View Full Version : Cleric of pelor help

Faer Gnomeblood
2012-12-29, 06:49 AM
Hi, i am making a human cloistered cleric of Pelor (with the destroy undead alt class feature and the true daylight alt class) and am going to prestige into radiant servant of Pelor, so i was wondering if any of you knowledgeable individuals had any advice on feats or any ways to improve it (not looking to be as powerful as possible as that tends to get me banned from things)

Thank you in advance

Faer Gnomeblood
2012-12-29, 06:50 AM
Oh forgot to mention we are starting at 3rd level

2012-12-29, 09:20 AM
Check out Libris Mortis. It gives tons of ways to boost your turning ability. If you go all out, you could probably turn the BBEG on a natural 1 unless they're optimized to avoid turning.

Unfortunately, turning is a broken mechanic. Not because it's OP, but because it is all or nothing (especially greater turning). It becomes a pure arms race of turn resistance vs CL boosts.

2012-12-29, 01:53 PM
Look at the character in my signature. Only switch out some of the feats for Quicken turning and empower turning and you should be all set. Best part, you do not lose a single caster level. I would also look at Radiant servant in LM as well as Morninglord of Lathandar. Both were barred from me because of how well the build is at the moment. I have 5 or 6 domains to pick spells from, and DMM persist. I would call that a good day. Also Illusions do not effect me, most neither do charms or enchantments. Soon to be able to touch a shapechanger or something that used polymorph and turn it back into its original form.

I have thus far destroyed 250 skeletons in 5 rounds and a dream vesitage in one round. And this is going against people with Turn resistance +10 And I am still destroying them. Good luck and I hope you have fun. I know I have. Best part of all. I am the tank of the group and with the spell undead bane weapons and having a holy weapon you are doing 4d6 off the bat. Throw in sun devotion and now you are adding class level against undead. Divine wrath expand a turn attempt and add your cha modifier worth of d6 to damage against undead. Hope this helps you.

Faer Gnomeblood
2012-12-29, 09:03 PM
Cool thanks guys :smallsmile: i will check that stuff out.