View Full Version : True Neutral Heartburn

2013-01-01, 12:14 AM
So you belive in not taking a side, your god believes in not taking a side. You may lack int he super duper powerful Vile or Exalted spells,but because you are perfect along the line, you can both raise zombies and heal the sick, and still be considered TN, if you do them both equally ?

2013-01-01, 12:25 AM
I'd say playing both good and evil would likely land you more in line with CN.
That said alignment varies so much DM to DM, my idea of where it'd land you doesn't matter a whole lot.

2013-01-01, 12:46 AM
Evil Clerics can heal the sick if they want as well.

2013-01-01, 05:31 AM
Not exactly. Neutrality means your actions don't tend towards one extreme or the other, (or that you flat out reject such extremes, and actively advocate a "balanced" path). What you are describing is Chaotic Neutral, at best, and leaning towards chaotic evil. Why? Because "healing the sick" depends in large part upon who you are healing, and perhaps most importantly, why. It is not inherently good, or at least not inherently good enough to make up for the potential evil it causes. Raising the dead, on the other hand (by D&D standards anyways) is considered inherently evil enough that even if it is "for a good cause", it can only be considered ends justifying the means at best. Hence what you are doing cannot really be considered karmically balanced, especially not if you are healing either for profit, or healing people who you know will bring suffering to others.