View Full Version : 3.5 Campaign idea?

2012-12-31, 03:53 AM
SO. I had an idea on a 3.5 campaign that i was considering running. its set in a fantasy setting where the party are slaves under a tyrannical ruler, and they... and that's where i'm having trouble. I either want them to start a revolution (fable 3 style) or escape to a "Utopia", which when they eventually reach (or don't) find out that its already in an apocalyptic setting due to a magical war.


2012-12-31, 04:04 AM
Play out a couple of adventures in the tyrranical setting so that the players can figure out how they want to interact with the setting.

In other words, present a few options, but let the characters decide. Otherwise you might have issues if someone decides to derail your expectations with an unanticipated agenda.

Then again, some people like railroads.

2012-12-31, 10:23 AM
Agree with the above.

Make the world, base it around just where they are enslaved (maybe gladiators?) and just play out the first session. If, at the end, they have not chosen what they want to do/start their on adventure, then begin to lead them somewhere based on the actions they chose.

If you really want to confuse them, just have a Tarrasque show up. That generally pushes people around for a bit

2012-12-31, 10:42 AM
thanks for responding so quickly guys. i'm sort of a new DM, so i'm looking for the best strategy to keep them in line as well. These are all great ideas, and i'm definitely going to keep them in mind, especially that gladiator one\ :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-31, 03:41 PM
I like a good gladiator arena. Can lead to some nice, very narrative, one-on-one type battles.

Beware, though, that if any of the players are sticking to good-aligned type behaviors for the character(s), then they may have big problems with being forced to kill someone for the sake of entertainment. While in the long run this can be good, since it will urge such player characters to rebel, it can be bad if the player feels like there is no other option than to have the character kill someone for sport (which can be radically out of character for a variety of character types). Can lead to role play problems. An easy fix would be to allow some kind of opt-out for characters not wanting to kill others, like maybe having to fight wild beasts instead of other slaves, or being on some kind of non-combat duty (healing wounded gladiators, cleaning up bodies, some other kind of performance, a la bard). Alternatively, allow characters to win a match by using subdual or nonlethal damage.

I had a campaign start out with characters being enslaved, only to escape when the slave ship they were on went down in a storm. Lead to a nice "lord of the flies" island survival experience. Lots of flavor.

2012-12-31, 03:44 PM
An easy fix would be to allow some kind of opt-out for characters not wanting to kill others, like maybe having to fight wild beasts instead of other slaves, or being on some kind of non-combat duty (healing wounded gladiators, cleaning up bodies, some other kind of performance, a la bard). Alternatively, allow characters to win a match by using subdual or nonlethal damage.

Or have the audience vote to spare the loser.

Unusual Muse
2012-12-31, 04:53 PM
This sounds made for the Dark Sun setting... tyrannical Sorcerer-Kings, slaves, gladiators, harsh setting with a promise of utopia, etc. etc. etc... see the 3.5 conversion at athas.org (http://www.athas.org).

2012-12-31, 05:49 PM
I love Athas stuff. I hijacked Athasian halflings (plus a little homebrew) for my setting...I mean who can argue with cannibalistic halflings?

From 2nd edition, Athasian halflings could be druids and rangers, unlike normal halflings, which was awesome added flavor and variety. Other Athas stuff is also cool, and it had some low-magic feel in certain respects, which can definitely intensify a enslaved/survival experience for the characters.

2013-01-01, 05:26 AM
My only problem with the gladiator idea is that i'm trying to avoid making my world seem like any other actual civilization as much as possible (ancient rome anyone?) but all in all these are sound ideas, i'm definitely going to work them in. I think if the party gets recaptured, then i'll throw in the arena idea. but gladiatorial combat is quite fun. it tests the parties mettle. Happy new years btw!

Lonely Tylenol
2013-01-01, 07:18 AM
Just make it obvious that they are being oppressed (in whichever way feels most appropriate to you) and let them act of their own accord. If they decide that they want to escape, let them try to escape. If they want to start a resistance and overthrow their tyrannical overlords, let them gather resources for a rebellion. If they don't want to do anything to change their station, continue oppressing them.

Be the invisible hand around their throat.