View Full Version : Bladebound Hexcrafter+Kapenia Dancer Magus. Possible?

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-02, 06:56 PM
I was looking into the Magus archetypes and found the Kapenia Dancer archetype which looks pretty nifty though it makes you definitely a lot squisher at low-levels since you loose normal armour and the Canny Defence ability won't use your full Int bonus until level 5.

Anyway I am not used to reading the Pathfinder SRD charts and I was wondering if Hexcrafter is compatible with Kapenia Dancer as both have (x) in the Arcana column, the thing is that they don't replace Arcanas they just add options to them.

2013-01-02, 08:14 PM
I'm pretty sure there's a rule that two Archetypes modifying the same feature are incompatible, even if they don't actually interfere with each other; it might be worth asking your DM, though.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-02, 08:57 PM
I don't have a DM, just a thought exercise.

2014-07-17, 01:30 AM
As far as I understand it (and rule it myself when I GM) an OPTIONAL replacement (which is what the (X) on the chart means) is just that, optional. So, if it conflicts with another archetype, you can't take that OPTION but you can still combine the archetypes since they don't have any MANDATORY changes. So, yes Bladebound/Hexcrafter are compatible the way I see it. Now, if Hexcrafter changed it so that you took Hexes instead of Arcana, then that would be X and therefore not allowed.

Or to put it another way (and again, this is my opinion, no idea if the Paizo developers would agree with me or not) if you are merely ADDING an option without taking anything away, you aren't actually changing the ability.

Now, as to adding the Kapenia Dancer, that's the question. Bladebound requires a one-handed slashing weapon. While Kapenia lets you treat the bladed scarf as a one-handed slashing weapon, the question is that sufficient to allow it to count for Bladebound? I think yes because it's an awesome concept, but I am not sure if it's technically RAW.

(And I apologize if this is too old to be necroed, but I was looking for stuff on combining BladeboundHexcrafter/Kapenia (specifically Bladebound/Kapenia) myself so felt I could give input on the first two while I search for others' opinions on the 3rd)