View Full Version : Digimon d20 (first release: Alpha 1!; PEACH)

4th number
2013-01-03, 06:53 AM
I just completed the Digimon building rules, making this the first time that this ruleset is truly playable. Feedback is encouraged, but from now on I'm also looking for test players. I'm especially looking forward to see how it works in practice with everyone controlling a Digidestined and someone else's partner Digimon.

Remaining: More sample Digimon, setting ideas, variations based on different shows and games, a sample adventure.

A common type of game around these parts is freeform Digimon. Now, I like me some Digimon (it was a favorite TV show of mine when I was a kid), but it seems like it would benefit from having an actual game behind it. Since we're mostly D&D folks around here, I'm going to work on creating a set of rules for BESM d20 (Revised) for DigiDestined, Digimon, and the Digital World as a whole. In general, I'll be looking to the first two TV series for inspiration.

Since BESM d20 is based on Open Gaming Content, there is an SRD, available here. (http://sweb.uky.edu/~tjmart1/AnimeSRD/main.html) there is an SRD that actually works, available here. (http://www.opengamingfoundation.org/animesrd.html) This document is also Open Gaming Content, and can be used freely according to the terms of that license.

BESM d20 has a couple of important differences to note: Characters are built from Character Points, and you can spend them on Ability Scores (Str, Dex, etc) or Attributes, which are extra character capabilities. You can also take Drawbacks, which will give you extra points to spend. Additionally, normal combat is resolved by skill checks-- so, hitting someone with a sword would be BaB+Str+relevant skill ranks, and it would be opposed by a defense roll. Basically, instead of AC being 10+Dex+armor+misc, it's 1d20+Dex+armor+misc, and re-rolled every attack.

Part 1: The DigiDestined

The DigiDestined are children or teenagers who are called to save the Digital World with the help of their Digimon partners. They are built with 30 discretionary character points and start at 1st level. This is very low-powered, mostly because the true power of the DigiDestined comes from their partners. A GM might want more powerful DigiDestined, but I advise restraint-- even a Rookie level Digimon should be a threat to an unaided child. DigiDestined should all be Human.

DigiDestined are a diverse bunch, but, being children, they can't do everything. I recommend allowing the following classes: Adventurer, Samurai, Student, and Tech Genius. You should not allow Pet Monster Trainer, as Digimon will be treated as separate characters.

Attributes should also be very limited, at least at 1st level, to represent the mundane nature of the DigiDestined. Some Attributes that might be appropriate are: Animal Friendship (including "wild" Digimon that lack human-like intelligence), Armour, Art of Distraction, Aura of Command, Computer Scanning, Damn Healthy!, Divine Relationship, Enhanced [Ability], Heightened Awareness, Heightened Senses, Highly Skilled, Mechanical Genius, Mind Shield, Personal Gear, Sixth Sense, and Unique Attribute. As the game progresses, DigiDestined might receive (at no Character Point cost) an Item of Power (like a Digivice or Crest). They might also be able to acquire Train a Cute Monster or other DigiWorld-specific Attributes as they level up. Though some classes grant the Flunkies attribute, this should be used with caution-- either their Flunkies can help only in the real world, or they're low-level Digimon who are generally not very knowledgeable or hepful.

Skills should mostly be freely available, but it's a good idea to limit combat-related skills.

DigiDestined begin with two Feats, since they're Human. One feat must be spent on DigiDestined, as below. The other should reflect something unique about their character. Most of the listed feats are inappropriate for DigiDestined, so the GM and player should either create a custom feat or select an appropriate one from d20 Modern or D&D.

Benefit: DigiDestined characters are fated to have great adventures in the Digital World. They have a Digimon for a partner who will always help them in their journey. They gain a Digivice, 1 Fate Point, and the ability to gain more.

Most listed Defects might be appropriate for a DigiDestined, but the GM should use their discretion. Background Points should work as normal.

DigiDestined receive Fate Points per the rules on page 146, with several changes. Fate Points can be spent to give the listed benefit to either the DigiDestined or their partner Digimon. Fate Points can also be used to cause their partner to Digivolve to a new form (see below). DigiDestined start with 1 Fate Point, and should gain new ones at the GM's discretion-- this is the main way that the GM can control how rapidly partner Digimon can Digivolve. Only DigiDestined can ever gain Fate points.

DigiDestined should level up slowly, and should probably never advance past 5th level.

Part 2: Digimon Partners

The relationship between the DigiDestined and their partner Digimon is the core of the show, and the Digimon are as much the protagonists as their human counterparts. Instead of treating the Digimon as NPCs, each player should play one DigiDestined and the partner Digimon of another.

Digimon typically have six distinct forms (Fresh, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega) that they can Digivolve back and forth among. As a campaign progresses, they are able to access more and more powerful forms. It's not necessary to have all of these forms built before the game begins, though each player should stay one level ahead-- if a Digimon typically Digivolves to Champion in a heated battle, its Ultimate form should be ready to go if needed. The details (or even the identity) of a Digimon's next form should be kept secret from the player of its Digidestined Partner-- it's more fun that way.

How to Build a Digimon

Each Digimon starts off as a tiny baby, distinguished from its fellows mostly by color. As they grow, they become more and more distinct in appearance, personality, and abilities. Players should work with the GM and each other to ensure that the Digidestined and their partners form a well-balanced team.

Digimon can be members of an existing species (http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Digimon_species) or entirely new creations. GMs are encouraged to make individual NPC Digimon more powerful than a single Partner Digimon of the same level, to encourage teamwork and make Champion-level opponents (for example) challenging even after the whole team can Digivolve to Champion at will. (see How Digivolution Works, below)

Decide on a name, Alignment (Virus, Vaccine, or Data), and Digivolution level.
Pick a type of Hit Dice.
Buy Ability Scores (noting changes for size)
Buy Attributes and Defects
Choose Skills
Calculate Values (AC, HP)

Name and Alignment

If you're selecting a Digimon that is established from a game or show, try to stick relatively close to its abilities as depicted. Each Digimon is different, though-- one Tentomon might have an up-close sting attack and a penchant for detective work. Another might be a detached, nerdy sort that attacks from afar.

Whether you're using an existing Digimon or an original one, Digivolution paths are not fixed. A given Agumon might Digivolve into Greymon, or it might Digivolve into Tyrannomon, or into an original Digimon.

Alignment determines what side of the struggle for the Digiworld a Digimon falls on. Vaccine Digimon, though not always good, represent the strength and unity of the Digiworld. Data Digimon are neutral, tied more closely to the Digiworld as a whole. Virus Digimon seek their own gain, through destruction and terror if necessary, though they are not always villains.

Digimon may select the following options for their Special Attacks at no cost:

Virus Buster: This attack deals 1 extra damage per die when used against Virus Digimon and 1 fewer damage per die (to a minimum of 1 per die) when used against Vaccine Digimon.

Vile Attack: This attack deals 1 extra damage per die when used against Vaccine Digimon.

Digivolution Levels

Fresh, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega:
Fresh Digimon (http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fresh_Digimon) are tiny, helpless creatures. They have 2 HP, no skills, no feats, and one Special Attack that is at best distracting and irritating. Their size category is Tiny, though they receive no mechanical drawback or benefit from this. All of their Ability scores all range from 1-3 at the player's discretion, and they are incapable of intelligible speech. They cannot engage in combat save for one irritating bubble attack. Their move speed is 5 feet.

In-Training Digimon are built with 15 Character Points and have 1 Hit Die. They are always Tiny (per the Size table on page 97 (http://i.imgur.com/qhrA4.png), including ability score changes), and they do not need to spend any Points to be of Tiny size. Their move speed is 10 feet.

Rookie Digimon are built with 30 Character Points and have 2 Hit Dice. They are always Small (per the Size table on page 97 (http://i.imgur.com/qhrA4.png)), including Ability Score changes), and they do not need to spend any Points to be of Small size. Their move speed is 20 feet. Adaptation: If you want Rookie Digimon to be more capable without Digivolving, they might instead be built with 40 Character Points. In this case, Fate Points should be given out less frequently, and Champion forms might be correspondingly more powerful.

Champion Digimon are built with 60 Character Points and have 8 Hit Dice. They can be of any size, but they must spend Character Points to be any size but Medium. Their base move speed is 30ft, modified per the Size table on page 97 (http://i.imgur.com/qhrA4.png). For example, a Medium Champion Digimon's move speed would be 90ft, and a Large one would be 120ft.

Ultimate Digimon are built with 120 Character Points and have 16 Hit Dice. They can be of any size, but they must spend Character Points to be any size but Medium. Their base move speed is 60ft, modified by the table.

Mega Digimon are built with 240 Character Points and have 32 Hit Dice. They can be of any size, but they must spend Character Points to be any size but Medium. Their base move speed is 120ft, modified by the table.
The GM may also allow different forms than those listed here, such as the Armor Digivolution featured in Digimon Adventure 02. In these cases, new specifications should be created-- for example, an Armor Digivolved Digimon might be equivalent in power to a Champion plus a free Armour Attribute.

Hit Dice

There are several different types of Hit Dice that a Digimon may possess. Each Digimon may have only one type, but that type be different for each Digivolution. The creator of the Digimon should determine which save or saves receive the good progression, as indicated.

Type 1: d10 Hit Die, full BaB, 1 good save, 2+Int skill points per die (x4 at 1st)
Type 2: d8 Hit Die, 3/4 BaB, 2 good saves, 4+Int skill points per die (x4 at 1st)
Type 3: d6 Hit Die, 1/2 BaB, 2 good saves, 8+Int skill points per die (x4 at 1st)

Digimon receive feats (but not ability score increases) for their Hit Die per Table 5-3 Level-Dependent Benefits. (1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.)

Attributes and Drawbacks

Almost all Attributes and Drawbacks are appropriate for a Digimon, though some things (like Own a Big Mecha) should obviously be excluded. Digimon do not need to buy Alternate Form in order to Digivolve. All Digimon should have at least one Special Attack, other combat ability, or Dynamic Sorcery, though the latter should be used with discretion. The GM should ensure that all Digimon are roughly balanced against their peers.


Skills should be selected carefully. BESM d20 has a big skill list, and not all are appropriate for Digimon. (Non-Digiworld-related Knowledge and Forgery being examples, though an exceptional Digimon is, well, an exception.) Most skills are perfectly fine, even things like Gun Combat and Heavy Weapons-- a Digimon's fighting style might be based around an Item of Power that they gain when they Digivolve instead of Special Attacks.

A Digimon (or any character) can't have more ranks in a skill than their total number of Hit Dice plus 3. Skills in BESM d20 include combat ability-- a Digimon with powerful special attacks should take ranks in Special Ranged Attack, and a Digimon that fights up-close and personal should take ranks in Melee Attack and Melee Defense.

Calculating Values

A Digimon's Armour Class, which is rolled in opposition to any incoming attacks, is equal to its Dexterity Bonus plus 1 point of Armor Bonus for every two hit die (rounded down) plus any other appropriate modifiers.

A Digimon does not roll for HP, receiving the maximum amount per die plus their Constitution modifier, if any.

Note down their save bonuses, and list their combat options.

How Digivolution Works

Fresh, In-Training, and Rookie

Digimon hatch from their Digi-Eggs after a period of time determined by the GM. Their Fresh forms Digivolve to In-Training, and then from In-Training to Rookie, after they have had a substantial meal and have gained some life experience. Even non-partner "wild" Digimon can Digivolve through these forms within a matter of days or weeks, and an In-Training Digimon of any sort will often Digivolve to Rookie in a time of need. A Digidestined can spend a Fate point to trigger a Digivolution from Fresh or In-Training directly to Rookie, but this is usually not necessary.


For a Rookie Digimon to Digivolve to Champion for the first time, the Digimon must be well-fed and one of several other things must occur:

A wild Digimon might Digivolve spontaneously after a number of months or years of life. These Digivolutions are often permanent, at least until the Digimon is defeated in battle or otherwise seriously hurt.

A DigiDestined armed with a Digivice can spend two Fate Points to trigger an immediate Digivolution to Champion in their partner. This Digivolution lasts until the end of the scene or until the Digimon is defeated in battle or otherwise seriously hurt. (See De-Digivolving, below.)

After the first time a partner Digimon Digivolves to Champion, it only requires one Fate Point to trigger a Digivolution. After the second time, it no longer requires any Fate Points at all, though the DigiDestined can spend a Fate Point to trigger a Digivolution without a Digivice, directly from In-Training, if the Digimon is not well-fed, or in other adverse conditions.

A Digidestined or their partner Digimon can "force" a Digivolution even if they do not spend any Fate Points. In this case, there is a 50% chance that the Digivolution will go terribly wrong, and the new Champion form will be uncontrollably evil, malicious, and wantonly destructive.


To Digivolve from Champion to Ultimate, more conditions must be met. The DigiDestined must have completed a quest to retrieve an item or items from within the Digiworld that enable to Digivolution (like the Tags and Crests from Adventure 01). They must spend two Fate Points to trigger the first Digivolution to Ultimate, and one Fate point each time thereafter, no matter how many times they have done it before.

Like before, a Digivolution can be "forced," leading to the same 50% risk of the Digivolution going wrong. If the Digidestined has not retrieved the necessary item(s), they can still force a Digivolution, but it requires spending a Fate Point and leads to the same risk.

Wild Digimon can also reach Ultimate level, but it is very rare and should be reserved for key enemies and allies.


The GM should set special requirements for Digivolving to this level, and require the spending of at least two Fate Points each time, though these Fate Points might not necessarily have to come from the same DigiDestined. (For example, WarGraymon and WereGarurumon's first Digivolution might have been triggered by the spending of a Fate Point by both their DigiDestined and TK and Kari.) Mega forms are truly exceptional in power and should not be used lightly.

Other Forms

There may be other forms or levels that a partner Digimon can Digivolve to. These special cases might require specific items (like the Digi-eggs in Adventure 02) or a special Digivolution process (like DNA or Warp Digivolving).


After a battle scene is over, partner Digimon usually return to their Rookie forms. They might also be forced back into their Rookie form by spending a number of rounds equal to their Constitution score in their most powerful available form. If a Digimon can Digivolve to Ultimate, for example, there is no time limit on their Champion form.

If a Champion or higher level Digimon is reduced to 10% of their hit points or fewer, they may immediately revert to their Rookie form with 10% of their normal Rookie hit points. They may choose to continue to fight in their Digivolved form, but if they are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, they revert to their In-Training form with 1 hit point. A Digimon may, in exceptional circumstances, continue to fight even after they have 0 or fewer hit points. However, if they do this, they always revert to their In-Training form afterwards, and if they are reduced to an amount of hit points equal to 0 minus 1/2 of their their Constitution score, they revert to a Digi-Egg.

Part 3: The DigiWorld

4th number
2013-01-03, 06:54 AM
Appendix A: Digimon

Partner Digimon are built per the Digimon Partners section, above. NPC Digimon are built in the same way, but they may be more or less powerful, at the DM's discretion.

Anyone who wants to build a Digimon should feel free. I'll post it here with proper attribution.


Digimon Name
Alignment: Vaccine/Data/Virus
Digivolution Level: Level (X Hit Die, Type 1/2/3, good X save(s))
Ability Scores: Str XX; Dex XX; Con XX; Int XX; Wis XX; Cha XX [XX total, -(XX/2) Character Points]
Attribute XX ranks (Specifics) -XX Character Points

Defects: Defect XX ranks (Specifics) [+XX Character Points]
Skills: XX ranks skill 1, XX ranks skill 2
Feats: By number of HD, as D&D 3.5
Armour Class: XX Breakdown of bonuses
Hit Points: Max HP + Con
Combat: [LIST]
Attack method +XX (Breakdown of bonuses), XdX damage
Notes: Move speed XXft. Ability scores include adjustment for XX size (+XX Str, +XX Dex, +XX Con).

Alignment: Vaccine
Digivolution level: Fresh (0 Hit Die)
Ability Scores: Str 2; Dex 2; Con 2; Int 3; Wis 1; Cha 3
Special Attack: Acid Bubbles (No damage, Low Penetration, Irritant [Fort DC 10 or -2 on all rolls for 1 round)

Defects: n/a
Skills: n/a
Armour Class: -2 (-4 Dex)
Hit Points: 2
Saves: Fort -4, Ref -4, Will -5
Combat: Acid Bubbles -5, 0 damage
Notes: Move speed 5ft. Fresh Digimon can't talk or attack normally.

Alignment: Vaccine
Digivolution level: In-Training (1 Hit Die, Type 1, good Fort save)
Ability Scores: Str 4; Dex 2; Con 4; Int 6; Wis 8; Cha 6 [36 total, -18 Character Points]
Special Attack: Bubble Blow (1d8 damage, Accurate +4, Unique Disability: Only works on Rookie Digimon or below) [-4 Character Points]

Defects: Inept Defense 2 ranks (-2 AC) [+4 Character Points], Physical Impairment 3 ranks (no arms) [+3 Character Points]
Skills: 2 ranks Special Ranged Attack, 2 ranks Melee Defense
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Armour Class: -4 (-4 Dex, -2 Inept Defense, +2 Tiny) (+2 in Melee)
Hit Points: 7
Saves: Fort -1, Ref -4, Will -1
Combat: Bubble Blow +6 (+1 BaB, -4 Dex, +2 Tiny, +2 Special Ranged Attack skill, +4 Accurate, +1 Point Blank Shot (w/in 30 ft)), 1d8 damage (+1 w/in 30ft)
Notes: Move speed 10ft. Ability scores include adjustment for Tiny size (-8 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con).

Alignment: Vaccine
Digivolution Level: Rookie (2 Hit Die, Type 1, good Reflex save)
Ability Scores: Str 12; Dex 4; Con 8; Int 8; Wis 12; Cha 6 [54 total, -27 Character Points]
Natural Weapons (Claws +1d4 Unarmed Damage) [-1 Character Point]
Special Attack: Pepper Breath (2d8 damage, Accurate +4, Low Penetration, Short Range) [-4 Character Points]

Defects: Inept Defense 1 rank (-1 AC) [+2 Character Points]
Skills: 2 ranks Unarmed Attack, 2 ranks Special Ranged Attack, 1 rank Survival
Feats: Weapon Focus (Claws)
Armour Class: -2 (-3 Dex, +1 for 2HD, +1 Small, -1 Inept Defense)
Hit Points: 18
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +1
Pepper Breath +6 (+2 BaB, -3 Dex, +1 Small, +2 Special Ranged Attack skill, +4 Accurate), 2d8 damage
Claws +7 (+2 BaB, +1 Str, +1 Small, +2 Unarmed Attack skill, +1 Weapon Focus), 1d4+1 damage
Notes: Move speed 20ft. Ability scores include adjustment for Small size (-4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con).

4th number
2013-01-03, 06:55 AM
[one more, in case I wind up statting out a bunch of Digimon and need the space]

2013-01-03, 01:22 PM
In general, I'll be looking to the first two TV series for inspiration.

Please do your best to stick to this. I dont remember much about the later seasons, but I do recall the lack of continuity with the rest of the series.

That aside, I hope that you see this project through to completion, should be interesting at the very least.

One question though. what is "BESM d20 (Revised)"? It's not something that I'm familiar with. Explaining that should help a bit.

4th number
2013-01-03, 02:55 PM
Please do your best to stick to this. I dont remember much about the later seasons, but I do recall the lack of continuity with the rest of the series.

That aside, I hope that you see this project through to completion, should be interesting at the very least.

One question though. what is "BESM d20 (Revised)"? It's not something that I'm familiar with. Explaining that should help a bit.

I watched a bit of the third series that aired on US TV, and it was okay, but it was a whole new continuity. Not bad, I'd say, but I didn't watch more than a few episodes. There were some cool ideas, but nothing so cool that I'd feel obligated to include it. :smallbiggrin:

BESM (now in 3rd edition) is the flagship game that uses the Tri-Stat system. It stands for "Big Eyes, Small Mouth" and it's used for a wide range of anime-based RP.

BESM d20 is those rules bolted on to D&D 3.0/d20 Modern, and the Revised edition updated the book to be 3.5-compatible. It's widely considered to be fun but potentially very broken, and it's really intended for doing stuff like this-- using a carefully controlled subset of the rules to play a specific style of game.

4th number
2013-01-03, 08:59 PM
Started work on Digimon building. To get better benchmarks for Character Points and levels, I'm going to stat out Agumon, Greymon, and MetalGreymon and see how many points it costs to get them more or less right. If anyone else wants to give it a try, (I linked the SRD up at the top), please do.

2013-01-03, 10:31 PM
I watched a bit of the third series that aired on US TV, and it was okay, but it was a whole new continuity. Not bad, I'd say, but I didn't watch more than a few episodes. There were some cool ideas, but nothing so cool that I'd feel obligated to include it.

That's a real shame; the third series has a pretty damn interesting interpretation of the Digital World.

2013-01-03, 10:35 PM
That's a real shame; the third series has a pretty damn interesting interpretation of the Digital World.

I agree. Tamers was best. :smallfrown:

2013-01-03, 10:50 PM
Yeah, please continue with this! I wrote up a Pokemon d20 a while back.

I'm interested in how you'll tackle de-digivolving (devolving I didn't have to deal with in my writeup, lol) as well as all of the branching digivolutions.

Unfortunately I have never played any of the video games, but those could help to draw inspiration from.

4th number
2013-01-04, 09:25 AM
That's a real shame; the third series has a pretty damn interesting interpretation of the Digital World.

I'm going to write the fluff based on the less-specific origins of the Adventure 01/02 DigiWorld, but the only thing you'd need to change for the Tamers universe is backstory plus a mechanic for the card thing. More of the action would take place in the real world, but you could certainly use the same rules.

Maybe I'll do a series of appendices on different options for fluff. My first thought (were I GMing a game) would be to create basically new Digiworld fluff and send the players through a quest similar to the Adventure 01 storyline, but that's not the only option, obviously.

2013-01-04, 02:11 PM
Very interested in this, and I might like a spin of statting something, but I'm getting a 404 on the SRD you've linked. The company that made the game has also collapsed, so it's taking a little bit to find the rules.

2013-01-04, 02:11 PM
I'm going to write the fluff based on the less-specific origins of the Adventure 01/02 DigiWorld, but the only thing you'd need to change for the Tamers universe is backstory plus a mechanic for the card thing. More of the action would take place in the real world, but you could certainly use the same rules.

Maybe I'll do a series of appendices on different options for fluff. My first thought (were I GMing a game) would be to create basically new Digiworld fluff and send the players through a quest similar to the Adventure 01 storyline, but that's not the only option, obviously.

Go ahead. Know that I will refrain from commenting on the process only to shamelessly filch the resulting system for the sole purpose of using it for Power Rangers Frontier games. :smallamused:

Rogue Shadows
2013-01-04, 02:25 PM
You're not doing Digimon Tamers (season 3)? Unfortunate; it's my favorite season and, I feel, the best plotted and executed. Certainly it was the most mature.

Then again, Frontier straight-up killed a kid. I forget how it ended, but...I don't think he got better.

Anyway, yes, Tamers does take place in a different continuity...sort of. Ryuu exists in both the Adventure/Zero Two and Tamers continuities as the same Ryuu, after all.

4th number
2013-01-04, 02:33 PM
Very interested in this, and I might like a spin of statting something, but I'm getting a 404 on the SRD you've linked. The company that made the game has also collapsed, so it's taking a little bit to find the rules.

Edited the first post to include a version of the SRD that actually works.

2013-01-04, 02:37 PM
Edited the first post to include a version of the SRD that actually works.

Thank you kindly.

2013-01-04, 02:52 PM
You're not doing Digimon Tamers (season 3)? Unfortunate; it's my favorite season and, I feel, the best plotted and executed. Certainly it was the most mature.

Then again, Frontier straight-up killed a kid. I forget how it ended, but...I don't think he got better.

Anyway, yes, Tamers does take place in a different continuity...sort of. Ryuu exists in both the Adventure/Zero Two and Tamers continuities as the same Ryuu, after all.

He did, in fact, get better. :smallsmile:

Also, Ryou, not Ryuu (trust me, I made this mistake before). :smalleek:

On a more constructive note, it's probably not a good idea to describe Mega level as "write down whatever seems cool," simply because so many endgame-types are at that level. Super Ultimate yes, Mega no.

Tanuki Tales
2013-01-04, 03:02 PM
Anyway, yes, Tamers does take place in a different continuity...sort of. Ryuu exists in both the Adventure/Zero Two and Tamers continuities as the same Ryuu, after all.

And this is because of Millenniumon's varying plans and shenanigans. Being an entity that starts off as Transtemporal and ends up being Multiversal in scope tends to do that.

So you can think of all the varying Digimon continuities as existing in the same bubble, but they don't usually crossover.

2013-01-04, 03:31 PM
I'll second the idea that Mega-levels should probably still have real stats. Maybe they could be delayed until you've gotten the body of the system done (which would help in making sure they fit into the rest of the rules), but I agree that there are still usable things at that level.

4th number
2013-01-04, 03:39 PM
Yeah, Mega is just gonna come last, I don't really intend to leave it that fuzzy.

And look! There's a 30-point Agumon in the second post!

EDIT: I feel good about giving Rookies 2HD. In-Training can get 1. Champions should maybe get... 8? 10?

2013-01-04, 03:50 PM
...Wow, Tai and Masaru were challenge gamers, weren't they. :smallamused:

4th number
2013-01-04, 04:33 PM
...Wow, Tai and Masaru were challenge gamers, weren't they. :smallamused:

Don't worry, Greymon's gonna be a beast.

Do you think that's a decent job of representing Agumon (Tai's Agumon, anyway)? I'm thinking of taking a Defect to get him a Bite attack he can use to clamp onto enemies, but other than that, there's not really a lot to him capability-wise that's not covered there.

And anyway, if Tai and Masaru* were playing this, someone else would be playing their Agumon. :smallbiggrin:

*yay for the Digimon Wiki

2013-01-04, 04:39 PM
Fair enough, anyway. Once they got to evolving to Adult/Champion, Agumon was pretty much "travel mode" for Greymon. Starting with Tamers partner Digimon could actually put up a respectable fight in Child/Rookie form. :smallamused:

2013-01-04, 05:34 PM
I'm going to write the fluff based on the less-specific origins of the Adventure 01/02 DigiWorld, but the only thing you'd need to change for the Tamers universe is backstory plus a mechanic for the card thing. More of the action would take place in the real world, but you could certainly use the same rules.

Well, that and stat out DigiGnomes, the D-Reaper and the like, but you're right.

I wasn't really griping though, I of course fully approve basing this primarily on the first Digimon universe. Digimon and whatnot can be ported into any series very easily.

4th number
2013-01-04, 06:39 PM
Fair enough, anyway. Once they got to evolving to Adult/Champion, Agumon was pretty much "travel mode" for Greymon.
That's definitely something that I want to represent in the Digivolving rules. After a certain point (maybe based on Digidestined level, plus having hit Champion 3 times before), I want Champion to be easy. The FIRST time, I wanna make the Digidestined spend a Fate Point.

Starting with Tamers partner Digimon could actually put up a respectable fight in Child/Rookie form. :smallamused:
I'll take your word for it and put it in Appendix B: Setting Adaptations.

4th number
2013-01-25, 02:44 AM
Added a note to the Digidestined section about Fate Points.

Added Digivolution rules! It's all Fate Points, pretty much. The GM should be giving them out pretty regularly, and they can use them to keep a very effective lid on player power.

Of course, you can always berate your Digimon into Digivolving, but sometimes that, uh, doesn't work out. coughSkullGreymon

4th number
2013-01-27, 02:29 AM

Work out Digimon Hit Dice.

More rigorous stats for all levels of Digimon.

Stats for Agumon and Garurumon through Mega forms.

Sample adventure.

[Wow, that's not too bad.]

2013-01-27, 03:16 AM
Instead of statting out specific digimon, it might be better to just evaluate and 'price' traits, and just have Digimon be built at char-gen? Digimon fans would probably be able to figure out what digimon have which traits, and it'd allow for more variety.

4th number
2013-01-27, 03:29 AM
Instead of statting out specific digimon, it might be better to just evaluate and 'price' traits, and just have Digimon be built at char-gen? Digimon fans would probably be able to figure out what digimon have which traits, and it'd allow for more variety.

That's the plan, I just want to have two examples at each level.

2013-01-27, 03:52 AM
Instead of statting out specific digimon, it might be better to just evaluate and 'price' traits, and just have Digimon be built at char-gen? Digimon fans would probably be able to figure out what digimon have which traits, and it'd allow for more variety.

Expanding on this, I'd like to see more Digimon World-esque "once you evolve, you stay evolved barring exigent circumstances." But as far as that goes, I can always wait til this is done and hammer that in myself if necessary. :smallbiggrin:

4th number
2013-01-27, 04:12 AM
Expanding on this, I'd like to see more Digimon World-esque "once you evolve, you stay evolved barring exigent circumstances." But as far as that goes, I can always wait til this is done and hammer that in myself if necessary. :smallbiggrin:

You could just disregard any bits about de-Digivolving and leave it at that, I think.

4th number
2013-01-27, 05:50 AM
Instead of statting out specific digimon, it might be better to just evaluate and 'price' traits, and just have Digimon be built at char-gen? Digimon fans would probably be able to figure out what digimon have which traits, and it'd allow for more variety.

Oh, and that's the best bit about BESM d20: all of the Attributes are priced in Character Points already, and most of them are Digimon-ready.

By the way, welcome to Digimon d20 Alpha 1. I'll be getting a game together soon.

2013-01-27, 02:46 PM
You could just disregard any bits about de-Digivolving and leave it at that, I think.

It's true, hence "if necessary." You may have noticed I've not been tending to force my own views of how things should work in favor of just focusing on glaring problems. :smalltongue:

And... ohboy. Cannot show interest, as my interest kills PbP games. :smallfrown:

2013-01-27, 04:31 PM
I'm willing to help playtest this, though I've never tabletopped PbP before.

2013-01-27, 05:29 PM
Likewise. This Mod certainly seems leagues above most other attempts I've seen. Though I'll have to wait 'till I've had the chance to toy with this before I can give a proper critique.

2013-02-01, 03:05 PM
I haven't offered to help playtest because I've not done much PbP and have never played BESM d20, but I'll be willing if volunteers are as thin on the ground as they seem to be.

War Planets
2013-05-16, 08:05 PM
I love Digimon and I went through every single homebrew page on this site to find this thing. So far it is the only Digimon Tabletop RPG even worth mentioning. Everything else has been given up on or died years ago. Please do not let this die with them.
I do not do play-by-post, but I will do some number crunching for different things and see if my group could theoretically be interested in a mini campaign based on your system.
If this thread is not dead by the time I figure things out, I will give you my total support and assistance.

2013-07-04, 01:06 AM
ok jus to touch base wat series of digimon are u guys doing so i cn get ready bc i am very interested in this

2013-08-06, 03:12 PM
Well, this is interesting. And here I was considering building up my own system myself, turns out the last post is just a month ago, though the thread itself seems rather, well, dead. Let's see if we can't fix that, shall we?

The material you've written down right now is mostly based on Digimon Adventure and 02, which I don't blame you for, seeing as you outright said that you haven't watched the other series (they're technically not seasons, either, and mostly separate continuities). I've watched all but Xros Wars: Young Hunters (which was kinda even more cruddy than Frontier, which is a shame), and my own ideas for the classes were based more around how each separate Digimon series is defined:

Classic "Digidestined" (Digimon Adventure): Mostly as you've already described. Uses a 'standard' Digivice.
D3 Digidestined (Adventure 02): Based around Armor Digi-Eggs/Digimentals, and fusing mons. Uses the D3 Digivice.
"D-ARK" Tamers (Digimon Tamers): These aren't 'Digidestined', but have their own abilities, such as using Digimon cards, as well as the 'Bio-Merge' ability to fuse with one's Digimon partner to reach Mega level. Uses the D-ARK Digivice.
Legendary Warriors (Digimon Frontier): Humans capable of using "Spirits" to transform into unique Digimon, and can 'scan' the code of defeated Digimon. Use the D-Scanner Digivice.
Digisoul Tamers (Digimon Savers): Uses a special type of energy called 'Digisoul' (power fueled by the heart and emotions, ala Getter Rays and Spiral Power) to evolve their Digimon and, notably, to fight on equal footing with Digimon, as demonstrated in-series with Masaru and his father. Has access to an 'evolution stage' even greater than Mega, 'Burst Mode', but the path to actually reaching that stage is extremely dangerous. Uses the Digivice iC initially, which upgrades to the Digivice Burst upon reaching Mega level.
Xros Generals (Xros Wars): Lacks access to 'standard' evolution. Instead, these Xros Generals have multiple Digimon that they merge in a variety of ways. While they do have multiple Digimon, they can have a 'main partner' that can use a special evolution. Uses the Xros Loader.

That being said, I imagine they could fit in as 'Tamer Classes' that define how they operate in relation to their Digimon partners, while they also have a more 'standard' set of classes alongside that. But those are mainly just ideas at the moment.

2013-08-06, 08:10 PM
Yea I'd definitely be interested in play testing this if you're still looking for people.