View Full Version : Small, unexpensive magical trinkets

Qc Storm
2013-01-03, 05:30 PM
I have a very big party, and handing out magic items is hard. I'm looking for minor, homebrewed magic items that are nice to find, but are not gamechangers.

These items will not be available to buy, only found during adventures and will remain unique (or mostly unique ) forever.

The only thing I have in mind right now is a ring that enhances move speed by 5ft. Nothing to panic about, but armor users would probably hang on to it for a while.

I've been dabbling with various other ideas, such as something granting a small amount of max HP, or an item that can grant one d20 reroll, but breaks after use. Perphaps a +1 bonus to saves against specific kind of spells, or a +1 bonus to an ability score.

2013-01-03, 06:40 PM
ring of unlimited minor wish prestidigitation

what can it accomplish? Nothing gamebreaking, but should cause a great deal of fun.

2013-01-03, 06:51 PM
My favorite is to give them things that have no obvious use, but with a clever gourp could be useful.

For instance, I once gave my group a walking stick that, when stood on end, continued to balance there on its own until it was disturbed.

A cup that changes the color of any liquid poured into it. A fancy version will let you change which color it will make the liquid.

A ring that causes you to speak gibberish (but there was a matching ring somewhere out there and if two people wore them they could only understand each other)

A candle that never goes out in high wind (it must be snuffed out)

Qc Storm
2013-01-03, 06:57 PM
My favorite is to give them things that have no obvious use, but with a clever gourp could be useful.

For instance, I once gave my group a walking stick that, when stood on end, continued to balance there on its own until it was disturbed.

A cup that changes the color of any liquid poured into it. A fancy version will let you change which color it will make the liquid.

A ring that causes you to speak gibberish (but there was a matching ring somewhere out there and if two people wore them they could only understand each other)

A candle that never goes out in high wind (it must be snuffed out)

Thanks to a thread on this site, I tried this a while ago. But my players are not very good with these items.

Your ideas are inspiring me to try again though.

2013-01-03, 07:03 PM
Something for inspiration:

Earring that sets Listen to +2, no matter what your score normally is. Does not overcome deafness. Ring or face slot.

Ring of lucky strikes. +2 to rolls to confirm crit.

Amulet of restful sleep. If worn during rest, recover an additional 5 hp/8 hours.

Badge of Valour. +1 morale bonus vs. fear effects. Shirt or throat slot.

Tongue stud of irrigation. Wearer need not drink water (could be too powerful in some campaigns). Face slot.

Elegant bracelet. +1 to perform and sleight of hand checks.

Wooden talisman. +1 to will saves against fey spells and spell-like abilities. Throat slot.

Hair pin of lockpicking. Mwk. lockpick that looks innocent.

2013-01-03, 07:20 PM
I like items that mimic class abilities.

Earring of Trap Sense +1 (head slot)
Earring of Spell Sense +1 (as the ACF from Complete Mage)
Bag of 20 biscuits of Wild Empathy (as a L1 Ranger)
A pouch with 10 pinches of Dust of Item Deception (as the Warlock ability)

Qc Storm
2013-01-03, 07:41 PM
Something for inspiration:

Earring that sets Listen to +2, no matter what your score normally is. Does not overcome deafness. Ring or face slot.

Ring of lucky strikes. +2 to rolls to confirm crit.

Amulet of restful sleep. If worn during rest, recover an additional 5 hp/8 hours.

Badge of Valour. +1 morale bonus vs. fear effects. Shirt or throat slot.

Tongue stud of irrigation. Wearer need not drink water (could be too powerful in some campaigns). Face slot.

Elegant bracelet. +1 to perform and sleight of hand checks.

Wooden talisman. +1 to will saves against fey spells and spell-like abilities. Throat slot.

Hair pin of lockpicking. Mwk. lockpick that looks innocent.

I like your style pal. I'll probably use most of these.

2013-01-03, 08:40 PM
I quite like low powered intelligent items, with slightly deranged personalities.

I prefer to hand out mad intelligent artefacts, but not at low level.

Either way these are memorable, often useful, but occasionally more trouble than they are worth.

2013-01-03, 08:47 PM
I think I can offer a few from my Fairy Tales Gone Wrong campaign. Some may be appropriate, others may not.

Foxhide slippers: once per day, the slippers can be put together to form a fox functioning the same as an animal messenger spell CL 4.

Shroom knife: the knife is intelligent, and refuses to cut anything but fungus, but is otherwise a +2 weapon

Light broomstick: makes the wearer think they can fly, seems to weigh nothing, but actually weighs 30lbs.

Hearing forks: better than listening forks, they allow you to listen through them so long as they are held by you

Listening forks: better than hearing forks, they allow you to hear through them so long as they are held by you

Party paper: when thrown in the air has a 20% chance to explode into a dazzling display of confetti, fascinating with a DC 14 for 2 rounds.

Winter cup: whoever drinks from this when filled with an alcoholic beverage gains fire resistance 5 but takes a -1 penalty on all checks, as their hands won't stop shivering, and their teeth won't stop chattering

Sharkfin necklace: +2 bonus to charisma based skill checks to commandeer a boat

Warbleroot gum: why, of course it comes from the warble tree, which warbles when warble gum is close, but the gum is also very warbley on its own, and can be used as a thrown item to warble opponents with a warble check of DC 15 fort, or the target is warbled and silenced for 1d2 rounds

Potion of near shrinking: it's not quite Alice in Wonderland, but you at least feel smaller. It grants all the features of small size as a confidence bonus, but instead of +1 AC, grants a -2 overconfidence penalty. This effect lasts until the player eats something. DC 14 will, no save if willing

Jack's candlestick: with the right words, it becomes a flame trap, CL 16

Doll needle: when sewn into a fabric, the fabric mends itself as the spell so long as the needle has thread to work with, and with another command, it unravels

Crocker's pick lock: lock picks are far too mundane, pick locks allow you to unopen doors, making the same open lock check and disable device check at +10, and taking the same period of time, you can reset a trap much faster

Red hood: +3 disguise check when impersonating vampires, but attracts wolves

Cinderella's slippers: 1/week cast charm person CL 12, can only be used on persons of the opposite gender

Charming bracelet: +1 enhancement bonus to diplomacy checks, turns hair blonde

Ring of tears: allows the player to cry on command, and whether or not the player has enough water in their body, 5 times per day creates up to a gallon of salty water

Arachnophobic croak: neck croak that looks like a spider... way too much like a spider... is it a spider... no it's wood... but those hairs... no it's wood... grants +1 profane bonus to saves against venoms and to the DC of fear inflicting spells and abilities

Feather of Unfathomable Power: a very important item, you don't know what it does, or why people want it, though you know it's VERY important... compulsion effect, DC 18 Will negates, effect takes place immediately on sight or touch, duration forever

Candy-sword-cane: impractical AND inedible, it does have some use. 1d6, x2 crit, simple light weapon, very sticky, +2 on disarm checks, breaks after 3 successful attacks or if wet

2013-01-04, 06:41 AM
Ring of tears: allows the player to cry on command, and whether or not the player has enough water in their body, 5 times per day creates up to a gallon of salty water

On a female against an average guy, this would be ridiculously overpowered :-D

Feather of Unfathomable Power: a very important item, you don't know what it does, or why people want it, though you know it's VERY important... compulsion effect, DC 18 Will negates, effect takes place immediately on sight or touch, duration forever

That I like and will steal for my next campaign!

Carlos The Mage
2013-01-04, 07:14 AM
What about a ring that burns the wearers finger when they come close to small amounts of gold pieces ( would really hurt in a market haha )

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-04, 07:24 AM
A small mechanical mouse, thoroughly worthless, except as a curiosity, that gives off a faint magical aura (It gives 1 xp to an Artificer for crafting), that awakens at the touch of a hand.

Upon activation, this mouse does everything a regular mouse does, scurries across the floor, cleans itself, hibernates in winter and even squeaks! It does not eat or drink though. It never strays too far from the person that activated it. Though they have no direct control over the mouse, it will attempt to copy what the activator is doing, broadly speaking.

For example, if a rogue activated it and was moving silently, the mouse would follow suit and also move silently, if the rogue was sleeping, so would the mouse.

The mouse can be used as a familiar, if so desired.

2013-01-04, 08:04 AM
Hmm... I remember a pre-made that had a few little magical items in it. Two that I remember are a pearl of power for cantrips, and a belt that let you treat your Str as 2 higher for carry/ lift over head/ drag weights.

2013-01-04, 08:22 AM
A small mechanical mouse, thoroughly worthless, except as a curiosity, that gives off a faint magical aura (It gives 1 xp to an Artificer for crafting), that awakens at the touch of a hand.

Upon activation, this mouse does everything a regular mouse does, scurries across the floor, cleans itself, hibernates in winter and even squeaks! It does not eat or drink though. It never strays too far from the person that activated it. Though they have no direct control over the mouse, it will attempt to copy what the activator is doing, broadly speaking.

For example, if a rogue activated it and was moving silently, the mouse would follow suit and also move silently, if the rogue was sleeping, so would the mouse.

The mouse can be used as a familiar, if so desired.

I have so many ideas now.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-04, 08:28 AM
Such as, if you don't mind me asking?

2013-01-04, 11:01 AM
Everfull Seasoning Jars - This "legendary" set of containers each contain infinite supplies of a single herb or spice used for cooking or seasoning food. Any content removed disapears as it leaves the users hand unless used to prepare or season food. Great for any chef on the go!

I put these into one of my games as a joke item once and ended up having one of the pcs obsessively trying to collect the full spice cabinet.

Ring of warm embrace - Makes tou feel all warm and fuzzy. Endure elements and a +2 against fear effects.

2013-01-04, 11:09 AM
I'm currently running a Forgotten Realms campaign (other material can be fluffed into the setting). Currently my group is investigating a murder and a mysterious explosion from a marked barrel (actually owned by the Thayans and filled with Orange Dragon Saliva - highly explosive on contact with air or water).

As part of my plans they'll need to travel to Cormyr in order to investigate who's supplying the saliva and what they're doing with it. I intend to have one of these mice be locked onto one of the players by stealthily planting it on them (the MBEG - Moderately Evil Big Bad Guy - wants to keep one step ahead of them) that he's bugged so he can Scry on it whenever he wants.

The Artificer in the party might figure out it's a spy... eventually once the curiosity factor is played off and they end up in a few traps.

2013-01-04, 07:59 PM
A maxim gun.
Turn the crank and pull the trigger, and it spits out...a slip of paper, with "There's no such thing as too much firepower", or "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", or similar...maxims.

2013-01-04, 10:59 PM
A maxim gun.
Turn the crank and pull the trigger, and it spits out...a slip of paper, with "There's no such thing as too much firepower", or "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", or similar...maxims.

Kinda reminds me of a story my gaming group shared with me about a senient potted cactus that gave stock quotes.

2013-01-04, 11:06 PM
A magical lighter that allows you to light things so they catch fire if they're flammable as a free or swift action?

A magical scepter that tells your altitude or relative depth compared to something like sea level or the elevation of X in the same way that dwarves can sense how deep underground they are?

A compass that always points towards a location that the person who is holding it is familiar with or has been or even aids in finding the shortest route?

A whistle that attracts animals, mobile plant creatures, magical beasts, and/or other natural creatures in the area?

A seat or harness that can't be tipped over once it is activated and will always stay level, say, for raising and lowering things or creatures with rope systems, like an animal companion?

Anklets that allow a creature like a wolf or bear animal companion to climb like an ape can on ropes and wall faces?

2013-01-05, 12:26 AM
Kinda reminds me of a story my gaming group shared with me about a senient potted cactus that gave stock quotes.

So, would that be

price of investments?
cliche sayings?
wise words from cattle?

2013-01-05, 01:05 AM
Enchanted spyglass that gives a +5 to Spot checks and allows you to see 50 ft further than you normally could in a given environment

A skeleton key that can automatically open simple locks (Open Lock DC 20 or lower)

A pair of magic flippers that gives the wearer a Swim speed equal to their land speed

Magic snowshoes that give a +4 bonus to Balance checks made on snow or ice

The Tome of Trivia: +5 to Knowledge checks in Nature, History, Geography, or Royalty and Nobility

Piton dagger: a +1 dagger that can be used as an aid in climbing, giving you a +2 circumstance bonus to Climb checks

Qc Storm
2013-01-05, 12:26 PM
Magic snowshoes that give a +4 bonus to Balance checks made on snow or ice

The Tome of Trivia: +5 to Knowledge checks in Nature, History, Geography, or Royalty and Nobility

These sound a bit powerful for magical trinkets.

But I don't mind if the thread evolves beyond that. Homebrewed magic items are fine too.

2013-01-05, 01:11 PM
A few things I've never actually gotten around to putting in my games:

Rod of Knightly Office: Basically a low powered Rod of Lordly Might. It can transform into a masterwork version of the following items:


As long as you hold the Rod in your right hand, you gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks. As long as you hold it in your left hand, you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate ckecks.

Once per day, you can transform the rod into armor and saddle for a mount. This provides a +4 AC bonus and grants you a +2 bonus to Ride and Handle Animal checks when interacting with a mount wearing the Armor.

The Rod can be enchanted, but only with enhancement bonuses. These bonuses apply to all weapons and function as deflection bonuses for the armor.

2013-01-05, 02:37 PM
Once per day, you can transform the rod into armor and saddle for a mount. This provides a +4 AC bonus and grants you a +2 bonus to Ride and Handle Animal checks when interacting with a mount wearing the Armor..

"The brave knight rode his charger forth into battle when suddenly, he passed into an Anti-Magic Field..."

And that, sir, is how he got this rod stuck up his bum! :smalleek:

2013-01-05, 04:43 PM
These sound a bit powerful for magical trinkets.

But I don't mind if the thread evolves beyond that. Homebrewed magic items are fine too.

Well, they're powerful, but only in fairly specific circumstances. I figured it would kind of balance out.

Adhesive Gloves: +2 to Climb and Sleight of Hand

Stone of True Seeing: a small pebble with a hole through its center that, when peered through, allows the viewer to see all things as they truly are, free of magical illusions (as the spell true seeing)

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-05, 06:00 PM
That... sounds a little powerful. At-will constant True Seeing? That's something that you'd tenatively give a high level party, not really something "unexpensive".

2013-01-05, 06:03 PM
Stone of True Seeing: a small pebble with a hole through its center that, when peered through, allows the viewer to see all things as they truly are, free of magical illusions (as the spell true seeing)

That's not a trinket. It's worth ... *calculates* 180000gp.

2013-01-05, 08:39 PM
That's not a trinket. It's worth ... *calculates* 180000gp.

Oops. That much though, seriously? Actually, when I calculated, I got even more. Man, I'm terrible at estimating these things. You're right; no way is that thing a trinket.

Everyone just forget I said that. :smallredface:

2013-01-05, 10:22 PM
Oops. That much though, seriously?

Yep. Slotless (x2) continuous (x2000gp) 5th-level cleric spell (x5) at minimum caster level (x9) comes out to 180000. (You could probably put in an ad-hoc adjustment downward because it's a bit annoying to use, or else just make it a face slot item, or something, and giving it only a few rounds per day would help a lot in reducing price.)

Qc Storm
2013-01-06, 01:52 AM
Oops. That much though, seriously? Actually, when I calculated, I got even more. Man, I'm terrible at estimating these things. You're right; no way is that thing a trinket.

Everyone just forget I said that. :smallredface:

I know the feeling. Hence why I always post here first.

Speaking of which, how balanced would a Ring of Reroll be? Allows you to reroll one d20 and keep the best result. Breaks after one use. Cannot be bought anywhere (houserule with homebrewed items).

Though a price estimate would be nice, in case they want to sell it.

2013-01-06, 02:32 AM
Speaking of which, how balanced would a Ring of Reroll be? Allows you to reroll one d20 and keep the best result. Breaks after one use. Cannot be bought anywhere (houserule with homebrewed items).

Though a price estimate would be nice, in case they want to sell it.

Since it's strictly worse than a luck blade (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#luckBlade), which I'd peg it at under 12000gp for the reroll ability by itself, a bit of further reverse engineering* suggests it's worth a bit under 900gp, which doesn't seem unreasonable.

*11750/2000 (use-activated)/1.5 (uncustomary slot)*(5/1) (from 1/day to regular)*50 (single-use-activated).

Kobold Esq
2013-01-06, 03:09 AM
Since it's strictly worse than a luck blade (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#luckBlade), which I'd peg it at under 12000gp for the reroll ability by itself, a bit of further reverse engineering* suggests it's worth a bit under 900gp, which doesn't seem unreasonable.

*11750/2000 (use-activated)/1.5 (uncustomary slot)*(5/1) (from 1/day to regular)*50 (single-use-activated).

A player in a game I DMed once pitched the idea of a custom item that went something like this:

Helm of Consistency - 3 charges per day. Any time the character must make a d20 roll, between 1 and 3 charges can be expended. That many additional d20 are rolled, and the result of all rolls is averaged. 1s and 20s would not be considered automatic failures or successes.

I had no idea how to price the thing.

2013-01-06, 04:53 AM
A player in a game I DMed once pitched the idea of a custom item that went something like this:

Helm of Consistency - 3 charges per day. Any time the character must make a d20 roll, between 1 and 3 charges can be expended. That many additional d20 are rolled, and the result of all rolls is averaged. 1s and 20s would not be considered automatic failures or successes.

I had no idea how to price the thing.

Is that a request? :smallwink:

Well, the item is both somewhat less than three times as good as a regular luckblade (it's easy to waste rolls), and slightly better in effect (no auto-fail, but then no auto-success either), so I'll stick to 3 times. 11750/2000 (use-activated)/1.5 (uncustomary slot)*(5/1) (from 1/day to regular)/(5/3) (from regular to 3/day)*2000 (use-activated) makes about 21500gp market value, assuming the head slot is a fitting place for it. That's only a rather rough guess, but it doesn't seem too bad.

2013-01-06, 09:31 AM
Pearl of Power — level 0
Ring of Wizardry — level 0

2013-01-06, 12:24 PM
Vial of Oil: single-use, can be thrown on ground to replicate the spell grease, or smeared on user's body to give a +2 to Escape Artist

Fall-Feather: single-use, enchanted feather that can be snapped in half to trigger the spell feather fall (good for emergencies!)

Both should be only about 50 gp (Spell level 1 × caster level 1 × 50 gp)

Hooray, I checked the prices before posting!

EDIT: The oil is pretty exactly like much worse Salve of Slipperiness

EDIT: A one-use-per-day Lens of True Seeing could be yours for the low, low price of... 18,000 gp! I think.

(minimum 5th level spell * 9th level cleric caster * 2000) / (5/uses per day)

2013-01-06, 01:05 PM
@ nedz: Those are cute!

@ Frathe: The fall-feather pretty much exists already. :smallsmile: It's called a safewing emblem and costs 250 gp (MIC p. 131).

Kobold Esq
2013-01-06, 01:32 PM
@ Frathe: The fall-feather pretty much exists already. :smallsmile: It's called a safewing emblem and costs 250 gp (MIC p. 131).

It also showed up as a similar item in either ECS or Sharn:CoT, I believe.

2013-01-06, 01:43 PM
Token of Motivation: Once per day, when the owner fails a save against a mind-affecting fear effect or is successfully demoralized, this token blurts out encouraging (if cheesy) phrases like those listed below, which allow him and all allies within 30ft to reroll the save with a +2 Morale bonus. This is a mind-affecting morale effect.

"You can do it!"
"Just do it!"
"Get back in there!"
"No pain, no gain!"

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-06, 01:52 PM
Since we're discussing prices, could someone check that I have this right?

As far as I can deterimine, potions of 0 level spells (Of ANY caster level), are completely free.

A Potion's Base Price is Spell Level X Caster Level X 50. As everyone knows, ANY number multiplied or divided by Zero, ends up, as Zero.

This means, that a 0 level potion created with ANY caster level, always ends up as costing 0 gold to make, and 0 XP expended to create it.

2013-01-06, 02:00 PM
0-level count as ½-level for crafting purposes (at least scribe scroll and brew potion). Says so in the feat descriptions.

Edit: Scratch that, don't know where I got it. It does not say so in the feat descriptions.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-06, 02:05 PM
So, I was right? You can have an aribitrary number of 0 level potions?

2013-01-06, 02:06 PM
0-level count as ½-level for crafting purposes (at least scribe scroll and brew potion). Says so in the feat descriptions.

Edit: Scratch that, don't know where I got it. It does not say so in the feat descriptions.

It says it in Magic Item Gold Piece Values.

0-Level Spells (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm#zeroLevelSpells)
When multiplying spell levels to determine value, 0-level spells should be treated as ½ level.

EDIT: Wow, it's been a while since I Ninja'd Swordsage'd someone.

EDIT2: Triple Ninja Combo!

2013-01-06, 02:06 PM
It also showed up as a similar item in either ECS or Sharn:CoT, I believe.

I don't have any of those books, or the Magic Item Compendium either. Poor student, you know how it is. :smallfrown:

0-level count as ½-level for crafting purposes (at least scribe scroll and brew potion). Says so in the feat descriptions.

Edit: Scratch that, don't know where I got it. It does not say so in the feat descriptions.

It does say so in a footnote to the Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values Table.

2013-01-06, 02:08 PM
Creating Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm#zeroLevelSpells)

0-Level Spells

When multiplying spell levels to determine value, 0-level spells should be treated as ½ level.

Edit: Gah, slow laptop is slow :<

2013-01-06, 02:25 PM
A 0-level spell is half the value of a 1st-level spell for determining price.
See here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm) for the source.
EDIT: Double Ninja!:smallbiggrin:
Nay, Triple Ninja!

2013-01-06, 02:52 PM
A small metal tube polished to a shine on the inside. At one end of the tube a lens is fitted which is coverd by a black velvet lined hard leather cap. The other end has a lid that can be screwed off. The lid has a small clip onto which a small gem can be set. If one places a gem into this device and casts (continual) light on said gem the device functions as ... a flashlight.

Tankard of endless ale for the resident dwarf

Skills are always a good option for some minor items
(NB masterwork tools already give a +2 circumstance bonus so +3 to +5 for a magic item is not realy gamebreaking)
Monocle of insight: +4 on decipher script
EMP charge: +5 on disable device. Breaks after use.

I've had some weird non trivial items in my campaigns. For instance:
Shortsword that did +10 damage bu always at THAC0 (2e)
Bracers that gave a AC of 15 under ANY cirumstances.
Semi living spiced and bladed and whatever goed for B spiked chain that gave 1 ranged attack or AoO at 40 ft. per round
Vampiric Ivy Armor that rooted in you and that you could feed HP for bonusses like more AC, saves and whatnot
Enchanted paddle that gave +10 movementspeed to any canoo

2015-07-28, 11:44 AM
I quite like low powered intelligent items, with slightly deranged personalities.

I gave out an intelligent magical rope named Frayed Knot. It couldn't talk, but it could hear and reshape itself into cursive writing, so it could communicate. The owner loved it, and it (he) was useful pretty frequently - sort of like a useful giant boa constrictor that they could climb.

2015-07-28, 12:23 PM
A teddybear that activates Cure Minor Wounds whenever it's hugged! (Once per day per person or something, just enough to fix a skinned knee or stubbed toe.)

2015-07-28, 06:47 PM
I had a minor goddess come through selling candy bars for an elementary school marching band fund raiser. She had plain milk chocolate (Equivalent of a 1d6 round Good Hope spell when consumed as a move action) and dark chocolate with almonds (Globe of Invulnerability for 1d3 rounds when consumed as a move action.) Had them cost two gold apiece, the players snatched them up without ever knowing what they did.
Had a dolly show up who had an ongoing Alarm spell whenever its owner hugged it; anyone who broke the alarm radius immediately alerted the owner and everyone in the area with a piercing scream. Intended for kids afraid of monsters in the closet and whatnot; also handy for keeping the party safe in camp.
I also tend to sell my players Tracking Maps. First they have to find an object that relates to the subject they're tracking, then they bring it to the local Cartogromancer (who is always around when they need him) and for a fee he produces a map that will let them track the subject by displaying where he is and his immediate environs.

2015-07-28, 07:39 PM
I have a strange intelligent magic item in my campaign - Bob the Bag.

It's a sentient bag who's opening acts as a mouth. It talks inappropriately and loudly at all the wrong times. Including giving seemingly worldly advice to people who really don't need it. It provides a plethora of little features (stonecunning, and +2 to acid resistance, and others (+ or - for your needs and level of party))

However as a bag, he is useless. Nothing can be stored in him as he'll spit out the "nasty thing you tried to shove in his mouth."

Lastly, he requires that any gems the party finds be given to him - as he eats them. They go into his "mouth" and disappear - even he doesn't know where they go. if the party refuses - EGO check! lol.

2015-07-28, 09:17 PM
How about a Needle of Thread Necromancy? It can raise any thread back from the dead, no matter how hold!

2015-07-29, 06:10 AM
How about a Needle of Thread Necromancy? It can raise any thread back from the dead, no matter how hold!

Holy carp! I didn't even realize until you mentioned it! LOLOL.

2015-07-29, 10:55 AM
The Winged Mod: This is thread Necromancy, but if you want to carry on this conversation, feel free to start a new thread.