View Full Version : Third level Rogue needs equipping...

2013-01-01, 10:23 AM
I am DM'ing a game with a bunch of new players, and they (being new) don't know what to buy for their gear. Here I need this 3rd level archery focused rogue to get geared up. Standard WBL for 3rd level is 2700 gp.

Sheet thus far is below...
Name: Livina Shadowshot
Race: (modified) Drow
Age: 121
Class: Rouge 3
Gender: Female

HP: 13
AC: 14+Armor
BAB: +2
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0

Str: 11 [+0]
Dex: 19 [+4]
Con: 10 [+0]
Int: 17 [+3]
Wis: 9 [-1]
Cha: 16 [+3]

Bluff: 6 ranks: 6+3 Cha=9
Move Silently: 6 ranks: 6+4 Dex=10
Open Lock: 6 ranks: 6+4 Dex=10
Spot: 6 ranks: 6-1 Wis=5
Disable Device: 6 ranks: 6+3 Int=9
Tumble: 6 ranks: 6+4 Dex=10
Search: 6 ranks: 6+3 Int=9
Sense Motive: 6 ranks: 6-1 Wis=5
Gather Information: 6 ranks: 6+3 Cha=9
Hide: 6 ranks: 6+4 Dex=10
Disguise: 6 ranks: 6+3 Cha=9

Level 1: Point Blank Shot
Level 3: Rapid Shot

2013-01-01, 10:32 AM
- MW Composite Shortbow (375gp)
- MW Chain Shirt (250p)
- Various +2 (equivalent) Arrows (approx. 170gp each)*
- Other mundane gear, to taste (rope, sacks, marbles, holy water, acid, etc.)

*Bane Arrows, whilst circumstantial, are usually a good investment. Even if you only have one or two of them, the extra 2d6+2 damage can be a decider at these kind of low levels.

2013-01-01, 11:13 AM
The first 'big' magical item you should be getting when you can afford it: the H3 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#handyHaversack)

Suddenly, you have everything at your fingertips, and carry weight is less of an issue.

2013-01-01, 11:44 AM
A hat of some style. It can be a simple hat, at maybe 1 GP. But, in Stormwrack, there is a Bicorne worth 50 GP, so the sky is the limit. The advantages of a hat are many.

Shoes are also a must have. Have you walked barefoot on rocks? Shoes are good.

If she, being a Drow, still has light blindness, I recommend a pair of sun lenses from Sandstorm at a mere 10 GP.