View Full Version : [PF] Help for creating a wizard

2012-12-29, 08:02 AM
Hi guys !

After 2 years off the tables (Ptolus <3), I'm getting back into RPGs, with the Skulls & Shackles campaign. The group played one session, I'm joining and wants to fill the holes. The group is : TWF Ranger, ranged Ranger, Rogue, 1 witch, 1 druid. As far as i can see, the group could use a 2nd party face, more frontline bodies, and buffs.

I first thought about a combat/buff cleric, but with a 20pts-buy, I find it too MAD. So, i went back to Wizard, with the idea of (Augmented) summoning, Battlefield control, (de)buffs (Haste, Size increase...) and utility spells.
+4 INT bonus gives me 6skills/level, so enough to keep up Diplo/Sense motive/Spellcraft, and sprinkle points in Swim (well, at least 1) and Knowledges.

So : 1/ Given the group composition, does the summoning/BF control wizard seems good ?
2/ Divination or Conjuration specialist ? (Both will fit the character's flavor) Divination is amazing for Init, but devoting 1 slot to divination doesn't seems like a good use of the spell slots.
3/ Mandaroty feats ? Spell focus, Augment summoning, Imp. Init, then extend/quicken spells, and after that ? Also : SF>Aug. summoning, or Imp init at 1st level to lay down battlefield control before others ? But that would push Aug.Summ. to lvl 5. Toughts ?


2012-12-29, 09:34 AM
You're probably right to drop the buffing cleric idea, as I understand buffing was quite weakened in PF (yes, I speak from lack of experience - disregard as soon as someone who knows what they're talking about posts). Summoning and BFC are always a viable option, and PF created a class for that purpose (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner). It has some decent BFC spells, like Grease, Glitterdust, and Create/Spiked Pit.

Just my 2-cents.

2012-12-29, 11:52 AM
In all honesty, unless the druid and witch are horribly optimized and picking the wrong spells, that party has battlefield control, and some decentish "buffs" in the form of Witch Hexes and debuff spells.

I'd honestly recommend going Bard for the ability to be a party face and buff everyone else while doing it.

If your DM will allow it, you could also go Samsaran for your race and pick up the racial ability that lets you add spells to your spell list to pick up some spells that aren't normally on the Bard spell list.

Also, just to make sure since you are coming back from a 2 year break. You are aware that Pathfinder point buy is different and that 20 points can get you a stat spread like this prior to racial modifiers correct?

16 14 14 12 10 8

2012-12-29, 01:49 PM
I'll look into the bard ! Never considered it in 3.5, but may be ok in PF.
I know about the 20pts buy, and the Wizard has the advantage of dumping FOR/CHA/SAG quite easily.

Don't like the summoner, the 3/4BaB always feels awkward, and I don't want to turn into a 1 trick (summoning) pony. Bard or Wizard ! I'll check the spell lists & stuff ! :D

Edit : Halfling bard here I come !
FOR : 12; CON : 14; DEX : 16; SAG : 7 ; INT : 12; CHA : 17.
Maxing Perform(Oratory) to Diplomance/Sence everyone, and I'll add other another Performs after. Feats going into archery !
More informations as soon as I figured it out : p

Anyway thanks, I wouldn't have thought about the bard by myself.

2012-12-29, 09:10 PM
Summoner isn't really a one-trick pony. It gets some of the best sorc/wiz spells in the game, sometimes before the Wizard does, so you can unload the standard "God"/CC/buff routine. It also has UMD on its list, so you can get some mileage out of that (most notably picking up the Wand of Cure Light Wounds if the Druid goes down). Eidolon and Summons are your extra melee bodies, you can lay down buffs like a pro, and you're pumping Charisma so social skills won't be a huge issue.

With abilities, what do FOR and SAG refer to? You also have 7 abilities listed, there are only 6... Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and Charisma (Cha).

2012-12-29, 10:02 PM
Summoner isn't really a one-trick pony. It gets some of the best sorc/wiz spells in the game, sometimes before the Wizard does, so you can unload the standard "God"/CC/buff routine. It also has UMD on its list, so you can get some mileage out of that (most notably picking up the Wand of Cure Light Wounds if the Druid goes down). Eidolon and Summons are your extra melee bodies, you can lay down buffs like a pro, and you're pumping Charisma so social skills won't be a huge issue.

With abilities, what do FOR and SAG refer to? You also have 7 abilities listed, there are only 6... Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and Charisma (Cha).

near as i can tell, FOR and SAG are the same thing as STR and WIS respectively, although i could be wrong. Sometimes it translates differently from english to other languages.

2012-12-30, 02:57 AM
I agree that the group seems to be overall well covered, so you can do whatever you want.

Another option to go is Alchemist.

It mostly needs Int and Dex (in that order), throws bombs that target touch AC, have a decent damage (sneak attack progression + Int, can be buffed some with discoveries) and with discoveries can mimic spell effects, with the save being the same as a Sorc with his highest spell level, except you can throw more bombs and also more than one per round.

Other than that, Bard-like spellcasting that works like potions, true you need to spend a discovery for others to use them, but once you do, you can give others buffs that would be otherwise self-only and everyone does it with their own actions.

It does suck on the summoning department (though you can create simulacra with discoveries) and is very feat/discovery intensive, but from my rather limited experience with the class (mostly due to games not lasting), it is quite impressive and due to being a very supportive class, it excels in making others look better, not really in stealing the show.

2012-12-30, 05:23 AM
I'll just add that a bard (apart from being a very nice class on its own) is particularly useful for Skulls & Shackles, as some of the core mechanics of that adventure path are directly tied to Diplomacy and Perform skills. We are sorely missing one in our own S&S adventure currently.