View Full Version : Feats that give bonuses to skills and abilities

2013-01-04, 02:11 PM
I'm playing in a point-buy system. It costs more to increase an ability, save or a skill (after a certain point) than it costs to get a feat with no prerequisites. Are there any feats that give bonuses to skills, saves and/or abilities (preferably ones that can stack)?

I know of a few so far. I'm quite interested in ones that I can use to stack. I'll update this list as people provide suggestions for other lurkers to use :).

- Skill Focus (+3 [competence] to skill)
- Focused Skill User (+2 [competence] to three skills while focused)
- Complementary Insight (Synergies are +3 instead of +2)
- Metallurgy (+3 to craft with metals)
- Apprentice (+2 to two skills, various)
- Open Minded (+5 skill points at 1st level)
- Able Learner (All skills are class skills, 1pt/ea)
- Unspeakable Vow (+2 [profane] to Intimidate)
- Acrobatic (+2 to Jump and Tumble)
- Agile (+2 to Balance and Escape Artist)
- Alertness (+2 to Listen and Spot)
- Animal Affinity (+2 to Handle Animal and Ride)
- Athletic (+2 to Climb and Swim)
- Deceitful (+2 to Disguise and Forgery)
- Deft Hands (+2 to Sleight of Hand and Use Rope)
- Diligent (+2 to Appraise and Decipher Script)
- Investigator (+2 Gather Information and Search)
- Magical Aptitude (+2 to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device)
- Negotiator (+2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive)
- Nimble Fingers (+2 to Disable Device and Open Lock)
- Persuasive (+2 Bluff and Intimidate)
- Self Sufficient (+2 Heal and Survival)
- Stealthy (+2 to Hide and Move Silently)
- Agile Athlete (+Dex instead of Str Mod on Jump and Swim)
- Grass Trekker (+2 [competence] to Jump, +resist forced march)
- Forked Tongue (+2 Bluff, +1 DC on charm spells using verbal means)
- Menacing Demeanor (+4 to Intimidate, Orc only)
- Shape Soulmeld (Invest Essential for various effects)

Saves & Skills:
- Jungle Stamina (+2 Fort vs. Disease, +2 Survival)
- Survivor (+2 Fort, +2 Survival)
- Discipline (+2 Will, +2 Concentration)
- Nymph's Kiss (+2 to All Char-based checks, +1 to All saves vs spells/spell-like abilities)

- Lightning Reflexes (+2 Reflex)
- Iron Will (+2 Will)
- Great Fortitude (+2 Fort)
- Cumbrous Reflexes (+6 Reflex, but end up prone)
- Snake Blood (+2 Reflex, +2 Fort vs. Poison)
- Insightful Reflexes (+Int Mod instead of Dex Mod to Reflex)
- Bullheaded (+2 Will, Cannot be Shaken)
- Cerulean Fortitude (+[Essential Invested] to Fort)
- Cerulean Reflexes (+[Essentia Invested] to Reflex)
- Cerulean Will (+[Essentia Invested] to Will)

- Great Strength/Dexterity/Con/Wis/Cha (+2 to that ability. Epic :( )

2013-01-04, 04:26 PM
Insightful Reflexes feat from Complete Adventurer lets you add Int-Mod to Reflex instead of Dex-Mod. It's not really a bonus, but it can compensate for less points invested in Dex or in Reflex saves. Good for a more Int-based class, like Factotum, or maybe Int-based Monk.

2013-01-04, 04:35 PM
Able Learner,(Human or doppleganger) RoDestiny, all skills cost 1 point
Unspeakable Vow, DotU, +2 profane on intimidate
Item Familiar, if your DM allows it.

2013-01-04, 04:50 PM
Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Self Sufficient, Stealthy each give +2 to two skills.

2013-01-04, 06:47 PM
Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Self Sufficient, Stealthy each give +2 to two skills.
All of these state a "+2 bonus", without providing a type. Do they stack with each other?

2013-01-04, 08:10 PM
All of these state a "+2 bonus", without providing a type. Do they stack with each other?

Untyped bonuses from different sources stack, yes.

2013-01-04, 08:20 PM
Nymph's Kiss (BoED).

2013-01-04, 08:46 PM
All of these state a "+2 bonus", without providing a type. Do they stack with each other?
Generally, they don't stack with each other because they are +2 bonuses to different skills. However, to the extent they are to the same skill, the bonuses would stack.

Other feats:

The incarnum saves: Cerulean Fortitude / Reflexes / Will – insight bonuses on the respective saves equal to the amount of invested essentia.

Also: Shape Soulmeld – many of the soulmelds grant skill bonuses.

2013-01-04, 09:30 PM
Complementary Insight (RoD p150)
Menacing Demeanor (RoS p142)