View Full Version : Rate my 'paladin'

2013-01-02, 10:00 PM
Hello all, I may be getting into a diablo based game soon and I want to play as a Paladin, unfortunatelty teh 3rd ed ( as good or as bad as one might think it is) dialbo book is not allowed and its just PFSRD material only. (barring 3rd party ).

I am looking for something that fits the 'theme' of the diablo paladin and came up with this Paladin 2/Oracle 18

with 25 point buy Im thinking the following stats
STR 14
DEX 11 (+1 levels)
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 16 (+2 HUMAN) (+4 levels)

Taking the Battle Mystery taking the following Mysteries
Battlecry, Resiliency, Surprising Charge, War Sight, and Weapon Mastery

I'll be taking the Wasting curse to shore up my disease based defenses.

lastly here are my spells known so far, remember im going for spells that thematically FIT the diablo 2 paladin, not for game changers ( i know my 9th level spell is going to be one regardles.. oh well.) {{note these do not include mystery spells.}}

Zero: Create water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Stabilize

First: Bless, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, ???, ???

Second: Consecrate, Shield Other, Spear of Purity, Spiritual Weapon, ???

Third: Channel Vigor, Magic Circle against Evil, Protection From Energy

Fourth: Death Ward, Divine Power, Holy Smite, ???

Fifth: Burst of Glory, Greater Forbid Action, Hallow, True Seeing

Sixth: Banishment, Heal, ???

Seventh: Holy Word, Greater Restoration, Resurection

Eight: Divine Vessel, Holy Aura

Ninth: Miracle

Now i just need an idea oh what items I would need to fulfill the Diablo 2 paladin role.

2013-01-04, 01:43 AM
Ok, i still stuck on what spells to add in teh missing slots ( the ??? in teh spell levels above)

and have no idea where to start for items for my character

mostly becuase my item acquisition for 99.993% of all my characters have been accumulated naturally. and by that i mean looted during the leveling progression.

also are there any feats that gives me bonuses vs stunned foes.?

2013-01-04, 02:45 AM
I think Diablo is best left as a video game in my opinion. The Paladin in 3rd Edition (3.5) is pretty fun. I would never mix the two lol... I'm sure I am not alone in that assesment. :tongue:

2013-01-04, 04:00 AM
I made a Smiteadin in D&D a while ago, see here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:WbxBsn5mSo4J:brilliantgameologists. com/boards/index.php%3Ftopic%3D1532.0%3Bwap2+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

But that uses sources not allowed in your game. Still, the concept is fun.


2013-01-04, 04:33 AM
Pro Tip: Only plan on giving your level up stat bonus to your highest stats in a point buy! If you want your Dex at 12 and your Cha at 16, it is better to start your Dex at 12 and Cha at 15, (then use a level bump on the Cha,) than it is to start your Dex at 11 and Cha at 16. You will have one more point to spend so your final stat spread will be one higher than it otherwise would be.

2013-01-04, 09:54 AM
maybe I am doing the stat boost wrong but I could have sworn you get a +1 to a stat every 4th level

which means you get a total of 5 +1 bonuses.

5 being an odd number means its better for one to take an odd number on a random stat to get a positive modifier for it.

and nocking my cha down to 15 means i bump either str or con to 15 and than i still have an odd number as my stats now and no way to get that extra +1 out if.

2013-01-04, 01:35 PM
maybe I am doing the stat boost wrong but I could have sworn you get a +1 to a stat every 4th level

which means you get a total of 5 +1 bonuses.

5 being an odd number means its better for one to take an odd number on a random stat to get a positive modifier for it.

and nocking my cha down to 15 means i bump either str or con to 15 and than i still have an odd number as my stats now and no way to get that extra +1 out if.

No, you are right. But it is still better to have a stat one point higher, even if that puts it into odd territory. Basically, you will end up with a stat spread of 14, 12, 14, 12, 12, 22 OR 14, 12, 14, 12, 13, 22. It is a minor thing, but there are ways to get +1 stat bumps throughout the game. Basically, it is most optimal to put your +1 bonus to a stat in your highest stats rather than your lower if you are using point buy. Not really a huge deal though.

Also, I am thinking long term. But if you plan on starting at low levels and not spending any real time at level 20, my suggestion is a better theoretical optimization of stats. You may care more about having a high charisma from the get go. In which case, yeah, you may get more mileage out of your original plan.

2013-01-04, 05:40 PM
Hmm, ok.

now can I get any suggestion on what spells to fill in teh blank slots, what feats to take
what few feast I am looking at, teh ones with a dash are still undecided

Power Attack

Bloody Assault

Vital Strike

Stunning Assault

the one feat that lets me take 2 favored classes.

-Step up

-improved initiative

Again bonus feats due to my mystery are not included.

and most importantly what magical items I would need to capture that 'diablo paladin' feel..

Already am looking at a cloak of displacement, lesser ( id rathe rhave a permamnet 20% miss chance than 10 rounds a DAY of 50% miss chance.. one will last me the whole day and the other might last me 2 fights....

and the holy enchantment.

I wonder if I could talk the DM into allowing some fo the diablo D&D stuff in his game.?

2013-01-05, 04:47 PM
Ok, so I just found out the feat Deadly Assault..

Really? I mean seriosuly? there is a feat like that in pathfinder?

I saw the name and was like ' oh cool maybe this is some type of pro- power attack or a kinda finishing blow..

but no, its just a feat that kills things when you kill them...

im also thinking of taking adept channel so that at least twice a day i can do somewhat of burst healing if needed.

so.. out of the 11 feats I get theres uh.. what? 5 im getting for sure and 6 that i have zero idea about, LOL

at least that further along that any semblance of what magical items one needs.

2013-01-05, 04:55 PM
I suggest changing one of your 2nd level spells to Grace, found in Advanced Player's Guide. It's a swift action to cast. Until the end of your turn you do not provoke an attack of opportunity for moving. Since it's a swift action, casting the spell itself does not provoke.

For prepared casters cleric and paladin, if you were to prepare it you'd most likely only do it once. It's too situational. However, for a spontaneous caster like an oracle, it is superb. You have it whenever you need it. When you don't need it, you have other 2nd level spells. You cast it as often as you need to. You have a lot of movement flexibility in battle.

2013-01-07, 04:04 PM
OK, grace seems pretty sweet.

still zero clue on what items to take.