View Full Version : Is a Ultimate Magus dip worth it?

2012-12-29, 08:59 PM
I currently have a level 3 generalist Wizard with 22 int and 12 charisma. I'm thinking about going Wizard 4/ Sorc 1/ Ultimate Magus 6.

Obviously with 12 charisma, I won't be doing anything particularly exciting on the Sorcerer side. The main objective of this is to grab Wings Of Cover, a very powerful ability. It also gives me tons of free slots to cast Nerveskitter from so I don't have to rely on a wand.

Do you think it's worth it? The main drawback is losing the benefits of whatever Prcs I'd take instead. Losing Spontaneous Divination (well delaying it until level 12 at any rate) really hurts, especially with something like Alter Fortune for emergencies. And Wings of Cover doesn't come online until level 10.

Edit: I just realized that I'll be able to use a scroll of Wings of Cover as soon as I take a level in Sorcerer. That makes it sound a lot better.

2012-12-30, 02:30 AM
It's not the worst plan I've seen.

If you're worried about spontaneous divination, why not put off sorcerer and UM until wizard 5? Wiz 5/Sorc 1/UM 5.

Either way losing 3 levels of wizard casting kinda smarts, but you should still be pretty solid.

Honestly though, do you really think you'll need nerveskitter more than say 4 times in a day? If not, just pick up a couple pearls of power and do something a bit more optimal. Take the sorcerer dip so you can use items that produce wings of cover (scrolls/wands/staves) and call it a day.

2012-12-30, 03:34 AM
Because if you get Wizard 5 before UM, then you can only take 3 levels of UM without losing a second level on the Wizard side, since Practiced Spellcaster only gives +4.

I figure if I'm going to lose a level with the sorcerer dip, I might as well try to make the most of it, and that means UM 6.

2012-12-30, 03:50 AM
Because if you get Wizard 5 before UM, then you can only take 3 levels of UM without losing a second level on the Wizard side, since Practiced Spellcaster only gives +4.

I figure if I'm going to lose a level with the sorcerer dip, I might as well try to make the most of it, and that means UM 6.

If you're going to go so far as to use the practiced caster trick, why not see about re-spec'ing your CHA and make it an outright ultimate magus build?

It seems to me that you're sinking more resources than is prudent into getting a couple of fairly minor benefits. If all you're really after is the one spell and a few slots to fuel it, why not wyrm wizard? You'll lose alot less for a very similar net-gain. Or perhaps you can get the DM to let you retrain one of your level 1 feats for magical training to get sorcerer casting mechanics that way?