet.

You also gain 1 bonus Madness spellslot per point of Charisma or Wisdom modifier. The stat used for this must be chosen at character creation and cannot be changed ever again.

Note that DC's do keep on scaling. (but is it worth the risk having your Insanity gauge so high? That's up to you to decide :smallamused:)

The DC for an Madness Spell is 10+Number of Insanity points you have.

Madness Spells count as Supernatural abilities and gain all the benefits and drawbacks thereof.

You need an degree of Insanity for casting stronger Madness Spells. More Insanity equals more power! Individual Spells have a Insanity point prerequisite and some spells also have a level or spell prerequisite.

If you read through all of that (Congrats!), you can see that the number of individual Induce and Madness spells is given on the right side of the class table.

Delirious Mind (Ex): At second level, you become more resistant to enchantments. You gain a bonus on Will saves against enchantments equal to the amount of Insanity point you have (Effectively canceling out the penalty, so you get a +1 bonus every 2 Insanity points).

Insane Personality (Ex): At third level, your demeanour becomes more charismatic or intimidating. You gain a bonus equal to the amount of Insanity Points you have on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Gather Information (Effectively canceling out the penalty, so you get a +1 bonus every 2 Insanity points).

Mad Epidemic(Su): At fourth level, you can spread your insanity with a touch. At will as a standard action, you can use a touch attack that deals 1d2 points of Wisdom or Charisma damage. Which one you can choose at the time you use this ability. This ability also bestows 1 Insanity point on you, which you cannot decline.The damage increases to 1d4 at level 8, 1d6 at level 12, 1d8 at level 16 and 1d10 at level 20. You can use this attack to make attacks of opportunities. This is a mind effecting effect.

Madman’s Perception (Ex): At fifth level, when you have Insanity points, you gain enhanced perceptive abilities as per the table below. The range of the defined abilities is 5 ft./point of Insanity Point. The abilities gained are cumulative.

{table=head]Insanity Points | Benefit
1-4 | Darkvision
5-8 | Blindsense
9-12 | Blindsight
13-16 | Mindsight
17 and up | Truesight [/table]

Psycho Surge (Su): At sixth level, you can go on when normal people would be knocked unconscious. When you reach full Insanity points, you can, as an immediate action, snap all the chains that still bind you to your sanity. You do not take the damage you usually take, instead you take 1 Wisdom and 1 Charisma damage. In the next round, you can cast one Madness spell as a swift action, use your Mad Epidemic once as a free action and all your movement modes are doubled. In addition, the spells you cast in this round gain a +2 on the save DC. At the end of the round, your Insanity points are reset to half maximum value. You can use this once per day on level 6 and one additional time per day per four levels.

Absurd Senses (Ex): At seventh level, your insanity somehow enhances your perception of your environment. You gain a bonus on Spot and Listen equal to the number of Insanity Points you have. (Effectively canceling out the penalty, so you get a +1 bonus every 2 Insanity points).

Nightmare Mind (Ex): At ninth level, your mind becomes so nightmarish that it can be lethal for the ones trying to access your mind. If you are subject to a Detect Thoughts or other spell/effect that tries to read or gain information directly from your mind, you can make the caster subject to an effect that acts like a Phantasmal Killer spell as an immediate action. Your caster level is your Delirionist level and the DC is 10+half class level+1/2 Insanity Points. This is not a mind effecting ability.

Reaches of Madness (Su): At eleventh level, you can use your Mad Epidemic supernatural ability as a ranged touch attack with a range of 5 ft./Insanity Point (Max 60 ft.). However, if you use this version of the ability, the ability damage die goes down 1 step (From 1d4 to 1d2 for example). This is because it is hard to transfer your insanity over distances, where you can’t really make good contact with the souls of your foes.

Mind Step (Su): At thirteenth level, you can use the minds of others as transportation. As a full round action, you can access the mind of a creature within 200 ft. and appear in its shadow. A unwilling target gets a Will-save to block this teleportation (DC 10+Half Class level+1/2 Insanity points).

Nightmare Mind (Greater) (Ex): At fifteenth level, when someone tries to read your mind, you can instead of the normal effect, make the caster subject to an Insanity spell instead. Your caster level is your Delirionist level and the DC is 10+half class level+ 1/2 Insanity Points. This is not a mind effecting ability.

Total Insanity (Su): At level 16, the Delirionist reaches the zenith of his power and insanity. His spells are now so potent that they affect every creature, even if they are normally immune for mind-effecting effects. This also reaches to his Mad Epidemic and Reaches of Madness abilities.

Hair-Trigger Lunacy (Su): At seventeenth level, you behave so erratically that you can fire spells in a blink of an eye. Once per day, you can cast a Madness spell as a swift action.

Alien Aura (Ex): At eighteenth level, you radiate so much madness that it can damage your enemies. Every enemy within 20 ft. of you takes 1 Wisdom or Charisma damage each round. Which one you choose at the time of activation of this ability. You can activate and deactivate this ability as a swift action. You can use this ability a total number of round per day as your maximum Insanity gauge capacity.

Maw of Delusion (Su): Once per week, as a full-round action, a Delirionist can create a whirling tornado of pure insanity that fractures the minds of every enemy that gets caught up in it. Every enemy within a 100 ft. radius of the Delirionist takes Wisdom and Charisma damage equal to half the amount of Insanity points you have. A Willsave 15+Insanity Points halves this damage. If they fail their save, they are also affected by a Insanity spell, permanently.

2012-12-26, 01:40 PM
Insanity Spells: (W.I.P., PEACH plz)


Induce Spells are the spells that induce insanity to their caster, increasing the power of the Madness spells to follow. Each Induce spell causes a Sanity shift, which indicates the size and type of penalty you take. Remember that all penalties caused by Induce spells heals after 8 hours of rest. Induce Spells come in 2 variaties: Bolstering (Self-Buffs) and Debilitating (Single Target Debuffs).
Target number of spells: 20
Number of spells made: 8

Bolstering Induction


Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 1 Insanity point

By infusing your soul with madness, you can react to attack much faster than most people can.

You gain a dodge bonus to AC equal half you caster level (min +1).

Diplomatic Insanity

Level Prerequisite: 3
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 min/lvl
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 1 Insanity point

You can use your insanity to appear more… diplomatic.

You gain an insanity bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, Gather Information or Sense Motive equal to half your class level (min +2). Only one casting of this spell may be active at any one time.

Madness Shield

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/2 levels
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 2 Insanity points

You use your strange kind of magic to protect your mind against degradation from outside sources.

You gain a mental shield with a number of charges equal to half your class level. Every time you would get mental ability damage from a source other then you, you can choose to expend 1 or more charges (Max 4) as a non-action. Each expended charge blocks 1 mental ability damage.

What They Want To See

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 minute/level
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 2 Insanity point

You twist reality around you, appearing to each creature how they wish to see you.

This spell works as Reflective Disguise except that this is a supernatural ability and that creatures touching with you do not get a Will save to see through the disguise. All other methods to break through your disguise work as normal.

Debilitating Induction


Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 1 Insanity point

By bombarding your enemies mind with your own fractured mind, you sicken them.

As a standard action, you make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target is sickened.

Balance Shift

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 1 Insanity point

By making your enemy's mind think he is standing on a sloped surface, you let him trip.

As a standard action, you make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target is knocked prone.

Mad Hangover

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 2 Insanity points

You blur the enemies vision, just like if he's been drinking an awefull lot. This causes his attack to not always land correctly, to say the least.

As a standard action, you make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target has a 20% chance to miss all his attacks this round. In addition, if he misses an attack, he falls prone unless he succeeds on a DC 10+half your class level Balance check.

Sanity Rend

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10/CL)
Duration: Instantanious
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Shift: 1 Insanity point

You manifest your latent insanity, rending your opponents flesh.

One of the few ways a Insanity user can physically hurt somebody, by using pure mental force as a weapons that closely resemble claws. As a standard action, you make a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target takes 1d6/2 casterlevels slashing damage (Min 1d6).

Madness spells are the powers that are fuelled by your insanity. You can only cast them a certain number per day depending on how insane you are at the moment. They also become more potent the more mad you are. Some spells have alignment descriptors which indicates that the casting of such a spell is a certain kind of act (evil, good and so on).
Madness spells come in a number of variaties as seen below.
Target number of spells: 30
Number of spells made: 20

Warping the Senses

Nightmare of the Void

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 2 Insanity points

By infusing your enemies with your own nightmarish visions, you frighten the enemy.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be Shaken for 3 rounds. This stacks with other fear effects but not with itself. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Terror of the Void

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Special (see text)
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 5 Insanity points

By infusing your enemies with your own nightmarish visions, you whip the enemy into a panic.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be Panicked for 1 round and be shaken for (Total Wisdom+Charisma reduction)/3 rounds. If you used Nightmare of the Void on the target within 5 rounds past, the target is cowering instead of panicked the first round, panicked the second and shaken for Insanity Points divided by 3 rounds and the target takes a -2 penalty to his Will Save to resist this spell. This spell can only be used once per 24 hours per target. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Twist Sense

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Immidiate Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Threshold: 1 Insanity point

You confuse away your targets senses with false sensory input.

As a immidiate action, you target 1 enemy that is attacking you. That enemy has a 10%/4 Insanity Points chance to miss all attacks against you for the rest of the turn.

Phantom Impalement (Evil)

Level Prerequisite: 6
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10/CL)
Duration: Special (see text)
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 6 Insanity points

By making an enemy believe he is being impaled, you cripple him with waves of phantom pain.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be Stunned for 2 rounds. In addition, they are also staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amount of Insanity points you have divided by 3.

Phantom Assailant (Evil)

Level Prerequisite: 7
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10/CL)
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 7 Insanity points

You send images of your foe's biggest nightmare upon him, distracting him to such a large degree he can't focus on the real threats any longer.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be plagued by nightmarish creature who threaten to tear him apart, or so he thinks. In reality, this spell does not deal damage, but the foe is considered flanked and flatfooted for the duration of this spell. This is an illusion effect, but not a mindaffecting effect.

Insane Reality

Body Burn

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 6 Insanity points

You burn away your targets flesh as you scorch him with mental whips made of pure anarchy.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy takes 1d6 Strenght and 1d6 Dexterity Damage (Fortitude halfs).

Bone Wreck

Level Prerequisite: 7
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 10 Insanity points

Your opponent twitches in impossible angles as he tries to escape from an unseen terror.

As a standard action, you target an enemy. That enemy takes 2d6 Constitution damage (Fortitude halfs).

Disintegrate Intelligence

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 4 Insanity points

You scorch away your targets intelligence by overloading his mind with feral imagery.

As a standard action, you target an enemy. That enemy takes 1d4 Intelligence damage plus 1 per 4 reduction damage you have (Fortitude halfs).

Fate Warp

Level Prerequisite: 9
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 5 Insanity points

You twist the target fate, causing the victim to be incredibly unlucky for some time.

Target one creature within range. The target must make a Will save or be incredibly unlucky for some time. The targets must roll all skill checks, attack rolls and saves twice and take the worst result. This spell works a total of 7 times or until the duration has run out.

Retributive Insanity

Level Prerequisite: 4
Casting Time: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Threshold: 7 Insanity points

When attacked, your soul lashes out in retribution, damaging the attackers mental facilaties.

As a swift action, you can let your fractured soul lash out to your attackers. When you are attacked by a melee attack or a ranged attack within 60 ft. of you (you don't need to be concious of the attacks), the attacker takes 1d3 Wisdom damage.

Imbueing with Anarchy

Insanity's Sting

Level Prerequisite: 4
Casting Time: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 2 rounds or untill Discharged
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Threshold: 3 Insanity points

You focus a portion of your soul into a ranged weapon, causing the target to take mental damage on impact.

As a swift action, you can imbue a ranged weapon you hold in your hands at the moment with your Mad Epidemic Class feature. When you hit somebody with that weapon, you discharge the spell to deal extra ability damage equal to what your Mad Epidemic class feature normally deals in addition to the normal damage by the weapon attack. If the attack hits the target's touch AC but not his normal AC you still deal the ability damage but not the normal damage the weapon would have dealt.

Mad Weapon

Level Prerequisite: 5
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Threshold: 8 Insanity points

You will, against all logic, your weapon to life. Strangely enough, it responds and leaps from your hand to attack your foes. One problem, in the eyes of your opponents you still hold your weapon....

As a standard action, a weapon you hold in your hand becomes animated, or so it seems. It moves 30 ft. and attack as part of this spell. On subsequent turns it can move 30 ft. and attack or visa versa on its own with no action required on your part. It can only make 1 attack per turn. Initially it attack the nearest enemy, but it can be commanded to attack any foe within Close range. It deals damage like a normal weapon of its type plus one/two point of Charisma reduction you have. It also deals 1 extra charisma damage on a hit. It's attack bonus is half you caster level + one/two points of Charisma reduction you have.
For anyone else it still seems as if you still hold your weapon and that your enemies are slashed with an invisible force. You cannot use your hand which is holding the weapon while this spell is active. The phantom weapon is invisible with a See Invisibility spell or other likewise magic and cannot be destroyed. When you go into an Antimagic Field while this spell is active, it remains active and keeps attacking people.

Traitorous Weapon

Level Prerequisite: 10
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 16 Insanity points

You will, against all logic, your opponents weapon to life. To his surprise, the weapon he wields responds and leaps from his hand to cut off his head. Spectators see that your opponent just drops his weapon and suddenly gets cuts all over his body, while you watch with a big big grin on your face.

As a standard action, a weapon an enemy holds in your hand becomes animated, or so it seems. The enemy can make a Willsave to resist its effects. If the foe succeeds the Will Save, nothing happens. If it failed it's Will Save, the weapon appears to tear free from its grasp and attacks the former wielder as part of this spell. On subsequent turns it behaves and has the stats of a weapon targeted by a Mad Weapon spell, with the following changes:
- Weapons deals an extra 2 charisma damage, instead of 1.
- Movement Speed becomes 50 ft.
- You can use your main hand, but the target can't and is disarmed, dropping its weapon at when the spell is cast.
- Can be Dispelled with a dispel magic targeted on the initial target.
To a spectator the target just drops its weapon and (probably) has a very very terrified look on his face.

Swarming Chaos

Level Prerequisite: 6
Casting Time: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: No
Sanity Thresshold: 5 Insanity points

By maddening the wildlife around you, they swarm out at your command.

As a swift action, you call into being a swarm that consists of crazed creatures infected with your madness. The swarm summoned can be a Rat, Bat or Spider Swarm. It attacks the nearest enemy on your turn. You can give it new orders as a swift action, although they must be simple ones, like “Attack that target” or “Defend me”. For every 1 Charisma Reduction you have over 3, the swarm gain 1 HD, increasing its stats accordingly. In addition, for every 2 Charisma reduction you have over 3, the swarm deals 1 extra Charisma damage on each swarm attack. You can only have 1 swarm that originates from this spell active.

Morale Warp

Charming Delusion

Level Prerequisite: 1
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 2 Insanity points

You make yourself look like you are the most friendliest person in the entire world ..... you know better though, but your target doesn't.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be affected as by a Charm Person spell. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Slave of Delusion

Level Prerequisite: 10
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 1 Day
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 8 Insanity points

By overloading the targets mind, you make him your personal servant for a while.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or be affected as by a Dominate Person spell. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Hear no Evil, See no Evil

Level Prerequisite: 3
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: Instantanious
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 4 Insanity points

You erase the targets memories over a short timespan, but only the ones where you appear in.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must make a Will Save or forget every memory involving you that occured in the last 10 minutes. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Conspiracies Everywhere

Level Prerequisite: 6
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 CL’s)
Duration: 5 minutes
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 4 Insanity Points

You plant the notion that his allies are going to betray him into the targets head, making him overly paranoid.

You make a touch attack against a target in range. The target becomes shaken for 3 rounds(Does not stack with other fear effects). In addition, the target must succeed on a Will save or view all allies as enemies for the total duration of the spell. This means you don't accept help in any way from your allies, must make a Save even when beneficial spells are cast upon you and attack an ally if it is the closest “threat” to you. This is a mindeffecting effect.

Forbidden Realm

Tendrils of Pure Insanity
Level Prerequisite: 14
Casting Time: Full Round Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 25 Insanity points

On the peak of your insanity, you can twist the soul of a creature is such a way that you leave a permanent and potent mark on it.

As a full round action, you touch a creature. That creature must make a Will-save or a terrible transformation takes place. This transformation takes 5 rounds, during which the creature is considered stunned and totally helpless. After these 5 rounds, it gains the Deranged (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=266067) template. It still retains all its memories, although the side effect of being utterly Insane might vary from target to target. Any creature who is effected can’t ever attack the caster of his allies and serves the caster for certain amount of time depending on a 1d4, as noted below. After this servitude the bond is severed, although the template remains and the target remains friendly towards the caster and his allies. A Wish or Miracle turns a affected creature back to normal.

{table=head]1d4 Roll | Time of Service
1 | 1 Day
2 | 1 Week
3 | 1 Month
4 | 1 Year[/table]

Impending Delusion
Level Prerequisite: 13
Casting Time: Standard Action
Range: 100 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Sanity Threshold: 20 Insanity point

You give the enemy a taste of your madness. It slowly drives him crazy untill he is a gibbering pile of flesh.

As a standard action, you target 1 enemy. That enemy must succeed on a Will save or take 1 Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage each round for 10 rounds. After those 10 rounds, half of the damage inflicted becomes drain instead. If the target is immune for drain, it stays ability damage.

2012-12-26, 01:41 PM
Reserved for ACF, Feats and other stuff.


Induction Focus (General)
Prerequisites: Insanity Casting level 3
Benefit: All Induce Spells are cast at a +1 casterlevel.

Induction Mastery (General)
Prerequisites: Insanity Casting level 12, Induction Focus
Benefit: All Induce Spells are cast at a +half Charisma or Wisdom modifier (Your choice when taking this feat, choice cannot be changed EVER!) casterlevel. This replaces the effect of the Induction Focus feat.

Madness Focus (General)
Prerequisites: Insanity Casting level 1
Benefit: All Madness spells you cast gain +1 DC.

Madness Mastery (General)
Prerequisites: Insanity Casting level 6, Madness Focus
Benefit: All Madness spells you cast gain +half Charisma or Wisdom Modifier (Your choice when taking this feat, choice cannot be changed EVER!) DC. This replaces the effect of the Madness Focus feat.

Anarchic Conjurer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14607344#post14607344), a Prc that focuses on summoning Chaos Elementals and can meld together with one to become an avatar of Chaos itself.

2012-12-26, 02:08 PM
Verrrrry interesting,

Off the top of my head --

- It never states how to take damage. Do you just willingly choose to take damage as a free action, and are you required to take 1 point of Wisdom AND one point of Charisma damage at once, or is it a seperate mechanic.

-- Additionally, piercing mind affecting, imo, should and could come earlier, at say, 18th

-- As written, you insta-knock unconscious anyone with mad epidemic when you hit 0 wis/charisma - dealing ability-damage as a free action is generally a questionable idea.

--You never finished your 20th level class ability.

Lookin good.

2012-12-26, 02:32 PM
Thanks for the quick PEACH ^^. You have some valid points.

- It never states how to take damage. Do you just willingly choose to take damage as a free action, and are you required to take 1 point of Wisdom AND one point of Charisma damage at once, or is it a seperate mechanic.

You take Wisdom and Charisma damage as you normally would, through poisons, abilities and so on. In addition, Induce spells have as a side effect that they damage you Wisdom or Charisma scores. This damage is also easier to heal.

-- Additionally, piercing mind affecting, imo, should and could come earlier, at say, 18th

Got a point, piercing mind affecting was already meh imo as a capstone. Set it to level 16, thinking up a new capstone as we speak.

-- As written, you insta-knock unconscious anyone with mad epidemic when you hit 0 wis/charisma - dealing ability-damage as a free action is generally a questionable idea.

eeehhhheeehh.... My bad, corrected it to a free action once during that turn.

--You never finished your 20th level class ability.

On it! :smallbiggrin:

Lookin good.

Well thank you very much good sir, I hope youll stay tuned!

2012-12-27, 04:54 AM
Subscribed. Hopefully I'll find a game to test this in once you put up some more spells and everything.

2012-12-27, 11:25 AM
Thank you for your interest ^^. Give me a PM when you playtest this, I'm very curious how this class performs.

I've put up some more spells and put them in different catagories for easy reference and for later ACF and the like. If you have any ideas for some neat spells, just post them here, I'll see if there are some I like that I can put in :smallbiggrin: (And yes, I'll reference your name).

2012-12-28, 11:24 AM
Changelog 28-12-2012

Induce Spells Total: 7 of the 20
Madness Spells Total: 11 of the 30

Added new Background information.
Capstone changed to Maw Of Delusion.
Total Insanity lowered to level 16.

2012-12-31, 08:46 AM
Changelog 31-12-2012

Induce Spells Total: 7 of the 20
Madness Spells Total: 11 of the 30

Cleaned up the writing on the mechanics.
Renamed Induce Sanity Cost to Sanity Shift.
Induce Spells now inpar a stacking ability penalty instead of ability damage.
Induce Spells now have a DC when needed.
Madness spell DC, ability stacking and durations now stacks with total Wisdom and Charisma Reduction instead of only abilty damage.
Corrected Psycho Shift.
Fixed the low level Induce/Madness Spells so they aren't useless on level 1.
Added Swarming Chaos Madness Spell

2013-01-02, 08:34 AM
Changelog 31-12-2012

Induce Spells Total: 7 of the 20
Madness Spells Total: 13 of the 30

Added Forbidden Realm school, spells that require your Cha and Wis to be 1, but are very very potent and high-powered spells.
Added Tendrils of Pure Insanity Madness spell.

2013-01-13, 07:19 AM
Changelog 13-1-2013

Induce Spells Total: 7 of the 20
Madness Spells Total: 14 of the 30

Added Impending Delusion Madness Spell.

Ideas for more spell would be appreciated. I'm kind off running out of ideas.
Cheers in advance.

2013-01-18, 12:21 AM
Dropping in here from the PEACH exchange; I'll send you the link for my monk if I can actually get through all this.







Other Classes:



Delirionists have the following game statistics.

Abilities: wisdom and charisma
Hit Die: d6
Starting Age: Earliest Adult Age of Race
Starting Gold: 4d4x10.
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape artist (Dex), Knowledge (Any), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Rope (Dex)
Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with Simple Weapons and no kinds of armor.

Table: Delirionist

Interesting fluff, and apparently you've got your own magic system.
Still, it's a little hard to tell the difference mechanically between something that manipulates other souls directly, and something that screws with your own soul then apparently causes other souls to be damaged from that. Then end result is really the same, except that one of the two methods is much...odder.

Also, I can't quite picture how an insane person is supposed to be Diplomatic. Intimidating, yes, but just because your class has charisma as one of it's main abilities doesn't mean everyone want to hang around them and be their best friend. How exactly does this mesh with their constant schizophrenia?

For the Skills, do you mean all Knowledge skills or any one Knowledge skill?
And for the points, 2+Int for a class that doesn't have any other reason to stack Intellect is kind of light. Just something to keep in mind.

Most of the rest seems pretty reasonable, so moving on.

Insanity Casting: (Su)


Holy. *-beeping-*. Space Balls.

I've read through this four times, and drawn a little diagram on a piece of paper, and I'm still not certain I've got this down pat. If some one asked me what the opposite of "intuitive" was, I'd point to this.

Please check your math. There's this one line "For example, you have 2 Wis and 2 Cha reduction, then youll have a modifier of +2", and I think you meant to write +4.
If you did, that's an easy way to screw people up cause they can't see where you're coming from, and if you didn't then please explain where you are getting this value.
Edit: NVM, I figured out what I was missing. But that really only backs up my point about how easy it is to get confused or forget a number somewhere. (and having to deal with halves of odd numbers is a pain)

You've got one set of spells that lowers your own stats, and (I think) gets harder to cast the more you do it. But because the boost to your check comes from full caster level, you'd still rapidly be able to drive yourself into the negatives at a high level.

And the second spell list depends on you weakening one of your two main stats from the first type. But with some pretty tight limits on how many spell slots you get, and I don't see it but I think you probably meant that your spell slots become available again over night when you heal the day's Induced damage.
If not, a strict interpretation would then be that you only get to use each spell slot once, ever, since you don't get them back until you take more damage.

I can certainly understand the appeal of wanting to have something brand new and exciting you can really call your own, but I would take a good hard look at this and try to see if there isn't some way to simplify it, or make it less reliant on weakening your own stats. Maybe instead of lower Charisma and Wisdom you've got a seperate madness indicator. Or something. I'll have to sleep on it and try to suggest something more specific in a day or two.

Edit: This has no been done, in the following post.

Delirious Mind (Ex):
So it's harder to affect a mind that isn't behaving normally. Yeah I can see that. I've currently got another thread where I complained that practically every homebrew in existence picks on enchantment, but I think this is one of the few where it really fits.

Insane Personality (Ex):
Bluff and Intimidate, sure, but you're gonna have to explain to me how the spastic, twictching, possible drooling on himself, freaky-eyed magic user makes for a good diplomat. And Gather Information checks are kind of hard when everyone runs away from you, screaming.

Mad Epidemic(Su):
As a general rule, I tend to be wary of unlimited at-will abilities. Even ones that require a touch attack from a squishy caster.
You might want to put a limit on this, like every time you use it you heal one of your own points of ability damage, and you can't use it without being damaged.

Madman’s Perception (Ex):
Certainly some nice abilities. Though I would switch Darkvision and Blindsense. IMO, blindsense is the weaker ability, and a more natural progression would be "can sense things that you can't see" --> "can see in the dark" --> "can see anything".

Just how I would do it, if you opt to not change it it's no big deal.

Psycho Surge (Su):
Yeah, this would be needed to help keep you above negatives, because lots of higher level enemies can do a few points of ability damage pretty easily.
Still, I think it needs a cooldown, or some one will find a way to trigger it every round, gaining multiple spell-like actions and a huge speed boost on consecutive turns. I guarantee it.

Absurd Senses (Ex):
Since this is pretty much the exact opposite of what having a low wisdom score does this seems pretty odd.
I'm not one to say what the insane can see and hear, but it seems like there should be some sort of drawback or alternate feature. I think Madman's Perception fits the fluff better.

Edit: What about something like this?
Absurd Senses: Insanity can help you focus, blocking out everyday distractions, or it can hinder you, as you see and hear what isn't there. You just never know.
Each time you make a Perception check, roll a 1d6. If the number is even, add 1 and gain the total as a madness bonus. If the number is odd, subtract 1 and take the total as a penalty.
At level 13, increase the values to 1d8 and +/-2, and at level 19 increase them to 1d10 and +/-3.
Ex. You roll a 1d6 and get a 4. Add 1 and gain a total bonus of +5.
You roll 1d6 and get a 3. Subtract 1 and take a total penalty of -2.

Nightmare Mind (Ex):
Now I can see how this is a well-flavored ability. And pretty nasty, too.

Reaches of Madness (Su):
I like the tradeoff in range for reduced damage. Exchanging power for versatility is a trait I wish more classes would pick up.

Mind Step (Su):
The teleporation kinda comes out of nowhere, and I'm not quite certain how a creature's mind relates to it's shadow...
It's not bad, it just seems more like the kind of thing that is a spell rather than a class feature.

Nightmare Mind (Greater) (Ex):
I still think this is a really well-flavored ability, I'm just not sure how much use it will be since it requires your enemies to use a very specific type of effect on you. You might want to consider ways to expand how this auto-defensive measure can trigger.

Total Insanity (Su):
Being able to screw up normally not-mind affected creatures is nice; I've been arguing about whether normal Enchantment spells can do this all day.

Hair-Trigger Lunacy (Su):
Once per encounter is alright, but when you are casting spells as a swift action some one is definitely going to use it to cast 2 spells in one round. Just keep that in mind when you are setting up mini-time stop like scenarios.

Alien Aura (Ex):
Is there a save on this? And does it differentiate between friend and for or does it just hit everyone in range?

Maw of Delusion (Su):
This is bad news all around; it's dangerous to activate this ability within range of the rest of your team, and the range is pretty substantial.
Also, your DM may start to hate you if you drive all his carefully plotting chessmasters off the deep end.

I need some sleep; I'll try to tackle the spells tomorrow. I do want to say one last thing: for the Insanity Spells, did you mean "bolstering"? To bolster something means to strengthen, sustain, aid, reinforce, or fortify.
The only definition I could find for "Bostering" was on Urban Dictionary (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bostering). If you wanted to make up your own term that's fine, I just wanted to check.

2013-01-19, 01:04 PM
Ok, I'm back.

I did a quick sweep on the individual spells. Most of them seem pretty reasonable; the two spells in the "Forbidden Realm" category seem like they have potential to cause game-breakdown, but then again what high level magic doesn't?
Also, ability damage generally works best if you team up with another caster and are trying to lower an enemies Saves and then hit them with an SoD. You might want to consider a few options that did more standard forms of damage, or synergized better with the other potential groups.

Now, about your magic system.

I've been thinking about this, and I believe part of the problem is trying to run the casting off of two different stats. Keeping track of the both of them in reverse (because you actually WANT reductions), and how they interact with everything else and feed into the calculations for DCs. It would be difficult at best, and at worst may actually drive the player and DM to distraction.

I'd like to propose a alternate system, and you can choose to use it, or modify it, or maybe just use it for inspiration. (I'm just focusing on mechanics here, your fluff is fine)

The Delirionist has learned to wield mind-shattering magics and internalize unfathomable truths, things that would drive a lesser creature beyond the brink of salvation. Your maximum insanity level (hereafter referred to simply as "Insanity" or "Insanity score") is equal to your HD+3 (the same as your maximum skill ranks).
Each day (or after 8 hours of rest) your Insanity is healed and returns to 0.
Insanity-based magic is arcane magic, meaning you have a spell failure chance if you try to cast while wearing armor.
Wisdom is the primary Ability score for this type of magic. [The description of Wisdom (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm) in the SRD seems like the best thing to base this off given the fluff. Insanity tends to affect charisma, rather than being reliant upon it.]

Induce Spells
Each time you cast an Induce spell, your Insanity increases by 1, and you must make a Sanity check to keep control of your power. Your bonus on the check is your 1/2 Madness-caster level+Wis against a DC of 10+your Insanity score. [a check, by definition, always uses 1d20]

Failure increases your Insanity by 1, and you cannot cast any more Induce spells for 10 minutes. You can cast any number of Induce spells per day, though your Insanity score cannot increase past your normal maximum.
[This basically replaces the Insanity Shift from individual spells.]

Madness Spells
Each time your Insanity increases (from any source), you gain a spell slot for a Madness Spell.
There is a maximum number of Madness spells you can cast per day (between rest periods) equal to the bonus from your Wisdom score, plus a number of spells depending on level.
{table=head]Class level|Bonus Madness Spells

The DC for all your spells is always 10+Insanity level.
[Replace the Wis/Cha reduction in the Sanity Threshold with an appropriate value for your Insanity score.]

In addition, changes are made to to following class features-
Insane Personality: By third level your unusual magic can no longer be contained, and has begun to affect your demeanor. You gain a bonus equal to half your Insanity score to Bluff and Intimidate checks. However, you also take a penalty of the same amount to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
The same qualities which make you unpredictable and terrifying also make it harder for you to relate to and understand other people.

Mad Epidemic: At fourth level, you can spread your insanity with a touch. At will as a standard action, you can use a touch attack that deals 1 point of Wisdom and Charisma damage, and increases your Insanity score by 1. The damage increases to 1d3 at level 8, 1d6 at level 12, 1d8 at level 16 and 1d10 at level 20.
This is a mind-affecting ability.

Psycho Surge (Su): At sixth level, your growing madness triggers sudden backlashes against your psyche. When your Insanity score reaches it's maximum, you take 1d3 Wisdom damage and your Insanity drops to one half it's total value.
On your next turn, you can cast 1 Madness spell as a swift action without consuming a spell slot, and you can can use your Mad Epidemic ability once as a free action.
All spells or abilities used during your turn have their save DC increased by 2.

__________________________________________________ _____
And that's pretty much it, I think. There may be some holes or problems with it, I'm still reviewing, but I think it gets at the same flavor you want, without the mind-boggling mechanics.

You can cast a (theoretically) infinite number of the weaker Induce spells, and the check eventually becomes difficult, though not totally impossible.
Casting an Induce spell gives you 1 Madness spell slot, and failing the Sanity check actually gives you a second Madness spell slot (or it will if you haven't used them all up.)

The reason that the number of madness spells is relatively low is that there doesn't seem to be any limitation on WHICH spells you can cast, meaning 10 spells per day might be 10 cantrips or it might be 10 copies of your instant-win button. Raise the number of bonus spells if you feel it is appropriate.
Also, rather than having a level-based prerequisite, you might want to consider switching to a designation like Invocations (Least, Lesser, Greater, etc). Just something to consider.

2013-01-20, 07:22 AM
Ok, I'm back.

I did a quick sweep on the individual spells. Most of them seem pretty reasonable; the two spells in the "Forbidden Realm" category seem like they have potential to cause game-breakdown, but then again what high level magic doesn't?
Also, ability damage generally works best if you team up with another caster and are trying to lower an enemies Saves and then hit them with an SoD. You might want to consider a few options that did more standard forms of damage, or synergized better with the other potential groups.

Now, about your magic system.

I've been thinking about this, and I believe part of the problem is trying to run the casting off of two different stats. Keeping track of the both of them in reverse (because you actually WANT reductions), and how they interact with everything else and feed into the calculations for DCs. It would be difficult at best, and at worst may actually drive the player and DM to distraction.

I'd like to propose a alternate system, and you can choose to use it, or modify it, or maybe just use it for inspiration. (I'm just focusing on mechanics here, your fluff is fine)

The Delirionist has learned to wield mind-shattering magics and internalize unfathomable truths, things that would drive a lesser creature beyond the brink of salvation. Your maximum insanity level (hereafter referred to simply as "Insanity" or "Insanity score") is equal to your HD+3 (the same as your maximum skill ranks).
Each day (or after 8 hours of rest) your Insanity is healed and returns to 0.
Insanity-based magic is arcane magic, meaning you have a spell failure chance if you try to cast while wearing armor.
Wisdom is the primary Ability score for this type of magic. [The description of Wisdom (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm) in the SRD seems like the best thing to base this off given the fluff. Insanity tends to affect charisma, rather than being reliant upon it.]

Induce Spells
Each time you cast an Induce spell, your Insanity increases by 1, and you must make a Sanity check to keep control of your power. Your bonus on the check is your 1/2 Madness-caster level+Wis against a DC of 10+your Insanity score. [a check, by definition, always uses 1d20]

Failure increases your Insanity by 1, and you cannot cast any more Induce spells for 10 minutes. You can cast any number of Induce spells per day, though your Insanity score cannot increase past your normal maximum.
[This basically replaces the Insanity Shift from individual spells.]

Madness Spells
Each time your Insanity increases (from any source), you gain a spell slot for a Madness Spell.
There is a maximum number of Madness spells you can cast per day (between rest periods) equal to the bonus from your Wisdom score, plus a number of spells depending on level.
{table=head]Class level|Bonus Madness Spells

The DC for all your spells is always 10+Insanity level.
[Replace the Wis/Cha reduction in the Sanity Threshold with an appropriate value for your Insanity score.]

In addition, changes are made to to following class features-
Insane Personality: By third level your unusual magic can no longer be contained, and has begun to affect your demeanor. You gain a bonus equal to half your Insanity score to Bluff and Intimidate checks. However, you also take a penalty of the same amount to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
The same qualities which make you unpredictable and terrifying also make it harder for you to relate to and understand other people.

Mad Epidemic: At fourth level, you can spread your insanity with a touch. At will as a standard action, you can use a touch attack that deals 1 point of Wisdom and Charisma damage, and increases your Insanity score by 1. The damage increases to 1d3 at level 8, 1d6 at level 12, 1d8 at level 16 and 1d10 at level 20.
This is a mind-affecting ability.

Psycho Surge (Su): At sixth level, your growing madness triggers sudden backlashes against your psyche. When your Insanity score reaches it's maximum, you take 1d3 Wisdom damage and your Insanity drops to one half it's total value.
On your next turn, you can cast 1 Madness spell as a swift action without consuming a spell slot, and you can can use your Mad Epidemic ability once as a free action.
All spells or abilities used during your turn have their save DC increased by 2.

__________________________________________________ _____
And that's pretty much it, I think. There may be some holes or problems with it, I'm still reviewing, but I think it gets at the same flavor you want, without the mind-boggling mechanics.

You can cast a (theoretically) infinite number of the weaker Induce spells, and the check eventually becomes difficult, though not totally impossible.
Casting an Induce spell gives you 1 Madness spell slot, and failing the Sanity check actually give you a second Madness spell slot (or it will if you haven't used them all up.)

The reason that the number of madness spells is relatively low is that there doesn't seem to be any limitation on WHICH spells you can cast, meaning 10 spells per day might be 10 cantrips or it might be 10 copies of your instant-win button. Raise the number of bonus spells if ou feel it is appropriate.
Also, rather than having a level-based prerequisite, you might want to consider switching to a designation like Invocations (Least, Lesser, Greater, etc). Just something to consider.

Well this was a very usefull PEACH, thank you a bunch ^^.
I'll be brainstorming and using parts of this to simplify the casting system. It should be up later today. I'll edit this post to note the changes.

-Edited: Changed negative atribute system to a "Insanity Gauge" system, with Induce Spell generating Insanity points. Madness slots and DC's rely on the number of Insanity points you have. Insanity points also impart a penalty to Will saves and Charisma/Wisdom skill checks.
-Edited: Changed Class features and spells to reflect Insanity Point system.
-Edited: Bonus Spells now rely on Charisma or Wisdom modifier, chosen at character creation.

2013-02-05, 12:26 PM
Changelog 05-02-2013

Induce Spells Total: 8 of the 20
Madness Spells Total: 19 of the 30

Added 3 New Madness Spells: Phantom Assailant, Insanity's Sting and Slave of Delusion (I'm getting there, to my goal amount.)
Added Feats and a Prc. (Prc is entered in the Prc-contest aswell, go take a look and vote for it ;P)