View Full Version : Reserve Feat Optimization

2013-01-03, 06:56 PM
Out of curiosity, what are the ways to optimize the damage from reserve feats? A sorcerer with heighten spell could get dpr comparable to a blasting warlock that didn't do anything to optimize their eldritch blast, but that isn't very impressive.

So I was wondering if there were ways to increase the damage of these reserve feats to more reasonable levels.

My thoughts would be dipping rogue for sneak attack to go the Arcane Trickster route, or getting a bard to sing, but are there other ways to increase the damage of reserve feats? Or to fire off multiple shots per round?

2013-01-03, 07:23 PM
Get Heighten Spell, Earth Spell, Versatile Spellcaster, and Sanctum Spell. The highest-level version of a given spell you can cast is now three higher than your two highest equal-level spell slots available. I'd go with an AoE, which is just as good as being able to fire multiple shots if opponents are grouped up.

2013-01-03, 07:41 PM
If you're a prepared spellcaster, Red Wizard. Circle Magic a prepared spell to 20th level, then just never use it. Apologize to the Warlock, then shoot bullets of 20d6 acid damage all the doo-dah day.

2013-01-03, 08:04 PM
If you're a prepared spellcaster, Red Wizard. Circle Magic a prepared spell to 20th level, then just never use it. Apologize to the Warlock, then shoot bullets of 20d6 acid damage all the doo-dah day.

Also note that this can be accomplished by a 10th level character.

2013-01-03, 08:30 PM
I don't think Versatile Spellcaster works with reserve feats. But if you're going to interpret it that way, just go full cheese and say that owning a 9th level scroll means you have a 9th level spell "available to cast".

2013-01-03, 09:45 PM
illumian ... cleric. (anything with turning works.) naenhoon. feat: heighten spell. (uh, someone check my work.)

this gets you up to effectively a 9th-level spell by 2nd level. (extra turning ... might help.) unfortunately, it doesn't really improve as well past that.

if you do a bit of work you can manage to get into hathran, I guess ?? that probably requires flaws, though, so.

take empower supernatural ability (ToM 73) ?? I don't know

2013-01-03, 11:14 PM
I don't think Versatile Spellcaster works with reserve feats. But if you're going to interpret it that way, just go full cheese and say that owning a 9th level scroll means you have a 9th level spell "available to cast".

Spells from scrolls aren't cast, they're completed.

A Druid with Versatile Spellcaster who has two 3rd level spell slots available can use them to spontaneously cast a Summon Nature's Ally IV, and thus enable the Summon Elemental reserve feat. He's also considered able to cast a SNA of that level for his Ring of the Beast, even if he doesn't have 4th level spell slots yet.

A Sorcerer with Versatile Spellcaster and Heighten Spell can spend two X-level spell slots to cast a spell Heightened to level X+1. It was confirmed legit in the FAQ (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a) p46.

2013-01-04, 03:11 AM
take empower supernatural ability (ToM 73) ?? I don't know

Point of this would be to be able to keep spamming the ability. Empower Supernatural Ability is limited to once per day, so negates the entire "as much as I want forever" aspect.

There are some interesting ideas here though.

I'm trying to figure out if I can combine circle magic with heighten spell, and metamagic reduction abuse. Although just plain circle magic can be sufficient if I'm using it with a force spell. 20d4 force damage is pretty respectable in low-op, even at high levels.

2013-01-04, 03:43 AM
I don't think Circle Magic ever counts as low op.

Mithril Leaf
2013-01-04, 04:16 AM
I don't think Circle Magic ever counts as low op.

I think I once saw circle magic used in a not broken way, but it might just be my faulty memory.

2013-01-04, 04:25 AM
I don't think Circle Magic ever counts as low op.

True. However, the results are equivalent to a power level generally expected in low to mid op games. Probably low mid op. Which kinda tells indicates to me this is a rather flawed endeavor XD.

2013-01-14, 03:11 PM
I was intrigued by the idea of reserve feats when i recently re-discovered them and came across this thread on the subject and figured i might jump in and ask a bit.

In a sorcerer build i was considering (if i start at lvl 1) precocious apprentice + Fiery Burst reserve and use the 2nd lvl slot to puff out 2d6 per round of fire damage and use the rest of my spell slots for something else.

At low levels, this is pretty darn good as a source of "all day" damage as opposed to shooting my stupid crossbow at things with my low bab\damage.

The question, for my sake, is really - is it viable as an option for a 1-20 build?

Say if i take boiling blood or scorching ray as my lvl 2 fire spell. If i get heighten spell as lvl 3 feat, this reserve feat stays usefull all the way to 20 more or less?

At say 12th level, ill just heighten that lvl 2 spell up to count as a max level spell (6th) and thus the reserve burst will do 6d6 all day, right?

And so forth until 18th level where it maxes out at 9d6.

All this fun with just the cost of the reserve feat and heighten spell (not counting the lvl 1 shenanigans). Why wouldn't i do this?

If i need to do more damage on something, i can just use my normal spells, of course boosted by my other metamagic, and so on.

...or am i missing anything here? :smalltongue:

Another thing - for an all day "warlock" damage dealing sort of feature like this, what reserve would be best? (not thinking flavour now).

- Acid splatter is good for resistance\immunity, but has bad range.
- Fiery burst is ok on range but i suspect alot of things i meet will have resistance and\or immunity.
- Storm bolt is pretty nice, but a bit shorter on range, and harder to aim around your allies because of the "line", also the resistance\immunity issue here.

Sorry for the long post and for the "thread piracy". Yarr!

2013-01-14, 03:39 PM
Minor Shapeshift: Complete Arcane pg 45: As long as you have any Polymorph spell of 4th level or higher memorized, you can spend a Swift Action to give yourself temporary hit points equal to your Hit Dice. It's a fairly useful Feat for tanks who don't have another use for their Swift Action, especially when combined with other fairly affordable vampiric healing and DR options.

2013-01-14, 03:41 PM
Out of curiosity, what are the ways to optimize the damage from reserve feats? A sorcerer with heighten spell could get dpr comparable to a blasting warlock that didn't do anything to optimize their eldritch blast, but that isn't very impressive.

So I was wondering if there were ways to increase the damage of these reserve feats to more reasonable levels.

My thoughts would be dipping rogue for sneak attack to go the Arcane Trickster route, or getting a bard to sing, but are there other ways to increase the damage of reserve feats? Or to fire off multiple shots per round?

Use Storm Bolt. IIRC, it does not offer a save for half damage.

2013-01-14, 06:53 PM
Use Storm Bolt. IIRC, it does not offer a save for half damage.

This is true. However, it's also got a range of 20ft. Not 20+5ft/level, mind you. Acidic Splatter, however, is a mere ranged touch attack that shouldn't be too hard to make.

2013-01-14, 07:53 PM
I seem to remember that they published errata for Storm Bolt that established the Reflex save.

Touch of Healing reserve feat from Complete Champion is also fun to consider. Not really sure how optimal it is, since you can only heal people up to 50% of their hp, but out of combat it can definitely improve the lifespan of your wand of cure x. I also once used it with a druid summoner to allow her to minorly heal her summons at lower levels. Damage output at high levels nixed this strategy, though.

2013-01-15, 10:18 AM
No thoughts on the usefulness\power\what have you ideas and scenarios i present in post #12?

Is it legit at all to use heighten + reserve feat combo like this as a sorc?

2013-01-15, 02:31 PM
I recall a build that used the Acid Splatter, Fiery Burst, and Storm Bolt reserve feats all at once on 1st (or maybe 2nd...or maybe 3rd) level, giving the quasi-lock 3 different all-day ranged attacks. Of course is used Flaws, and probably Human, as well, and also the Precocious Apprentice 2dx dmg shenanigans at 1st level.

Happy gaming!

Edit: Oh, I have that build at home, I believe...