View Full Version : Nine at Noon IC : Chapter 1

2013-01-03, 02:10 PM
The rooms are being prepared.

2013-01-03, 03:50 PM
Hale Akula

The young elf felt uncomfortable without a book in hand, large social settings made him nervous and self conscious.

Deciding to be brave he taps the nearest person and introduces himself, "Hello, I am Hale."

2013-01-03, 04:55 PM
The three foot tall blue goblin with grotesquely oversized ears watched the elf introduce himself to another of similar height and tried to build up the courage to do the same. It was quite a strange environment with so many tallfolk around. "Ragnok the Wanderer," he said in a sheepish voice to no one in particular.

2013-01-03, 09:48 PM
From behind the goblin Argle cries out "Oh mi god! A giant talkin' blue rat!" He drops on all four, smiles and says "The name's Argle Tomik! Or Tomik Argle. Or Arrrr!gle, you burnt the house to the ground again!..." He stares off into the distance after this

2013-01-03, 10:29 PM
Hale Akula

"He's not a blue rat," admonishes the elf, "He is a blue goblin, I read about your kind... about your people in school. So Ragnok, what made you a wanderer?"

2013-01-03, 11:31 PM
OOC: There are two possibilities here. Either all this is going to get retconned out of existence when Storycrafter makes his real opening post, in which case I'll have wasted no more than a few minutes typing this up, or it won't, in which case this is valuable roleplaying. Win-win.

Vesper Candeo

"But calling him a goblin would be like calling you a human, Hale," says Vesper, a self-assured look on her face. She makes sure to use the red-clad elf's name, mostly so she will remember it. If only I had my journal, she thinks. I could write it down, and all the others, and organize them by what they can do and who they represent... Huey ruffles his feathers and wriggles under the flap of her pack to get her what she needs. "The two tribes are compatible, but that does not make them one. Isn't that right, Ragnok?"

Huey emerges with an inkwell, a quill, and a loose and slightly crumpled piece of parchment clenched in his talons and beak. Vesper thanks him with a pat on the head and takes the parchment and quill. He holds the inkwell steady while she unstoppers it and balances the quill point-first in the ink. She holds the parchment taut, and picks up the quill with her mind to write. "Hale...Ragnok...Tomik..." she mumbles, the quill forming the names on the parchment. "...Vesper!" she says, letting one edge of the parchment go and catching the quill with her newly-free hand.

"That's me," she explains. "It comes from the old Azlanti word for Castrovel, the evening star, but can also mean the time of day. It's my mom's name. I hope you don't mind," she says, brandishing the list. "The Taldans probably have a much more complete list and I could ask them for a peek, but I think it's best to do things yourself. Don't you?" Huey hoots, and Vesper takes the inkwell from him so he can perch back on her shoulder.

2013-01-04, 07:36 AM
Now garnering all of the attention he feels like he normally does, outnumbered. "Well, yes, no...erm..A Blue is a goblin, same as an Elf is a Human. Or something like that," He seems to gain a slight bit of confidence with the others not trying to slay him on sight.

2013-01-04, 10:56 AM
Hale Akula

"Well, unless you have a better taxalogical moniker for his race, I believe the common name of Blue Goblin will fit." He looks at Ragnok and asks, "Is there another name your people go by?"

2013-01-04, 12:18 PM
"No, Blue, that's it," Ragnok replies plainly.

2013-01-04, 02:34 PM
"Right, drop the 'goblin' and we'll all be happy," says Vesper, sounding satisfied. She smiles at a sudden thought. "I hope the Taldans have been listening," she says. "Otherwise we'll have to go through it again."

2013-01-06, 11:29 PM
Hale Akula

"Umm... There is just one thing. There are spells that target goblins only, those will affect Blues. However, spells targeting elves will not affect humans. Therefore Blues are not to Goblins as Humans to Elves."

2013-01-07, 12:55 AM
Vesper Candeo

"Name one," scoffs Vesper. Huey ruffles his feathers and opens his beak, but Vesper soothes him before he screeches. "There's no such thing as a spell that only affects one people," she says patiently, in the same tone Farasi would use when she was a little slower understanding something than usual. "Spells that have no effect on some peoples, those exist. I couldn't make you sleep if I tried. But what you're suggesting is totally different.

"And sure, maybe my analogy's not perfect," Vesper admits, shrugging her shoulders. Huey shifts his weight and digs his claws into her thick wool cape to keep from falling off. "But the point is that Ragnok shouldn't be called a goblin. 'Blue' is the correct nomenclature and what he prefers."


I know what you're trying to say. Blues, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, etc., are all humanoids with the (goblinoid) subtype. Humans and elves, both humanoids, have different subtypes.

Race, however, is even more specific than subtype. Goblin subraces include monkey goblins and arctic goblins, but not blues; blues are their own race. Vesper doesn't know the Bestiary though, so she can't talk about types, subtypes, races, and subraces.

2013-01-07, 01:05 AM
Hale Akula

"Well, crafting wasn't my specialty in school but I know you can make a weapon particularly dangerous to orcs and their kin, goblins and their kin, but if you made one to hurt elves it wouldn't necessarily be more lethal to humans. So some how magic must know there is a difference between humans and elf... you know this could be a great thesis. It might be that the practitioners originally didn't care to differentiate between goblins and near goblins but the difference in human and elf was important to them that that prejudice carried over to today. I mean Vespar, you could be right, now that I think about... However... I've never heard of a half Blue..." It is obvious that her point is missed by the elf as he meanders through his own thoughts.

2013-01-07, 01:33 AM
Vesper Candeo

"It's an interesting thought," says Vesper. "But it can't be that simple. Magic is something we study and practice, but it's also all around us, and knows things of its own. If it only knew what magicians told it, it wouldn't be magic." She clears her throat, intent upon this train of thought.

"Humans and halflings began on Golarion's surface, but my books say dwarves and orcs began underground, elves began on Castrovel, gnomes began outside the world entirely..." she says, rattling off the list like she had memorized it - which is exactly what she'd done. "...and goblinkin were created by servants of Asmodeus," she finishes, with a little more difficulty. Huey sticks his neck out for the inkwell, but Vesper is satisfied and doesn't need to write it down.

"I never studied weapon-forging either," she says, more for completeness' sake than because she believes Hale's really listening. She knows she wouldn't be. "But maybe binding a spell sensitive to origins, like a summoning, into a blade would make it sensitive to certain kins. Summons don't target kins normally," she says, still insisting that there were no spells that did, "but binding the magic in metal would keep it from doing what it normally does, and it would have to manifest somehow."

2013-01-07, 06:21 AM
"Technically most Blues are half Blue, but Blue heritage overtakes the weaker goblin heritage. So it makes us Blue, we have no real semblance of our green parent," Ragnok seems more confident in this statement.

2013-01-07, 03:21 PM

Pushing through the crowd, he look around. Lost among all these strangers. Not that he isn't used to it, but his 'entrance' into this competition was quite unexpected. Nyx (Kirito's new companion), recently wandered off for a moment and now Kirito is lost. His long coat is not helping in this crowd. Again some one steps on his coat and...

"WAAAHHHH!! Watch out!!"

Falling on top of a small blue creature surrounded by some taller humanoids.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" He says apologetically. "Someone stepped on my coat and I fell"

OOC - Easy way for Nyx to get in is to come back now :smalltongue:

2013-01-07, 04:00 PM
"Ouch!" Ragnok has a look of extreme discomfort as he tries to pull himself from beneath the man. He stands as soon as is able and turns to face the man. "I hope that you will trim that thing so it doesn't happen again!"

2013-01-07, 04:16 PM
"I'm sorry I really am. This is all an accident. Standing up, bows apologetically,

And I can't trim my coat, I like it this way. By the way, my name's Kirito scratches the back of his head kind of embarrassed at the whole situation. Then sticks out his other hand to shake Ragnok's hand

2013-01-07, 04:25 PM

But if he did that, we would have never had the good fortune to meet! replies a melodious voice from behind the group.

Whoever turns to see the speaker finds a young man of delicate yet handsome features standing a few feet away. Dressed in a colorful green vest and complimenting brown pants, the young adventurer waves at the fallen Kirito and begins to approach the group. Though the room is fairly full of adventurers and other representatives, the crowd's movements seem to just coincide with Nyz's own, opening a clear path for the bard to walk unmolested.

Besides, the coat looks rather stylish, and we must all look the part, don't we? continues the young man with a disarming smile as he extends a hand to Kirito to help him up (and another one to Blue, if he chooses to accept it).

Nyz Trevere, at your service says the bard with an elaborate flourish. Though you might call me Lucky, a most esteemed though only recently met companion of Kirito

2013-01-07, 04:31 PM
"Ragnok, the Wanderer. Blue, as you can see," he says with a shortness as he picks up his staff.

2013-01-07, 05:02 PM
"Ragnok, the Wanderer. Blue, as you can see," he says with a shortness as he picks up his staff.

Charming minimalistic replies Nyz with another smile

May I ask who will you be representing in this friendly competition? Kirito and I have been kindly requested by the Andoran Nation to lend our modest help

It is unclear from his tone if Nyz is being humble or sarcastic about his abilities.

2013-01-07, 06:50 PM
"Blue, naturally."

2013-01-08, 02:47 AM
"Pardon me!" a tall elf dressed in long, flowing gold robes says quite loudly. With several other finely dressed elves standing behind him, he momentarily glares at the small gathering in the street.

With a small wave of his hand, he and his followers haughtily walk around the party. Without a further word, they continue walking down the street with a very princely gait, very likely down towards the more stately quarter of town.

2013-01-08, 05:58 AM
When the group is surrounded by the elves, Kirito puts a hand on his rapier, realizing they are not being a threat though he lowers his hand. Unsure of who the elves are and what's really going on. Kirito asks, "Umm... Excuse me, who are you again? And may I ask where we are going?"

2013-01-08, 10:27 AM
Hale Akula

"Technically most Blues are half Blue, but Blue heritage overtakes the weaker goblin heritage. So it makes us Blue, we have no real semblance of our green parent," Ragnok seems more confident in this statement.

"And another reason..." the introverted elf mutters to himself. Caught up in his he does not seem to notice the others until the stately elf walks by.

"Who was that?" he asks to no one in particular.

When the group is surrounded by the elves, Kirito puts a hand on his rapier, realizing they are not being a threat though he lowers his hand. Unsure of who the elves are and what's really going on. Kirito asks, "Umm... Excuse me, who are you again? And may I ask where we are going?"

"I am Hale Akula, and I assume we are here to mingle until further notice."

2013-01-08, 12:25 PM
The massive 6'6" human stands intimidating over the crowd as he stands at the entrance to the city. It is not a sight he his familiar with, nor overly fond of, and his awkwardice is amplified by as he realizes he doesn't see how he could ever fit in among these people. His dress points to him as an outsider, as men and women mill about in their fine cloth or shiny armor, he stands with dressed in his worn warrior’s armor of iron wood, and leather that shows he is a man who has been tested, not just a mere green boy. The only ceremonial garb he wears is that of the demon wolf's pelt slayed that drapes over his shoulders and trails behind him in the wind.
Grudgingly he decides to enter the city and finish this tournament quickly by dominating in every event. First he would need to find where he was to report, accommodations and food were of no worries to him for the land would always provide, as long as cities like this had not grown too greedy and taken too much from it. As he forced his way through the crowd, he noticed many began to move out of the way of the goliath man before them or skirted away in fear of what he could only assume they thought of as nothing more than an uncivilized brute. The city though was too different and he became lost; all the buildings and people looked the same with no trees, stones, or streams to guide him. Finally a group caught his attention, one he was sure he had passed before as he could not believe that even a city would tolerate such a fiend even if it was blue, so he approached them as they surely were the only people not moving about in a rush.

For your group:
A large man towering above many in the crowd, locks his eyes onto your suddenly formed group and begins to make his way towards you. You can see his long black hair and yellow piercing eyes easily with what appears to be a wolfs head atop his own. As he gets closer you make out more of his strange outfit. It is indeed a wolf head atop his own and it appears to be the rest of the pelt that makes up his cloak held on by a snarling wolf head broach. Underneath that is armor of banded wood that is well maintained but easily recognizable by the gouges that it has also been well used. His pants are of various hides sown together roughly and held up by no more than a rope belt and his boots are of worn common leather. The only alteration to the clothes as to make them not completely natural is they had been died in black and grays as to almost match the wolf’s pelt. Once near enough to be heard he speaks in a deep and booming voice that overcomes the noise of the city, "I am here to represent my clan in a tournament. Whom must I speak with, and where can I find them."

2013-01-08, 02:46 PM
At a street corner, a mound of rags suddenly shifts, sloughing off sleep and dirt. Disheveled and worn, what seems to be merely another greenskinned beggar, if one were to judge from the little patches of skin that show through the layers of ragged robes, the greenskinned pilgrim yawns and stretches.

He scratches his bald pate and casts about, then finds what seems to be an equally ratty turban. The broad, guileless, toothy face stares at it for long moments, wondering at the coins that seem to have found their way into his hat.

Pocketing the alms, lifting his hands in prayer to the sun goddess Sarenrae, he then squints through the crowd and shambles his way to that gaggle of rather interestingly outlandish people. He grates, "May de Dawnflow'r smile on de lot of ye. Iffen I mays ask, wot dah frak be all that racket?"

2013-01-08, 03:30 PM
Ragnok gives a distrustful, nearly disgusted look at the ratty addition.

2013-01-08, 04:43 PM
"Umm... Excuse me, who are you again? And may I ask where we are going?"

Don't mind them, my friend calls Nyz to his companion They seem to be in a rush and I would bet that we will be seeing such a distinguished assembly again once things have settled

Hale Akula
"I am Hale Akula, and I assume we are here to mingle until further notice."

Indeed that would seem to be the case. agrees the bard while reaching for a small bag that he was carrying behind his shoulders and retrieving a bottle of wine But I see no reason to do so with an parched throat. Anyone care for a drink? I just happened to receive this as a gift from a merchant as I was walking by. I didn't get many of the details, but he said something about becoming a father and giving out samples of his newest beverage.

The bard opens the bottle and, procuring a metal cup from another bag, pours himself a bit of wine. After drinking a sip (knowing that most people would distrust a free drink), the young man offers the bottle to anyone that might want to join him.

About this time, both the barbarian and the follower of Sarenrae join in the conversation

I am here to represent my clan in a tournament. Whom must I speak with, and where can I find them."

A most sharp question good sir, though I can only offer rather blunt answers. replies Nyz, clearly amused at his own wordplay and the odd assortment of people being gathered No one seems to have an idea. But if you would like to join us for a few moments, I am sure that the organizers will make themselves known in time

"May de Dawnflow'r smile on de lot of ye. Iffen I mays ask, wot dah frak be all that racket?"

Never one to fight against fate, Nyz merely shrugs at the ragged oracle's appeareance, gives him a smile and (pulling a second bottle) offers the half orc a drink

Thank you for your blessing, sir. May Desna protect you in your travels. As for the reason of our gathering, we are just enjoying the pleasure that can only be found in crossing roads with strangers and not departing as such

2013-01-08, 07:32 PM
Not really being a people person Kirito keeps quiet and follows along. He's trying to figure out how Nyx can so easily start talking and offering people free help. Part of all that is probably how Kirito got stuck with Nyz in the first place

2013-01-08, 10:06 PM
Vesper hands the inkwell back to Huey and adds Nyz and Kirito to her growing list. She opens her mouth to ask the elves what they called themselves, but they're gone into the crowd before she can. She almost starts after them, annoyed that her list will be incomplete, but Huey nips at her ear. "Oh, thanks for reminding me,", she says, excitedly. She puts dashes next to Nyz's and Kirito's names, and writes "Andoran". She hesitates for a moment, then puts "Hermea" next to her own name and "blue" next to Ragnok's.

"I was told before leaving Hermea that the Taldans would provide rooms for their guests," she says, as Nyz begins to pass out drinks. With a flick of her wrist, produces a cup from somewhere in her sleeve. It's a very strange-looking cup, the same pale purple as her robes, but possessed of a luster unlike any gem or precious metal. If anything it looks glazed paper, though no paper could survive a kilning. She holds out the odd piece of crockery so Nyz can pour into it.

The wine is tart and tangy, but not unpleasant. It sits lighter on Vesper's tongue than the apple and pear jacks she's used to. "The gate guards know we're here. That means eventually the people running the tournament will too. They'll find us." She drains the cup and lets it fall from her fingers. On the way to the cobblestone street it crumbles into a fine dust.

"Who's Desna, and what's a Dawnflower?" she asks, noticing the burly newcomers and getting her pen ready to write again. She was lucky new people kept arriving in twos and threes. Any more and she might fall behind in her listmaking! "Are they friends of yours? Will they be representing Andoran too?"

2013-01-09, 08:25 AM
A most sharp question good sir, though I can only offer rather blunt answers. replies Nyz, clearly amused at his own wordplay and the odd assortment of people being gathered No one seems to have an idea. But if you would like to join us for a few moments, I am sure that the organizers will make themselves known in time

Perhaps I will keep your company for a short time if anyone of you can navigate this forsaken labyrinth people seem to call a city. His tone revealing his annoyance and frustration at being unable to find his own way and not understanding cities themselves. Just know that when the tournament starts that having accompanied you for a short time does not mean I will show you any mercy in the tournament, nor will I spare you if you cross me. That aside I believe introduction are of a common practice for most. I am Rubis Lupin warrior of the Shriikiri-Quah, a member of the Shoanti tribes; many of a friend, and the very few of my enemies who have survived my encounter, also refer to me as Mad Wolf.

2013-01-09, 11:05 AM
Hale Akula

Like Vesper, the elf produces a cup but it is plane and unassuming. Pouring some liquid into it he listens to the rest going about him.

"I believe Densa is a god whose symbol is a flower or butterfly or some such... If I remember my religious studies class correctly."

"So... a... Mad Wolf, how did you get that name?"

2013-01-09, 11:44 AM
"Don't you see him," Ragnok's voice chimes up.

2013-01-09, 11:45 AM
"So... a... Mad Wolf, how did you get that name?"
It was given to me on my name day by our spirit keeper. Durring my trial of passage I was stalked and hunted by a pack of wolves. Intelligent and tactful creatures, yet savage and powerful at the same time. Alone I took down a small pack but not before I was bitten. The hide I wear is that of the alpha male, and when I returned the spirit leader saw that as I was attacked by them I had learned to think like them. So I was given the tattoo mark of the wolf, tactful, intelligent, yet savage and powerful in my attacks. As I ate of my enemy on the night I killed him I was infused with his spirit.

As he tells his story, he looks perplexed at how the glass fell without noise and left only dust, and too how the elf produced a cup from thin air. Although he knows of magic he does not understand it or know of its extend. The only magic his people ever see is that of their druids and a few sorcerers but their magic rarely is seen beyond the use of assistance of everyday labor, growing of crops, or helping another of the tribe in some way.

2013-01-09, 03:46 PM
Perhaps I will keep your company for a short time if anyone of you can navigate this forsaken labyrinth people seem to call a city. His tone revealing his annoyance and frustration at being unable to find his own way and not understanding cities themselves. Just know that when the tournament starts that having accompanied you for a short time does not mean I will show you any mercy in the tournament, nor will I spare you if you cross me. That aside I believe introduction are of a common practice for most. I am Rubis Lupin warrior of the Shriikiri-Quah, a member of the Shoanti tribes; many of a friend, and the very few of my enemies who have survived my encounter, also refer to me as Mad Wolf.

That's the spirit! Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is the mindset of a champion if I have ever seen one! replies a cheerful Nyz to the barbarian, clearly impressed by the man's resolution, though not intimidated as a sane man his size should probably be.

Nyz Trevere, though you can call me Lucky the bard introduces himself, and though he listens to Wolf's story intetntly, he does not volunteer the reason for his own nickname

Hale Akula
"I believe Densa is a god whose symbol is a flower or butterfly or some such... If I remember my religious studies class correctly."

And Dawnflower refers to the Goddess Sarenrae, though I will not be so presumptuous as to speak of her when we have one of her faithful among our now merry band... though I am afraid I did not catch his name replies Nyz while making a small bow at the ragged half-orc

As for Desna, the Great Dreamer, she is indeed as master Hale described. But she is so much more: She is the wind, she is the sky, she is the sight beyond the next hill, she is the dream that you dare not to speak about for merely realizing it exists might make it go away... the bard's voice trails of, and for just an instant, his smiling complexion is replaced for one of painful longing

As soon as realizes he was staring into empty space, the cheerful mask returns

But never mind that! This is a time for celebration, so I would like to propose a toast! To new friends!

2013-01-09, 04:14 PM
Standing next to the ever so talkful Nyz, Kirito sticks out a welcoming hand for a shake. "They call me Kirito" he says in a calm voice

2013-01-10, 12:48 AM
Vesper clicks her tongue. "So they won't be coming then?" she says, adding Rubis' name and putting "Shriikirri-Quah" next to it. She seems visibly unimpressed with Nyz' rapturous description of Desna and unthreatened by Rubis' boast. The first had seemed to her to obscure more than it illuminated, while the second had sounded rehearsed. Huey's talons dig into her shoulder, and he flaps his wing against the side of her head as though to spur her into a boast of her own.

"Shh," she says, and he obediently drops the inkwell back in her pack. There's enough ink in the pen to last a few more names. There's definitely enough for one more, she thinks, looking for a moment at the turbaned beggar.

"Don't you need spirits to toast?" she says, spreading her arms wide and smiling a secret smile. For a moment it looks like she's going to draw another glazed paper cup out of her sleeve, but none appears. She would go without spirits, and thus without toasting. No doubt Nyz at least would pick up on the signal. How could I honestly toast to friendship with these people? she thinks. Friendship is a deep and special thing, forged in fire or husbanded over many years. It hurt when you lost it, like when Contego and Kisha had fled. Like Rubis had said, they were here to compete, wouldn't be here very long, and couldn't afford to get too close. She wouldn't hurt for losing these people when she went back to Promise.

2013-01-10, 07:51 AM
Rubis takes note of those who introduce themselves in return. The group here is deffinately a strange assortment, their only common ground it would seem is that they are all outsiders like himself. He tries to take a measure of each member, hoping to get some insight on to their skills from the looks of what they carry and how they carry themselves. "I shall not partake in spirirts, there is no need to celebrate so soon; none here have won a great victory yet, in fact I am still waiting on answer of merely where I am to go." He tries to make it sound as polite as possible but he is uncomfortable and put off by how quickly a possible competitor would offer up something and speak of friendship to a stanger.

2013-01-10, 09:10 AM
"I agree, but, we could venture this get together into a bar or something to eat while we wait," Ragnok says with a toothy grin as he looks at the nearest establishment exuding delicious smells.

2013-01-10, 11:56 AM
Hale Akula

But never mind that! This is a time for celebration, so I would like to propose a toast! To new friends!

Unused to this much comradely, the elf takes a drink at the toast.

Standing next to the ever so talkful Nyz, Kirito sticks out a welcoming hand for a shake. "They call me Kirito" he says in a calm voice

Taking the offered hand, Hale shakes it and says, "Welcome, I am Hale Akula."

2013-01-12, 12:41 PM
The ragged wanderer from distant lands
Upon his stained robes wipes his stained hands
Seizes a flask---
---gestures high, low and around
"May Her blessings on you all abound
With light and cheer, fire and iron
By sacred flame, be it prayed and sworn
And then,
He bows and to Nyz does nod
"Ye be learned and seem not a sod, s'r
Lucky. Call me Baqir"
And hand on hilt, turns to the Mad Wolf, grins and bares
Dagger-like tusks, "Words be your wares
or deeds? Ser Wolf, no offense I mean you
But mayhap a testing of mettle, nei'r would us rue?"

Hallo, you fine folks. Sorreh I been... missing. GMing two gigs, one quite a massive one at that, does tend to take a bit out of a fellow.

2013-01-12, 03:56 PM
And hand on hilt, turns to the Mad Wolf, grins and bares Dagger-like tusks, "Words be your wares or deeds? Ser Wolf, no offense I mean you
But mayhap a testing of mettle, nei'r would us rue?"

With a half cocked smile and a nod towards the half-orc, "Now we speak in the language of my people and a bonding of which I can understand. If it is a challenge you speak of, I only ask to what are the terms?" as he begins to remove the wolf cloak and drops his sword to the ground. "Will it be a brothers duel of no armor and fists, or shall we merely see whom is the better warrior of their craft and battle with which we are most familiar? And to what end? Shall we fight till one collapses or gives, or may one of us part this day with an honorable death?" All of this is said with a smile, as he carries no malice towards the half-orc, and rejoices in the feeling of a coming fight. Rubis folds the cloak and places it behind him. "Know that no matter the case I will bear you no ill will, and until my dying breath, whether be it a few moments after this fight or for many years to come, I will hold you in respect."

2013-01-12, 08:34 PM
Vesper smiles fondly and giggles into her sleeve at Baqir the pauper's poetry. He and Farasi would get along famously if they ever met. They wouldn't, of course, but it was fun to imagine. Her reminiscing turns to dread, however, as soon as Baqir turns to challenge Rubis. She grimaces visibly when Rubis accepts, and reveals how far he is willing to go for the sake of the competition.

"Sirs," she says assertively, stepping forward. She's not quite between the two, but she's closer, close enough to smell the grime of the streets on Baqir's robes and the wolf musk of Rubis' discarded pelt. "Fighting in the street won't show anybody anything. The guards will break it up before anything's decided." Vesper chooses not to mention that if their challenge involves weapons she will try to break it up herself. You never knew with outsiders. They might turn on her!

"Why not just wait until the tournament begins, and enter the same contests?" she proposes, trying to sound as reasonable as possible. "The Taldans will have saved you the trouble of coming up with your own rules, they'll provide a judge and keep score, and no one will get into trouble."

2013-01-15, 10:38 PM
End of the prologue
The sun continues its crawl towards the western horizon as the assembled group holds its discourse. It is Fireday, a typical market day, and Starday follows as the usual end of the work week. The Emperor has called for a great feast to be held on the eve of the morrow, and has called for all of the representative champions and their retinue to assemble themselves in one of the great halls. A recent proclamation has gone out, declaring that the Great Tournament will open with a presentation ceremony on Moonday (Sunday being a day of rest, of course), and for the contests to begin proper on the morrow of Toilday.

This gives the contestants proper time to practice and train during Sunday and Moonday, when they are not preparing for the ceremony on Moonday at noontime or attending religious practices according to their creed.

For now, several inns situated in various districts house the majority of contestants parties. Nyz, and Kirito seem to have secured rooms at the same inn in the Westport district, a place called the "Lateen Sail". Argle, Hale, Rubis, and Vesper seem to have lodged accommodations at a slightly more upscale place called the "Port of Call" in the Grandbridge district.

As Noel and Solion have not declared their representation, they have found themselves lodged with similar such "independents" at an inn called the "Crow's Nest" in the district of Crownsgate (a rather rough and poor neighborhood).

Ragnok seems to have lucked out, as it is only be a very recent decree that goblin-folk may attend the Great Tournament, and he has found the most meager of lodgings in "The Narrows", at a rather disquieting looking place called the "Sailor's Knot".

Oppara is a Taldor's capital, and is an imperial and naval city. Previously often gilded, most houses in the city are composed of stone. Oppara is an ancient city, and while much of its former glory has gone, it still has promise to reclaim its majesty.

There is an arena in the Grandbridge district (named, of course, "Oppara Arena"). This is where many of the contests of strength and bravery will be held. Several tents and some recently constructed tournament fields have been constructed to the north, outside of the city. There are two bardic colleges in Oppara, and some contests will be held in each of those.

The contestants may continue their conversations at the evening draws on, or retire to their lodgings for some dinner and rest. Tomorrow is a big day, as there is a grand dinner to attend at the imperial palace. Around noon, the actual contests and the field of contestants will be displayed.

2013-01-15, 11:11 PM
"Anyone for a drink or two or three? I feel like a drink. Anyone?"

2013-01-15, 11:35 PM
If Nyz had been hurt by those that refused to toast with him on that very first encounter, he did not seem to show it. The bard had continued to make small talk with everyone for a while until the coordinators had finally appeared and sorted things out.

Once he knew where Kirito and him were staying, he decided to make the information available to everyone they had just met, in case someone wanted to visit. In particular, Lucky made sure to mention the location to Ragnok and Baquir, offering them a drink and a meal should they decide to look for other (for the blue) or any (for the green) accommodations.

Unless someone comes calling or invites them to their own inn, Nyz will just walk around Oppara humming without a worry (he does offer Kirito the possibility of accompanying him, but does not push the issue), trusting that his luck will protect him from any harm.

2013-01-16, 12:03 AM
Hale Akula

The elf take some time to think about the offer before shaking his head. "I think I better go study for tomorrow," he says to everyone. "Good night."

2013-01-16, 12:51 AM
Vesper Candeo

Vesper accepts the directions to Grandbridge and the Port of Call, grateful the Taldan officials are too intent on disbursing their information to question Baqir's and Rubis' stances or her own position between them. She unfolds the directions and the schedule for the next few days and pores over it, intent on absorbing it and committing it to memory. The number of papers Vesper is trying to manage, including the list of the people she'd met in Oppara, is growing almost too large for her to handle, especially once she starts writing down where they're all staying. She smiles, however, at the thought of being able to gum or transcribe all the information into her journal. How nice it will all look once it's been organized! And once I've filled up all the unscheduled time! Huey looks at the papers over Vesper's shoulder.

"Well, um," says Vesper awkwardly, looking up from the papers and finding that the conversation's moved on. The Taldans have moved on too, probably to find some other contestants. "It looks like everything's in order. I guess we'll see each other at the feast tomorrow?" She says it to be polite; her sheepish, too-wide smile only confirms that. Politeness would also have demanded that she offer hospitality to those the Taldans favored least, and she is relieved when Nyz relieves her of the responsibility. She would have been especially uncomfortable sharing a room with Baqir. From what the others had said, he is an evangelist! Vesper isn't sure, but she thinks she might need to ask permission to even talk to him. She adds it to her mental checklist. One more thing to do...

The group begins to break up around her, and Vesper starts to relax. Argle, however, is still waiting for a response. Vesper checks her notes - apparently he's staying at the Port of Call too. "I'll join you for a drink," she says slowly, almost sighing, "but please don't expect too much. I really have a lot to do." She brandishes the papers to illustrate her point. "I have to organize my schedule for the next four days, write what I learned today in my journal, write and send a letter home to Promise, and re-read Wuthers and Muesello on the culture and politics of Oppara, all before bed!" The prospect of getting all that done seems to delight her much more than the thought of sharing drinks with the stranger. Huey puffs out his feathers as though warning off a predator.


So let me see if I've got the itinerary:
Fireday [today]: no events scheduled
Starday: evening feast at the Imperial Palace. Precise scheduling of Moonday's and Toilday's events revealed
Sunday: no events scheduled
Moonday: afternoon presentation ceremony at the Oppara Arena
Toilday: first day of trials at various locations including the Oppara Arena, the Kitharodian Academy, the Rhapsodic College, and outside the city

2013-01-16, 05:41 AM
Kirito hadn't talked much since the other people joined their social gathering. He pulled out his water and took a sip to wet his whistle. Nyz was telling everyone where they were staying, that wasn't such a good idea in Kirito's mind. Don't tell one where you sleep so that they can't come and stab you in the night. Nyz then invites him to go for a walk. The 'lucky' one might need some help and Kirito doesn't want anyone to get hurt (or killed) before the games even begin. He accepts the invitation and follows along side Nyz as he wanders around. Not sure if Nyz is paying attention, Kirito does his best to remember how to get back.

2013-01-16, 07:56 AM
Ragnok will bid the others goodbye and head to The Narrows to check on The Sailor's Knot.

2013-01-17, 02:13 PM
Word will eventually reach each candidate that thirty champions and adventurers answered Taldor's invitation, including them.

As mid-morning comes, a package will arrive, addressed to each candidate. It will bear a royal seal, and will contain:
- one writ of passage, granting the bearer special access to all tournament events and certain city monuments, parks, and sacred places
- one small purple rose, indicating the champion's passion and conviction for attending
- a short note from the Grand Prince thanking the champion for attending
- a small handbill with the following:

On the eve of this day, please present yourself at the royal palace at the 8th hour, where a feast will be held to honor each nation, organization, and creed that has deemed themselves worthy to compete in this inaugural tournament.

On Sunday, prepare ye for the tests to come as best ye may. The tournament locations will be open to allow all contestants to practice as they will. You may also find rest and religious ceremony as ye need.

On Moonday, before the 6th hour, present yourself and your accompaniment at the Oppara Arena in the Grandbridge district. Bring your finest dress and attire, for you will be presented to the citizens of Oppara, Taldor, and indeed all of Golarion as future champions in the Grand Tournament. You may spend the morning continuing your preparations at the tournament fields, but not after this opening ceremony.

The Grand Tournament will consist of the following tests and challenges.

On Toilday, the following tests will occur. The outcome of your success or failure at these tests will determine your ranking in future challenges.

At the 3rd hour:
Battlefield Offense (at the Oppara Arena)
You must destroy an arcane construct with a limited amount of blows.
Battlefield Accuracy (at the Northern Battle Fields)
Your skill with bow will be tested as you must strike a target with a limted amount of blows
Learned Adventure (at the Kitharodian Academy)
Your knowledge of arcane artifacts and writing will be tested

A Grand Buffet will be served at the 6th hour in the House of the Immortal Son

At the 9th hour:
Battlefield Agility (at the Oppara Arena)
You must navigate an obstacle course
Master of Surprise (at the Northern Battle Fields)
You must demonstrate your ability to infiltrate
Performance Art (at the Rhapsodic College)
You will give several demonstrations of your performance abilities
Arcane Mastery (at the Kitharodian Academy)
You must master your art of control of your spell under intense conditions

On Wealday, at the 3rd hour, the following contests will be held:
Stomach of a Champion (Worldbreaker Hill)
Your fortitude will be tested by our finest men-at-arms and the famed Oppara Constablery.
Legs of a Champion (Shipyard)
Your reflexes will be tested by the finest in our Naval Army.
Mind of a Champion (Basilica of the Last Man)
Your will will be tested by the finest theologians and scholars from our colleges

At the 6th hour, a buffet will be served at the House of the Immortal Son.

At the 8th hour, the final results of the previous contests will be announced. Teams will also be announced for the final Contest. You will have the remainder of the evening to meet and draw strategy.

On Oathday, at the 3rd hour, the final Grand Contest will be held. You will be given a location to meet at, according to the team results on Wealday. Your entire party must be present at the proscribed place on the 3rd hour. You will be given a challenge created by Taldor's finest scholars, warriors, strategists, and theologians. Your performance during this final Contest, along with your performance on previous days will determine your place in the final standings.

On Fireday, a grand celebration will be held at the Oppara Arena, where the final victors will be recognized and prizes given. Many of Taldor's noblemen, scholars, and Senators will be present, so wear your finest attire.

May the best champions prevail.

2013-01-17, 02:36 PM
Ragnok will go and buy a masterwork staff. Then tour the city to get his bearings before meeting at the appropriate time and place.

2013-01-17, 03:36 PM
It is now just pass mid-day on Starday. It is bright and sunny, and Spring has definitely lent her gentle warmth and breezes to this day.

As you walk down the street, most will simply ignore you or treat you as any other citizen. A few will whisper with hushed voices as you approach, while a few others will actually yield the road to you and nod as you pass. You can see excitement in many eyes.

2013-01-17, 06:29 PM
At his lodgings, Argle will ask the directions to a tailor, and purchase some upper class vestments. After he has his new clothing, Argle will return to the Tavern and will set out to the Palace with anyone else willing to join him

2013-01-18, 03:54 AM
Vesper Candeo - Fireday Evening

Vesper had to admit to herself that she had not been good company at drinks last night. She had nursed her single glass of wine1 for most of the evening, had had a book propped open in front of her the whole time, and had been visibly relieved when Argle suggested that they turn in. Not that she had turned in. Almost as soon as she had found her room, she had gone back to work.

She had spared a moment to take in the room itself. It was truly lavish, with a polished spruce floor that gleamed almost white in the light of the wrought-iron chandelier. The light gray stone walls had been ground down to a grainy smoothness. It was furnished with an oak wardrobe and vanity, the latter sporting a large mirror outlined in oak scrollwork. The enormous bed was covered in a gray-blue comforter and surrounded by burgundy curtains. The tall windows - real glass set into iron frames - looked out onto the Porthmos river and the stone and iron Grand Bridge for which the district was named. It was clearly designed to impress, though on the far shore of the river Vesper could spy a shantytown of tents and ramshackle wooden buildings.2

To Vesper's dismay, the room contained no desk or chair, but she would manage. She removed her shoes, pack, and cloak, put them in the wardrobe, and took the oilskin bag containing her books and papers - most of what was in the backpack, actually - over to the bed. Huey perched on one of the railings holding up the curtains while Vesper flopped down on her belly and spread the books around her.

Her journal was open next to her, with the papers she had collected that afternoon spread out around it. She dated the top and transcribed the list of contestants and the directions to the Port of Call into it, along with a note reminding her that she should reuse the loose parchment. She used the rest of the page to write down the details of what had happened today: landing in Westport, meeting the other champions.

When the ink was dry, Vesper closed the journal and took a new piece of parchment. Dear Shepherds of Light, she wrote, using the journal's cover as a surface to write on, My efforts in service to the Glorious Endeavor have led me to to the point where I must ask your advice. I arrived safely in Oppara and met many other champions, including a priest of Sarenre. I require more time to see if any are worthy of invitations, but in the meantime could you tell me the rules about dealing with priests? I await your quick response. Your faithful subject, Vesper Candeo.

Vesper folds up the letter and puts it in between the pages of her journal for the time being. She would need to find a post office tomorrow to mail it. Accordingly, the first book she opens to read is a travelogue of Oppara. She eventually falls asleep in the middle of Wuthers' history of the House of the Immortal Son.

The Knowledge (geography) check is to find a post office specifically, though it may reveal other information. The other checks are for general knowledge about Oppara, its history, its people, its culture and its politics.

Knowledge (geography): [roll0]
Knowledge (history): [roll1]
Knowledge (local): [roll2]
Knowledge (nobility): [roll3]

I've deducted the 2cp to pay for it from my character sheet.

I hope you don't mind the description, Storycrafter.

Vesper Candeo - Starday Morning

It doesn't feel right, only letting a little magic into her mind in the morning, but Vesper has no choice. She doesn't know enough about the schedule the Taldans have planned to really prepare for the day, so she will have to improvise. The only spells she knows she will need are the one that would let her reuse the parchment from yesterday and the one that would tell her if food was safe to eat, but she can't help herself from taking in just a little more. It really doesn't feel right, not being able to pick up and handle things with a thought.3 She has only just finished when there comes a knock at the door.

"Thank you, sir," she says in some surprise to the man on the other side when he explains he had brought her breakfast and a package. She hadn't ordered breakfast, but she takes the tray, puts it on the vanity, and gives the man a silver piece.4 Before he leaves, she says "Excuse me, but since you handle our mail, do you know how to get to a post office? I have to mail a letter home." Vesper accepts his directions, then wishes him a good day.

Breakfast was warm milk, sliced dark bread, pots of honey and marmalade for spreading, coffee, and yoghurt. Vesper feels guilty and cynical for thinking ill of her hosts, but due to the circumstances of the meal's arrival feels compelled to check if it's safe to eat with her magic. If she finds no toxin hiding among the food she eats quickly, finding it filling, revitalizing, and delicious. Vesper has never had coffee before. It's bitter, but goes well with the honey and milk, and makes her feel like she can take on the whole day.

When she's done, Vesper puts the tray outside her door and opens the package. The note from the Grand Prince is polite, but impersonal, like it had been written for every champion to read. Vesper puts it in her journal for safekeeping. A sample of Stavian III's handwriting might prove useful, as would the copy of the imperial seal on the package. Vesper takes a rubbing of the seal for her journal and puts the package in her pack. She puts the rose behind her ear like she would a quill. The writ she will need to keep on her person too; she keeps it in a pocket inside her robe so she can take it out and show it easily. The real treasure for her, however, is the schedule. Toilday especially seems meticulously planned out. Vesper grins giddily as she imagines filling in the blanks, but the handbill's admonition to wear formal attire and the hour scheduled for the feast leave her no time to do so just now. In the meantime she shoves it in between the mirror and its frame and magically erases the ink from yesterday's parchment.

Where should she go for nice clothing? Vesper isn't sure, but while her dyed wool robes had always served her well in Promise, they are probably not what the Taldans have in mind. She remembers reading something last night about the importance of fashion to the Taldan nobility and some of the better tailors, and dives back into her books to find the reference.

Where can Vesper find a boutique? What's in fashion? Why is it in fashion, and who popularized it?

Knowledge (geography): [roll0]
Knowlege (local): [roll1]
Knowledge (nobility): [roll2]

Fully prepared, Vesper heads downstairs. Seeing Argle about to head out the door, she waves and calls out for him to wait. "I think we can go together," she says, when he explains his plan to visit a tailor.5 As they walk, she shares what she learned from her books about what to ask for and what political semiotics each piece of clothing held. The attention from people on the street is a little embarrassing, but Vesper takes it in stride, returning any smiles flashed her way. "Do you mind if we stop at the post office on our way back to the inn?" she asks.

Prepared Spells:
2nd - pilfering hand, - , -
1st - erase, unseen servant, -, - , -
0th - detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, prestidigitation

I've deducted this from my sheet too.

Strictly speaking, Vesper only has enough cash on hand to buy a courtier's outfit, sans jewelry.

2013-01-18, 11:24 AM
"Why not just wait until the tournament begins, and enter the same contests?" she proposes, trying to sound as reasonable as possible. "The Taldans will have saved you the trouble of coming up with your own rules, they'll provide a judge and keep score, and no one will get into trouble."
"It appears you will get your wish my lady and our challenge shall wait." He bows to Baqirs with a smile. "Till again we meet sir." As the group breaks apart Goerbok pays attention to those he was lodging with and hangs back to follow them to the Grandbridge and their inn. Once there and after seeing the schedule he cleans his clothes and polishes his armor, preparing for the day. He requests ffod be delivered to his room rather than eating amongst the crowd although he will force himself to attend the feast later that evening. Such grand events never had interest to him, in fact they angered him at times that so few would eat so much and waste much more, while his tribe ate and used only what was needed and even at a feast nothing went to waste.

2013-01-18, 09:09 PM
Hale Akula

The elf broke trance early that morning and left before most to explore the city. It was almost purposeful that he found himself lost before his stomach pecked. Finding a small bakery he purchased some fresh bread and milk. He bought some fruit from a strolling vender and asked directions back to Grandbridge District. He saw the postings on the new board list the tests. Hale smiled, the tests sounded easier than his graduate exams. There were no subject matter tests or practicals. However, this was a contest, which meant passing was a matter of beating out the other contestants.

He arrived back at his room and found the package waiting. He opened it and took the writ of passage, folded it up and placed it in his breast pocket then headed to the library to study. His knowledge of artifacts was a bit sketchy.

2013-01-19, 07:04 PM
Kirito woke and did some stretches. He then ate and went to eat. When he returned to his room he found the package. Reading it over he looked at his coat... it needed some work. He asked where to find a tailor and went for a visit. After getting fitted he then went to the arena to practice, not with his normal swords but with wooden ones (no need to hurt someone or to get hurt). He after this exercise he returned to the tailor and picked up his clothes and then went back to his room to wash up, rest and eat.
Kirito woke and did his stretches again. Returning to the arena to practice and scope out opponents. Early afternoon returning to his room to rest before the banquet. He cleaned himself up, donned his finer clothes and waited for Nyz.

2013-01-21, 02:08 PM

At that noisome gathering of strangers, champions all
Baqir did fear and feel too many bodies, too close the wall
To the word-flood warrior, mystic and bard, quiet farewells he bade
A knowing nod to his fellow greenskin, grunting excuses to the others made

The Emperor's messenger him found
Near noon at the plaza, having staked his ground
A few coins at his feet, a few rotten tomatoes on the wall behind
"Help not the Daemon with your sin." he cries. "Sarenrae burns the Darkness, be ye not blind!"

The messenger he thanks and long he thinks and frowns
The while so striding the streets, passing paupers his crowns
Baqir partakes of the evening's feast
But among his ragged robes wraps some stolen food--- given soon to beggars least


As day on day and dawn on dawn, Baqir does rise
With Sarenrae's rising, to day's beginning wise
Ere breakfast come, long he spends at praying
Soul with goddess communing, sinews with sacred steel practising

Steady psalms sing from every breath
Every slash promising a heretic's death
Shield-slam and punch and kick, the slash and the thrust
While the incense burns, so he stamps and swings and sings divine devotions' must

When the sticks are cindered, Oppara's streets Baqir wanders
From wind-scent and local bystander's lore, paved paths and dusty cuts he meanders
Seeking some river, quiet and of filth free
But by past noon, he begrudges not a dreg-clan's charity

Of peasants' piety, commoners' fish and bread lunch and cheer
By their tumbledown hovel to The Narrows near
There, Baqir disrobes and bathes in the river
Tis a ritual of cleansing and he cares not for city-folks' stares of disgust nor wonder


Once more the Dawnflower's devotions of psalm and steel, sweat and smoke
Fishbones cast unto the cats and the beer-jug left with the laughing table-men--- the night's fast be broke
Before Oppara's and Golarion's high and mighties Baqir then fares
Clad in an open leather duster above a coat of mail, with beneath--- priestly robes and wares

The while he struggles not to betray
His tension warring with disgust and wonder at all the nobility at play
Ends with his typical ever-scowl
Says "Hail" and "Thank you" with a growl


Once devotions are done,
And bread and beer and beef and cheese are run
Baqir attends the Arena, ready to rend and tear, through fire and foe to fare...

rolls: see: OOC thread

2013-01-21, 11:28 PM
You are able to easily identify a post office and submit your letter.
As for politics, for the sake of brevity, I'll say the most important things that Vesper will find are:
Taldor is a nation of former glory. It's former empire was vast and powerful, but grew corrupt and fractured. The most recent conflict was with Qadira, some 200 years ago. The military is still very strong, but underfunded. There is a senate and the the nominal ruler is called Grand Prince Stavian III (he has many titles).

As for Oppara itself, you'll find that there are many districts. Several dedicated to former glories (Memorial Park, Seven Towers, Worldbreaker Hill), several dedicated to military and police training and housing, and several for housing of the various classes. The worst district, where the Blue and half-orc are staying -- "The Narrows", is the worst of the worst, and a very rough part of town.

One other important thing to note is that worship of Saranrae (the Dawnflower) is outlawed in the nation.

As for attire, most will tell you that the blue and scarlet are the most popular color choices of late, and that Princess Eutropia has been seen wearing that earlier in the spring. Rumor has it that she has been seen courting favors from several notable nobles, and that this recent color scheme is a sign of her late boldness in some as-yet unknown power play.

You'll notice that you will get scoffs, more often than not, when you mention Saranrae or display any symbols you may have of her

Starday Evening will eventually arrive, and with it, the Grand Prince's feast. At the Imperial Palace, you are asked to clean your hands at gilded wash basins, and are then seated at large round tables around a large hall at the palace.

You will find yourselves seated by ushers wearing white with silver baldrics. As it so happens, you will find each of you has been assigned to the same table, perhaps a foretelling of things to come.

After about 30 minutes, all of the contestants will be seated and a gong will ring. A stately man enters, led by several honor guard wearing crimson and gold and carrying very wicked looking swords. He is seated at a long table at the head of the room, and waves his hands at the crowd. He says, after a moment, "Honored guests, thank you for answering Taldor's call. We have great expectations for your performances in the week to come, and look with great anticipation to witnessing your feats of strength, skill, and knowledge. Please enjoy this feast with me, as we begin the eve of our day of rest, and we look for you to return on Moonday for a ceremony to pronounce your qualities and names to the citizens of Oppara. Come, sit, and sip wine with us.". With that, he sits, as does the rest of the hall.

Seated around him are about a dozen folks, clearly nobles by their dress and mannerisms. A few wear the ceremonial robes of senators. Scattered around the hall are many guards, wearing various shades of red and gold and heavily armed.

The first round of the meal comes as several servants, dressed completely in white and wearing white gloves bring large silver trays laden with smoked meats, cheeses, and several types of local fruits. These are placed on fine china plates sitting on front of you.

After a moment, a small orchestra will begin playing. Some of you may notice some familiar pieces as they are playing music from distant places.

2013-01-22, 01:01 AM
Hale Akula

When asked the elf spends an unusually long time washing his hands. One can almost see him counting the number of times he rubs his hand together.

Once at the table he sits and notices the company. "Good evening," he says. "How has your day been?" he asks to the person seated next to him.

2013-01-22, 10:56 AM
Ragnok will sit quietly, eating as civilly as possible until someone nearby says something of interest or addresses him directly. Otherwise, he listens intently trying to gather info about the other contestants.

2013-01-22, 07:07 PM
Fireday Evening

Nyz's stroll around the city was a very pleasant one and the bard felt invigorated by the time he reached his designated inn. For a moment, Lucky wonders if the rumors of Oppara being dangerous for strangers might not have been exaggerated... but then again, not many had Nyz' luck or a formidable bodyguard such as Kirito.

Starday morning

Upon receiving the invitation, Nyz makes sure to carefully pin the purple rose right above his heart. Smiling at the fortunate coincidence of the flower matching so well with his usual green colors, the bard proceeds to use some minor magics to make sure that his attire (and Kirito's, if he so chose to) would look clean and mended from the ware of travelling

Use mend to fix and prestidigitation to clean attire

Starday feast

Good evening to you too, my good sir replies a smiling Nyz, who happened to be the one sitting next to the wizard.

My day was good, thank you for asking. If someone had asked earlier, I would have said it had been excellent, but having the fortune of being in such radiant company once again makes the mundane activities that entertained us pale in comparison. continues the bard, and very similarly to the first time that he introduced himself to the rest, it does sound as if he means what he is saying.

Before he can continue, the bard sees the servants approaching with the food and drinks.

Excuse me for a second. says the bard as he mutters a few arcane words that those with training in the arcane arts will recognize as a spell meant to mimic the mannerisms of the locals.

Cast Cultural Adaptation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/cultural-adaptation)

Good evening says Nyz affably with a perfect Taldoran accent to whichever servant seems to be in charge I know that you are supposed to treat all guests equally, but let me assure you that in this table you have the creme of the creme, true heroes brimming with potential and whose names will go in history.

At this point Lucky's hand makes a dramatic sweep across the table.

So if you would not mind bringing the more... choice selection of beverages such as the one the senators are having over there, you could become part of this historic moment.

Yeah, Nyz is a bit over the top... but at least he is trying to get better drinks :smallwink:

Activate prescience, take best of 2

When the music begins, the chatty Nyz becomes more introverted (but not antisocial), clearly enraptured by the performances. From time to time the bard begins to hum, and those that care to pay attention to it will hear that the man seems to have a gifted voice.

2013-01-23, 01:46 PM
Starday feast, looks like...

Clearly distrusting all the rich, aristocratic fare, Baqir contents himself with simple broth, beef, bread and beer. Peering over the rim at Hale, he answers, "Iz been well. An' cold, I guess. And ye?"

The halforc fidgets at his ceremonial garb, clearly unused to the more formal regalia. From beneath his turban's rim, he eyes the myriad guards warily, as well as fellow guests, his gaze assessing their respective weapons and physiques and threat posed.

2013-01-23, 02:03 PM
Hale Akula

"Fine, thank you. I've been in the library most of the past two days. Studying, you know," he answers the half-orc. There is a long pause as he searches for something to say. "You are from Katapesh, right? What is it like over there?" he finally asks Baqir.

2013-01-23, 09:06 PM
Vesper Candeo

"Ugh, save the flattery for the Bearded and the Royals," says Vesper, rolling her eyes at Nyz. The Taldans had placed her to his left, with Kirito between them. Vesper recognized most of the people from the street on Fireday, though the black-robed woman in a red cloak seated across from her was new. "It's such a waste. I thought I'd have time to get something productive done today, but ridiculous deference like that kept me from it."

Spellcraft: [roll0]

"Argle knows," she says, pausing to nod her thanks at the two servants bearing a massive tray of sliced goat, lamb and beef to the table. Vesper notices Nyz casting, and her interest is piqued, but she looks away when it becomes clear he's just posturing for the servants. She doesn't want to be associated with that kind of thing. Instead, she notes with amusement how Baqir takes only beef from the tray. Judging by the rest of his choices, he clearly wants to keep things as simple as possible, but cows are working animals in Taldor, and beef is a delicacy. "How long did that tailor keep us? Nothing was good enough for the champions! Everything was too green, or poofy, or lacy, or satiny..." Vesper pinches the hem of her sleeve to show that her new costume looked much like her old, only it was silken instead of woolen and the collar was higher.

"I barely got to visit the post office before coming here," she sighs, willing a pair of silver tongs to deposit some greens, sweetmeats, fruit, nuts, and cheese on her plate. She passes her hands over the dish and the dark spiced wine a servant splashes in her glass. It looks like a benediction of some kind, but you know Vesper to be ignorant when it comes to religion.

Cast detect poison.

"You're so lucky you got to go to the library," she says to Hale, excitement and just a little jealously written on her face. "I've heard it has one of the last gilded domes in the city, and that the hundred white front steps are flanked by marble statues of griffons, each forty feet high. As for the collection...there are no words," she sighs.

It takes Vesper a few bars to notice Nyz humming along with the harps and viols of the musicians onstage, and a few moments longer to respond. The music is baroque, complex and contrapuntal, but she soon works out a simple countermelody. The next time Nyz feels compelled to hum, she joins his baritone with her half-soprano.

2013-01-23, 09:47 PM
Kirito (sitting between Nyz and Vesper) feels... awkward. He hasn't been to a social gathering since... before he can remember since the day he wandered out of the woods. He shyly but politely nods to the servants after Nyz asks for something more, fanciful for the group to drink. Nyz seems to be in his own world though. Leaving Nyz to his own devices, Kirito turns to Vesper, "You had problems with the tailor too? They couldn't understand that I just wanted my coat to be fixed and decorated. Trying to sell me things I don't need or understand"

2013-01-23, 11:22 PM
It takes Vesper a few bars to notice Nyz humming along with the harps and viols of the musicians onstage, and a few moments longer to respond. The music is baroque, complex and contrapuntal, but she soon works out a simple countermelody. The next time Nyz feels compelled to hum, she joins his baritone with her half-soprano.

Nyz closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the beautiful composition and humming the violin part as he lets his mind wonder from instrument to instrument, each adding their own distinct voice to the more sublime whole they make in concert...

His ears perk up at a nearby source, its simplicity not diminishing in the least the evident technical proficiency of its author. Opening his eyes and turning back to the table, Nyz finds his unlikely singing companion.

Without a word, the bard bows his head slightly at Vesper and smiles a humble smile that strongly contrasts with the bard's florid speech and elaborate behavior.

Encouraged (and emboldened) by the addition of a second voice, Nyz begins to hum slightly more loudly, inviting the wizard to a conversation that replaces nouns with notes and verbs with punctuated silences.

As soon as the duet begins, Lucky begins taking full advantage of Vesper's melody as a motif to weave a series of variations and improvisations. The humming of the duo becomes exquisitely complimentary, for where the hermean mage's musical choices tended towards the classic harmonics and sported structures that worked like finely tuned pieces of clockwork, Nyz's music grew and moved organically, at times quick and temperamental, other times soothing and serene. Like the wind, the bard moved the meaning conveyed by his tune from friend to foe, only to return back to exalting his partner's melody once again after a particularly invigorating exchange of points and counterpoints.

As the piece fades away, Nyz lifts his glass in Vesper's direction in a gesture of appreciation towards a kindred soul (at least in regards to the love of music) and looks around the table to see if any other members of the unlikely group would like to transform the duo into a trio.

2013-01-24, 11:05 AM
Hale Akula

"You're so lucky you got to go to the library," she says to Hale, excitement and just a little jealously written on her face. "I've heard it has one of the last gilded domes in the city, and that the hundred white front steps are flanked by marble statues of griffons, each forty feet high. As for the collection...there are no words," she sighs.

"Uhmmm, yeah..." he mutters. The irony of didn't escape him. "I think... there are many many words, books even."

2013-01-24, 02:56 PM
"No" comes Baqir's grunt at Hale. "I don't. Over there's hot. Sandy. Palm trees at oases."

The halforc grunts after a good pause and says, "Not wot ye were lookin' for? Heh. 'Sactually a vast, coloured place, iffen ye know where ta look."

He uses his half-finished plate as a makeshift map, one hand grubbing at the edges and at morsels. "'Round-a-ways here be a range a-mountains, foothills, of course. Grasslands and jungle spread an' sprout where they could. The rest be steppe an' desert. Ain't many big dang cities like this'n. More like a series o' frontier forts and merchant-fiefs. Untamed lands be prime territory fer reavers, cultists an' worse. We at Sarenrae's Bastion do what we could, but it'll be a long, long, long time yet, methinks."

Gimlet eyes glance at Vesper, not knowing what to make of the loquacious lady. When the singing starts, though, his jaw hangs open for a moment, working in vain, then he finds his voice, joining the verse with a rumbling bass. Though he finds a slow smile creeping unbidden upon his scarred visage, his knuckles are white around the table's edge.

Blood Queen, Blood Queen, what in the bleeding hells have I gotten into...?

2013-01-25, 01:04 AM
Vesper Candeo

Vesper had been afraid that, as an interloper on Nyz's musical meditation, she would not be welcome, but she had been happy to be wrong. The Andoren champion had welcomed her countermelody like he had asked her to join him. And it had seemed like he appreciated it. Her hewing towards the themes and structures set out by the musicians had let him explore the music, to have the wilder variations converse with the steady theme. Vesper had felt like they were telling a story, though who it was about and what was happening had hovered just out of her reach. The resolving cadence is triumphant, but also portentous, as though there remains more to say even though the musicians have stopped playing.

"There are," says Vesper to Hale, carrying forward from the momentum of the music. She closes her eyes and grins with delight at the thought of so many printed pages. "There really are." She comes out of her reverie to raise her goblet to Nyz and especially Baqir, who had added profundity to their concluding theme with his resonant bass. She sets it down, however, without taking a drink from it, and makes a big show of shaking her hand and blowing on the tips of her fingers. It seems like an odd thing for her to do. The spiced wine is warm, but it isn't that hot.1

She claps Kirito on the shoulder in sympathy. "I know what you mean," she says, seriously. "Aether, that was her name, practically insisted on making the robe scarlet to go with the blue cloak. Said the Princess was wearing those colors and everyone wanted one. That's her," she says, inclining her head towards the high table. At the Grand Prince's left hand sits a masterful woman with sleek brown hair and wearing red and blue robes and a golden filigree tiara. "It was very hard to say no," says Vesper, lowering her voice a little. "But I think there's something political behind it all, and didn't want to seem like I was picking a side without knowing what it's all about. What do you think? Am I worried about nothing?" she says, looking around to include everyone.

The reason for this is because I don't yet know the verdict on detect poison. Feel free to deduce this.

2013-01-27, 06:45 PM
Good call. Your luck wins out

As you glance about the room, you notice the following groups of people whom Baqir might regard as a threat:
The royal guard -- several well armed men standing behind the Grand Prince and stationed around the hall.
At one of the other tables, 2 large men, very likely of Ulfen descent, flank a rather tall and robust woman, also likely Ulfen. These men are boisterous and thickly muscled, and the smaller people seated on other side of these men seem to have shrunk some way from them.
There is a robed man, wearing some sort of official baldric and tassle who is seated several places down from the Grand Prince's right. He seems to be barely touching his food and seems to emanate a great aura of mystical power (if Balqir could sense such things).

You also notice two other remarkable people:
There is a very attractive younger woman seated to the left of the Grand Prince. This is very likely Princes Eutropia, and she is wearing a very revealing gown made of fine scarlet and blue silks.
Seated to the right of the Grand Prince is a handsome older man, likely in his early 50's with strange, multicolored eyes. He does not seem to interact with anyone, including the Grand Prince, although those around him seem to subconsciously be very wary of him.

No poison in the drinks or food

Several people from the nearby table seem to notice the duet singing. A few stares and hushed whispers are exchanged. The group will notice the rude elf from the prior night seated at this table, at the farthest point of that table from the group.

The remaining table (each table holds about 10 of the 30 champions) seems to be occupied by 2 boisterous, Ulfen men who are apparently dominating the conversation there. These men are flanking a similarly garbed (and appearing) woman.

The senators and Royals seated at the head table do not seem to be paying any mind to the champions seated at the other 3 table.s

2013-01-27, 09:47 PM
Hale Akula

The young elf notices the spell Vesper. "Paranoid," he whispers.

2013-01-28, 12:10 PM
Vesper Cando

"I'm afraid to take that chance, Hale," says Vesper, loading her gleaming silver fork with greens. Her voice pitches higher and faster, like she's not letting the air get to the bottom of her lungs. "This is the ruling class of an entire empire we're talking about. They hold our fates in their hands. What if some of them want to...let go?" She takes a bite, and a sip of the rapidly cooling wine. She waits a few seconds for something to happen, and when it doesn't starts eating more quickly to make up for lost time.

"And if I do get in trouble out here," she says between bites, her eyes widening at the thought, "what if the people back in Promise think I'm not taking my job seriously? What if they make me come home and send someone else in my place?" Vesper seems more upset about the thought of disappointing the people back home than she does about getting caught up in intrigue, or hurt, or killed. She tries to take another sip, but her shaking's so bad she ends up slopping wine all over herself. She giggles nervously and makes the splatters disappear with a wave of her fingers.

2013-01-29, 03:23 PM
Baqir hunches over his place at the table, picking over his food's remnants, slowly demolishing his makeshift map from earlier. From the corners of his eyes and from the reflections on glasses, he tries to look at the physiques of the warriors, as well as assess what weapons they might be packing. He looks at their dispositions and how cohesive they might be or otherwise… at least, as far as can be seen from simple reflections.

The halforc tries to avert his gaze from the prince’s mystic, but even to one as lowly as he, the man’s power is already palpable. He tries to take a deep breath and steady himself…

…only to utter an unintentional grunting gasp at the sight of the princess. His young eyes wander her curves, glance at Vesper, then back at Eutropia.

A vow of chastity is by no means a vow of celibacy. Go, look on. Wait. Hold your horses, what, by the Blood Queen’s teeth are you doing, you moronic git? Hmm. There’s no sin in properly appreciating beauty, is there? Hmmmmm…

At the girl’s giggle and the sound of the splash, a red kerchief is in Baqir’s hand in a flash, ready to help sop up a mess, but he stops short, seeing that it’s already been taken care of.

2013-01-29, 07:34 PM
Eventually, the feast ends. The Grand Prince leaves without much ado (escorted by his guard, the Princess, and several other retainers). The Senators leave almost as nonchalantly. Eventually, ushers arrive at the table and beckon the contestants to leave the hall, as several servants begin clearing the table (not quite waiting for the guests to depart).

Sunday comes without much fanfare. As this is the traditional day of rest for many religions, the contestants may seek services as they need. As mentioned in the welcoming missal, the testing areas are open to all contestants bearing the proper writ. Anyone choosing to practice on this day will notice very few others from the 30 candidates are actually practicing. Perhaps most believe they don't need it.

Moonday's afternoon festivities are slightly more up-scale than the feast. A ceremony is held at the large arena in the Grandbridge district. The arena is filled to capacity as over 20,000 patrons, including many unbearded, of course, cheer the contestants on. The Grand Prince and his coterie

For those that care to listen and observe, they will find that the rude elf represents the Queen Telandia Edasseril, ruler of Kyonin. The boisterous Ulfen warriors represent a relatively unheard of group called the Scarlet Blade.

The air is tense as Moonday draws to a close. Again, the contestants notice that their reception is quite mixed, from folks in the classier parts of town giving way to them as they travel to veiled hostility in the lower quadrants.

Toilday arrives with an ominous overcast morning. A heavy downpour threatens as the contestants head out to their first tests.

2013-02-02, 12:51 PM
Baqir enters the arena clad in gambeson and mail beneath his leather greatcoat and wide-brimmed hat. A broad, sunburst-emblazoned shield rides his left arm, a well-honed rain-weeping scimitar whispers in his right hand. Beneath the hat's edge, he glares at archways and shadows, contestants and audience alike, his wariness on a knife's edge. A muttered prayer hovers on his lips. O Blood Queen, guide my blade.

2013-02-02, 01:23 PM
Kirito wakes up, the sky outside is over cast, it might rain... He splashes some cold water on his face and then dresses, putting on his black coat before buckling the sheathes of his swords to his back. He then walked down stairs, orders a loaf of bread, some ham and honey. Making a sandwich he pays and eats as he walks to the arena. As he gets nearer to the arena. There are others on their way to the game. Kirito just slips into the crowd and goes. No one recognizes him. He likes it this way. He arrives at the arena and walks in. He stands toward the back of the group of competitors waiting for his turn to compete

2013-02-04, 01:06 AM
Vesper Candeo


Lacking a religion to prompt her to temple, Vesper opts to wander upstream, towards the Canal Row district. The rotten-fish smell of the Eastport docks wafts up at her from the bottom of the natural palisades that drop down to the waters of the River Porthmos, but the view, with the deep blue river on one side and the white city on the other, is worth it. The sight of her destination, Kitharodian Academy, is even more spectacular. From the outside, it looks like an eclectic piling-on of hundreds of architectural visions, with spires and wings erupting from unexpected places on the buildings. Vesper presents her writ of passage and purple rose to the guard at the gate, who looks even younger than her, and passes inside, which is something else entirely. The buildings are set amidst what looks like a single large and interconnected garden. The flowers seem to all be in bloom, and the fountains set in the middle of each quadrangle well with a musical tintinnabulation.

There seems, however, to be a dearth of students. Even after going inside, Vesper only finds a hunched-over man sweeping the floor. He tells her that none of the other champions have stopped by yet, and that the students are either at chapel or assembled in one large choir, the way they are every Sunday. He also tells her where to find the library. This turns out to be a quiet place for Vesper to work, so she sets about preparing herself for the tasks she'll be set in this place two days hence. She surrounds herself with the thickest, most comprehensive tomes she can find dealing with ancient civilizations, and spends most of the day absorbed in them. She has no clear research plan in mind, so instead she opens one book at random and reads until she comes across a reference to one of the others, then moves on to it. The final hour before sunset Vesper sets aside for writing a little piece of her own. She's not sure she'll be allowed to use it, but it can't hurt to have around.

Scribe a Scroll of Comprehend Languages


The introduction, for Vesper, is something she endures rather than something she enjoys. She finds it almost impossible to relate to the massive throng seated around and above her; she's never seen so many people in one place before. Her new silken robes swish inconstantly around her body. Vesper, who's used to the heavy embrace of wool, finds the feeling vaguely uncomfortable.

She does, however, find the introductions of the champions she has not met interesting. Particularly engaging is the question of why they are here. What does Kyonin, what do the Scarlet Blades, have to gain by sending representatives to this tournament?

What does Vesper know about Kyonin the region? Knowledge (geography) [roll0], Knowledge (history) [roll1]
What does Vesper know about elves as a people? Knowledge (local) [roll2]
What does Vesper know about Kyonin's politics, and Queen Telandia Edasseril in particular? Knowledge (local) [roll3]

What does Vesper know about Ulfen as a people? About the Scarlet Blades as an organization? Knowledge (local) [roll4]


Vesper, knowing what her schedule will be for the day, finally feels confident about preparing a full repertoire of spells. She'll be able to understand strange languages, to grasp at forgotten mysteries, and to think on a higher plane than she ever had before. She takes a deep breath before putting her spellbook away. She can handle any test they throw at her. She could not be more prepared.

As she walks through the darkling clouds to the arena, Vesper smiles. Her books and scrolls will be safe in their special cases in her pack, and she's back in her warm, waterproof wool. Her happy confidence buoys her near the front of the group of waiting champions in the central quadrangle of the Kith. She can see curious onlookers lining the edges of the green space, waiting for the first champion to be called. For them, and for the people back home who trusted her with this job, she'll do her best.

Prepared Spells:
2nd - Fox's Cunning, Fox's Cunning, Glitterdust
1st - Identify, Identify, Identify, Identify, Mount
0 - Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation

If I'm allowed, Vesper will use Fox's Cunning before she's called upon to begin her challenges (one for this Learned Adventure challenge, one for the afternoon's Arcane Mastery challenge) to grant herself +2 to every INT-based skill roll she makes. If that's allowed, please add that to my already-rolled rolls in the OOC thread.

For this Learned Adventure challenge Vesper will, again if she's allowed, activate the scroll she scribed to help her decipher whatever ancient symbols the artifacts she's being asked to identify bear. If she's not allowed, hey, I get a scroll! She'll also attempt to use Detect Magic and Identify on four of the artifacts presented to her this challenge. Given the skills she's being asked to use, I don't think this last strategy will do anything, but it seems thematiclaly appropriate that she should try.

2013-02-04, 11:52 PM
Hale Akula

Sunday and Moonday

Hale's next two days are spent doing the same things. Studying in the morning at the library and in the afternoon and evening he wanders and and asks the natives what they think of the tournament. It is a fishing excursion as well, hoping to find out what previous tournaments were like and what the final challenge might be like.

If I can take 20 on a gather info check (result 18) I'll take that. If not the GM may roll for me for each day.


Deciding to forgo the formal vestments of sash and scarf of his education Hale is dressed in his daily robes. Arriving spots Vesper with all her books. Immediately he goes to an official decrying the use of outside materials. If he knew that they could he would have brought with him the materials from the library. He demands to know the official rules of this competition, what spells are allowed (if any).

2013-02-05, 01:04 AM
Vesper Candeo

I'm assuming that in the case of a dispute there's an impromptu hearing along the lines of a protest hearing in a sailboat race. Which I suppose tells you a little bit about me.

Vesper pleads her case, hiding her nervousness that she might have violated some rule with an aura of self-assuredness. "For this test to have any meaning," she says, "it cannot simply depend on whether we picked the right thing to study. It wouldn't measure learning, only luck!

"No," she says, "a learned adventurer knows better than that. She knows she'll need to enrich her own studies with the learning of others. I carry my library everywhere in case I need a reference, though yours is much more impressive." Vesper almost sighs that last bit. "And it's not like I'd be looking at the answer key. Books can be incomplete, or wrong." That last word sticks in her throat, and she has to force it out as though it would choke her if she didn't. "A learned adventurer knows she'll have to judge whether to trust them over her own conclusions. Anyway, even if books are off-limits, my magic is a part of who I am. How can we truly compete without using all of ourselves to the fullest?"

"I'm sorry you feel this way, Hale," says Vesper. Despite her nervousness, she really believes in her argument, and decides to offer up a compromise to the judges. "Would it be alright if he went to get the materials he wants? I'm sure he'll be back before he has to compete."

OOC again
I realize neither Hale's protest nor Vesper's defense will matter in the end, because these contests are only meant to seed. But I enjoy roleplaying it out. I could see it ending Kobayashi Maru-style, with Vesper commended for original thinking and allowed to proceed, or with the judges penalizing her for trying to cheat, or any outcome in between.

2013-02-05, 10:49 PM

What does Vesper know about Kyonin the region? She knows that is a verdant land, littered with ruins that the elves have no care to repair (not being known for their stonemasonry skills). It lies not far distant, separated from Taldor by the country Galt. She may recall other things important to the story as appropriate.
What does Vesper know about elves as a people? She knows that they are a somewhat of an isolationist people, tolerating foreigners in their homeland when it suits them (and seldom in the interior lands or the court). That Kyonin would send an emissary or champion to this foreign land is a little odd.
What does Vesper know about Kyonin's politics, and Queen Telandia Edasseril in particular? Vesper strikes out here, not knowing much about the current state of affairs in Kyonin. She knows that the Queen does rule alone, with a small court of advisors.

What does Vesper know about Ulfen as a people? She would certainly know that they are a tall, proud race -- fair of skin and strange in customs. Hailing originally from the north, they are often found as elite guards in many places, including, of course, the Crown Prince's guards.
About the Scarlet Blades as an organization?
There is little to know about this organization, as it appears to be very new and very secretive. That they would send champions to be cast in the public eye is curious. Rumors abound that these champions came from Thuvia, on merchant ships that sailed across the Inner Sea and perhaps stayed in Absalom.


You may, of course, spend some quality time attempting to Gather Information (Diplomacy). Can you give me something specific you are trying to learn more about, or perhaps I can offer you the following rumors, which of course, may or may not be true.

The Ulfen's are really mercenaries and spies from Qadira.
The Tournament is really just a ploy, but no one is really sure.
The elvish faction is cheating.
The only reason the Blue is competing is because someone was bribed

The slender, bald man smiles at Hale's protest. He is dressed quite plainly in a simple tunic with a rather plain baldric sporting arcane logos identifying him as a professor at the college. He will turn to Vesper and say, "My dear, you can not bring anything into the test except for your wits and your wisdom. While spell casting is allowed in certain circumstances, we are attempting to ascertain what knowledge you possess 'in omnia paratus', that is to say, at the ready. I see that you are very tied to your books, and obviously consider them very dear, but I'm afraid that books, while part of your base of knowledge, simply can not be used here."

At the conclusion of the first day of trials, the standings are as follows:

Nyz: 1st place in Performing Arts
Hale: 1st place tie for Arcane Mastery
Rubis: 1st place tie for Battlefield Offensive
Vesper: 1st place tie for Arcane Mastery
Baqir: 4th place tie for Battlefield Agility
Ragnock: 4th place tie for Battlefield Agility
Kirito: 4rd place in Battlefield Offensive

Gorak, the Ulfen, tied with Rubis and the other Ulfen, Torag, for 1st place in Battlefield Offensive
Gerda, the Ulfen woman, took first place in Battlefield Agility
Qais, the Elf, tied for 1st place in Arcane Mastery and took 1st place alone in Learned Adventurer

Wealday arrives eventually. At the appointed hour, and appointed place, the contestants will see the following:

At Worldbreaker Hill, several tables are laid out in a row. Atop the tables are several jars of various shapes and sizes. Strange markings that no one immediately recognizes are etched on the sides of each jar. Beside each jar is a cup. The jars, 20 in all, are evenly spaced out across the tables. Several men in dark robes are in attendance near the closest table, as is a tall man heavily armed. As the contestants near, they will be greeted by a short, swarthy man dressed in fine attire. He is standing behind another table which faces the contestants. He will smile and greet each in turn, and then ask them to write their name into a tome sprawled out on the table. After each has done this, he will study the tome for a minute, and arrange the contestants in a single file line.

At the Shipyard
Among the many tall ships you find docked at the yard, one ship in particular catches your eye. A very large ship, with several masts, several decks, and apparently capable of carrying many guns stands moored out on the longest pier. You are led toward this ship, where you will find several sailors on board standing at a loose form of attention. You are greeted by a tall man in a tri-corn hat, wearing dark blue and silver. He greets you as you arrive, and asks you to state your name. After briefly consulting a large book he has prepared, he motions for you to stand in a single file line, facing the ship. As you look out onto the top deck of the ship, you notice several barrels, long planks, and rope rigging scattered about.

Basilica of the Last Man
Once inside the Basilica, you will notice several tables arranged in a circle in the central foyer. On each table rests a stand, and upon each stand rests a globe. The globes vary in size and color, ranging from approximately 1 foot in diameter in a translucent blue to a tiny, sparkling, bright red barely the size of an egg.

A tall, slender man, dressed in flowing white robes and wearing a bright, multicolored sash will approach. He will smile at each of you in turn. He will then point to you in a particular order, motioning for you to stand in a single file line in front of him.

2013-02-06, 12:09 AM
Hale Akula

Ooo... I think I'd like to find out more about those cheating elves...

He was fairly smug with himself. He thought he did rather well, but was surprised at the success of Qais. He was another elf so Hale had expected him to do well, but not so much better.

The next day he arrived early to the Basilica, in hopes to scope the competition.

2013-02-06, 01:24 AM
Vesper Candeo

Vesper takes the judge's verdict with a determined nod, and proceeds to do her best anyway. She is shaken, however, by how easily the Kyonin elf, Qais, blows past her and Hale, seeming to identify almost featureless shards of pottery and metalwork with the most cursory glances. His smug half-smile as he accepts his laurel for the Learned Adventurer challenge burns itself into her mind for the rest of the day. She seizes it as a talisman in the Arcane Mastery challenge, unfurling two of the provided pile of scrolls at once - one with her hands and one with her mind - and spitting out their contents as fast as she possibly can while the examiners wave torches in front of her face and break switches over her back. It's enough to earn a place on the dais alongside Qais and Hale, and Vesper accepts her laurel with evident pride.

The ordeal was, however, exhausting, and Vesper can barely remember where the trials are supposed to be held when she wakes up the next morning. She vaguely remembers being told what each would involve, but all that sticks in her head is that each trial will test their resistance to harm. She prepares her repertoire with that in mind, though it's still incomplete and she might not be allowed to use it anyway.

Is magic allowed in this trial?

Regardless, here are Vesper's prepared spells:

2nd Glitterdust, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Chaos
1st Protection from Evil, Protection from Evil, Protection from Law, Protection from Law, Mount
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mage Hand, Message

In the end, Vesper picks the Basilica of the Last Man at random, not knowing or caring much what she'll find there. She's pleasantly surprised to find Hale already there, looking up and down a long table festooned with softly glowing crystal orbs. The elf is good at many of the same things she is - his being here means she probably chose right. "Good morning, arcane master," she says brightly, using the title they'd both won the day before. "No hard feelings?" While waiting for him to answer, Vesper follows the directions of the white-robed Taldan, who she presumes will be judging the challenge.

2013-02-06, 05:16 PM
While the tests do seem to focus on the participants ability to protect themselves from harm, there is certainly room for ... creative solutioning...

Prepared magic spells might come in handy, as would being fully prepared for combat or otherwise challenging situations.

2013-02-08, 01:44 AM

Nyz wakes up and walks to the proving grounds at a leisure pace, either not understanding the importance of the upcoming events or choosing to ignore it.

At the beginning of the Learned adventurer test, Nyz shows an incredible capability that seems to rival that of his more book-oriented competitors. But the bard's knowledge was not from studies, but from a series of fortunate events that had occurred to him over the previous days, in which Lucky overheard one of the judges mention some of the objects of study. But alas, Nyz had not been able to hear about all of the five test subjects and, by the end of the competition, the difference in knowledge became apparent.

Nonetheless pleased with his surprising performance, the bard heads to the second challenge. He walks slowly to the center of the stage, enjoying the opportunity to demonstrate his true passion in front of such a large crown. As soon as the music begins, Lucky realizes that it that of a well known hymn that tells of the travels of Desna. Smiling at his own luck and taking it as a sign from his impossible love, Nyz begins to sing, pouring his soul into his performance. The bard becomes so wrapped up in his own music that he does not realize that the audience has gone completely quiet. When the song is done, Lucky is met by a thundering ovation, which he accepts with a smile, a bow and and encore. When his second song is done, the judges approach Nyz and award him the fist prize, for it would seem that all posterior competitors decided to excuse themselves from being the follow up act.


Nyz head to the Shipyard, where he decides to try his luck.

I feel inspired to use the grease spells to basically "skate" through part of the obstacle course. Other possible applications would be to use grease underneath barriers/obstacles so they slide and collapse, opening a clear path). Nyz will also be using his silent images to create distractions (such as walls or pillars) should anyone try to come and knock him down.

2013-02-08, 09:35 AM
At Worldbreaker hill Ragnok awaits patiently for the contest to commence. He stares at the other competition, trying to unnerve them.

2013-02-08, 10:04 AM
At the Hill of the Worldbreaker
Where tomes and jars abound
Baqir turns up, a bit worse for wear
Having taken his failure's share
His shield's point rests upon the ground
Patiently awaits and weights his fellow contender

2013-02-08, 01:36 PM
feeling good about his competitions the day before, Kirito heads out to Worldbreaker Hill for the stomach challenge. Thinking about the day before, placing 4th in the battlefield offense wasn't bad. His agility though was a little lacking. He had some bruises and aches from his mistakes.

Arriving at the Hill, Kirito signs his name in the tome and gets in line.

2013-02-08, 01:53 PM
"Great, you tie me then come for a second attempt. This time I will be victorious," Ragnok says to Baqir.

2013-02-12, 12:24 AM
Hale Akula

The upstart elf nods a greeting, "morning mistress Vespar... Hard feelings for what?"

2013-02-12, 01:45 AM
Vesper Candeo

"Exactly!" says Vesper, with a smile and a laugh. She brushes her hair out of face, using the movement to cover her casting a minor spell.

Hale & anyone nearby who can make Perception DC 25
"I did want to talk about yesterday, though," she whispers. "What do you think of our fellow arcane master, Qais? Isn't it strange that Queen Telandia would care about an event like this, and send a representative?"

2013-02-13, 12:56 AM
Hale Akula

"Was that the elf from the first day... the one who walked like he owned the place?" Hale simply whispers back. "I heard a rumor that the Elves are cheating."

2013-02-13, 02:06 AM
Vesper Candeo

Hale & anyone nearby who can make Perception DC 25
"No way," whispers Vesper. "It doesn't make sense. Why would they bother?"

Vesper's eyes widen for a moment, then she blinks twice and looks at the floor. The tiles and gems of the Basilica's mosaics, and the challenge orbs themselves, sparkle in the sunlight streaming in the windows. Vesper finds a particularly large pink topaz and gazes into it, trying to focus her thoughts. The invitations had mentioned glory, honor, and compensation...

"Um, sir," she says, raising her head to look for the man in the white robes and sash. "If it's not too much trouble, would you mind telling us what, precisely, is at stake in this tournament? Not just this contest," she clarifies hastily, putting up her hands, "the whole thing."

2013-02-19, 09:17 AM
The tall man in white robes smiles as Vesper asks her question. "What is at stake? That is an interesting question, indeed.", he intones with a hint of amusement. "Well, certainly your honor and the honor of the organization whom you represent. I imagine, should you prove yourself victorious or valiant in this tournament, a whole world of opportunities should open for you. There is the honorarium too, of course. I imagine for someone like you, that could provide a means to purchase a whole library of these books that you seem so interested in."

"But are you here to compete for a prize or for yourself?" he asks with a grin.

2013-02-19, 10:00 AM
At the Worldbreaker Hill

The tall man, who announces himself as "Crispus", arranges 7 contestants in a single file line. At the head stand Gorak and Torag, the large Ulfen men. Behind them stands a stocky dwarf, followed by Kirito, Baqir and Ragnok. The line is ended by a quiet woman with short cropped blonde hair. Once he has motioned each person into place, he turns to the gathered crowd and announces the beginning of the contest.

"Inside each of these jars lies a test for a person. This test will challenge that person's fortitude and inner strength. Should each contestant choose to drink from the jar, they must subject themselves to the embodied spirit and essence of the contents. Should they fail to overcome that essence, they will pay a steep price. Should they fail to master this essence after a second time, they will be escorted from the field -- standing or on their backs."

Pausing a moment for the laughter to subside, Crispus continues, "So that the audience may gain some insight into what each contestant may be experiencing inside themselves, we will be presenting a special conjuration, which is harmless in nature, but which will give you a vision of the experience that the champion is having."

At this, a large puff of smoke begins to form in front of the audience, off to the side, within which a large swirling mass of colors is seen.

"Would the first contestant please step forward!" says Crispus, more to the audience than to the men standing in line.

The first large Ulfen man steps forward and strides over to the first table and jar with an air of pride. Without waiting for any further cues, he swipes the first jar and takes a long swig. He confidently puts the jar down and begins to smile at Crispus and the crowd. His jaw begins to go slack after a moment, though, and he staggers back. He begins to thrash about swinging wildly and ducking as if fighting some unseen foe. In the smokey curtain near the crowd, two shadowy figures appear, locked in some sort of martial combat. This apparition seems to mimic what is happening near the first table.

After approximately 1 minute of intense gyrations and acrobatics, the Ulfen warrior finally stops, bends over, and begins to suck wind. Seemingly exhausted, he struggles to regain composure. He finally stands erect, throws his right fist in the air, and shouts "Hoorah!". He grins at the remaining contestants and goes to stand by Crispus.

As Crispus calls, the second Ulfen warrior proceeds forward much as the first. His performance is very similar, with a seemingly internal mock battle occurring and the same show of braggadocio and jeering at the remaining 3 left in line.

After the crowd's applause and jeering dies down, the dwarf is called forth. Much like the Ulfen men, he swaggers to the table. Very shortly after quaffing the drink, he lurches backward as if struck by some large blow. He falls on his back and begins to thrash about, flailing wildly. In the smoky veil near the audience, two shadows appear. The first is prone and apparently on his back (mimicking the scene near the table), while the second is mounted on top and apparently choking the first. After approximately 30 seconds, the dwarf appears to pass out, and several men move forward to revive him.

After a few minutes of ministrations by the men, he shrugs them off, and races back to the table. Again, he takes a long draw from the container and sets it back on the table. This time, he appears to be expecting things, and seems to fare better. After a two minute struggle, during which he remains standing, he seems to emerge victorious and is greeted by cheers from the crowd.

After the applause dies down, Crispus turns to the dwindling line and shouts, "Next!"

2013-02-19, 11:01 AM
"Simple trickery, a spell in a jar," Ragnok says with a snort.

2013-02-19, 12:22 PM
Meanwhile, at the Shipyard

The tall man in the tri-corn hat, who introduces himself as "Keegan", motions you into a single file line. Standing at the head of the line is the Ulfen woman, Gerda. Behind her stands another man, dressed in simple, green, loose fitting shirt and pants. Nyz stands fourth in line, followed by a rather chubby looking female halfling who appears to be wearing far too many jewelry and adornments.

Keegan motions to the sailors and other men standing around and the deck is first cleared and then a strange apparatus is brought out into the middle of the deck. Without much ado, he motions for Gerda to step forward. She stands in front of the tall apparatus with grim determination. Keegan faces the woman and says out loud (as much as to those standing in line as to the woman), "Behold the first of your challenges. Before you stands an apparatus which should challenge your agility and reflexes. The first of many such apparatuses and tests to do so. Survive this test without falling on your back or completely to the ground, and you may continue to the next. You have but 2 tries to best this challenge. Should you fail, you will be eliminated from the contest. You may stop at any time and your progress will be counted at that point."

He turns to the tall Ulfen warrior woman, and says in a clear tone, "You may begin now!". At that, a whirring is heard and a large wooden dummy steps out from behind the apparatus. Similar in size and shape to the woman, it quickly steps up to her and begins whirring about with boards stretched out vertically to its sides, approximately where the woman's arms would be. It also begins to sweep the ground with boards roughly the length of the Ulfen woman's legs. Gerda, being slightly caught off guard by the suddenness of the attack by the wooden contraption is blown backward by the combination of a swinging board at chest height and a sweeping board near her feet. She stumbles backward and almost falls to the ground. She quickly catches her feet, though, and presses forward, attempting to land blows at the strange, walking plank and boards. After a few moments of struggle, the woman is able to land a sweeping kick, and the automaton tumbles sideways and falls to the ground. Apparently triumphant in this challenge, Gerda simply wipes some blood from her lip, tosses her hair back, and steps to the side. Men rush in and pick up the plank and board automaton, dragging it behind the larger contraption, and fidget with some levers and ropes. After a minute, they seem satisfied and walk away.


The man dressed in green rushes forward and assumes a defensive stance in front of the contraption. Again, an animated plank, matching the man's height and build moves out from behind. As it begins to assail the man, it appears to have changed behavior from before. Whereas the Ulfen woman fought a much larger assembly which seemed to prefer large, powerful blows, this assembled working of rope, board, and springs seems to attack the man with more precision and finesse, matching the apparent fighting style of the man. The ensuing combat actually lasts for some time, with neither man nor automaton showing any apparent weakness. After many minutes of intense moving, spinning, ducking, and jabbing, the man appears to become slightly winded. The automaton, showing no such apparent weakness, continues the assault. Eventually, the man begins to stumble after a few blows and trips and falls flat on his stomach. The wooden dummy stops almost immediately and several men rush out to drag it back behind the original large wooden contraption.

The man, who appears disgusted, regains his composure, and after a few minutes to catch his breath, resumes his original defensive stance in front of the contraption. Again, Keegan gives a subtle signal and again, the wooden dummy appears from behind the contraption and advances on the man. This time, the battle lasts barely a minute. After several successful punches from the man (the dummy does begin splintering at this point), he is caught off balance with a sweeping kick and lands solidly on his back, knocking the wind from him. Again, several men rush out to grab the dummy, as a woman kneels beside the man and tries to attend to him. He roughly brushes her aside and storms off the field, clutching his sides.

After the field is cleared, Keegan smiles and turns to Nyx and says "Next!".

2013-02-19, 01:37 PM
Kirito watches the competitor before him. The first hulk fights with himself, the second doing the same... then the dwarf goes and passes out... Upon observation it seems that this drink induces some kind of self conflict...

He steps forward, unsure of how his struggle might fare. He hadn't made any enemies that he knew if since he remembered walking out of the forest... Will this reveal an enemy from his past? Helping him to remember who he once was?

He takes the jar, and stares at it intently, he closes his eyes and takes a swig. He swallows and feels the liquid slide down his throat. He here's a menacing laugh and opens his eyes. He makes out the face of a elf fading only to be replaced by another in red armor.

Taking a step back he reaches for his swords... finding nothing there, he remembers he didn't bring them today... This wasted moment allows the figure to close in and lay a solid punch on Kirito knocking him back.

Kirito regains his footing and again the figure charges forward. The two duke it out. The figure is more built that Kirito, it relied on it's strength while he relied on his agility, trying his best to dodge the attacks while still inflicting a few in return.

Fort Save: [roll0]

I will finish the story after I find if the save is successful, unless you feel like doing it yourself :P

2013-02-19, 02:52 PM
At the Basilica of the Last Man

After his comment to Vesper, the man in the white robes turns to the contestants and says, "My name is Iocor. Would you please form a line according to the following order: Qais, Vesper, Hale, Genek, and Qa'dir."

The rude elf, whom you had seen on previous nights stands at the location pointed to by Iocor. Behind Vesper and Hale stand a finely dressed man and a rather plain dressed woman.

Iocor continues, "Before you lie several objects of incredible power. They will open doorways in your mind to other places, other times, and other realities. They will test your will and challenge you as you proceed forth in these alternities. You will be given two chances to proceed, and failure will mean you are finished in this contest.[b]"

Pointing to a small crystal ball which glows with a pinkish hue, Iocor looks toward the tall elf at the head of the line and says, "[b]Qais, would you please proceed to the first object"

The elf casually strides over to the ball, places his hand upon it. There is a brief shudder and look of pain on the face of the elf, and after a brief moment, he withdraws his hand and strides over to stand near the second station.

Iocor extends his hand toward Vesper and motions her toward the first station. "You are next, studious one."

As you each approach the table and place your hand on the first crystal, you will immediately feel a sensation of being hurled, as if being thrown across the room at great speed. After your senses return from the feeling of nausea which may momentarily hit you, you will find yourself in a strange place. A strange mist will surround you, and standing across this small space you will notice a familiar set of eyes peering back at you -- your own. There are no visible objects nearby, and the mist obscures the boundaries of your enclosure.

2013-02-19, 03:04 PM
Meanwhile, at the Worldbreaker Hill

As Kirito has already experienced, as you step forward to take a drink, you will be faced with a mirror image of yourself. Armed exactly as you are, and exhibiting the same skills as you do, you will find that this opponent is an even match for you tactically.


For taking the initiative and taking an aggressive approach, you'll get a +2 circumstance bonus on your roll, making it a 12. Just enough. You seem to recover from the ordeal and can proceed further. Can you give me a 1d100 roll, please? I'll give you a hint as to what, if any, side effects occur and you can story that out as a follow up if you like.

2013-02-19, 03:07 PM
At the Shipyard

As each of you steps forward to face the large, wooden box contraption, you will hear a subtle set of clicks and a wooden dummy will lurch out at you momentarily. You will find that the dummy is a match for your skill and fighting style, and is an even match tactically.

2013-02-19, 03:15 PM
When Ragnok's turn comes, he will defiantly walk up and quaff the potion. "Fear is not real, and neither are you," he manages to murmur out before the spell takes him. His vision blurred and darkened, he focused on the shadowy figure approaching quickly. Then he bursts into the air, flying to avoid his assailant.
At the end of the fight, if still flying, he will CatFall to the ground.

2013-02-19, 07:21 PM
Before Vesper can respond, Iocor has launched into his introductory spiel. She steps primly into place between Qais and Hale as she thinks about the meaning of his words as they apply to Hale's suspicions. The prize money must be a substantial sum indeed if what Iocor says about it is true. For a brief moment Vesper imagines halls like the Kith's packed with tomes, and her with all the time in the world to lose herself in them. But it pales in comparison to the treasury of an entire nation. Unless Kyonin's broke, which seems unfathomable, the honorarium could not have possible motivated Queen Telandia to send champions. Maybe she wants to increase the prestige of her court in Taldor for some reason. Then again, though Vesper finds the idea difficult to grasp, Qais could have his own reasons for being here beside his Queen's wishes, throwing open all the doors again.

Having made no progress, and seeing no way forward through pure reason, Vesper settles down to listen to the rest of Iocor's introduction and to watch Qais' test. She is deeply troubled by the master of ceremonies' reference to "other realities". What could he possibly mean? Reality is reality, and anything else is either unreal, or proof that reality itself is unreal. Qais', after experiencing of what the pink, pulsating crystal has to show him seems about as pained as Vesper feels at the prospect, though in his case discomfort does not equal failure. That being the case, Vesper puts on a brave face and steps forward at Iocor's summons.

"I'm just here to do the best I can," she says, answering his question from before and matching him grin for grin. Really, the only way she can make the people back home proud of her is to acquit herself well. So she lays her palm on the crystal and wraps her fingers as far around it as they go. Directly, the Basilica seems to lurch, as though Golarion has opened up beneath it and the building is plummeting into a vast chasm. Vesper's stomach flips in her chest, and she closes her eyes to master the feeling. When she opens them, it seems to her that the Basilica has left her behind in its fall. She is supported by a softly glowing layer of pale green mist, and the same mist, though not as luminescent, presses in on her from all sides and from above. Not five paces away, Vesper sees a young woman in pale purple robes and a blue, high-collared cape, her hair dyed her family's traditional blue. It takes her a moment to process what she is seeing, but when she realizes she's looking at herself, the first thing she feels is profound curiosity.

"Who are you?" she says, feeling a bit ridiculous. "I mean, you're me, but I'm me...and you're probably thinking exactly the same thing, aren't you?" Vesper balls up her fists and puts them on her hips. "Maybe together we can figure out what's going on," she says, sounding confident. And why shouldn't she be? She's had some of her best ideas talking to herself! "For example, does magic work in this place?" She gestures encouragingly to her double, letting her try first. Vesper knew she'd be grateful herself at the opportunity to try an experiment which, as far as she knew, had never been done before. Learning whether her double is the same way will be almost as valuable as learning whether magic works.

Will Save: [roll0]

2013-02-19, 11:51 PM
Hale Akula

Vesper brought up something interesting, something that he would have to investigate later, probably with the some help, though.

The young elf stood up when it was his turn and moved to the first crystal and placed his hand on it. The surge of magic was incredible and the result was not what he expected.

He recognized the eyes gazing back at him through the mist. He really didn't know what to do, so he went back to his days as an apprentice: When in doubt get more information. Wise words from his old teacher. Not knowing if this would work he casted a simple spell.

Detect Magic (he wants to know if he is dealing with conjuration, illusion, or transmutation, etc):
[roll0] spellcraft

[roll1] will save

[roll2] side effect

2013-02-22, 08:05 PM
At the Shipyard You will find that the dummy is a match for your skill and fighting style, and is an even match tactically.

When he is called to face the test, Nyz makes a small bow at the organizer and begins to walk slowly towards the wooden contraption.

As he waits for his personalized challenge, the bard cannot completely suppress a small smile from reaching his face, for it would seem that his luck has once again held.

Had the organizers used a standard construct to measure all participants, the bard - with his weak disposition for combat - would have surely not passed the very first instance. But as the test had unfolded so far, "Lucky" knew that his particular automaton would not be the epitome of fighting prowess. In fact, the automaton would most likely not even be prone to combat.

And to tilt things further towards Nyz's side, the bard knew that his unique talent, his divine-given luck, was something that could be captured by a machine.

When the construct makes its appearance, the bard walks up to ten feet of the automaton. Reaching into his latent arcane powers, Nyz summons a thick pool of grease on the ship's deck in between the two figures.

Still with a smile on his face, Lucky steps into his own grease spell, confident that the automaton, who would imitate his non-belligerent tactics of settling this dispute, would do the same.

Cast Grease in between Nyz and automaton
Activate prescience, step in and see who falls first

Reflex vs. DC 15, take best of two

side effect: [roll2]

2013-02-26, 10:17 PM
Second Round -- "Springtime"

None of you seem to have incurred any effects, ill or benign, from the previous round.

At the Worldbreaker Hill

Ahead of you, Gorak, one of the Ulfen warriors who seemed to so easily beat the first potion, stands proud. He appears to have easily beaten the second potion. The other warrior, Torag, also stands by, although his stance is one of shame. He has decided to stake his position at this point, having failed once at this potion. Rather than risk failing twice, he seems to feel no one else will pass him at only the second station. He does not seem completely confident at the moment, though, so perhaps his decision was hasty.

In front of you is a large golden pot with decorative handles (vaguely resembling an urn). Ornate flowers are etched around the base of the pot, while small butterflies and birds appear to circle overhead near the neck. As you approach the pot to imbibe its contents, you are greeted with a sweet smell of honey. You take a pull from its deep contents, and a golden warmth spreads over your tongue as the liquid spills forth.

You slowly fade from view, while your surroundings begin to blur and become hazy. Color quickly fades, and then returns in hues of yellow, orange, and white. Around you you smell heather and perhaps lavender, and perhaps that faint hint of honey still lingers. After a moment, a buzzing begins to fill your head, and your eyes are drawn upward. Above you, large shapes glide and dart, seemingly in a dance many dozens of feet above your head. As your vision begins to focus, you sense that these shapes are the source of the buzzing, and they seem to be rather large bees forming an attack column. They are headed straight for you.

At the Shipyard

Ahead of you, the tall Ulfen woman, Gerda, stands triumphant, with her head thrown back and a daring smile crossing her face. She appears to have mastered the second obstacle, although she did falter once.

As you approach a large trunk placed on a table, you are greeted with the strong scent of honey and a large buzzing noise. As you stand on the marked spot directly in front of the trunk, you hear a few subtle clicks and the trunk's lid flies open. Out of the trunk spills about a dozen wooden objects shaped roughly like bees. They have cylindrical bodies and wings made of some sort of gossamer fiber. They buzz up into the air and seem to be forming an attack formation, and begin to dive toward you.

At the Basillica

Ahead of you, Qais stands, arms folded across his chest and an air of triumph across his face. He appears to have mastered the second crystal without any effort. Behind you, the finely dressed man has succumbed to the first crystal (failing to master it twice), and is no longer seen. The plain dressed woman has managed to overcome the first crystal, although barely, and looks visibly shaken.

The second crystal beckons to you with a buzzing glow. A strange mix of yellow, orange and white colors seem to swirl and mix in almost enchanting display of colors. As you draw nearer to the crystal, the buzzing grows stronger and more rhythmic. You can feel the power pulsate as you place your hands upon it.

Brightness -- colors. Around you flowers as large as a horse loom large and a verdant landscape is seen. A rich mixture of floral scents assaults your senses, mostly sweet, with a few hints of musk and other earthy tones. The buzzing you felt as you drew near the crystal is now a steady drone as you look up to find a large swarm of bees descending. They appear to be in an attack formation, and are headed straight towards you.

2013-02-26, 11:20 PM
What do you mean "is no longer seen"? Was he led away, or are we meant to infer he was absorbed into the crystal? Oh, and does Huey appear with me in the crystal-visions?

Vesper Candeo

Vesper comes away from the first crystal having learned very little. Her other self had faded away before attempting any magic, so she knows nothing about the denizens of the dream worlds conjured by the crystals. Nor does she know whether magic works. Nor, in all likelihood, is it in the spirit of the challenge to try and cast in between crystals in the hopes of gaining an advantage. She takes up her place behind Qais and waits for him to finish his try with the second crystal, clearly peeved. She does not have to wait long. When he makes room for her she reaches out and touches the crystal, just wanting to get the challenge over with.

Judging only by the flowers, Vesper would have said that in this dream world she had shrunk to the size of a cricket. The swarm of bees she sees bearing down on her, however, argues that she is the same, and that the plants are just large. A moment after she thinks this, it hits her that she's being chased by a swarm of bees. Her first impulse is to run, but she shoves that impulse down into the pit of her stomach. She mustn't appear a threat. So, instead, she bunches up her cloak around her head and neck and sits down, cross-legged, on the ground. She begins to hum a lullaby her mother had sung to her when she was younger.

Here's the tune Vesper hums (http://vocaroo.com/i/s095REBQqL36). That's me. Forgive the buzziness. My microphone is garbage.

Will Save [roll0]

2013-02-27, 12:18 AM
He was led away, having failed his first attempt. Although he was looking rather green, he did seem at least somewhat coherent as they helped him limp away. You are given to believe the crystals are not necessarily quite so deadly. And yes, Huey is there with you if you choose.

2013-02-27, 11:29 AM
Ragnok, at his quaff, will stare at the bees, after all, a figment cannot truly kill you, right? When the bees close in, within five feet, he stomps the ground with his ridiculous boots and hopes that it stuns the bees. (Activating Boots of Stomp)
Rolls needed are [roll0] if Fort [roll1] if Will [roll2] if Reflex (Guessing it is the Fort save so ignore the others.)
the 1d100 roll is [roll3] if it is still needed.

2013-02-27, 01:33 PM
Kirito steps towards the golden pot. It smells of sweet honey. He dips his hands in and drinks from what he scoops out. His vision blurs and when he can see again, he feels like he's in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers. He starts to prance when he hears a buzzing noise. He looks up to see the bee column forming.

In panic he starts to run, but there's no where to run but that tree. He runs too it being chased by the bees, he steps behind it as they go past.

The tree is Gorak :P
Fort: [roll0]
Random Effect [roll1]

2013-02-27, 01:53 PM
Second Round -- "Springtime"

At the Shipyard

Ahead of you, the tall Ulfen woman, Gerda, stands triumphant, with her head thrown back and a daring smile crossing her face. She appears to have mastered the second obstacle, although she did falter once.

As you approach a large trunk placed on a table, you are greeted with the strong scent of honey and a large buzzing noise. As you stand on the marked spot directly in front of the trunk, you hear a few subtle clicks and the trunk's lid flies open. Out of the trunk spills about a dozen wooden objects shaped roughly like bees. They have cylindrical bodies and wings made of some sort of gossamer fiber. They buzz up into the air and seem to be forming an attack formation, and begin to dive toward you.


Nyz smiles as he watches the Ulfen woman overcome her trial, confident that not having been selected to go first was a sign that his luck was still protecting him.

Lucky begins to hum to himself when he is called forth. At first it is a soft and pleasant melody that reflects the man's confidence but, with every step he takes towards the chest, Nyz begins to increase both the volume and the tempo of his music, creating an action packed atmosphere that silences all the spectators while the building tension brings them to the edge of their seats...

In other words, a perfect audience.

As the mechanical vermin move into formation, Lucky retrieves a small, smooth stick from his belt as he continues singing. Raising the wand as an orchestra director raises his conducting baton, the bard brings his melody to life. Suddenly the notes the bards sings begin to take solid shape and dance around the performer. From this dancing ensemble, a score of eight notes separate from the rest and race against the mechanical bees as if there were arrows.

Round before Trial
Start Bardic performance, retrieve wand of chord of shards

During Test
Cast Chord of Shards from wand, 15 ft cone should get all the bees
[roll0] damage, Ref (DC 11) negates

Repeat until bees are destroyed

Special effects: [roll1]

2013-02-27, 02:41 PM
Hale Akula

Even with the test complete, the test remains a mystery to the elf. As he waits his turn he decides to cast a quick divination spell and watches Qais.

When it is his turn to touch the crystal, the same strange effect engulfs him. Finding himself in a pastoral scene only makes the elf more anxious. Something was bound to happen, he thought. When he saw the bees in attack formation, his instincts kicked in and he prepared a evocation. Extending a hand a fountain of flame burst forth.

Cast detect magic to watch Qais

In the test casting burning hands
[roll0] will

2013-03-06, 09:16 PM
At the Worldbreaker Hill

Kirito handily completes his second challenge. The crowd is very impressed with his quick wits and creative solution. Gorak is not, as traces of the elixir still linger in his system and he is still marginally subject to it's effects. He is rubbing his back, neck and arms in an odd way.
Amusing trick!

Baqir consumes the potion and immediately has trouble. He doubles over in pain and assistance rush out to administer to him and help him stand. He may still attempt again if he chooses.
If you're still with us?

Ragnok quaffs the potion and appears to handle the "bee attack" quite well. The crowd is less than enthusiastic and seems to be losing interest in him. Instead, they seem to be favoring Gorak and the unassuming woman at the tail end of the line. After her attempt, she barely remains conscious and appears to have suffered some ill side effects from her consumption -- she seems to now be blind for some time.

At the Shipyard

Nyz's performance with the drones at the shipyard appears to be sufficiently effective, as his use of the cone of shards appears to have reduced the swarm to a manageable few. While his dodging isn't terribly graceful, he seems to be getting helpful shouts from the crowd which may have helped decide the outcome.
Keep up the theatrics -- the DC's go up next round! :)

The trailing female halfling seems to be experienced with the art of dodging swarms of people. She manages to avoid contact with all of the small bee-like devices. She seems to be smiling and perhaps even winking at Nyz as she turns, completing her challenge.

At the Basillica

Vesper successfully navigates the challenge, her impatience being hardly noticed. Midway through the challenge, her composure seems to be beneficial, and there are a few murmurs as her singing appears to have resonated through the chamber.

Sounded pretty good. Thanks for sharing that -- a multimedia experience :) Should I recognize it? It sounds familiar

Hale's attempt seems to barely succeed, as the bees seem to become enraged at the burning and begin to buzz louder. Fortunately, the swarm is thinned enough to make the bees stinging attacks only seem a nuisance to him.
Don't be afraid to be creative, the DC's are going up next round.

You will notice after your incantation that there seems to be a strong aura of enchantment around him, as well as a briefly strong aura of conjuration as he makes his attempt.

2013-03-06, 09:38 PM
Hale Akula

The elven mage is breathing heavily at the end of his test. He staggers a few steps before straightening himself out. He sits back down in thought. His straight forward approach seemed to have barely worked. He needed to be more creative with his choices, something he wasn't terribly good at.

Having gathered his composure he whispers to Vesper, "He has some enchantment on him."

He recasts the spell and looks at each contestant as they embark on their test.

[roll0] spellcraft

2013-03-06, 10:43 PM
Sounded pretty good. Thanks for sharing that -- a multimedia experience :) Should I recognize it? It sounds familiar
Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I figured after talking so much about music-making during the feast it'd be appropriate. As for the melody, it's Simple Gifts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiLTwtuBi-o). I'd have sung the lyrics, but it's often misidentified as a hymn and I didn't want to get the post flagged.

Vesper Candeo

There's a lesson to be had here, reflects Vesper as she waits for Qais to clear the next crystal so she might take her turn. Maybe this is about trusting yourself. She notices a few of the spectators' heads bobbing in rhythm to her melody, and realizes they can see and hear at least some of what they do in the visions. And maybe it's about putting on a show.

"Weird," she murmurs to Hale before he moves along. "I'd have thought abjuration." She had prepared mostly abjurations herself. It made some sense though. If the test really was about trusting yourself, an enchantment might boost Qais' self-confidence. He did seem almost supernaturally self-assured...

Does Vesper know of any confidence-boosting enchantments?

Knowledge (arcana) [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2013-03-08, 12:23 PM
Having failed his first attempt at the second crystal object, Baqir will decide to play it safe and ends his contest at the second test.

Hopefully you rejoin soon? Let me know either way?

She would recall that there are some enchantment related spells that are intended to inspire heroism, granting increased abilities in attacks and skills, and increases in the subject's fortitude, reflexes, and willpower.

You'll see what happens as the next test begins

2013-03-09, 12:50 PM
...and yet Baqir stops and shakes his head
Countless times he'd test and failure
Faced--- and stomped and foes fell there dead
What is this glass, this folly sure?

The scarred halforc's shoulders slump in shame
---robes and mail a-quiver as
He shudders with growing wrath
Knuckles crackle, nostrils snort, flare
He beats upon his chest and chants
Bereft of magick---
---full of zeal

"In the age of old
When Darkness ruled all
Cold, beast and shadow
Held all in iron grip
Fiends prowled ashen fields
Frolicked on skull-thrones
Es-sah Sar-en-nah
Foul men and wicked things
She came down and smote
With fire and with sword
She purged and she cleansed
Es-sah Sar-en-nah
But passed there an age
Men grew forgetful
Wickedness they turned
Upon their fellows
The streets ran with blood
The Dawnflower wept
From her burning tears
Was born the Blood Queen
Lionness roaring
Tore through the sinners'
Mass and grew gleeful
With retribution
With sackcloth and ash
People repented
Es-sah Sar-en-nah
But mighty in wrath
The Blood Queen did not
Slacken nor relent
Sarenrae then spilled
Beer o'er 'megranates
And quelled the Blood Queen
Healing born from Hate
But wrath awakes still
And waits, the coming
Of true need, until then
She thirsts, slavers for
Sinners' souls and blood
Repent then, repent
Wretched filth, repent
In your name and by
Your radiant grace and
Your thirst, strength I ask"

Baqir beats upon his breast again
Rips free of sheath, his mother's sabre
And quick there quaffs...
...and quaffs what needs be quaffed.

Fortitude save [roll0] Will save [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
Fortitude save [roll4] Will save [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Doing doubles, to catch up. Just in case.

Again, sorry for the lapse. Life got busy, death got busy.

2013-03-12, 07:16 PM
At the Basilica

There is a gasp from the crowd as Baqir changes his mind at the last moment and decides to cast fate to the wind and make his second attempt.

There is a pause and a stillness in the air as he fervently grapples with his challenge.

And a murmur over the crowd as he succeeds. Off in a corner, money exchanges hands as a wager is paid.

2013-03-12, 08:08 PM
Third Round -- "Duo"

None of you seem to have incurred any effects, ill or benign, from the previous round.

At the Worldbreaker Hill

Ahead of you, Gorak stands somewhat slumped. He has attempted the third challenge and lost once. Deciding to play it safe, he has decided not to attempt a second time. This is where he stands, and anyone moving past this test will automatically fare better than him in the penultimate judging.

Also ahead of you is a strange jug. It appears much like two separate jugs joined together, and houses two separate liquids, it would seem. Anyone taking a sip from the jug, which has but one lip, will notice that inside the container there is an intricate system of grooves and channels which appear to mix the two liquids contained inside at the last possible moment. One liquid is milky and a pale white, while the other liquid is almost clear with a brown tinge. The combined liquid, a murky black substance resembling the consistency of lamp oil tastes sickly sweet. It almost burns as you swallow.

Upon swallowing, you will notice a strange form standing beside you. Vaguely smoke like in appearance, it matches you in height and shape, yet has no distinguishing features. You will also notice thick, strong leather cords wrapped around your right ankle leading to a 4 foot piece of leather strap which, in turn leads to a similar leather cord tied around the shadowy figure's left ankle.

Approximately 15 seconds after you surmise your situation with the shadowy figure, you realize three things:
- You are tied, at the leg, to this other "creature"
- There is something very, very large, smelling of sulfur, and chortling quite loudly heading towards you.
- The thing that you are tied to is already trying to get away. In a direction away from you.

The crowd and those around you seem quite hazy and indistinct, and don't seem to notice the impending danger. Whatever the creature is that seems to be closing in on you is, you suspect it's best not to let it get close enough to be able to identify it.

Oh, and that tether you see? Something tells you it's not easily cut. It is very likely to be enchanted.

At the Shipyard

Ahead of you, the tall Ulfen woman, Gerda, stands somewhat stoic as she appears to have mastered the third obstacle. She has a gash on the side of her left leg and her skin seems somewhat dry and cracking.

As you approach the next obstacle, you will be greeted by several men who will quickly set about tying a thick leather strap around your ankle. They will tether this rope to yet another automaton standing approximately three feet away. After a few minutes securing the tether and setting strange dials and levers on the automaton, they will quickly move out of the way. In fact, the whole area will be cleared as the spectators, judges, remaining contestants, and everyone else present will move a cautious distance away. About 30 feet away from you, a large wooden box, approximately 20 foot tall will have its doors flung open. Out will step a very large creature. It has scaly skin sporting large patches of red and black. It has very small horns on its head and will reek of sulfur and rot. It's breath will seem as a furnace and it will snort small fireballs.

You will realize a few things quite quickly:
- The cord you are tethered with seemed to glitter with magic
- The automaton has wasted no time in attempting to get away from the creature on the far side of the clearing. In a direction away from you.
- You don't recognize that creature and something in the back of your mind tells you that closer inspection probably isn't a healthy option

At the Basillica

Ahead of you, Qais stands, once again triumphant after clearing yet another test. He appeared to have little difficulty in beating the test, and smiles wickedly at each of you as you approach the third object.

The third object, in front of you now, is a roughly 4 inch square gem of indeterminate origin. It has a roughly red hue to it, suggesting sapphire, but its surface is strangely pockmarked and rough. It's interior is quite cloudy and occluded. As you reach to touch it, you notice something additional -- it almost appears as though it is two separate gems somehow bonded together. The seam is quite imperceptible, but seems to reveal itself as you get close enough to touch it.

After touching it, you will notice that the walls of the room will fall away. In fact, anything farther than 10 feet from you will simply fall from view, and the floor you are standing on will extend in every direction as far as you can see. Instead of the crystal in your hand, you will now notice you hold a thick cord. It feels tingly to the touch, and your arcane senses tell you it is quite strongly bonded. One end of the cord will lead to your ankle, where you will see it has been fastened around you, while the other end will lead to the ankle of a shadowy figure standing behind you. It is hard to make out features on this figure, as it is currently starting to turn and run from you. It appears to have your form and shape, although it lacks any real definition. As it runs, the cord will jerk from your hand, and you will feel a sharp tug on your ankle as the cord is stretched to its limit.

At the same moment that you feel the sharp tug on your ankle, you will also sense something else. The hairs on the back of your neck will stand up as you realize what the figure is running from; a very large creature is galloping towards you. Sporting two small horns, and with scaly skin mottled with red and black, it seems to snort fire and screams in rage towards you. As it nears, you are met with the burning smell of sulfur and a rotting odor.

You will sense the same enchantment aura on Qais as he completes the third test. This aura seems to be constantly present. You will also very briefly notice flashes of conjuration, evocation, and divination auras as he completes his task. You will also faintly sense divination coming from a short distance away. Perhaps from within the immediate area, although there are many objects obstructing your view.

As Qais begins his third test, you sense that he is casting two spells. The first is very likely an obscuring spell, and the second is very likely a destructive evocation.

Hope everything is OK. Your "busy" doesn't sound all that great.

2013-03-13, 02:12 AM
Vesper Candeo

By now, Vesper is used to the strange effects that seem to transform the Basilica when she touches each crystal. No longer awed, she begins to analyze the meanings behind them. The fog of the first crystal had no doubt been designed to encourage a confrontation with her double. The garden's gigantic plants had been meant to intimidate her. So what is an infinite flat plain good for?

Of course, she thinks, seeing the slavering beastie bearing down upon her. A chase. She feels the tug at her ankle and looks down the length of rope she finds there to see another, vaguer, double of herself beginning to flee. Not just a chase, then, thinks Vesper, beginning to draw upon her magic for the first time since the contest began. A rescue. The beast did not seem as easy to mollify as the bees, and standing her ground against it does not seem to be an option given her double's insistence on getting away.

Still, Vesper plants her feet wide and firm, needing to remain where she is til the magic is complete. The rope pulls at her ankle, and the beast's snapping jaws are getting perilously close. Huey launches himself from her shoulder and flaps to get ahead of her double. He stoops in front of it and screeches in its face. If he can slow it down or force it to turn, Vesper will have a little more time. Vesper gulps, but looks the beast in the eye as she finishes her spell with a flourish and a flash of purple light. Next to her, close enough to grab, stands a quarter horse with a lavender coat the same color as Vesper's robes and a dark blue mane the same color as her hair, wearing a lighter blue saddle.

Vesper hitches up her robes, climbs into the saddle, and with a shouted "Let's go!" slaps the horse's rump. Needing no further encouragement to get away from the beast, it breaks into a fast canter. Vesper steers it toward her fleeing double, following the now-slack rope connecting her to it. She pulls the reins as the horse comes alongside, so they are running together, and stretches out her hand. She feels Huey alight on her shoulder, his job done, but keeps her attention focused on her double. "I can get you out of here," she says, grabbing her double's hand. "Trust me!" She digs her heels into the horse's sides and pulls with all her might. The horse breaks into a full gallop, and the extra momentum lets Vesper swing her double onto its back. The double wraps her arms around her waist. Vesper does not look back at the beast.

Cast mount from my prepared spell list. Ride off heroically into the sunset in the best Western tradition :smallamused:

Will Save [roll0]

2013-03-13, 04:59 AM
Kirito -

Upon seeing Gorak fail... Kirito is worried. None the less he steps up to the double cup. He pauses before it. Sighing he closes his eyes and lifts the cup to take a gulp. IT BURNS his mind screams at the liquid goes down.

The arena goes fuzzy for a moment. Upon refocusing, Kirito notices a figure standing next to him. It seems expremely afraid of something. The figure is tied to his right foot and it's left foot. Then it hits him, an over powering smell of sulfur accompanied by a deep chuckle.

"RUUUN!!!" Kirito yelled, turning so that the pair's tied ankles are together. He put his arm on it's shoulder and it does the same. "INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE! 1 2 1 2 1 2!!! Just keep going!!! Kirito said. The pair moving together, moving away from what ever large figure was following them.

They started out fine but soon the figure freaked out and got out of step. Kirito couldn't get back in step and tripped over the tether between them. He face planted hard into the sand that was the arena floor.

Fort: [roll0]
Random: [roll1]

Will edit story if the roll is junk

2013-03-13, 07:03 AM
Noticing the new scene before him, Ragnok looks at the creature and says, "UP!"
He activates reverse gravity and ascends into the air, pulling the tethered creature along. "We will never make it if you struggle so," he continues. He tries to ascend higher and higher and starts 'swimming' away.

"With a little luck and a little ingenuity, any situation can be avoided." Just then he notices the large creature narrowly missing them as it charges underneath. He gives a sigh and wonders why he bothered getting the tethered guy out of the way too.

When his vision has returned he will take a bow.
Fort [roll0] alternate [roll1]

2013-03-13, 10:23 AM
Hale Akula

The elf does his best to figure out where the outside magic is coming from.

[roll0] perception

When it comes to his turn at the gem, he closes his eyes and gives himself to the magical forces.

His eyes open and is greeted by another figure. With the rope around his ankles and the other holding the other end, the elf immediate reaction is aggression but that quickly changes as he notices the real danger.

Hale's first impulse is to counter attack but stops himself and looks at the rope. He yells to the other, "get in here!" as he casts a spell quickly using the cord in hand.

Casting Rope Trick

2013-03-14, 12:35 PM
Baqir downs the third elixir with a snarled prayer to the Blood Queen and sets the vessel back down. He growls and hefts his shield as the visions swim and form...

The halforc templar sizes up the situation swiftly, scowling and spitting a battle-prayer, asking for the Dawnflower's warding, not over himself but for the fleeing fool beside him. A warm radiance washes over the smoky figure, bringing comfort and a measure of protection from hellspawn.

"DAEMON SCUM!" Baqir roars in defiance...

...then dashes to catch up with his apparently craven companion. He matches stride, shield held up behind both of them. He growls, "Keep it together! The Dawnflower protects!"

*Apologies for the re-post. Made a mistake in the roll-typing as well as forgot the now-first paragraph.

Cast Protection from Evil.

Fort save: [roll0]
Ref save: [roll1]
Will save: [roll2]

Multiple saves, just in case.

Know: Planes/Religion: what the heck is that thing and how do we kill it? [roll3]


2013-03-14, 02:17 PM
Listen says Nyz to the construct as if it was a living thing, trusting his luck that the automaton would be programmed to understand the common language I could use a grease spell again until you fall and become a demon snack and toothpick combo, but I try to avoid an encore unless there is an adoring crowd clamoring for it.

By the man's voice he actually meant the last statement

So here is the deal: Run towards the water along that boat says the bard, pointing to one of the many vessels being constructed at the shipyard. When we reach the end, turn left. If our friend behind us is following, I will take care of him

Lucky proves true to his nickname, for the construct seems to understand the situation and decides to cooperate with the human. The pair makes their (rather well coordinated) dash across the shipyard as if they were going to dive into the waters themselves. At the very last second, the pair coordinates a sharp turn to the left side, for a brief moment disappearing from the pursuer's sight.

And that's all the time Nyz needed.

Calling upon his innate powers, the bard creates an illusion of himself and the automaton, running back to the path they came from as if they had reached a dead end and had no choice to double back.

Always one for the drama, Lucky has his illusions turn to face the creature and raise their fist in a half-panicked, half-resigned decision to make one last stance.

The real Nyz just smiles and waits (letting the automaton getting ahead of him), confident that his luck would hold and the creature would plunge to its demise.

2013-03-19, 09:01 PM
Vesper seems to pass the test and may move on.
Kirito has failed this attempt. He may attempt again, but if he fails, he will not score anything for this part of the tournament. If he stands here, this will count as his mark for this part.
Ragnok has also failed this attempt. As with Kirito, he may attempt again or stand.
Baqir has passed his test and may move on.
Nyz has passed his test and may move on.
Hale has also passed his test and may move on.

For those who are keen to attempt again, you may replay your dramatic attempt as before, or even give me just the rolls.

RE: Your knowledge check. You are not quite certain about the origin of this creature. It definitely seems extra-planer in origin. You fail to recall any specifics. No bother, though, since you handily beat the test.

You fail to notice anything in particular this round. Perhaps if you tried again at the next test?

2013-03-19, 11:12 PM
Hale Akula

He stands down. Looking at Vesper he sits down and then whispers, "We need to figure what's going on here... that's the real test. Help me figure out what's going on. There was some divination when Qais was taking the test."

When Qais steps up Hale casts his own divination spell but instead of looking at Qais he looks at the crowd.

[roll0] spellcraft
[roll1] perception

2013-03-20, 04:46 AM
Kirito, not happy with where he's at in the line up stands up. He dusts himself off and looks at the cauldron... He shivers a little. He wants to go forward but doesn't think he can do it. He decides to stay were he is

2013-03-20, 08:29 AM
Vesper Candeo

"I'll try," whispers Vesper. She draws on her magic, then lets it flow from herself into the owl that's sitting on her shoulder. Huey launches himself into the air and begins wheeling above the crowd. If Hale's right, and Qais has someone helping him, they might be hiding there. "I don't think I'll find anything before you do, though, she admits, casting the same spell on herself and looking past the tables where the crystals are ensconced. Or maybe they're hiding nearby, invisible. "I wasn't prepared for a mystery."

Cast Detect Magic twice, once on Huey, once on myself. If Huey spots anyone acting suspiciously in the crowd, I'll feel it. If we spot any auras we don't know about already, like Qais' or the crystals', we'll try to identify them:

Vesper's Perception [roll0]
Vesper's Spellcraft [roll1]

Huey's Perception [roll2]
Huey's Spellcraft [roll3]

2013-03-25, 12:25 PM
Baqir stumbles to a stop
As the phantasm fades
Stomps to the next cup
Dances 'round its
Plinth and prays
Then quaffs...



2013-03-26, 08:16 PM
Fourth Round -- "Fear"

None of you seem to have incurred any effects, ill or benign, from the previous round.

At the Worldbreaker Hill

As you are preparing to move forward in this test, you will notice two things:
- The short haired blonde is still in this competition
- There are only 2 jugs/containers left

At about the moment that you step forward to attempt the next test, a very large explosion will be heard nearby. The ground shakes as the sonic energy from a large "kaboom!" washes over you from somewhere to the southeast. Crispus and the few guardsmen present will look stunned for a moment, as does most of the cloud. A large plume of smoke will be seen by this time, trailing up from the southeast.

At the Shipyard.

As you are stepping forward to participate in the next event, a distant booming noise will interrupt your focus. The large "boom!" will be heard off to the east/southeast, and after several moments, you will see smoke rising into the air. Keegan and several sailors and other armsmen will begin to look worried, and a messenger will be sent towards the distant smoke and sound. Keegan will turn to quiet the crowd at this point.

At the Basillica

Qais will be partway through the next event when you will feel the ground shake briefly. In the distance, you will faintly hear a booming sound. Shortly thereafter, Iocor will summon two aides to his side and whisper something to them. They will dash outside to (presumably) investigate.

Vesper, Hale:
You will notice 3 men near the very back of the room, with strong auras of divination and enchantment. As Qais begins his test, their auras will flicker brighter for a moment. Although you can't be completely positive, you believe they are in the midst of a strange ritual you have not seen before.

2013-03-26, 08:51 PM
What a curious development... says Nyz, not a hint of worry in his voice.

After all, his luck was still running strong.

Master Keegan says Lucky as he approaches the master of ceremonies of the shipyard If you would let me, I may be of some assistance here by providing some entertainment while we get news of what has happened

Never one to turn away from an audience, the bard begins to sing a slow yet uplifting melody, using his beautiful voice to soothe the spectator's fears.

let's assume he takes 10 for a total of 25
If a roll is required [roll0]

2013-03-26, 08:55 PM
Vesper Candeo

"What was that?" says Vesper loudly and insistently, facing in the direction of the three dweomer-clad men. She's much more concerned about the distant explosion, but Hale would want her to try and disrupt their concentration if they're helping Qais. Having made her attempt, however, she wheels back around to Iocor just as he's seeing off his aides.

"That sound, I mean, in the distance?" she clarifies. "It sounded like it could be dangerous. Someone might be hurt...We should postpone the test," she says, all the more emphatically for having hesitated. She knows the decision is out of her hands but is determined to make her position clear. "There are people with power here: if we can help, we should." Vesper looks to Hale for support.

2013-03-26, 08:58 PM
"Should we check that, or continue," Ragnok questions.

2013-03-27, 04:46 AM
Kirito whirls around upon hearing the blast. He moves next to Ragnok, "I feel that we should go check that out. It may be more important than this contest"

2013-03-27, 10:17 AM
Hale Akula

Once he could tell where the divination was coming from he started walking in that direction. He got a glimpse of the three participating in the ritual. He was about to disturb them when the explosion caught his ears.

He look towards the sound and then to the judges.

Walking back to Vesper, he adds to her voice, "It would be good to help if we knew what was going on... maybe those three diviners can help." He points to the three casting the divination ritual.

Are the three elves?

2013-03-28, 11:27 AM
Baqir allows himself a brief grin of relief, then, angry at that bit of selfishness, strides to the stage's edge, incidentally finding himself beside Kirito and Ragnok.

Brandishing his cutlass, the robed halforc nods at the former and barks at the officials, "Sirs. Request adjournment. The Dawnflower wills that aid be rendered in time of need. I reckon we could help---"

Scowling deeply and gesturing with his scimitar, he continues, "---thattaway."

2013-03-28, 10:13 PM
Nyz's performance is very effective and settles the crowd, bringing peace to all within earshot.

Yes, the three appear to be elves. They appear quite calm at the moment. They also appear to be getting ready to leave.

Baqir begins to head South-Easterly, in the direction of the noise and smoke.

After a few moments at the Basillica, the aides return to Iocor and a few hand gestures and whispers are exchanged. A murmur begins to run through the crowd, and you can faintly make out "princess" and "kidnapped". Iocor quickly turns to the crowd and contestants with "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid we're going to have to adjourn today's contests. Unforseen matters of state have arisen and I must now attend to them. I ask that you please return to your homes and business and await word of when we may continue. Good day." He will then turn, wave to several other robed men to follow, and head toward the exit.

Crispus and Keegan are still awaiting word from their messengers.

2013-03-29, 02:21 AM
Vesper Candeo

"Yeah," says Vesper sarcastically, drawing the word out into a nasal drawl, "that's not happening." Drawing on the magic she had prepared for the contest, Vesper reaches out and taps Hale on the shoulder. "Your idea, on the other hand, is a good one," she says. "Go. Do it. That ward should protect you from mental attacks," she explains. "While you're doing that, I think I can get Iocor to tell me what he knows," she says, beginning to run after the rapidly retreating robed man. "Meet back here in ten minutes!" Huey, meanwhile, flies down and lands on Hale's shoulder. He'll be able to let Vesper know if anything goes wrong with Hale.

Vesper tries to maintain her composure despite her robes and cloak flapping around her. "Sir!" she calls, her footfalls echoing off the mosaic floor, "Let me and my friends help in your investigation. When I make my report home to Promise, I'll be sure to talk about how accommodating and easy to work with you were." She hopes that offer, of extra bodies now and of slightly improved relations with Hermea later, is enough to at least entice the Taldans.

Cast protection from chaos on Hale.

...And since I'm trying some literal state-to-state diplomacy, how about a Diplomacy check? [roll0]


I know they say never to split the party, but the party's long past split and I don't have any decent prepared spells to contribute other than the spell I already cast.

According to the "Foreign Relations" section of this article (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Hermea), Taldor wants good relations and even an alliance with Hermea. Something about a powerful gold dragon being on their side.

2013-03-29, 10:41 AM
Hale Akula

He casts another ward, just incase...

Casting protection from evil

The young elf mage runs up to the three leaving. "Sirs, I know you three have great powers of divination. Could you help us and find out what the explosion is about. Maybe with your add we can help solve and alleviated this matter"

2013-03-29, 11:16 AM
Baqir makes his way towards the trouble
Yelling, "Be calm! The Dawnflower protects! Call the Guard an' get to shelter!"
At the panicking crowd of civilans
Nodding grimly at the two who do march
Beside him, he says, "Ragnok, right? And, uh, sorry...?"

2013-03-29, 06:53 PM
Kirito agrees with Baqir on going to help with the situation, but first he needs to get the rest of his equipment. He excuses himself, and runs back to the tavern. From there he runs to area of the blast

2013-03-29, 08:55 PM
"Figures," Ragnok says, then starts following Baqir.

2013-04-01, 08:31 PM
At the Basillica

Iocor will turn to you for a moment and respond with "My dear, I'm afraid the royal family has encountered a dramatic peril which requires my immediate attention. I appreciate your concern, and I take no great pleasure in turning aside an offer of help from someone representing your great nation, no less. But this is a matter for the royal court and I'm sure it's being handled by the most....um.... professional of responses.". At this last bit, he seems somewhat hesitant. He will begin walking Westerly.

You get the sense he would have liked to take you up on your offer, but he seems compelled by a greater calling.

Two of the elves will ignore you completely and head straight toward the exit. The third will turn toward you with a strange accent and mutter under his breath: "I seriously doubt you could help anyone with anything. Besides, this isn't our affair. Do we look like hostage negotiators to you?". Obviously, his mood is hostile towards you. He does not seem to want to wait for a response.
With a DC 14 Knowledge(local) and your background, you can probably place the accent...

Somewhere near the Imperial Square

Baqir, Ragnok, and Kirito (after a quick run) will eventually find themselves near a large square. The scene is one of chaos and carnage. Several buildings are destroyed, as if a very large blast had leveled half of them. Many people lay wounded or dead in the street. The local watch is trying to restore order and has set up a loose perimeter. Shortly after the three arrive, a large contingent of what appear to be royal guardsmen will arrive on horseback and begin to bark orders to all within earshot. "Stand back by order of the Emporer!," and "All who have born witness to this must stand fast and be accounted!" is the general gist of their commands.

If they question bystanders, it will not take the three long to learn that a large explosion took place here, devastating the large square and all who were within it. There is also a serious rumor that the princess was somehow involved, and has, in fact, been abducted. This will be accompanied by rumors of strange magic, including a man completely covered in black and red tattoos wearing naught but a loin cloth and holding a large device resembling a spinning top.

2013-04-01, 08:47 PM
Hale Akula

Hale fought the the urge to roll his eyes at the pretension of the elves.

I'd like to take 10 (giving 19) if not here is the roll

He returns to Vesper and blurts out, "Seem like there's a hostage situation."

2013-04-02, 03:54 AM
Vesper Candeo

"Yes," say Vesper, weaving magic into her words so Hale will hear her across the massive building.1 "and one of the royal family's the hostage. I think someone's taken the princess," she specifies, drawing on the whispers of the crowd as they had been herded out of the Basilica.

"Which means," she says to Iocor, "that my friends and I are going to do everything we can to get her back. I want to help your investigation, but we'll work our own if we have to. If we cross paths with your investigators, we'll share any information we find." Vesper turns on her heel and starts back toward Hale, as though she intends to drag him toward the explosion. She expects, however, to be recalled by Iocor; the Taldans won't want a group outside their control involved. There's some small danger they'll be arrested, but Vesper is prepared to invoke diplomatic immunity, and she doesn't really believe they'd do it in any case. Arresting someone who wants to help would draw suspicion on the arresting officer after all.

1Assuming Iocor and I are still inside, I'm casting Message to make sure Hale hears me, but not bothering to lower my voice so that Iocor and the elves can hear me too if they're listening.

2013-04-02, 08:02 AM
"This is not good," Ragnok says to the other competitors.

2013-04-02, 09:08 PM
You can't be sure, but the elf seemed to have a very thick accent, most likely from Galt. Obviously, being an elf, you might find that a bit odd

Iocor will largely ignore you and continue on his way, although you might catch glimpse of a smile crossing his lips as he walks away.

You will find that besides Kirito and Baqir, none of the other competitors seem to have followed.

2013-04-02, 09:19 PM
Kirito looks around before turning to the other two, "Maybe we should try to help out?"
Kirito runs over to a guard and asks what he can do to help

2013-04-02, 09:24 PM
Once the crowd calms down, Nyz approaches the master of ceremonies

Master Keegan, now that things are a bit more... settled, I would like to offer my not-so-small powers to help in any way I can. Am I to assume that the tournament is suspended until further notice?

2013-04-02, 09:29 PM
Hale Akula

"Let's go," he says to Vesper. "I'm sure we can find where that explosion came from. By the by, what do you know of Galt."

knowledge check: Info about Galt.
[roll0] local

2013-04-02, 09:39 PM
Vesper Candeo

When Iocor fails to call her back, Vesper keeps walking back to Hale, a little disappointed that the man wasn't more helpful when he easily could have been. She nods at Hale's suggestion that they go, and they walk together out the Basilica's grand main entrance and onto the street. While they make their way towards the sound of the explosion, Vesper explains what she knows about Galt.

Knowledge (history): [roll0]

In case the roll is changed or invalidated somehow, let the fact that it was a 21 be preserved.

"I know its story is a tragedy," she says, sticking close to Hale so they can shove their way through the crowds going in the opposite direction. "Sixty years ago, House Thrune took control of Galt along with the rest of Cheliax. Their puppet nobility were ultimately overthrown, there and in Andoran, and the people took over the country themselves.

"They aspired to the highest ideals. For a time, Galt was filled with hope and love of life, and Isarn, the capital, sparkled with the glitter of a thousand diamonds. But soon hatred and fear took hold. People started seeing counterrevolutionaries everywhere. Within a year, the Revolutionary Council fell." Vesper sighs. "It's like the country was cursed."

2013-04-03, 01:22 AM
Baqir grunts grimly at the other two
Offers to carry Ragnok, if need be
Strides in Kirito's swift shadow's wake
Salutes the guards with his scimitar

2013-04-04, 10:13 AM
"I don't need carrying," Ragnok says bluntly. "Let's find out more!"

2013-04-10, 08:00 PM
Eventually, Vesper and Hale will make their way to the chaotic square.

There they will find Iocor apparently engaged in a conversation with one of the soldiers in the square, although their speech seems strangely silent. As they look about, they will also notice the others, namely Baqir, Kirito, and Ragnok.

Keegan will turn to you and smile, looking at you up and down. "Yes, I believe the tournament is suspended, as you surmise. Perhaps you might be interested in going and seeing what the blasted hell is going on?". He turns and shouts out loud toward no one in particular, "Where the hell are my messengers?!"

The soldiers will largely ignore anyone who attempts to talk with them, blowing off offers of help with word that this is official business. Stretcher bearers will eventually arrive and begin loading the injured onto stretchers and toting them away.

Perception 15:
There is a female halfling who seems to be watching most of you, and seems less interested in the goings on of the activity in the square or the soldiers.

2013-04-10, 08:30 PM
Vesper Candeo

Vesper [roll0]
Huey [roll1]

"Great, you're all here!" says Vesper upon seeing the others. She ignores Iocor and the soldiers given the official's earlier attitude, though she does smile a little upon seeing him here. Instead, she and Huey scan the crowd, and Vesper spots someone interesting: a female halfling who seems only to have eyes for their little group. She might just be a very enthusiastic supporter of one or more of them in the tournament, but Vesper finds that unlikely. Much more likely is that she's connected somehow to the Princess' disappearance.

"Ma'am," she says, calmly but firmly, in her best diplomat voice, "Is there something you want to say to us?" Vesper smiles again, a little more widely this time since she's doing it for the halfling, not for herself. "Whatever it is, we'll listen."

2013-04-10, 08:44 PM
Kirito had been trying to get the guards to let him help but was just blown off. Finally giving up, he looked around this crowded area to find more of his companions had arrived. He too notices the small woman that Vesper questions. He puts his hands behind his head as if stretching. His hands now nearer to the swords on his back incase they were needed.

Perception [roll0]

Why all the good rolls when I don't need it

2013-04-11, 07:50 PM
Nyz makes a small bow at the master of ceremonies and heads towards the source of the tumult.

And as fortune would have it, the bard reaches the square as Vesper issues her challenge to the halfling.

With a smile on his lips, Lucky prepares to immobilize the mysterious humanoid should she decide to run.

Readied action: cast hideous laughter if the halfling attacks or tries to escape

2013-04-13, 10:12 AM
Hale Akula

The stoic elf looks around and notices Iocor. That man is everywhere, he thinks to himself.

He silently watches his companions and the halfling.

2013-05-05, 01:34 AM
Shield held ready and prayers steady
Baqir tromps over to the diminutive dame
And says, tensing up for any foul game,
And nods as well to Vesper---
---already arrived, asking
"Ma'am? Be ye knowin'
Of any of these foul matters?"

Perception to mayhap notice anything strange about her.
Sense MNotive to detacty any falsehood.

2013-05-23, 09:31 PM
The halfling will turn to Vesper and smile, saying "Oh, I don't yet know if there's anything you can do to help. Perhaps," her voice trails off as she seems to ponder for a moment.

She taps her cheek for a few seconds and continues with, "Perhaps you can help. I believe the princess has been taken, but not by the hand of whom Taldor will guess. I can not say much here as the streets are likely now as full of spies as the Royal Court. Meet me in at a place in the Narrows called the 'Silver Nugget' in one hour's time. I have, er, powerful, friends who would turn this tragedy to good. Make sure you bring good friends" (with this last bit she will glance around at the rest of the group).

She will wink at Baqir, cast one last long glance around the scene, and then turn to leave to the North.

2013-05-24, 10:14 AM
Hale Akula

He listens to the halfling and watches her leave.

[roll0] sense motive

"We have an hour, what do you want do now?" he asks turning his attention to the soldiers.

[roll1] perception

2013-05-25, 01:05 AM
Baqir's brows furrow beneath his turban as he quietly considers the mysterious halfling's words. And what, by the Blood Queen's blade, was that wink for?

Slowly shouldering his shield, broad shoulders shrug. Thick lips scowl in puzzlement while a heavy hand strokes the brass pommel and guard of his cutlass as he sheathes the sword.

He grunts at the others, "Whut de y'all make o' her? And do? Follow--- but be wary."

Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

2013-05-25, 08:22 AM
Kirito listens to his companions for a moment before speaking up.
"As shady as that woman was, I think we should do everything in our power to help out in this situation. It sounds to me like we will be traveling again. We should collect all our gear and meet back at this "Silver Nugget" as soon as you're able.

2013-05-26, 06:01 PM
Some moments after the halfling woman has left, Iocor will stroll over to Vesper and Hale with marked look of concern on his brow. He will motion them closer and tell them, "You asked earlier if you could be of some assistance. I believe it is possible that you can. You see, it appears that a group of people -- we can't yet be certain on whose behalf although it looks they were Qadiran in origin -- have kidnapped her Serene Highness, the Princess."

He glances around for a moment before continuing. He seems to notice the rest of the party. "If you and your...friends... are interested in doing a favor for myself and organization that I represent, you could earn some prestige in important circles. You see, myself and my colleagues feel that there are certain other clues in this event that may direct the true identity elsewhere, and the clues leading us to a Qadiran source may simply be false flags. I have in mind a small mission for you and some of these other obviously talented individuals."

"The official, royal, mission will be to track the obvious clues to Qadira. Soon, the Royal Prince himself will begin organizing a small force to follow the trail southward. I believe in hedging my bets, and would have you travel north, instead. If you are up for a challenge, meet me in about an hour in the Hall of Music, at the Kitharodian Academy"

She seems sincere enough. As for the guards, you notice that they seem to be organizing to leave the area.

She seems sincere enough. You notice nothing out of the ordinary with her -- her dress seems somewhat casual, and she seems like she is suddenly in a hurry. She disappears quickly in the crowd as she leaves.

2013-05-28, 09:25 AM
Baqir nods at Kirito, and then says, "Agreed, at that. By th---"

Before his platitude could continue, he cuts himself off and listens stolidly to Iocor. Utterly consternated and quite a bit confused now, Baqir simply nods gravely, mind trying to piece together what it could of the man's tells after he leaves.

The halforc then turns once more to his erstwhile companions and asks, "W'elp. Wotta make y'all o' that, then?"

Perception! [roll0]
Seeeeense Motive! [roll1]

2013-05-28, 10:19 AM
"That we have a choice to make," says Vesper, taking a few steps to the left. She turns around, beginning to pace, her mouth frowning and her brows furrowed. "Think about it. We've been told the same story twice by two different people. What did the lady say? 'not by the hand of whom Taldor will guess'? And now Iocor tells us who Taldor has guessed, and that he thinks they're wrong too. The only problem is, they both want to meet at the same time...

"I think we might have to split up again," she says, stopping and looking seriously at each of the others. "The Princess needs help, and we can't afford to pass up any lead. We can meet at the north gate after hearing what everyone has to say."

2013-05-28, 10:38 AM
Hale Akula

"Iocor came to us," indicating Vesper and himself. "So we are headed to the Hall of Music, what about the rest of you?"

2013-05-28, 11:03 AM
Baqir scratches at his scraggly beard, then nods slowly at Vesper and Hale. The halforc's thick jaw chews about as he thinks.

He then shakes his head with a frown, "Not meanin' ta insult, but are y'all sure of that? Split we may be, aye, but mayhap if we go both ways, we might have an easier time of it if there's a strong shield and sword beside one of y'all's robe an' staff?"

2013-05-28, 12:05 PM
"I trust him," says Vesper confidently. "But I wouldn't mind your company if you want to meet with him too."

2013-05-28, 01:02 PM
Baqir turns with Vesper, his hands now clasped behind his back. The halforc replies, "I could say the same've the other'n. Nor would I mind yours. Thing is... there is... something... niggling... And, Qadira? That's one've the outer provinces've where I come from."

Still seemingly undecided, seemingly leaning towards the official's claim but drawn towards the stranger's. He turns to Kirito and asks, "Ye? Goin' 'igh or goin' low? Cosservatory or co-slummatory?"

@To Whom It May Concern: Probably uncertain as to whether one's better than the other. Still, if we're taking both roads, would pay to pair one warrior with one mage, eh?

2013-05-28, 01:06 PM
@To Whom It May Concern: Probably uncertain as to whether one's better than the other. Still, if we're taking both roads, would pay to pair one warrior with one mage, eh?
@ Nexus-R.C._Mina
I've loaded up on protection spells and will be near-useless to either group should the meeting devolve into combat. If you want to split up the spellcasters, split up Hale and Nyz.

2013-05-28, 03:26 PM
It would see that our earlier meeting was fortunate indeed! says Nyz as he smiles broadly as his newfound companions

I agree that we should split up, and since Lady Candeo and Master Akula seem to have a rapport with this Iocor, I volunteer myself and my humble abilities for exploring the Silver Nugget.

Kirito and Ragnok, would you care to join me? I promise to give you such a performance on our way there that you will not regret having missed the Hall of Music.

Friend Baquir, would you be so kind as to go with Vesper and Hale? The Dawnflower protects, and thus I would trust no other than you with their safety.

2013-05-28, 07:23 PM
Now that things have been sorted out, Kirito turns to Baquir,"It seems this time we are to part. I'm a little suspicious of the Halfling. I'll take the low road and try to keep it straight. Next time I hope for us to work together". He sticks out his hand to for Baquir to shake.

2013-05-29, 11:30 AM
Hale Akula

"Okay the three of us to the Hall of Music," he says to the half-orc and fellow caster. "The rest of you follow up the halfling."

2013-05-29, 02:38 PM
"Sarenrae smile on ye all", Baqir grunts gravely as he takes the lean halfelf's offered arm and gives it a single shake. He bows slowly and addresses the others, eyes solemn, hand open and palm splayed as he pronounces a blessing rough tongue stumbling across Celestial verses.

Done, he falls into step behind the two mages, then pauses and asks, "All of us meet at North Gate after we've heard both parties? What if things unexpected happen again before then, and we're forced to move without the others? May the gods grant us... and the Princess... time enough 'ere the sun sets or more blood is spilt."

2013-05-31, 10:36 PM
OK, assuming Baqir, Hale, and Vesper are headed towards the meeting with Iocor, and Kirito and Nyz are headed to meet the halfing at the Silver Nugget. Haven't heard from Ragnok in some time. For now, we'll assume he wasn't a witness to the scene.

At the Music Hall

As you enter the music hall, you find yourself in a large foyer that runs north and south. Several rooms adjoin this hall, and directly opposite the entryway is another large set of doors providing entrance into the grand auditorium. Several young men and women are bustling in and out of the hall, their paths leading them to and from two of the rooms connecting to the large hallway. In one of the rooms, you will find several heavily armed men engrossed in a heavy and heated discussion. They will barely notice you as you look in on them. Around the room are several large maps.

In the second room you fill find Iocor. He is currently talking to another man wearing leather armor and a green sash. The two seem to be almost whispering to each other as you enter. Upon seeing Vesper, he will smile broadly and say "As if on cue, here they are. Thank you for coming. Is this all that you have brought with you? I thought I saw several others nearby that seemed you seemed familiar with?"

"Oh well, no bother. Let us not tarry and get straight to the heart of the matter. I represent a certain group that operates here in Taldor. For your safety, I can not name the organization. You may take heart that for the moment, our goals are the same and we are most concerned with the welfare of the Emperor and his family. It is of this last matter that I have asked you here."

"Many clues at that square we last met at indicate that a small force launched an ambush on the Princess's train. She was on a trip to one of the nearby markets, and apparently, small chemical bombs and some traces of magic were used to create a diversion. Her body guards were slain, and she and several of her hand maidens were apparently taken. Several clues were left which suggest a Qadiran connection. The Emperor's royal guard and advisers are convinced that Qadira was somehow behind the attack, and have sent a large force southwards to trail the escaping hostage takers and, presumably, the Princess. Myself and several of my colleagues have found additional signs that suggest these clues were left intentional, in an effort to mislead. These signs would point to another source, one of a more nefarious and evil nature"

"We can not officially act, so we have decided to recruit you to follow up on these clues and investigate them further as you are able. The Emperor has called me to his service, and I must report to him shortly. In the meantime, I would ask that you speak with my colleague, Gareth, as he has more details of your mission. I can not compel you to take this service, but I can offer you my gratitude and the gratitude of my peers. Your service would carry you well in many important circles within Taldor."

The man beside Iocor will bow and say "Good evening. My name is Gareth, and what do you know of Varisia?"

At the Silver Nugget"

As you enter, the interior eating area will assault your senses with smoke, loud music, and the din of many conversations at once. Among the many patrons here this early evening, you will quickly find the halfling woman who greeted you in the square. She is surrounded by 3 large Ulfen men. She will quickly spot you as you enter, and with a short word to her companions, they will shoot warning looks your way and walk off some distance, leaving the woman alone at a large table.

"Did your friends from the square decide not to come? Pity. This would have been so much more fun with a few more. Oh well, it'll still be plenty of fun with just the 2 of you."

"I represent certain influential interests in Andoran. I operate as part of an elite, clandestine group which operates in certain large cities outside of Andoran. At the moment, I find myself here, in Oppara, competing in a strange and unique contest which has brought skilled and talented people from around Golarion. Skilled people such as yourself."

"As it so happens, the Princess was taken by force today by a very skilled and very artful group of people. The official query into the incident will no doubt find the obvious clues pointing toward a Qadiran state sponsored attack. But my colleagues and I have been tracking a group here that is most decidedly not Qadiran in origin. We believe this group is responsible for the attack, and have taken the princess. Not south to Qadira, as the Emperor will suspect, but rather North to Nex, and from there we can not say."

"We need to move quickly to follow this group, but unfortunately, myself and my compatriots are being called away to another mission at this very moment. I would like to recruit you and your friends, and would ask that you travel quickly North, with all due haste, to Nex, to intercept this group. I can give you some money for travel, and can promise you that the country of Andoran would be very honored and appreciative of your service in this moment. What do you know of Nex?"

Across the room, an Oread with stone-like skin and wearing a full plate suit can be seen eyeing the halfling woman and the party.

2013-06-01, 11:32 AM

"What do you know of Nex?"
I know it's south of Taldor, not north, and across the Inner Sea for that matter :smalltongue:

"What do you know of Varisia?"

Let's find out! Knowledge (geography) [roll0]

"Our friends didn't feel comfortable meeting here," says Vesper diplomatically. "They've trusted us to tell them what is said here, just like you trust us not to tell anyone else. We won't disappoint either of you."

2013-06-01, 01:28 PM
"I can see by the look in your eye that you know quite a bit about Varisia, then. Is it your homeland, by chance?", says Gareth.

Without waiting for an answer, "I'm sure you know of a place called Kaer Maga as well, then. We have no eyes nor ears in that region, and we need you to fill that gap. We believe that a small train of mercenaries will be making their way there with the Princess in tow. Probably disguised as merchants, and carrying slaves, they will not likely be stopped before entering the city. We do not know which route they will be taking, nor how fast they will arrive. Not slowed by any such cargo, you should be able to arrive there well ahead of them and follow their movements."

"We need to find out who they are taking her to. If we are right, it won't be an easy task to follow them and discover their benefactor or partner. Once you have figured that out, we would like you to report to us immediately using this stone. ". He will reach into a large bag in his pocket and produce a small, oblong grey stone.

2013-06-02, 12:06 AM
Hale Akula

The elf is amazed at how fast the young woman is able to look things up in her books and wonders if she just likes to carry them around all the time.

"If we are going to work for you, what kind of support can we expect?"

2013-06-02, 03:58 PM
Gareth smiles at Hale. "In terms of financial support, you can expect reimbursement for your traveling expenses, as well as a weekly stipend of 50 gold a piece for your service. Our network is broad and vast, but we have a diminished presence in Varisia at the moment. You would play a large part in allowing us to track this potential lead, and that will likely lead to further work in this matter and perhaps in others."

"While we are usually concerned with information gathering and dissemination, we do have certain strategic assets at our disposal. Assets we can deploy very quickly for specific missions where diplomacy may hold no value."

2013-06-02, 08:47 PM
Vesper's eyes go wide as she comes to her almanac's section on Kaer Maga. It takes her a little longer to skim through it than it normally would, since she has to listen to Gareth at the same time, but eventually she looks up at him and Hale. "Whatever Kaer Maga is," she says, frowning a little, "it is a long way away. Anything might happen to the Princess. Are you sure we can't intercept this caravan somewhere between here and Varisia?" As she asks this, Vesper realized the man has already revealed why he doesn't want to do that, so she pushes on. "I know doing that won't let us find their benefactor or partner," she quotes, "But surely we should be thinking of the Princess' safety first?"

2013-06-03, 05:22 AM
Baqir marches stolidly
Before the two mages, watching warily
Silent listens to Gareth and Iocor
Digests in quiet, harking to Vesper
Says little, but, "Agreed wi' her.
What? Exactly? Are our? Objectives 'err?"

Know: Local, Geography
[roll0] [roll1]
Anything that he perchance knows about Varisia in general and/or Kaer Maga specifically?

2013-06-03, 06:16 PM
At the Silver Nugget"

"Did your friends from the square decide not to come? Pity. This would have been so much more fun with a few more. Oh well, it'll still be plenty of fun with just the 2 of you."

Worry not, milady, we are merely representatives of the full group. says Nyz with a small bow to the halfling as he takes a seat next the potential employer But even if we were not, I could assure you that my friend here would be more than a match for any perils that these or any other lands have to offer

Clearly, the bard's flare for the dramatic was relishing all the skulduggery

"I represent certain influential interests in Andoran. I operate as part of an elite, clandestine group which operates in certain large cities outside of Andoran. At the moment, I find myself here, in Oppara, competing in a strange and unique contest which has brought skilled and talented people from around Golarion. Skilled people such as yourself."

Lucky nods and smiles at the halfling, not surprised that multiple "elite" groups were making political maneuvers during the festival.

Still, both himself and Kirito had been part of the Andoran faction, and he had never seen neither the halfling nor the Oreads as part of the representatives...

Sense motive!

Then again, the bard did not particularly care. So he would assume the halfling was telling the truth...

For now

"We need to move quickly to follow this group, but unfortunately, myself and my compatriots are being called away to another mission at this very moment. I would like to recruit you and your friends, and would ask that you travel quickly North, with all due haste, to Nex, to intercept this group. I can give you some money for travel, and can promise you that the country of Andoran would be very honored and appreciative of your service in this moment. What do you know of Nex?"

Well, to begin with, I know that Nex is South-West of Oppara, not North. says the bard with another charming smile But let it not be said that I do not appreciate when a wise lady lays a clever trap to separate gold from sand

As for Nex, I know of the great battle between Nex and Geb, but I have never had the pleasure of visiting the land

Take best of 2

As for your patronage. Although money would certainly help, anything you might be able to provide, mostly in the fields of weapons or magical trinkets, could go a long way into expediting the mission

Diplomacy to get more loot!

Across the room, an Oread with stone-like skin and wearing a full plate suit can be seen eyeing the halfling woman and the party.

A friend of yours? says Nyz with a smile while tilting his head toward the Oread I usually only get such looks from... misunderstandings with zealous husbands and fathers

2013-06-03, 06:26 PM
Hale Akula

Baqir marches stolidly
Before the two mages, watching warily
Silent listens to Gareth and Iocor
Digests in quiet, harking to Vesper
Says little, but, "Agreed wi' her.
What? Exactly? Are our? Objectives 'err?"

He waits until they get answers before asking, "What makes you think they went north anyway?"

2013-06-03, 09:34 PM
With regard to your earlier knowledge (geography) roll, you know quite a great deal about Varisia. Your books seem to be serving you well. You can state pretty much anything you might have access to from the source material. Assuming you have some of that (Companion, Chronicles, etc). If not, I can give you a few hints that might serve you as you go

Music Hall

To Baqir, Gareth replies, "We can't risk an assault on any caravan heading north without the Emperor's blessing. He is convinced that Qadira is behind the kidnapping and he may well be right. Additionally, many agreements were made with our neighbors regarding safe passage in Taldor while this tournament was underway. It could lead to a political situation."

He continues in hushed tones, "Besides, we're sure that if the princess is indeed kidnapped and in a caravan heading north, her captors will want her kept well and alive. Knowing the true master pulling the puppet strings from Kaer Maga or wherever they are ultimately going will prove of more use to us. That is your true objective. Once you've identified them, send word, and we'll send the appropriate response. Until then, we must remain discrete about the mission."

Of Varisia, you know not much more than the average person. Of Kaer Maga, you might know that it is a large city, walled in a hexagonal shape. Below it are rumored to be a vast network of dungeons and other subterranean features. These are rumored to contain powerful artifacts and powerful creatures.

Gareth turns to Baqir at the question about going north.
"There were descriptions of several men we know to associate with a powerful group to the north. While there are plenty of traces, both chemical and arcane, that point to a Southern source, we believe these clues are too obvious. We honestly can't be sure they are headed north, but our sources are positive about the description and background on the men that were seen at the square. Our best intelligence says they are headed to Kaer Maga"

At the Silver Nugget

In response to Nyz's comments regarding Nex, she replies "Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to learn of the land on the way. The important thing to know is that we believe the Princess is going to be taken to Qantium. Certain people were seen at the attack this afternoon, and we believe they have strong ties to that city."

Sense Motive: You can sense she is clearly hiding something. Ignore the blunder with the direction. When she speaks of Andoran, she seems to be getting a few facts wrong here and there.
Knowledge (Geography): Nex's geography varies quite a bit. While it has been torn by war, and is currently plagued by its arcane past (the Miasmere, a toxic swamp comprised of arcane residues and other pollution), there are a few bright spots. Quantium is its largest city, and is known for its diversity and openness to strangers of all races and creeds. Additionally, the Well of Lies is rumored to be an ancient dungeon built by cyclopes in ages past.

In response to Nyz's request for more aid, "I see you are a smooth talker. Are you this charming with all the ladies, or just those who are offering employment? As it will be quite a journey so far south, and to compensate you for your troubles, we can offer you an initial offer of 500gp each. You may use this stone ", at which point she holds out a nondescript, small, grey stone, " to send us messages. Should you be able to intercept the group and recover any hostages, we will pay you each an additional 1000gp each. It is imperative that this contract between us remain in confidence, of course, as we will disavow any knowledge of you or your mission."

"As for him", she says, nodding towards the Olead, "he'll be your guide. We've just recruited him and he says he can get a small party to Quantium safely and quickly.".

2013-06-03, 11:24 PM
Hale Akula

The inner politics were confusing at best to the elf, "So the best clues you have are too obvious so you want us to follow some men who were in the square about the time of the kidnapping? Just humor me for a moment, but what is there connection to the princess and who are they?"

2013-06-04, 08:22 AM
Kirito just listens to the Halfling and Nyx talk. He was never very good at talking, acting more on impulse than intellect. He was here as more of a bodyguard than a negotiator. He was a little suspicious of the Oread until it was explained to them that he was their guide. Politely he nods his head in acknowledgment at the being.

2013-06-04, 10:02 AM
At the Music Hall

To Hale, the Gareth responds, "Their connection to the princess is that they were described as people who took her. Plain as that. Witnesses at the seem described these men, and we believe we know who they are. We also have good information that they are mercenaries who specialize in deception and kidnapping. They were last seen several months ago in Riddleport, and seemed bound for Kaer Maga for an important meeting. That is all we know for sure."

2013-06-04, 02:33 PM
"Two more questions, then," says Vesper, all businesslike. She understands the need to abide by Taldor's word, even though these circumstances are clearly exceptional. Indeed, she would be expecting other ambassadors to be falling over themselves to offer aid, just like she had, in the hopes of gaining Taldor's good will. "How do you plan to get us to Kaer Maga? Overland we would get there about the same time as the caravan. We could take a ship from here to Korvosa, and then a keelboat up the river to the Storval Plateau, but I don't have the faintest idea how quickly that would get us there. If there is any magic at your disposal that would take us there quickly, that would of course be ideal.

"And can we have the description of the kidnappers?"

2013-06-04, 02:46 PM
Baqir, one hand resting on cutlass' hilt
The other scratching at his beard
Paces about between Gareth and Vesper and Hale
He asks once again, "Yer... sources...
Did they say if the Princess was hurt?
Or merely... well, bagged?
An' how do we contact yer ah-sa-special stormtroopers?
An' surely such a hive o' scum an' vill'ny like Kaer Maga
Shall take with more'n a rude look an' a simple curse
To a miss'nary an' a coupla soft mages?
Subterfuge, we'll surely need?
Y'all, got any ideas? A trio o' mercs lookin' fer work?"

2013-06-04, 04:45 PM
Hale Akula

Vesper almost got the question right he thought. "What we really want is everything you know about these people, from what they look like to what they can do, where they like visit. Also who were your witnesses who saw these people?"

2013-06-05, 11:19 PM
At the Music Hall

To Vesper, Gareth responds, "As for travel, we believe they are actually traveling as you suggest. First via some large transport ship and then via smaller boat up river. We believe it will take them 4 months to reach Kaer Maga. Unless, of course, they are magically aided, which they most certainly will be."

"As for your own travel, we can, indeed, aid your travel along a similar route. We have several ships which are purpose built and enchanted for quick travel at sea, and one of these will be made to your disposal You should reach The Varisan coast in less than a month. Once you reach Korvosa, you will look up one of our men there, and he will arrange for swift journey to Kaer Maga. You should arrive well ahead of the kidnappers."

"As for the kidnappers, we have sketches of them prepared here. " he reaches behind his back to a stack of scrolls on the table and hands them to you.

3 scrolls identify men by rough sketches. Each man looks human with dark features, featuring long hair and beards. 2 of the men bear scars on their faces.

To Baqir, Gareth replies, "The princess was captured alive and as far as we can tell, unharmed. Witnesses say a brief chanting could be heard, and the Princess and her 2 ladies in waiting seemed to fall asleep instantly. Bags were placed over their heads by men who were able to quickly subdue the guards. Moments earlier, and a few paces down the street, several explosions had drawn half of the guardsmen away. Most of the witnesses were confused by the explosions and ensuing panic. We were able to locate a man and a woman who had heard the chanting and were able to see the 3 men rush in to capture the princess."

"As for special 'stormtroopers' as you say, as was mentioned, you may use this sending stone to communicate to us. It allows for a brief message to be spoken, and no matter the distance between it and its mate, 'twill be heard on the other end. We have resources in most major cities. We can respond quickly if necessary."

Turning to Hale, "I have shared with you the likeness of these men. Any other information on their backgrounds is information best left guarded for now. We will share more with you as needed after you are able to locate them in Kaer Maga and trace their activities."

"I will tell you this. One of them is a master of the arcane with many tricks up his sleeve. The other 2 are actually brothers who are known for their brutality and dirty tricks. They have been known to act as agents for the less than desirable elements of this world. One other thing that may or may not prove helpful is that one of the brothers, Kraigan,", he points to one of the sketches of a man with a scar, " has an affinity for Pesh.".

2013-06-06, 10:19 AM
Hale Akula

He didn't like the idea of them with holding information from them which made him even more suspicious. "Who was the witness that put them at the scene? And why would they want to kidnap the princess?"

sense motive

2013-06-06, 11:01 AM
Hale Akula

He didn't like the idea of them with holding information from them which made him even more suspicious. "Who was the witness that put them at the scene? And why would they want to kidnap the princess?"

sense motive

Gareth responds, "The man's name was Karl Golraith, and his wife Saran was the other witness. If you're thinking of finding them to question them, I must tell you that time is of the essence. We need to move on this very quickly, and there really is no time to dally about asking pointless questions."

"As for their motives, we can only guess. Ransom does seem possible, but not likely given the distance of their masters. Other than the Princess' value as a member of the Royal Court, we can not immediately think of any other value she may have to anyone besides as political hostage. This is a large part of the reason why we want you to investigate further for us -- to help us discover their true plans."

Other than a slight bit of irritation in his voice, you can't detect any insincerity or deception.

2013-06-06, 10:55 PM
Hale Akula

"Final question, our goal is to find the puppet master and not save the princess? I mean we were really concerned with the princess we should join the caravan and do our investigation there."

2013-06-06, 11:09 PM
"Final question, our goal is to find the puppet master and not save the princess? I mean we were really concerned with the princess we should join the caravan and do our investigation there."

"I think you misunderstand. We can not directly act on this information at this time given certain political realities. We have only a few leads, and while they seem credible to us, they aren't enough to convince the Royal Court or its guard. While the Princess' safety is important to us, it's not the only thing that is. Finding out who is behind this is just as important. We want you to find that out. Then, contact us via this device, and we'll organize a team to rescue her. Depending on the circumstance, we may require your services to assist in that rescue effort. Of course, you would be further compensated 'twere that the case."

"Besides, we do not currently have the means to intercept that caravan and free the princess by force without risk of harm. For this task, if this indeed is the true fate of the Princess, a more subtle and patient hand is needed."

2013-06-07, 05:59 PM
At the Silver Nugget

In response to Nyz's comments regarding Nex, she replies "Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to learn of the land on the way. The important thing to know is that we believe the Princess is going to be taken to Qantium. Certain people were seen at the attack this afternoon, and we believe they have strong ties to that city."

Sense Motive: You can sense she is clearly hiding something. Ignore the blunder with the direction. When she speaks of Andoran, she seems to be getting a few facts wrong here and there.

Ah... the plot thickens thinks the bard to himself as his suspicions about the halfling gain a more definite shape

In response to Nyz's request for more aid, "I see you are a smooth talker. Are you this charming with all the ladies, or just those who are offering employment? As it will be quite a journey so far south, and to compensate you for your troubles, we can offer you an initial offer of 500gp each. You may use this stone ", at which point she holds out a nondescript, small, grey stone, " to send us messages. Should you be able to intercept the group and recover any hostages, we will pay you each an additional 1000gp each. It is imperative that this contract between us remain in confidence, of course, as we will disavow any knowledge of you or your mission."

Worry not, my fair lady: Be it in matters of the heart or of the wallet, my discretion is second to none assures Nyz with a smile

I need to take this offer to our other... associates. I understand that time is of the essence says the bard, raising a hand and preventing the would be employer to push her own timeline but the success of the mission will increase exponentially with the full might of our team.

But I do not want to be neither ungrateful nor unreasonable. To expedite the process, I would like to take the stone so we can inform you of our decision. Of course, our would be guide could come along and, if I were to fail to bring my teammates around says the performer while making a countenance of deep distress, as if failing the would be employer would cause Nyz physical pain he could return the stone to you.

The bard offers a stretched hand to the shady employer

Would those terms be agreeable to you, milady? If so, I only ask for one small last boon before I leave: The pleasure of your name

2013-06-08, 08:00 AM
Kirito rolls his eyes at Nyz's smooth talking but likes that fact that he is able to negotiate single handedly without help.

2013-06-09, 08:09 PM
Hale Akula

Looking at the others he says, "The caravan couldn't be more that a few hours a head we could ride hard or sail ahead of it and meet up with it, or if we really plan on going straight to Kaer Maga we can spend a day investigating for ourselves an only loose a day out of a month."

2013-06-11, 11:45 AM
At the Silver Nugget

After the bard cuts off her protest, a frown crosses her face. After asking his last question, she contemplates for a moment.

"I must have your answer by sunrise. Any later, and we will recruit another group. And reclaim our stone."

"And the name's Lidda, " she says as a smile returns to her face.

2013-06-12, 01:29 PM
At the mention of Pesh, the halforc templar almost spits in disgust. "All the more't they need ta be cleansed."

Baqir crosses his arms over his chest, one hand scratching at his beard as he paces. He then nods and says at Hale and Vesper, "Ye speak wise. Both of those might work well. But, hmm. If we get ahead o' them, we could prepare the ground fer their coming. When do we leave, and at what ship?"

Baqir coughs and says, somewhat abashedly, "Surely y'all also have luggage ta pack? To my shame, I admit I left me stuff back't the tenement in th'Narrows. Didn't 'xpect the day'd go this way."

@Da Chief: ((Really? LIDDA? As in THE Lidda?))

2013-06-12, 04:57 PM
@Da Chief: ((Really? LIDDA? As in THE Lidda?))
OOC: It's not completely implausible. In Pathfinder lore Oerth - and for that matter Toril, Krynn, and Earth itself - are each several galactic superclusters away from Golarion, but they are in the same universe.

Vesper Candeo

"I really don't like this plan," says Vesper, frowning and resting her chin on her hands. "Putting the Princess in even more danger just to learn something about her captors doesn't seem right to me." She sighs, gets up, and pushes her chair neatly under the table. "But I believe you when you say it's the best plan. It does seem like taking the Princess far out of Taldor would be a lot of extra trouble for them, and finding out why they'd do that is important..."

Vesper holds out her hand, fingers splayed wide. "We'll take your stone, and take it to our friends. If they agree to follow your plan, we'll let you know; if not, we'll tell you, and leave the stone where you can collect it."

2013-06-12, 11:43 PM
At the Silver Nugget

After the bard cuts off her protest, a frown crosses her face. After asking his last question, she contemplates for a moment.

"I must have your answer by sunrise. Any later, and we will recruit another group. And reclaim our stone."

"And the name's Lidda, " she says as a smile returns to her face.

A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. I will inform you of our answer before sunset. says the bard with a last bow at the rogue

Giving a signal to Kirito that the conversation is over, Nyz leaves the Inn and makes his way towards the agreed meeting place.

2013-06-13, 10:31 AM
Gareth will hand the stone to Vesper. "I'm afraid I must have an answer by sunrise. I'm quite certain you'll accept our request and offer."

Knowledge(Local) to find out. If you spend time gathering information about your new found, potential benefactors, I'll give you a bonus to the roll.

2013-06-14, 02:22 PM
Baqir, his eyes troubled, bows once more and turns to leave. Though he is first minded to let the lady out the door first, he knows the importance of being a good shield and stalks out first.

Once they're a good way away, he finally says, "If we try ta make fer the Princess right off, that might well put 'er in more danger. They might scorch her earth as they rabbit outta there. But iffen we'se make fer Kaer Maga or wotever 'tis..."

He pauses, scratching at his beard. Then, asks Vesper, "Ye seem ta be blest o' knowin' wots-wot. Wot =is= Kaer Maga, besides, oh 'a hive of scum and villainy with a bazaar of the bizarre', hmm?"

2013-06-14, 05:11 PM
"It's ancient," intones Vesper as they walk, investing the word with awe and wonder. "I don't think anyone knows when it was founded, but it's well over eleven thousand years old. And it's been lived in constantly all that time. All that history...it's no wonder you can buy or sell anything there.

"As for the people," she says, "they're not all bad. Their magic can be grotesque, and the street gangs are powerful, but the city's also a haven for escaped slaves and the unjustly accused."

2013-06-15, 01:25 PM
"Ele-ven... thou... sand?" The halforc mutters. "Thass... siggficantly more years'n I knew there ever were."

"Int'restin'." Baqir rumbles, his hands now clasped behind his back. "Aye. Some have called it 'sanctuary rock'? Among the Varisians? Or mebbe I misheard them sailors' talk? Hmm. Ye hadn't messhun'd. Who rules there?"

2013-06-15, 10:23 PM
"It depends where you go," says Vesper, sounding uncomfortable. "There's no unified government. Each district has its own power brokers."

2013-06-18, 01:43 PM
"Hrrhhmm..." Baqir rumbles as he ruminates. He then replies to Vesper while still walking along, "By being good at governing their own little districts, they manage to keep the order of the place as a whole despite Maga's inherent, ah, chaotic qualities?"

2013-06-20, 02:42 PM
Assuming that both parties are done with their tasks and are meeting back at the aforementioned place.

At the North Gate ("Lion's Gate")

The sun has set, and the moon rises a quarter into the sky. The city has largely retired for the evening -- shops are closed, and laterns flicker in windows. There is a chill wind on the air.

The original ambush site is about 30 minutes walk to the south. To the north, a short stroll through the open gates and past the giant lion statues grants you passage to one of the two main roads leading northwest and northeast from Oppara.

Anyone who is here may make a perception check.

2013-06-20, 02:50 PM
Kirito raises his hand to greet the other members of the party as they meet back up at the gate. He's glad they made it all back. It's getting darker and looking around the city is slowing going to sleep.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-06-21, 10:15 AM
Hale Akula

The elf silently walked with the others. When they reach the site of the ambush it is the first time they have a chance to really look around.

[roll0] perception

When the other group approaches he walks towards then and asks, "How did the talk with the halfling go?"

2013-06-21, 11:59 AM
Hale Akula

The elf silently walked with the others. When they reach the site of the ambush it is the first time they have a chance to really look around.

[roll0] perception

When the other group approaches he walks towards then and asks, "How did the talk with the halfling go?"

Well, that depends if you prefer golden questions to steel answers muses the bard cryptically before actually explaining the situation Our would be benefactor wants us to travel South, in the direction of Nex, for according to her sources, that is where the princess is being taken to.

Nyz raises both hands as if making a balance and immediately raising his left hand while his right hand goes to his waist.

The good part is that we have a lead and I have been able to secure a hefty compensation to follow it: five hundred gold pieces up front, with another thousand for completed services

Deliberately, the bard lowers his left hand while raising the other, mirroring his previous gesture

The bad news is that I am not sure of her allegiance: She claimed to be connected to Andoran, but I am not convinced that is true. Mind that this might not have any bearing on the accuracy of her information, but is certainly is suspect

Finally, "Lucky" brings both hands on level with each other, as if balanced

If we take on this request, we would be provided with a "guide" that would secure passage for us. He might be an ally or a jailer, but by his looks he definitely is the ugly part of this business the bard chuckles at the end of this, as if amused by an internal joke

How did it go for you? asks Nyz, taking a look at his surroundings while he hears the other team's story


2013-06-21, 12:13 PM
Hale Akula

"About the same. Except they want us to travel North to Kaer Maga. He seemed more concerned with uncovering the plot of ambush and not so concerned with the Princess' safety. This man named Gareth is convinced that the best plan is to beat a caravan heading to Kaer Maga by a few months. He expected that kidnapers to stay with the caravan and keep the Princess secure all that time..." the elf huffs at the end indicating his disbelief in those expectations. He turns to his companions, "Did I miss anything?"

2013-06-21, 12:52 PM
"Iocor and Gareth are loyal to Taldor, though," says Vesper. "Hale's right. Change the destinations, and these plans are the same. Travel far from Taldor, and hope to intercept the Princess' captors and find her safe. The one difference is that we're sure Iocor and Gareth are loyal to Taldor." From the way she says it it's obvious that she prizes this highly.

2013-06-21, 02:13 PM
Fully kitted out, now bearing a backpack as well as a long spear in addition to his armour, shield and sword, Baqir squints at the seemingly prattling Nyz. The gruff halforc cleric snorts, crosses his arms over his barrel chest and says, "Even if one were ta merely lookituh money... yer offer's too shiny. They want ta drown ye in coin ta stifle any doubt."

Baqir rumbles in his throat, strokes his beard and says, "Them buggers seem a professional hit. Won't be likely ta let their one big hostage outta their hands."

He jerks his head towards the two mages and grunts, "'Mwith them, though. 'Least there be some shred o' solidity wi' that side. Still. This whole affair reeks of fishy business."

He then voices a question that had been niggling at him, "Any o' y'all got conjecture on why she been captured an' taken thattaways? Money? They shoulda sent some message by now, ransom demands. Politics? Same, but wi' concessions ta this-an'-that or release o' formerly taken prisoners. Might be summ othe' sort o' sinister frak..."

All the while, he keeps a weather eye at their surroundings...

Perception, eh? [roll0]

2013-06-25, 11:43 AM
Fully kitted out, now bearing a backpack as well as a long spear in addition to his armour, shield and sword, Baqir squints at the seemingly prattling Nyz. The gruff halforc cleric snorts, crosses his arms over his barrel chest and says, "Even if one were ta merely lookituh money... yer offer's too shiny. They want ta drown ye in coin ta stifle any doubt."

Your lack of confidence in my negotiation skills wounds me deeply, my friend says Nyz in a fake voice of dismay as he raises a hand to his forehead After all my efforts to exalt your prowess... continues the bar

Then the bard breaks into a wide smile, indicating that he was just jesting with the half-orc.

Raising his hands in an appeasing gesture "Lucky" turns back to the more serious topics of conversation

I agree with all of you: The similarity of the offers AND their opposite directions are somewhat suspicious. And though I do not doubt that you believe this Iocor to be honest, there is not guarantee that he does not have some hidden -Taldorian or not- agenda of his own.

I think we should try to do some information gathering on our own. We have until Sunrise for replying to the offers, the night is young and the bar-scene must be filled with useful information to help our decision. continues Nyz

If we find nothing of help, I have no objections with submitting to the majority and traveling North concludes the bard in a conciliatory compromise

2013-06-25, 08:20 PM
You vaguely detect a humanoid shape slipping in the shadows to the south as you converse. It appears as tall as a regular human, although you can't be certain about the race or appearance, only it's rough shape.

You believe you hear a small noise to the south

2013-06-25, 08:58 PM
Hale Akula

In a hushed tone the elf whispers, "Vesper, send your owl to the south in a circumspect manner. I think there is someone sulking in the shadows."

about how far away is the shadowy figure?

2013-06-25, 09:25 PM
Huey puffs out his feathers in annoyance, but after a glance from Vesper takes wing and flaps silently up into the eaves of a nearby building. "I don't know this will help," she says quietly, frowning a little. "I can't see what he sees, and he can't tell me either. All I know is what he feels," she clarifies. "For example, right now he's uncomfortable and cramped."

2013-06-25, 10:36 PM
Kirito doesn't really mind which route the party chooses, he's not really into politics and all that. At the mention of possibly being watched, he clenches his fists. "Could this be a third party interested in our actions? Or perhaps a double cross by one of our employers?

2013-06-25, 11:21 PM
Kirito doesn't really mind which route the party chooses, he's not really into politics and all that. At the mention of possibly being watched, he clenches his fists. "Could this be a third party interested in our actions? Or perhaps a double cross by one of our employers?

Well, that would be quite the refreshing turn of events replies Nyz, clearly more interested than worried about the possible eavesdropper.

I just love it when the plot thickens he adds with a smile

2013-06-26, 06:25 PM
Hale Akula

"Okay I was hoping that your owl might follow him if he escapes up. So what do you recommend?"

2013-06-30, 12:59 PM
"Recommend?" Knowing he can draw his blade swift enough, if need be, Baqir growls, he turns away and deliberately scratches his head.

He says, while his eyes jerk thattaways, "Daaaamn. Gotta just scratch this 'ere itch a-south o' me face. Ahhh, scratch that itch."

2013-07-04, 05:50 PM
Hale Akula

"That's subtle..." the elf grumbles. Deciding that it might take a more direct approach he turns to the shadowy figure and approaches it quickly, "You there, I'd like to talk to you."