View Full Version : Were-Beasts at level 2?

2012-12-28, 01:13 AM
In a campaign I'm running I just realized(about halfway through the current battle) that I'm siccing were-beasts(well a were-beast, a were-rat to be specific) on a level 2 party...should I retcon them into something such as ratlings or ratfolk? Or should I just try to provide a way to cure the therian-thropy if the pcs catch it?

2012-12-28, 01:17 AM
Don't use bite attacks, just pretend that the rats have an equally damaging but non-infectious claw attack.

2012-12-28, 02:29 AM
IIRC, afflicted lycanthropes can't infect others with lycanthropy, as a general rule. It's just for natural lycanthropes.

EDIT: Checked, and yep:

"Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)

Any humanoid or giant hit by a natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope the victim cannot contract lycanthropy from that lycanthrope. Afflicted lycanthropes cannot pass on the curse of lycanthropy."

Courtesy of the d20SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/lycanthrope.htm).

2012-12-28, 02:36 AM
IIRC, afflicted lycanthropes can't infect others with lycanthropy, as a general rule. It's just for natural lycanthropes.

Indeed, they must be natural lycanthropes to pass on the curse, infected lycanthropes don't spread it.

So unless you really think that extra 5 DR is vitally important just make em not be natural.

2012-12-28, 02:43 AM
I'd never actually noticed that bit, and these were planned to(probably) be afflicted ones, though afflicted ones who use it to help with their thievery. Just going with that will probably work then(the afflicted ones being unable to spread it is the same in pf, correct?).

2012-12-28, 03:21 AM
I'd never actually noticed that bit, and these were planned to(probably) be afflicted ones, though afflicted ones who use it to help with their thievery. Just going with that will probably work then(the afflicted ones being unable to spread it is the same in pf, correct?).
"A natural lycanthrope's bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim's size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect." ~Link (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/lycanthrope)

It doesn't have the exact same wording, but it does mention natural lycanthropes again at the start, so I'd say that yes, afflicted lycanthropes being incapable of spreading lycanthropy in Pathfinder is true.

2012-12-28, 01:38 PM
I had this exact same thing with my party. I ended up giving the guy a bear trap like mouth attachment, it increased bite damage one size and became masterwork but it prevented lycanthropy from spreading. Named him Redtooth because the attachment was rust red.

2012-12-28, 02:56 PM
Don't use bite attacks, just pretend that the rats have an equally damaging but non-infectious claw attack.

This is a good idea, but it is true that only natural lycanthrope can infect others, so if it comes down to a fight against the real deal, use the above, unless you don't mind them becoming were rats lol