View Full Version : What feats i forgot?????

2012-12-28, 10:00 PM
I m building a pixie (MM1) with 2 rogue lvls...
its going to be the groups skill monkey, scout, tracker and trapfinder...
I already picked all the feats i need involving bonus to skills etc...
what i m here for is some feats i might need that does't directly involve
my role in the group...

for example... if you leave "Track" out, the only other feat i choose is
Improved Flight (RotW 151) so i go to Perfect Air speed...

i m not interested in combat... so no dmg , hit, or battlefield control feats..

what you have in mind?

PS: Id appreciate if you include the book and pg of the feat you r suggesting :)
PS2: Don't get alarmed of the massive amounts of feats i say i took...
just assume that i can take like 10 more (max) of those i already have.

Thnx all

2012-12-28, 11:08 PM
The Rogue Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8711233)

Darkstalker (Lords of Madness)
Master Manipulator (Players Handbook II)
Trickery Devotion (Complete Champion)

If you have little to no focus on combat I would recommend either a Beguiler (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2322.0) or Factotum (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2720.0) instead of Rogue. The Factotum has every skill as a class skill, trapfinding, some spellcasting, and a lot of other neat abilities. The Beguiler has trapfinding, lots of skills, and fairly decent spellcasting.

Feats that give you bonuses to skills, such as Skill Focus or Alertness, are generally considered weak, highly situational, or useless. You can get better bonuses to skills with items and spells (masterwork tools and magic items). Also, unless you need to take the feat as prerequisite for a Prestige Class you're really wasting what normally is a scarce resource (a feat slot) that could be utilized in much better ways.