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View Full Version : good spell/ magic item combos you have done?

2013-01-02, 04:32 PM
Just looking for good combinations that really worked out. For example, party got overwhelmed. Most dropped. I shadow welled myself. The description says you can cast gate to escape, so it is assumed you can cast spells. Each round I chose to fail my save and cast summon undead to get multiple allips. I ordered them in my portable hole. Once I had quite a few, I closed my hole, cast inviso, and went back. Opening the hole is not an attack, so I released all the allips and stood back to watch.

Another favorite of mine. Got attacked by iron gollem. I held until it moved, then I cast a quickened summon monster who I then polymorphed into a rust monster before it attacked. Next round I cast grease to make the gollem prone.

Last is my old standby. Quickend true strike and any ray or touch spell like shivering touch.

Just looking for more examples that others enjoyed.

2013-01-02, 04:43 PM
Quickened True strike+ ray spell is clearly a good combo.

Back in my 3.0 days, when haste gave you an extra standard action, I would sometimes cast Limited Wish to wish that a particularly tough adversary would fail his next save (giving him a -7 to the save) then cast disintegrate against him. It never failed. (though, granted, we were young and we had an unimaginative DM)