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2012-12-26, 06:00 PM
True Berserker

Feat: Reckless Rage
Class Ability: Deathless Frenzy, ability to take the form of a Brown Bear during a rage or frenzy.

HD: d12

Class skills: Intimidate, Jump, Climb, Survival.
Skill points per level: 2 + int modifier.

1|+1|+1|+0|+0|Practiced Rage, Consolidated Rage, Rage Enhancement
3|+3|+2|+1|+1|Rage Enhancement
5|+5|+3|+2|+2|Rage Enhancement[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The True Berserker does not gain any weapon or armor proficiencies.

Practiced Rage: The True Berserker has learned to get the most out of his anger. He doubles the bonus from his Reckless Rage feat, gaining an additional +4 to strength and constitution on top of what he normally gains from using his rage or frenzy abilities.

Consolidated Rage: The True Berserker has been using anger in battle for a long time, and has learned different methods for channeling and focusing his hate into a weapon. Eventually, he incorporates them together. He adds his True Berserker levels to his Barbarian levels to determine his uses per day and stat bonuses from the rage ability, and he adds his True Berserker levels to his Frenzied Berserker levels to determine his uses per day and stat bonuses from the frenzy ability, as well as uses of the Inspire Frenzy ability.

Rage Enhancement: Whenever it says "Rage Enhancement" on the progression table, the True Berserker learns a new type of Rage Enhancement. Rage Enhancements give additional bonuses during a rage or frenzy and consume an additional use of rage or frenzy. All Rage Enhancements must be applied when the True Berserker enters a rage or frenzy and any benefits mentioned in their description last as long as the True Berserker is in a rage or frenzy. Multiple rage enhancements stack with each other but not themselves.

Hunter's Rage:
The Hunter's Rage enhancement helps the True Berserker find, pursue, and destroy his enemies. He gains True Seeing for the duration of his rage or frenzy, a +20 enhancement bonus to Spot and Listen checks, and blindsight out to 50 ft. He may move three times his normal movement as part of a charge action, and can spend a swift action to declare one attack per round to be an automatic critical threat (if the designated attack misses, it is still used up for that round).

Unstoppable Rage:
Nothing can harm the True Berserker as long as his fury sustains him. The True Berserker can choose to fail any saving throws during his rage or frenzy, and he can choose whether or not any damage or effect applies immediately or is delayed until he is no longer in a rage or frenzy.

Cyclone Rage:
The True Berserker moves like a whirlwind, cutting down all before him. Any movement types the True Berserker has increase by 30 ft, and he may make two 5 foot steps in a round as free actions. He is treated as having the Whirlwind Attack and Spring Attack feats. He may make a single attack at his highest base attack bonus as a swift action, and he gains a bonus to jump checks equal to his improved movement speed.

Skin of the World Serpent:
The True Berserker gains DR/bludgeoning equal to his constitution score. Non-magical manufactured weapons shatter instantly when they touch his skin.

Troll-blooded Rage:
The True Berserker gains the cold subtype, gaining immunity to cold damage and taking double damage from fire. He also gains fast healing equal to his constitution bonus and the Powerful Build Quality. Enemies take cold damage equal to 2d8 + his constitution bonus from his melee attacks and from grappling him or attacking him with unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

Shared Rage:
The True Berserker may add rage enhancements to any allies under the effect of his Inspire Frenzy ability. They cost him one use of rage or frenzy per ally enhanced.

2012-12-26, 06:12 PM
What part of them leaves you unsatisfied? If we know what complaints you have with the existing mechanics, we can help you resolve those issues.

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-26, 08:23 PM
First, take the New Viking Race (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Viking,_New_(3.5e_Race)), or the old one (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Viking_(3.5e_Race)), take levels in Viking (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Viking_(3.5e_Class)), then advance to theViking PrC (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Viking_(3.5e_Prestige_Class)) and finish off with a dash of Viking Warlord (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Viking_Warlord_(3.5e_Prestige_Class)).

So, a Viking with Viking 5/PrC Viking 5/Viking Warlord 10 should fit the bill for a Viking style rage filled "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!"

2012-12-27, 01:01 PM
Thank you for replying even though my idea was only half-formed. I guess a composite of the standard barbarian, the frenzied berzerker, and the bear warrior are a good approximate of the berserkr of Norse folklore. Maybe the problem is with D&D; the historical stories of the berserker were terrifying tales of insane warriors whose tenacity bordered on the supernatural, but in the D&D world they're probably not going to make the top 100 on a list of scary things in the setting. I guess the only thing that I'd really want to see is an even more intense rage or frenzy that lasts much longer but is a 1 per day supernova of rage-tastic murder. Also, the old stories said that edged weapons couldn't hurt berserkers, which is kind of reflected in the core barbarian's DR, but I'd like to see moreso. Unfortunately, he'll start to turn into a one-trick pony if made accurately.

2012-12-27, 01:09 PM
You could diversify it by picking up a 4e-style of supernatural Rages. For example...

Odin's Wrath [Rage Enhancement] (Su): Once per day, you may use Odin's Wrath in place of a normal Rage. When in Odin's Wrath, you gain +10 Strength and +4 Constitution, and all enemies within 20 feet of you take 5d6 points of Electricity damage at the beginning of your turn (Reflex DC half. DC is Constitution based). Additionally, you gain a Fly speed of 80ft (perfect), and immunity to Electricity.

Finally, once during the duration of Odin's Wrath, you may, as a Swift action, cast the spell Chain Lightning as a Sorcerer of your Barbarian level. The spell uses your Constitution modifier rather than your Charisma modifier to determine its save DC.

Or, as another example,

Skin of the World Serpent [Rage Enhancement] [Su]: Once per day, you may use Skin of the World Serpent in place of a normal Rage. You gain +12 Strength and +8 Constitution. Additionally, you gain immunity to Slashing and Piercing weapons. Non-magical manufactured weapons that strike you shatter instantly, dealing no damage.

Finally, once during the duration of Skin of the World Serpent, you can unleash a great roar that shakes the very foundations of the earth itself. All creatures within a 20 foot radius must succeed on a Will save (DC is Constitution based) or be Cowered for 1d4 rounds.

2012-12-27, 01:13 PM
That's very nice thematically for the whole Norse pantheon thing, but not very historical. I was thinking more of an epic or near-epic prestige class which would require levels in both frenzied berserker and bear warrior. I'll see about writing it out. Feel free to ninja post if you finish before me.

Edit: that second one is MUCH more what I was looking for. Noted.

2012-12-27, 01:18 PM
I play Pathfinder, but this one's got my GM quaking in his boots: Half-Giant barbarian 1/Psychic Warrior 1
Hand him a greatsword, let him use the Expansion power before raging and start the mayhem. Mine can reach strength 26. Attack bonus = 10, Damage = 4d6+12

This won't work so well in 3.5, so you might want to try a sorcerer or something else.

For Pathfinder:
Traits: Killer and Psionic Knack
Feats: Extra Rage, Psionic Talent, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Path: Interceptor
Favored Class: Barbarian (1 extra round of rage)

Killer doesn't work so well with a greataxe, so I chose a greatsword instead. Weapon Focus is actually better than Power Attack. (I did the math) Psionic Knack adds a Manifester Level, and the Interceptor Path gives me the ability to expend Psionic Focus to use Expansion without expending a Power Point. Half-Giant gives Powerfull Build.

2012-12-27, 05:29 PM
Use shifter as the base race. Take the Dreadful Wrath, Imperious Command, Mad Foam Rager, Ragewild Fighting, Reckless Rage and Shifter Savagery feats. Maybe Blazing Berserker just for kicks.

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-29, 03:06 AM
As it's a norse themed one....

Rage of the Dvergar
You curse as you rage, you curse those misbrible sons of [insert something offensive here]! They stole your [Instert something here]! They insult you! They think they can BEAT you!!!! When a foe attacks you, you may make a touch attack against them. If it hits, they suffer the effects of a Bestow Curse spell. This only applies while raging. Save Dc is 10+1/2 HD+Con mod. You may spend two uses of rage to make it a greater curse.

Morph Bark
2012-12-29, 08:03 AM

Every time someone links to Dandwiki, a species goes extinct. Please think of the species.

Seriously though, in all of Dandwiki, there is a very, very small amount of things that are good homebrew. The Viking Warlord you linked had mostly worthless abilities, besides suddenly getting DR 15/-. Which it can even get at level 4, since it doesn't require skill ranks, but skill bonuses.

I like the idea of those Rage Enhancements. Do they also use up uses of rage? Do they activate automatically upon entering rage? Do they all apply at the same time, or only one of them at once?

2012-12-29, 08:43 AM
True Berserker

Feat: Reckless Rage
Class Ability: Inspire Frenzy, ability to take the form of a Brown Bear during a rage or frenzy.

HD: d12

Class skills: Intimidate, Jump, Climb, Survival.
Skill points per level: 2 + int modifier.

1|+1|+1|+0|+0|Practiced Rage, Consolidated Rage, Rage Enhancement
3|+3|+2|+1|+1|Rage Enhancement
5|+5|+3|+2|+2|Rage Enhancement[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The True Berserker does not gain any weapon or armor proficiencies.

Practiced Rage: The True Berserker has learned to get the most out of his anger. He doubles the bonus from his Reckless Rage feat, gaining an additional +4 to strength and constitution on top of what he normally gains from using his rage or frenzy abilities.

Consolidated Rage: The True Berserker has been using anger in battle for a long time, and has learned different methods for channeling and focusing his hate into a weapon. Eventually, he incorporates them together. He adds his True Berserker levels to his Barbarian levels to determine his uses per day and stat bonuses from the rage ability, and he adds his True Berserker levels to his Frenzied Berserker levels to determine his uses per day and stat bonuses from the frenzy ability.

Rage Enhancement: Whenever it says "Rage Enhancement" on the progression table, the True Berserker learns a new type of Rage Enhancement. Rage Enhancements give additional bonuses during a rage or frenzy and consume an additional use of rage or frenzy. All Rage Enhancements must be applied when the True Berserker enters a rage or frenzy and any benefits mentioned in their description last as long as the True Berserker is in a rage or frenzy.

Hunter's Rage:
The Hunter's Rage enhancement helps the True Berserker find, pursue, and destroy his enemies. He gains True Seeing for the duration of his rage or frenzy, a +20 enhancement bonus to Spot and Listen checks, and blindsight out to 50 ft. He may move three times his normal movement as part of a charge action, and can spend a swift action to declare one attack per round to be an automatic critical threat (if the designated attack misses, it is still used up for that round).

Unstoppable Rage:
Nothing can harm the True Berserker as long as his fury sustains him. The True Berserker can choose to fail any saving throws during his rage or frenzy, and he can choose whether or not any damage or effect applies immediately or is delayed until he is no longer in a rage or frenzy.

Cyclone Rage:
The True Berserker moves like a whirlwind, cutting down all before him. Any movement types the True Berserker has increase by 30 ft, and he may make two 5 foot steps in a round as free actions. He is treated as having the Whirlwind Attack and Spring Attack feats. He may make a single attack at his highest base attack bonus as a swift action, and he gains a bonus to jump checks equal to his improved movement speed.

Skin of the World Serpent:
The True Berserker gains DR/bludgeoning equal to his constitution score. Non-magical manufactured weapons shatter instantly when they touch his skin.

Troll-blooded Rage:
The True Berserker gains the cold subtype, gaining immunity to cold damage and taking double damage from fire. He also gains fast healing equal to his constitution bonus and the Powerful Build Quality. Enemies take cold damage equal to 2d8 + his constitution bonus from his melee attacks and from grappling him or attacking him with unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

Shared Rage:
The True Berserker may add rage enhancements to any allies under the effect of his Inspire Frenzy ability. They cost him one use of rage or frenzy per ally enhanced.

Just gonna throw this out there, but your prestige class made me think of this picture


Very bloody, very violent, very angry :smallamused:

2012-12-29, 10:08 AM
Seriously though, in all of Dandwiki, there is a very, very small amount of things that are good homebrew.

Sad, but very, very true.

I like the idea of those Rage Enhancements. Do they also use up uses of rage? Do they activate automatically upon entering rage? Do they all apply at the same time, or only one of them at once?

When I made the first one in this thread, I imagined it consumed a rage and didn't stack with itself: you get the benefits of one. The prestige class seems to stack them with the rage itself, so I imagine they also stack with themselves.

2012-12-29, 10:49 AM
I always try to make my wording clear and eliminate misinterpretation. I meant for rage enhancements to stack with normal rage or frenzy bonuses, and to stack with each other, but not the same one twice (mostly irrelevant; not all grant bonuses). They cost an additional use of rage to apply.

Edit: added line "rage enhancements stack with each other but not themselves" to the description.

Is it clear now?

2012-12-29, 11:28 PM
Moved the Prestige Class table to the first post.