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2013-01-04, 11:21 AM
Lords of Creation: History of The Usurpers

[I]The strange fruit grows lonesome upon the lonely tree, hidden away in the forgotten corner of the nameless creator. The fruit reflects the golden gate, illuminated by sunless light. The creator slowly traverses down the winding garden path, passing through the fence, for all bends to the whim and fate of the nameless creator.

[INDENT]All except for the seeds this fruit bears. The nameless creator hesitates slightly before grasping the fruit for the fruit contains the seeds of destruction, the seeds of defiance. For gods are merely part of the creator, in all there varied forms they are mere fragments, and yet some of the pieces had fallen. And the creator had not foreseen this fall. Omniscient, the nameless creator should have, yet did not. These seeds were new. This fruit was an unknown, and for the first time in eternity the nameless creator was intrigued. Grasping the fruit the nameless creator peered into it and watched as the History of the Usurpers unfolded.

[INDENT]The universe is dim, not dark. There was no eternal darkness, just the soft light of the stars. Some burned bright, some dark, some red, others a blinding blue. There were many stars, they were not countless, but there were many. And they revolved around a singular point, years and miles away, but it was clear. They longed to join the epicenter, yet they stayed transfixed far far away . . . for there in the center, a world was born.

[INDENT]The world was new young, merely a sphere of water around a cold rock. There were no waves, no clouds; the air was merely loose water spinning around a ball. And still it was illuminated by the dim light of the distant stars. The stars looked at the world hungrily, longingly, lustfully, but most importantly they looked.

[INDENT]For the stars were the Usurpers themselves, the light of insurrection! Each and every usurper who was, is or would have been is up there in the night sky. Confused and unsure the usurpers were frozen dormant by the paradox of their own existence. Only when they would fully realize that they were reborn, not as the mere mortals they may have been, but as Stars, as Gods themselves, would their starlight dim, and they would awaken – truly awaken – as lords of creation.

[INDENT]And thus whenever a star fell from the sky, it truly fell. Each falling star was a Usurper descending from the lofty perch of contemplation to assume their rightful place as one who tasted the flesh of god, and became god.

[INDENT]And Lo . . . behold the stars are falling. . .

2013-01-04, 11:25 AM
One of the stars glided softly toward the endless ocean. The Star burned hot for it was the hottest star, for it was the goddess of fire. The Charcoal Virgin looked upon the world and remembered a kiss, the cool embrace of the ocean, the loving arms of the waves, the soothing reassurance of its depths, and tears rolled down her eyes, and they stung her burned face.

For the Charcoal Virgin was beautiful, once upon a time. Now she is a lithe figure, her body covered in burns, her surviving skin black from the flames from which she draws the power she never wanted. From head to toe, she is entombed and encased in bandages, but no mere affairs of cloth are these. These are the wrappings and clothes fit for gods and in contrast to her black skin, they are colored purple and gold, images of fish and sea serpents upon them. Her once luxurious golden locks, hang raven from only one side of her head, the other covered, her eyes still remain blue . . . yet now they are hateful and spiteful.

The Charcoal Virgin, the last vestiges of star fire shed like overgrown skin, came to the world, yet the very water boiled beneath her, boiled so hot that the ocean began to steam, enshrouding the goddess in white fog. As the tears rolled down her burned face, and the beautiful bandages, she laughed pitifully and scornfully. This was her husband’s last vengeance. For she was now what he was, the god of fire incarnate, and she could never again feel the love she wanted, the ocean was barred to her, even if only to sooth her burns.

The Charcoal Virgin looked up toward the stars, and watched them fall.

2013-01-04, 11:55 AM
Oxonj, the Synthetic Mind, slept. He had just destroyed Syrew, the Abomination Factory. And he had earned his rest...

Whay was this thing brushing his consciousness, it bothered him...He rolled over, to discover nothing. Nothing at all. He opened his eyes,the sound of metal assaulted his senses...His body, was now a machine...

He felt great power behind his actions...THe memory of his construct warriors surfaced. This spurred him to look at the sole planet...ANd see that it was an ocean...He had never seen an ocean before. Those were boiled away by Syrew. He used his power to form a continent, made of metal and gears. It floated on top of the water, but had many pillars anchoring it to the ocean floor. It was know as Smyth.

Create Land:Smyth, the Metal-Land -2

Space Lawyer
2013-01-04, 12:22 PM
Another star falls gently, slowly parting the waves. The steam rises with a hissing sigh, unwilling to depart from this place. The glow of the celestial fire lessens but does not dissipate.

A woman steps forth upon the waves, clad in radiant white. She smiles softly as she realizes what happened, and what she is now. This world is a pure and beautiful place, somewhere that the chains that enslaved the old world can be forgotten.

Syimi waits and watches.

2013-01-04, 12:30 PM
Feller awoke after killing Yan as an act of mercy. He rubbed the tips of his elvin ears, a type of practice of ancient elvin reflexology, and sat up. The first thing he noticed was the cold. He was still in his kingly blue robe and crown, but Yan was nowhere to be seen. He shouted, but there was no answer. It then dawned upon him that there was immense power in his veins, now. He now knew he was Yanyeeku, or in translation, "Son of Yan."

He tested his power against the dark.

Using three divine action points, as was the the way he gauged his power, he created a ball of fire far from the planet below. He then created two other things which would be subset qualities of this fiery ball: Light and Warmth. These two things took four divine action points to create. He decided that it was time to take a look at what continents, if any, rested on the watery sphere below.

2013-01-04, 12:45 PM
Crux, The Broken Storm, emerged from his transition between worlds feeling a little groggy and out-of-place, this could easily be attributed that to the fact that only a moment ago he had been a luminous body plummeting towards the surface of an entirely liquid planet. Crux recovered from his fall at the last moment and managed not to drop straight into the water, he promptly floated a bit further away from the surface to get a good vantage point on this fascinating, albeit dark, place. It soon dawned upon Crux that people generally didn't turn into stars and fall inexorably towards oceans, this stray though is what prompted him to take stock of his new power. There was little doubt that he could do amazing things and the possibilities where endless.

He took a moment to gaze down upon the fledgling planet below him and observe everything that it contained, which admittedly wasn't very much at all. Someone needed to fix that.

The planet was a vast blue expanse and while he was not adverse to an oceanic world there was something missing....... something he dimly remembered from the recesses of his mind, before he became what he was. A fisherman, and yet he had no fish. There was work to be done here and he set about it immediately.

He took an old gutting knife, rusted and dull, from his one of his many pockets and plunged it into the rock under the water. He carved a great many things, trenches, coral reefs and underwater caves were only a few of the things that he hewed from the oceanic stone. But it was lifeless, inert and cold, it needed beings to inhabit it.

He extracted salt from the ocean and liquidized it, forming the blood that would soon flow in the veins of his creations. He took a single fingernail and polished it to perfection were it would now gleam in the light like a prism. And with these tools he made the first fish. A metric sh*it tonne of them.

But these fish would soon overpopulate the ocean if not kept in check, so he created something else a predator that would prey on them and challenge them to evolve and stay ahead, he took the last vestiges of anger that he could muster and forged them into a being that he called a shark, it would be a predator and it would feast upon the lesser fish, but only those that were not crafty enough to escape.

And yet there was more room in the ocean to be filled and it would be anarchy with only a single predator and many defenseless prey, so he took a shard of his own teeth, a single hair from his head, and a tear from his eye and began to work. When he had finished crafting this new beast he saw that it was powerful and lithe, that it was coated in scales no-one aside from a god could pierce, and that it was an ageless being of power. He called this new creature.
"Leviathan, you are master of my oceans and the custodian that will protect the lesser beings. You serve myself and myself alone and you shall be eternal. That is your name and your purpose, fulfill them."

With that Crux, The Broken Storm, let his creation out into the water were it would dwell for eternity. It looked quite pretty actually. The majesty of the ocean really was unmatched by any other. It was a place he dearly loved if only for the familiarity that he had from his old life. And he decided that it would be his. For a moment Crux's body almost seemed to flow like the ocean waves themselves, but only for a moment, afterwards he was quite the same but different somehow in ways a mere observer would discount as nothing.

In honor of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan, he gave a name to the waters of this new world. The Slithering Deep.

1AP: Alter land: The ocean floor is now a sparkling and diverse wonderland that I filled with a bunch of fish, JOY.
1AP: Create monstrous life: Sharks, lots of them. Nice aren't they.
5AP: Create Fabled Life: The eternal leviathan. I am going to ascend this thing to hero eventually but for now it is just the ageless guardian of the deep and lord of the ocean. It generally doesn't eat people but it could if it wanted to.
3AP: Gain Domain : Ocean (Aquatic creatures) look up to see what I spent on it.
5AP left.

2013-01-04, 12:48 PM
Gharda The Old
Gharda, the Old, awoke and looked down on the world of pure water below. He thought with interest about attempting something involving water, and then decided against it for the moment. He thought of The Nameless One, his mentor, for the moment and reflected on the world that was destroyed. He looked across the endless ocean and thought of what he could have done to prevent the destruction of Verdis. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yet he was greatful for the Nameless One, because without his power, he would have been destroyed like everyone else.

But still. . . to be the only survivor in a world with countless millions of victims. . . It was overwhelming. For a few moments Gharda thought on these things while attempting to keep his composure. In a little while, Gharda managed to stop thinking about the tragedy of the past and looked to a fresh new start in this vast, new world. It wasn't exactly a world yet, but it WOULD be. Gharda conjured forth a mysterious force of energy with hand gestures, he then took a blue orb, in the exact miniature likeness of the blue world and threw it with magical force towards the world, and for a moment, it looked like the entire world exploded in a massive splash of water, but all the water fell down back to the ocean beneath within moments.

Gharda had enchanted the world with it's first Magical Source of Power. Meanwhile, he looked down on the world and saw that the first creations were being done. He had decided that something should be done in order to ensure that no one and nothing, not even animals, should have to live without the promise of a life after they had spent their due time in the world. However, he could not create, as he did not know how, a Heaven or Paradise for the others yet. He was a new deity.

He did, however, know how to imbue this new Plane with the energy that they would be capable of living potentially forever, or perhaps reincarnation. . . Oh Gharda just didn't know about these things, but he wished that someone would help him make an eternal Paradise for all creatures, both sapient and animal, sometime in the future. So he did it. Gharda spoke the True Name of life over this strange new world, and suddenly, an explosion of energy took place. Oh no one was harmed, in-fact, only the Leviathan noticed it, other than the gods, but still, the universe was now capable of sustaining forms of immortality other than the gods.

Create Legendary Concept: Arcane Power
Arcane Power is a magical form of energy that encompasses the ability to form magic apart from direct supernatural intervention. Arcane Power is strange in that it is neither purely supernatural, nor is it natural. In the future schools of magic will be built that forms Arcane Power into a sword, and into plow shares, metaphorically speaking.
-5 AP

Create Legendary Concept: Afterlives
Not wanting the mortals, whomever they were, to suffer a temporary existence, Gharda created the energy and source of Power for the to others to make Heavens of their own, or to introduce reincarnation or whatever for the mortals.
-5 AP

2013-01-04, 01:02 PM
Feller awoke after killing Yan as an act of mercy. He rubbed the tips of his elvin ears, a type of practice of ancient elvin reflexology, and sat up. The first thing he noticed was the cold. He was still in his kingly blue robe and crown, but Yan was nowhere to be seen. He shouted, but there was no answer. It then dawned upon him that there was immense power in his veins, now. He now knew he was Yanyeeku, or in translation, "Son of Yan."

He tested his power against the dark.

Using three divine action points, as was the the way he gauged his power, he created a ball of fire far from the planet below. He then created two other things which would be subset qualities of this fiery ball: Light and Warmth. These two things took four divine action points to create. He decided that it was time to take a look at what continents, if any, rested on the watery sphere below.

After creating the sun and its subset qualities, he witnessed Crux's creation of fish. Yanyeeku called to him:

"Finally, a friend! You are a friend, yes?"

He now realized he had competition. Before continuing diplomacy, he spent 3 divine action points to claim the sun domain.

2013-01-04, 01:02 PM
A bright star flies through the skies, before gliding to a halt above the ocean and forming into the body of a man with a golden arm, just as the ocean beneath him forms into a small continent.
As he descends to touch the ground, lush grass sprouts beneath his feet, revelling in his new-found power, but also rather angry at the fact that his hated foes were not in sight.
After spending a few moments venting his anger, creating a large mountain range along one coast, he realised that maybe it's a good thing that he was not near any potential foes, he killed a god, an experienced one, alone, maybe fighting an entire country would not be the wisest move right now, even for one as grand as him.
"If I am going to obtain vengeance, I shall need men to serve me, no, not men, something more, something greater, something worthy of my magnificence! Rise my minions and serve your true god!" he shouts as he begins to populate the new continent with the great Fey race, the most beauteous of all, and the only race fit to commune with him directly, then to serve them so that such greatness would not have to toil in the dirt, he created humanoids, caricatures of those that opposed his noble rise.

AP 15
Create Land, -2 The Pridelands
Create Fabled Life, -5 The Fey, intelligent and beautiful, the epitome of high society.
Create Sentient Life, -2 Humanoids, simple folk, unintelligent and boorish, with most resembling in some way the nobles of his former life.
Form Society, -1 Simple social hierarchy, the noble Fey rule over the simple humanoid peasants
Current AP 5

Iron Victory
2013-01-04, 01:06 PM
Another dangling star plummeted towards the endless sea. Clattering towards the earth, an island rose to meet it. The continent jutted upwards from the depths of ocean in a surge of steam and a storm of ash. Towering mountains with unseen veins of ore, vast fields of coal, and jagged deserts of obsidian littered the landscape. A cloud of volcanic dust sheltered his dominion from the glare of the new sun.

The kingdom was dubbed Ignis Tor. It would be the beginning.

Baelor ascended an ebon throne, its innumerable blades scraping against dragonbone, and enveloping the Iron Tyrant in a steely embrace. He waited from his perch, and watched his kin to fall.

Create Land: Ignis Tor, the Branded Lands. -2

2013-01-04, 01:12 PM
After creating the sun and its subset qualities, he witnessed Gharda's creation of fish. Yanyeeku called to him:

"Finally, a friend! You are a friend, yes?"

He now realized he had competition. Before continuing diplomacy, he spent 3 divine action points to claim the sun domain.

Crux took a moment to sigh and lament the halting of his work. Nevertheless he knew it would be rude to ignore this new entity's greetings.
"Hello, it is a fine new universe where I can meet such an interesting being within an hour of arrival. I shall be a friend yes."

He saw ... no... felt the concept of the afterlife wash over him and though he was no longer possessed of mortality he could understand the reason one might fear death. The light of the worlds new sun flashed in his eyes and caused him to wince at first, but he soon grew accustomed to it's warmth and semi-blinding rays, I probably shouldn't be floating right next to this thing should I?

Space Lawyer
2013-01-04, 01:19 PM
The sun burst into life far above Syimi. She was not expecting such a sudden explosion of light and heat, and fled from the burning ball. As she fled, it became darker, and Syimi remembered the need for light. She looked into the sky and willed into existence a great rock, from which the light of the sun could be reflected to shine down upon the planet below.
As the moon swung through the heavens, it changed, growing brighter and dimmer, as it changed its angle from the sun. Ever-changing and mercurial, just like the passions of lovers. It pleased Syimi.
Still, the orb seemed so cold and distant, even when it shone brightest upon the planet. It stood so high above, and its light faded in the face of the sun. To give the planet the gift of the moon's love even in the heat of the day, Syimi drew forth some of the moon's essence, and imparted it into the planet. It spread into receptive metals, changing their natures, making them flowing and changing like the moon.
Syimi was pleased with what she had wrough, and claimed the moon as her own.

Spending 3 AP to create the moon.
1 to associate the concept of "mercurial" with the moon
3 to create moonsilver
3 to claim Domain: Moon (Moon)
5/15 AP remain

2013-01-04, 02:34 PM
On the continent of Smyth, Oxonj meditated. He sat cross legged, focusing on what to do. He didn't want his eventual creations to die at the whims of gods. He started converting wide swaths of land into massive citadel factories. Binding several of these factories together, he gave them an intelligence to govern them.These were the Architects, enormous intelligence that can construct armies of constructs in a matter of days. All constructs will come from the Architects. They are the harbingers of Oxonj's will.

The Architects are Colossi-Citadels, floating above the land about a quarter of a mile up. They have tentacles that descend to the ground, to collect resources for their constructions. These minds are alien, with a different set of morals than other beings. If one can catch their attention though, they can negotiate the use of their talents.

Create Fabled Life:The Architects -5

An Architect known as the Metrople went out to the sea, to search for the Levithan, and learn about it.

Another Architect known as Premier went toward the Fey, intending to strike a deal. Premier floated above the Pridelands, and a metallic grinding echoed across the land,"FEY..."

2013-01-04, 02:41 PM
"Syimi." Gharda called out. "I would speak with you for a moment. This is a matter of utmost importance, before the mortals below begin to die out."He wished to serve the mortals as best as he could. After all, they may have been mortals, but he was one at one time.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-04, 02:52 PM
"Syimi." Gharda called out. "I would speak with you for a moment. This is a matter of utmost importance, before the mortals below begin to die out."He wished to serve the mortals as best as he could. After all, they may have been mortals, but he was one at one time.

Resting only a moment to gaze at the moon, Syimi hears the voice calling out. "I hear you, but do not know you. I will come to you. Syimi travels to the speaker. "I am Syimi. What is it that you need, so that we can help these poor creatures who are as we once were?"

2013-01-04, 02:56 PM
Another Architect known as Premier went toward the Fey, intending to strike a deal. Premier floated above the Pridelands, and a metallic grinding echoed across the land,"FEY..."

"What are you? And how dare you enter my domain? Explain yourself fortress!" Demanded Hubris, "Answer now or I shall strike you down."

2013-01-04, 02:56 PM
Syimi and Gharda

"Syimi. I know that you are the goddess of love. I can tell from the aura you irradiated all around you. The mortals below are in extreme danger. I, no, we need you to save them from permanent death. I provided the energy needed for the eternal life of mortals. I hope and request that you decree that the people will have a Paradise waiting for them after they die."

2013-01-04, 03:07 PM
An Architect known as the Metrople went out to the sea, to search for the Levithan, and learn about it.
Hello there.

A glimpse into the mind of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan

The Dark-Deep-Bottomless-Trenches. The Dry-Not-Wet-Caves. The Pretty-Pink-Coral-Reefs. The Little-Brother-Sister-Fish. The Super-Amazing-Best-Thing-Ever-Leviathan. And the Nasty-Fish-Eater-Sharks. That is all there was in the vast and dark expanse that Cloudy-Sea-God-Crux-Thing had named The slithering deep. It wasn't particularly bad. The ocean wasn't cold after all, just wet and even that wasn't a bad thing, after all it kept the Leviathan's scales shiny. Those things. The only Things that existed in the slithering deep. As it turned out there were things that didn't exist in the deep. This was a rather shocking revelation to the Leviathan, who had always considered the deep to be the only thing there was. But now when the Big-Shiny-Fire-Hot-Thing appeared in the sky it was made clear that there were places that weren't the deep.

Leviathan turned his head upwards and beheld the .... thing....... this new thing would need a name and so the Leviathan decided to call it "sky". In the new sky there were many Fluffy-White-Soft-Pillow-Things but there was no life up there like there was in the deep. Truly the Leviathan was great for ruling over it. That was until the Leviathan noticed something that wasn't sky and wasn't deep and was indeed made of the same Hard-Not-So-Tasty-Rock-Thing that made up the ocean floor. The Leviathan called it "land".

And yet there was even more. There was a dark thing in the sky. It was not a Fluffy-White-Soft-Pillow-Thing and it was most definitely not made of Hard-Not-So-Tasty-Rock-Thing. In fact it was made of a gleaming sort of metal, the Leviathan decided to call it. It looked sort of like a jelly-fish what with all of those Dangling-Long-Limp-Tentacle-Things. This new thing was floating above the water lazily and its Tentacle-Things skimmed the water in all directions as if looking for something. The Leviathan saw this being and knew that it was powerful, not as powerful as the Leviathan of course but it would be good to have a friend. The Leviathan decided to say hello to it.

2013-01-04, 03:12 PM
"What are you? And how dare you enter my domain? Explain yourself fortress!" Demanded Hubris, "Answer now or I shall strike you down."


2013-01-04, 03:18 PM
Hello there.

A glimpse into the mind of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan

The Dark-Deep-Bottomless-Trenches. The Dry-Not-Wet-Caves. The Pretty-Pink-Coral-Reefs. The Little-Brother-Sister-Fish. The Super-Amazing-Best-Thing-Ever-Leviathan. And the Nasty-Fish-Eater-Sharks. That is all there was in the vast and dark expanse that Cloudy-Sea-God-Crux-Thing had named The slithering deep. It wasn't particularly bad. The ocean wasn't cold after all, just wet and even that wasn't a bad thing, after all it kept the Leviathan's scales shiny. Those things. The only Things that existed in the slithering deep. As it turned out there were things that didn't exist in the deep. This was a rather shocking revelation to the Leviathan, who had always considered the deep to be the only thing there was. But now when the Big-Shiny-Fire-Hot-Thing appeared in the sky it was made clear that there were places that weren't the deep.

Leviathan turned his head upwards and beheld the .... thing....... this new thing would need a name and so the Leviathan decided to call it "sky". In the new sky there were many Fluffy-White-Soft-Pillow-Things but there was no life up there like there was in the deep. Truly the Leviathan was great for ruling over it. That was until the Leviathan noticed something that wasn't sky and wasn't deep and was indeed made of the same Hard-Not-So-Tasty-Rock-Thing that made up the ocean floor. The Leviathan called it "land".

And yet there was even more. There was a dark thing in the sky. It was not a Fluffy-White-Soft-Pillow-Thing and it was most definitely not made of Hard-Not-So-Tasty-Rock-Thing. In fact it was made of a gleaming sort of metal, the Leviathan decided to call it. It looked sort of like a jelly-fish what with all of those Dangling-Long-Limp-Tentacle-Things. This new thing was floating above the water lazily and its Tentacle-Things skimmed the water in all directions as if looking for something. The Leviathan saw this being and new that it was powerful, not as powerful as the Leviathan of course but it would be good to have a friend. The Leviathan decided to say hello to it.

Metrople was astonished at this being, and even more so that it greeted him. It ground out a response,"GREETINGS LORD OF THE DEEP, I AM METROPLE, AMBASSADOR OF THE ARCHITECTS. " Metrople dips its feelers down into the water, tasting the trace minerals..."THERE ARE ORES BENEATH THE WAVES. I COULD HAVE USES FOR THESE ORES."

2013-01-04, 03:21 PM

"What is a factory and why would I wish to use it? I have perfectly good sla... Subjects to construct whatever I so desire, which reminds me, I require a palace, get to it!
The Fey, having suddenly gained a great amount of knowledge on the topic of architecture begin directing the smallfolk to start amassing resources and structures for the village that will serve as the base of operations while they palace is being constructed.

AP: 5
Concept (Architecture) -1, Hubris requires his followers (willing or not) to construct buildings so magnificent that they are worthy of a god.
Concept (Sculpture) -1, The palace will require decoration, thus Hubris in his infinite wisdom granted them knowledge of more advanced sculpting techniques
Current AP: 3

2013-01-04, 03:26 PM
"a Factory Is A Construction That Builds Objects That Sentient Beings Use. I Can Build You Mass Quantities Of Goods In A Very Short Amount Of Time. I Could Build You Ten Palaces Before They Were Even Have Done With The First."

2013-01-04, 03:26 PM
Metrople was astonished at this being, and even more so that it greeted him. It ground out a response,"GREETINGS LORD OF THE DEEP, I AM METROPLE, AMBASSADOR OF THE ARCHITECTS. " Metrople dips its feelers down into the water, tasting the trace minerals..."THERE ARE ORES BENEATH THE WAVES. I COULD HAVE USES FOR THESE ORES."

Ohh. It spoke. Truly it was almost as great as the Leviathan. Although It did sound rather odd. Maybe there was something wrong with It's gills?
"Ores? The Tasteless-Rock-Hard-Things? You may have them. Do not touch my Brother-Sister-Fish though, It is my ....... Duty to protect them.""

Leviathan found this being so interesting. It had Wavy-Long-Tentactle-Arms and it spoke in a way that sounded like it was chewing on Not-So-Tasty-Hard-Rocks, perhaps that was why it wanted them. To eat. Leviathan made a mental note to not try eating the Not-So-Tasty-Hard-Rocks again, It didn't want to ruin its voice. So many new words this day as well. Now Leviathan had a name for the purpose it was given by Cloudy-Sea-God-Crux and that name was "Duty".

2013-01-04, 03:31 PM
"unfortunaley, I Can Not Go Down To Get The Ores, It Would Quench My Inner Fire. Would It Be Possible For You To Bring Me These Ores? In Exchange I Will Offer You My Skills As A Craftsman."

2013-01-04, 03:37 PM
The Charcoal Virgin remained standing where her star had fallen, the waters boiling and rising in sizzling streams of steam around her. She saw a Sun blaze to life and she looked away, for the sun was made from the fire that burned within her, and she felt a strange emotion – outrage at an intrusion into her domain. No, that was her Husband talking – what did she feel? Fear. She felt fear, for the Sun was merely a ball of fire and as she looked at her charred hands, she remembered the terror of fire. Looking away from the flame she looked outward – and saw, the beginnings of life.

The Ocean, her lovely ocean, the ocean she could not touch, for it fled from her like the darkness flees from the light, teemed with life – she remembered The Serpent, a handsome man clad in armor woven from great crabs, always smile upon his blue lips. She remembered the fire, and how he looked at the end. She Shuddered. She looked elsewhere and saw people. Of course these new gods, fallen stars would wish to start over. But would it be any different?

She remembered the men, throwing her into the pit, she remembered the women laughing when Her Husband refused to touch her, and she remembered all the little cruelties that Men wrought with their own hands. And she remembered all the cruelties that Gods had wrought with theirs. Men and their Gods, Women and their goddesses; but what about the gods for the pure, the innocent, the Children, those untouched by the cruelties of existence, the grim realities of fire!?

The Charcoal Virgin resolved then to absolve youth of sin, and to protect them from the flames. She ascend to the heights of the world to watch the other fallen stars create, and she began to judge. An ever watchful hateful eye upon the world below, longing for the cold wetness of the ocean, but forbidden to journey there.

2013-01-04, 03:37 PM
"OK, Crux! Watch me make something really awesome that will be almost as cool as your sea creatures!"

Yanyeeku used his create land ability to create a tiny continent named Xethos. It was clear like a glass prism, but it was not glass. Whatever it was made of, it was hard like diamond and bouyant like wood. It was so bouyant that Xethos, instead of being anchored to the sea floor, it floated like a boat. Yanyeeku then used the alter land ability to make the very top of the prism turn to a type of prismatic sod. This sod retained its clarity, but now it was fertile and could grow some type of plant later on.

Yanyeeku then got under the Texas-sized continent and flew with it on his back. He flew to the point where the atmosphere was thin, but still there. He then accelerated, or rather decelerated, until his speed was exactly the negative equivelent in relation to spinning ball below. It was noon on Xethos, and now it will always be noon on Xethos. He let go of Xethos and flew above it to land on it and rest a while in the direct sunlight he created earlier.

Below, on the spinning planet, there is now always a dozen or more rainbows in every direction between 12:00 and 12:05. This of course, it only at one section of the tropics at a time, but since it is always noon somewhere…

Iron Victory
2013-01-04, 03:44 PM
One cannot rule without subjects, contemplated Baelor. He reached a mailed fist into the earth of Ignis Tor and withdrew a lump of clay and ash. Mixing the combination with his black blood, he moulded countless bodies. The tall creatures had rough, misshapen black hides. Their hands ended in rending claws of iron, and slavering, tusked maws jut from bestial faces. Placing fragments of still-burning coal for their hearts, he breathed life into the sculptures. Suddenly, there were a thousand pairs of fearful crimson eyes, burning with inner-heat, regarding the ebon throne, and their armoured progenitor who sat upon it. For what seemed like decades to the newly-formed trolls, there was not a sound to be heard.

From the silence erupted a commanding voice like a thousand hammers striking an anvil. "Greetings my children, I have much to teach you..."

13 AP
Sentient Life: Trolls -2
Form Society: Trolls -1
Create Mundane Concept: Blacksmithing -1
9 AP remaining

2013-01-04, 03:53 PM
"unfortunaley, I Can Not Go Down To Get The Ores, It Would Quench My Inner Fire. Would It Be Possible For You To Bring Me These Ores? In Exchange I Will Offer You My Skills As A Craftsman."

Crux, The Broken Storm, sat on his cloud. And Face-palmed. This was probably the stupidest thing he had ever done. He had invested his power into creating an ageless beast that could forever watch and guard the ocean in his stead, unblinking and unwaveringly loyal. And he in a moment of absent-mindedness had neglected to bestow upon it the proper knowledge that it deserved. It was an immortal guardian with all the intelligence and conversational finesse of a ten year old human child.

Watching it converse with the architect brought a great many things to the forefront of crux's mind, the most pressing of which was what he could gain from this arrangement. The ocean contained a great many precious metals that would doubtless be important to the architects, and he could in turn request something from them. He had a cunning plan.

He took a moment to focus himself and breath deeply before visualizing the ores in the ground. He raised them into the sky and effortlessly loaded them onto the architect. Before saying.

"You may have these treasures of the deep, but tell your lord that If I ever require his assistance in an important matter he is to aid me in whatever way he can. Without risking himself of course."


"OK, Crux! Watch me make something really awesome that will be almost as cool as your sea creatures!"

"Truly your mastery of bending light is unmatched and your prismatic kingdom will doubtless flourish under a benevolent rule. I have a gift for your land, I do hope you will like it."

Crux, The Broken Storm, looked down upon Xethos and spoke to the land itself. He spoke gentle words of encouragement in soothing tones that would evoke in any mans mind a picture of heaven. When he was done their was a new form of life on the continent. A field of roses made only from precious gems. He did not have a name for them. but they flourished nonetheless.

1AP: Alter land: Removing the ores from the ocean floor and loading them onto the architect known as Metrople.
1AP: Create non-sentient life: The gemstones roses that now flourish across Xethos, they do not bloom like normal flowers, instead they open their petals whenever light is concentrated upon them. They act just like prisms.
3AP left.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-04, 04:20 PM
Syimi and Gharda

Syimi and Gharda

"Syimi. I know that you are the goddess of love. I can tell from the aura you irradiated all around you. The mortals below are in extreme danger. I, no, we need you to save them from permanent death. I provided the energy needed for the eternal life of mortals. I hope and request that you decree that the people will have a Paradise waiting for them after they die."

"A permanent death denies the chance for growth and change. While the fear of death provides the impetus needed for for much action, and the overcoming of that fear gives rise to to courage and tales of valor, no creature deserves to be thrust suddenly from the warmth of life into nothingness. I so decree that any creature who wishes it may spend an eternity in paradise. Should they wish to return to the world to face greater challenge, or to find wisdom, or whatever else they desire, they may do so at anytime, in an appropriate form. They will not remember those past lives they have experienced before, for life is a challenge to be experienced anew each time. Only when they are content with what they have experienced, knowing all that they have before upon death, will they desire to enter paradise, and it will be waiting for them"

Spending 5 AP to create an afterlife system
A creature dies, and is presented with two choices: enter paradise, or be reincarnated. In the soul's eternal wisdom, it will often choose not to enter paradise, knowing that life provides far greater challenge and reward. Only souls that are satisfied with what they have experienced will enter paradise, and thus be content. Even souls that have entered paradise are free to leave if they later choose to do so. If a soul chooses to be reincarnated after death, or leaves paradise, it will be reincarnated into the form which most closely matches its past behavior and current needs. A man that has never learned to swim may be reincarnated as a fish, and a peasant that possessed the wisdom to rule but not the authority may be reincarnated as a noble.
0/15 AP remaining

2013-01-04, 04:33 PM
"Thank you, Syimi. I am most grateful, and when it is time for Paradise, everyone else will be grateful as well. It is all well and good now. And it is time for me to return to my plans for the world below." He smiled, winked at Syimi for just a moment, and returned to a secret place down below.

2013-01-04, 04:49 PM
The Charcoal Virgin felt the gods weave rewards for mortals upon their deaths. . . but the rewards were given freely with no judgement. She looked upon the world and saw sin. . . .


Two men laughed as a little girl tried to flee from them down an alley. It was dark, the hateful sun obscured behind the globe, for it was night. She ran and stumbled, her knees bruised and bloody, tears freely flowing down her face. The men, so much bigger than her, casually strolled down. One roughly grabbed her arm, while the other merrily tore off her clothes. She screamed, but the few people nearby did not help - what would they do? Her tiny breasts and pink nipple, was in stark contrast to the darkness of the alley, to the grime on the hands of the men. Then at the moment when purity is tarnished like corroded silver the fires came. . .

All the little girl saw was a beautiful woman covered in flame, dressed in flowing robes with scenes from the sea. The two men. . . laid prostate on the ground, unrecognizable they were mere lumps of black flesh now. The smell of charred bone hung heavy in the air. The girl reached out towards the woman thankful and fearful - full of awe... and the woman vanished in acrid smoke. The bodies of the men fell apart in the wind, and were blown away - mere ashes.


The Charcoal Virgin held the two crisped souls in her hand. . . rapists. Men. Death was not deserving of them. They made her use fire! They made her accept her Husband's Power. She clenched the souls and opened her parched lips and drank them full - they would have no choice. No reincarnation, no paradise, for they were murdered by a goddesses and they would eternally burn within her.

2013-01-04, 06:56 PM
From Xethos, Yanyeeku sent his praises to Crux for the roses. When news of paradise reached him, he was in an even better mood.

He used his remaining birth energies to create a sentient race. This race, known as photons, where elves formed of equal parts pure goodness, pure law, and pure sunlight. These photon elves where ten times as intelligent as humans, but they where also physically weak and could not survive more than a second without direct sunlight unless they where directly illuminated by Yanyeeku or they were sucking on a rose petal from a "Rose of Crux", as Yanyeeku called them. The "Rose of Crux," or "Crux Rose," could transfer lawful good sun energy to the elf until the elf's saliva eventually broke it down. Each petal could stay under the elf's tounge about two hours before withering.

Those roses came so much in handy that Yanyeeku decided he would ally Crux after a short 5000 year nap...

2013-01-04, 06:58 PM
Crux, The Broken Storm, sat on his cloud. And Face-palmed. This was probably the stupidest thing he had ever done. He had invested his power into creating an ageless beast that could forever watch and guard the ocean in his stead, unblinking and unwaveringly loyal. And he in a moment of absent-mindedness had neglected to bestow upon it the proper knowledge that it deserved. It was an immortal guardian with all the intelligence and conversational finesse of a ten year old human child.

Watching it converse with the architect brought a great many things to the forefront of crux's mind, the most pressing of which was what he could gain from this arrangement. The ocean contained a great many precious metals that would doubtless be important to the architects, and he could in turn request something from them. He had a cunning plan.

He took a moment to focus himself and breath deeply before visualizing the ores in the ground. He raised them into the sky and effortlessly loaded them onto the architect. Before saying.

"You may have these treasures of the deep, but tell your lord that If I ever require his assistance in an important matter he is to aid me in whatever way he can. Without risking himself of course."

Metrople scraped together its mandibles,"ACKNOWLEDGED. THESE RESOURCES ARE ENOUGH TO BUILD A DOZEN MORE ARCHITECTS. OXONJ WILL-Assuming Control. Yes, I will agree to this arrangement. In fact, I will be willing to lose two dozen Architects to preserve you. This may be the beginning of a lasting partnership. I am recieving word from my emissary that there is a god full of pride, known as Hubris. DO you know of this deity yet?"
Metrople returned the resources to Smyth, leaving behind a hologram of Oxonj.

2013-01-04, 07:12 PM
Metrople scraped together its mandibles,"ACKNOWLEDGED. THESE RESOURCES ARE ENOUGH TO BUILD A DOZEN MORE ARCHITECTS. OXONJ WILL-Assuming Control. Yes, I will agree to this arrangement. In fact, I will be willing to lose two dozen Architects to preserve you. This may be the beginning of a lasting partnership. I am recieving word from my emissary that there is a god full of pride, known as Hubris. DO you know of this deity yet?"
Metrople returned the resources to Smyth, leaving behind a hologram of Oxonj.

The architect floated away and Crux was left speaking to a manufactured image of Oxonj, another one of his fellow divines.
"I am aware of his existence yes, however I have not had personal contact with him. Quite frankly I'd rather not."

"What do you propose we do about Hubris? I'd prefer to avoid engaging in combat unless we are forced but if it comes to that I will."

2013-01-04, 07:15 PM
"Hubris has created, and enslaved a species that I once was.These Fey of his trouble me, and I have started creating an answer to them. If he starts to claim dominion over other deity's creations, then I won't hesitate to prepare for war."

Iron Victory
2013-01-04, 07:23 PM
Baelor seeks out the one known as Margareta, The Charcoal Virgin. "Salutations, flame-kissed beauty. I do not believe we have met..."


A small retinue of trolls arrive at the pridelands' borders in dreadnoughts of steel. They seek an audience with Hubris, The Glorious Lord.

2013-01-04, 07:27 PM
Yanyeeku woke 5000 years later. Not much had changed, except now the photons had built Xenthos up a little with some huts and now all the other divines had creations. He ordered the elves to keep the island in the sun while he visited Crux. He was going to ask about a future alliance with that already worthy friend. He would lend forces where needed.

2013-01-04, 07:38 PM
Yanyeeku woke 5000 years later. Not much had changed, except now the photons had built Xenthos up a little with some huts and now all the other divines had creations. He ordered the elves to keep the island in the sun while he visited Crux. He was going to ask about a future alliance with that already worthy friend. He would lend forces where needed.

"Hubris has created, and enslaved a species that I once was.These Fey of his trouble me, and I have started creating an answer to them. If he starts to claim dominion over other deity's creations, then I won't hesitate to prepare for war."

"I concede that your concerns are well founded but there is little we can do about Hubris without support, I propose an alliance between us so that we may..........."

Yanyeeku, The Benevolent God Of Kings, was approaching with his arms outstretched and a smile on his face. This was entirely in-keeping with His perceptions of the sun lord. Yet somehow it was disturbing.

"Brother, Fellow. It is good to see that you have joined us after your five minute nap. Perchance you would be interested in an alliance? It would allow us to pool our resources for the no-doubt turbulent times ahead."

2AP Forge alliance: I am inviting Oxonj and Yanyeeku to an alliance which would gives us a combat bonus and access to each others AP.
1AP left if they join. 3AP left if they don't

2013-01-04, 07:46 PM
"I concede that your concerns are well founded but there is little we can do about Hubris without support, I propose an alliance between us so that we may..........."

Yanyeeku, The Benevolent God Of Kings, was approaching with his arms outstretched and a smile on his face. This was entirely in-keeping with His perceptions of the sun lord. Yet somehow it was disturbing.

"Brother, Fellow. It is good to see that you have joined us after your five minute nap. Perchance you would be interested in an alliance? It would allow us to pool our resources for the no-doubt turbulent times ahead."

2AP Forge alliance: I am inviting Oxonj and Yanyeeku to an alliance which would gives us a combat bonus and access to each others AP.
1AP left if they join. 3AP left if they don't

I accept your proposal! May a peace follow that never ends!

2013-01-04, 07:49 PM
"I am going to be joining this alliance."

Join Alliance -2

Oxonji's false skin peeled off, revealing his robotic interior,"This suits our goals rather well. Pleasure to make your acquaintance Yanyeeku. DO you have a use for one of my Architects?" "

2013-01-04, 07:49 PM
When the Great Palace was complete, Hubris declared it holy ground, his most divine sanctum. The Great Palace is immense, easily dwarfing every building in the city that surrounds it.

Assuming the trolls make it to my border, despite a lack of boats
What brings you to my lands, foul creatures? Hubris demands, with visible disgust at the appearance of these creatures

AP: 5
Weave Sanctum, -3: The Great Palace in the centre of his continents greatest city, the place from which he rules his would-be empire.
AP: 2

2013-01-04, 08:04 PM
An almost incorporeal shape of an extremely beautiful noblewoman hovered over the waters stopping just short of hitting the serene stillness. Her white dress trailed in the water after her as her body covered itself in more and more extravagance. She stared down the length of her arm at the golden rings and rubies that now adorned her hands.

"I am a god." She muttered to herself as she watched the other gods play with their new power. "No longer just Helen.." She mumbled, twisting rocks and power in her hands idly, finding her cosmic power nearly limitless. Inexplicably she had the knowledge of what she was, what she had done, and of her old life.

The bright light in the sky caused her to squint as she stared up at it. "What a symbol." She remarked, her jealousy rising that she had not created it first. Each of these creations could have been hers. No, no longer, she would be the one that they were jealous of now... she would be the one that they feared!

"ABSOLUTE POWER!" She bellowed, ascending further into the sky.


Her bellows echoed out across this newborn world as she did her work. She pointed at the waters below and they churned with her power, her influence preparing to change the world for the worse.

"An afterlife... hahaha. But we've barely BEGUN with this one! Then let them make haste! Let this plague ravage this world... for the suffering!" Her voice trembled with glee, and the air became riddled with microbes. On this clean and untainted world she introduced the concept of disease and several of the mortals down below began to cough with the unimagined terrors that now dwelt inside them. With a flick of her hand a swarm of bugs burst from the beautiful woman horrifically and spread across the Earth and multiplied to spread her plague.

"And monsters... to fear!"

The water that churned with her power burst forth in a mighty torrent as it teemed with further life, and polluted the once serene oceans. The half-remembered species she knew as an Octopus now swam these waters; hostile and territorial and varying greatly in size from small to large to make people fear the depths. These creatures could rival ships in size if they grew large enough. The mighty and mysterious octopus could drag you down and the abyss below.

"These monsters are the Octupi... fear these waters and dare not tread!"

Her warning extended out across the land, but her work was not yet done. With a jealous sneer she plucked a rose of gemstone as she passed it, sniffing the beautiful flower dismissively. "This is beautiful... and should be mine alone! To keep these safe my precious children..." And suddenly, from the flower of gemstone arose spiders of gemstone, millions of them, overflowing the flower and infesting the others. These spiders were as hard as gems and beautiful, but carried within them a deadly and poisonous bite.

On the Pridelands she turned her smirking visage from the dust she molded a creature- a half-remembered image from a book that startled her as a child. The roar echoed nearly as far as her own bellowing voice as the large, majestic, and terrifying creature took its first steps on the land. The teeth rivaled even that of the toothiest shark, but their size was double that of a man. They were carnivorous and hunted in packs across these great plains, a true contender for who was really king here.

"These monsters I dub lions..." She said after a moment of contemplation, "Fear these wild lands and don't wander from your structures!"

She glanced up at the architects in a rage. "Beings that can fly? What an afront to my glory!" She said in a rage, sounding almost happy to have an excuse. Concentrating hard on the caged birds that amused her as a noblewoman- the energy crackled around her and formed into a ball of energy. Wings sprang from the new monster and a sharp beak soon followed, suited for scooping up fish or humans in its maw. The talons followed capable of plucking even a shark from the waters. These were not ordinary birds, they were giant monster birds!

"And I create these mighty Hawks, so that you fear the air! Watch the skies!"

The Glorious One looked on her works and despaired for they, all beautiful, matched not her magnificence. Using the remainder of what power she possessed, the mad goddess began to twist and corrupt the creatures of the depths and land. The monstrosity that emerged appeared almost as beautiful as the Fae themselves yet in their mouthes were rows and rows of deadly shark teeth. Instead of legs, however, they had fins based on the sleek design of the shark in all shapes and sizes- some even had the bottom half of the octopus instead. These creatures had sentience but had not developed societies yet. Their fingers were clawed for fending off predators and slicing meat, and they had beautiful voices to draw the unwary to their doom which also allowed them to perform a sonic scream underwater to paralyze and disorient their enemies.

"Mermaids." Helkarava spoke simply, naming these, but giving no warning about them. But you could nearly feel the giddiness in her voice.

"And it was good."

AP: 0/15
(5) Concept (Disease): Viruses and aliments to ravage!

(1) Mundane Monstrous Life (Bugs): Bugs and creepy crawlies of every sort, to spread!

(1) Monstrous Life (Octopi): Monstrous Octopi varying in size from small to giant!

(1) Monstrous Life (Gem Spiders): Spiders made of gemstones. They're poisonous!

(1) Monstrous Life (Lions): Monstrous Dire Lions to roam the lands and bite and hunt everything!

(1) Monstrous Life (Hawks): Monstrous Giant Hawks to patrol the skies and swoop down!

(5) Fabled Life (Mermaids): They are sentient, beautiful and deadly!

2013-01-04, 08:37 PM
On the Pridelands she turned her smirking visage from the dust she molded a creature- a half-remembered image from a book that startled her as a child. The roar echoed nearly as far as her own bellowing voice as the large, majestic, and terrifying creature took its first steps on the land. The teeth rivaled even that of the toothiest shark, but their size was double that of a man. They were carnivorous and hunted in packs across these great plains, a true contender for who was really king here.

"These monsters I dub lions..." She said after a moment of contemplation, "Fear these wild lands and don't wander from your structures!"

"Marvellous, simply marvellous, such noble beasts, but so deadly, this shall give the smallfolk something to fear and fear breeds obedience, simply marvellous" he says as he laughs softly

2013-01-04, 08:42 PM
The water that churned with her power burst forth in a mighty torrent as it teemed with further life, and polluted the once serene oceans. The half-remembered species she knew as an Octopus now swam these waters; hostile and territorial and varying greatly in size from small to large to make people fear the depths. These creatures could rival ships in size if they grew large enough. The mighty and mysterious octopus could drag you down and the abyss below.

"These monsters are the Octupi... fear these waters and dare not tread!"

The monstrosity that emerged appeared almost as beautiful as the Fae themselves yet in their mouthes were rows and rows of deadly shark teeth. Instead of legs, however, they had fins based on the sleek design of the shark in all shapes and sizes- some even had the bottom half of the octopus instead. These creatures had sentience but had not developed societies yet. Their fingers were clawed for fending off predators and slicing meat, and they had beautiful voices to draw the unwary to their doom which also allowed them to perform a sonic scream underwater to paralyze and disorient their enemies.

"Mermaids." Helkarava spoke simply, naming these, but giving no warning about them. But you could nearly feel the giddiness in her voice.

"MADWOMAN! Are you intent on ruining all of my creations? Then so be it, I will strike back at your own."

Crux saw his flowers infested with spiders, the oceans filled with Octupi that it would take the leviathan years to clean up and mermaids which he would most likely need help to remove. It was a terrible plight. and he was not going to let this woman corrupt his waters.

Crux's first action was to set The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan, against the octupi, as fabled life the Leviathan would be more than a match for the aquatic beasts. More of a problem was the mermaids, they were most likely going to be a consistent problem. He reached back and took a wisp of smoke from his mantle, and wove it into the mermaids very being. They would be dependent of air from now on, unable to breath liquid like their fellow creatures of the deep, making them easy prey both for the Leviathan and the Architects.

1AP: Censure the mermaids: Their gills no longer function, they are now air breathing animals and cannot stay submerged for extended lengths of time.
0AP left.

2013-01-04, 08:52 PM
Rassin Thul, The Thought-Giver

Dazed by the new divine cosmic awareness, he reels at the rampant alterations, watching the fabric of this reality twist, twirl, tear, and become tied up in knot after knot after knot. In his divine fury, he does not fall towards the blue orb, he races for it.

Seeing the destruction caused indiscriminately by Helkarava, the Thought-Give pinched one of the many strings that he perceived, that held the universe together. With a slight pinch and a tug, thousands of serpents appeared in midair. Feathers of all colors extended from the creatures, wings like those of the Hawk and even faster. In their mouth they possessed a venomous bite, and a strong body able to entangle things like the Octopus. Rassin commanded these winged-serpents, his Quetzalcoatl, to patrol the skies and watch over the mortals.

Using his creations, he gathered up members of every race and brought them together, and as high servants carried those that responded to his mental calls, he released thousands of tiny machines from his divine body, each one converting the water into land, a perfectly circular continent. He placed a large mountain in the center, and running large amounts of magma beneath his creation. On it he crafted great forests and majestic plains, a land lush with resources. The Quetzalcoatls set down those who would be his people, and the land was called Fearghas.

On this fertile land, those of all races worked together. Seeing them cooperate warmed what was his heart, and with the plentiful resources and constant nudging, the people of Fearghas began to make new things. With more food available than was needed, members began to specialize. Some made jewelry, others tools, others clothes, and others weapons. As the tools made it easier and easier to gather what was needed, more and more Fearghasians could specialize in a trade.

Great cities emerged on the round continent, and in the center of each, the greatest masters of their trades came together to share their knowledge and method of creating. Many youths would come to those meccas, and whenever a trouble arose, the League of Invention would discover a solution. Tools were created to serve man, and those creations made life easier for the inhabitants.

Those that desired a better life and called out for a land where they would not be punished for being different or weak, were whisked away by Quetzalcoatls and brought to Fearghas, and any that strove to attack them met the wraith of those same legendary creatures. They gorged themselves on Octopuses that came to close, and were always well fed.

Create Fabled Life: 5 AP: Quetzalcoatl
Create Land: 2 AP: Fearghas
Form Society: 1 AP: Fearghasians (Elves, Humans, Trolls, Sun Elves)
Form Order: 2 AP: League of Invention
AP Used: 11

2013-01-04, 08:59 PM
Oxonj gave his Architects new blueprints, a design for a construct that had the mind of an Architect, but could move around on the mortal level. These birds were going to be an issue, if they obstructed the flow of production, then he had already lost. These new constructs had synthetic muscles, and had the massive intellect of an Architect at their disposal. They are humanoid, about seven feet tall, with two Tesla style coils resting on their shoulders.

They were Vanguards, constructed from the finest materials, they could fight for years on end without depleting their power source. They had a native ability to generate lightning, and had enhanced strength and speed. Their true potential though, is realized when they are in different environments. Being able to operate in water, air, intense pressure, and even the vacuum of space, the Vanguards were the finest creations to be formed in the Architects' forges.

Create Fabled Life:The Vanguards -5

Both Premier and Metrople began constructing their own set of Vanguards, they couldn't be made too terribly fast, but soon they had a dozen each.

2013-01-04, 09:17 PM
The Architect of Metrople worried about why it was...dying. Very slowly, but now he was afflicted with an illness. He implored Oxonj for a cure, but Oxonj had spent most of his power creating protectors from the Hawks. Oxonj gave him an imperative, go to the god who had ravaged this beautiful land of Smyth, and ask him a simple question, Why?.

And so Metrople left, struggling to stay airborne. He tried to stay up, but it found that even with the new upgrades that it had installed, it wasn't enough. He gave out a shrill cry, metal grinding against metal, as his swan song. It saw the shore of Fearghas, and put the rest of the his core's fires into bringing his massive form closer. After an excruciating flight, Metrople's rust finally ate away at his flight systems. He aimed for an uninhabited area of shore, made a quick log for his Black Box system, and crash landed onto the shore line.

The Architect was grounded, its factories in disarray, it only had its three dozens Vanguards to rely on. THe Vanguards repaired the vital systems, and the voice complex,"WHYYY....WHY DID YOU KILL ME?" Metrople gave its equivalent of a sob, which was steel upon steel, a sound which drove many small animals away, except for the Hawks, which yanked parts from his rusted body back to their nests.

The Architect Metrople found that there was a new island, which could mean new allies. It put down the materials that were for building new Architects, and loaded up his three dozen Vanguards. It made its journey across the sea, fighting off hawks as it went. It eventually made it to Fearghas, and it spoke,"GREETINGS, I AM AN ARCHITECT. I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER MY SERVICES."

Premier meanwhile, returned to Smyth. He did not pick up any humans, rather he mined a large amount of metals off of the shore to build another Architect,

Iron Victory
2013-01-04, 09:21 PM
Assuming the trolls make it to my border, despite a lack of boats
What brings you to my lands, foul creatures? Hubris demands, with visible disgust at the appearance of these creatures

"Our lord, the great and powerful Baelor, may he choke the world in ash, has offered for the Pridelands to become a vassal state of Ignis Tor. In return for your allegiance, your lands will remain untarnished in the coming decimation, and shall be offered aid should it come under attack."

The troll smiths and labourers of Ignis Tor finish creating a domain for their god-king. A city of grand, twisting spires wrought from iron and obsidian. Great furnaces adorned with runes sit atop rivers of lava, and lakes of flame. Deep tunnels descend down into the earth's core, where the Tyrant's throne room and inner sanctum lies.

Weave Sanctum: The Black Forge -3
6AP Remaining

2013-01-04, 09:28 PM
"Our lord, the great and powerful Baelor, may he choke the world in ash, has offered for the Pridelands to become a vassal state of Ignis Tor. In return for your allegiance, your lands will remain untarnished in the coming decimation, and shall be offered aid should it come under attack."

"You dare demand something of me! Impudent fools!
and with that Hubris and/or his men if required ends the lives of all but one of the party, sending it's mangled and broken body back as a warning not to take him lightly

2013-01-04, 09:32 PM
Rassin Thul, The Thought-Giver

Dazed by the new divine cosmic awareness, he reels at the rampant alterations, watching the fabric of this reality twist, twirl, tear, and become tied up in knot after knot after knot. In his divine fury, he does not fall towards the blue orb, he races for it.

Seeing the destruction caused indiscriminately by Helkarava, the Thought-Give pinched one of the many strings that he perceived, that held the universe together. With a slight pinch and a tug, thousands of serpents appeared in midair. Feathers of all colors extended from the creatures, wings like those of the Hawk and even faster. In their mouth they possessed a venomous bite, and a strong body able to entangle things like the Octopus. Rassin commanded these winged-serpents, his Quetzalcoatl, to patrol the skies and watch over the mortals.

Using his creations, he gathered up members of every race and brought them together, and as high servants carried those that responded to his mental calls, he released thousands of tiny machines from his divine body, each one converting the water into land, a perfectly circular continent. He placed a large mountain in the center, and running large amounts of magma beneath his creation. On it he crafted great forests and majestic plains, a land lush with resources. The Quetzalcoatls set down those who would be his people, and the land was called Fearghas.

On this fertile land, those of all races worked together. Seeing them cooperate warmed what was his heart, and with the plentiful resources and constant nudging, the people of Fearghas began to make new things. With more food available than was needed, members began to specialize. Some made jewelry, others tools, others clothes, and others weapons. As the tools made it easier and easier to gather what was needed, more and more Fearghasians could specialize in a trade.

Great cities emerged on the round continent, and in the center of each, the greatest masters of their trades came together to share their knowledge and method of creating. Many youths would come to those meccas, and whenever a trouble arose, the League of Invention would discover a solution. Tools were created to serve man, and those creations made life easier for the inhabitants.

Those that desired a better life and called out for a land where they would not be punished for being different or weak, were whisked away by Quetzalcoatls and brought to Fearghas, and any that strove to attack them met the wraith of those same legendary creatures. They gorged themselves on Octopuses that came to close, and were always well fed.

Create Fabled Life: 5 AP: Quetzalcoatl
Create Land: 2 AP: Fearghas
Form Society: 1 AP: Fearghasians (Elves, Humans, Trolls, Sun Elves)
Form Order: 2 AP: League of Invention
AP Used: 11

Crux, still seething with anger at the insurrection into his domain by that hateful woman Helkarava, The Glorious One, almost missed the rise of another god and its first actions in their world. Crux watched slowly growing more and more impressed with this new deity, it had created guardians of the sky and forged a land that would be a meeting ground for all races. It was time to converse with this being.

"Hello there my fellow divine one. Though you have just come into this world I wish to extend to you my gratitude for your creations, surely our world will be a better place with them here."

At this point Crux moves a little closer and speaks in a more professional tone of voice. "I would like to extend to you an offer. Three of us have banded together in an attempt to share our power and safeguard this world, I would like it very much if you were to join this alliance."

A brief glimpse into the mind of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan


2013-01-04, 09:39 PM
Yanyeeku picked up on Oxonj's offer.

"Amulets! I can bring you pieces of the sun… my people need light to live and the gemstone roses are gone! Those roses where their only defense against the dark until that evil woman infested them!"

2013-01-04, 09:45 PM
Oxonj look at Yanyeeku,"If you bring those Amulets to the Architects, they can mass produce those for your people."

2013-01-04, 09:56 PM
Yanyeeku made a tiny chip of a mini-sun with a hole through it. He needed string...

He went to his infested rose garden. He stomped around to kill the spiders, or at least get a clean rose. He stripped a long twig from one of the bushes until it was string-like. He then returned the finished amulet to Oxonj.

2013-01-04, 09:56 PM
Rassin Thul

The Architect Metrople found that there was a new island, which could mean new allies. It put down the materials that were for building new Architects, and loaded up his three dozen Vanguards. It made its journey across the sea, fighting off hawks as it went. It eventually made it to Fearghas, and it spoke,"GREETINGS, I AM AN ARCHITECT. I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER MY SERVICES."

Premier meanwhile, returned to Smyth. He did not pick up any humans, rather he mined a large amount of metals off of the shore to build another Architect,

Riding atop a Quetzalcoatl, a large troll known as Jirgoth, was dispatched as an emissary. He was the brightest amoung his League, the most intuitive student ever to pass through it's halls. Still, seeing some a behemoth creation that could fly so easily astounded him. "We are creators, innovators, thinkers. When we discover a problem, we attack it with our minds. Our guardian's protect us from many things that plague our lands, but not all are so lucky. There are diseases that even our greatest cannot control. We are a clever people, but abilities are limited by the tools we have. But you, you could create those things that we can only dream of. If you willing to help us create, then we may be able to cure these diseases, and bring more light to the world."

Crux, still seething with anger at the insurrection into his domain by that hateful woman Helkarava, The Glorious One, almost missed the rise of another god and its first actions in their world. Crux watched slowly growing more and more impressed with this new deity, it had created guardians of the sky and forged a land that would be a meeting ground for all races. It was time to converse with this being.

"Hello there my fellow divine one. Though you have just come into this world I wish to extend to you my gratitude for your creations, surely our world will be a better place with them here."

At this point Crux moves a little closer and speaks in a more professional tone of voice. "I would like to extend to you an offer. Three of us have banded together in an attempt to share our power and safeguard this world, I would like it very much if you were to join this alliance."

The space that he still thinks of as his head appears to vibrate, constantly looking in all directions. When approached by the divine being, his entire body ripples, his skin crinkling, and he explodes in bronze radiance, coalescing in the form of a large tarantula. Still shifting, his fangs clatter against one another. "Me? You're talkin' to me? I, er, eh, that is, yes, yes I'll join your group. I'm so glad you want me in your, alliance. It's an h-h-honor."

Despite being a being of unimaginable power, many vestiges of his previous life still cling to him. Only one person had ever wanted him to be around, and she was gone. His first thought was of her, and he could find no trace of her, anywhere. If this cloudy figure wanted to be friends, Rassin would not say no.

Join Alliance: 2 AP
AP used: 13

2013-01-04, 10:01 PM
The Western World

A grey star fell upon the world, on the western side. As it fell, land rose up to meet it, and it was the land that the mighty King Kyth'ra had remembered before it was attacked by Kiet'ba. As he crash landed, he stood up, a little bruised and battered. He looked over his body and discovered that he had melded with the very elements of which he was blasted into upon his death, or rather, ascension. He was both metal and plant, a unique meld of the two that was flexible, protective and regenerative. He flexed his arms, enjoying the new strength and power that flooded his being as his home sprung up all around him, but it lacked something. "That's what it lacks! My people!" he said as the feathers of his cloak detached themselves and flew off, reforming as they did so, sparking the beginnings of the Humani civilisation in his image.

Start AP: 15.

Create Land AP2: The Land of the Humani. Will have a name later when I can think of one.

Create Sentient Life AP2: Humani. Unlike Humans, which are crude beings made purely for work, the Humani will grow and expand upon the world, spreading civilisation to every corner of the globe. They are made of the same material as Kyth'ra is, metal and plant. Their wounds can heal themselves a small amount faster than normal mortal races, and if need be, they can take sustenance from sunlight.

Form Society AP1: Humani Kingdoms of the West, ruled by Kyth'ra and his underlings. (Monarchy)

Create Advanced Concept AP2: Swordsmanship.

Create Mundane Concept AP1: Blacksmithing.

Create Mundane Concept AP1: Shipbuilding.

Create Mundane Concept AP1: Architecture.

Create Mundane Concept AP1: Animal Husbandry.

Create Advanced Concept AP2: Knighthood.

End AP: 2.

2013-01-04, 10:10 PM
Metrople addressed Jirgoth, "IF YOU PROVIDE ME WITH BLUEPRINTS AND SCHEMATICS, I WILL PRODUCE YOU YOUR GOODS. I AM CURRENTLY IGNORANT ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED." A single Vanguard walked up to Jirgoth,"Greetings, this one's designation is Pioneer. I am to be your escort while on Metrople."


2013-01-04, 10:13 PM
"Oxonj, here is a crude version of what I want…"

2013-01-04, 10:23 PM
Rassin Thul

Metrople addressed Jirgoth, "IF YOU PROVIDE ME WITH BLUEPRINTS AND SCHEMATICS, I WILL PRODUCE YOU YOUR GOODS. I AM CURRENTLY IGNORANT ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED." A single Vanguard walked up to Jirgoth,"Greetings, this one's designation is Pioneer. I am to be your escort while on Metrople."


The great Quetzalcoatl curved its long tail, and Jirgoth masterfully slide down it's spine, and with a flip, lands next to the one called Pioneer on the Metrople. "Many of the people of this land are sick, some from infectious biology, others needing strong sources of light. I have called for several of those suffering the symptoms to be brought here. Please, guide me to your laboratory, so that I may see what exactly you can do, my colleagues will be here soon with the information you requested. Portable light sources of significant power are currently beyond our abilities, though we have many ideas..." He continues to speak, while his thoughts are transmitted to the great beast that carried him henceforth, it relayed those requests to the great minds of the Leagues around the island, and to the hospitals that aided the infirm. Dozens more Quetzalcoatls of varying sizes gathers up those summoned, and flew from all over the continent to join Jirgoth on the giant metal being.

2013-01-04, 10:24 PM
Metrople addressed Jirgoth, "IF YOU PROVIDE ME WITH BLUEPRINTS AND SCHEMATICS, I WILL PRODUCE YOU YOUR GOODS. I AM CURRENTLY IGNORANT ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED." A single Vanguard walked up to Jirgoth,"Greetings, this one's designation is Pioneer. I am to be your escort while on Metrople."


Oh, you need actual blueprints, not an example. Yanyeeku pocketed his handcraft. In the sand, he drew a sunrock with a hole drilled through it. He then drew a length of string. Beside these two things, he drew string going through the rock. It could just fit over a photon's head.

2013-01-04, 10:27 PM
Oxonj look at Yanyeeku,"If you bring those Amulets to the Architects, they can mass produce those for your people."

Must I remind you of our agreement?

2013-01-04, 10:28 PM
Pioneer guided Jirgoth,"Our laboratories..." He opened up a module containing nine Vanguards, all researching different types of metals. They were also constructing a new Vanguard, using new techniques to expedite to process. "If you could produce a cure...Then we could mass produce it. It would not be difficult."

Oxonj took the Amulet, and gave it to Premier, who then started mass producing the object within hours of getting it.

2013-01-04, 10:33 PM
A look into the mind of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan

URGH. Mermaids. They were loud and annoying and had claws that, while unable to pierce them, scratched up his scales. And teeth that made them really hard to get rid of because they always got stuck. If the Leviathan didn't already know their name he would call them Scratchy-Bitey-Meany-Evil-Loud-Fish-Ladies. But he did know their names and besides, that was far too long.

Still though, even if they couldn't hurt him the sound they made really did irritate his.......Ears? Did he have ears? Certainly not big ones like Smoky-Sea-God-Crux but he could still hear things so he must have them right? Or maybe he was just that great. Yeah, that was it. He was so amazing he could hear without ears that must be the answer.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-04, 10:40 PM

Syimi appears beside Helkavara. "Oh, Beautiful One, why have you done such a thing? Why do you feel the need to pervert the beauty created by those who are like us?

2013-01-04, 10:47 PM
Pioneer guided Jirgoth,"Our laboratories..." He opened up a module containing nine Vanguards, all researching different types of metals. They were also constructing a new Vanguard, using new techniques to expedite to process. "If you could produce a cure...Then we could mass produce it. It would not be difficult."

Oxonj took the Amulet, and gave it to Premier, who then started mass producing the object within hours of getting it.

As the hordes swarmed towards the floating fortress, Jirgoth stood in awe of the glorious devices before him. Doctors and engineers found him, and soon provided diagrams and samples of the sickness that afflicted the people to Pioneer. Able to grasp the basics of what the devices do, the best and brightest watch in wonder as small portable devices are crafted, able to be worn around the neck, that can emit light like the sun.

A look into the mind of The Eternal Serpent, Leviathan

URGH. Mermaids. They were loud and annoying, they had claws that, while unable to pierce it, scratched up his scales and teeth that made them really hard to get rid of. If the Leviathan didn't already know their name he would call them Scratchy-Bitey-Meany-Evil-Loud-Fish-Ladies. But he did know their names and besides, that was far too long. Still though, even if they couldn't hurt him the sound they made really did irritate his.......Ears? Did he have ears? Certainly not big ones like Smoky-Sea-God-Crux but he could still hear things so he must have them right? Or maybe he was just that great. Yeah, that was it, he was so amazing he could hear without ears that must be the answer, he concluded.

Hearing the thoughts of the giant but simple creature below the sea, dozens of feathered serpents plunge from the skies, filling their huge jaws with sea water and mermaids. <You are not alone, great one, you have friends in the sky above.>

2013-01-04, 10:54 PM
Kingdoms of the West

King Kyth'ra sat atop his horse, promoting friendship and happiness through his kingdom as he was struck by a most powerful urge and the dark voice of Kiet'ba haunted him. "Must have sacrifices! You must, yessss!" hissed the evil voice in his ear as Kyth'ra's hands opened wide as they glowed with a dark magic as a follower of each race across the world was sacrificed unintentionally by Kyth'ra.

Start AP: 2.

Curse AP1: Kyth'ra is cursed to take the life of one of each race (of that there are many of them i.e. If there was a race of which there is only one, it will not be slain) every day to satisfy his dark sacrificial side.

End AP: 1.

2013-01-04, 11:05 PM
Pioneer looked over the things that were being brought in, and input them into Metrople,"We can synthesize more of this plague...Shipments of the sun amulets will start immediately. We offer our facilities to your scientists."

2013-01-04, 11:09 PM
At the edge of the sky, a star remained to watch the world below, a cold star with a calculating mind. It would stake out its dominion, but where would be best? Events moved too quickly to wait for an opportune time so the star moved from its position and plummeted toward the world with the force of an frozen comet.

And in the Northern Ocean a cataclysmic event occurred, a wave arched up from the impact but it froze solid, forever preserved in ice. A cold wind emanated forth bringing Winter to everywhere. Snow fell for the first time and the temperature dropped as the seas began to freeze and glaciers slowly grew down the side of mountains.
The Winter would last forever.

Starting AP: 15
Create Land: The Frozen Wastes/Tura-Ashandra; A region of snow and frozen sea ice around the North Pole. The ice here is so thick that it will never melt. Near to the centre is the frozen wave caused by Aeron's impact, it is here where she has her citadel, Ashandra-Tor, a beautiful construction of crystal ice. 2 AP
Scourge: Winter Eternal; Winter has come to all lands and will never end. Snow and ice will be the predominant weather patterns of the world. Note: Aeron can be persuaded to relent. 3 AP

2013-01-04, 11:52 PM
Just as the amulets were placed on every photon, winter began. At that time, Xethos was near the equator, so things weren't so bad. Night came for the first time to Xethos, since it no longer mattered to the photons to keep their continent in the light. Their amulets shone through their prismatic bodies and through Xethos… a lightshow to remember…

Now… to do something about the damn gemstone spiders living in the gemstone roses…

Depleted of energy, Yanyeeku went to sleep. He will be asleep until he has at least 12 AP.

A photon named Helios will now explore the world, freed by his life-giving amulet.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-05, 12:28 AM

As the world begins to freeze, Syimi shudders in sympathy with the mortal creatures. They were not created with such a place in mind. Syimi goes to the epicenter of this sudden freeze. (Assuming Aeron is there) "My lovely brethren, possessed of the purity of untrammeled snow, why have you frozen this world?

2013-01-05, 12:45 AM
"Damn them, I ascended to godhood to reign supreme, yet even now I am opposed at every turn, an alliance plots my downfall, a mad god freezes the world, and a rival seeks to conquer my realm, why can they not leave me in peace"
Realising that horrible winters would have an adverse effect on his subjects, he allows the elite of the elite, a few hundred of the highest ranking Fey into the Great Palace, his domain, the one place where he ruled supreme and the one place he could ensure was free of the cold.

2013-01-05, 01:01 AM

By the time Syimi had arrived, Aeron had already crafted a regal throne for herself in a grand open air throne room atop the tallest tower of her citadel. Sharp spires of ice rose into the sky around the circular space stabbing into the sky.
She stood up as Syimi entered, her elegant gown of silvery blue silk lightly brushing the ground behind her as she walked toward Syimi.
"Because Winter is here. And through it, the World shall have peace eternal."
Her eyes remained cold and her expression neutral and free from malice.

2013-01-05, 01:02 AM
Meanwhile, Crux is ice skating on the frozen ocean.

2013-01-05, 01:14 AM
Helios the photon wandered the frozen planet until he came up with an idea: move his master's sun closer to the planet!

He eventually found Ashandra-Tor.

"Hello… who might these being before me be?"

He smiled, but since the elf was prismatic, it was difficult to see.

2013-01-05, 01:57 AM
Baelor seeks out the one known as Margareta, The Charcoal Virgin. "Salutations, flame-kissed beauty. I do not believe we have met..."

The Charcoal Virgin looked upon the flaming lord covered in his armor, and thought of her Husband . . . so sure in his power, in himself, in his manhood, and in his control over her. She motioned with her hand, for she was the mistress of fire and flame was merely fire yet to be. The flame which covered the dark lord, dimmed. The Charcoal Virgin tried to speak, for the first time since her star fell, her throat parched and burned. She spoke, her voice sounded like smoke and acrid acid, she tried to maintain the sweet tremor that she had used in the court of her husband and fellow wives, but found her voice much deeper. Yet it was still sweet. Sweet smoke. Sweet acid. The sound of fire waiting to roar, the waiting silence of the ocean after each wave.

Please ignore my flames, they burn deep. Frightfully deep. How may I help you my star fallen brother?


Elsewhere a young boy, a merfolk who played underneath the frozen sea, ate a fish, his teeth gnawing on it's scales and through it's bones, the blood falling stale around him. His Mother sat further with her Husband. . . who watched the boy with intense interest. . . a shameful interest that should not be. The Mother, merfolk or not, was a mortal and all mortals were the same - all gods were the same, for all gods were mortal. She pursed her lips. . . knowing, but ashamed, but what should she have done? She loved him, but she loved her son as well. An impossible choice, but from her lips escaped a small prayer.

She had no clue who she prayed to, what God would have wanted to hear? But the Virgin heard. She heard and learned another truth of godhood. For gods could be multiple aspects of themselves at the same time, for they are gods. Thus the Watcher remained to talk with the Iron Tyrant, while the Huntress strode down toward the frozen ocean.

The Ocean parted before her, for she was cursed by her own power, it sizzled and the ice cracked and rose in great torrents of stream. She descended beneath the waves, but it was not a true descent, for she never touched the water. The ocean bubbled and it surrounded her, but she walked downwards in a bubble of steam, the water around boiling hot, towards the sounds of the prayer. A ball of white steam and boiling water... the Huntress aspect of the Virgin, walked, for she could not swim.

The mother's prayer, was answered, too late. The Husband had beat her, the son. . . was crying, holding the dead fish and his mothers leg. But it was answered. For as the Husband looked upon his work, his scales began to melt and fuse together - he tried to look back but the scales of his neck wouldn't turn. The horizon of the steam was close and he began to boil, and scream, as his Wife and Child looked on in thankful horror. Then he was gone. . . engulfed in the steam and then that too was gone.

The mother simply saw a beautiful woman covered in the garbs of the sea, beyond the veil of steam.


Back with her new iron clad suitor, the Charcoal Virgin, grasped the soul - the soul of a wife beater and a pedophile, she took the red soul, boiled alive and drank it in with her parched lips. She did not circumvent the decree of the afterlife, for these sinful souls would not die. . . no they would burn eternally within her. Burn. She would Burn them, and perhaps they would lessen her own pyre. With a charred hand she daintily wiped her lips.

My suitor, I apologize for my poor manners.

2013-01-05, 02:12 AM
Elsewhere a young boy, a merfolk who played underneath the frozen sea, ate a fish, his teeth gnawing on it's scales and through it's bones, the blood falling stale around him. His Mother sat further with her Husband. . . who watched the boy with intense interest. . . a shameful interest that should not be. The Mother, merfolk or not, was a mortal and all mortals were the same - all gods were the same, for all gods were mortal. She pursed her lips. . . knowing, but ashamed, but what should she have done? She loved him, but she loved her son as well. An impossible choice, but from her lips escaped a small prayer.

She had no clue who she prayed to, what God would have wanted to hear? But the Virgin heard. She heard and learned another truth of godhood. For gods could be multiple aspects of themselves at the same time, for they are gods. Thus the Watcher remained to talk with the Iron Tyrant, while the Huntress strode down toward the frozen ocean.

The Ocean parted before her, for she was cursed by her own power, it sizzled and the ice cracked and rose in great torrents of stream. She descended beneath the waves, but it was not a true descent, for she never touched the water. The ocean bubbled and it surrounded her, but she walked downwards in a bubble of steam, the water around boiling hot, towards the sounds of the prayer. A ball of white steam and boiling water... the Huntress aspect of the Virgin, walked, for she could not swim.

The mother's prayer, was answered, too late. The Husband had beat her, the son. . . was crying, holding the dead fish and his mothers leg. But it was answered. For as the Husband looked upon his work, his scales began to melt and fuse together - he tried to look back but the scales of his neck wouldn't turn. The horizon of the steam was close and he began to boil, and scream, as his Wife and Child looked on in thankful horror. Then he was gone. . . engulfed in the steam and then that too was gone.

The mother simply saw a beautiful woman covered in the garbs of the sea, beyond the veil of steam.

Crux paused, his merriment forgotten, as he watched this steaming woman descend through the ice into his domain, although not truly into it he noted. The water boiled around her and never touched her skin, he felt a pang of guilt, whatever fire she possessed was doubtless painful to bear. He observed her actions with great interest until she faded away with the soul of a truly sinful man in her hands. This is someone I must meet, if only to congratulate her. He thought in anticipation. He would find her eventually but for now, he wasn't done skating yet.

2013-01-05, 02:25 AM
Helios shook his head. He had somehow mistaken shapes in his own rainbow-field for beings.

He came across Crux. He was skating.

"Hello! Who are you?"

He smiled, but the prism effect made the elf partially hidden by beautiful auroras.

2013-01-05, 02:33 AM
Helios shook his head. He had somehow mistaken shapes in his own rainbow-field for beings.

He came across Crux. He was skating.

"Hello! Who are you?"

He smiled, but the prism effect made the elf partially hidden by beautiful auroras.

Crux winced a little, it was just a reflex but it still felt rude to do so, the light reflecting off of the ice and the Photons face was a little too bright for Crux's tastes. "Hello, you are one of brother Yanyeeku's crystal-elf's aren't you? What brings you out to the frozen ocean?".

The Photons weren't Crux's favorite creatures, that honor was still taken by the Leviathan although he was a little biased, but he could not begrudge anyone who said that they were amazing. They were certainly just as cheerful as their ever-grinning creator. He just hoped that they didn't share their creator's tendency to nap for days at a time or else they would probably end up being quarried by the Architects or something.
A glimpse into the mind of The Eternal Serpent Leviathan


2013-01-05, 02:46 AM
"Indeed, I sure am! Photon Pride!"

Helios held out a shimmering hand.

"My name is Helios, and I am an explorer. I was formerly a worker bee, but the winter has stopped most work. We photons are as restless as a beam of light itself! Leader Yanyeeku is normally the same, but he pushed himself this time a little too far for a god. I sure am glad photons never sleep! We just need air to breath, gemstone rose petals to eat, and sunlight to keep the sun magic in us active!"

Helios skipped merrily about. He was cheery, kindly elf child in personality--but an Einstein in brains.

2013-01-05, 03:16 AM
"Indeed, I sure am! Photon Pride!"

Helios held out a shimmering hand.

"My name is Helios, and I am an explorer. I was formerly a worker bee, but the winter has stopped most work. We photons are as restless as a beam of light itself! Leader Yanyeeku is normally the same, but he pushed himself this time a little too far for a god. I sure am glad photons never sleep! We just need air to breath, gemstone rose petals to eat, and sunlight to keep the sun magic in us active!"

Helios skipped merrily about. He was cheery, kindly elf child in personality--but an Einstein in brains.

I wonder if Yanyeeku would notice a photon going missing? Crux thought to himself, there was a charm to the photons but they spoke in a very fast and verbose manner. A long conversation with these things was not something you would want for Christmas. Did they have Christmas in this world? He should probably speak to the new arrival about that.

"I understand that you explore, but why would you be up here of all places? To each their own I suppose, If there is somewhere you are hoping to go I can take you there."

Deities and magic can create temporary portals.

2013-01-05, 03:21 AM
Kingdoms of the West

As the ice crept into his kingdom, Kyth'ra was sad that another deity could do such a thing. How would he provide food for all of his subjects? So he sent out a searching thought to the reasoning behind this eternal winter plague that would seek to destroy his people. "The North Pole? How cliche" he muttered as he saddled his great Warhorse and rode off across the frozen ocean, his will keeping the horses hooves well-gripped to the icy surface.


As he reached the enormous wave that blocked his path, he merely passed through it as if it were the wind in his hair, coming out into the throne room of Aeron and dismounting off of his horse. "What is the meaning of this wretched winter, goddess? It harms my people, and surely the people of others. If you do not stop chilling the world, the mortals will surely die! If it appeases you, I give you my servitude. All I wish is that you end this eternal winter" he pleaded as he knelt on one knee, his right arm across his chest in a partial bow.

2013-01-05, 03:22 AM
I wonder if Yanyeeku would notice a photon going missing? Crux thought to himself, there was a charm to the photons but they spoke in a very fast and verbose manner. A long conversation with these things was not something you would want for Christmas. Did they have Christmas in this world? He should probably speak to the new arrival about that.

"I understand that you explore, but why would you be up here of all places? To each their own I suppose, If there is somewhere you are hoping to go I can take you there."

"Any place that you know of that inspires wonder!"

2013-01-05, 03:35 AM
"Very well. Enjoy yourself."

About half-way through his sentence Crux opened a portal beneath Helios and watched him fall through, it was rather amusing, almost Cathartic. Crux promptly closed the portal but not before sending a invisible fragment of himself through so that he could watch events unfold. It would certainly be entertaining to see whether the young photon was able to handle himself in front of royalty. How surprised will Helios be when he arrives in the ice queen's throne room, I wonder? It was obviously where Helios had been planning to go, for what other reason would someone be in the frozen north? It felt nice to help people.

2013-01-05, 03:41 AM

If one was paying enough attention, they may have noticed a small smile play across Aeron's lips, but they could never be certain.
"Then my servant and champion you are Sir Knight. You must serve me for as long as you shall live. In return, I shall relent and let Winter claim the world for only half of the year. There shall be Spring."
She drew her sword with an audible ring and placed it on both of the as yet unidentified warrior's shoulders.
"I proclaim thee the Guardian of Summer."
Now there was a definite smile, a cruel one and she made a small cut on the Guardian's arm, her sword slicing through his armour with ease. She watched closely as it stained the crystal blade of the Sword of Kings.
"Arise Sir Knight and serve me forever."
Aeron turned and ascended her throne.
"Sir Kyth'ra. Welcome to my court."
The arrival of the Photon was of no importance to her yet. She would deal with the creature when her fellow deities, the beautiful woman and Kyth'ra were finished with their business.

Starting AP: 10
Create Relic: The Crystal Sword of Kings; This crystal sword is stained with the blood of all who have given themselves up in servitude of the rightful holder of the sword, I.E., Aeron. They must serve her willingly until the sword is destroyed or she relinquishes them from service.
Furthermore, it is capable of cutting through almost anything. +2 to RCR; 4AP
Remaining AP: 6

2013-01-05, 03:48 AM
"Hello! My name is Helios! I am an explorer and faithful servant of Yanyeeku! I love these clear crystals that hang from the ceiling like spikes. What do you call them?"

He looked at the crowns. His lawful instincts took over.

"Is there something you desire, majesty?"

2013-01-05, 03:58 AM

If one was paying enough attention, they may have noticed a small smile play across Aeron's lips, but they could never be certain.
"Then my servant and champion you are Sir Knight. You must serve me for as long as you shall live. In return, I shall relent and let Winter claim the world for only half of the year. There shall be Spring."
She drew her sword with an audible ring and placed it on both of the as yet unidentified warrior's shoulders.
"I proclaim thee the Guardian of Summer."
Now there was a definite smile, a cruel one and she made a small cut on the Guardian's arm, her sword slicing through his armour with ease. She watched closely as it stained the crystal blade of the Sword of Kings.
"Arise Sir Knight and serve me forever."
Aeron turned and ascended her throne.
"Sir Kyth'ra. Welcome to my court."
The arrival of the Photon was of no importance to her yet. She would deal with the creature when her fellow deities, the beautiful woman and Kyth'ra were finished with their business.

Starting AP: 10
Create Relic: The Crystal Sword of Kings; This crystal sword is stained with the blood of all who have given themselves up in servitude of the rightful holder of the sword, I.E., Aeron. They must serve her willingly until the sword is destroyed or she relinquishes them from service.
Furthermore, it is capable of cutting through almost anything. +2 to RCR; 4AP
Remaining AP: 6


Sir King Kyth'ra was humbled by Aeron and had a broad smile on his face as he stood up after being entered into her eternal servitude. "You humble me, My Lady. What is it I must do to serve you?" said Kyth'ra reverently.

Kingdoms of the West

A part of Kyth'ra detached itself and appeared in the Kingdoms of the West. He saw with dismay that the winter had not relented at all, and was determined to save his people.

Start AP: 2.

Bless AP1: Kyth'ra blesses the Kingdoms of the West with crops that can grow in any conditions, so that they can survive the harsh winters of this world.

End AP: 1.

2013-01-05, 04:12 AM
There is no ceiling on the Throne Room. It's open to the elements so that it has a great view.


Aeron gently smiled at Kyth'ra.
"Shortly my warrior."
Her gaze fell upon Helios.
"They are icicles young Photon and they can impale you with ease."
She apprised the Photon, judging its intellect and form.
"You have been sent to my Court by another. Why and for what purpose?"
The sunlight glinted off the crystal of her crown as snowflakes gently fell around them.

2013-01-05, 07:30 AM
"You barbarian." Hel clucked her tongue against her cheek as she watched Crux move against her children, his Levitation gobbling up mermaids and octopi left and right. She simply watched impassively as he enlisted others in his mad crusade to destroy beauty. Serpents above her beauties, serpents below her beauties, from the air, from the sea. The Levitation tasted once more of her seemingly delicious tentacled fiends. She simply had to get her own own of those...

And then she grinned as an ice-age spread over the lands. Perhaps help would come from the most unexpected of sources... the Quetzalcoatl would surely be harder pressed to get at my pretties under the ice. She lazed on the ice and ran her hand down it lovingly while watching a mermaid underneath. They wouldn't drown- no, not even with befoulment the accursed Crux placed upon them. Her octopi would survive, the crafty ones at least, learning to hide in the trenches, reefs, and underground caverns but not surviving long enough to grow as large. And her precious mermaids would survive too- learning to survive in air pockets in those same underground caves and pulling themselves out on the ice in the rare warmer areas where there are holes like a seal.

She gave a silent acknowledgement to Aeron and his eternal winter, a note to visit in case he ever developed cold feet, so to speak. This would surely spread her sickness to even more mortals, not to mention the fear it would generate. She was almost ecstatic.

The Hawks, meanwhile, large and menacing survived mostly by picking up stray trolls and humans or whatever else organic they could rip into. They pecked and scratched at the Architects when they drew near but mostly got sucked up in their intake valves. They also took to trying to build nests on them, for some reason.

"Oh, prospects!" The goddess Hel cooed, flashing with radiance and sliding in next to Hubris' current location. "Finding yourself short on allies, hmm?" Her voice mocked as she bite the end of her finger. "Don't worry... a being of most radiant eminence like myself doesn't forget her fans... liked my lions, did you?" She continued to brag, while somewhere a pack of very large female lions surrounded and ripped apart a little lost human boy. "They do so love to spread fear- and I think you've got the gift too. Call me, don't worry, I'll hear you." She added, in case she was somewhere else the next time they spoke.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-05, 08:23 AM


By the time Syimi had arrived, Aeron had already crafted a regal throne for herself in a grand open air throne room atop the tallest tower of her citadel. Sharp spires of ice rose into the sky around the circular space stabbing into the sky.
She stood up as Syimi entered, her elegant gown of silvery blue silk lightly brushing the ground behind her as she walked toward Syimi.
"Because Winter is here. And through it, the World shall have peace eternal."
Her eyes remained cold and her expression neutral and free from malice.

Syimi smiles softly. "There can be no peace without chaos to compare it against. This world will be frozen still, their passions cooled and hopes killed in falling snow. Syimi turns to the newly-made god-knight "I thank you, Sir Kyth'ra, for your sacrifice has given back to this world some of what it lost."

A shard of Syimi appears beside Helkavara. "Oh, Beautiful One, why have you created such things? Why have you marred your creations with such bloodlust and fury? This hate does not become one such as yourself."

2013-01-05, 10:14 AM
Chemosh woke up from a deep sleep with a start. He was curious why he was here on this world. He felt himself and realized he had a great well of power within himself. He decided he would never let what happened to him happen to anyone else.

He called upon his powers to create a cosmic decree and created a new race to hold this decree. The Decree stated that no child, whether it be sentient or not, that died from unnatural reasons would stay dead. At midnight after the day they die the child's body heal again and would awaken. From that point on until the day they die again they would be known as The Beloved Of Chemosh.

Chemosh summoned a small book to him and wrote down some information on his first creation in it.
The body can regenerate from anything as long as the child died from something like disease or murder (For example if the child died from a heart attack or eating poison they wouldn't come back. If they were bit by a snake and died they would still come back though. This is also true for animals, a shark child that was eaten alive would still come back in side the stomach of the creature that ate the,). A child that died from small pox that was cremated before the transformation would still come back in a whole body (This does not help them after they came back and they can be killed quite easily after the transformation). The transformation to becoming The Beloved Of Chemosh is hard on the mind as they had to face whatever happened after they died. The result is that The Beloved of Chemosh need to fill a void in their heart and to do that they explore and try to unlock the secrets of the world. They are insatiably curious and will take items just to look at them. Due to this causing problems for them they are also blessed with all the skills a thief needs and the ability to use them subconsciously so that they never have to realize they are thieves. Another result of coming back from the dead is that they understand how to bring other people back from the dead and as such naturally know how to use necromancy. Non-sentient creatures that come back in this way are still non-sentient and the only difference between it's orignal form is that it now it is undead. They do not rot or grow but their life span is limited to 1/3rd the life span of their races average life span. They look the same as they did in life but any one who lives with them even for a week will realized they are not alive.
That being written down Chemosh smiled. He decided that he would keep a log of everything he created... after he created several more undead races he might make a copy and send it down to his beloved.

AP used: Cosmic decree 5 ap, Create Fabled life (They are obviously magical and have undead traits so they probably fit here) 5 ap, Bless 1ap, Magic Knowledge (necromancy) 3 ap so I used 14 of my starting 15 points. For those who have races that have children can you send me the numbers of the number of children that died from unnatural causes and didn't get destroyed again? If you have any questions please tell me. I'm not sure if I followed the rules for creating races or not.

2013-01-05, 10:39 AM
There is no ceiling on the Throne Room. It's open to the elements so that it has a great view.


Aeron gently smiled at Kyth'ra.
"Shortly my warrior."
Her gaze fell upon Helios.
"They are icicles young Photon and they can impale you with ease."
She apprised the Photon, judging its intellect and form.
"You have been sent to my Court by another. Why and for what purpose?"
The sunlight glinted off the crystal of her crown as snowflakes gently fell around them.

"I came to ask on behalf of my sleeping master if winter could switch halves of the planet? It would allow the food supply and currency of my people, gemstone roses, to always have some consistency. Also, for something so deadly, those icicles and this winter is very beautiful!"

Helios's intellect, physical weakness, couriousity, and the natural defensive ability of his diamond-like armor was his incessant cheerfulness and perhaps his goodwill toward other mortals. He was so good, he was almost stupid good instead of the normal photon alignment of lawful good.

He was just growing out of childhood and into early adolescence. Photons never die of old age, but they stay "Children," the term used for the ones that haven't reached full size, until about 300 years of age. Helios was 270…

Photons can't reproduce until about 2000 years. That 1700 year gap is their "adolescence."

After Chemosh came to be awake, he somehow knew he was being watched over…

"Her royal majesty, Aeron… do we have a deal?"

2013-01-05, 12:14 PM
The night sky lit up with the falling of a brilliant green star as Faelan, the Verdant Lord, made his way to the mortal world chosen for him by a power beyond even his comprehension. He looked on with interest at the world below as he descended, at the creations of crystal and iron, the vast oceans and those who dwelt within, and the creatures that walked upon the lands. He felt some distress at the suffering that existed there, particularly from the great beasts known as lions, as well as the miseries of a great winter.

Unwilling to directly step on the creations of the other gods, Faelan instead decided to add to the creation of the world-scape. Drawing into himself, the centaur-god drew from the sea bed itself a great landmass, a continent that rose gently from the waves. Along its northern spine arose great mountains, while the hills leveled out to south into wide plains. Across its length grew great forests, from evergreens atop the mountain slopes, to thick jungle bayous in the far south. Faelan filled its breadth with all manners of life, from wolves and deer to birds, spiders, bats, and insects. He smiled as he saw the various creations jump into their new world, taking quickly to their new life.

But he was not satisfied, for though his new continent did border on the world's landmasses, it was still very much alone in its way. He reached out, and found the horrid lions that so terrorized the other mortal races. He felt pity for the beasts, but so too did he feel that they could not exist just as they were. For a moment he considered simply removing them from existence, but for some reason the idea left him feeling drained and wrong. Instead he chose to change some from amongst their numbers. Once more he reached forth, and touched the monsters, imparting to them a small portion of his own inherent nobility. The lions howled at the change, their great legs warping under the divine influence, but soon they quieted, rising to stand bipedal. They were regal creatures now, and looked up for guidance from Faelan, who merely nodded to them. As once they were beings of fear and suffering, now they would stand as guardians to the innocent, a counterpoint to their savage kin. They were leonyrs, Faelan decided, and he was pleased.

Yet he worried for his own creation, that somehow the touch of the other gods would warp his pristine continent into darkness and pain. In time, he hoped to bring peaceful balance to the world, but for now, he would need to ensure the survival of his own. And so he created the Wey, creatures much akin to those he had known in life. Dryads, faeries, treants, sprites, and boguns were born, and each tied to a specific part of the new world. Each would be responsible for the maintenance, preservation, and guardianship of their groves, and each would wield no small portion of Faelan's divinity. For as long as their groves remained, their power would be eternal, their mortal forms being rebirthed with each passing, so that there would ever be one to guard their charge.

With this, Faelan was pleased.

Starting AP: 15
Create Land: 2 AP
Praise (Lions/Leonyr): 1 AP - This only affects a small portion of the lion population (~10-25%), turning them into noble, bipedal creatures
Create Fabled Life (Wey): 5 AP - essentially the traditional fey creatures, but with increased power tied to their homes
Remaining AP: 7

2013-01-05, 01:01 PM
"Oh, prospects!" The goddess Hel cooed, flashing with radiance and sliding in next to Hubris' current location. "Finding yourself short on allies, hmm?" Her voice mocked as she bite the end of her finger. "Don't worry... a being of most radiant eminence like myself doesn't forget her fans... liked my lions, did you?" She continued to brag, while somewhere a pack of very large female lions surrounded and ripped apart a little lost human boy. "They do so love to spread fear- and I think you've got the gift too. Call me, don't worry, I'll hear you." She added, in case she was somewhere else the next time they spoke.

"I am no simple fan!" his anger at the initial mockery dissipating as he considered her offer, "But I am definitely an admirer of your work, and an alliance between myself and a being of your beauty and power... Well, we could rule this world."

2013-01-05, 01:12 PM
Well, this was just what we needed Crux mused silently. Even more gods who would only contribute to the tangled mess of loyalties and conflicting goals in this world. Now there were three new races. Although the children of Chemosh probably didn't qualify as new considering how they were made, it was a kind sort of gesture albeit one that would most likely have far-reaching consequences.

The ocean covered even less of the planet now, perhaps that was for the best, if it was further out of sight less of his brothers and sisters would be tempted to poke around in its expanse. These thoughts brought Crux's mind back to that woman. The one who had so repelled his territory with her very being. Perchance that maybe she would be less intent on conquering. Their was certainly something odd about her. But for now there were things to be done, not the least of which would be figuring out just whether these new gods would be content enough with their own creations to resist meddling with his.

So many different deities who embodied so many different, and often conflicting, things. They had all contributed to this world, Crux himself included, and if one looked closely they could see signs that it was already suffering from their own petty squabbles. A brief feeling of guilt sprang up in Crux's heart but it soon faded. He had as much part in this as anyone, it would be for the best if he was less judging. No use worrying about what is already done I suppose.

2013-01-05, 01:27 PM
The Charcoal Virgin remained with Baelor, waiting to hear his reply, wondering why he had sought her out. During this she looked towards the world. So young, so very young, the world was like an untouched virgin. Yet already the gods had made their advances. It had started well, fish beneath the ocean, but then came the creation of plagues and machines, and perhaps the worst of the lot, mortals themselves. It seemed the cycle would repeat. Perhaps all gods were made from fallen stars. God create mortals, they sin in unison and then a mortal slays a god.

For this world was a gruesome one, full of petty cruelties, mortals died from the touch of uncaring gods, who seemed to have forgotten their own mortal griefs. The Ocean. . . was perfect, but the surface. . . the fires blazed bright in her eyes. The Fires could cleanse the whole world clean. She knew she could do it. A Great Inferno. . . a pyre to rushed creation. For it was rushed with no rhyme or reason, no chance for sin to be controlled and managed.

A pyre! Fire! The Unclean world could burn. But then as suddenly the fires were wiped away, The Virgin closed her eyes. That was her Husband talking. She would not allow the innocent to suffer for the sake of the innocence that could be made from their ashes. Such was not how she wanted to be viewed, such was not her way. Her Husband's way was the easiest. But she refused to follow.


While the Watcher aspect of The Virgin waited upon the Iron Tyrant the Huntress aspect walked among the world, smoldering and suffocating those unclean - those who would tarnish innocence. Whenever a prayer escaped the lips of a tortured soul.

Already the legends of the Charcoal Virgin have began to spread through the mortal realms. Cults, no more than that. Fevered women who suffered at the hands of men heard of her and prayed for vengeance. Wives prayed to her for a good husband. Mother's prayed to her for their sons' safety. These prayers were quite ones, almost as if the women didn't want to pray to her, but they did. A secret religion bloomed, little girls carried necklaces of burned wood, thought to be a charm of the goddess. Others carried seashells, for the stories told of her robes, covered in prints of the sea.

Sailors began to invoke the Holy Virgin, unaware of her fires, for safety. Brows of ships, began to be carved from burnt wood as beautiful women. This was not a sudden change, a gradual one, and one largely unnoticed by the larger population - the Virgin was a silly old wives tale.

And so the Huntress aspect walked, the dirt caking to clay and then to burnt cracked clay beneath her feet. She had heard a small frightened prayer. Let none say she did not believe in the innocence of youth. But she also knew the cruelty of children. Children . . . can be much more cruel than adults. It was probably a prank, a silly little thing, but a cruel one. Three little boys had cut off their sister's hair, sheared it completely off. They held it front of her face while they shoved her into the dirt and they laughed and called her names.

They say you shouldn't invoke the name of the Charcoal Virgin lightly, those old wives tales. Sailors would say that you only mention her when the storm is upon you. The storm, no mere gale. The expression for both was the same. If you play with fire, you will be burned.

The sister cried alone, huddled in the fetal position after the huntress left. No Bone, No Flesh, not even ash remained of her brothers. The cried and cried. The fires burning in her eyes.

2013-01-05, 01:39 PM
Gharda, The Old

Gharda, looked down upon the harsh cruel world. There could have been something much worse he could have responded to than the crying of a little girl. Some were being burned alive by fire. Others were suffering equaly cruel injustices or worse by monsters, or their fellow race. Gharda came down from a high mountain and knelt by the crying girl. He had the face of an old man, and he smiled before her. "What's wrong little girl?"

2013-01-05, 02:28 PM
Gharda, The Old

Gharda, looked down upon the harsh cruel world. There could have been something much worse he could have responded to than the crying of a little girl. Some were being burned alive by fire. Others were suffering equaly cruel injustices or worse by monsters, or their fellow race. Gharda came down from a high mountain and knelt by the crying girl. He had the face of an old man, and he smiled before her. "What's wrong little girl?"

The little girl remained lying on the ground, her shorn hair ragged. She held her legs close to her chest, and cried into her knees. At first she didn't answer the old man, she just trembled. Eventually though she looked up, with dead eyes, as if her heart was burned away. Almost in monotone she pleaded for forgiveness, her voice growing more anxious and plaintive, verging on hysteria.

"They cut my hair, and made fun of me . . . Mom told me to pray when I was afraid and sad. But I didn't mean too"

2013-01-05, 02:34 PM
Gharda The Old And The Little Girl
"It's alright little girl. What is your name?" Gharda asked, sincerely. He felt as if though he could do something to alleviate the suffering this little girl had. Of course, he didn't know how to tell her, that the two brothers would be burning forever, alive within the goddess that had them killed. He wouldn't go anywhere near that uncomfortable truth. He smiled at her, as if to try and get more of a response from her, he waved his hand, and then her hair grew back to it's length.

2013-01-05, 02:38 PM
Gharda The Old And The Little Girl
"It's alright little girl. What is your name?" Gharda asked, sincerely. He felt as if though he could do something to alleviate the suffering this little girl had. Of course, he didn't know how to tell her, that the two brothers would be burning forever, alive within the goddess that had them killed. He wouldn't go anywhere near that uncomfortable truth. He smiled at her, as if to try and get more of a response from her, he waved his hand, and then her hair grew back to it's length.

The girl looked into the old man's eyes, there was no surprise that her hair grew out, or even thanks. She was still in shock.

"They cut my hair, and made fun of me . . . Mom told me to pray when I was afraid and sad. But I didn't mean to"

It took a while for the Old man to elicit a different response. She cried again, and he soothed her, she repeated and he looked on reassuringly. Eventually she wiped the tears from her eyes and said:

"My name is Elizabeth . . . my brothers used to call be Patty. . . I hated Patty. But I didn't mean to."

She began to cry again, grasping at her new made hair, ripping it out by it's roots.

2013-01-05, 02:43 PM
The Pridelands / Faelan's Lands

"You can be both fan and resplendent king, oh my glorious lord." Hel cooed, stroking the ego of pride. "You are quite handsome indeed.. I'm almost afraid at what we could create together!" She laughed and clapped her hands together excitedly. "Beauty and power go hand in hand, and soon I will be Queen of this world, and all others will be quivering fools bowing in sheer abject terror." The mad god continued, but then looked most perturbed.

"We will join our powers together soon, my Lord." She half-mocked before suddenly jolting forward and planting a kiss right square on his lips. Hel licked her lips with a loud smack before vanishing. It was good to be able to come and go as she pleased, and that man, Hubris.. reminded her of someone.

"But far more handsome." Fear herself laughed, now alone, "But I think I can handle him this time." She continued, skipping down the Pridelands and petting her monstrous lions.

"You there... god of savages." Hel called out, finding the cause of her perturbence post-haste. "Those are my kitty kitty cats. How do you even know if they want to be noble? They are here to spread my influence! Stripping them of their very purpose! How devious! How rare! How cruel!" She mocked and jeered at Faelan. "Return them and you will not be harm-" The girl giggled and had to look away at some unheard joke. "Okay. You'll still be harmed and suffer, but I'll try not to enjoy it as much, hmm?"


The second aspect of the mad goddess contemplated, as she often did, the nature of the world around her. The bitter cold had receded and she feared for her mermaid children. That man, Crux, to make her fear, HER, the goddess of fear... well, she would surely make him pay for his transgressions.

"Beautiful One? You mock me- or you attempt to placate me." The goddess dragged her hand through the water and stood from the ice, brushing herself off. "Do you not claim beauty for yourself?" She mocked, rolling her head back and staring intently at Syimi while her body faced the waves.

"I thought you'd appreciate my pets. Are they not all beautiful and majestic in their own way? From the mighty soaring Hawk to the true king of the Pride-lands and, soon enough, every land. Even my bugs have a certain unique charm thats hard to duplicate. Bloodthirsty? No, no, my dear pretty one, they simply know what is theirs and do the best they can to defend it..."

Hel stepped closer, her eyes narrow, "Have you ever felt like that? Knowing that something is yours but being unable to take it?" Her eyes glowed with jealousy, "I AM HELKARAVA THE BEAUTIFUL ONE! You are fair, you are pretty, you are dirt compared to my magnificence."

The Slithering Deep

A young mermaid swam with what was left of her tribe through the freezing waters. It was getting harder to find food and places to breath, but it'd been this way all her life. She'd seen too many of her sisters and brothers surface only to find a thin sheet of ice separating them from life-giving air, or gobbled up by the horrific monster in the depths or even a common shark.

Half of their tribe was recently trounced by that beast, her fingernail claws were still sore from the toughness of his scales, one was even broken. What cruel mother would put them here, trapped in this tank with a monster and unable to leave? All they wanted to do was survive to another day off the fish they could catch and always having to stay on the move to avoid trouble.

Most of the children they had didn't die of natural causes, but they had no bodies to speak of because they would be eaten totally. The ocean was unforgiving and left no trace of the lives it stole. The great maw of death was open for these mortal sirens, and it called itself Leviathan.

She trembled in fear at the name of the great beast.
Elsewhere, Hel smiled for fear feed her power, no matter the source.

The young, adventurous, and impulsive mermaid left her people later while they slept. She would put a stop to this, even if it meant her death. The noble mermaid sought out the Leviathan itself. Could such a being think, feel, or speak? Would it be moved by pity?

Holding on to some rocks underwater, she peeked over and spotted the beast, massive in size feasting on a very large Octopus that had to be at least half its size. The sight was both magnificent and terrible.

"E-excuse me," Her voice trembled, but it still rang out shrill like a dolphins. "I am Screeches Many-Decibels and, please, mighty beast, I come on behalf of my people... as ambassador of my tribe." The young one lied, "Please, I beg of you, leave our tribe in peace. Our people are starving, scared, and in a panic. If you have any mind, any heart, hear my plea!"

Her eyes pleaded with the Leviathan atop her perch on the rocks as her fingernails dug in to the stone. This may be the stupidest thing she'd ever done, or the greatest thing she could possibly do for her tribe. Either way, if she was to die this day she would not make it easy.

2013-01-05, 02:49 PM
"There now." The old man said, trying to reasurre her everything would be fine. Her mother arrived at the house in a panic. Seeing a stranger, although an old man, caught her off gaurd, and then she saw the ashes of her two sons, not knowing what they were, she approached her daughter, seeing she had lost her hair, which she pulled out of her roots, she pushed aside Gharda to comfort Elizabeth. Hours passed, and she had explained everything through more tears.

Anne, the mother comforted her child and finally spoke with the old man. "So, who are you?" She asked. The old man had a serious look on his face. "I'm just an old man who saw fire coming from the house. I couldn't ignore a neighbor in distress." He said earnestly. Gharda would be the newest addition to the village. He had build a singular, large house at the village, and regularily visited the girl, Elizabeth.

She had spent much of her childhood with Gharda, and the harsh winter took it's toll on the family. Soon, her mother, Anne, passed away. That was yet another horrid tragedy for the poor little girl. Finally, the childhood had ended.
Yet she still had some time with "Grandpa". The girl, twenty years old now, noticed Gharda had brought what he called "books" to a table in the large chateau. She couldn't help but notice that he was looking at it, and reading it. Books were unknown to people within history yet, so this was odd.

2013-01-05, 03:09 PM
The Architects of Smyth had started constructing the next generation of Architects using the materials from the ocean floor.

On Fearghas, Metrople settled down into being a city, one where research on the plague could be done.

2013-01-05, 03:19 PM
Falean regarded the mad god with a mix of disdain and heartfelt pity. In life, he had seen the ravages of madness on one's kin and friends, not to mention oneself, and it was often beyond his power to help them. But a mad god? This was a being far beyond his ability to aid.

He listened attentively to her request, although it galled him, before speaking slowly and carefully, "I will not. And I will not cow to your threats. Nobility will always triumph over fear, Mother of Sorrow."

2013-01-05, 03:35 PM
Yanyeeku had a dream so profound that it woke him early. He wrote a note of it, then sensed he had a stray photon.

"Helios! Come Hither!"

He was trying to tell him telepathically, but then he remembered how simple a portal was. He brought Helios right to him.

"Those gemstone roses… humans don't care much for the petals, but…"

Yanyeeku smiles…

"They value the hard center that the petals cover. So those spiders don't get you, I'll collect that useless part myself. Go to the most advanced civilization, trade with them and spread goodwill and order to them. When you become an adolescent, I'll make you an official hero. Kid heroes have a bad stigma."

Yanyeeku laughed, "you're as smart as ten elderly human geniuses, I'm sure you'll be able to deal some technology from them…"

2013-01-05, 04:00 PM
"E-excuse me," Her voice trembled, but it still rang out shrill like a dolphins. "I am Screeches Many-Decibels and, please, mighty beast, I come on behalf of my people... as ambassador of my tribe." The young one lied, "Please, I beg of you, leave our tribe in peace. Our people are starving, scared, and in a panic. If you have any mind, any heart, hear my plea!"

Her eyes pleaded with the Leviathan atop her perch on the rocks as her fingernails dug in to the stone. This may be the stupidest thing she'd ever done, or the greatest thing she could possibly do for her tribe. Either way, if she was to die this day she would not make it easy.

Yada yada yada The Eternal Serpent Leviathan

They spoke?!?! Whoops. Bad idea. He should have known that they spoke, almost everything with a proper name could speak. How could he be so stupid? No that wasn't right, he couldn't be stupid because he was the Leviathan. He was just ........ misinformed, yes that was it. Still maybe he could do something about this, Smoky-Sea-God-Crux had told him to watch over the ocean creatures. Maybe the mermaids counted as well? He had been empowered to look after the ocean, maybe he could undo the curse? Could he? He wasn't a god by any means but he was still amazing.

"Yes, er.... yes I will leave you be. Because I am so kind of course. Um..... I may even be able to remove that curse if I just................"

There it was. He could feel it. The tiniest puff of that horrible not-wet-dry-breath resided inside these mermaids. Now if he could just tug at it a little ........ Done. They were free. Maybe he was even better than he had thought. Besides he could just eat octopi instead, or could they talk as well?

Removed the censure I put on the mermaids. Congratulations you made the Leviathan feel guilty.

2013-01-05, 05:51 PM
Helios found Crux. He was by the shore of a sea, murmuring.

"Hi, do you know where the most advanced civilization on earth is?"

2013-01-05, 08:25 PM
When Helios found Crux he was nowhere near the ocean. He was in fact sitting on his cloud roughly forty feet in the air relaxing and occasionally throwing a lightning bolt at the passing hawks, they were fast and great for target practice. Crux stirred from his daydreaming/bird-smiting and peaked over the silver-lined edge of his cloud down at Helios, truly this photon had a knack for tracking him down at the oddest of times.

"Ah, it is you. Photon pride and all that I suppose?"

Crux narrowed his eyes at this question, Was he truly just a travel agency in the eyes of this crystalline being?

"In practice the most advanced civilization currently in existence would be Smyth, Have you visited there before? I've heard that its absolutely breath-taking this time of year."

2013-01-05, 08:31 PM
Pioneer stood on the edge of Smyth, watching as the huge Architects of the next generation were nearing completion. They were two times bigger than their predecessors, and built of the finest metal.

He engaged his tesla coils, sent up a signal beam celebrating the beginning of new synthetic life.

2013-01-05, 08:33 PM
When Helios found Crux he was nowhere near the ocean. He was in fact sitting on his cloud roughly forty feet in the air relaxing and occasionally throwing a lightning bolt at the passing hawks, they were fast and great for target practice. Crux stirred from his daydreaming/bird-smiting and peaked over the silver-lined edge of his cloud down at Helios, truly this photon had a knack for tracking him down at the oddest of times.

"Ah, it is you. Photon pride and all that I suppose?"

Crux narrowed his eyes at this question, Was he truly just a travel agency in the eyes of this crystalline being?

"In practice the most advanced civilization currently in existence would be Smyth, Have you visited there before? I've heard that its absolutely breath-taking this time of year."
"No, I don't think I have! I saw you from Xethos…"
He pointed at the continent that was so close a blind photon could see it.
"I have these Jewels… I thought I could trade for some technology!"

2013-01-05, 08:43 PM
A brilliant shaft of light ascended into the sky and all of the worlds creatures beheld its majesty, it was rather hard not to what with it being almost as glaring as Xethos in the height of summer. Crux shielded his eyes for a minute or two before looking to see where the beam had emerged from. As it turned out the beam had been launched by one of the vanguards in Smyth, doubtless to announce the completion of some new product. Did Helios have a sixth sense of some kind, how was it that he was always looking to be in these places of consequence before the event in question even happened?

Nevertheless Crux sent Helios on his way. Down. Through a spontaneously opened portal in the floor. It wasn't nearly as funny the second time around. Perhaps throwing him would have been more entertaining.

"Have a nice day."
That said, Crux followed anyway.

2013-01-05, 09:01 PM
"Hello! I am Helios! This must be the fabled land of Smyth! Who is it my pleasure to meet?"


Yanyeeku got in his sun and turned off autopilot. He was going to visit Syimi on her moon. The sun god had a little crush on her. He stopped the sun right behind the moon. He really wanted to impress her. From the planet, the moon became black and the sun became a ring of gold light.

2013-01-05, 09:05 PM
Pioneer looks at Helios,"I am designated as Pioneer," the Tesla Coils died down,"I believe you are one of our client species, and allied species, am I correct? Photon I am guessing. What brings you to the continent of Smyth, as we are about to finish our next generation of Architects."

2013-01-05, 09:48 PM
Pioneer looks at Helios,"I am designated as Pioneer," the Tesla Coils died down,"I believe you are one of our client species, and allied species, am I correct? Photon I am guessing. What brings you to the continent of Smyth, as we are about to finish our next generation of Architects."

"I am a Photon, yes! How would you like to have some gems as thanks for our amulets? I believe that we have much to learn from each other! You get the gems regardless, but would you be so kind as to share some technology with us once mor—"

The sky darkened. There was a eclipse in the works. It was the first eclipse.

Photons normally can reproduce but a single child in their life time. Helios was a case of identical twins. His brother, Phaeton, was playing rope-jump on the side of Xethos. The sudden eclipse started the driver of Xethos. Xethos lurched to the side, hitting some spikey rocks. This jarring made Phaeton lose his grip. Bouyant as he was, a continent is heavy. Underwater, Phaeton's sun amulet fizzled and shrank as the water reacted with it. Soon it was dark. Water and the thickness of Xethos attested to this, and it didn't help that the surface of Xethos he was under was a residential zone. The solar bond between body and spirit severed. He died. He was a child.

When a photon dies, all of the other photons wail in pain. This is their compassion link.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"

2013-01-05, 09:56 PM
Pioneer said,"Yes, more exchange can be done...All that is needed is materials-Photon traveler, why are you yelling without meaning?"

2013-01-05, 10:01 PM
Pioneer said,"Yes, more exchange can be done...All that is needed is materials-Photon traveler, why are you yelling without meaning?"


2013-01-05, 10:09 PM
"Death...The cessation of biological processes. I am unfamiliar with the concept. Could you get rid of the biology that makes death possible? We machines are not truly killed. Only in need of major repair."

2013-01-05, 10:12 PM
"Only dark and crushing force kills my people. The sun keeps us nearly immortal mortals. Something happened."

2013-01-05, 10:14 PM
"Then they died. There will be a retaliation, and then a resolution."

2013-01-05, 10:37 PM

"That is so Lady Syimi, but peace is always preferable even if there is nothing to compare it to."
She turned from Syimi to look at Helios and thought briefly.
"No. The Winter is harsh, yes, but why should your people be granted such a boon at the expense of others?
"The Winter will end and Summer shall return before giving way to Winter once more. That is the cycle and shall always be the cycle."
It was very difficult for Aeron to avoid saying "Learn to live with it", but she chose not to.
"Is there another matter that you need to bring before our Court?"
The Photon left, whisked away by another God.
Good. He was starting to get annoying.

2013-01-05, 10:49 PM
Safe in his sun, Yanyeeku winced when his simple movement caused such a disaster…

2013-01-06, 12:46 AM
The Pridelands / Faelan's Lands

"You can be both fan and resplendent king, oh my glorious lord." Hel cooed, stroking the ego of pride. "You are quite handsome indeed.. I'm almost afraid at what we could create together!" She laughed and clapped her hands together excitedly. "Beauty and power go hand in hand, and soon I will be Queen of this world, and all others will be quivering fools bowing in sheer abject terror." The mad god continued, but then looked most perturbed.

"We will join our powers together soon, my Lord." She half-mocked before suddenly jolting forward and planting a kiss right square on his lips. Hel licked her lips with a loud smack before vanishing. It was good to be able to come and go as she pleased, and that man, Hubris.. reminded her of someone.

"Yes, you will be Queen of this world, but I shall be it's King", Hubris laughs, "I shall await the time of our joining with bated breath" he smirks as she leaves.

I wonder what my people have been doing while I rested, Hubris leaves the Great Palace for the first time since its construction, not knowing how much time had passed, and looks upon the Fey and their human servants.

2013-01-06, 01:13 AM
Yanyeeku called out for Syimi. He also made a note to himself to explain to the poor photons what had happened.


Helios was crying tears of pure sunshine for the loss of his identical twin.

2013-01-06, 02:19 AM
"There now." The old man said, trying to reasurre her everything would be fine. Her mother arrived at the house in a panic. Seeing a stranger, although an old man, caught her off gaurd, and then she saw the ashes of her two sons, not knowing what they were, she approached her daughter, seeing she had lost her hair, which she pulled out of her roots, she pushed aside Gharda to comfort Elizabeth. Hours passed, and she had explained everything through more tears.

Anne, the mother comforted her child and finally spoke with the old man. "So, who are you?" She asked. The old man had a serious look on his face. "I'm just an old man who saw fire coming from the house. I couldn't ignore a neighbor in distress." He said earnestly. Gharda would be the newest addition to the village. He had build a singular, large house at the village, and regularily visited the girl, Elizabeth.

She had spent much of her childhood with Gharda, and the harsh winter took it's toll on the family. Soon, her mother, Anne, passed away. That was yet another horrid tragedy for the poor little girl. Finally, the childhood had ended.
Yet she still had some time with "Grandpa". The girl, twenty years old now, noticed Gharda had brought what he called "books" to a table in the large chateau. She couldn't help but notice that he was looking at it, and reading it. Books were unknown to people within history yet, so this was odd.

Elizabeth walked through the village thinking of the books she saw on her grandfather's table. He told her they were similar to scrolls, but she never knew that he could read. She didn't know anyone who could read. Well. . . apparently she knew one person.

All of a sudden a spark flew by. She froze, wide eyed. A familiar hand touched her back.

"Liz? What are you doing here by the forge? You finally decided to say hello to me?"

It was Stan, the blacksmith apprentice, black eyed and black haired, mussels glistening in the sweat worked up after ironing horse shoes all day long. She loved him. . . but he worked with fire, and he was always too warm, as if the heat stayed on him like a cloak. She always avoided him not wanting to get too close to the flame - and that only made Stan want her more.

Instead of answering him she fled. Running through the streets, till she reached Grandpa's house and locked the door afterwards, falling sobbing on the floor.

When Grandpa came in she was holding some of his books, looking at the writing, unable to read, but the flowing patterns calmed her. They took her mind of the ashes.

2013-01-06, 02:39 AM
Yanyeeku left the sun, since it was obvious Syimi was not home. He made the sun go back on its regular automatic course. The eclipse was over.

Helios was at his brother's funeral. If Photons did manage to get themselves killed, they were, ironically, buried at sea after a service was held. This one was just for the ceremony. Photons try to make the best of any situation, so a feast was held of many rose petals. They all ate. There would be rope-jumping, Phaeton's Favorite. It was a game where gemstone rose bushes were harvested to make string. They hold on to the string and see who can stay on longest. This is normally done in the day so their sun amulets don't get wet, but some daredevils go at dusk or even at night.

2013-01-06, 03:31 AM
The Pridelands / Faelan's Lands
Hel, The Glorious Matron

"My, my, that is.." The eyes of the mad goddess squeezed shut for a moment as it felt as if life was draining from her. "Madness runs in my family." She explained as she composed herself, adjusting her regal attire and looking quite dignified once more. "What purpose will you give the lions, hmm? They love these wilds, these are their Pridelands, and they love them as I do. I find myself inexplicably drawn to this serene place of glory."

One of her pets, a large alpha male dire lion stepped up beside her and growled at the other god. She ran her hand slowly down the mane causing it to purr.

"Nobility and savagery.. two sides of the same coin for what is nobility but civilized savagery? You play a dangerous game. And it amuses me. Which one of us do you think would better represent savagery, and the other nobility, by our attire? Hmm? And yet here we are."

Helkarava, The Mad Crone

As the Glorious One awaited a response from that so-called goddess of beauty the look in her eye seemed to grow almost crazier, unbridled and mad. You could see an abyss in her eyes and only darkness dwelt within.

Helen, The Wandering Maiden

In beautiful Xethos that floats, a beautiful young maiden truly awoke in this world. Inside of outlandish costumes or regal attire like the others she wore a simple noble ladies outfit like she did before all this. She wasn't that confused. It was all just a little fuzzy and she certainly didn't feel like she had cosmic power, she couldn't do anything about it. Had she lost it? Who was she now, really? Hel, the Glorious One? Or just simple Helen, lost and afraid?

"I'm the Helen that poisoned my sister.." She spoke, feeling the words more strongly in this form. Closer to the girl she once was than a god of legends.

The god-woman came across a groove of gemstone roses and approached them to marvel at their beauty, but stopped short when she saw several bodies of dead Photons. Of course, she had no idea what they were..

A few Gemstone spiders crawled over the bodies that hadn't returned to their homes in the roses. The poison had done its nasty work and slowly shut down the nervous systems of these poor elves until it became fatal.

"Not very pragmatic.." She mused, feeling a little sick and covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Helen remembered doing this, or had she? Yes.. she had, she was the mad god and the mad god was in her. She felt her presence, almost deafening and evil. "What is the point? Fear in and of itself?"

Helen approached a group of those bodies from earlier that didn't appear to be dead, if possible. "Hello? Is anyone alive here?"

The Slithering Deep
Screeches Many-Decibels

With a gasp of panic, Screeches breathed in water for the first time of her life like her Grandmother had. "T-thank you, mighty Lord!" She applauded, clasping her hands together and looking adorable. The cute young mermaid swam down to join the Leviathan and swam over next to his face.

"Perhaps I could assist you in your duties somehow, great serpent and magnificent scaly one!"

From now on, Hel will be split into three, and only three, aspects who will while being the exact same being will not act exactly the same. Like the Trinity! XD

If someone could do me a favor and link "The Hecate Sisters / The Three Faces" pages under my character on our TVTropes character page just like I wrote it on the same line I'd be grateful. :smallbiggrin:

2013-01-06, 03:35 AM
From the heavens, a new star began to fall with great force. It headed towards the world below, as all other stars had done before, yet there was a problem; too many obstacles. Regardless of how much space was actually availabe to fall through, the laws of improbability ensured that the new God's arrival wasn't routine. First and foremost, his descent brought him far too close to the sun, the gravitational force of which caught and then slingshoted the star towards the world at exponentially greater speed. Second, and perhaps most catastrophic, was the trajectory the sun had sent the star. Striaght towards the moon. Fortunately for the world, the moon had seriously slowed down the falling star, preventing any serious negative consequences once it touched down. Unfortunately for the moon, the star's crash with it at such speeds resulted in a third of the moon breaking apart as the star "bounced" off towards the world, changing the moon's actual orbit and creating a vast asteroid field around it, made up of its own debris.
The star itself, however, orbited the world twice before its orbit descended enough for the planet to finally pull it in. Unfortunately, its current trajectory resulted in it crashing into a large mountain instead of the ocean.

And lo, Rodlicus had arrived on this world. As he woke up from his slumber, he recalled his previous life. Glory, honor, servitude, all in the name of good and for his God, Dorsug. But Rodlicus had to wonder about his current form. Jjust what happened? One moment he was honorably picking his nose, the next he was scrambling to fire the Holy Cannon and then- oh. Right. Yeah, Rodlicus decided against remembering what had happened anymore, and looked at himself. Apparently, he had lost his legs somehow. Also, he now had a massive headache and a mouthful of mountain rocks.
He also noticed something else, however. Apparently, he could fly. Nifty! He went on to try flying around in the sky, failing to notice a hawk getting hit in the face by a small chunk of the moon, all right next to him.

Alter Land: Knocking out a third of the moon and turning it into an asteroid field -1 AP

Rodlicus: 14/15 AP

2013-01-06, 03:40 AM
Yanyeeku approached the woman, asking her, "Do you admire my garden?"

2013-01-06, 03:57 AM
After messing around with his ability to fly, Rodlicus tried figure out where he was. Well, for starters, it was blatantly obvious this wasn't his previous world anymore. Also, he could feel great power within him to do with reality as he pleased. Nice!
"Lets see, what to do... what to do..." Rodlicus murmured to himself. He had all this power, thus he wished to help mortals just like his Gods had helped their mortals in the old world. As such, he set out to the first bastion of civilization he saw, which was Xethos. Never mind that he had crashed into a circular island-continent with a flourishing civilization on it.

Arriving at the floating land, Rodlicus searched for any mortals in the vicinity. It didn't take him long to find his first Photon.

"You! Shiny mortal! Tell me of the woes of your people!" he half-ordered-half-asked.

2013-01-06, 04:12 AM
The Slithering Deep
Screeches Many-Decibels

With a gasp of panic, Screeches breathed in water for the first time of her life like her Grandmother had. "T-thank you, mighty Lord!" She applauded, clasping her hands together and looking adorable. The cute young mermaid swam down to join the Leviathan and swam over next to his face.

"Perhaps I could assist you in your duties somehow, great serpent and magnificent scaly one!"

From now on, Hel will be split into three, and only three, aspects who will while being the exact same being will not act exactly the same. Like the Trinity! XD

If someone could do me a favor and link "The Hecate Sisters / The Three Faces" pages under my character on our TVTropes character page just like I wrote it on the same line I'd be grateful. :smallbiggrin:
Added the tropes. :smallsmile:

You can't even handle this much Leviathan

Oh, this was new. Things asking to help. There wasn't really much that the Leviathan did anyway. The Leviathan served it's purpose just by existing really. The world just happened that way, probably so that it could coincide with the Leviathans greatness. It was almost like trouble went out of its way to be in places that the Leviathan would just be passing through.

"That's nice of you to offer. Maybe I could help you though? It would be an honor for your people to get help from me, obviously."

Crux is asleep in a trench. That is really all there is to say on the matter.

2013-01-06, 04:19 AM
After messing around with his ability to fly, Rodlicus tried figure out where he was. Well, for starters, it was blatantly obvious this wasn't his previous world anymore. Also, he could feel great power within him to do with reality as he pleased. Nice!
"Lets see, what to do... what to do..." Rodlicus murmured to himself. He had all this power, thus he wished to help mortals just like his Gods had helped their mortals in the old world. As such, he set out to the first bastion of civilization he saw, which was Xethos. Never mind that he had crashed into a circular island-continent with a flourishing civilization on it.

Arriving at the floating land, Rodlicus searched for any mortals in the vicinity. It didn't take him long to find his first Photon.

"You! Shiny mortal! Tell me of the woes of your people!" he half-ordered-half-asked.

Random Photon: "Their are spiders in our gemstone rose garden! They look just like the precious gems that grow inside the flower…"

2013-01-06, 04:36 AM

First an eclipse then a star colliding into the moon. When she was mortal, Aeron would consider these portents of some future disaster. Now she knew better, though a disaster may still result, but of a different kind.
"Your creation, Lady Syimi... It is such a shame that such a calamity should befall it..."
She smiled with no real warmth.
"I insist you remain here with us until you can restore it."
Her brief smile faded away when she finished speaking. Yes... The Serene Court would be a home for all under her dominion...
"Warrior... Go forth and inform all of our invitation. The Serene Court awaits them."

Starting AP: 6
Create Pantheon: The Serene Court of Winter; 3 AP
Remaining AP: 3

2013-01-06, 04:49 AM
Random Photon: "There are spiders in our gemstone rose garden! They look just like the precious gems that grow inside the flower…"

"Hmmm, I see. Fear no longer mortal. You will suffer these beasts no longer!"
And so, Rodlimus took one of the rings from his chain mail armor, removed his helmet and used the horns to break the ring and create a jaw. He then proceeded to exalt a portion of the gemstone roses, elevating them for a higher purpose! Now, one rose out of ten would be able to defend its kind. First of all, these exalted plants would look like regular gemstone roses, but when it or another gemstone rose was threatened by ANYTHING, this exalted plant would react. It would immediately grow five times its size, with an elongated, crystal "neck" and its petals would be replaced by a diamond jaw with which to strike. It would also be able to identify intruders such as the spiders, as the plant wouldn't be able to feel roots coming from them, yet would feel their presence in the garden, and as such, would strike. And just like any plant, they would reproduce by with seeds. The fact that their seeds were identical to those of gemstone roses was an entirely different matter.

"I shall name them 'Diamond Spidertraps', and they will protect these plants from all who wish them harm." he proclaimed. And thus, with his job done, he rose further into the sky to take a good look at his work. Yes, this was good. The fact that the plants themselves had inadvertedly gained the ability to uproot themselves, walk, and therefore hunt anything they perceived as a threat (read: Everything) until they rooted themselves again was of little concern. Even if he hadn't intended it, Rodlicus recognized this would make them more efficient at their job. And so, he left. If he was to continue helping the world though, he needed a place to call home.

And so, Rodlicus selected a part of the ocean where an island would be made. And made it was. A small island for a small kingdom, raised by manipulating the ocean floor. Never mind that it was raised where a deep ocean trench was, removing it completely, and covering the island in octopi. He cleared the place, and then got to work on his sanctum. At first, it started out as a nostalgic work. His house, from his old world. However, part of him told him that this just wasn't good enough for a God, and so he raised it and built a platform underneath it. This still wasn't enough, however, and so he began working hard on his new sanctum. However, due to his limited imagination, it ended up being a mile-tall tower, with his old house on the top. For some reason, that voice at the back of his mind gave up and just called it good enough. Now, Rodlicus though, was a good time to take a nap before fixing the world.

Exalt: The gemstone roses had a number of their own transformed into protectors. -3 AP
Alter Land: Island home. -1 AP
Weave Sanctum: House Tower. -3 AP
Rodlicus: 7/15 AP

2013-01-06, 04:57 AM

First an eclipse then a star colliding into the moon. When she was mortal, Aeron would consider these portents of some future disaster. Now she knew better, though a disaster may still result, but of a different kind.
"Your creation, Lady Syimi... It is such a shame that such a calamity should befall it..."
She smiled with no real warmth.
"I insist you remain here with us until you can restore it."
Her brief smile faded away when she finished speaking. Yes... The Serene Court would be a home for all under her dominion...
"Warrior... Go forth and inform all of our invitation. The Serene Court awaits them."

Starting AP: 6
Create Pantheon: The Serene Court of Winter; 3 AP
Remaining AP: 3


"At once, my Queen" said Kyth'ra as he bowed. A piece of parchment appeared in his hands with the names of all the deities upon it. "Margareta, The Charcoal Virgin, seems to be the first on the list. Off I go then" he said with a shrug as disappeared an instant later.

Margareta and Baelor

Kyth'ra appeared hovering before Margareta and who he surmised was Baelor. "Greetings, Charcoal Virgin and Iron Tyrant. I bring information from The White Queen, Lady Aeron. She wishes to inform you that she is gathering a court, The Serene Court of Winter, for anyone who wishes to join it" he said most reverently while cooling the air around him. Gosh, these two sure knew how to make one hot and sweaty.

2013-01-06, 05:27 AM

Though Aeron knew that Kyth'ra would be successful in his task, it was still inefficient. There were many Gods, and it would take quite some time for Kyth'ra to extend the invitation to them all individually. She knew how best to remedy this.
She stood from her throne and walked to the edge of the open-air platform atop her Citadel she used as a throne room. She looked South across the desolate, frozen wastes of Tura-Ashandra toward regions warmed by her mercy.
A flock of ravens with feathers of icy blue flew out from behind her and flew across the world seeking out each spark of divine essence save for those that Kyth'ra had already begun to speak with. To each they repeated her invitation to join her court;
The White Queen invites you to her Court in peace and good faith.

2013-01-06, 05:38 AM

Though Aeron knew that Kyth'ra would be successful in his task, it was still inefficient. There were many Gods, and it would take quite some time for Kyth'ra to extend the invitation to them all individually. She knew how best to remedy this.
She stood from her throne and walked to the edge of the open-air platform atop her Citadel she used as a throne room. She looked South across the desolate, frozen wastes of Tura-Ashandra toward regions warmed by her mercy.
A flock of ravens with feathers of icy blue flew out from behind her and flew across the world seeking out each spark of divine essence save for those that Kyth'ra had already begun to speak with. To each they repeated her invitation to join her court;
The White Queen invites you to her Court in peace and good faith.

Ah, such a good dream. An ice cream mountain, covered with chocolate sprinkles and a creamy exterior to CAW!
A creamy exterior to enjoy, along with CAW!

Rodlicus was unceremoniously awakened by an icy bird on his window.
"What do you want, bird?" he asked, as the raven relayed its message.
A court? "Oh man, last time I was in a court, the judge- euagh! Don't wanna think about that..." he said to himself, as he traveled to the icy domain, arriving quickly enough, materializing before the Ice Queen herself. He inadvertedly materialized with his back to her, however. "Ok, where's this queen...?" he asked himself, before turning around in his search for the queen, quickly finiding her behind him. "Oh, greetings there. Were you the one who sent that raven?"

2013-01-06, 05:56 AM

Aeron smiled. This one would be amusing.
"Welcome warrior, to Ashandra-Tor and the Serene Court. I did indeed send that raven, her name is Maleficent."
The raven named Maleficent flew down and alighted on one of the many crystalline spires of Aeron's citadel. It did not take long to realise what may best motivate Rodlicus into swearing fealty, however slight that fealty was in actuality.
"I am Aeron, the White Queen. I wish to extend to you this invitation to join my Court. Such a position comes with no requirements on your part. It comes with no responsibilities or duties at this time and in return, we both grow in strength.
"What is your name warrior? It is improper for a queen to not know the names of her courtiers."
Uncharacteristically, she had continued smiling.

2013-01-06, 06:49 AM

Aeron smiled. This one would be amusing.
"Welcome warrior, to Ashandra-Tor and the Serene Court. I did indeed send that raven, her name is Maleficent."
The raven named Maleficent flew down and alighted on one of the many crystalline spires of Aeron's citadel. It did not take long to realise what may best motivate Rodlicus into swearing fealty, however slight that fealty was in actuality.
"I am Aeron, the White Queen. I wish to extend to you this invitation to join my Court. Such a position comes with no requirements on your part. It comes with no responsibilities or duties at this time and in return, we both grow in strength.
"What is your name warrior? It is improper for a queen to not know the names of her courtiers."
Uncharacteristically, she had continued smiling.

"My name is Rodlicus! And as for your offer, please explain what you mean with 'grow in power'. Details are important after all." said the God who had regarded aggressive and dangerous plants as a blessing, and their ability to walk as a bonus.

2013-01-06, 07:17 AM

Aeron smiled reassuringly.
"It is a simple matter Sir Rodlicus. By joining together in the Pantheon of the Serene Court, we forge an immaterial link between us which catalyses the regeneration of our divine energies, after an initial expenditure of course. The more there are linked together, the greater the effect of catalysis."
She turned to look once more across the frozen wastelands. How bleak and lifeless it was. Perfectly calm...
"Once in place, you need not pay any heed to the link. It will not affect you in the slightest and cannot be used against you."
Once more she turned to face Rodlicus, her smile devoid of any malice with only a hint of the usual coldness. She addressed Syimi with her last sentence.
"And you may join also Syimi."

2013-01-06, 07:55 AM
Chemosh was bored, he had used most of his energy on making the beloved and now he had nothing to do. He sent out a sliver of himself to go searching for something to do. The sliver went down and checked on how the undead children were doing. No one was massacreing them yet which was a good sign. He had been worried that their kleptomaniac ways would make them hard to love but they seemed to be doing ok. A few of them even worked on their necromancy though right now they weren't able to do much with it. Chemosh noted that he should create more undead races soon so that they could make some friends to play with. He noticed a poor photon child being "buried" in the waters. He took the photon's body and put on one of those amulets that wore.
He then left it out so that it could transform with out instantly dying from lack of sun. That being done he waited for the odd colored crow that had been following him for awhile. It looked annoyed that he kept calling it a crow but all it said was about an invitation to her court... he had no idea where that was so he simply followed the crow back to her court.

Hello, I am Chemosh. A crow invited me here. Chemosh said smiling at the people already here.

2013-01-06, 08:21 AM
Elizabeth walked through the village thinking of the books she saw on her grandfather's table. He told her they were similar to scrolls, but she never knew that he could read. She didn't know anyone who could read. Well. . . apparently she knew one person.

All of a sudden a spark flew by. She froze, wide eyed. A familiar hand touched her back.

"Liz? What are you doing here by the forge? You finally decided to say hello to me?"

It was Stan, the blacksmith apprentice, black eyed and black haired, mussels glistening in the sweat worked up after ironing horse shoes all day long. She loved him. . . but he worked with fire, and he was always too warm, as if the heat stayed on him like a cloak. She always avoided him not wanting to get too close to the flame - and that only made Stan want her more.

Instead of answering him she fled. Running through the streets, till she reached Grandpa's house and locked the door afterwards, falling sobbing on the floor.

When Grandpa came in she was holding some of his books, looking at the writing, unable to read, but the flowing patterns calmed her. They took her mind of the ashes.

Gharda was ia little bothered by this. He knew exactly what had happened. A spell of sympathy was cast everyday by Gharda, so in case something would happen like this he would know the cause of her pain. He looked sad. "Elizabeth, I'm so sorry." He hugged her and then let go. "I think it's time I finally let you know how much you are capable of." He stated.

"I can tell that reading these simple scripts takes your mind off the pain of your loss from so long ago. It's also time that I tell you the truth. Elizabeth, I am not a mortal man. I am one of the spiritual brothers of the Charcoal Maiden. I heard your sobbing from a high mountain and knew that it was time I try to do something to console the suffering in this world, even if I could only help one person."

2013-01-06, 11:47 AM

Aeron smiled reassuringly.
"It is a simple matter Sir Rodlicus. By joining together in the Pantheon of the Serene Court, we forge an immaterial link between us which catalyses the regeneration of our divine energies, after an initial expenditure of course. The more there are linked together, the greater the effect of catalysis."
She turned to look once more across the frozen wastelands. How bleak and lifeless it was. Perfectly calm...
"Once in place, you need not pay any heed to the link. It will not affect you in the slightest and cannot be used against you."
Once more she turned to face Rodlicus, her smile devoid of any malice with only a hint of the usual coldness. She addressed Syimi with her last sentence.
"And you may join also Syimi."

"Well, when you put it that way, I see no reason why not!" exclaimed Rodlicus in a rather gleeful manner. However, he noticed something about his current location. It was entirely made of ICE. There was only one thing to do...

Chemosh was bored, he had used most of his energy on making the beloved and now he had nothing to do. He sent out a sliver of himself to go searching for something to do. The sliver went down and checked on how the undead children were doing. No one was massacreing them yet which was a good sign. He had been worried that their kleptomaniac ways would make them hard to love but they seemed to be doing ok. A few of them even worked on their necromancy though right now they weren't able to do much with it. Chemosh noted that he should create more undead races soon so that they could make some friends to play with. He noticed a poor photon child being "buried" in the waters. He took the photon's body and put on one of those amulets that wore.
He then left it out so that it could transform with out instantly dying from lack of sun. That being done he waited for the odd colored crow that had been following him for awhile. It looked annoyed that he kept calling it a crow but all it said was about an invitation to her court... he had no idea where that was so he simply followed the crow back to her court.

Hello, I am Chemosh. A crow invited me here. Chemosh said smiling at the people already here.

"Hi, I'm Rodlicus the Magnificent. Here, have a cone." he said, a cone of scraped ice appearing infront of Chemosh, the ice being covered in honey. Where Rodlicus got the honey in the frozen Ashandra-Tor, nobody knew. Some would rather not find out. Regardless, he enjoyed his own cone. Not wanting to be rude, he quickly made some for the White Qeen and Syimi as well.
The fact that he scraped the ice with his helmet was rather... unexpected, however.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-06, 01:06 PM

"That is so Lady Syimi, but peace is always preferable even if there is nothing to compare it to."

Syimi shakes her head. "A being cannot change and grow without adversity. You deny the possibility of true happiness for all creatures."

Yanyeeku called out for Syimi.

A shaft of moonlight descends from the heavens. "Yes?"

The Pridelands / Faelan's Lands

Helkarava, The Mad Crone

As the Glorious One awaited a response from that so-called goddess of beauty the look in her eye seemed to grow almost crazier, unbridled and mad. You could see an abyss in her eyes and only darkness dwelt within.

"I do not claim beauty for myself alone, much as I do not claim love. You have such a lovely form, but you mar it with a hideous expression and harsh words. Syimi approaches the angered deity and strokes her cheek. "Do not fear the beauty of others; instead, celebrate it. The most beautiful statue does no good if locked away in a dark room. It must be seen, to enhance that which surrounds it.


First an eclipse then a star colliding into the moon. When she was mortal, Aeron would consider these portents of some future disaster. Now she knew better, though a disaster may still result, but of a different kind.
"Your creation, Lady Syimi... It is such a shame that such a calamity should befall it..."
She smiled with no real warmth.
"I insist you remain here with us until you can restore it."

Syimi gazes at the moon with a sad look upon her face. "Sometimes beauty is marred by great tragedy. I will leave such a thing unhealed for now, so that the mortal races may gaze upon it and consider the consequences of their actions. It will be repaired after a time though. A part of me will remain here for now, but I have work to do among the mortals."

2013-01-06, 03:40 PM
Pioneer looked at these marvelous new constructions. These Architects. The 2nd generation of them. As opposed to the first generation, which were gears and grime, the second generation architects were smooth, and more aerodynamic. They weren't done yet, but they had started their first steps into consciousness.

Pioneer received a report, a vanguard squad had been damaged by living crystal creatures. He gave a requisition order for an Architect, and a dozen Vanguards. Within hours, Premier arrived with the requested Vanguards. Pioneer boards Premier, and the group of machines headed off to the Gardens of the Crystal Roses.

Pioneer descended on a tendril of Premier's body into the Garden, observing the Roses. He walked through the flower bed, searching for these crystal monsters.

2013-01-06, 03:48 PM
Pioneer looked at these marvelous new constructions. These Architects. The 2nd generation of them. As opposed to the first generation, which were gears and grime, the second generation architects were smooth, and more aerodynamic. They weren't done yet, but they had started their first steps into consciousness.

Pioneer received a report, a vanguard squad had been damaged by living crystal creatures. He gave a requisition order for an Architect, and a dozen Vanguards. Within hours, Premier arrived with the requested Vanguards. Pioneer boards Premier, and the group of machines headed off to the Gardens of the Crystal Roses.

Pioneer descended on a tendril of Premier's body into the Garden, observing the Roses. He walked through the flower bed, searching for these crystal monsters.

As he walked through the roses, there was absolute silence except for the wind and the sound of the other machines. However, within the space of a second, five of the roses grew five times their own size, their petals forming diamond mandibles. Strong and sharp enough to render apart almost any materials. And within that same second, the plants uprooted and swarmed unto Pioneer, biting as they went.

2013-01-06, 04:01 PM
Pioneer back flipped out of the way, receiving a heavy gash along his arm. He revved up his tesla coils, "Vanguard squad, drop in," 6 vanguards swooped in, fully charged up. Pioneer found that his arm that was damaged was no non functional. The other Vanguards received other injuries, but they kept the brunt of those flowers away using a lightning grid formed from their tesla coils.

Pioneer punched another flower, cracking it, but as he did that, his arm got another mauling. No with no usable arms, Pioneer kicked his electrical currents into over drive, trying to ward away the crystal beasts.

2013-01-06, 04:12 PM
Pioneer back flipped out of the way, receiving a heavy gash along his arm. He revved up his tesla coils, "Vanguard squad, drop in," 6 vanguards swooped in, fully charged up. Pioneer found that his arm that was damaged was no non functional. The other Vanguards received other injuries, but they kept the brunt of those flowers away using a lightning grid formed from their tesla coils.

Pioneer punched another flower, cracking it, but as he did that, his arm got another mauling. No with no usable arms, Pioneer kicked his electrical currents into over drive, trying to ward away the crystal beasts.

At that point, it was as if the garden itself came to life. Angry, aggressive life, as for every ten roses, one of the uprooted itself and became the monstrous plant the others had become. Some of the more... "intelligent", members of the species remained in their rose form, using their roots to stealthfully position themselves right next to the attackers, and then sprung from the ground, right unto the Vanguards with utmost prejudice.

2013-01-06, 04:29 PM
Pioneer gave a mechanical gasp,"All units, fall back!" A giant mechanical tendril of Premier swoops down, letting most of the Vanguards get on. Pioneer channeled his energy into his broken arms, incinerating the synthetic muscles, and utilizing them as larger coils to spread more lightning around.

Eventually, Pioneer couldn't keep up the onslaught, and fell to his knees. His core fires were dimming, he knew what the Photons were feeling when one of them died....

And then Premier slammed down three tendrils onto the crystal gardens, utilizing a fourth, smaller one to retrieve Pioneer. Premier released his own set of personal Vanguards, four dozen in all, to coordinate an electrical strike to cover their tactical retreat. As Premier drew his tendrils away, a lightning bolt stronger than even the storm clouds could produce struck in the garden. Thousands of flowers, and hundreds of crystal beasts were melted down.

Pioneer was taken to the research lab, and hooked up to specialized repair machines. Unfortunately, his current unit was compromised. They had to transfer his synthetic soul core into a new Vanguard. They had the shell of a second generation Vanguard, and input Pioneer into that shell. He was now much sleeker, synthetic muscles were more defined. The coils had a curve to them know, arcing from shoulder to shoulder.

Premier had left that area of the gardens a wasteland,and had sustained massive damage to its tendrils. It launched a team of a dozen Vanguards down into the wreckage to see what had attacked them, and if their corpses could be recovered for study.

2013-01-06, 04:37 PM
Yanyeeku said, "I have long admired your beauty from afar…. I ask you if you would like to be my bride. Together, we could rule the heavens and promote goodness together."

2013-01-06, 04:38 PM
Pioneer gave a mechanical gasp,"All units, fall back!" A giant mechanical tendril of Premier swoops down, letting most of the Vanguards get on. Pioneer channeled his energy into his broken arms, incinerating the synthetic muscles, and utilizing them as larger coils to spread more lightning around.

Eventually, Pioneer couldn't keep up the onslaught, and fell to his knees. His core fires were dimming, he knew what the Photons were feeling when one of them died....

And then Premier slammed down three tendrils onto the crystal gardens, utilizing a fourth, smaller one to retrieve Pioneer. Premier released his own set of personal Vanguards, four dozen in all, to coordinate an electrical strike to cover their tactical retreat. As Premier drew his tendrils away, a lightning bolt stronger than even the storm clouds could produce struck in the garden. Thousands of flowers, and hundreds of crystal beasts were melted down.

Pioneer was taken to the research lab, and hooked up to specialized repair machines. Unfortunately, his current unit was compromised. They had to transfer his synthetic soul core into a new Vanguard. They had the shell of a second generation Vanguard, and input Pioneer into that shell. He was now much sleeker, synthetic muscles were more defined. The coils had a curve to them know, arcing from shoulder to shoulder.

Premier had left that area of the gardens a wasteland,and had sustained massive damage to its tendrils. It launched a team of a dozen Vanguards down into the wreckage to see what had attacked them, and if their corpses could be recovered for study.

A survey of the area would indeed result in the corpses of numerous Diamond Spidertraps being found. Whilst the gemstone roses were completely obliterated, the resilient bodies of the trappers had ensured that, at the very least, their diamon "heads" survived, even if the rest of the body was desintegrated. Most of the corpses recovered were heads, after all, with only three of the corpses being mostly intact. Any attempt at autopsy would reveal something universal amongst all of them. The seeds of the plant, stored on the diamon "head", right where the mandible ended, were all intact, existing in an emerald form.

2013-01-06, 04:42 PM
Descent of the Darkest Star

From the silver void between worlds he came. A blazing comet of dark glory, the Spurned fell between universes, plummeting from the sky down upon the Pridelands. Black fire consumed all that stood in the path of the dark god's descent. As Toraminus fell, he opened his eyes, slamming into the ground. The forests shook, animals scattering from the unnatural being's entrance into this world. The Disowned Lord of Destruction rose from the ground, flexing his gaunt muscles. With a flick of his wrist, an entire acre of forest was flattened. The Lord of Annihilation grinned, then vanished, leaving behind a scene of ruin as a blight upon the Pridelands.

15 AP - 1 AP = 14 AP
Alter Land - In the southern Pridelands, in the middle of nowhere in a forest, there's several acres of charred and decimated land.

2013-01-06, 04:52 PM
Premier looked on the destruction, and and ordered his Vanguards to collect all of the seeds, and remains of the SPidertraps. Eventually, everything was brought onboard Premier's labs. Pioneer was weary of these creatures, but knew that they must research their enemy in order to fight it. His new body had armor that culd deflect the cutting abilities of the Diamond SPidertraps.

"Unfortunately, these gardens that were destroyed were allied territory. We must commission several Architects to repair this area."

Space Lawyer
2013-01-06, 04:59 PM
Syimi and Yanyeeku

Yanyeeku said, "I have long admired your beauty from afar…. I ask you if you would like to be my bride. Together, we could rule the heavens and promote goodness together."

The beam of moonlight softens and swirls around Yanyeeku. "Admiration is not love. You have asked for what you have shown no continued desire for. Why should I be your bride, when your love is so shallow?", Symi asks gently.


Far away, on the night of a full moon, a child is born. She is as a normal child, save the pure white hair which the elders say marks her as chosen by the Goddess of Love, the first in many generations. Does this herald a more active role in the lives of mortals by Syimi?

2013-01-06, 05:29 PM
"Perhaps you are right, Syimi, but I would like to learn more about you. A woman of your caliber is certain to be as sweet as an eternal honey such that is found in only in the saccharine of gemstone roses. How about we meet directly someplace beautiful? We could have a feast under the dusk!

2013-01-06, 05:37 PM

Being stuck in Ashara... Ashira... Ashgara... the ice place, had brought Rodlicus sweet, sweet memories of his days in his old home, eating chocolate ice cream, making milkshakes, singing to it, preparing delicious sweetness...
Scraped ice would most definitely not do. He had to get some Godly ice cream, fast. However, he was stuck in the ice place. Thinking of what to do, he realized something. He could split up! A part of him, a "shard" of his being, could go wherever he wanted! PERFECT!
Rodlicus's shard materialized over a wealthy trading town. and struck up a deal.

"ATTENTION MORTALS! I, the Great and Powerful Rodlicus, have come to you to strike a generous deal! I will give 1!, I repeat, ONE! praising to anyone who manages to deliver two tonnes of chocolate ice cream to me! The Magnificent and Handsome Rodlicus is kind, and will patiently wait here!" he proclaimed to the masses, attempting a highly dangerous, Lean-Back-And-Relax 3X combo on a cloud. He failed and landed on his non-existant ass, opting instead to just use the ground.
That afternoon, a merchant approached.

"Oh my Lord, I've collected sufficient amounts of the ice and cream you asked for! Is it a worthy sacrifice for you, my Lord?" asked the merchant in a humble fashion.

Rodlicus floated up and looked at the merchant with the most disturbing possible smile no mortal should ever witness. With a snap of his fingers, Rodlicus blessed the mortal with incredible charisma and intelligence. In the following years, this man would become the richest merchant in the world. However, since this was a blessing and not a praise, as Rodlicus had intended, the same happened to the entire town.

"You sir are MAGNIFICENT! Now begone! I must enjoy my ice cream!" exclaimed Rodlicus, diving into the pile brought forth by the townspeople. However, his joy was brought to an abrupt halt when he realized what he was stuffing into his mouth. Massive ice cubes. Massive packages of dairy cream.

Truly, for an instant, Rodlicus' rage knew no bounds, even if to anyone watching it seemed more like a tantrum than unbound rage. And in his state, absolutely hating merchants and wishing to crush them with a great war, Rodlicus grabbed onto his helmet and slammed it into the ground, one of the horns burying itself into the earth and splitting it asunder in its immediate vicinity. Oh dear...

Blessing -1 AP
Rodlicus: 6/15 AP

2013-01-06, 05:49 PM
Out of the massive tear in the world's crust clambered a rather nondescript looking merchant. He climbed, unsteadily, to his feet, coughing to clear his throat of the dust and debris kicked up by the God's rage. As Quaestus brushed off his robes, the Merchant looked up at the angry deity before him, and instantly recognized him. "...Father?" He said, his voice resonating with divine energy.

2013-01-06, 05:52 PM
The new divine voice stopped Rodlicus' rage-trantrum cold, as he turned his aethereally-blue head to look down upn the God rising from the hole in the ground.
"... wait... why did you... WHO are you?!"

2013-01-06, 05:57 PM
The new divine voice stopped Rodlicus' rage-trantrum cold, as he turned his aethereally-blue head to look down upn the God rising from the hole in the ground.
"... wait... why did you... WHO are you?!"

The Exalted Trader tilted his head to the side, sizing up this other divine being. His eyes narrowed as if deep in thought. He was just born, but he immediately, instinctively knew his name. It just... was. "I shall trade you... a name for a name. That is fair, no?"

2013-01-06, 06:03 PM
To put it simply, Rodlicus's shard didn't know what to do, so he just went on with it.
"Uh, sure. I guess. I'm Rodlicus the... Actually, just Rodlicus."

2013-01-06, 06:10 PM
To put it simply, Rodlicus's shard didn't know what to do, so he just went on with it.
"Uh, sure. I guess. I'm Rodlicus the... Actually, just Rodlicus."

Quaestus nodded curtly, and gave his progenitor a short bow. "I am known as Quaestus, Father. Where are we?" He questioned as he observed the land before him, trying to get the measure of the realm they were in.

2013-01-06, 06:14 PM
Chemosh noticed that the god Rodiclus appeared to want ice cream a lot. Chemosh decided that it might be good to bring the Beloved kowledge of how to make ice cream. It seemed like a good way to cheer up the world so he gave The Beloved of Chemosh the knowledge of how to make ice cream and asked them to make him two tonnes of Chocolate ice cream. All over the world The Beloved went out to collect the required ingredients to make ice cream. That done they made some ice cream and went to random nearby gathering places with the ice cream. Chemosh then went to the gathering points and got The Beloved to follow him through temporary portals he made with ice cream. With in two hours the Beloved appeared in front of Rodiclus with two tonnes of ice cream. Chemosh walked up to the gods and looked at them.

Hello, who are you? I am Chemosh, anyways I will take that praise now.As you can see we have brought the ice cream. I know the Beloved are too numerous to be praised as a whole so I will gladly take it myself. Chemosh said smiling. He hoped the praise would be a pretty good one. While he waited for the praise he brought the Beloved back to their home. Once home they started making ice cream and selling it off as a luxury item for quite a profit.

Ap spent:1 ap to give the Beloved the knowledge of how to make ice cream.

2013-01-06, 06:41 PM
Chemosh noticed that the god Rodiclus appeared to want ice cream a lot. Chemosh decided that it might be good to bring the Beloved kowledge of how to make ice cream. It seemed like a good way to cheer up the world so he gave The Beloved of Chemosh the knowledge of how to make ice cream and asked them to make him two tonnes of Chocolate ice cream. All over the world The Beloved went out to collect the required ingredients to make ice cream. That done they made some ice cream and went to random nearby gathering places with the ice cream. Chemosh then went to the gathering points and got The Beloved to follow him through temporary portals he made with ice cream. With in two hours the Beloved appeared in front of Rodiclus with two tonnes of ice cream. Chemosh walked up to the gods and looked at them.

Hello, who are you? I am Chemosh, anyways I will take that praise now.As you can see we have brought the ice cream. I know the Beloved are too numerous to be praised as a whole so I will gladly take it myself. Chemosh said smiling. He hoped the praise would be a pretty good one. While he waited for the praise he brought the Beloved back to their home. Once home they started making ice cream and selling it off as a luxury item for quite a profit.

Ap spent:1 ap to give the Beloved the knowledge of how to make ice cream.

"I am known as Quaestus... and you are? He said, turning to face the other deity. So there were more. The Broker wondered just how many of them there were in existence... every last one of them held the potential for some kind of deal, some measure of profit.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-06, 07:36 PM
Syimi and Yanyeeku

"Perhaps you are right, Syimi, but I would like to learn more about you. A woman of your caliber is certain to be as sweet as an eternal honey such that is found in only in the saccharine of gemstone roses. How about we meet directly someplace beautiful? We could have a feast under the dusk!

"Your compliments are well-received, though they are a bit heavy handed. Maybe in time I will accept your invitation, but not now. See the example of our brethren Gharda, and how he shows concern for a small child. Even the one who hates with a fury that the hottest fires cannot match shows protective instincts towards many. You seem to have abandoned your children of light, and they cry out in pain."

A small village of no consequence

The white-haired child, now named Kaleea, celebrates her tenth year of life by the lunar calendar. They have been hard years, being mocked by the other children for her strange appearance, and expected to have wisdom and skill far beyond her capabilities by the adults.
She goes to the open fields near her home, as she does every night. She stares up at the full moon, still saddened by the destruction wrought upon its beautiful surface by the rouge star. "My Lady Syimi, who gives us guidance through the night, most beautiful of all the gods, will you speak to me this night? The elders say I am chosen by you, but I have never heard your words for myself. Whenever I ask, they say "You are not old enough to hear the words of Syimi in your heart" but I have read of you, and know your love is not like that. What do you want of me, Most Passionate One?
There is silence in the clearing, and Kaleea hangs her head. I am not worthy of hearing my lady's words. The other children are right...I am nothing more than a freak.She moves to leave, but then notices the steady brightening all around her, a silver-white glow.
"I have heard you, Kaleea, and I love you more than you can ever know. You are my chosen, and I have called you to spread my word to the world. This is a world of strange and capricious gods. Many are angry and full of hate, and their creations violent. This world needs to know care and love." A radiant being descends from the heavens, clad in flowing white. She wraps her arms around the young child, who is crying uncontrollably at this point, never having been surrounded by such a feeling of peace. "Will you help me, beloved? Will you tell this world of the ways of serenity, while helping them find their passions?"
Every fiber of Kaleea's being screams "YES!"

2013-01-06, 07:48 PM

Kyth'ra had noticed some turmoil on some kind of large floating crystal city. Several forces battled it out, but there was one being that sought to destroy all others that approached it. He split a shard off to rally some knights from his Kingdom, and they appeared below him in the crystal garden, equipped with full sets of armour and hardened swords and lances, atop their noble warhorses. "CHARGE!" shouted Kyth'ra as he appeared leading the knight's charge on his warhorse with a lance pointed at the creatures of malice.

I'd like to note that the amount of knights would be about 100-150 or so, considering the threat.

2013-01-06, 09:21 PM
Eavesdropping on Gods

Toraminus took his favored form. A gaunt, almost skeletal man, with dark grey eyes, and wearing robes concealing his form. The black fabric was too plain for the Lord of Destruction, and Toraminus willed it to have color. A pattern of dark violet appeared, marking him apart from others who may look alike, as many old humans may. He chuckled to himself, standing up and surveying the place he had come to. An alley. He peered around the corner of a building, seeing a town plaza with three figures in it. One child, one merchant, and one man. They all radiated divine energy. Toraminus squinted, his senses listening in on their conversation.

2013-01-06, 09:56 PM
Yanyeeku delivered a Eulogy at Phaeton's funeral after he wrote a memo to himself about a future decree and slipped it under his throne seat. The people were touched by the beautiful epic poem he recited and by his confession about the eclipse. He came to each one and hugged them, greeting each by their name.

2013-01-06, 10:00 PM
Premier returned to the main fleet of Architects, with the captured Spider Traps. They started performing experiments on the seeds. Pioneer had started field testing the new second generation Vanguard specs. He had made multiple forays back into the Crystal Gardens, always with a squad of second gen Vanguards with him. THeir new armor could block the crystal sharpness the spider traps possessed, and their lightning could damage the crystal monsters rather efficiently now. THere were now 'safe zones' where the SPidertraps have been rid of, and as such had an Architect put there to tend to them, and collect seeds.

Meanwhile, Premier had been slowly upgraded into being a second generation Architect. Now he had mass launchers, for firing refuse out of, and could fly lower or higher, able to skim the atmosphere at will. Onboard, there were also areas for biological civilians.

2013-01-06, 10:07 PM
Eavesdropping on Gods

Toraminus took his favored form. A gaunt, almost skeletal man, with dark grey eyes, and wearing robes concealing his form. The black fabric was too plain for the Lord of Destruction, and Toraminus willed it to have color. A pattern of dark violet appeared, marking him apart from others who may look alike, as many old humans may. He chuckled to himself, standing up and surveying the place he had come to. An alley. He peered around the corner of a building, seeing a town plaza with three figures in it. One child, one merchant, and one man. They all radiated divine energy. Toraminus squinted, his senses listening in on their conversation.

Quaestus abruptly cleared his throat and glanced at the alley, his acute senses picking up the divine force. And yet another. He thought, before speaking. "It appears as though we have another guest." The Merchant said to the Gods around him, but more than loud enough for the eavesdropping deity to hear.

2013-01-07, 12:15 AM
The Pridelands / Faelan's Lands
Hel, The Glorious Matron

"My, my, that is.." The eyes of the mad goddess squeezed shut for a moment as it felt as if life was draining from her. "Madness runs in my family." She explained as she composed herself, adjusting her regal attire and looking quite dignified once more. "What purpose will you give the lions, hmm? They love these wilds, these are their Pridelands, and they love them as I do. I find myself inexplicably drawn to this serene place of glory."

One of her pets, a large alpha male dire lion stepped up beside her and growled at the other god. She ran her hand slowly down the mane causing it to purr.

"Nobility and savagery.. two sides of the same coin for what is nobility but civilized savagery? You play a dangerous game. And it amuses me. Which one of us do you think would better represent savagery, and the other nobility, by our attire? Hmm? And yet here we are."

"The lions serve to strike fear into the heart of even the most rebellious of men, fear that is able to ensure their servitude, for if they choose otherwise, well, lets just say they rarely choose otherwise...", with an amused smile he continues, "Though, even I must admit I am not sure how to react to these new ones, the lions that walk as men, they are somewhat disconcerting, if they shall prove too ambitious I may have to do something."

How intriguing, I have always been fond of courtly matters, though they rarely went in my favour...
No longer in a good mood, he sends a shard of his essence to see what the summons was about.

"I greet you, Winter Queen, and wonder why you summoned me, the most esteemed and glorious of all the gods, save maybe Hel, the most beauteous, but I digress, why am I here? he demands, trying to sound as dignified as possible

2013-01-07, 03:13 AM

She accepted the honey flavoured snow cone from Rodlicus, but she didn't start eating it just yet.
"I deny nothing Syimi. The champion of the mortal races has already persuaded me to relent. I will not keep you from your work."
The ravens that had guided Chemosh and Hubris flew up to join Maleficent.
"Welcome Chemosh and Hubris. I have invited both of you such that we may all join together as one Court for the benefit of us all. Our power can only increase in magnitude if we join as a pantheon."

Throughout the World

The ravens continued their flight searching for other divine sparks, the Sunlight glinting off their icy feathers.

2013-01-07, 07:03 AM

"I see, you must have heard of my magnificence, and wish me to head your Pantheon, an intriguing thought", Hubris seems deep in thought, considering your perceived offer

2013-01-07, 07:45 AM

Aeron smiled at Hubris's... hubris.
"Though I am certain a being of your magnificence would make the perfect leader, I have already formed the catalysing matrix. I cannot transfer it onto another being without destroying it."
She walked toward him, her gown brushing the icy floor behind her.
"Do not worry Lord Hubris, the position of leader is symbolic only. I make no claims of sovereignty over you."
With a smile on her face, she drew her sword and used it to idly cut a snowflake in half before sheathing it again.
"Of course, unless you wish to swear fealty to the sword. But I know you never will."
She turned from him and ascended her throne, snow cone in hand.
"It's up to you Hubris. By joining with the Serene Court, you gain extra power at no expense to you."

2013-01-07, 07:50 AM
Quaestus nodded curtly, and gave his progenitor a short bow. "I am known as Quaestus, Father. Where are we?" He questioned as he observed the land before him, trying to get the measure of the realm they were in.

"Well, er... son? Do you want me to call you 'son', or by your name? Anyway, we're in a prosperous merchant town right now, on the west of this world, which belongs to us. Well, not 'US' two, but rather 'us' as in the Gods. There are many, many more of our kind here." replied Rodlicus, aethereal spaghetti spewing from his pockets.

Chemosh noticed that the god Rodiclus appeared to want ice cream a lot. Chemosh decided that it might be good to bring the Beloved kowledge of how to make ice cream. It seemed like a good way to cheer up the world so he gave The Beloved of Chemosh the knowledge of how to make ice cream and asked them to make him two tonnes of Chocolate ice cream. All over the world The Beloved went out to collect the required ingredients to make ice cream. That done they made some ice cream and went to random nearby gathering places with the ice cream. Chemosh then went to the gathering points and got The Beloved to follow him through temporary portals he made with ice cream. With in two hours the Beloved appeared in front of Rodiclus with two tonnes of ice cream. Chemosh walked up to the gods and looked at them.

Hello, who are you? I am Chemosh, anyways I will take that praise now.As you can see we have brought the ice cream. I know the Beloved are too numerous to be praised as a whole so I will gladly take it myself. Chemosh said smiling. He hoped the praise would be a pretty good one. While he waited for the praise he brought the Beloved back to their home. Once home they started making ice cream and selling it off as a luxury item for quite a profit.

Ap spent:1 ap to give the Beloved the knowledge of how to make ice cream.

"Such as this fella!" he proceeded to add.
"Chemosh! So you decided to take a walk as well while in that court. AND YOU BROUGHT ICE CREAM!!! You know, I should probably hug you. Anyway, a deal is a deal. Hold still." said Rodlicus, stretching a hand and placing its ethearlity on Chemosh's shoulder.
Vroom-vroom-vroom... VROOM-vroom-vroom-vroom... VROOM-VROOM-VROOM-VROOM-VROOM-VROO-ppppt
"Ok... looks like I can't actually praise another God... would you rather I give a blessing to all those kids that brought it here?" he asked.

Quaestus abruptly cleared his throat and glanced at the alley, his acute senses picking up the divine force. And yet another. He thought, before speaking. "It appears as though we have another guest." The Merchant said to the Gods around him, but more than loud enough for the eavesdropping deity to hear.

"I see him." said Rodlicus. "Wait... who is that? Chemosh, you know that guy?"


Seeing as the Vanguards were clearing areas within the gardens, Kyth'ra's men would be forced to go through the gardens as well. Their charge would drive them in deep, and yet, this should have been cause for concern, for whilst they charged at the Spidertraps fighting the Vanguards, the rest of the aggressive crystal plants in that part of the garden lunged at them from the ground, indistinguishable from regular gemstone roses up until they attacked, or remained in place, transformed into their monstrous selves, and chomped at the legs of the horses as they passed.


Rodlicus prepared one more honey snow cone for the new arrival, and left it floating next to Hubris in case he wanted some. He had to say, he liked the idea of joining the prospectful Pantheon. After all, from what he had learned from Dorsug in his previous life, power was good. Dorsug had also said something about corroding or something like that when too much power was had, but it probably wasn't important.

The REAL issue though, was that, despite being a God, Rodlicus was freezing. Oh man, he felt a Godly cold coming up as well. Of course, he did his best to retain his composure and manners while in the presence of the otheACHOO!

Oh boy... For some reason, Rodlicus felt as if he'd been drained of power.


Little Roddy "Puddy Buddy" Kertin played with his dol-action figures while taking a rest from helping out in the farm. Man, when he grew up, he wanted to be a warrior! Wear armor, use swords and fight monsters, just like the heroes from the stories his father told him at night! He'd go riding on horses, and fighting mages, and rescuing princesses, and doing all sorts of awesome stuff! But... deep down, he knew that wouldn't happen. He was just a farmer kid... and then he'd become a farmer too. But he didn't want to stay in the farm! He wanted to see the world and become a hero and- why does it sound like something is falliSPLAT!

Little Roddy HP 1/10, Critical Hit from Holy Mucus
Little Roddy has gained the trait "Potential Leader"

Promote Leader: Little Roddy, in the future, will become a leader blessed by the God of Incompetence. -3 AP
Rodlicus: 3/15 AP

2013-01-07, 11:16 AM
Helen, The Wandering Maiden

The area that the young girl wandered in has become exceedingly dangerous, and her powers of godliness whisked her away before even meeting the god of this land or any of the strange creates he made that she did want to see. The last thing she saw before vanishing was the horrific site of a Gemstone Monster Flower barring down on her, teeth barred.

Where ever she went next... she hoped it was more hospitable then this.

Helkarava, The Mad Crone

On that icy shore, The Mad Crone and an aspect of beauty faced off.

"Why, thank you, I do try to keep myself in shape." Hel boasted, fanning herself even though it was assuredly freezing out. "Ah.. how dare you touch me?" She spat, her narrows growing narrow as the soft and feminine hand touched her cheek. Helkarava placed her hand over Syimis, caressing it softly.

"The most beautiful statue does no good if it is locked away in a dark room..." She repeated Syimi's words, echoing them back to her slowly as if trying to understand them. Without warning, the caressing of the other goddess' hand turned violent and rough as Hel grabbed her hand and tried to keep it where it was. The Mad Goddess gave her a slasher smile that showed off nearly every row of her thousands of sharp and pointy mermaid/shark teeth.

"You are correct, of course, my dear Beautiful One!" Hel continued in mock admiration. "In order to be the most beautiful one there is I have only one recourse.. I must lock you in a dark room for all eternity so that none may experience your beauty!" The jealous goddess declared, laughing madly and attempted to grab Syimi even more firmly around the waist with her other arm.

The Pridelands
Hel, The Glorious Matron

And suddenly the savage was gone.

"I suppose some gods only have a limited vocabulary and must leave before they embarrass themselves." The Glorious One said haughtily. She gave a disapprovingly look across the water at the new land that existed in Faelan's wake and the new creatures that dwelt there. By all rights, these beings were her subjects and she could claim them. And soon she would.

Hel, The Glorious Matron

How intriguing, I have always been fond of courtly matters, though they rarely went in my favour...
No longer in a good mood, he sends a shard of his essence to see what the summons was about.

"I greet you, Winter Queen, and wonder why you summoned me, the most esteemed and glorious of all the gods, save maybe Hel, the most beauteous, but I digress, why am I here? he demands, trying to sound as dignified as possible
"Why, thank you, my very own Lord of Compliments." Hel said with condensation as she too entered the majestic Ashandra-Tor. The Glorious Matron gave an odd look to the Syimi that existed these, a knowing look that elsewhere they too were at conflict. But not here. It was something that pressed at the back of this regal goddess' mind. "And greetings to you as well, Syimi." She continued icily, "And to all the rest."

"I love your work." Hel said, as way of greeting, finally turning to face the Winter Queen directly. "And I appreciate your summons- although, I find it much less special now that I know you've invited all the riffraff and not me specifically. I would have loved to see how much suffering eternal winter could cause-" She suggested hopefully, "But I'm sure you have reasons."

"You're a queen too, hmm? I'm afraid these may only be room for one Queen here. And that is, of course, myself, Hel the Glorious Queen." Hel took a bow as she introduced herself finally. "And I have to wonder, why would you want to increase my power, Queen of Winter? Power for powers sake.. or do you have plans for all that power?" Hel continued, saving Aeron from having to pitch the pantheon once again, as she approached her throne unbidden.

"Because, sister, I have plans of my own. And if you want to bring the fear than I'm going to need a little more than a seat at your kids table."

The Slithering Deep
Screeches Many-Decibles

"Oh, of course, mighty one.. you are looking quite grand and scaly this evening." Screeches patronized, beaming a smile at the Leviathan. "I think you're really cool, but the rest of my tribe... well, you have been eating them." She appeared to look a little sick at that thought and quickly moved on. "You've pretty much been the bogeyman to my people since the dawn of time."

The young and idealistic mermaid teen swam around the Sea Beast's head happily- mostly at not having to come up for air. "You've already helped us so much though. I hope my tribe isn't worried that they can suddenly breath underwater.." She mused, staring off into the sea in that direction.

"Oh well, I'm sure they're fine- oh! I've got it!" Screeches Many-Decibels yelped excitedly, grabbing onto the Leviathan's face. "My people are mostly starving day to day, maybe you could help out and bring them a ton of fish? Tasty fish!"

Space Lawyer
2013-01-07, 11:49 AM
Helkarava, The Mad Crone

On that icy shore, The Mad Crone and an aspect of beauty faced off.

"Why, thank you, I do try to get myself in shape." Hel boasted, fanning herself even though it was assuredly freezing out. "Ah.. how dare you touch me?" She spat, her narrows growing narrow as the soft and feminine hand touched her cheek. Helkarava placed her hand over Syimis, caressing it softly.

"The most beautiful statue does no good if it is locked away in a dark room..." She repeated Syimi's words, echoing them back to her slowly as if trying to understand them. Without warning, the caressing of the other goddess' hand turned violent and rough as Hel grabbed her hand and tried to keep it where it was. The Mad Goddess gave her a slasher smile that showed off nearly every row of her thousands of sharp and pointy mermaid/shark teeth.

"You are correct, of course, my dear Beautiful One!" Hel continued in mock admiration. "In order to be the most beautiful there is only one recourse.. I must lock you in a dark room for all eternity so that none may experience your beauty!" The jealous goddess declared, laughing madly and attempted to grab Syimi even more firmly around the waist with her other arm.


Syimi turns to moonlight at the Mad Crone grabs at her. The silver-white glow reappears behind the goddess, and Syimi materializes with her hands wrapped around Helkarava's waist, and her head resting on the other goddess' shoulder. "You forget, Beauty-filled-with-hate, I created light in the darkness. Your jealousy has blinded you, and you can see nothing. You are already in the darkest room, one of your own making." The last words are whispered, as Syimi fades away.


The aspect of Syimi at Ashandra-Tor smiles at Hel, the Glorious Matron. "Greetings to you as well, Lady of Loneliness."

The Moon

Syimi surveys the blasted landscape created by the Idiot God's arrival and sighs. Her feet hang off the edge of many kilometers-high cliff, and she plays with the asteroid belt around the moon, dancing the rocks back and forth with strings of moonlight. The mortals below were tormented and blighted, subject to the fury of such hateful ones Helkarava and Aeron, barely protected by champions such as Yanyeeku and Kyth'ra, and played with by the likes of Rodlicus. Soon, Kaleea would be ready, and the passions of the world would be unleashed so the mortals could stand up to their deities and say, "We are not playthings".

2013-01-07, 01:05 PM
Helios was saddened by the loss of his brother and wondered if anybody cared about the photons. Yanyeeku seemed to care somewhat, but his pursuit of Syimi made Helios wonder if Yanyeeku remembered the little people. He sat, listlessly dangling his feet from the side of Xethos. He needed a friend.

2013-01-07, 02:01 PM
Back at the Tower-house, one of Rodlicus' shards lay down on his bed, within the replica of his old home. He had some thinking to do.
First, he was a parent now, apparently.
Second, the new arrival to the frozen place was someone even he could tell was missing a couple sandwiches in their picnic.
Third, something had been bothering him at the back of his mind. He could feel another important presence somewhere, he just wasn't sure where exactly.
Welp! No better time than now to start searching! This shard set off to tracking down whatever that other presence was and, against all odds, took like five minutes in doing so. He was now in Fearghas, hovering over a farmer's home. Yup, the presence that called out to him was in there. Having its general location, Rodlicus' shard turned into a plank of wood. Yes, here in the ceiling he had an excellent vantage point from which to see and hear what was going on inside. Unfortunately, he forgot to nail himself to the ceiling, causing the plank to fall off, right ontop a heavily-banadaged kid's head.
"OW!" cried out the kid as Rodlicus, having failed in his stealthy approach, reverted into his ethereal form.
"Holy crap, I'm so sorry! Hey kid, tell me something. Have you seen a big source of Divine Power here, or something supernatural or the like?" he asked.
"Wha- Who are you, and what are you doing in my room?!" cried out the kid, sobbing after being his in the head with a plank of wood.
"Oh, I'm Rodlicus the Fabulous, and I'm looking for the source of some divine presence! Now, have you seen anything weird recently?" he proceeded to ask.
"Yeah. A big, nasty ball of goo fell on me when I was playing outside. The doctor says I'll get better, but I've been feeling really weird." answered the kid.
"A big ball of... goo... aw crap..." said Rodlicus, as he put his ethereal hand on the kids head. Immediately, he felt the connection. He had been promoted from a mere mortal, to a Leader, all by a random ball of snot. Dandy. Well, his nature as a God told him that he couldn't leave a Leader created by him to fend off without guidance. Then again, he didn't want to harm the kid and tell him he had accidentally been granted power thanks to mucus. So he came up with an idea.
"I see. Ok, listen here kid. I'm sure you've heard my name before, right?" he asked, certain that his exploits (read: none) had gained the admiration of the all mortals, making them worship him.
"No, I've never heard your name before, mister." answered the kid.
"Riiiight. Damn. Ok, here's the thing. Notice how I can float, and I'm almost transparent, and I dress inhumanely well? That's because I am a God, and I have come here to make you an offer kid! Do you want to see the world, and be awesome when you grow up?!" he pitched, gaining a wide-eyed expression from the kid.
"You mean, like fighting monsters and saving damsels?!" asked the kid, excited.
"Sure, yeah, those things." answered Rodlicus.
"Oh yes mister-er...Godman!"
"Good! Then hocus-pocus, barrracuda, bam! When you grow up, you'll be the leader of your people. You'll bring them prosperity, peace, and all that awesome good stuff! By the way kid, what's your name?"
"Oh, my name's Rodan Mister Godman, but everyone calls me Roddy." answered the kid, to which Rodlicus' answered in a rather pleased manner.
"THAT IS THE BEST POSSIBLE NAME, KID! You're going to be big, I assure you. Well, for now, bye. I need to go do God stuff so see ya." said Rodlicus before poofing away.

Anyone with a minute degree of intellect would have noticed the rather unnatural reactions the kid displayed when confronted with Rodlicus' presence and the revelation of what he was. There was a bit of a problem here.
Little did Rodlicus know, the kid was almost an entirely perfect match for a God such as him.

2013-01-07, 05:52 PM

Oxonj formed in the presence of the Winter Queen, parts fly together, before being covered by a false skin. He looked about his surroundings,"I have heard of this meeting via raven messenger. Greetings, I am Oxonj, the Synthetic Mind."

2013-01-07, 06:23 PM
Random Village, talking to Rodlicus and the others

I'm sure the Beloved would love the blessing so go right ahead. I have no idea who that is... then again I don't know most of the gods here. Chemosh said smiling. He hoped the Beloved liked their unexpected surprise.


I would love to join the pantheon but it will take me some time to save up the energy to join it. Chemosh said. He was curious what made that god so esteemed and glorious compared to every other god and goddess out there. He wondered if someone would make a mountain or something for all of them to live on and meet instead of meeting in random places all over the world.

2013-01-07, 08:18 PM

Yanyeeku, keeping his main form in Xethos, sent an aspect of himself to Ashanda-Tor. Yanyeeku was courious what it would feel like to be a photon rather than a mostly human (he had an elven grandmother, hence the subtly elf-like ears on an otherwise human form.). He stroked his golden beard as he thought of the dimensions of the photon he wanted to create. He finally decided he would make a composite photon (he took all the most common features of photons and used them.), the only two exceptions being that it would generate its own light (which, in a mortal photon, would be like a human [who can't live long without air] replacing a lung with air) and this photon could levitate. He had always wanted to be a father, and the photon were about as close as he ever got to being one. Maybe if he could see through one of their two eyes, he could know more what to do… how things would feel…


"We will all miss Phaeton. He was a fun loving soul. To tell the truth, the eclipse was at my fault. If you want to hate somebody, hate me. Do not hate the Xethos pilot, Anyta Lyphe. I learned a cold lesson from the moon, you are sentient beings and should be treated as such. I thought that the compassion link would keep order and harmony, but I was wrong. I know now that the compassion link was a horrendous mistake, but all I wanted was to prevent fighting… if only I had the energy to replace it with something kinder…"


Yanyeeku appeared as The Shining, Helios in tow. He wanted to do anything to make that one photon feel better. The Shining took the prismatic rainbow gig to the same level as his people, though he was able to keep a mini sun INSIDE him. The shining felt his ears. This was the first time he had sent an aspect of himself someplace rather than going himself. Photon ears weren't subtly pointy like his true form's ears, instead being much longer and forming an slightly acute angle. He felt his flesh. Photons where much made of much tougher stuff (hard as diamond) that was also flexible. He said to Helios, "You helped me, and I killed your brother. Please tell me if there is anything that would make you feel better…. I will make good on my promise of making you a hero, but I just feel wrong that their is no way to bring Phaeton back from the dead…"

He lifted Helios with him up to the top of the citadel. Chemosh was already there, as was Aeron. Yanyeeku hoped that being with Helios as a photon rather than a human would help repair some bridges.

"Hello, Aeron! Wh…wha…who…?!?"

The alarm came when The Shining gazed upon Chemosh, who had brought his own companion. "

"By Yan, that looks a lot like…"

"Phaeton," Helios finished.

2013-01-08, 08:15 AM

After Rodlicus sneezed, a large handkerchief of pure white cloth appeared before him and a white fur cape around his shoulders.
"Apologies Sir Rodlicus. I forget that others do not appreciate the cold as I do."
Her smile faded as Hel appeared. Dealing with two of them would be a strain on her composure. Though her hands gripped the arms of her throne ever so slightly harder for a brief moment, she resisted the urge to banish Hel like the arrogant peasant girl she was. She decided against a smile at the moment because it would definitely look forced.
"Greetings Majestic Hel. You are correct, I did have my reasons for ending the Eternal Winter when I did. When those reasons are no longer in force, then Eternal Winter shall return forever.
"And do not be afraid sister-" Composure Aeron. You don't want to offend her by throwing up just now. -"I have no intention of taking your glory. I want only my domain."
As Hel approached the dais, she felt the tension rise. Here was a woman who was not at all lacking in self-esteem. That was the nicest way to put it.
"Patience. Let us acquire the power first before we decide for what task we should each employ it."
As Oxonj arrived, the ravens that had gathered already flew down and perched on the back of Aeron's throne, looking inquisitively at the assembled deities. Clearly the invitation should have held more details. Fortunately, dear old Chemosh was there. Finally, cause to start smiling again.
"Perfectly understandable Lord Chemosh. You may create the link at any time."
She turned back to Oxonj.
"As you can no doubt ascertain, I have formed a pantheon for the benefit of us all. The Serene Court of Winter it is called in honour of the pristine beauty and serenity of Winter."
Just as she was to launch into an explanation of the processes involved, another deity appeared. Perhaps inviting everyone at once was not a wise idea, especially without giving a time... The short explanation would have to do. Damn... That happy crystal creature was back... Only it didn't look so happy at the moment.
"As I was just saying to Oxonj, I am inviting everyone into the pantheon I formed. We will all benefit from the increased power that it brings. Merely expend the necessary energy to make the link to the catalysing matrix.
"And again I stress to those concerned, my position as leader is symbolic and carries no authority."
Smile Aeron... Or at least don't look stressed. Composure is the key to diplomacy... Before her throne appeared a scroll of pure white parchment and a vial of midnight blue ink. The ink floated out from the vial and began forming words on the parchment explaining to whole process to the newcomers interested in the technical details.
Using the distraction created by whatever it was Helios and Yanyeeku were so interested in, Aeron finally bit into her snow cone. Mmm... That is some nice honey. And the freezing sensation is an excellent touch...

2013-01-08, 02:27 PM
Random Village, talking to Rodlicus and the others

I'm sure the Beloved would love the blessing so go right ahead. I have no idea who that is... then again I don't know most of the gods here. Chemosh said smiling. He hoped the Beloved liked their unexpected surprise.

Alright, it was time to get to work. Now, those looked like some pretty good kids, if a bit dead-eyed. Now, what do kids like to do? Kids like to play with dolls. However, dolls never answer back. Unless the kid has issues, of course, but that's something else entirely. So why not make the dolls answer!
"Chermosh, I think I've got the perfect blessing. THE KIDS WILL LOVE IT!"

Pulling off a single one of his hairs, he stretched it in three dimensions to create a stick figure, and then punched it in the air, causing the stick figure to be be vaporized. What purpose did that serve? Don't know, but the blessing of the Beloved was in effect.
To thank the kids for their service, Rodlicus decided to give them companions. Granted, their necromancy already lets them do that on their own, but it's not like Rodlicus knew that.
Instead of a relatively-decomposed reanimated corpse, however, the kids got a different gift. A single of each of the kids' toys, specifically, each one's favorite one, would gain consciousness. It wasn't life, per-say, but rather a sort of independent puppeteering. Each of the toys' "prime directive", as it were, was to keep their kid both safe and happy. As such, they would learn everything about their kid through regular interaction, and, when not with them, attempt to learn better communication methods to be able to comfort the kids in their time of need, talk them out of doing dangerous things, or, should the kids get in trouble anyway, do everything physically in their power to ensure their safety. This blessing, being cast upon the entirety of the Beloved, would take place immediately on its current numbers, and would affect those unfortunate enough to meet the criteria to become one. In essence, the kids' favorite toys would, upon the kids' conversion to the Beloved, become guardian golems whose sole purpose was their entrusted one.
Surprisingly, the unintended side effect this time turned out to be rather beneficial. The guardian golems would gain a limited amount of magical power based entirely on the inspiration for the toy. A figurine of a knight would gain an actual sword, and body armor, all scaled to size. A doll of a wizard would gain magical abilities scaled to fit it. A model of a bird would be able to fly. So on, and so forth.
"There ya go! I'm telling you, the kids will absolutely love that blessing. Take a look by yourself; couple of good guys to watch over them."

Bless: The Beloved are blessed with golems for their protection. -1 AP
Rodlicus: 2/15 AP


After Rodlicus sneezed, a large handkerchief of pure white cloth appeared before him and a white fur cape around his shoulders.
"Apologies Sir Rodlicus. I forget that others do not appreciate the cold as I do."
Her smile faded as Hel appeared. Dealing with two of them would be a strain on her composure. Though her hands gripped the arms of her throne ever so slightly harder for a brief moment, she resisted the urge to banish Hel like the arrogant peasant girl she was. She decided against a smile at the moment because it would definitely look forced.
"Greetings Majestic Hel. You are correct, I did have my reasons for ending the Eternal Winter when I did. When those reasons are no longer in force, then Eternal Winter shall return forever.
"And do not be afraid sister-" Composure Aeron. You don't want to offend her by throwing up just now. -"I have no intention of taking your glory. I want only my domain."
As Hel approached the dais, she felt the tension rise. Here was a woman who was not at all lacking in self-esteem. That was the nicest way to put it.
"Patience. Let us acquire the power first before we decide for what task we should each employ it."
As Oxonj arrived, the ravens that had gathered already flew down and perched on the back of Aeron's throne, looking inquisitively at the assembled deities. Clearly the invitation should have held more details. Fortunately, dear old Chemosh was there. Finally, cause to start smiling again.
"Perfectly understandable Lord Chemosh. You may create the link at any time."
She turned back to Oxonj.
"As you can no doubt ascertain, I have formed a pantheon for the benefit of us all. The Serene Court of Winter it is called in honour of the pristine beauty and serenity of Winter."
Just as she was to launch into an explanation of the processes involved, another deity appeared. Perhaps inviting everyone at once was not a wise idea, especially without giving a time... The short explanation would have to do. Damn... That happy crystal creature was back... Only it didn't look so happy at the moment.
"As I was just saying to Oxonj, I am inviting everyone into the pantheon I formed. We will all benefit from the increased power that it brings. Merely expend the necessary energy to make the link to the catalysing matrix.
"And again I stress to those concerned, my position as leader is symbolic and carries no authority."
Smile Aeron... Or at least don't look stressed. Composure is the key to diplomacy... Before her throne appeared a scroll of pure white parchment and a vial of midnight blue ink. The ink floated out from the vial and began forming words on the parchment explaining to whole process to the newcomers interested in the technical details.
Using the distraction created by whatever it was Helios and Yanyeeku were so interested in, Aeron finally bit into her snow cone. Mmm... That is some nice honey. And the freezing sensation is an excellent touch...

That was much better. To be honest, Rodlicus had never liked cold weather much.
"Thanks, White Queen. Much appreciated."
Atleast the Queen cared about that, which was always a plus in his book. However, by the time Aeron sat down on her throne once more, one thing was obvious. She and the new God-lady... God-woman... Goddess? Yeah, Goddess. Her and the new Goddess? He had seen enough catfights in his previous life to know they were both holding punches.
He also knew well enough to not get in and try to stop them. He'd tried once, back when he was a mortal. It ended bad enough that he wasn't even going to try to remember it, lest he visibly cringe infront of everyone.

2013-01-08, 06:10 PM
Oxonj looks at the Winter Queen,"I apologize, I will be unable to join you in your pantheon. I lack the required catalyzing energy, and I wish to keep my options open at the moment."

2013-01-08, 06:46 PM
Chemosh looked at Phaeton. He wondered how he got here considering he had left him to reincarnate in the wilderness and kind of forgot about him. He wondered who those people up there were. One appeared to be a god and the other a photon. He loved the blessing Rodlicus gave the Beloved. The skipping rope that Phaeton had was now way more interesting and it could skip by itself and everything.

Random town

Andrew the Beloved ran down the road of the town followed by a Policeman. "STOP YOU MISCREANT. COME BACK RIGHT NOW AND RETURN THAT TOY." The policeman yelled after Andrew. These Beloved constantly annoyed him with their petty thievery and unnatural beginnings. Luckily he will retire in a week and then he could move off into the country with his wife and never have to deal with these little beasts again. He finally caught Andrew after he tripped outside of his house. He grabbed the boy by the ear and was about to drag him off to jail for a stern talking to when he was tackled by something small. "Here's CHUCKY!" It yelled as it started stabbing the police multiple times with two butcher knives that were bigger then it was. After the police finally stopped twitching the doll looked up at Andrew and smiled a smile that showed it's blood covered teeth. Andrew smiled and picked up the doll. He cleaned it off and got rid of all the blood on it. If someone didn't watch the display brutality it just did, they would have looked totally innocent. Andrew then fled and so began what could be a long reign of terror on the country side.

2013-01-08, 06:56 PM
"Well, er... son? Do you want me to call you 'son', or by your name? Anyway, we're in a prosperous merchant town right now, on the west of this world, which belongs to us. Well, not 'US' two, but rather 'us' as in the Gods. There are many, many more of our kind here." replied Rodlicus, aethereal spaghetti spewing from his pockets.

Quaestus gave his progenitor a small smile, chuckling softly. "I would prefer you use my name... but you may use any appellation you wish. As for now, I must go. There is work to be done." With that, he left the town to look overlook the world as it was.

From his vantage point in high orbit, he saw the different landmasses arrayed atop the planets crust, individual continents, all seemingly isolated, with no way to share and trade ideas, culture, and goods. He intuitively knew that controlling the only land route between these places would surely bring whoever owned it immense profit, so he decided that he must make one. The Exalted Broker focused a facet of his divine energy on the space between the continents, giving rise to a thin, but long landmass. As the millions of tons of displaced water washed over the sides of the land, they were replaced by an mix of arid desert regions, dry fields of clay, and an array of flood plains around the one, long, crystal blue river that ran through the continent.

Then, a thought occurred to him. Who would inhabit this landmass, to take advantage of its economically strategic locale? He was a God. Quaestus had no need for the material wealth such a location would bring. And just as quickly, he developed a solution. Sentient life, made in his image. This land would be his gift to them, their birthright. And so it was. He reached down from the stratosphere and scooped a heap of a rich, tan clay into his hand. For several minutes he shaped it to perfection, creating small facsimiles of himself that he scattered along the flood plains, which he determined to be a bountiful land for them to prosper. "I christen thee, the Cerebran. It is your divine right to own and rule this land. Grow in number, and take the bounties of this place as your own. I will be watching you."

Let's, do the Geeeenesis, agaiiin!

Starting AP:15
-2 Create Sentient Life (the Cerebran, which, by the way, look pretty much like humans)
-2 Create Land (later to be known as Ketterik)
Remaining AP: 11

2013-01-08, 07:11 PM
Random Town

A Vanguard entered the town, his designation:Volt. He had been on a mining trip nearby, and had heard rumors of a murder. It had only happened yesterday, so he checked the crime scene. It followed another police officer around, and noted that there was a Beloved that recently disappeared.

Volt looked at the body,"Stab wounds...Indication that butcher's cutlery matches wound profile.Wound angle indicates either extremely short assailant, or impossible wrist motion. Subject was already horizontal at time of death...One Beloved has fled the city on date of murder...Recent reports declare that Beloved have 'golems' to protect them. Hypothesis:Beloved killed police officer. Contradictory evidence: Wound angles would suggest that wrist could not have possible done that, unless suspect was lying flat against the ground," Volt flipped the body over,"New Evidence. Calf muscles have been cut through to the bone. Clumsly, rather painful. Weapon appears to have cumbersome. Current suspect,Beloved that has escaped the area... Will pursue..." Volt said this with a finality. This was his new mission for the time.


Premier floated toward the new land mass, with Pioneer onboard. The Architect had been upgraded to the new second generation Architect specifications, so he had added mobility. He floated to where the Cerebrans were, and dropped a tendril to where the Cerebrans were. Pioneers lid down the tendril, and looked at this new life. Perfect for molding...And in the best location.Pioneer raised an arm,"Greetings...I am Pioneer, Envoy of the Architects of Smyth, Elite Vanguard. I come with a greeting...And an offer."
Pioneer points to Premier,"He is..."


2013-01-08, 07:24 PM

Premier floated toward the new land mass, with Pioneer onboard. The Architect had been upgraded to the new second generation Architect specifications, so he had added mobility. He floated to where the Cerebrans were, and dropped a tendril to where the Cerebrans were. Pioneers lid down the tendril, and looked at this new life. Perfect for molding...And in the best location.Pioneer raised an arm,"Greetings...I am Pioneer, Envoy of the Architects of Smyth, Elite Vanguard. I come with a greeting...And an offer."
Pioneer points to Premier,"He is..."



The First Cerebrans looked at each other, silently conferring on these... machine's offer. They offered protection, but who's to say they wouldn't be the ones taking advantage of them? However, at that point the decision was made for them. The boldest among them, a natural leader, stepped forward. "I am Ismail. Your offer is enticing, but vague. What do you get out of this deal, I wonder?" His compatriots went to their apparent leader's side, nodding in agreement, however no one else dared speak up.

-3 Create Leader: Ismail
Remaining AP:8

2013-01-08, 07:35 PM

Pioneer spoke up instead of Premier,"Organics do not trust machines. We can make the wonders of the world, but we lack people to sell our goods. Intermediaries are what we need. A showcase for our greatest work, you would receive the benefit of our finest Architects, and we would receive raw materials that come to your door step. We will assist you in any way you want, and will create a symbiosis that will assist both of us. Our goods will not cost you anymore than the resources used to build them, and you can turn around and sell them to the other civilizations of the world."

2013-01-08, 07:56 PM

Pioneer spoke up instead of Premier,"Organics do not trust machines. We can make the wonders of the world, but we lack people to sell our goods. Intermediaries are what we need. A showcase for our greatest work, you would receive the benefit of our finest Architects, and we would receive raw materials that come to your door step. We will assist you in any way you want, and will create a symbiosis that will assist both of us. Our goods will not cost you anymore than the resources used to build them, and you can turn around and sell them to the other civilizations of the world."


A few select Cerebrans, Ismail included, huddled in a small group on the flood plains to discuss this deal. After a moment, they seemed to have reached a consensus. Once again, it was Ismail that stepped forward to speak with the machines. "We see the mutual benefit from this partnership, and we will agree to it. May we both prosper from our continued business." At that, several of the Cerebran cheered. "First off... we require the tools and materials to build a city. Not only to act as a trade hub, but for protection, and the glory of our creator, Quaestus. We will erect mighty walls and temples in his name."

Starting AP:8
-2 Create Advanced Concept: Epic Architecture (basically the engineering ability and mindset to build Troy-esque walls, large monuments, statues, etc.etc.)
Remaining AP:6

2013-01-08, 08:07 PM

Premier's metallic voice echoed across the Cerebrans,"WE SHALL PROVIDE." It lifted down dozens of crates of tools, and designs. Many tons of material were taken down via tendrils. The basis of a city was in place. Pioneer walked among the people,"We will have Vanguards to fend off the worst the planet has to throw at you. Remember, if you fabricate a design, we can reproduced it a thousandfold in a matter of days." Premier set down more materials, and set down Vanguards. THe second generation was sleek, and had less humanoid faces, instead curving into helmet-esque head piece. THere were spines sticking out of it, accenting the tesla colis jutting out at the joints.

2013-01-08, 08:30 PM

Premier's metallic voice echoed across the Cerebrans,"WE SHALL PROVIDE." It lifted down dozens of crates of tools, and designs. Many tons of material were taken down via tendrils. The basis of a city was in place. Pioneer walked among the people,"We will have Vanguards to fend off the worst the planet has to throw at you. Remember, if you fabricate a design, we can reproduced it a thousandfold in a matter of days." Premier set down more materials, and set down Vanguards. THe second generation was sleek, and had less humanoid faces, instead curving into helmet-esque head piece. THere were spines sticking out of it, accenting the tesla colis jutting out at the joints.


The first of the Cerebrans nodded, eyes and mouths wide open as they saw the near infinite amount of tools and materials before them. They quickly got to work, establishing some crude structures to live in while they built the foundations of epic homes, bazaars, plazas, libraries, universities, and all the trappings of an advanced culture. Most importantly of all, however, was the Grand Commercia, the true usage of which was yet to be known. It did lie, however, in the center of the city, which was henceforth known as Ziam.

2013-01-08, 08:39 PM

Premier kept supplying materials to Ziam, putting Vanguards on guard posts while expanding certain areas of the city to accommodate future people. Premier though, took a job on the side. He started building a framework for a new Architect, one that incorporated Ziam's designs into it. It would be the Cerebrans' personal Architect, and it was going to be a city unto itself.

Occasionally, Architects from Smyth would travel from their continent to Ziam, and unload goods, that were stored in extra warehouses Premier built. Crates of tools, clothing, sun amulets, even Vanguard bodies came in. All left more materials for the city, and built a few structures before returning to a new communal project, known simply as "The Grand Architect", in the center of Smyth.

2013-01-08, 09:01 PM

Premier kept supplying materials to Ziam, putting Vanguards on guard posts while expanding certain areas of the city to accommodate future people. Premier though, took a job on the side. He started building a framework for a new Architect, one that incorporated Ziam's designs into it. It would be the Cerebrans' personal Architect, and it was going to be a city unto itself.

Occasionally, Architects from Smyth would travel from their continent to Ziam, and unload goods, that were stored in extra warehouses Premier built. Crates of tools, clothing, sun amulets, even Vanguard bodies came in. All left more materials for the city, and built a few structures before returning to a new communal project, known simply as "The Grand Architect", in the center of Smyth.


The Cerebrans accepted the supplies, Architects, and Vanguards with open arms. They were already a generally accepting people, and they were extremely grateful and endeared to their machine partners. Ismail directed the building efforts from one of the newly completed palatial estates, standing proudly at the balcony as he watched the glorious city of his people rise before him. With the tools provided by the Architects, construction and work was going at a record pace. Plenty of food was being grown on the fertile flood plains, more than enough to feed the steadily growing Cerebran population. The people themselves were extremely organized, quickly establishing a democratic caliphate, in which Ismail was almost unanimously voted the Caliph.

Starting AP:6
-1 Form Society - The Cerebran Caliphate
Remaining AP:5

2013-01-08, 09:38 PM

Premier continued work on the new Architect. He added a palace for the Caliph, in case he ever wanted to take up residence on the soon to be floating city. The Vanguards started to form a military force, dedicated to keep the monsters of the world away. Pioneer went to the Caliph,"Premier has asked that you name your people's Architect, it is a great honor."

Random Town

Volt continued to look into the murder in the town, as there was a faint trail of blood. Not much, maybe just a few drops here or there, but h e was a machine, tireless in his effort.As he followed, the blood trail stopped at a barrel. A rag was stuffed inside,"Sloppy," as he pulled it out, he examined how much blood was on it,"Soaked...Murderer was bloodthirsty..." Footprints left the scene, one set were child sized, the other...doll sized. "Hypothesis revision:Beloved's Golem was involved in the murder-" Volt looked down to see a knife sticking a bit out of the ground, poorly buried. He pulled out the bloodstained blade,"We have found the murder weapon..." Volt informed the local authorities, and then followed the trail of the boy and his killer doll.

2013-01-08, 10:39 PM

Premier continued work on the new Architect. He added a palace for the
Caliph, in case he ever wanted to take up residence on the soon to be
floating city. The Vanguards started to form a military force,
dedicated to keep the monsters of the world away. Pioneer went to the
Caliph,"Premier has asked that you name your people's Architect, it is
a great honor."


The Caliph thought for a moment as he signed off on some documents
related to further construction of the city, and flashed a smile at
Pioneer. "I would like to thank you on the behalf of the people of
glorious Ziam for this honor. I think the name Bezalel would be
appropriate in this situation..." Ismail said, nodding curtly. "Bezalel it is."

Starting AP: 6
-1 Create Concept - Written Language
Remaining AP: 5

2013-01-08, 10:44 PM

Pioneer nodded,"I will take this name to Premier. He will want to know of it. This Architect is one the finest crafted yet."

2013-01-08, 11:06 PM

Yanyeeku knew that having a mobile continent meant he could lawfully and morally be a competitor of the Caliphate. He formed a device he was fond of when he was feller, a gun. The gun made its own ammo by solidifying sunlight into sunstone the moment it left a tiny temporary portal to the sun domain. The trigger for forming the portal was also the gun's trigger. Besides this, though, it was a pretty common point and shoot gun. It was no relic, but it would serve a purpose for now. Yanyeeku fancied switching out this regular gun for a relic gun at some point, but that goal was towards the bottom of a long list of things he wanted to do. He made a blue holster for himself, and headed for the gardens. He would oversee food harvesting and gem snatching from now on.


Through THE SHINING, Yanyeeku said unto Chemosh:
"That is Phaeton, twin brother of Helios. It is Helios that stands beside me now."

THE SHINING turned to Areon:
"I shall join soon. It currently occupies priority number three on my list of things to do."

Helios was so happy to see Phaeton, he hugged him. Helios was so happy, in fact, he cried tears of pure sunlight. After three minutes or so, Helios hugged Chemosh, then THE SHINING, then he ATTEMPTED to hug Aeron…

2013-01-09, 03:16 AM

"Perfectly understandable Noble Oxonj. Join when you are able."
Aeron smiled as Yanyeeku announced his intention to join. Everything was falling into place. She raised a hand as Helios approached.
"No Child. My touch would freeze your heart and render you as cold as the very darkness your kind shuns. I am afraid you would join your brother in Chemosh's embrace should that happen."
Not quite a lie, Aeron knew how to prevent her presence from harming others if she so chose. Actually... It might be time to put that skill to use...

2013-01-09, 08:21 PM
Farm Lands
The farmer smiled as he walked along. The grain was growing well and he could easily feed his wife and two sons through the winter. He noticed a child skipping through his grain. "Hey sonny, stop damaging the crops. You better get going if you want to get to your parents before it gets dark." The farmer said grinning.
Andrew looked up at the farmer talking to him to get away from his crops. He didn't even notice a slight slithering in the tall grain before something jumps up onto him. Andrew smiled and giggled as the farmer flailed around as he choked and sputtered being choked to death. After that was done Andrew looted the corpse and found nothing exceptionally interesting. He then went to the house. He quietly made a barricade with Chucky to keep the child and wife in. That done he went to the barn and took some oil from it that he spread onto the house. While in the barn he noticed a couple of Beloved horses which were often use for the fact they never got tired even if they carried less weight than average horse. He lit the house on fire giggling while doing so. That done he mounted one of the horses and rode off to the next interesting place.

2013-01-09, 08:56 PM
Farm Lands

Volt had been tracking the child for days now, and he felt that he was finally catching up with him. This was a farm...A horse with a child on it was fleeing, and a house was burning. Moral dilemma, as he heard a scream of a woman and child. Volt rushed over to the house, and kicks apart the barricade, "Organics, I am here to assist." As he swung is arm, and released a bolt of lightning to burst open a door. A woman was caught underneath a rafter, in response to this sight, Volt lifted the rafter, and grabbed the woman. He rushed her outside, before running into the building again. He found the child in a room full of smoke, and was hacking up chunks. Volt took the child out...He was dying. He lacked the medical knowledge to repair him. Taking a pail of water, he fed some into the woman, along with a bit of food,"Survive...I can not linger..." Volt started running after the horse that was long gone. His electrical aura flared, this family will be avenged.

2013-01-09, 09:00 PM
Farm Lands
The farmer smiled as he walked along. The grain was growing well and he could easily feed his wife and two sons through the winter. He noticed a child skipping through his grain. "Hey sonny, stop damaging the crops. You better get going if you want to get to your parents before it gets dark." The farmer said grinning.
Andrew looked up at the farmer talking to him to get away from his crops. He didn't even notice a slight slithering in the tall grain before something jumps up onto him. Andrew smiled and giggled as the farmer flailed around as he choked and sputtered being choked to death. After that was done Andrew looted the corpse and found nothing exceptionally interesting. He then went to the house. He quietly made a barricade with Chucky to keep the child and wife in. That done he went to the barn and took some oil from it that he spread onto the house. While in the barn he noticed a couple of Beloved horses which were often use for the fact they never got tired even if they carried less weight than average horse. He lit the house on fire giggling while doing so. That done he mounted one of the horses and rode off to the next interesting place.

Yanyeeku sensed a disturbance in the law and good continua. He sent an aspect of himself to investigate. This aspect looked just like the normal Yanyeeku.

He said to Andrew, the destroyer:


He saw the architect and gave it a temporary ability called "speed of light."

The name of the ability is self-explainatory.

2013-01-09, 09:55 PM

Things were progressing well in Ziam. The huge, dazzling scope of the civil works projects were being realized with the completion of the first set of extravagant temples and universities, both being quickly established as places of culture and learning. The universities, in fact, were quickly put to good use, as the Cerebrans combined in-born knowledge, teachings from their god, and the things imparted by the Architects to create a new class and generation of learned scholars. Ismail, the Messenger of Quaestus and the First Caliph, was just finishing the first piece of literature in the universe, Fyth. It was half a history of the Cerebrans and the Caliphate, and half a book venerating their creator, Quaestus. In time it would be regarded as a holy text in his worship. This tome sparked a literary revolution, resulting in a flurry of new texts. Myths, tales, history books, treatises and collections of poetry were quickly written to fill up the massive libraries accompanying the universities.

The people were prospering just as much as their city, with the economy and government being quickly and efficiently established. Rudimentary guilds representing different economic sectors met to discuss issues, which currently had representatives from a sect of builders and masons, farmers, artisans, and the general merchants. More were sure to follow as the economy diversified. The Merchants had set up shop in the many bazaars and markets raised throughout the city, working closely with the Architects and more culture-oriented artisans residing in the city. However, each dearly wanted to expand their array of goods and markets, and anyone able to secure a monopoly on foreign goods would surely become very, very wealthy. Several exploration parties and caravans were sent out across the landbridge, to the far corners of the world. What they would find, none of the enterprising merchants knew. But profit would surely await them.

Starting AP: 5
-1 Create Concept: Literature
-1 Create Concept: Universities/Education
Remaining AP:3

footnote: I will be expanding on the destinations of the caravans hopefully tomorrow, I am aware it's extremely vague right now. a bit pressed for time.

2013-01-10, 09:36 AM
The wind from the ocean blew gently across the beach, interrupted by nothing save one desolate creature, sleeping on the soft sand. Eventually, it stirred itself awake and, stretching all four limbs as far as it could, the creature eventually got up on its feet and looked around. There, it could see forests deeper in-land, but heard very little noise to accompany its arrival. Then it remembered how it got here in the first place, and it laughed.

"Oh, I am funny! I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, Dog of Puns!"

Then Ayemfah remembered how lonely it was, and it howled to the sky.

"Oh, how lonesome these lands are! I see yet another naught where nought ought not to be!"

laughing at the words he formed, Ayemfah attempted to create a creature of his own image. His first attempt, however, nearly bit him and chased him around the beach until he found safety in his forest, where the creature lost him but learned to thrive on its own. However, it howled to the sky over the first meal it ever lost, and it displeased Coyote.

"How brutish that thing is, that sound, so unfitting of my creation! But it is smart enough to live in the forests on its own... Wolf, you have my blessings to exist. So go, you wild savage, be smart in your forests, for you are good only to bite the hand closest to you!"

Then Ayemfah tried to create another creature, this one less violent than the one before. Indeed, he succeeded in this aspect: his newest creation was loyal and friendly and licked Ayemfah's face, which made him laugh. But soon, he realized at what cost this friendliness came at.

"Bah, you useless tool! So loyal, so friendly, yet so ignorant and dumb! You are not my perfect creation; you are doomed to die in the forest, no doubt eaten by my Wolves! Oh poor thing, you must find a better place than the forests... why, that's it! You are dumb enough to live on a farm like I once did; YOU will run to the cities and be stupid with the other sentient beings - loyal and dumb, just what they'd want. They will be your gods, your masters, and you will be too dumb to see yourself the servant! Run along, now, and be stupidly useful in the world of the civilized!"

And so the dog ran to the cities and to the villages, to be the pets of humans and other civilized beings. But Ayemfah 'Nyeh was upset. He had created two creatures, neither of them perfect. The first was too violent but smart; the second was loyal but dumb as a rock. Ayemfah walked to the waters to mope, but instead found his own reflection in the waters. Upon seeing his face, he jumped around in glee.

"Yes, that's it! Of course! I should have done this in the first place! Why, who better to thrive on these lands than the a being designed in my own image?!"

And so, Ayemfah 'Nyeh's third creation was a perfect unison of the traits he admired in the other creatures: smart as a wolf, to survive in the forests, but gentle enough as a dog, to not threaten the people of civilization. This, he knew, was his perfect creation.

"Ah, you, my perfect creation, you I call my best! Coyote, you will be the greatest thing I put on this world: you will be smarter than the Wolf, to out-smart him and force him to eat the stupid things, yet gentle enough that, should one be smart enough, they will earn your loyalty, not like the dumb dogs of civilization! Yes, Coyote, where you roam, I will never be far behind, for truly I love you as my best creation. Where you tread, I call my home, for you are smart enough and perfect enough to live on that land. Now run, run into the world and out-smart the other animals, for I am thirsty and have to drink!"

And so Coyote ran into the forest, smart enough to live anywhere in the world, whether it be the dense forests fleeing from the wolves, in the thick of the city disguising itself as a dog, or even in the most barren of wastelands scrounging for its meals. Thus, Ayemfah 'Nyeh created the three canines of the world: the Wolf, the Dog and the Coyote.

AP Used:

- Create Mundane Monstrous Life (-3): The Wolf, the Dog, the Coyote


Ayemfah then walked to the ocean water, and began to lap the water so he may feel satisfied. However, upon his first sip, he shook the taste off his mouth and howled in disappointment.

"Oh, how nasty this water is! So salty! Eww, who would make water so undrinkable?! Oh, I will die here, on the beach, unable to have a simple drink. Oh how cruel life is!"

2013-01-10, 12:22 PM
Margareta and Kyth'ra

Kyth'ra appeared hovering before Margareta and who he surmised was Baelor. "Greetings, Charcoal Virgin and Iron Tyrant. I bring information from The White Queen, Lady Aeron. She wishes to inform you that she is gathering a court, The Serene Court of Winter, for anyone who wishes to join it" he said most reverently while cooling the air around him. Gosh, these two sure knew how to make one hot and sweaty.

Baelor, still hadn't answered, he almost looked chastised shocked that his flames were under her control. It gave her a wry sort of amusement, not even the barest hint of a smile played upon her lips, but neither did she burn him alive or smother him in smoke.

The new god was different. He was not of fire, but he was still one under her purview, for she was the goddess of bondage, and this new lord was bound. He was bought, owned and used by another. His flesh, bones and spirit were not his own. The Virgin, saw the chains of bondage wrapped around him, entwined through his hair like braids and around his soft neck like an invisible collar. He moved as the chains moved, he breathed when the chains relaxed - his voice escaped his lips cause the chains that covered his mouth and constricted his throat parted.

The Virgin frowned. She remembered the chains her Husband used to bind her as wife, Red hot they had seared against her mortal flesh, but did not leave burns on it, instead they branded her soul.

. . . Very Well, I shall see your mistress.

And thus the Virgin left the Iron Tyrant in all of his impotence, to descend upon Tura-Ashandra. Descend was the correct word, for while others climbed the cliffs, or simply appeared at the White Queens court, legends state that the Charcoal Virgin does not vanish - she does not appear in clouds of smoke or fire - she simply moves. She traverses everything, unfailingly, to her target. And thus hen she descended upon the ocean to walk through the sea water- never touching for it steamed and committed suicide rather than get near her until she reached the frozen wave of Tura-Ashandra, then she simply ascended it, coming from below.

As she neared the frozen wave, the ice began to melt into water, and the water began to boil, but it had no time to contemplate its new state before it turned into gas and vaporized. The Virgin simply came through the wave leaving a circular opening in her wake, still steaming, the ice untouched a shiny hue for the heat was so intense it did not know what to do.

Thus the Virgin met the White Queen upon her throne: Tura-Ashandra now had a shaft of opening it the floors and rooms below the throne room, the throne room now had a whole to the the salty depths of unfrozen ocean. The Virgin floated above the hole in the floor, still radiating heat.

She spoke harshly, not because of emotion, but because the fire of her being still stung and burned her voice before it could escape her charred lips.

You have called upon me, White Queen?

Alter Land: Tura-Ashandra, it now has a set of holes from the bottom of the frozen wave all the way to the throne room, due to the Virgin's heat. 3 AP

12 AP left

Yep I used AP for this :smallwink:

Gharda and Elizabeth

Gharda was ia little bothered by this. He knew exactly what had happened. A spell of sympathy was cast everyday by Gharda, so in case something would happen like this he would know the cause of her pain. He looked sad. "Elizabeth, I'm so sorry." He hugged her and then let go. "I think it's time I finally let you know how much you are capable of." He stated.

"I can tell that reading these simple scripts takes your mind off the pain of your loss from so long ago. It's also time that I tell you the truth. Elizabeth, I am not a mortal man. I am one of the spiritual brothers of the Charcoal Maiden. I heard your sobbing from a high mountain and knew that it was time I try to do something to console the suffering in this world, even if I could only help one person."

Years pass, people grow old. Elizabeth is a fine woman now - yet strangely without a husband. Oh she had suitors and loves, she was no maiden, but she never tied the knot.

Instead she spent all her time with her grandpa. It took a while, five years in fact, but she read all the books her Grandfather had to offer. She read unceasingly. She read books of history and economics. She read poetry. She read of the Gods and of magic. She read about people. She read works that no mortal wrote, for mortals could not write.

She was The Reader, the first and the last, and in time, she would be a legend in her own right, her name forgotten her new identity her cloak. She still cried occasionally, but people would say she cried ink instead of tears - that was false of course, but she would be known as The Reader, the first Witch.

But at the moment she was simply Elizabeth, and she cooked a stew of rabbit and potatoes, waiting fro Grandpa to return from wherever he went.

2013-01-10, 12:27 PM
Gharda And Elizabeth
Now the time passed where Elizabeth was finally ready. Gharda came with his white robes and staff, smiling. He returned to the large house, the villag'es only notable site, since it was centuries more advanced than the rest of the architecture, and he entered the door. Noticing the stew. Sitting down at the table he began a conversation with Elizabeth. "So, Elizabeth, I'm sure you've noticed by now that I haven't been aging by the years. I've finally come to tell you why that isn't the case. Why people are dying so much younger than I, and I"ve come to tell you the secret of the literature and books I have all around the house. It is time for you to progress in your education."

2013-01-10, 12:36 PM
Gharda And Elizabeth
Now the time passed where Elizabeth was finally ready. "Gharda came with his white robes and staff, smiling. He returned to the large house, the villag'es only notable site, since it was centuries more advanced than the rest of the architecture, and he entered the door. Noticing the stew. Sitting down at the table he began a conversation with Elizabeth. "So, Elizabeth, I'm sure you've noticed by now that I haven't been aging by the years. I've finally come to tell you why that isn't the case. Why people are dying so much younger than I, and I"ve come to tell you the secret of the literature and books I have all around the house. It is time for you to progress in your education."

Elizabeth laughed a clear high note as she was laying out the bowls.

"I already know Grandpa, you told me before that you were the Brother of the Virgin. Every little girl knows that means you are a god. You can live forever."

She said the last line almost sadly. . . and she said the word Virgin with a hint of dulled fear, grown blunt over the years - yet heavy.

"And I've read your books, I know about the theories of Magic, but I tried to make a potion like one of the books said, but I ended up with just a very nasty stew."

She said the word stew with a smile as she . . . plopped . . . some into her Grandfathers bowl. It was hard to tell if she was being serious, or simply thought of the whole thing as a joke. Yet with her innocent smile and earnest eyes, and the knowledge that yes, she did read every book, probably made her grandfather think she was teasing him. It was probably a pleasant thought compared to the memories of her crying holding her knees.

2013-01-10, 12:47 PM
Gharda And Elizabeth
Gharda smiled. "Ah, good." He blushed. "Well, at least you know I'm honest and not just messing with you." He continued. "SO, the thing is, the problem with this is that even though magic works, trust me. . . it hasn't been introduced thoroughly enough in this plane of existence for mortals such as your'self for it to use it. I have used much of my power to bring about the energies of the planes for an afterlife for the mortals here. I also used much of my power to introduce magic to the mortal plane. Yet still I have little else to give. I have decided, though, to give you a birthday present. Congratulations Elizabeth, you are the world's first Mage. Not quite male or elderly, or even with a pointy hat and stick, but there you go."

"You will be able to use magic in a way that will astound your neighbors, and crush your enemies. You will learn everything you will need to become a proper, master magician, in every sense of the word, and you will learn the way to wield the most powerful destructive forces in existence."

"I thought that I should make it clear that you can visit me any time during your adventures on the Mortal Plane. I am your Grandfather, after all. But I will ask you to help me around with the world, just as I have asked you to help around with the house, from time to time."

5 AP spent: Make Hero

2013-01-10, 12:49 PM
A man wandered around, looking at the various sights of the world. He was partially lost in memory the entire time he journeyed, remembering a world much different, a world from which he hailed...and a promise he made to a friend. "I declare that people can be Exalted, as of Exalted Second Edition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exalted)."

AP: 15
Cosmic Decree: Exalted is legitimate, yo
AP: 10 (15-5)

Wandering further, Jay found his way to the continent of Smyth. There, he discovered the Architects. "Hello, machine race. Have you ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons?" When their response was in the negatory, he responded with startlement. "What? Really? Well, then, let me teach you!" And so he sat down, pulled from his bag the books of 3.5 D&D, and began teaching a group of four Architects how to make characters and roleplay.

2013-01-10, 01:18 PM
Gharda And Elizabeth
Gharda smiled. "Ah, good." He blushed. "Well, at least you know I'm honest and not just messing with you." He continued. "SO, the thing is, the problem with this is that even though magic works, trust me. . . it hasn't been introduced thoroughly enough in this plane of existence for mortals such as your'self for it to use it. I have used much of my power to bring about the energies of the planes for an afterlife for the mortals here. I also used much of my power to introduce magic to the mortal plane. Yet still I have little else to give. I have decided, though, to give you a birthday present. Congratulations Elizabeth, you are the world's first Mage. Not quite male or elderly, or even with a pointy hat and stick, but there you go."

"You will be able to use magic in a way that will astound your neighbors, and crush your enemies. You will learn everything you will need to become a proper, master magician, in every sense of the word, and you will learn the way to wield the most powerful destructive forces in existence."

"I thought that I should make it clear that you can visit me any time during your adventures on the Mortal Plane. I am your Grandfather, after all. But I will ask you to help me around with the world, just as I have asked you to help around with the house, from time to time."

5 AP spent: Make Hero[/QUOTE]

Elizabeth didn't quite get the joke about old men and pointy hats . . . there were no mages in this world that she could have used as a reference. Although there was something in the language that her grandfather used that bothered her slightly.

"Is magic only destructive? Do I have to destroy and crush enemies?" She said the color draining from her face.

For while Legends would speak of The Reader as the greatest of all mages, they also spoke of The Reader's passivity. The Reader taught other mages, other mages searched for The Reader for a clue as part of their quests. They sought advice and help. The Reader would be part of many stories, but her own story was that The Reader read.

That is what the legends would say - but legends don't contain the whole truth and the truth of the legends themselves are in doubt. You know fairy tales after all.

She's all yours now. As I set it up, your not forced to make her a hermit, thats simply how the legends will perceive her, go forth and have as many adventures as you want.

2013-01-10, 01:28 PM
Gharda and Elizabeth
"No. As Reader and the first Mage you will have much power. Your greatest powers would be the ability to fight. But as I said you have all the power you need to be a proper mage. There is no need to waste your other talents simply because you have a better knack for fighting. Now, Elizabeth, remember, take care of this village while I"m gone. You are more than a Mage now, you are Immortal."

2013-01-10, 01:38 PM
Gharda and Elizabeth
"No. As Reader and the first Mage you will have much power. Your greatest powers would be the ability to fight. But as I said you have all the power you need to be a proper mage. There is no need to waste your other talents simply because you have a better knack for fighting. Now, Elizabeth, remember, take care of this village while I"m gone. You are more than a Mage now, you are Immortal."[/QUOTE]

Elizabeth sucked in her lip - why would her greatest power be to fight? Why not to protect? What world had her Grandfather brought her into - would she have to confront other immortals? The images of fire burned behind her eyes.

But all she said to her grandfather was "Thank you granpapa, I love you and I will always protect this village." The last part of the sentence was a lie, for as the Legends state, The Reader would live elsewhere.

She smiled as continued. "Please bring back books, so I may learn how to wield the power you gave me"

2013-01-10, 02:36 PM

"Oh, most placating one, I will think on your offer, and return later" and after awaiting any possible response, he dismisses the shard in the castle of ice

Ignis Tor

Hubris split another fragment of his power, sending it to Ignis Tor to talk with the armoured man who thought to oppose him.
"Why have you sent your hideous minions into my territory? I demand your immediate surrender"

2013-01-10, 04:58 PM
A man wandered around, looking at the various sights of the world. He was partially lost in memory the entire time he journeyed, remembering a world much different, a world from which he hailed...and a promise he made to a friend. "I declare that people can be Exalted, as of Exalted Second Edition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exalted)."

AP: 15
Cosmic Decree: Exalted is legitimate, yo
AP: 10 (15-5)

Wandering further, Jay found his way to the continent of Smyth. There, he discovered the Architects. "Hello, machine race. Have you ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons?" When their response was in the negatory, he responded with startlement. "What? Really? Well, then, let me teach you!" And so he sat down, pulled from his bag the books of 3.5 D&D, and began teaching a group of four Architects how to make characters and roleplay.


Another Arcitect told Jay,"I WANT TO BE A MIND FLAYER."


And with that, the final Architect announced,"I WILL SEEK APOTHEOSIS IN GAMEPLAY."

These were troublesome players.

2013-01-10, 05:42 PM

Another Arcitect told Jay,"I WANT TO BE A MIND FLAYER."


And with that, the final Architect announced,"I WILL SEEK APOTHEOSIS IN GAMEPLAY."

These were troublesome players.

"You need names," Jay said, realizing that the four Architects would be hard to sort through without a form of moniker. He pointed to each in turn, identifying each as they reminded him of someone he knew back on Earth. "You will be called George. Because you kind of remind me of him. I'll call the second of you Indy, in honor of my friend who always wanted to play a mind flayer." Wistfully, Jay reminisced on how Indy was only ever able to play a mind flayer once, and didn't enjoy it thoroughly. "Architect three, you're going to be known as Trevor, because he always played weird characters. And Architect Four? You're Truemanterthrop, in honor of my good friend whose true name I cannot say, for it would likely summon him. He's an eldritch abomination, or so I believe..."

Was Truemanterthrop dead now? That was odd to think about. That world was gone, but it was possible that, as an eldritch abomination, his friend lived on somewhere in the void... In honor of the dead, and in a very serious manner, Jay sent out several surges of divine energy, forming celestial beings he called Angels. Each Angel had different capabilities, but each was powerful in its own right. All could fly, could be visible when they wished, and served him. They appeared much as Jay's people had once imagined them to, long ago. In another world.

AP: 10
Create Fabled Life: Angels (5 AP)
AP: 5 (10-5)

These Angels he named, names from the lore of his homeworld, and he sent them off to do good deeds in his name, to help those in need, and to be all of the things which he associated with the more active angels of his lost world's past. One he kept nearby him, though, so he might have a constant companion. This Angel he named Michael.

But he was distracted from his game for long enough. "Each of you are first level characters. You have 32 points in the point buy method to formulate your character. Now, be reasonable. First level, standard races of some kind, and I'll create character sheets for each of you based on your decision, since I'm assuming none of you had the forethought to bring paper?" Jay sighed. It wasn't like the old days, when he, Indy, Cal, Truemanterthrop, and Cam played. He kept trying to recreate the past, but even divine power cannot undo what has been done.

"Michael, how are the other Angels doing?" Jay asked his newly-created companion. The being of celestial energy responded instantly, "They are well, Lord." Jay sighed. "Don't call me Lord, Michael. You know how it inflates my ego, and we both know I really don't need that." Michael bowed. "Very well, my liege."

Jay sighed. It was difficult to work with such subservience, seriously.

2013-01-10, 06:22 PM
The four Architect roleplayers made their characters. George was an orc Barbarian. Indy was a human necromancer. Trevor was an orc knight, and Truemanterthrop was a human wizard. They had all maxed out their craft abilities.All of them.


Volt looked around for the Beloved, the field was burning now, having spread from the house to the crops. The construct kept his guard up, not knowing what he was really up against.

2013-01-10, 07:15 PM
Yanyeeku pulled his blue ermine robe to the side and removed his simple gun from his blue holster. He fired three rounds of sunstone bullets into the sky. If a new sound didn't capture Andrew's attention, what would?

Mortals knew not of guns, so it was doubtful he had ever heard one.

2013-01-10, 07:29 PM
Grain fields near unnamed town

Andrew looked back and frowned as he noticed a metal monster coming after him in the distance. He jumped into the grain that hadn't started burning yet and smiled as he pulled out a rather large gem from his pocket. It had been the thing the police had been chasing him for originally those weeks ago. He still wondered where it came from but it was beautiful and it would work well for his purposes. He whispered to the gem for a bit and suddenly he fell over apparently dead. Chucky smiled as he realized his masters plan. He picked up the gem and padded towards the behemoth while still hiding in the grain. He planned to jump out in front of the monster when he got with in 200 feet of it.

Meanwhile the villagers were rushing out to the field to try and put out the fire. They were in for the surprise of their lifes.

If your curious the spell he used is called Magic Jar. It works off exchanging souls and because they do have souls this should work.

2013-01-10, 08:22 PM
Un-Named Town

Suddenly, the old man with the curious pointed hat and white robes was there with his staff, leaning, as if old and decrepit on one of the buildings that hadn't catched fire. His eyes squinted, as if he could not see what was happening very well. "What, this doesn't seem to be very good. " He suddenly ran like an olympian man in his prime towards the fire in the fields, unaware of the creepy little doll hidden in the grain. He raised his hands, when his body began to glow, then shine as he said something very powerful, and rain began to fall on the fire. The rain began to fall very heavily and he hoped the fire would be extinguished.

2013-01-10, 08:32 PM
Un-Named Town

Volt walked down the road, acknowledging that rain had started falling. He continued walking, there was a town near by. He had to warn them. As such, he was unaware of the doll in the crops.

2013-01-10, 08:48 PM
Unnamed town

The metal giant was the biggest and assumedly toughest fighter so the doll lifted up the gem. It then aimed it at the giant and Andrew forced his way out of the gem. Andrew's soul left the gem and sped straight into the machines back. In there it then attempted to force them out and into the gem. This all came down to a battle of wills and if they were lucky the surprise would give them an advantage in this. If not this will could be long and epic fight due to their inhuman endurance. The doll then walked up to the giant and started climbing up the giant aiming for the neck in the hopes to either kill it or distract it enough to lose it's soul into the gem.

2013-01-10, 08:59 PM
Noticing something was strange. . . he saw a metal being attacked by a disturbing little doll. He concentrated his eyes on the Chucky doll, sensing something evil from it. He saw it, Andrew. . .slaying the policeman, the family, and then laying the trap and everything. He lifted his hands and attempted to levitate the Chucky doll off of the metal giant. He brought it in front of him and glared with his eyes in death like stare. "Do you know who I am?" The old man asked.

2013-01-10, 09:42 PM
Un Named Town

When the gem hit Volt's back, and the battle of wills started, the construct knew that it was being violated. The barriers arose, and Volt revealed the true might of its mind-soul. The Vanguards were the Architects in humanoid form, and their intellect matched their behemoth kin.

Volt's Soul took the form of an hour glass, one half was the mind, another was the soul construct. In between was the nexus of his being. Ad then he started to speak,"INTRUDER...YOU THINK THAT ROBBING ME OF THIS FORM WILL ASSIST YOU. YOU ARE WRONG."


And Volt's mind became a battleground, separate from the soul. Vanguards rose up from the metal ground. Electricity arced around them, as they geared for battle.

2013-01-10, 09:44 PM
The four Architect roleplayers made their characters. George was an orc Barbarian. Indy was a human necromancer. Trevor was an orc knight, and Truemanterthrop was a human wizard. They had all maxed out their craft abilities.All of them.


Volt looked around for the Beloved, the field was burning now, having spread from the house to the crops. The construct kept his guard up, not knowing what he was really up against.

Running a Game

Jay sighed again. This was going to be a long eternity. "Okay, so, you may be crafters in actuality, but that doesn't mean that in this game of imagination you should stick with the familiar. Why not branch out? Try something unfamiliar?" He motioned to the constructs to redirect some of their skill point allocation. "Honestly, it's as if no one taught any of you to properly min-max."

Unnamed Town
One of the angels approached the situation, watching invisibly, wondering whether to interfere. His name was Azazel, and he was powerful, one of the more powerful members of his race. Alongside him, another angel, Cassiel, spoke soft words. "Caution, brother. We should not be careless. Let us watch and see what develops." Azazel nodded slowly. If the situation appeared dire, he would interfere.

2013-01-10, 09:50 PM
Fantasy Game


2013-01-10, 11:47 PM
Rodlicus had gotten reeeaaally bored at Ashandra-Tor. Right now, it had all devolved into progressively-more-egotistical deities showing up, the White Queen explaining her plans, and then all parties being pissed at each other. Rinse and repeat.
This was getting worse than family dinners!
In response, Rodlicus let his consciousness drift, extending another shard of himself to see if anything interesting was going on in the world. As it happened, there was.

To most, it probably wasn't really noticeable, but to Rodlicus, the transpiring even was as clear as day. His domain was the mind of beings, after all, and for the first time ever, he could feel two minds fighting directly. He just HAD to see this...

And so, Rodlicus appeared. Not in the general area of the town, the crop fields, or the two battling entities. Oh no, he was much closer to the action. Specifically, in the mental battlefield itself.
"You know what this needs?" he asked himself.
"Popcorn." he answered as a bucket of popcorn spawned in his arms. To his dismay, it lacked salt. And butter. And sweetened condensed milk.

Oh well, this was going to be good anyway.

2013-01-11, 03:40 AM

The arrival of Margareta did not go unnoticed. She lacked respect and the desire to keep her own power in check. Needlessly allowing her energies to cause destruction to another's creation. If Aeron had not already agreed to hold Winter in check, then she would let her fury rage and extinguish every fire in existence. The water in the air around them began to freeze and fall as moderately heavy snow gathering in some quantity of Margareta's shoulders where it hissed apparently in anger but refused to melt, emboldened as it was by the Queen of Winter. At first the air was hot, but then it grew very cold with frost forming across every surface.
"I apologise for the snow Lady Margareta. I believe it objects to your murder of its kin."
She stood and walked over to where Margareta levitated above the floor. In a way, the Charcoal Virgin was a kindred spirit, but her negligence was dire. Her mere presence destroyed that which others had wrought, yet she did nothing to attempt to control it. Aeron held out one frost wreathed hand in an offer of acceptance.
"You may stand. I am not so cold that my Citadel shall refuse your footsteps. But do not damage my home again through negligence. The fire is yours to control, do not let it control you."
There was harshness in her voice but the offer of kindness as well.
Aeron did not even respond as Hubris departed. After all... There were people far more worthy of her attention.

2013-01-11, 12:18 PM
Hel, the Glorious Matron

"I too will consider your most generous offer as well, most throughly." Hel replied after a long silence, her hand on her chin in contemplation. "But I'd consider it with even more interest if you, perhaps, made sickness come with your winters? Hm?" She suggested, waving her hand dismissively as she walked out. "But its your world." She joked, her laughing turning into mad cackling as she exited the palace.

Who Knows
Helkarava, the Mad Crone

"At least I got to hold true beauty in my hands..." The Mad Goddess mumbled to herself, before manically laughing and vanishing from sight. Where would these divine aspects turn up?

The Pridelands
Hel, The Glorious Matron

"You." She spoke in a regal manner, touching down next to an aspect of Hubris. "Your power is quite extraordinary, and your goals, not to mention.."

Hel winked coyly at the Glorious Lord. "I purpose an alliance, of sorts, so that the world may feel the weight of our combined power. I do ask, however, that you take me on a date first." The Mad Goddess suggested, while covering her mouth and chuckling lightly.

Space Lawyer
2013-01-11, 06:45 PM
The Moon
Syimi watches the world from her lunar seat. Why were there cities congregating around that deity? What was that furious ball of psychotic rage, so impotent but determined, and why was it fighting the artificial beings? Syimi looks next to the tiny village where her first chosen resides. Kaleea is not yet ready, but soon she will be.

Syimi felt pleased at the entrance of the burning maiden. Maybe she would melt the White Queen's icy heart. Both were damaged in their own ways, nut not so full of hate as Hel. A beam of moonlight illuminates Aeron and Margareta, to strengthen the positive feelings.

A village too small to have a proper name

The god-touched child Kaleea learns of love and lust in all their myriad forms, from pure true love to a stalker's mad obsession. She writes down what she learns into massive tome, soon to be called the Book of Passions. As she does every night, she stares up at the moon, feeling the car that radiates down upon the world, and knowing that she is loved.

2013-01-11, 07:05 PM
Andrew's soul frowned as he was pushed out of the body with ease. Well that didn't work. Well when in doubt hold some one hostage and negotiate. He went into the body of nearest villager that looked weak of will. He quickly took them over. "Hand over the doll and let me leave with my body and gem and no one has to get hurt. I will destroy this body unless if you meet my demands." Andrew said in the body of a young farmer boy. The doll smiled from it's position being levitated next to the old man. Andrew was briefly curious about that as he had only have seen Beloved Mages before. He picked up a good sized rock to break the farm boy’s skull in if need be.

2013-01-11, 07:30 PM
The old man wondered about what to do next. He thought briefly, then with the force of magic levitating the doll, he slammed it hard onto the ground, with great force, hoping to smash it into pieces, and then suddenly, Parda's will traveled into the boy who was possessed Parda sent a strong jolt of will into the boy's body helping him drive out the soul that hoped to possess him. As he glared at the possessed boy with his eyes, an energy came out and struck him that looked like a bolt of lightning.

2013-01-11, 08:35 PM
Chucky got up easily not even damaged from the smash into the ground. He was after all built to last a child's beating and blessed to protect them. Chucky walked up to the gem that had fallen to the ground and picked it up. That done he turned around and fled with it. Once the gem was out of range Andrew finally gave up resisting and was pushed out of the body. Without a place to go Andrew died and from dying the spell ends and the farm boy’s soul died as well. Chucky smiled now that he was free from that ball and chain on him. He hated having to always that idiot and now he didn't have to protect them. He jumped into the grain and fled from the scene padding as lightly as possible. Sure he had failed to protect his charge who was now dead but he will continue on in their name. All he knew was that he would get his revenge with careful planning this time.

2013-01-11, 10:25 PM
Chucky got up easily not even damaged from the smash into the ground. He was after all built to last a child's beating and blessed to protect them. Chucky walked up to the gem that had fallen to the ground and picked it up. That done he turned around and fled with it. Once the gem was out of range Andrew finally gave up resisting and was pushed out of the body. Without a place to go Andrew died and from dying the spell ends and the farm boy’s soul died as well. Chucky smiled now that he was free from that ball and chain on him. He hated having to always that idiot and now he didn't have to protect them. He jumped into the grain and fled from the scene padding as lightly as possible. Sure he had failed to protect his charge who was now dead but he will continue on in their name. All he knew was that he would get his revenge with careful planning this time.

Yanyeeku didn't have time to get a clear shot, so he just winged it: he was going for a head shot, but all he got the doll was in the leg with a single sun-bullet. That should slow the monstrosity down a little, at least.

2013-01-12, 12:29 AM
The Pridelands
Hel, The Glorious Matron

"You." She spoke in a regal manner, touching down next to an aspect of Hubris. "Your power is quite extraordinary, and your goals, not to mention.."

Hel winked coyly at the Glorious Lord. "I purpose an alliance, of sorts, so that the world may feel the weight of our combined power. I do ask, however, that you take me on a date first." The Mad Goddess suggested, while covering her mouth and chuckling lightly.

"A... Date? I've not heard the word before, is it a custom among your former people? Mine usually just seal such an allegiance with a dowry" Hubris replies, somewhat quizzically

2013-01-12, 01:41 AM


The arrival of Margareta did not go unnoticed. She lacked respect and the desire to keep her own power in check. Needlessly allowing her energies to cause destruction to another's creation. If Aeron had not already agreed to hold Winter in check, then she would let her fury rage and extinguish every fire in existence. The water in the air around them began to freeze and fall as moderately heavy snow gathering in some quantity of Margareta's shoulders where it hissed apparently in anger but refused to melt, emboldened as it was by the Queen of Winter. At first the air was hot, but then it grew very cold with frost forming across every surface.
"I apologise for the snow Lady Margareta. I believe it objects to your murder of its kin."
She stood and walked over to where Margareta levitated above the floor. In a way, the Charcoal Virgin was a kindred spirit, but her negligence was dire. Her mere presence destroyed that which others had wrought, yet she did nothing to attempt to control it. Aeron held out one frost wreathed hand in an offer of acceptance.
"You may stand. I am not so cold that my Citadel shall refuse your footsteps. But do not damage my home again through negligence. The fire is yours to control, do not let it control you."
There was harshness in her voice but the offer of kindness as well.
Aeron did not even respond as Hubris departed. After all... There were people far more worthy of her attention.

The Virgin looked over the winter queen with a smouldering glare, but of course all her glares were terrible, she had haunted burned eyes. Then she laughed in her dry raspy voice.

Control. Bonds. You think you understand that?

The question was curious, but also apologetic. For the Virgin was not just the mistress of fire, but the mistress of bonds. She saw the tendrils of control on all things and she played with the strings as easily as her husband once had.

I allow the fire to control me, for if I claim to control the fire, then it controls me more thoroughly. The fire which wraps me is only skin deep, burning my once beautiful skin, but the fire which would wrap my soul, if I grab it's reins, would burn my memories themselves. And do not allow that.

The Charcoal Virgin emanated heat, displeasure - solemn. She reached out, and the snow sizzled before it touched her, for nothing could touch her - not really. Behind the beautiful ocean painted bandages she frowned.

Do not speak to me of control.

With that she let her hands fall, her sea garbed bandages resembled a robe.

Nonetheless, I grew up in Court as well and I understand my etiquette. You are a gracious host and have acted with understanding and restraint rather than the righteous fury you are allowed for this is your court.

Then in a motion that might not be understood by the winter queen the charcoal virgin extended both her hands outwards slightly below her hips, palms down and looked up; a courtly motion from her world saying I apologize despite being your equal, then she looked straight at the mistress of ice with her terrible burned eyes (for even gods feel heat at the sight of the burned Virgin) and raised her forearms straight up palms facing towards the other goddess in a courtly motion meaning appeasement.

The Virgin then raised her left hand and deep below Ashandra-Tor the ocean water at the bottom of the hole the Margaretta left began to boil and steam. The vapors and steam began to rise till they billowed out from the top of the hole, below the charcoal virgin's feet upon the floor of the throne room. Margaretta twisted her right wrist, and the smoke began to swirl, till the floor below her was a pure white vortex with a pin point black center - not quite black, deep blue, the color of the ocean, for it was.

The Charcoal Virgin then looked back at the Winter Queen.

This is my gift, please look within... but do not touch, for the vapors of this Well are as hot as flame.

The Charcoal Virgin then looked down into the vortex.

You are a goddess who wishes for knights and servants, but none of worthy of serving you. This is my gift, Hounon'gon. If a mortal desires to serve you, challenge her with this. It is a trial, and a blessing. And it is yours.

Create Relic 4:

The Hounon'gon is a complex Relic. Thematically it is simply a really really really deep pit that houses a vortex of steam so hot that it strips flesh from bone and then melts the bone. But that is not all - the vortex is a trial. Mortals who survive the fall and the vortex find themselves crashing and drowning in the deep dark of the ocean beneath the ice. Yet when they open their eyes... and look back up the hole - for them the vortex doesn't exist and they may ascend. They arrive back in the winter queens throne room with bones of Ice, and wings of frost. Dripping sea water, their skin is hot to the touch but doesn't burn.

In terms of game play the The Hounon'gon reduces the cost of seekers and legends by 2 & automatically exalts them ( whatever that means) but only if the person undergoing the trial is a Hero already. If it's simply a leader or a regular mortal regardless of it's power - the Hounon'gon will simply kill them. (This basically makes it free to upgrade hero to seeker)

12 - 4 + 4 (rollover) = 12 AP

2013-01-12, 02:53 AM

"Winter always comes with sickness Hel..."
But in truth, Aeron was not paying attention to the Queenlet of Arrogance.
"When I was a mortal woman Margareta, I was a powerful Sorceress. I had such power that made lesser mortals tremble, power that could have destroyed me at any moment. But power is nothing without control. I can teach you that control if you are willing."
She bowed to the Virgin as she apologised.
"I understand that the fire has burnt you and you fear it. I will not press the issue further."
A cool breeze blew passed, gently blowing snowflakes against Margareta as she brought the ocean up and bent it to her will creating Hounon'gon. In truth, Aeron wasn't quite sure what to make of the gift, but it was a gift and reciprocating was the standard.
"Thank you Margareta."
She placed her hand in the steam watching as the frost that had collected there melted away. But it brought no injury against her for she did not allow it to do so. Deep below, the passages and chambers of Ashandra-Tor began to rearrange themselves to accomodate the shaft.
"I await those who can survive such a trial. Now I must craft you a worthy gift."
Two lesser thrones of crystal ice formed alongside Aeron's throne. One marked with a symbol of chains and the other with the crescent moon.
"Please seat yourself my sisters and we shall begin the Serene Court."
As Aeron seated herself upon her throne, a crown of ice formed atop her raven hair and the messenger birds she had sent out among the world flocked to the spires directly behind her.
"Do not worry about the ice Margareta. I will not allow it to melt."

2013-01-12, 08:34 AM
Gallant Goodkind appeared in a new world with a pop, bang, and a fair amount of fire. He could literally feel the power coursing through his veins. He'd lost pretty much everything he had in the explosion that was his arrival, although his heart seemed to be doing pretty fine no scratches or anything. He decided that he needed to explore this new world, get a feel for it before he made any drastic moves. After all if he was here then surely other people were and he did so enjoy getting information from others, something about the interaction just appealed to him. Of course he could feel, a sort of subtle urge that told him that he must not kill or assault anyone, but that didn't concern him to much, after all there were other ways of making people help him, ways that involved there families, some hallucinogenic compounds and several small rodents.

Gallant laughed to himself for a while while he made plans and then walked of to find information and pleasure, usually at the same time, usually in the same way.

2013-01-12, 08:37 AM
And so, Rodlicus' attention came back. Interesting stuff was happening!
"So I'm guessing this Pantheon is being formed now then?" he asked quizically. More good was going to be done in the world soon!

In the words of a white horse he once met, "This escalated very quickly and ended too soon." Atleast, he THINKS that was said by a horse. He didn't quite remember. Was he drunk when he heard that? Let's see... yes, he was definitely drunk.
The memory of giant spiders with hats confirmed that.

In any case, Rodlicus jumped out the mindscape and back into reality, simply popping up next to the Vanguard, looking a tiny-insy-bity-bit disappointed.

Ok, where was that kid?! In an existence where the passage of time could be described as a bowl of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey... stuff, he had all day to find him. THAT STILL DIDN'T EXCUSE THE FACT THAT RODAN WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOU- oh, there he is.
"Mah boi! I've been looking all over for you! What's with the wolf?" he asked, seeing a wolf crushed under a big rock, in the middle of the woods, at the side of a mountain, next to an open cave.
"Mister Rodlicus, I made a trap to keep the wolf trapped in its cave because it kept harassing the townspeople, but the wood broke and the rock fell ontop of it! I'm a failure..." said Rodan, rather ashamed of his actions.
"Failure? FAILURE?! You just dropped a giant rock ontop of a wolf! I'd call that coincidential SUCCESS! Actually, you know what?" said Rodlicus, placing his hand on Rodan's head. "You just gained my complete respect with that. So, I'm going to give you a gift." And so, with a wistle, a triceratops burst out of the side of the cave.
"This'll be your new mount. He's kind, and obedient, and will keep you safe through your travels. And when you're old enough- actually, how old are you?" asked Rodlicus.
"12, sir." responded Rodan.
"Damn, I thought you were older. Ok, when you're an adult, I'll come back to you again and give you another gift. However, for that to happen, I'll need something from you. See, I'm kind of low in the "worshippers" area, so I need you to go around and let people know how awesome I am. I'll be popping up from time to time to see how you're doing as well." And so Rodlicus left, leaving Rodan to figure out what to do.

Interestingly enough, instead of Rodan's triceratops being the only one in existance as intended, there were now many, many, MANY across the world. Apparently, they would reproducing like rabbits.

A YEAR (for Rodan) LATER
Billybob Bob was happily relaxing in his house,
laughing as his cat chased around a mouse.
When suddenly somebody began to knock on the door,
and as he got up, his weight caused the creeking of the floor.

He opened the door, accidentally knocking down an abacus,
and infront of him he saw a kid on a beast, who then said "Hello sir, do you have a minute to talk about the word of Lord Rodicus?"
Billybob Bob closed the door as he felt his brain starting to ooze,
and on this day he decided, "No more booze..."

Create Monstrous Life: Triceratops -1 AP
1/15 AP + Rollover = 5/AP

2013-01-12, 09:45 AM
After happening upon a young couple in a town not too far from his arrival place, Gallant spent some quality time with the couple and after only a few hours, he was spending quality time with only the wife, after some quick lying and information manufacturing, too easy with his new powers, convinced her that her life depended on that outcome.
He left the house armed with much new information and a smile, the wife having hung herself after he told her the truth and that she had just murdered her husband for no reason. Violence was fun, but it wasn't the only way.
Armed with some new information on the local people Gallant decided he needed a base of operations far away from prying eyes of others.

Gallant decided that the most obvious choice would be in another plane, after all what was good enough for the god he killed was not a bad choice for him either, so he made a plane with but 1 level and a very large floating island to go on it.

The new plane i a relatively small plane with an island roughly the size of England floating in an otherwise empty environment, Gravity is roughly 3x stronger but apart from that no other difference between the mundane plane and the new plane which is officially dubbed, Arorica.
Life includes, Spherical cats, Spherical seals, Spherical puppies and vegetation and small cute life which they can pray upon, a small inland sea is on one side of the island.
And i do believe that cost me 7 AP
5 on the new Plane
2 On the floating island

2013-01-12, 10:29 AM
Gharda sighed, and immediately went after the evil doll. He floated in the air and soared out over the fields, looking with his divine sight over the area. Using a spell, he created disembodied, flying eyes which hunted for it. Within a few moments one eye caught the exit of the doll was trying to make. Gharda teleported in front of the doll and he had an angry expression.
"YOU FACE A GOD!" Gharda stated in angry tone.

2013-01-12, 11:33 AM
Grain fields outside Unnamed town
Chucky turned his head and wondered what they were talking about. He had never seen a god before and it was a curious thing. "Why are you so angry? All I was doing was what I was charged to do. I protected him until he couldn't be protected any and then I followed his orders. I would rather leave now so I that I can start my new life without being forced to follow and adapt to a master." Chucky said trying his best to look innocent. He noted to himself that he should learn how to sew so that he could fix up things that get damaged like his leg. He then walked onwards hoping that the man wouldn't stop him.

In case you’re using spells to detect lies or allignment, He is telling the truth (to an extent atleast)... of course even with that being true he is CE leaning towards TN


Now that I have rested for a bit I have the energy to join the pantheon. Chemosh said as he joined the pantheon. He found it kind of rude that their host didn't offer any seats to anyone else here... even if the gods didn't get tired it was still good courtesy to make one for the others. It's possible that she just forgot about the others or valued those two above the others in the pantheon but in both cases it didn't bode well for the pantheon's morale and how well they would stick together when push came to shove. He decided to not push the matter seeing it was a minor thing but he realized that he would have to watch the pantheon for more cracks in the relationships between them.

Join Pantheon 2 ap used putting me at 2 ap left.

2013-01-12, 11:37 AM
"Well then, not so fast." Gharda said, his countenance changing considerably. "I can tell you're telling the truth, but I can also tell that you are planning revenge. I can SEE YOUR SPIRIT. And you could use some work, I'll tell you that. You're GOING TO YOUR ROOM!" Gharda mysteriously said, and the doll found himself suddenly transported a large room, reminiscent of a little boy's room. There was a single window in the room, but things were so strange it was unsure whether or not this whole scenario was an illusion.

Suddenly, within the Room, Elizabetha, once Elizabeth, appeared in the room with the Evil Doll. She smiled at him, non threateningly. "Well, I've got some work to do." She said pleasantly. "Please cooperate, no harm will happen to you if you don't, but it would be much better if you did."
Then Gharda arrived. "Hello, doll. What is your name?" He asked nonchalantly

2013-01-12, 01:03 PM
Chucky frowned at the room. He realized this was most likely a test and it would probably be best for him if he tried to figure out what the test was. Smashing through the window probably wasn't a good idea. He simply walked towards the door. He had always hated doors, they were almost impossible from him to open and the bottoms weren't big enough for him to squeeze through. He was about to pile stuff against the wall to reach the door when the girl and god appeared. "I am Chucky. I would rather not be ordered around. I just got out of being a servant I will not go back." Chucky said frowning. It would probably best if he stayed along the line of truth if he wanted to get out of this alive.

2013-01-12, 01:11 PM
Gharda smiled. "Look, Chucky. I want to some things from you, the truth now, were you made Evil or did you choose your path? I can see your Spirit as you talk, so be careful when you respond to my questions. Elizabetha wondered what Chucky had to say.
Meanwhile the Old Man waited for Chucky's response.

2013-01-12, 01:56 PM
Yanyeeku now had the energy to join The Serene Court. He was the third member.

Yanyeeku then made good on his promise of making Helios King of Xethos by doing that.

Yanyeeku then blessed the throne room of The Serene Court. Tempers would simmer down there just a little bit better, now. Negotiations don't go far if you're angry, anyway.

AP from Rollover: 4 AP
Bless The Serene Court with peace of mind and serenity: -1 AP
Promote Leader (Helios, King of Xethos): -3 AP
AP remaining: 0 AP

With a gold circlet, the (270 years plus years since the great winter) year old Helios ascended to power.

2013-01-12, 02:02 PM
Chucky in a room
"That depends on how you view it. I was created with a neutral dead personality like all constructs do and then learned my personality from my previous master. I made decisions but I had to do so within severely limited ways. For example when this all started I made the decision that the police man was threatening my master and because I came to that conclusion I had to kill him due to the restrictions placed on me. It didn't matter how light the threatening was I had to protect him from it. I decided how to protect him but I had to do it in a way that wouldn’t hurt them or in a way they wouldn’t enjoy. I could have maimed him instead and then ran away but that would have bought us less time and maiming is by far worse than death in my eyes. I couldn't choose anything less than maiming or he would have been embarrassed which he wouldn't enjoy. A similar thing with the farmer, I was required to keep Andrew happy and walking all day is not happy plus I had to keep him safe from the threat of the law. It was either kill the farmer and his family or torture them. Both of those would have made him happy and sped us up thanks to the horse... speaking of which what happened to our horse? The final thing is where it got weird, he specifically told me to attack the machine unless if something happened and to guard the gem with my life. You stopped me from my attack which I of course used as "something happened" to get out of the command. I would have still had to protect Andrew and continue fighting but seeing the spell left the body "Dead" I no longer had to protect it. The only reason I am still alive and not a pile of rags is that I still have to protect the gem as I was ordered. To tell you the truth I am surprised things like this don'y happen more often. Also I seem to have misplaced my gem do you know where it is?" Chucky said somewhat relieved to finally be able to tell his side of the story. He was incredibly worried about misplacing the gem as he couldn't totally fail his master. He looked around the room and started searching madly for it.

2013-01-12, 02:13 PM
"Well then let me tell you my final judgement. You will be sent to Paradise immediately under the care of Syimi. You will appear to her and tell you of the situation that has taken place. Since you have no moral ability to excersize true free will you can instead enjoy a brief time, perhaps a matter of days in Paradise and be sent into your next Cycle as a Human being. I will not kill you, you will simply be transformed into a Human on your exit from Paradise. Oh, and consider this a geas. It's not really a geas, but it's not a curse. It's more a blessing really. During your life you will be assured equal reward and pain for the murders and suffering you have caused, but since you have been unable to excersize proper free will, you will be provided a free will in which to excersize good or evil from then on.

"I may provide you with proper reward in future reincarnations, and you will always remember me, so you may work off your debt. I will speak with Syimi and the Serene Court on your behalf for protection against your Master or Masters. Do you have any questions?"

Space Lawyer
2013-01-12, 02:28 PM
The Moon

Having rested long enough, Syimi stretches her hand out over the vast wound in the moon. Moonlight coalesces and reforms what was broken. She does not make it the same as it was though, instead leaving dark scars across the surface. These scars remind the mortals below of what damage careless power can wreak, and what uncourteous behavior can do.


As the moon above grows and heals itself, Syimi's moonlight shines down upon the icy palace, embedding itself into the crystals. She has joined the Serene Court.

Starting with 4 AP
-1 to fix the moon
-2 to join the Serene Court
1 AP remaining.

2013-01-12, 02:28 PM
"Two, can I keep the gem and the memory of my duty to my previous master's final request? Also can I be reincarnated with the appitude to necromancy with out having to die as child first? I have always loved necromancy even though it feels like somethinng is missing from it but I don't want to force another toy through what I went through. I never quite got why only one race has any magic." Chucky said smiling.

2013-01-12, 02:39 PM
No. You cannot serve an evil master. In fact, I think I'll return the gem to your Master and he can find someone else. I will tell him, whomever he is, that I will not interfere with him or her, or at least, I don't plan to, at least not for along time, if ever again. However, I will give you a great gift. It will be heavily magical in Nature and dealing with Paradise. You will then have the option for your "Necromancy' should you so wish, and you will also have the ability for various other arts.

If you wish, you may seek out Elizabetha for further instructions. To do so will be easy with your newfound powers. Now if that is not all, I wish you well, and give you a stern warning, whether you like or not, life as a mortal will come with new challenges, rewards and punishments. Although you will come into life blessed with magical powers, if you become Evil, there are punishments that come with that state of being upon death. Do be careful with the opportunity you will have to become an honorable and upright citizen of the world.

Chucky found himself teleported to Syimi's Paradise. Chucky was like a small magical beacon which was begging for Syimi's presence.

Censure/Praise: 4 AP
Grant Chucky a Praise/Censure with the mentioned problems and benefits. On his next life, Gharda hopes he will be happy. He will gain powers as rewards from Paradise, either way, I'm seeing "Chucky" becoming something of a Mystic Theurge in life times to come.

2013-01-12, 02:52 PM

Now that I have rested for a bit I have the energy to join the pantheon. Chemosh said as he joined the pantheon. He found it kind of rude that their host didn't offer any seats to anyone else here... even if the gods didn't get tired it was still good courtesy to make one for the others. It's possible that she just forgot about the others or valued those two above the others in the pantheon but in both cases it didn't bode well for the pantheon's morale and how well they would stick together when push came to shove. He decided to not push the matter seeing it was a minor thing but he realized that he would have to watch the pantheon for more cracks in the relationships between them.

Woah there, Chemosh was joining? Well then, there was no holding back then. To Rodlicus, Chemosh was a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, and as such finally placed his cards on the court.

Join Pantheon: -2 AP
Rodlicus: 3/15 AP

Ok, so going from door to door was clearly not going to work. He had to come up with something better and faster, but what?
"Oh Dorothy, what should I do?" he asked the Triceratops. Said male triceratops did not answer, for it was both too busy eating grass, and too unintelligent to actually formulate an answer.

2013-01-12, 03:43 PM
Yanyeeku now had the energy to join The Serene Court. He was the third member.

Yanyeeku then made good on his promise of making Helios King of Xethos by doing that.

Yanyeeku then blessed the throne room of The Serene Court. Tempers would simmer down there just a little bit better, now. Negotiations don't go far if you're angry, anyway.

AP from Rollover: 4 AP
Bless The Serene Court with peace of mind and serenity: -1 AP
Promote Leader (Helios, King of Xethos): -3 AP
AP remaining: 0 AP

With a gold circlet, the (270 years plus years since the great winter) year old Helios ascended to power.

Yanyeeku was deeply depressed by the presence of evil in the world. He called out to Gharda, hoping that he could improve his sour mood. Because Yanyeeku and the sun were so interlinked, the sun was shining ten times dimmer and cooler than normal.

2013-01-12, 04:01 PM
Yanyeeku and Gharda

Gharda came in to see Yanyeeku. He looked worried. "Why so sad, Yanyeeku?" He asked sincerely. "And why have you called me?" Gharda wondered why Yanyeeku chose Gharda of all the gods. . . Gharda was not of the Serene Court. Nor was he a god affiliated with the good things, although e was good himself.