View Full Version : Ignored and Under appreciated PRC's Thread

2013-01-04, 06:07 PM
In this Thread, once every three days, I will go through a book , and pick out a few un talked or unused PRC's and go over the various strengths of each PRC, doing 4 or 5 of them from the book in those 3 days.

In those moments I will cover them under three grades

Fluff Use- How useful is the fluff, and how much should it be ignored if it is restrictive and the power of the PRC does not warrant such a tight grasp.

Usefulness - The PRC adds something that the main class did not have, or that the main class only gave a small dip into.

Uniqueness - This combines the Use and fluff into breaking out the your typical arch types, and maybe giving players or DM's something new to do.

What I would like to see, any random blabber that keeps this near the top ;)

Names giving out that show PRC's I may have missed or should look forward to seeing.

The next post NOT being posted Until I get 4 or 5 reserve posts done.

See you all soon My first book will be by random dice roll The Underdark

Drow of the UnderDark


Fluff Subvert the usual female power dominance that is seen in drow culture, find your own way in serving the goddess of the spiders, and become an arcane weaver of her web to the point that you think nothing but spiders.

Usefulness The main use you will find in this class is some of the wildshaping into spider creatures, and immunity to webs. You do take a ding on a 6/10 caster levels, but this class is very much geared towards arcane casters, versus those that are are already use to wildshaping like druids or cast other spells like clerics You also gain a nice thing of tremor sense up to 60 ft once your all done.

Over All Package The knowledge checks for nature, and the losing of caster levels can hurt you, but the fluff does not make the class hard to get into besides needing to be evil, maybe not the best, but if your Dm was to give it a full caster progression, this could be a very fun caster for evil players , or a nice arch villain for dungeon masters.

What a DM should know Raise the casting to 9/10 and this is a perfectly useable PRC


Fluff You are the ranger and wild predator of the caves you find the ease of which you prowl the underdark a certain sense of death and knowing you are not the one going to die in the next fight you encounter.
Usefulness If you play your ranger as someone who doesn't use magic, or someone who does not use the animal companion feature heavily , this could be a option for you, same for rogues who do not make much use of sneak attack damage.

The class gives you lots of little things if you truly wish to be stealthy and prowl in the under dark, giving you options for enhanced attack features for exotic weapon that is the spiked chain, tremor sense , and some basic stealth bonuses

What a DM should know This is more for a fighter wanting to be something else, then any other class, even if the fluff says otherwise.

Over All Package The fluff is pretty basic, and the requirements of the class, seem to rather compliment a fighter or rogue more then a ranger or druid type that the benefits mention. A Dm Adjustment towards the requirement of having darkvision may be needed if you wish to have players use it beyond just the drow. A fighter who focuses on spiked chain should take a look into this or a rogue who may be interested in a hand crossbow.


Fluff You are a divine spy of lloth
Usefulness This comes with a few nice features 6/10 divine , decent stacks of sneak attack , blind sense, good bonuses to your team for climbing and even sneaking, really nice long invisibility at will , good ways to boost other stealth characters in your part

Over All Package HONESTLY if I looked at it as a cleric trying to be a rogue the 6/10 CL sucks, if I look at this as a rogue taking a one level dip in cleric and then continuing on this is pretty awesome. The abilities really do nice for a rogue, while the magic gives it sort of a psychic rogue feel, without doing the power point system. All the little bonuses really help in a team work sort of way.

What a DM should know The entry points for the drow only race, can be easily made open for other races and still find use in a story line, if you want a holy rogue, this can be done with this prc.


Fluff You control people, not through leadership feats or short duration spells, no instead you go around collecting your minions to do your bidding.
Usefulness This class, is sort of the leadership feat if done by a prc instead of get it all at once. This gives you follower and subverts those around you slowly but surely. Gives you a smaller train of minions, that grow larger and deeper in your control with time.

Over All Package The PRC is nice in the effect that it really feels like you are roleplaying your evil side, and this is one of the few PRC's that really let you FEEL IT, the 6/10 casting hurts sort of , when you have other PRC's that are really stronger then this one at higher levels.

What a DM should know This is clearly an arcane PRC, that would fit really well with changelings and other sly characters that want to control what is around them utterly while making it more of an issue of doing the roleplay instead of just casting spells around. The entry needs to get into the PRC are perfect, and only suggestion would be allowing other races and making the casting 8/10 or 9/10.

Champions of Ruin


Fluff You give in to the darker side of your rages, and become one that is like an unbitten werewolf.
Usefulness The class is good for those that want to do a unarmed rager, if you are the type that wanted to somehow mix barbarian and monk, this is sort of what you end up with, get yourself some armored spikes, and I can see where this could go up in damage, It does increase your rage times per day, and increases your grapple capabilities.

Over All Package If you want a build that is focused on unarmed damage and grappling all day, this PRC can give you some leverage, but if you want other forms of combat, this may be to narrow a focus for you, with only 2/3 BAB but otherwise easy entry, but it does give you D12 hit dice.

What a DM should know This is geared towards the wild man of the mountains sort of thing, and CN can take it not just evil. I would also suggest that raising it to 3/3 BAB and seeing how it goes in your group.


Fluff You hate humans and other mortals, that come into your elven forest and prepared to do anything to stop it.
Usefulness This class is from what I have been told, very good towards archers, it has its own casting which is better then the rangers and happens quicker, a few sneak damage dice, you also gain some poison use and features that improve your stealth abilities.

Over All Package You know, this is one of those that am unsure of, it seems really good, but the needed things to qualify for the class may make it harder to enter until later on, this class is clearly for rangers only mostly.

What a DM should know Anyone should be safe taking this class, if you are worried and want to make it more mainstream, adjust the needed skills for the prc to be more in line to things that impact your adventure.


Fluff The ancient empire is starting to come back, you are a legendary dumpster diver that retrieves and gets rid of such empires from coming back, or at least preventing them at coming back full power.
Usefulness Hmm…this is more a trap focused rogue, then it is anything else. You are a treasure hunter , you unlock things and find things, you do not as much kill things. You get sneak damage, and nifty abilities to use any item you need once per day that is non magical, but otherwise a small few things that lets you see the traps, and boost up your trap sense by a full 5 points before the end of it.

Over All Package This REALLY isn’t meant for damage dealers, and more for those that just want to be stealthy , and ways to do it. I would overall, not suggest it, but would give it to those that feel they need something with flavor .
What a DM should know I would put this one in the NPC pile . Needs some tampering not to get lost in the specific setting, but can be used outside it with just some rewording.

Vengeance Knight

Fluff You are the enforcer for evil bad guys, pretty much brings it down to that.
Usefulness This could be interesting for heavy armor fighters looking for ways to reduce armor check penalties and other functions that deal with it. It gives you a unique ability that if you save against a magic affect, you can do up to 3d6 damage back as a “whiplash”, and a few counter attack abilities that increase your chance to hit and do damage against those that hit you.

Over All Package This is someone who is more passive or seeking to roleplay a role, not really a build as much as a role to pick and play and maybe throw away.

What a DM should know Not really much to say, just enjoy


Knight of the Pearl

Fluff Watery Paladin, protect your people from the scourges of the sea!

Usefulness .Greater if you are into underwater combat increasing your options for combat, and increasing your weapon use options, as you can use your turn attempts to do damage.

Over All Package I think it is rather to focused on one aspect of what you can do with turning , that it loses the other benefits of being a pally. If you are a paladin and focused mostly on physical damage instead of all the extra effects, then this would be a good PRC, as would if your heavily into water combat with full BAB

What a DM should know This is good if you have underwater combat 70% of the time in the game. I would make some sort of progression of paladin abilities and spells to make this useable even if that is the case. This class is not friendly if you ever reach land.

Legendary Captain

Fluff You’re the captain, who doesn’t like being the captain

Usefulness If you are shipped based at all, this is a very strong class and very strong selection , leadership bonus, ship bonus, team work bonuses, this class is sort of overpowered.

Over All Package If you plan on running a ship, pick this, it is overpowered without a doubt.

What a DM should know NPC’s and players picking this may need to be watched, so it does not overwhelm your own villains


Fluff You are the hunter, the one going for the big kill, all other creatures matter not , besides the great kill of your lifetime.

Usefulness This sort of compounds on a rangers favored enemy , and lets you do greater damage against the type that you want to kill. The only restrictions is that it has to be a certain size and be of actual danger, so you can’t hunt kobolds for example.

Over All Package If your specific goal is to kill a dragon, to hunt something and show a trophy on your belt of the head of the beast you just slain, this is the PRC for you. It takes the favored enemy of the ranger and expands it, it is only a 5 level PRC so an okay addition to anything that is focused on killing one thing or type of thing.

What a DM should know . NPC wise, you may not really need this, player wise, if a ranger is taking this, I would allow a choice of animal companion progression or ranger spell progression, if someone outside ranger class is taking this, allow the same options just start at level 1.

Sea Witch

Fluff You are an arcane caster, that fits the arch type of being a lord of the waters, and enchanter of vile ocean things.

Usefulness If you are in a water based fight, you become a pain in the ass, anything based on ship combat and other island hopping makes you a real mess of strength, creating malestorms, mystic ships, and even messy fighters. You easily rip folks up with your abilities, that give you an almost druid like command of the water.

Over All Package The two caster levels do hurt, but the abilities are rather nice, in what you are focusing on , and what unique abilities it gives you while based along the water and in command of such powers. Overall, I think a very flavorful and worthy class.

What a DM should know .IF you are worried about strength give this class 9/10 CL , I do not think it needs 10/10; makes a nice npc villain, if your PC’s get a hold of this class, it could make them the hero of the entire adventure, while on water.



Fluff You train a giant sandworm and ride it around, and can move underground and other fun things, being a knight in sandy armor.
Usefulness Full Bab , Super Worm mount, Unusual movement going under the sand and such.

Over All Package It does what it says, very focused on one type of creature , that if you are in a sand campaign can be really good. The only real down side to this is that if you go from paladin or druid into this class you will miss out on some things, if you go fighter or ranger into this class, I think you will do just fine.

What a DM should know This would be a fun and awesome mount for sand campaigns, and if you allow it to bury through solid rock ¼ the speed of the creature. You could also use this class as a template for other mounts if you desired.

Lord of Tides

Fluff You are a divine water finding stick, which helps find water and then can partially control it.
Usefulness eh..this gets a 5/10 from myself, the various abilities you get, are mostly fluff, and the once a day features are more like extra sub-par spells then anything.

Over All Package For flavor PRC mostly, this is bascily making you a very large dousing rod.

What a DM should know This class is 9/10, it won’t be hurt by going 10/10 casting levels. Try and find something more unique you can make it do, if a player is taking this class it is for roleplay reasons, not for combat ones. Give it some sort of detect water vision or something that gives them a sort of heat vision for moisture

2013-01-04, 06:08 PM
Extra 1 of 5

2013-01-04, 06:09 PM
extra 2 of 5

2013-01-04, 06:11 PM
extra 3 of 5

2013-01-04, 06:13 PM
4 extra of out 5

2013-01-04, 06:18 PM
5 out of 5

Okay all done :D

2013-01-04, 07:00 PM
Interestingly, Arachnomancer is printed in 2 different places, DotU and the Underdark supplement for FR. Not sure which is better, but they do differ significantly. Hmm, the DotU version that I see in the book is only eight levels, 5/8 spellcasting advancement, and is missing one of the main benefits of the Underdark version, a poison touch ability that caps at 1d8 strength damage, Fort DC 10+prc level+Con. Modifier, activate as a free ability as often as you want (as far as I can see).

Would need more patience than I to do point-by-point for both PrCs. I wonder, is one or the other presumed to have precedence? Otherwise they seem to have taken care to not use the same name for things within the 3.5 canon.

2013-01-04, 07:08 PM
I strongly recommend looking at Explorer's Handbook, there's a few absolute gems in there.

2013-01-04, 07:13 PM
I strongly recommend looking at Explorer's Handbook, there's a few absolute gems in there.

... just curious, but where are the prestige class in that book?

2013-01-04, 07:50 PM
... just curious, but where are the prestige class in that book?Pages 57-75. Windwright Captain is also available online (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050803a&page=3).

2013-01-04, 09:46 PM
expanded with two more PRC's and a what a dm should know section

2013-01-05, 11:24 PM
added 4 more from another book, any suggestions you have .

(I did not do the explorers handbook, as I felt they were not under appreciated prcs, as much as they were rather niche or meant for NPC's.

2013-01-06, 12:55 AM
I've always liked Frostburn, and there are a few interesting (if not great) prestige classes. Heck, there are some - like Frost Mage - that can be really handy to spontaneous casters, but which a lot of people forget.

2013-01-06, 01:36 AM
I've always loved the fluff on some of the lesser-used PRCs, so this should be fun.

2013-01-06, 01:53 AM
I love the Bone Knight from Five Nations. It's a full casting (or 9/10, can't quite remember) PrC designed for Paladins, but it works best off of Cleric/PrC Paladin/Bone Knight or Cleric/PrC Paladin of Tyranny/Bone Knight. Also brutally effective when used with Ur Priest. The Bone March ability alone is a lot of fun if you've got friendly casters who like to temporarily control undead.


2013-01-06, 02:15 AM
I would love to see what your take is on the Dragon Devotee from Races of the Dragon if you get the chance.

2013-01-06, 02:18 AM
I mean, read Avenging Executioner in Complete Scoundrel. Quake with fear! Great RP there for all the 'x killed my y, prepare to die!' character concepts.

2013-01-06, 07:23 AM
Escalation Mage!!!

for some reason it's not very known or used, but it is really awesome both fluff-wise (risk vs reward, dark magic) and crunch-wise (easy prereqs, and the feat Arcane Mastery gives you a lot of free Quickens and other neat stuff)

2013-01-06, 02:58 PM
Stormwrack is now done :D, I will maybe be looking at....complete champion or adventure, to give folks some more melee options.

2013-01-06, 03:12 PM
Charlatan was always a personal favorite of mine, if only for making bluff the only skill you'll ever need. Fun fluff, and one of my favorite capstones ever. Too bad it's such a weak class, otherwise I would be playing nothing else.

2013-01-06, 03:12 PM
Eberron as a whole is full of wonderful PrCs, and yet, to my knowledge, 4 are even spoken of (Sovereign Speaker, Landforged Walker, Moonspeaker, and Recaster) in commonplace. I really want to see some love for some of the lesser known PrCs like the aforementioned Escalation Mage, the Primal Scholar (I love the fluff), and (honestly one of my favorites in pure smexy flavor) the Quori Mindhunter.

2013-01-06, 03:32 PM
I'm a sucker for a class with an awesome name.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-06, 03:37 PM
Landforged Walker is awesome, Plant Wildshape based on character level? Sign me in!

2013-01-06, 03:43 PM
Landforged Walker is awesome, Plant Wildshape based on character level? Sign me in!

Ladforged Walker makes you a beast of a Druid, but if I play druid, I play a Shifter Druid with Moonspeaker.

2013-01-06, 03:51 PM
Eberron as a whole is full of wonderful PrCs, and yet, to my knowledge, 4 are even spoken of (Sovereign Speaker, Landforged Walker, Moonspeaker, and Recaster) in commonplace. I really want to see some love for some of the lesser known PrCs like the aforementioned Escalation Mage, the Primal Scholar (I love the fluff), and (honestly one of my favorites in pure smexy flavor) the Quori Mindhunter.

Isn't planar Shepard from eberon? Or at least I think its from one of its books

2013-01-06, 04:01 PM
Isn't planar Shepard from eberon? Or at least I think its from one of its books

It's from Faiths in Eberron (how odd: 2 of the big PrCs for divine casters are in FoE...)

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-06, 04:03 PM
It's from Faiths in Eberron (how odd: 2 of the big PrCs for divine casters are in FoE...)

Which is the other? Sovereign Speaker because the Moonspeaker is from Races of Eberron.

2013-01-06, 04:10 PM
it is not odd, it shows you the critical flaw that is that one designer when it comes to balance.

2013-01-06, 04:13 PM
I was talking Sovereign Speaker. Sovereign Speaker is a hoot to play, especially to a DM who claims that Clerics are Healbots

2013-01-06, 04:25 PM
how so? they give extra domains, that is all I know.

2013-01-06, 04:36 PM
how so? they give extra domains, that is all I know.

It's a 8/10 Divine PrC with 9 Domains added and 2 more domain slots for Cleric. Can everyone say it with me: "Cloistered Cleric of the Sovereign Host"

2013-01-06, 04:57 PM
That's only 12/11 domains, that's not terrible although the 2 extra slots per level are pretty good...

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-06, 05:07 PM
Domains give clerics even more versatility and many of them have spells not normally on their spell list, add in spontaneous domain (both the ACF and the feat )+ good domain selection and you become extremely versatile.

Edit: Nevermind that you also get the Domain granted abilities which can be quite useful

2013-01-06, 05:08 PM
That's only 12/11 domains, that's not terrible although the 2 extra slots per level are pretty good...

The one thing I like to add is that the Sovereign Speaker gets the full repitoire of the Domians (spells and powers), meaning that a Clericzilla with Sovereign Speaker can pick all of the workhorse domains (travel, luck, pride, knowledge, artifice, weather) and have a good supply of constant (or nearly constant) options, a large repitoire of spells, and be able to use every one to great effect.

One idea for a Clericzilla with this is:

Cloistered Cleric of the Sovereign Host X/Contemplative 1/Divine Oracle 1/Church Inquisitor 1/Sovereign Speaker 10

and have 15 domains, 2 extra domain slots, and a lot of versatility with their spell choices. Options are what give T1 casters their real power. Sure, some of the Sovereign Host domains are kinda crap, but considering that 2/day I can reroll, Pump my intelligence so Knowledge Devotion helps, and be able to look at my repetoire of spells and cherry pick all of the good ones means that I can potentially rule the day.

2013-01-06, 07:23 PM
Runesmith from Races of Stone is really cool. It makes Dwarf Wizards cool, and heavy armor with no ASF is useful in many games. No need for somatic components, ability to give the beatstick self only buffs (Tenser's Transformation? Yes please), and a spell like ability similar to the archmage's without having to pay for material components after creation makes for an awesome Wizard PrC.

2013-01-06, 07:48 PM
hmm next book is ...frostburn

2013-01-06, 08:12 PM
Id actually argue that Legendary Captain is somewhat underpowered, not because it is weak, but because You are commanding a ship, nearly every weapon on the ship needs Profession (Siege Engineer) to use.

on the other hand, when combined with Landowner and Master Siege engineer, you have a Helicarrier

2013-01-07, 12:46 AM
Psionics has a lot of PrCs (and psionic adaptations) that I don't see mentioned very much. Two of my favorite lesser known gems (no pun intended) are the Crystal Master from Mind's Eye and the Diamond Dragon from Dragon Magic. Both work particularly well for Erudites as they provide them with additional powers that circumvent their UPD limitation.

2013-01-07, 08:02 AM
Is Black Blood Cultist really under-appreciated? I thought it was well-respected as one of the best unarmed striking and grappling classes?

Regardless, this is a cool thread.

2013-01-29, 08:05 PM
sorry got distracte ill have two new prcs up on this in about an hour

2013-01-29, 08:35 PM
updated with sandstorm

2013-01-29, 11:37 PM
There is one PrC that is under appreciated and has quickly become my equivalent of the panda: Metaphysical Spellshaper from Book of Erotic Fantasy. I know 99% of that book is utter garbage, but MpSs is a great 3 level PrC for any caster who likes Metamagic (all of them). The gist is you can take ability score damage to get a metamagic feat cost reduction.

2013-01-29, 11:50 PM
Psionics has a lot of PrCs (and psionic adaptations) that I don't see mentioned very much. Two of my favorite lesser known gems (no pun intended) are the Crystal Master from Mind's Eye and the Diamond Dragon from Dragon Magic. Both work particularly well for Erudites as they provide them with additional powers that circumvent their UPD limitation.

One of my players played a Wilder Diamond Dragon for a one-off; he didn't like it much, but I've been intrigued by the idea ever since. If I ever get a chance to go to the other side of the screen...

silverwolfer, no mention of the Scorpion Heritor (Sandstorm)? I'd definitely call it under-appreciated.

2013-01-29, 11:54 PM
There is one PrC that is under appreciated and has quickly become my equivalent of the panda: Metaphysical Spellshaper from Book of Erotic Fantasy. I know 99% of that book is utter garbage, but MpSs is a great 3 level PrC for any caster who likes Metamagic (all of them). The gist is you can take ability score damage to get a metamagic feat cost reduction.
That PrC is mentioned fairly frequently.

Usually in "most broken classes ever?" threads.

2013-01-30, 12:00 AM
I've always liked Frostburn, and there are a few interesting (if not great) prestige classes. Heck, there are some - like Frost Mage - that can be really handy to spontaneous casters, but which a lot of people forget.

Interestingly, Cryokineticist from Frostburn is the super-nerfed down version of Pyrokineticist from XPH. Totally unfair about how the fire version is so much cooler. The only exploitable mechanic might be the ability of the Cryokineticist to freeze large volumes of water, which remain frozen until they melt naturally. Pyrokineticist is a decent alternative to more manifesting or a nice psionic flavor to a variety of other classes; Cryokineticist is not.

Frost Rager has some interesting flavor and abilities, can be an interesting addition to a barehanded barbarian build. Stacked it on a draconic fog giant hulking hurler to impressive effect.

2013-01-30, 01:03 AM
BOEF is something I rather not get into, as most third party are well third party, and opens up stuff I don't want to hunt or get into.

As for why the scorpio did not get mentioned, is because I said two prc's not three :P

2013-01-30, 01:13 AM
I dont see sandshaper from Sandstorm mentioned often. 8/10 casting with a great 1 level drop to pick up a ton of nice buffs and other useful spells. Not to mention the ability to craft tools out of sand and it counters the 1 caster level you loose from the first level as long as you carry around 15 pounds of sand (which you can use to craft ****)

2013-01-30, 01:25 AM
I dont see sandshaper from Sandstorm mentioned often. 8/10 casting with a great 1 level drop to pick up a ton of nice buffs and other useful spells. Not to mention the ability to craft tools out of sand and it counters the 1 caster level you loose from the first level as long as you carry around 15 pounds of sand (which you can use to craft ****)

You don't? It's a fairly common mention for Warmages (and I've heard it for Dread Necromancers once or twice) precisely because of the added spells.

2013-01-30, 01:37 AM
One I always thought was kinda neat, but never had a chance to play out (And no one seemed to like it for various reasons), was the Eunich Warlock out of Oriental Adventures.

Basically the list of complaints against it were as follows:

A) I need to get castrated. It's amazing how many guys like their male fantasies to at least be possible, and that it was a requirement for the class seemed to be the number one reason they didn't want to go for it. They'd be into the concept of the class right up until I say "Oh, and you are getting castrated to do this", then they were running the other way.

B) It doesn't have the +Gain a level of Spellcasting every level, but rather has "Add X spells to your spellbook/spells known" and the ability to cast higher level spells only at level 5 and 10. Which is generally weaker, you don't get higher level stuff, of course.

C) It required an evil alignment. Which isn't so much of a deal except most people who played evil played Evil Stupid, and would do stuff like try to backstab the other PCs ending the game or requiring the other PCs to end them, so they never really got far enough to use it.

Things I liked about it?

Free permanent metamagic for my top 5 favorite spells, no spell slot adjustment? Always seemed neat to me. One of the few Spellcaster prestige classes I've seen that had leadership as a feat and was focused on being a political force in flavor and role instead of just a loner hermit doing crazy things because they could. Nothing insanely broken about it either, as sometimes is the issue.

Just always seemed like a neat concept. And one of the spellcaster prestige classes that was "decent" but not so eyebleedingly broken that your DM was going to want to throw a book at you. And one that you'd want to do more than just a 1 level dip into to get some insane first level bonus. Sadly never got to see it in practice.

2013-01-30, 09:49 AM
Interestingly, Arachnomancer is printed in 2 different places, DotU and the Underdark supplement for FR. Not sure which is better, but they do differ significantly.
Have to go with the 3.5 version (DotU) of the PrC since the other version is 3.0.

Isn't the one PrC called Justice of Weald and Woe? You know, an old word for a forest?

A prestige class I'd like to see more of is Zhentarim skymage from Lords of Darkness.
It's definitely intended for wizards rather than sorcerers, but I'm willing to bet other classes could have more fun with it.
Unfortunately, if I remember right, it's a victim of bad editing with the BAB or Saves not matching the usual patterns.

2013-01-30, 12:38 PM
Another that gets no love is Ironsoul Forgemaster from MoI. It's a sexy gem that turns a Dwarf Incarnum class into a melee powerhouse. On something like a Lawful Incarnate/ISFM/Deepwarden/PrC build, it's nasty.

Shining Wrath
2013-01-30, 12:56 PM
Ashworm Dragoon looks like a good starter if you want a PrC which is based upon the cool mount as much as upon the character.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-01-30, 01:09 PM
Prestige Bard, Paladin and Ranger. I've been doing my bit to spread their usefulness, but people are still ignorant of them for the most part. I'll explain a little why their awesome.

Prestige Bard: It's got a 10/15 spellcasting progression, giving it 8th level spells in any full caster, and if you take EXACTLY 3 levels of Prestige Bard first, 9ths by using Sublime Chord. Also, it can make a RAW legal Bardic Invoker.

Prestige Paladin: RAW? 7th level spells in a Divine Spellcasting class. If we enter the relm of quasi homebrew, and convert Prestige Paladin into either evil variant, you can get 9ths. From the Cleric list.

Prestige Ranger: Not as good as the other two, sadly. But at least you can qualify via Archivist.

2013-01-30, 01:54 PM
Have to go with the 3.5 version (DotU) of the PrC since the other version is 3.0.

Underdark is 3.5e. I literally have the book right in front of me, and not only does it reference the Survival skill, but the Annihilator has DR 10/magic.

That, and the first printing was in October 2003.

2013-01-30, 02:28 PM
Another that gets no love is Ironsoul Forgemaster from MoI. It's a sexy gem that turns a Dwarf Incarnum class into a melee powerhouse. On something like a Lawful Incarnate/ISFM/Deepwarden/PrC build, it's nasty.

I will not be covering incarnum , as that is utterly over my head in understanding, if you desire to write something out that follows the format above, please feel free to write a few prc's up and I will drop them in the list.

2013-01-30, 03:15 PM
Underdark is 3.5e. I literally have the book right in front of me, and not only does it reference the Survival skill, but the Annihilator has DR 10/magic.

That, and the first printing was in October 2003.

Mmm, publishing two identically named PrC is a bit of a slip-up, I guess, since they usually go to elaborate lengths to avoid that kind of thing. I guess one is setting-specific, but the differences in the two PrC are quite interesting.

And, by the by, that poison touch attack seems to be at will, no? Quite strong, a nice feature if you are going to specialize in delivering melee touch spells. Seeing a drow monk/sorc/arachnomancer or something. Maybe Int-based monk or battledancer.

2013-01-30, 03:38 PM
Personally, I've always wanted to play Hoardstealer.

Looks great.

2013-03-31, 02:07 PM
Am I allowed to keep the work up on this, as it is no longer being updated?

Roland St. Jude
2013-03-31, 07:50 PM
Sheriff: Thread necromancy is prohibited here. Please review the Forum Rules.