View Full Version : [PF] Inquiring about Inquisitors

2013-01-03, 12:30 AM
I'm knocking together an inquisitor for an upcoming game. I'm not looking for build advice exactly, just wondering if there are any particular pitfalls I should know to avoid.

We're starting at 3rd level, fairly low-op group, focusing on urban missions and probably some dungeon crawling. I'm chaotic good, probably human, probably using repeating crossbows and light armor. I am aware that archery has problems in the game, so let's not worry about that.


2013-01-03, 03:19 AM
Archery works fine in PF with a few particular nuissances that completely hose it. Archery in general is not the problem. The problem is trying to be an archer with an Inquisitor.

You get absolutely ZERO feat support to help deal with the initial burden of PBS, Precise, and Rapid Shot. And your medium BAB and lack of early entry bonus feats (like ranger and zen archer monk) means waiting longer for manyshot and clustered shots and no Imp. Precise until level fifteen! Oh, and your spell list doesn't help with archery much, either.

I'd suggest going melee. Or dipping (Weapon Master) Fighter (1-3 levels), Zen Archer Monk (1-3 levels), (Freebooter) Ranger (2 levels), or Divine Hunter Paladin (1-2 levels) and then entering Inquisitor if you wish to do archery. (As in, choose one of the above dip options, not all of them :) )

2013-01-03, 10:11 AM
Thanks, but archery is likely to remain the preferred combat method. It's not like I get any feat support for other styles either, and we have plenty of melee.

2013-01-03, 10:28 AM
The pitfall is being an archery inquisitor.... Sadly... I really like the idea of a bow/crosbow inquisitor..

2013-01-03, 01:17 PM
There's nothing wrong with being a ranged Inquisitor, especially if you're human. Remember, though, that Inquisitors are an incredibly flexible class in combat -- it almost doesn't matter what weapon they use, because it will eventually be a Bane weapon, while you're giving yourself judgment bonuses to hit and damage. So I'd carry a melee weapon (or three) as backup.

As a crossbowman, you won't be as damage-heavy as a longbowman, but bane and judments make up for that. Grab the normal two starter archer feats (Point-blank shot, Precise shot) at first level, and then grab the rest as you see fit.

2013-01-03, 07:30 PM
The thing with melee is, you don't need feat support. Just heft a 2H weapon, grab Power Attack, and anything beyond that is icing.

If you can only have 2 feats initially, I'd go with PBS and Rapid, and just switch to melee when the foes close.

And I would not use a crossbow, that will sink you yet another precious feat on rapid reload. I guess at low levels if you don't have rapid shot it doesn't matter as much, but you definitely would want to switch to a bow by level 3.

You may want an archetype that swaps the tactical feats out. I've heard Preacher is ok for archer inquisitors, I don't really like it (warning is decent I suppose, but you can largely mimick it with the Divine Interference feat and 1st level pearls of power). I still like the tactical feats w/ Solo Tactics, but you'll run out of useful choices after ~9th level (3 - Lookout; 6 - Enfilading Fire; 9 - Target of Opportunity; Stealth Synergy might also be helpful).

2013-01-03, 09:24 PM
I don't qualify for power attack; my STR is too low. Nothing is set in stone yet, so I could move my numbers around, but my last two successful characters were melee beasts and I want a change.

Rapid reload is less of an issue with repeaters. The only thing it might help with is changing magazines, and I don't know if it applies. To be honest, I don't have much confidence that this campaign (or at least this character) will last long enough to get iterative attacks anyway.

I do like the look of the Preacher archetype, mainly because the bulk of teamwork feats are rubbish (not counting the ones StreamOfTheSky listed).

Thanks for all the suggestions, even the ones I'm arguing against. I'll spend the rest of tonight pondering changes, so feel free to keep adding.

2013-01-04, 04:45 AM
jadeites guide to inquisitors (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19N7y6cKFLAr2KMMiKc8A1XG6R4iOmwaNFS7iAs17zyU/edit?hl=en_US)

first thing dont use a crossbow-you dont add any damage from strength for increased damage dice, average return is a whopping 1 damage which having 14 strength automatically is better than.

stats should go dex, wis, str, con, cha, int (cha and int are interchangable)

use the preacher archetype as mentioned as teamwork feats for archers they really are useless
multiclassing-zen archer, this works well from a 2 lvl 3 lvl or even a 4 lvl dip

speaking as someone who has just finished playing a ranged inquisitor/zen archer they are disgusting, better tanks then the BSFs, versatile on being a frontline fighter or at the back. i went to 4th lvl zen archer for the ki pool and was generally able to fill a lot of party roles.

2013-01-04, 08:10 AM
jadeites guide to inquisitors (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19N7y6cKFLAr2KMMiKc8A1XG6R4iOmwaNFS7iAs17zyU/edit?hl=en_US)

first thing dont use a crossbow-you dont add any damage from strength for increased damage dice, average return is a whopping 1 damage which having 14 strength automatically is better than.

stats should go dex, wis, str, con, cha, int (cha and int are interchangable)

use the preacher archetype as mentioned as for archers they really are useless
multiclassing-zen archer, this works well from a 2 lvl 3 lvl or even a 4 lvl dip

speaking as someone who has just finished playing a ranged inquisitor/zen archer they are disgusting, better tanks then the BSFs, versatile on being a frontline fighter or at the back. i went to 4th lvl zen archer for the ki pool and was generally able to fill a lot of party roles.

Well unless he changes his stats he won't have the str for using a bow to gain bonus to damage. He doesn't even qualify for power attack (str 13?).

Though if you are going ranged you can take the ranged power attack... Pirahna Strike to help with your bow damage. (Is that the one? Or is that for dex based melee? Been a while..)

2013-01-04, 09:05 AM
Well unless he changes his stats he won't have the str for using a bow to gain bonus to damage. He doesn't even qualify for power attack (str 13?).

hence why i gave a good outline for stat allocation

Though if you are going ranged you can take the ranged power attack... Pirahna Strike to help with your bow damage. (Is that the one? Or is that for dex based melee? Been a while..)

deadly aim is what you are thinking of for archers

however even then i would not recommend crossbow for the feat tax which as has been stated you do not get any extra support for-repeating crossbows do qualify for rapid reload but you need to give up two feats be effective with it (rapid reload and exotic weapon prof). longbows are automatically fine

2013-01-04, 09:31 AM
however even then i would not recommend crossbow for the feat tax which as has been stated you do not get any extra support for-repeating crossbows do qualify for rapid reload but you need to give up two feats be effective with it (rapid reload and exotic weapon prof). longbows are automatically fine

An inquisitor is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of her deity.

Emphasis mine. I'll probably change to self bows anyway, but it's not a feat problem.

the clumsy bard
2013-01-04, 10:09 AM
The only thing I would add is to make sure you choose a god that provides a good favored weapon as you are also automatically proficient with that.

There are no gods who provide composite longbow (unfortunately)

However some of their weapons would provide a nice backup to when the enemy (if ever) closes in on you.

If you are using a pathfinder gods I would suggest:

Iomedae - longsword
Sarenrae - scimitar
Cayden Cailean - rapier
Gorum - greatsword
Lamashtu - falchion

All though it has been said before and more then once... inquisitors were designed to be ranged characters (apparently), but I have a player rocking a melee inquiistor in one of my games and he is kicking butt and taking names. He worships Gorum and his leaving a trail of bodies and blood in the wake of his greatsword currently.

2013-01-04, 11:02 AM
Composite longbow shares a proficiency with longbow. If you're proficient with one, you are with both.