View Full Version : Familiar ACFs and favorite familiar tricks

2013-01-04, 03:46 PM
Hello again,
It has been suggested that I turn in my familiar class feature and take Obtain Familiar instead, and it is clear that this will work better with my class build. Can someone like me or list for me recommended ACFs (for wizard, btw) that exchange the Summon Familiar class feature for something else?

Secondly, I am finding that I really like familiars. In the last campaign, I played a dwarven gish-ish with a raven familiar, and the familiar was at least half the fun of playing the character. So please tell me about fun you've had with familiars, the cool tricks you've come up with, good feats for using with familiars, and so forth. Or link me to the thread where this was obviously discussed before.

Happy gaming.

EDIT: is self-bump allowed?

2013-01-04, 09:47 PM
Some good ACFs trading out your familiar:

Immediate Magic (Players Handbook II): You gain a spell-like ability usable as an immediate action Int mod times per day. You must be a specialist to choose this. The most potent one is Abrupt Jaunt, the Conjurer option, which lets you teleport 10' as an immediate action.

Specialization Benefits (Unearthed Arcana/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm)):
Three ACFs are given for each specialist, one trading away the familiar, one trading away your Wizard bonus feats, and one trading away your bonus spells from specialization. Most of the benefits you might get from losing the familiar are pretty good.

Those are the two that I use most often.

2013-01-04, 10:00 PM
there is also Eidetic Spellcaster that removes your need for a spellbook, your familiar, and the Scribe scroll feat. Instead you Smoke (via highly ambiguous incenses) spells into your brain, letting you prepare them without a book.

2013-01-04, 10:04 PM
Changeling wizard substitution level 5 (RoE) lets your familiar change into any other race (that can be familiar) as a full-round action.

Combo with Improved Familiar for extra options.

There is, of course, a handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19870010/The_Familiars_Handbook_--_2007).

2013-01-04, 10:06 PM
Source for Eidetic Spellcaster? Sounds cool, but the character's flavor is Int-based grey elf monk/wiz via Carmendine Monk, so carrying books is already in the cards.

I'd have gone conjurer and the Immediate Magic route, but for some reason I went with elven generalist racial substitution level. Seemed to make sense at the time, but since I picked up Sun School tactical feat later in character design process, this may call for retraining. My Int is quite high at 20th level, so the Abrupt Jaunt would be very useful. This may be the best option, but others are welcome.

Thanks for the handbook, by the way, love this person's stuff.

2013-01-04, 10:11 PM
Here is a fairly complete list of ACFs.

2013-01-05, 12:30 AM
Source for Eidetic Spellcaster? Sounds cool, but the character's flavor is Int-based grey elf monk/wiz via Carmendine Monk, so carrying books is already in the cards.

its a later Dragon varient.

basically, these are the changes:

Lose: Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Spellbooks

Gain: Eidetic memory (your brain is your spellbook): Smoke 100g of Pot/Spell Level (Min 100g) to scribe a spell to your memory.

basically, you trade Spellbooks, scroll scribing, and your familiars to smoke magical pot