View Full Version : Batman theory: Multiple Incarnations

2013-01-02, 03:12 PM
So this is a little theory I have about the Batman universe obviously it's not canon but I thought it up to work around two things inherent in the nature of comics: reboots and villains always evading the death chair.

The basis of this theory is thus Batman has gone insane and is highly delusional and every time a villain gets rebooted/retconed it's actually another person.

Now a lot of discussion has been had about why don't supervillains get the chair when they're captured, my theory is that they do every time a villain is arrested and has crimes high enough to warrant the death penalty they're executed.

Batman doesn't like this he still holds strictly to his no killing code, but it's not like he can stop the state from killing them so he snapped from the stress of hunting the Joker so long and not killing him just for some nameless bureaucrat to do this.

So the original Joker existed had the suit make up etc but after being caught was executed then Batman started having delusions etc imagining the next criminal who was kinda similar with the Joker as being the exact same Joker.

Thus every villain after his initial arrest is no longer the same person but somebody new which Bats sees as following the same archetype.

Joker: The archetype of the truly insane criminal those guys which Bats can't "get" except chaos are cast as Jokers thus they're his most important foe and the ones who "change" the most often.

Mr. Frezee: The criminal scientist archetype after Freeze got killed Bat's started filing scientist under the Frezee name eventually one of them had his ill wife as such a important part of his criminal motivation that Bats incorporated her into the archetype completely.

Poison Ivy: The femme fatale archetype eventually took on some "crime for a good cause" aspects as Bats classified metahumans in this line they died of then normal people took up the crown again Ivy's immage in bat's mind has fluctuated a lot.

Harley Queen: One of the newer trends Bats is noticing cheerleaders for criminals, once a newer trend is fully established by someone in his mind one of the newer villains is born.

So what do you think?

2013-01-02, 03:46 PM
Wouldn't that eventually mean the Batman would be considered as bad as the villains he fights?

Would work better if some major nemesis is deliberately creating these villains because they want the Batman to continue operating in Gotham... if you treat Bats as schizophrenic it could even be him as he's doesn't want his personal quest for justice to end?!:smalleek:

2013-01-02, 05:14 PM
Wouldn't that eventually mean the Batman would be considered as bad as the villains he fights?

...No. Why would you even think that?

2013-01-02, 05:49 PM
Wouldn't that eventually mean the Batman would be considered as bad as the villains he fights?

Do you mean as insane as the villains he fights? Because yeah, that'd be true, and it's already a theme touched on.

2013-01-02, 06:17 PM
Batman is pretty bonkers already, yeah. But that doesn't make him as bad as his villains, not by a long shot. He's firmly a good guy, except in some AUs or when written by hacks.

2013-01-02, 08:31 PM
I kinda liked this story I read where a guy ends up in the justice league universe and goes off on the heroes there telling them what they are doing wrong and how to fix things. Here is what he said about batman.

Turning to Batman he grinned, and it wasn't a nice grin. "And last but not least, the Caped Cuckoo – I'd suggest therapy and a heavy Thorazine regiment, but that would blunt your edge and you are needed as you are. You are one of the most pathologically driven people in existence. Of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I felt like saying it. You are a bigger *^$%$^&$ than Green Lantern over there, but in your case it actually is a mental condition that would require medication to treat – and like I said you're needed the way you are. The only thing I can really say is that you need to treat the people you care for a bit differently; they have the right to fight and die for what they believe in, just like you do, but they'll never have the drive you do and letting them know how proud you are of them once in a while won't blunt their edge, it'll increase their drives a bit and make their lives a bit brighter."

He then goes on to suggest giving the joker a lobotomy. Since that wouldnt be killing him, it would be closer to acceptable under batmans code of conduct.

2013-01-02, 08:33 PM
I kinda liked this story I read


2013-01-02, 08:40 PM
Heh, here yah go. CRUSH (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5237318/1/) Fair warning, its an incomplete story, and most of this stuff takes place on the first chapter or two. its mainly a crack fic.

2013-01-03, 04:14 AM
Heh, here yah go. CRUSH (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5237318/1/) Fair warning, its an incomplete story, and most of this stuff takes place on the first chapter or two. its mainly a crack fic.

Thank you for the link but I can't even try finishing reading it until I get home but given the amount of laughing from the bit I just read I'm going to have to favourite the page and see where it ends up!:smallbiggrin:

2013-01-03, 02:53 PM
Everyone knows Batman is (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wG2FbXoklgY/Tj2_Y-wow5I/AAAAAAAAAVI/NITc_NuMCeE/s640/batman_has_dalek.jpg) a Time Lord (http://i.imgur.com/PyAp5.jpg).


I kinda liked this story I read where a guy ends up in the justice league universe and goes off on the heroes there telling them what they are doing wrong and how to fix things. Here is what he said about batman.

He then goes on to suggest giving the joker a lobotomy. Since that wouldnt be killing him, it would be closer to acceptable under batmans code of conduct.

People who hate superheroes should not read superhero stories or write about superheroes. :smallsigh:

EDIT2: By which I mean, someone who clearly is so utterly dissatisfied with the core, underlying assumptions of the genre (as that author clearly is) perhaps should set comics aside and enjoy another genre.

This isn't the same as people getting upset about, say, One More Day or some such; that's dissatisfaction with the implementation of an idea.

What that snippet shows is dissatisfaction with the idea itself.

2013-01-03, 03:31 PM
Everyone knows Batman is (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wG2FbXoklgY/Tj2_Y-wow5I/AAAAAAAAAVI/NITc_NuMCeE/s640/batman_has_dalek.jpg) a Time Lord (http://i.imgur.com/PyAp5.jpg).


People who hate superheroes should not read superhero stories or write about superheroes. :smallsigh:

EDIT2: By which I mean, someone who clearly is so utterly dissatisfied with the core, underlying assumptions of the genre (as that author clearly is) perhaps should set comics aside and enjoy another genre.

This isn't the same as people getting upset about, say, One More Day or some such; that's dissatisfaction with the implementation of an idea.

What that snippet shows is dissatisfaction with the idea itself.

I dunno, I look at it as a more realistic assessment of the heroes and their flaws, batman really IS an insanely driven individual, who has had numerous arcs devoted to his issues dealing with his various robins and batgirls on a personal level. That doesnt make him a bad guy, it makes him human.

2013-01-03, 05:22 PM
Heh, here yah go. CRUSH (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5237318/1/) Fair warning, its an incomplete story, and most of this stuff takes place on the first chapter or two. its mainly a crack fic.

You always come across the most interesting fanfics. First that Naruto fic with ghost(btw, has he started the second half of that story? the post-timeskip?). And now this one! You really need to post a bunch of ones that you like, as I apparently have similar tastes to you.

2013-01-03, 05:34 PM
You always come across the most interesting fanfics. First that Naruto fic with ghost(btw, has he started the second half of that story? the post-timeskip?). And now this one! You really need to post a bunch of ones that you like, as I apparently have similar tastes to you.

Actually, he just posted the first chapter of the sequel. Problem is he is concentrating on his fate/stay night story or something so the updates will likely be slow. Also, here (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1636858/Tribernator) this is my fanfiction profile with my favorites list. Ill warn you, they go through a long variety of stories, but im fond of most of them. :p

2013-01-03, 06:44 PM
Actually, he just posted the first chapter of the sequel. Problem is he is concentrating on his fate/stay night story or something so the updates will likely be slow. Also, here (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1636858/Tribernator) this is my fanfiction profile with my favorites list. Ill warn you, they go through a long variety of stories, but im fond of most of them. :p

Woot, awesome! Thank you for the information, and the link to your profile. Ya know, funny thing is, I couldn't remember the name of the Naruto/Ghost fanfic, so I googled "Naruto meets Ghost and his crazy siblings", and the Fanfic containing them was the very first thing that popped up :)

2013-01-03, 09:25 PM
There's the obvious logical hole that this implies that somehow, with Batman being physically in his prime and able to fight for what is at best thirty years, you'd need to have at least fifteen different criminals in Gotham who are all so similar in their crazy archetypes that they're interchangeable in respect to their specific gimmicks. I mean you're implying there's like three or four different guys with freeze guns running around here.

Also, please please please for the love of god actually edit the things you say for grammar and spelling. It is literally impossible for me to decipher some of the things you're trying to say.

Scowling Dragon
2013-01-03, 11:40 PM
The insane theory is THE most overused theory in fanfiction.

Its like people can't accept that something interesting could have happened so they slap on a coma or a insanity theory.

2013-01-04, 08:53 PM
Batman's code against killing causes a lot of good people to die.

Think about The Joker in Arkham Asylum. Batman will tell some guards to be safe over here or over there only to find them all dead when he returns to that region. The death toll keeps climbing... But if he had just killed the Joker instead of arresting him, they'd all be fine.

I understand the reason here... Batman can't kill the villains because then they can't come back. There would be no Arkham Asylum game if the Joker was killed right off. The story needs this... But not killing a psychopathic serial killer makes Batman responsible for the death & suffering of all of his victims.

Tiki Snakes
2013-01-04, 09:23 PM
Batman's code against killing causes a lot of good people to die.

Think about The Joker in Arkham Asylum. Batman will tell some guards to be safe over here or over there only to find them all dead when he returns to that region. The death toll keeps climbing... But if he had just killed the Joker instead of arresting him, they'd all be fine.

I understand the reason here... Batman can't kill the villains because then they can't come back. There would be no Arkham Asylum game if the Joker was killed right off. The story needs this... But not killing a psychopathic serial killer makes Batman responsible for the death & suffering of all of his victims.

It kind of doesn't, because once he's in custody he's the responsibility of Gotham, and their lack of sending him to the chair or similar makes them ultimately responsible.

2013-01-04, 10:18 PM
It kind of doesn't, because once he's in custody he's the responsibility of Gotham, and their lack of sending him to the chair or similar makes them ultimately responsible.

This. Don't blame Batman for not overstepping his bounds. Blame the government and asylum itself for no shooting the Joker the moment he set foot onto Arkham property. Or blame the police officers legally able to shoot him who never actually shoot him. Hell, Blame Gordon for never ORDERING those officers to shoot to kill.

Batman is one guy, and he RIGHTLY believes that he should never be judge, jury, and executioner. That's why they have actual Judges, Juries, and Executioners.