View Full Version : Am I missing any natural attacks??

2012-12-26, 04:21 PM
ToB out. Incarnum yes, psionics iffy. Drag mags and Comp yes. Homebrewed method for ability scores. No exalted, Vile/Evil. No LA buyoff. Main question is that am I missing any secondary 'natural attack' slots?

So Far..

Feral Template
Race Longtooth Shifter
2 Raging Shifter-style ( Fear no binds - 355 as 1st Monk B. Beast Strike - 2nd Monk B - add claw damage to unarmed strike damage ) Monk

2 Pouncing Wolf totem regular rage ( str for accuracy and con for duration ) barbarian

9 totemist.

In addition to the 2 claws from feral, 2 ( or is it 4 extra ? ) more from girallon arms from totem chakra.
2 slams attack from astral vambraces hands chakra bind ( will get through feat ).
bite attack from long tooth racial.
drag mag's chaos roc's 2 wing buffet attacks with shoulder chakra binds.

Am I missing any secondary natural attack types that could be added? Main purpose is to combine with the hairbraid that gives the effect of enlarge person along with the feat of shifter savagery due to improved crit and 2 increases in base damage. Too bad that the feat has strict stacking rules.

-edit- meant to say that this is meant to all be used on a full-attack action or charging.

2012-12-26, 04:38 PM
Lamia Belt bind for 2 more claws, if you still have an available Binding for it. The Horned Helm in Magic Item Compendium gets you a Gore attack for a mere 8,000 gp, which is a pretty cheap price for a fairly rare variety of natural weapon.

Thrice Dead Cat
2012-12-26, 04:45 PM
You're missing out on tail slam. Dragon Magic has a bind for that, but you need to be dragonblooded to get it, sadly.

2012-12-26, 04:57 PM
Edited original post to indicate that I want to execute all these attacks on full-attack or charging.

2012-12-26, 09:09 PM
LoM has a feat tree that can get you two tentacle attacks. ToM has the Amon vestige, which gives you a gore or a ram attack, I think.

2012-12-26, 10:23 PM
You haven't told us how your DM is treating Warshaper, which can (without inevitable houseruling) give as many secondary natural attacks as you have move actions to create them with.

2012-12-27, 07:20 AM
Staying away from warshaper since warshaper would only operate while shifting and so far shifting is limited to twice a day along with rage. So I would be saving one shift/rage for the boss fight of the night ( or similar ) and the other as an 'OH CRAP!' situation.

The Viscount
2012-12-27, 10:49 AM
There are grafts for more natural attacks, like the Yuan-ti tail, but they tend to be rather expensive.

If you don't mind more templates, half-farspawn (LoM) gives you 2 tentacle attacks, but is quite pricy at +4 LA.

You can get a sting attack for an hour I think from Scorpion Heritor from Sandstorm.

Geomancer (CD) can give all sorts of natural attacks, but is rather hard to enter as it is a theurgic class.

2012-12-27, 11:06 AM
You're missing out on tail slam. Dragon Magic has a bind for that, but you need to be dragonblooded to get it, sadly.

It's not entirely clear from the text if this dragon tail attack can be used as a secondary natural attack.

For 12000 GP each, you can add a Serpent Arm graft (Serpent Kingdoms) that gives you a 1d4 bite attack + poison. There's nothing in the text that says it's replacing an existing arm, so you can keep adding more as long as you have GP.

2012-12-27, 11:50 AM
Obligatory link to Person_Man's Extra attacks, natural attacks, AoO (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7066595).

The vestige Amon mentioned above gives you a gore attack for one level or two feats.

If you need more tentacles, try to get an item of Evard's Menacing Tentacles. They are not really part of a normal attack routine, but get to slap as a Free action.

Not strictly a natural attack, but you probably want to get a ruling on how the Thunderstep Boots soulmeld and the Powerful Charge feat interact with each other and with your pounce.

2012-12-27, 06:38 PM
Lamia Belt bind for 2 more claws, if you still have an available Binding for it. The Horned Helm in Magic Item Compendium gets you a Gore attack for a mere 8,000 gp, which is a pretty cheap price for a fairly rare variety of natural weapon.
Or you can be a Half-Minotaur, which also gives a major boost to strength. :smallbiggrin:

You haven't told us how your DM is treating Warshaper, which can (without inevitable houseruling) give as many secondary natural attacks as you have move actions to create them with.
Urpriest, you beat me to it (again...).

Obligatory link to Person_Man's Extra attacks, natural attacks, AoO (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7066595).
Ouch; beat by two people. :smallwink: