View Full Version : Never Leave home without this

2013-01-04, 02:11 AM
What level 5 spell or below do you never leave home without either as a scroll, or some other magical storing device.

2013-01-04, 02:15 AM
What level 5 spell or below do you never leave home without either as a scroll, or some other magical storing device.

Rope Trick. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ropeTrick.htm)
Teleport. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleport.htm)

2013-01-04, 02:21 AM
prestdigitation (serriously, I've even considered adding a level of a spellcasting class just to have it)
Detect Magic (helps that I can get it when I pick up prestdigitation)
Ghost Sound
Light (though I'm happy as long as someone in the party has it, and obviously if everyone's playing races with darkvision, it's not needed.)

2013-01-04, 02:37 AM
Nerveskitter. Remember to keep a wand in your hand at all times.

2013-01-04, 02:44 AM
If I'm playing a spontaneous caster, Shrink Item and Explosive Runes and Ghoul Glyph are great ways to eat up unused spell slots at the end of the day.


2013-01-04, 03:09 AM
If I'm playing a spontaneous caster, Shrink Item and Explosive Runes and Ghoul Glyph are great ways to eat up unused spell slots at the end of the day.


How do you make best use of ghoul glyph, given that it only ignores you and can't be moved more than 5 ft without fading?

Just curious, as I'd find it very useful if there is a way withou risking harm to allies.

2013-01-04, 03:13 AM
What I'm wondering is how you're supposed to use it if you have a familiar.

2013-01-04, 03:23 AM
What I'm wondering is how you're supposed to use it if you have a familiar.

Well, I know that at least for the purpose of the confusion spell, a famliar is considered part of the self. Maybe that is true generally?

d'oh! Just thought of a way to use it that prevents (or at least drastically reduces) friendly fire: Just cover them when you don't want them to go off. That should work, right?

2013-01-04, 03:59 AM
How do you make best use of ghoul glyph, given that it only ignores you and can't be moved more than 5 ft without fading?

Just curious, as I'd find it very useful if there is a way withou risking harm to allies.

I tend to put them in an Enveloping Pit, as the inner part of the pit never moves. Fill the pit with water when I'm camped out for the night and use it as a super lethal pit trap (they're paralyzed when they fall in and thus drown almost instantly).

Also, I like building forts and such whenever I can, and sometimes build portals in my Enveloping Pits (I often have a bunch of them... obviously you can use Portal Holes if you see fit). So at the end of the day, I pop into the pit, use the portal to go to my home base, and place the glyphs there.

Of course, the most brutal use of Ghoul Glyph involves a Factotum... Sp abilities are cast as a standard action (unless they'd be faster) so it's basically an instant kill with no save attack. But that's a bit different.


Mithril Leaf
2013-01-04, 04:13 AM
Fabricate is 5th level right?
Fabricate and wall of stone.

2013-01-04, 02:38 PM
A potion of cure (any strength) is something I have learned to carry on me at all times. Sure it's not dazzling, but it can will be a life saver; if only to stabilize someone.

2013-01-04, 03:37 PM
Blessed Bandages stabilize someone for a lot cheaper.

From what I've read, Cure X Potions are a newbie trap. They don't heal enough to be worth it in combat (especially with the AoOs) and out of combat, they're ridiculously expensive.

2013-01-04, 04:35 PM
Can hardly beat the accessibility of cure pots, though. Fluff-wise, it always made more sense to me for there to be more potions-makers out there than other types of crafters, and basically every place with an temple to one of the bigger churches (Pelor, Heironeous, etc) will have potions.

Where are blessed bandages from, btw?

2013-01-04, 06:04 PM
I know blessed bandages are in the Magic Item Compendium. I think they were originally printed in either Complete Warrior or Miniatures Handbook.

2013-01-04, 06:16 PM
If I'm playing a spontaneous caster, Shrink Item and Explosive Runes and Ghoul Glyph are great ways to eat up unused spell slots at the end of the day.


What book is Ghoul Glyph in?

2013-01-04, 06:37 PM
Blessed Bandages stabilize someone for a lot cheaper.

From what I've read, Cure X Potions are a newbie trap. They don't heal enough to be worth it in combat (especially with the AoOs) and out of combat, they're ridiculously expensive.

Cure Light and Lesser Vigor wands, on the other hand... :smallcool:

What book is Ghoul Glyph in?

Libris Mortis, I believe.

2013-01-04, 07:33 PM
What book is Ghoul Glyph in?

Also Spell Compendium.

2013-01-04, 07:37 PM
Control Winds

Summoning a tornado that can destroy buildings that covers a huge area, except immediately around you can be a good escape tactic when you need to run away.

2013-01-05, 12:12 AM
Ring of Feather Fall. It will SAVE your LIFE.

2013-01-05, 12:18 AM
Grease. My most used non-blaster spell.

2013-01-05, 01:46 AM
my Bard/Necromancer loves this one

2013-01-05, 10:34 AM
Dispel Magic

2013-01-05, 10:44 AM
I'm fond of Detect Evil and Zone of Truth myself.

2013-01-05, 12:06 PM
Celerity, Haste, Solid Fog

if you need to make a getaway, you need to make a getaway.

2013-01-05, 12:10 PM
Stinking cloud. My casters always try to get this one. At low levels, it's a complete gamechanger. Later on, it still stands as an awesome spell.

2013-01-05, 09:50 PM
area dispel magic :D

2013-01-05, 09:58 PM
On a scroll spider climb is my favorite. So many random dungeon challenges can be overcome with spider climb. If you want something higher level then the highest level scroll I've ever had was legend lore. I got exactly one scroll, and waited patiently for the hugest plot macguffin I could find. Then we ran into a major artifact and I said "THAT's worth the scroll. I pop my legend lore, ok what's up with this thing?"

Prepared, wall of force is my favorite. No save indestructible battlefield control? Yes every day please, maybe multiple times a day.

2013-01-05, 10:06 PM
Ring of Feather Fall. It will SAVE your LIFE.

Seconded. I had one for myself, and have Feather Fall ready as a spell. It works on everyone, and has saved the party multiple times.

Even though I didn't get much of a chance to use either, Dimension Door and Greater Invisibility.

Secure Shelter can be nice when traveling, to keep out any unwanted guests.

2013-01-05, 11:29 PM
Why waste a ring slot on feather fall when you can just do Heart of Air?

Kobold Esq
2013-01-06, 03:37 AM
Web web web web!

2013-01-06, 03:45 AM
Streamers. For when you really, really hate something. The opponent has to stand still without breathing or moving or be dealt horrendous damage, since any actions (even free actions) cause them to attack!

2013-01-06, 04:30 AM
Streamers. For when you really, really hate something. The opponent has to stand still without breathing or moving or be dealt horrendous damage, since any actions (even free actions) cause them to attack!

Fortunately, they can still make 5' steps, and arguably breathe, since those are non-actions. :smalltongue:

2013-01-07, 03:26 PM
One of my favorite low cost magic items is the rod of vicsid orbs out of the MIC. 3 tanglefoot bags per day, with greatly increased range? For 2,000 gp? yes please!

2013-01-07, 04:26 PM
I'll just post a list of top 2 spells of each level below 5 i never go without, as they are fairly universal panic buttons for me:

1: Nerveskitter/Color Spray
2: Alter Self/Invisibility
3: Heart of Water/Dispel Magic
4: Celerity/Dimension Door
5: Teleport... and another teleport or 2

2013-01-07, 09:22 PM
Control undead.
Protection from evil

2013-01-07, 11:31 PM
Also, a Hat of Disguise. I play a party bard who literally never takes his off, and shows up to every meeting with a different face. A Ring of Invisibility is essential for non-casters too.