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View Full Version : Request for cursed wagon

2012-12-26, 10:29 PM
I need something thats not my style to use. So.....

The party is going to be using a cursed wagon soon to haul their loot and their own lazy backsides.

So the wagon needs to be cursed with the hint of being a useful curse somehow with a workaround. Idea's please

2012-12-26, 11:02 PM
The wagon has handles for pulling, and is cursed so that anyone willingly trying to pull it is polymorphed into a donkey and strapped to it. The wagon will always weigh the same (reasonable) amount to the one pulling it no matter how much is placed in it, and they can free themselves and change back by willing to, but it cannot be propelled by any means but a sentient being willingly activating it.

The wagon is pulled/driven by a loud, angry being that will berate anyone nearby, including its users, but also enemies attempting to sneak up on them. The noise can be muffled with earplugs.

The wagon creates an illusion around itself so that it and anyone using it will appear as the most frightening similarly-themed thing possible to anyone viewing it (a war chariot full of orcs, a funeral procession, a hay cart full of bodies)

The wagon occasionally flies for no apparent reason, but will always land somewhere not immediately fatal but inconvenient on the way to their destination.

2012-12-26, 11:20 PM
The wagon quadruples the weight of any item placed in it, until the item is taken 25 yards away from the wagon.

The wagon's wheels will break down when in range of someone more powerful than them, or someone who would be interested in looting a wagon, unfixable to the dawn of the next day.

Any item put into it will lose half of its value, potions have half of their power gone, gold loses value, etc. This applies every time an item is put into the wagon (say, a pack with 8 trail rations is put in once, 4 of the rations spoil. The 4 remaining are taken out, and put back in. 2 more rations spoil.)

2012-12-27, 12:07 AM
If combat should break out near that wagon, and continue for five rounds or more, on the fifth round the wagon shall become ethereal, taking with it all contained within or upon it. Upon the next dawn, it shall return, leaving behind but one item or creature.

Whilst in use, any bandit, thief, purchsnatcher, brigand, or other ne'erdowell which might be interested in obtaining the wagon's contents that should pass within one-hundred feet for every platinum piece of value upon the wagon shall be alerted of its location and of the general nature of its contents.

Should an item make contact with the wood of this cart, its weight shall be doubled for all purposes save its being carried by the cart. This effect will occur each time the item makes contact with the cart, and is taken into consideration when doubling the item's weight.

2012-12-27, 08:38 AM
A Search check reveals the wagon contains an extradimensional storage space, presumably used for smuggling, containing a large amount of illegal drugs and other contraband. Items placed inside for more than 24 hours are forever lost, until the cart comes into the possession of a new owner, to whom the items are revealed and may be retrieved at his leisure. Having another character open the space allows them to retrieve items stored for more than 24 hours.

The wagon is intelligent, and bears a decorative wooden head of some mystical creature (dragon, chimera, etc.) It will give the party directions and advice, but those are decidedly bad, getting them into more trouble than they bargained for ("Yes, the cursed forest is quite harmless really. Just some ghost stories, it will shave 4 days off the journey"). It might cause mischief by talking to nearby travellers. The head can be mostly muffled by wrapping something around it.

2012-12-27, 10:18 AM
Thank you people, I think i am going to make a numbered list, and have my players give me two numbers each to build this! I love team work.

2012-12-27, 11:00 AM
...Where is that damn drunken master warforged?!

Ah, here we go! Gazebo Jones! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9823824&postcount=132)

Grelna the Blue
2012-12-28, 07:55 PM
The wagon moves and steers itself when given a destination, but will occasionally swerve to hit a passerby on the road. If someone is actively driving, they have to make a check of some sort to avoid this.

2012-12-28, 08:03 PM
The wagon moves and steers itself when given a destination, but will occasionally swerve to hit a passerby on the road. If someone is actively driving, they have to make a check of some sort to avoid this.

Ride check, or opposed Wisdom roll against the cart.

EDIT: For a benefit, the wagon could give large bonuses to hit and damage when used as a weapon, or to ram people.

2012-12-28, 08:39 PM
This merchant's wagon is enchanted to deter thieves. Anyone who comes within 5' of the wagon without saying the proper code word is hit by a single magic missile fired from one of the wheels. Each wheel may fire up to 30 magic missiles per day, for a total of up to 120 intruder-approaches deterred per day. This can be triggered multiple times by the same person if they approach the wagon, walk off, and approach it again.

The password changes every day at dawn, and is based on the text of an obscure book that the party does not have access to.

2012-12-28, 08:44 PM
Weird curse with useful benefits?

If the wagon is unbound, it attaches itself to the first person to attempt to drive it. From that point on, should the driver ever find himself more than 1 mile away from the wagon, he experiences severe sickness (nauseated) until he returns within 1 mile of the wagon. Should anyone but the bound driver attempt to drive or physically move the wagon by some other means (carrying, dragging) the wagon is held in place as if by an Immoveable Rod. The wagon cannot be teleported or travel to another plane without it's driver aboard. For the wagon to be unbound the previous Driver needs to die or sell the wagon to a new owner by exchanging the wagon for 35gp (standard wagon price) and sealing the deal with a handshake in the wagon's presence.
There you go, a wagon that is nearly impossible to steal.

Kol Korran
2012-12-29, 04:56 AM
Weird curse with useful benefits?

If the wagon is unbound, it attaches itself to the first person to attempt to drive it. From that point on, should the driver ever find himself more than 1 mile away from the wagon, he experiences severe sickness (nauseated) until he returns within 1 mile of the wagon.

call it the wheeling dutchman? "cart must have a driver!":smalltongue: might take this for a campaign of mine.

another idea, probably inspired by something else i can't think of as well:
while on the road, some items seem to... disappear. these range from items of not much import, to loot of various value, even some medium- major importance items. the next day/s the party might find out new objects instead. these can be:
1- all kind of useless but fun magic items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=179666)
2- closed boxes, with no openings. if left alone, they "hatch" after a few days to give little "baby" carts, which grow steadily (each with pieces of a the vanished items). if the "Eggs" are broken you find components of a cart, but the main cart stops moving for a few days of mourning.

2012-12-31, 02:34 AM
Once per mile, a random item will fall off the back of the cart.

The wagon follows its master like a clingy puppy if the master goes more than 100 yards away from it. It will attempt to go around obstacles like buildings or trees if possible, but if there is no immediately available path it will crash through the obstacles. If the master deliberately attempts to abandon the wagon, he must make a will save or be overcome with a deep feeling of regret and shame, and must return to the wagon.

The wagon attracts small animals like bugs, birds, and rodents, who will attempt to make nests in the wagon.

2013-01-02, 12:39 PM
The wagon's wheels occasionally turn from being circle shaped, to being square. Basically this happens when someone kicks the wheel.

The wagon is possessed — this one is too easy perhaps?

The wagon speaks to people it hasn't encountered before. It is also a good mimic.

The Wagon is a friendly, but mischievous, mimic.

2013-01-02, 06:14 PM
A lot of these are reminding me a bit of Rincewind's sapient pearwood luggage from the Discworld novels. You might read up a little bit on that for more ideas. It's not exactly a wagon, but you could steal a few aspects of it.