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2013-01-04, 08:32 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14449749#post14449749)

The icy winds billowed and blustered through the streets of Taldin City, carrying a driving wall of snow and sleet. It was a vicious, terrible assault, one of the nastiest in recent memory, or at least in the past few weeks. It wasn’t a freak storm, it’d didn’t even come as much of a shock. Warnings about the storm had been sent by a White Temple parson from a parish a hundred or so miles north, and everyone who cared to know knew about it before it hit. Really, it was more of a nuisance. The streets had been clear for a couple of days, and everyone was simply going about their regular routines. Now, people had to seek shelter. It wasn’t the greatest of hindrances, but it was only a week before the festival season. Many had been shopping and making preparations for the holidays, but now had to huddle in the stores they were shopping in until the blizzard passed through. Again, this wasn’t the greatest of hindrances, as any decent shop had plenty of coal for heating and tables and chairs to use, although it was annoying for the shopkeepers.

All in all, it was surprisingly usual for such a cold day. For most, the break in the hustle and bustle of the season was tolerable and even enjoyable to some. Most of the nobility could care less, as they tended to leave the shopping to the lower classes and it was a popular, daresay fashionable, pastime to take carriage rides through the snowy streets. This was mainly because there were fewer paupers in the streets to ruin the atmosphere, namely because said paupers could not afford good shoes. These paupers, of course, had different feelings about the weather. While the blizzard’s fiercest attacks were shrugged off by even the lower-middle class, it found easier prey in the less fortunate. Its freezing tendrils breezed in through cracked walls and drafty roofs, nipping and gnashing at those huddled in the rooms.

“Humph” the Gnome behind the bar grunted, “We really do need to get that door fixed.” He was very well right. The hinges on main door to the Bawdy Nymph had been knocked somewhat ajar a week ago when a patron decided to take the fight outside by hurling his opponent through the door, unfortunately without first taking the time to open it. It hadn’t been much an issue so far, but now it creaked in the cold wind, and was letting in a chilly draft. Angear Wolton, the tavern’s Gnome bartender, continued to grumble as he wiped mugs clean. He was like that sometimes, most of the time in fact. It was expected of course, you could never trust a bartender that didn’t hate your guts. Other familiar faces could also be seen around the tavern. Ricard, a human urchin and the tavern’s newsboy, sat at a table close to the stage; it was his job to run around and collect pamphlets, posters, and most of all rumors for the establishment. It was he who brought the initial news of the incoming weather, and was now sipping a mug of hot milk. Reverend Soreau, from the local parish, sat across from him. The Father, a half-elf, was relatively pious, but in no way was he a puritan, and he himself was drinking a foaming mug of ale. Across the common room, you had Caine Rossdin, a self-proclaimed master thief. He was nothing of the sort, of course, merely a petty gambler and swindler, and mainly said so to impress the girls. Unfortunately for him, the establishment’s girls were off work because of the weather, but he still stayed for the beer.

You could see a couple other faces, of course, but they weren’t the inn’s regular fare. Well, that’s not exactly true. You had a few commoners, come to escape the cold and get a drink, but then you had some, unique individuals. Some frequented the establishment, while others had come in for special reasons, but they weren’t regular by any description.

Perhaps they ought to describe themselves…

Tavern Layout (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPgsurSJhz1dFR2U2wzeVRrd3BoenhHSmEwZ0duT kE#gid=3)

(OOC: I still need to flesh out the map a bit, but for now, place yourselves somewhere in the common room. You can delete barstools, if you wish to have your character sit there.)

2013-01-04, 09:30 PM
Hugh was sitting at the bar, immaculately dressed in his blue overcoat, tweed jacket, waistcoat and orange shirt, regaling one of the patrons with an exciting story from his last expedition.

"There I was old chap, the rest of the party was down and it was just me and the humongous troll. So I did the only thing I could do and handed over a piece of gold as a peace offering. Little did the troll know, this was no ordinary piece of gold. This piece of gold had an explosive rune on it. Then, all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion and the troll fell over dead. I've always thought it was rather amusing because before that day I could have sworn that trolls didn't know how to read!"

Hugh then let out a chuckle, lit up his pipe and began to smoke from it while signalling to the bartender that he wanted a beer.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-04, 10:05 PM
Lady Blackheart

Lady Blackheart strode into the tavern wearing a mischievous smile on her face and a red and black gown on the rest. Well.. most of the rest. Spotting Ricard and the Reverend, the Madam and Owner of the establishment making her way over, ruffling the young boy's hair playfully as she directed her attention to Soreau, "Enjoying your drink, Father? I would have thought you to be in church, but it seems the cold keeps folk from even your sermons."

She caught the remark from Angear, familiar with his tendency to complain. Yes, the door needed to be fixed, though Emilia wondered if it ever would be given how slow business was. Of course, she always worried about business. So many things to be concerned about, so much coin that needed to be invested into this place, her home. So far, the Bawdy Nymph managed to barely pay for itself every time payments were due.

It couldn't stay that way forever, though. She had been dealt a bad hand in the beginning, but she had played her cards right, and risked it all on this place. Now it was all a matter of waiting to see if Fate would fold or call her bluff.

2013-01-05, 08:24 AM
The quiet evening was certainly getting to one of the tavern employees, as he made painfully clear by yawning and stretching. No girls, no crowds to perform for, not even a mark to fleece with a game of cards or a round of Wyvern's Race. Jack was certainly feeling the boredom of the evening as he leaned against the wall, only a few feet behind Lady Blackheart. She had not yet released him from his bodyguard duties, so the young man kept tailing her as she made her rounds in the quiet establishment.

A certain lively spark did appear in Jack's eyes, however, when he noticed a familiar gnome in the bar, talking Angear's ear off. "Gods, that little bugger is still alive?" Jack chuckled to himself as his hands rested on his decorated belt, the old starknife against his hip the only visible weapon on him. Taking a look at Lady Blackheart, he waited for an opportune moment to ask to be relieved of his duties. If Professor Hugh was in town, the oddball gnome would certainly have a tale or two to tell - or another wild goose chase being planned.

2013-01-05, 02:42 PM
Manfred made his way in to the tavern, a little more chilled for having personally overseen the stabling of his mount. Riding through snow and sleet was nothing new to him, but he found it rather lacked the same sort of charm with dark buildings and gray skies in place of tall, snow covered pines, and sweeping mountain ranges. The availability of a warm tavern and a drink however, largely outstripped any loss in scenery here in Taldin compared to the Continent. His greatcoat whipped around him as he entered the Bawdy nymph, his scarf, goggles and plumed hat served to conceal his features for a moment even as they marked him as a cuirassier of the Continental Venture Company, but they were quickly shed as he took up a seat facing the door at his own table, laying his outer garments across the chair next to him.

He'd been in to the Bawdy Nymph once of twice before, able to get lost in the crowd and enjoy some company and attract just the right kind of attention. This was however the quietest he'd ever seen the tavern, and while he was a bit disappointed, he smiled all the more cheerily as he tried to catch the eye of anyone who looked to be serving the drinks.

2013-01-06, 03:11 PM
The bar patron, a middle-aged man wearing somewhat ragged clothing, chuckled at Hugh’s anecdote. He had entered the bar with a dour face, but was now smiling. “What it would be to be young again,” the man sighed, signaling Angear for another round, “to get to do it all over again. To travel the world, now that would be grand. Grand indeed.” He turned on his stool towards the professor, “I really wish I could give you one in reply, but I got nothing. Not the most exciting life. I guess that I just grew up, fell in love, and now I’m raising a family.” He sniffled a bit, “Right now, I’m working overtime at the factory most nights, trying to save up to send my eldest to the university. He wants to be an engineer.”

Jonathon Soreau averted his gaze from the Lady’s more, intimate features, doing his best to focus on her face. “The drink’s fine and conversation with the lad is always charming. The parish is closed at the moment; the walls are thin and the sanctuary is freezing.” The Reverend took another couple of sips. “I assume that you’ll join us for the Festival service?”

Angear filled a couple of mugs, passing them to Hugh and the other patron, and then went back to washing.

The door creaked loudly, almost thunderously, as it flew open. Heads turned towards the entrance as a figure loped through the gateway. Not a human, but a monstrous figure, a more than a head taller than any of the patrons, with sickly yellow fur and a muscle bound hide. Its long, floppy pointed ears and large white eyes gave away its nature. A bugbear, a civilized one at that, wearing leather armor with a pistol at its hip. More figures scurried around and past the hulking bugbear, green skinned with oversized heads and wicked teeth, goblins. They carried a variety of weapons, and spread out, jeering at the tavern’s patrons. More goblinoids emerged from the blizzard winds. An obviously intoxicated goblin carrying around more than a dozen glass vials clanging around. A hobgoblin, armed with a sword and buckler, and who’s right eye was milky, looking like a ball of cotton. The third was another bugbear, this one armed with a massive axe.

Their leader, the first bugbear, strolled into the center of the common room.

“Lady Blackheart,” the Bugbear gave a mocking bow, and spoke with feigned courtesy, “how do you fare on this fine day. I hope that you’ve been feeling well.” The Bugbear paused for a moment, “I don’t really have anything against you, not much.” He paused again, “however, as you ought to know, this street is now Mobat territory!” his register changed instantly, going from sarcastic courtesy to an enraged rant, “and Brackan doesn’t appreciate some bitch posing Steamlord on his turf!”
The goblins, the members of the Mobats, began to laugh and howl.

“Get out of my territory, out of my city you whore!”

Brackan himself gave a hearty laugh. His register returned to a mocking politeness. “However, I am willing to buy you out. Sparky,” he gestured to the intoxicated goblin, “why don’t you write a check for the Lady.” Brackan began to pace. “How about, two coppers for the place?” The Mobats gave another laugh. “How about one copper? No!” Brackan flew back in a rage, pulling his pistol out of its holster and waving it around, “I’ll take this pig sty off your hands for free, and then do you a favor and burn it down!”

(OOC: Roll for intiative, if you roll higher than a 13, you may act immediately. If you haven't placed yourselves, you can still do so regularly.)

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPgsurSJhz1dFR2U2wzeVRrd3BoenhHSmEwZ0duT kE#gid=3)

2013-01-06, 05:47 PM
Hugh climbs up on top of his barstool, turns around to face the leader of the group, and (trying to make himself look as imposing as possible) loudly confronts the gang in Goblin.

"You Mobats are a bunch of cowardly numbskulls who couldn't win a fight if your enemy had both hands tied behind his back. Leave this tavern immediately or I will report back to my leader. His gang actually controls this territory unlike you snivelling worms, so either you leave immediately or our retribution will be swift and fierce."

Bluff Check [roll0], also Hugh is preparing an action to cast grease underneath the first gang member who moves in any direction except towards the door, or on the bugbear's gun if he reaches for it before a gang member moves.

2013-01-06, 06:39 PM
The arrival of the goblins and their bugbear bosses elicited a short sigh and a slight slumping of the shoulders from Manfred, though his smile didn't quite fade. He quickly tallied their numbers and the response in the various bar patrons and the odds certainly didn't look good. 'Such a pity, I suppose I could try another tavern before the night gets too much colder. I just hope the brutes don't demand to eat Harbinger in addition to . . . ' When suddenly the rather pompous Gnome at the bar was going on about some rival gang. His little gambit could easily get them all killed should the goblins decide to burn down the place with it's patrons and owner still inside. 'I'd give him more credit for such daring if he weren't also endangering my life. Guess there's no harm in doubling down on his bluff though.'

"You greenskinned louts are in for worse than rival gangs if you don't make yourselves scarce immediately." He said rising to his feet, glancing briefly at the gnome and winking before turning to face this so called Brackan. His hands rested on the hilt of his pistol and his saber, sweeping aside his long coat to reveal his gleaming cuirass and the epaulets of his station. "You see this uniform? You see this steel? You're looking at Captain of the Continental Venture Company, and I've dealt with worse than the likes of you single handed on my last three tours of duty." Slowly he reached towards his neck and drew a smallish signal whistle, letting it glisten in the light. "As it happens, the rest of my company is about this and a few other local establishments enjoying some leave. One blow from this whistle though and you'll be looking down the muzzles from several dozen grenadiers who've just had their leave interrupted. I suggest you exit peaceably and find somewhere else to cause trouble."

Readied action to flip the table for cover and blow my whistle if the goblins take any aggressive action. It in fact, only calls my horse.

2013-01-06, 07:37 PM
Click, click, click.

Another gnome, who had been thus far nursing a mug of ale, began to flick the switch of his lantern, which he kept on the table with him, burning bright. Taking one last swig of ale, he nodded to Hugh. Gwybodaeth rather liked this tavern. It had qualiy drink and the owner didn't care much if you were a Gnome, a Dwarf, a Human, or anything else, so long as you had coin. And if these Goblin types were trying to stir up trouble....

"Y'know, seems to me boss did say something about keeping trouble away from here, didn't he? Seems to me that these folks are mistaken. Seems to me they might be thinking of a different tavern they were looking to take care of. Seems to me they ought to go ask somebody for directions to where they really ought to be." Gwyb got up off his stool, and gave a nod to the Lady Blackheart. "No, this here definately isn't Lady Blackheart. You really think you're gonna get any Ladies around these parts? No, not the place for nobles round here. Why don't you folks head on out. Unless, of course, you're looking to start a gang war." Gywb clicked his tongue, and shook his head sadly. "Enough trouble in this city as it is."

Suppose I'll add my Bluff check to the mix.
Gwybodaeth is readying an action to hit the gobbos within reach with a Magnesium Flare, should combat break out. It's a 60-ft. cone, Fortitude Save DC 16 or be Blinded for a round.

2013-01-06, 10:52 PM

Creak. Tock. Creak. Tock. Creak. Tock.

Alexus followed every movement of the battered hinges by tapping a marble against the table, rhythmically. It was a good distraction from the difficult task at hand. Who would had thought that those tickets would be this well printed? Oh, the vagaries of fate, ink and the printing press. Copying the designs were taking too long. Luckily, Lady Blackheart's fine establishment offered a table while Mr. Wolton traded grumbling for a drink. He was eerily fit for the job. Not that that job was arduous on a night like this, so perhaps he only grumbled because he had to - irrespective of patron pressure.

Creack! Tock.
Tock. Tock. Tock.

Wait. Alexus shifted attention away from the befuddling array of intricate swirls and glanced at an inn much transformed. The Lady was in, as was her bodyguard (Nash? Jack.), and even an prim looking man-at-arms. Also a towering, pacing bugbear, musclebound and with coarse, yellow fur. He spoke in a deep key, surprisingly courteous, clearly a gang leader. Alexus hadn't kept abreast of local gang politics for a while. No idea who these guys were but... the goblin at the end of the table was jeering widely. Fascinating row of teeth. Deep eyes and clutching a weapon that looked right at home in some thespian re-imagination of a back alley brawl, just the right combination of dilapidated and deadly.

And then, in short order by bold voices, information was delivered. The gnome at the far table said something and Alexus strained to hear. Angry Mobats. Then the man-at-arms joined in - an officer on leave. Deft gnomes. The Mobats were blocking the door and the Lady had been both beautiful and kind in equal measures, so slinking away into the night was not an appealing option.

Ah, the vagaries of ink, fate and the printing press. Alexus tapped her marble against the table one last time and then spoke up with the other voices.
"... They are right, you know."
"Those lads from the Company Squad are right nasty. And that gnome and his are worse. Swear to the Shiners."
"Doubt the Lady is even in this inn. Especially not that Lady, because that Lady is under the protection of the greatest sharpshooter in Archipelago and Continent both. Fast Jack ring a bell?"


Bluff: [roll0]
This is either to add to her bluff, or an Assist Another check.

Have no action readied, because initiative is 10 and any combat will catch Alexus offguard

2013-01-07, 02:36 PM
"Doubt the Lady is even in this inn. Especially not that Lady, because that Lady is under the protection of the greatest sharpshooter in Archipelago and Continent both. Fast Jack ring a bell?"

"It better do", Jack spoke up from his vantage point at the back of the tavern. "I hear he doesn't take kindly to people not knowing his name. Makes him mighty irritable, you could say."

Nodding politely to Lady Blackheart, the young redhead of a man walked calmly closer to the gang, his eyes measuring the distances to the gangsters and the talkative bugbear. "That's a nice piece you got there. Quality work, I reckon. You best take it and leave. Jack's known to shoot a man if he sees something he wants. A wench. A purse. A gun...", he allowed his words to trail off. "You wouldn't want me calling for him, now would you?"

Aid another to the pile of Bluff checks, and a readied action.


The first goblin or bugbear to move against him, Lady Blackheart or another patron gets a face full of shot... Up Close and Deadly if it's Brackan.

2013-01-07, 04:13 PM
The bar’s patron’s tensed up, staring at the intruders. You could see Caine’s eyes darting, looking for a way out, and Father Soreau getting ready to flip the table. The patron by Hugh began to tremble, his hands shaking and his mug spilling over, drenching his lap and the counter. Angear gave the gangsters only a second glance before he went back to grumbling and washing dishes.

Brackan laughed. “I think I know who I’m talking to, and a Gnome gang? Give me a break, that’s the biggest piece of bull**** I’ve ever heard! And a company of soldiers, heh,” Brackan’s laughing stopped, and he began to take steps back, pushing aside chairs. His eyes fell on Manfred’s hat and other gear, then towards Jack, “heh, heh.”

The goblins looked around, a few trembling, having fallen for the lies. The other bugbear walked up to Brackan, doing his best to not draw attention. “An easy job, you said,” he spoke softly.

“Shut up,” Brackan hissed in reply.

The other bugbear continued, “the ol’ in-and-out, you said.”

“Shut up, little brother.”

“You said-“

“Shut up!” Brackan shouted. He turned back towards his peons.

“What are you waiting for? Take them down!” Swinging his arm up, he fired into the air, aiming at no one in particular, and the bullet ripped into the ceiling.

All hell broke loose.

Manfred threw his table to the ground, blowing his whistle as hard as he could. The intoxicated goblin howled in laughter, then drew back, and snorting something that causing it to twitch and cackle violently. Cotton-Eye dashed forward leaping onto the table, beginning to sing in a crazed voice, and the other goblins followed his lead, charging into battle. The Reverend flipped his table, grabbing Ricard and pulling him into cover. Other patrons dropped to the floor, and Caine screamed and ran towards the backdoor.

What, makes, the grass grow green?
The trees grow high and gives your blade that sheen?

The first goblin, brandishing a large club, ran at Jack, giving a blood-curldling scream. Jack Nash calmly pointed his gun at the goblin, firing into its chest, but the goblin hurled itself at the gungslinger, swinging its club violently, hitting Jack in the chest.

Readied Attack: Attack- [roll0]/Damage-[roll1]
Goblin's Attack: Attack- [roll2]/Damage-[roll3]

Oh, it ain’t the rain, and it ain’t the snow,
even the deep down old gods know that-

The second goblin, wielding a type of glaive, quaking in its worn-out boots, ran up past Manfred’s flipped table and began wildly stabbing at the captain. The first goblin may have been out of range, but this one was close enough for Hugh to fling the jinx he was quietly preparing, and burst of oily liquid came out of the ground beneath the goblin’s feet. The goblin stayed standing, but his blows only glanced off Manfred's armor

Save Against Grease: [roll4]
Goblin's Attack: Attack- [roll5]/Damage-[roll6]

Blood makes the world go ‘round
And round and round it goes ‘cause
Blood makes the world go ‘round.

The next goblin drew its crossbow, loaded a bolt, and fired at the best target, Hugh, but the bolt soared over his head.

Goblin's Attack: Attack- [roll7]/Damage-[roll8]

Blood makes the world go ‘round
Blood makes the world go ‘round.

The final goblin, also armed with the glaive, at first shaky but quickly joined Cotton-Eye in the song and then charged at Lady Blackheart. Lady Blackheart, however, was able to deftly dodge the thrust.

Goblin's Attack: Attack- [roll9]/Damage-[roll10]

And all awhile this was happening, Brackan and his brother slipped out the door...

(OOC: Gwybodeath, I wasn’t sure where you wanted to aim your flare, as everyone is so spread out, but you can still use it before you next action.)

2013-01-07, 05:29 PM
Cpt. Manfred von Holstein

Ignoring the clumsy blows of the now grease stricken goblin for a moment (and making a mental note to thank the gnome after all this was sorted out) Manfred sidestepped the table he had flipped up putting it between him and the polearmed goblin and directly facing the goblin currently reloading his crossbow. He did his best to keep his eyes on the bugbear brothers now skulking their way out the back, but 'cotton-eye' and 'sparky' were presented the most immediate threat and without Harbinger close at hand he would be hard pressed to run down both Bugbears at once. 'Better to dispatch these lowlifes then make good on those promises of retribution that Gnome was so keen to make.' He thought to himself.

In one smooth motion the drawing of his blade became a swift and elegant slice towards the Goblin's midsection, even as he settled his opposite hand on the butt of his pistol looking for an opening to use it against the more formidable fare amongst these thugs.


Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-07, 06:38 PM
Lady Blackheart

Emilia didn't have time to react, the situation going out of control far too quickly for her to be able to talk her way around any unnecessary violence. That wasn't to say she was inexperienced when it came to combat. Far from it, in fact. Still, the Lady offered a small sigh as it became clear that the situation was beyond salvaging without spilling blood. After all, blood was so damn hard to clean up.

She watched idly as the goblin rushed at her, swinging with his glaive violently. Stepping backwards, she dodged the blade and drew her deck of playing cards. An unusual weapon to go for, to say the least. Why not a gun or a knife? Well, to those within the bar who did not know the answer, she would reveal her reasons there and then.

With another step back to get out of the range of that large blade, she swung an arm out, throwing two of her playing cards towards the foul little ganger. The cards spun through the air, bursting into flames as they flew through the air.

Move: 5-foot Step to F10, drawing deck of cards.
Full Action: Rapid Shot on Goblin Gangster at F13
Attack 1:
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll]1d2+1d6+2
Damage 2: 1d2+1d6+2

2013-01-08, 12:27 AM
Alexus Mert

The bugbear fired off a single shot and pandemonium ensued. Bullets and bolts tore through the air, with tables getting flipped all over the inn. The acrid sting of smoke and gunpowder mixed well with previous scent of stale beer. Up ahead, the two sides clashed together under the guidance of a crazed chanting goblin. He was screaming out a song of sorts, goading the goblins on to some frenzied level determination.

Blood makes the world go ‘round

There'd probably be a lot of it here tonight, yet, Alexus found herself surprised as closest goblin charged not at her but headed straight for the Lady without so much as a jeering look on the way. She was left alone in her part of the tavern as the combatants took to fighting everyone who looked armed or dangerous. In the bedlam, her scruffy state and unarmed demeanor had saved her a scuffle, even saved her work and paper. She could sit all this out. Just had to stay calm, take deep breaths. Not do anything weird.

Still, the goblins were rallying with surprising speed from their initial shock. That one with the cloudy eye was still chanting, and he'd spin the goblins into a fury but trying to shank him with a broken bottle would leave in the middle of a sea of angry gangsters. Alexus made a choice just Lady Blackheart stepped back and caused sudden roar of flaming something to slam into her attacker. Charging ahead, Alexus ducked left around the table and taking a breath, threw herself arms first at the goblin from behind. He was off balance from the Lady's attack - not to mention to mention smaller than her - and even frenzied and squirming though he was, she grabbed him and held on tight.

Ah, Shiners above and Sleepers below. She was wrestling a goblin in the middle of a sometimes brothel during a snowstorm.
Just had to keep focus and avoid doing anything strange.

Move action: Alexus moves to G 14, going through E 17
Standard action: Alexus grapples the Goblin in F 13:
DC, 15 : [roll0]
Edit: Success! Alexus and Goblin are both grappled. Adjusting AC on map per grapple condition.

2013-01-08, 03:12 AM
Seeing that his own plan was not working (he hadn't figured that many goblins would buy the idea of a gnomish gang) Hugh decided to switch his tactics slightly. After all, how much harm could another bluff do?

He got down off the stool and used ghost sound to make it sound like 20 guards were coming to investigate the noises coming from the bar. He then yelled to the goblins, "If you don't want to spend some time behind bars I suggest that you leave immediately."

New Bluff Check: [roll0]

2013-01-11, 04:24 AM
Jack coughs and curses when the goblin's cudgel smashes him into the chest. Keep it calm, keep it calm, the man whispers inside his own mind. Ignore the pain. There is nothing broken yet, and you can spin that bruise into a good tale or two. Spitting out a laugh, he elbows the club aside and sticks the barrel of in the goblin's face.

"Double-barreled, you little s*it", he spits out and fires.

[roll0] (+1 from Point-Blank Shot)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-01-11, 04:33 AM
I'm posting this under an assumption that a 31 against a goblin's touch AC is enough :smallbiggrin:

Turning his face away from the expected splatter of brains and blood, Jack reminds himself to whisper the command word for his father's bandolier. On command, the pistol that just fired glows in electric blue. The twin hammers popped back, signaling that the gun was reloaded.

That, however, was not the thing that caught Jack's eye - or rather, his ear. It was the goblin singing. Gods, it was bad enough that these runts had a taste for violence and pyromania, but that they had also been blessed with the delusion they were all bards? If ever Jack needed further proof that there was a Hell and the Devils within it, he need not look further than a singing goblin.

"Milady", the gunslinger calls over to his employee as he shakes the dead goblin loose. "It seems the crowd is none too pleased with tonight's bard. Shall I dismiss him?"

2013-01-11, 11:59 PM
Gwybodeath's flare was now of little. Any direction he aimed it would result in possibly blinding an ally. Rather than loosing it, he paused for a second, waiting for the exact moment to strike.

The goblins were caught off guard by the sudden counterattack. Already one of their number was dead, and others were under attack. The threat of policemen was unlikely, they heard the noise, but no one patroling Covent Ward would ever bother to break up a fight. Still, it unnerved. Their attacks ineffective, it seemed like they may have dropped their weapons and retreated.

But only for a moment.

"Hah!" Cotton-Eye howled. With a laugh, he leaped off his table, swinging wildly at Alexus and began the next verse of his tune. The goblins gave off another howl, and joined him in the chanting.

Damage: [roll]1d8+2

What keeps the moon, high in the sky?
The bees buzzing low and the birds flying high?

The goblin in the back, sparky they called him, was cackling wildly, and working with some vial hooked to his vest. With a violent laugh, he rushed forward and threw something at Manfred. One could hear a small click, and then a burst of flame exploded out from the vial. The goblin in front of Manfred screamed as the flames burned at his arms and face.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

What, is, this nectar sweet?
The only food the gods will eat 'cause-

The goblin that had nearly been trappedin the grease charged forward, making quick turns around the table and heading for Manfred. He swung widly with his glaive, attempting to score a hit. His attempt was aiding by the goblin flanking Manfred, forcing the soldier to divide his attention.

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Blood makes the world go 'round.
And 'round and 'round it goes 'cause
blood make the world go 'round.

His face charred by Sparky's fireball, the goblin with the crossbow stepped back, fumbling with a bolt. He was able to load and pull it with his burnt hands, and loosed at shot straight in front of him, at Manfred.

Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Blood makes the world go 'round.
blood make the world go 'round.

The final goblin, locked down by Alexus's grapple, attempting to squirm out of her grip. It would be hard, but it was all he could do.

CMB Roll: [roll7]

By now, the bugbears were long gone, disappearing into the blizzard winds.

2013-01-12, 01:14 AM
Gwybodaeth swore under his breath as everything broke loose. There was no way he could get his flare off without potentially blinding somebody who wasn't a goblin. Instead, he headed for the bar, clambering over the counter and next to the bartender. As he did so, he clipped his lantern to his belt, and drew his revolver. Hunkered behind the counter, Gwybodaeth popped up quickly to fire a shot at the goblin with the crossbow. The crack of the pistol rang over the battle as the bullet spiraled towards the ganger.

For the turn I missed, Gwybodaeth moves behind the bar, at O10, as I think that requires a double move. While he does that, since he has Quick Draw, he'll hook the lantern to his belt and withdraw his revolver, preloaded of course.
Second turn, pops the crossbow goblin at Q13. Since I believe the target is within the first range increment, the attack resolves as a touch attack. Using Deadly Aim Feat, taking a -1 to hit to boost damage by 2.
To hit-[roll0]

2013-01-12, 06:10 AM
Sensing that the time for bluffing had past, Hugh eagerly joined the fray in what was shaping up to be an exciting brawl. He shouted, "Get behind the bar!" to the patron whom he had been regaling with his stories, quickly drew his crossbow and went to shoot the nastiest goblin he could find. After a very quick look around the room, Hugh decided to shoot the Glaive wielding goblin that was attacking the man who had claimed to be a captain in the CSV, in an attempt to distract the goblin from his current target. Hugh successfully hit the goblin and, even though he wasn't sure he had done very much damage, he decided to taunt the goblin with a joke that he was sure would enrage the goblin, even if Hugh personally found the joke to be rather crude.

(speaking in Goblin) "You're mother is so fat that it takes 30 goblins just to get her out of bed in the morning."

I rolled my stats here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14515671&postcount=98) so I could describe the damage myself. I will also change add the damage on the goblin I hit.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-12, 08:09 PM
Lady Blackheart

It seemed as though the military officer was finding himself in a spot of trouble, but Emilia still had one goblin trying to slice her apart with a glaive. She offered a wink to Alexus for helping her. Even though the little green monster had managed to wriggle out of her grip, it was all he had been able to do, giving her another chance to attack. Deck held in one hand, the other simply dealt the cards out, throwing more of them into the wild eyed cretin.

At the sound of her bodyguard, she spun around to Jack and then to the screeching goblin. In the intensity of the moment, she had almost forgotten about that wretched singing. With a wince, she quickly nodded, "Yes, please. See to it that he is.. properly compensated for the quality of his performance."

Rapid Shotting the goblin again.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2] + [roll3] + 2 = 6
Damage 2: [roll4] + [roll5] + 2 = 9

2013-01-13, 01:33 AM
Alexus Mert

A screaming, chanting hobgoblin landed next to her. Yelling out the next verse in his infernal screeching song. Alexus could feel a curious, disjointed sense of cold invade her body - the sword was fresh from the blizzard outside. It didn't hurt, because few things really did, but it was strange. Her shoulder joint was grinding against the blade. She was probably in shock. The goblin in her arms squirmed out with the attack, mangled arm doing little to restrain it, letting off a high pitched giggle. It was abruptly broken off as another flaming object slammed into the creature. The Lady winked at her, as if this was all just some sort of good-natured joke, deftly engaging with the goblins counter attack.
Alexus could feel the urge to lash out boiling beneath the surface. There were too many people, too many witnesses, and the Reverend was in tonight. He'd report to someone. Had to stay calm. The professionals would handle it, the Captain would take down all three of his attackers and everything would turn out just fine and she could get the cold piece of insignificant metal removed from her shoulder and...

.. blood make the world go 'round.

No. Shiners be damned, that was it. Everyone was going to die. Starting with the hobgoblin next to her and his jarring, jeering singing. She let go. And then her arms were claws and the sword was nothing more than a little stain at the edge of perception and his throat was going to get ripped wide open. Alexus shifted herself around to face Cotton-Eye, screaming a counter-song.

Alexus breaks her worldy guise. Character sheet amended.

Tuned to react to the screaming, her safeguard kicked in. As far as command words went it wasn't exactly subtle. The foresight had paid off before however, and it helped restrain her baser nature. It had a cost a lot, months and years of scavenging and care, but the peace of mind it had slowly help accrue made up for the cost and the favors. It kept her safe.
Alexus safeguard forces her to deal non lethal damage

Alexus threw herself at the goblins, teeth and claws and everything else.


Alexus shifts as a swift action.
Alexus activates her Amulet of Restrained Annihilation, free action. Non lethal damage.
Fibinachi overuses remaining quota for dramatic names this month

Goblins are affected by Manifest Form. Patrons are excluded as Alexus restrains the effect (barely). Shaken, 1 min, DC 16 Will save. Only applies if line of sight.
Goblin 3 (Crossbow) and Sparky are a little shocked.

Goblin Gangster 2, 3, 4:

Alexus full attacks with claws and tentacles.

Claws miss.
Claws, Sec:
[roll6] + [roll7]
[roll9] + [roll10]

Tentacles, Pri
[roll12] + [roll13] = Miss

[roll15] + [roll16] = 7 Dmg,

[roll18] + [roll19] = 5 + 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14519864&postcount=2)+ 3 = 14 dmg

[roll21] + [roll22] = 5 dmg. GG 4, F 13

Alexus screeches. Free action.

2013-01-15, 04:54 AM
"As my lady commOH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Jack began with all his usual cheerfulness, but his tone changed mid-sentence when Alexus, the tavern's go-to gal in matters of information, suddenly started rippling and spouting eyes and tentacles all over her form. To say that the sight was unsettling would have been an understatement, and Jack felt his lunch begin crawling up his throat.

Luckily, the goblins seemed even more frightened of this... thing, and Jack decided to take advantage of the situation. Taking a bead on Cotton-Eye, he fired.

Maintain position, and spend one grit point on Up-Close and Deadly.

Attack (against touch AC): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra damage (halved on a miss): [roll2]

2013-01-15, 01:38 PM
The sudden gout of flame that enveloped the Goblin he had just struck drew Manfred's stark attention towards the bandolier covered goblin cackling at the flames (Sparky). They'd have to finish this fight fast or else the firebug greenskin was liable to burn the place down around them, even in this weather. This thought distracted him from the glaive armed goblin who seized the opportunity to jab him harshly from behind, a blow that he was able to twist aside from at the last second, saving him a whole through his spine. Rounding on the goblin thug, he stepped in close past his guard and struck with his sword even as he tried to catch the eye of the gnome magician of sorts at the bar. "Stop the pyromaniac!" He said in his officer's voice, more than used to having his commands heard over the din of battle.

Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

In the mean time, there were just audibly some scrambling at the back door and the vague sound of whinnying where Harbinger was attempting to force his way into the building, answering the Cuirassier's call.

2013-01-17, 01:05 AM
(@Fibinachi: Assuming that your Full-Attack was aimed at Cotton-Eye.)

A terrible screech resounded throughout the tavern as the hobgoblin was finally silenced. A combination of flailing tentacles and gunshot brought him down to the ground. The would-be bard;s body twitched as he lay sprawled over the table. The Lady's cards had driven her assailant to its knees as well.

The remaining goblins just stared at the carnage, then to the monster that had just appeared. Gears began spinning in the gangsters minds, and with the numbers as they were right now, it'd be better off in the cold with Brackan than here in the tavern.

The remaining goblins threw down their weapons. No point in fighting now. Sparky gave a shrug, and threw one last explosive. It landed in the grease patch, creating a burst of flame that did nothing other than start a small fire on the adjacent table. With another cackle, the thug dashed out the door, leaving his compatriots to their fate. The crossbow wielding goblin dashed out after him, but the final goblin, cornered between Manfred, Jameson, and the Gnomes at the bar, was forced to back against the wall, cowering before the victors.

2013-01-17, 04:33 AM
Wary of the... thing Alexus had turned into, Jameson whispered the command word again, and the pistol was reloaded again. He then walked to the goblin, took a single look at the quivering little runt, and leveled his pistol at him.

"We should kill him. He's nothing but a low-level menial, ain't no way he knows anything worth hearing", the young gunfighter said coldly, his thumb cocking the hammers back with an audible click.

Let's see if the goblin will tell us anything interesting to save his life :smallbiggrin:

Perception check,

followed by Intimidate:

Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-17, 06:56 AM
Lady Blackheart

"Oh, Jack. That's no way to treat this.." There was a pause as she gathered up the necessary courage to disguise her disgust, "This.. handsome fellow?"

The Lady had long learned that these things required a certain amount of finesse. Sure, Goblins were cowardly creatures, but they were also incredibly stupid. A little ego stroking, and the filthy little cretin would be blabbing everything that he knew. With one of those slim hands, seeming entirely untouched by the harsh and heart pounding melee that had just taken place, she caressed the greenskin's cheek, "Your friends seem to have abandoned you, but the Lady is not without mercy. If you were to tell me who your erstwhile comrades were, and where they might be holed up, of course, I could be convinced to show you some small measure of.. 'kindness'."

She let the word hang in the air, heavy with the promise of more than simple friendship. Much more. Of course, she had absolutely no intention of ever fulfilling any such thing. At the most, she considered bandaging his wounds, if only to get her cards out of his filthy little body.

Okie doke. Casting 'Friendly Face' to get a bonus and then making two rolls. First roll is Bluff to conceal her abhorrence for flirting with a goblin. Second roll is Diplomacy to seduce him into giving up the information.

Bluff: [roll0] (21 if he's attracted to her)
Diplomacy: [roll1] (22 if he's attracted to her, 27 if Friendly Face works)

2013-01-17, 07:12 AM
Alexus Mert

With one last explosion, an imperious command and a slash of a sword, the carnage abated. The goblins fled while the gnomes near the bar looked up again and the gunman strode over to interrogate a shivering gangster and the patrons cowered while the Lady surveyed the battered establishment and the captain remained stalwart and the problem with multiple eyes were that they still shared the same guiding attention that became rather tenuously stretched. But the freedom, the power, the sensation of stretching out and not meeting a wall - satisfying. She could feel her mass twitch with possibility.
But that wouldn't do. That would lead to being backed into some corner, somewhere, with a group of harsh men searching. Muskets and pitchforks and obliteration at the end of an snow covered alley.

Ignoring the urge to gnaw on a goblin, Alexus pulled herself together again. It was always like putting on a thick coat, or a formal uniform with nary a crease. Some extra layer of restriction. There was a dull throb in her shoulder. Goblins splayed out at her feet. She felt dizzy. It had all lasted less than minute, and with the gunshots and explosions and smoke perhaps the patrons could be fooled into thinking their eyes had deceived them. Why, the Lady is a dastardly deadly player of cards and her man Jack is certainly a good shot. Takes out two goblins just like that. What? Monsters? How much have you been drinking?. Alexus took a few careful steps back to her table and belongings. Rooting through her casually strewn items, she found her voice again.

"Everyone safe? Got a rolls of gauze here, might save your insides."

Backpack well in hand, she slipped back to the unconscious pair of goblinoids. Neither looked like they were just about to join the Shiners. Then again, she had never been an anatomical scholar. Perhaps being shot was lethal to goblinoids.

Ah, Taldin City. Never a quiet night.

"Doubt these two will die on us. How does the hospitality of the house extend, Lady Blackheart?"

There wasn't an immediate reply, and looking around revealed that the Lady had moved to join Jack. Hadn't she been standing right next to Alexus a second ago? How did she do it? Unnerving, that's what the facade of mystery was. Albeit apparently useful too, in the ages old application of persuasion.
She slinked over to join the other patrons near the bar, enjoying the spectacle.

Disguise check: [roll0]
Perceptive people can beat the above to spot lingering traces of nonhumanity.

First aid check: If identification of unconscious / nondead status is required with a check.
(Alexus is not a medical professional. Consult an actual physician or anatomist or resurrectionist before letting her root through your insides.)

Perception check: If identification of unconscious, non-dead satus is required with a check.

Edit: 6 minutes too late. Damn you, Dancing_Owlbear! Damn you and your lighting fingers.

2013-01-17, 07:41 AM
While Hugh had been caught off guard by Alexus' sudden transformation, he wasn't that shocked by it as he had seen far weirder things on some of his expeditions. Hugh watched as the goblins began to run away and, once they left, he puffed tobacco from his pipe and exclaimed, "Wow, it's been a while since I got involved in a good old-fashioned barfight. Personally, I found the experience rather exciting. Also, if none of you are too busy, could everyone please wait around for a few hours so I can right down your perspective on the fight in my journal? If you stay I promise to buy you all a round of drinks and use some of my magic to heal you."

Hugh then pulled out his journal and surveyed the scene. Upon seeing Fast Jack begin threatening the goblin, he walked over and began to take notes in his journal.

2013-01-17, 01:12 PM
Seeing that everything was well in hand, Manfred sheathed his sword and pulled his whistle out once more, giving it two or three sharp shrills just above the hearing of any of the humans in the tavern, the signal calming down Harbinger immediately, who made his way back to the stalls without a fuss. The proprietor and her gunman were busying themselves interrogating the sole Goblin to remain standing, so he decided to take Hugh up on his offer, going to the bar and retrieving two mugs of ale, one of which he handed to the professor as he too spectated on the Lady Black Heart and Jameson's performance, pulling up a stool for himself.

"For a scholar, you were pretty handy in that fight little scrap, I'd suppose at least half those tales you were spinning at the bar are true then?" He inquired in a cool, collected manner of the Gnome, "I don't suppose you do your work for the Archivist's guild?"

2013-01-18, 12:07 AM
One by one, the bar's patrons got up of the floor. Caine, who had been, "lurking", in the corner went back to his seat with a feigned nonchalantness. Other patrons, after surveying the carnage and dusting off their coats, quickly left the tavern, prefering to risk the cold. Father Soreau, after double checking to ensure the coast was clear, got up and set the table back in place.

"Is anyone in need of healing?" asked the priest as turned around to face the others.

Ricard also crawled out, amazed by the scene of destruction. His eyes fell on the goblin's crossbow on the other side of the common room. It was still in good condition, and he ran over to it, grabbing it and clutching it close.

"Can I keep it, ma'am?" he asked the Lady pleadingly.

The goblin's eyes darted from the Lady and Jameson. Struck by a mixed sensation of lust and dread, he began to babble uncontrollably.

"Well, I, I, we, I didn't wanna! It was big ol' Brackan! Him and his guys. Most the time everyone gets to pick what we're doing, but this time, Brackan just said we were coming here, and no asking questions. Said we were going to rough the place up. I didn't wanna, you know. They made me do it. I'm a good guy, yeah, I'm a good guy like you."

2013-01-18, 05:36 AM
"I could use a touch, Reverend... but I think the officer over there comes first", Jack called out to Father Soreau as the Lady was questioning their captive. He hoped that she was just pretending, though. But even if she wasn't, that was none of his bees-wax. If Jack had learned anything working in the Bawdy Nymph, it was that Lady Blackheart never failed to surprise.

"See, milady?" he then said, turning to his employer. "Nothing useful. I bet he can't even tell where Brackan and the rest of his goons are hiding. Hell, I'm surprised if he even knows how to count them. Lemme take him out the back and finish him off."

Continuing the Good Paladin, Bad Paladin routine :smallwink: Intimidate [roll0]

2013-01-18, 07:28 AM
As soon as the captain finished his question, Hugh immediately started to heal him. He then continued taking notes on Fast Jack's interrogation as he replied to the captain, "Old chap, every single story I told at the bar is true. Maybe there was the occasional piece of dramatic flair added in there, but the basic stories are all true. Sure, a lot of you may think of archaeologist's as mere scholars who dust ancient ruins, but in actuality it is an adventurous life style that is filled with treasure and fraught with peril. As for the Archivist's Guild, it would be very hard for me to function without access to their library. Why do you ask?"

Hopefully this should get you some health back. Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2013-01-18, 02:26 PM
Alexus Mert

Alexus rolled her marble between her fingers. Spotting a pause in the conversation, she spoke up with a toss of her head.

"Reverend, believe the goblin over there our man Jack shot through the forehead might expire without a touch of aid. The other two are... pacified. Won't be no trouble till they wake with broken bones n' bullet holes. Shiners bless. Goblins are so fragile."

A raised voice and a smile thrown towards the last remaining goblin marked the end of the sentence. Not that the poor sod was going to notice that over his own shaking constitution and stammered excuses.

"One of them nicked me, but it's no bother... Lucky me. That was some good shooting, gentlemen. Thank you. Seems I owe you a favor or two, although I can't offer much in the way of exciting perspective. Jack and the Lady did the work."

2013-01-18, 05:36 PM
Gwybodaeth poked his head up above the bar, and laughed. "Well. That was a bit more excitement than I had thought to have tonight." Tumbling over the bar onto a stool, Gwy reholstered his revolver. "Though I gotta say, I'd become accustomed to this bar being a quieter place. I think I'd like it to stay that way."

2013-01-18, 08:17 PM
Manfred closed his eyes briefly as the spell mended the shallow gash in his side and repaired his bruised ribs from where the glaive armed goblin had stabbed him in the back, resuming the conversation just as quickly. "My sister studies with the archivists as an apprentice, a young girl by the name of Valeska von Holstein, very bright for her age. Do you know her?" He took a pull at his ale, for all the world perfectly at ease with the rather grim intimidation playing out before his and Professor Hugh's eyes.

He'd conducted one or two interrogations in his time back on the continent, nothing quite so direct, and he had to admire this Jack fellow for truly staying in character (He found it hard to believe anyone could so neatly fit model of a grizzled gunslinger.) The Lady's presence was a factor he'd never had the opportunity to observe, and he had to admit it did seem to be smoothing the process. 'Much easier to flip a potential asset to your side when a fine woman enters the equation.' He mused to himself, taking another pull at his ale.

"No need father, this good gentleman has already seen to my injuries. Besides, probably best to you look to your young ward fondling the crossbow there. Care it doesn't go off in his hands." He waved across the room before turning back to Jack, Hugh, and the Lady.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-21, 03:33 AM
Lady Blackheart

Emilia looked to Ricard with the crossbow, a single eyebrow raised as she spoke, "You know full well that you are not yet old enough to safely wield a weapon, boy. Put that down before you get yourself hurt. Please."

The Lady was rarely one to ask so politely, but she had no desire to see him get injured due to carelessness on her part. Still, she knew full well that denying him this would no doubt hurt his feelings, and so she quickly offered, "But.. when you are a bit older, perhaps Jack will be willing to teach you how to handle a weapon?"

For a moment, Lady Blackheart lost track of what she had originally been doing, but the stench of the injured goblin swiftly reminded her. Turning her attention back to him now, she smiled, caressed his greasy green cheek, "I have no intention of letting the scary man hurt you. If you could simply tell me where you and your friends make your home, my friends could see to your wounds and then, well.. I could see to you."

Diplomacy [roll0] (36 if the goblin finds her attractive)

2013-01-21, 10:45 AM
Alexus Mert

A gnome stuck his head over the bar and proceeded to laugh, joyously, as he tumbled into a chair. The tinker never changed. She greeting him with a small nod of the head and a fond smile.

"You prefer the tavern when it's quiet? The last time I heard two patrons jesting about a gnome with a cart travelling the ward the punchline was a stray spark and an explosion. Could'ave been anyone, I guess..."

Off to the side, Ricard got his mitts on a crossbow. Holding on to it like some prized Temple artifact, his pleading eyes were met with a single raised eyebrow from the Lady. She was probably used to wresting various less savory tools from his hands, the tavern being what it was. Boy was certainly growing up in an atypical environment. Should buy the lad a replica Company sword one of these days, as thanks for running for posters and pamphlets. He might even get to keep it if it was only wooden. Comforting thoughts.

"Say, I have been meaning to ask you something - if I got a sample font from a typesetter used to mass produce pamphlets, could you have a look-see at it for me? I'm having some trouble copying designs and some mechanical aid seems up your well walked alley."

Well walked alleys. Wait. Alexus blinked, then turned away from the tinker with a short nod, facing the officer. She curbed the urge to slink away, forcing herself to meet his eyes and smile politely.

"Captain, Sir? Idle thought - Sir seem an experienced sort, fresh from some venture - how often does an occupying force engage in arson on their own turf?"

2013-01-21, 11:45 PM
Manfred rounded to put eyes upon the young lady, the one who'd gone in against one of the ruffian goblins barefisted no less, and arched an eyebrow. "You'd be surprised what even defending armies are willing to put to the torch when on their heels, and that Sparky, chap with his hurling about of incendiaries hardly seemed to care. . . " He rubbed his chin thoughtfully though, as he pulled at his ale. "But you make a good point. It was there leader who was particularly interested with the wholesale destruction of this establishment. He made quite a point of it in fact. Best to raise that concern with the Lady once the negotiation is complete I warrant. A route such as this may not be sufficient to send them pack as one might imagine otherwise."

2013-01-24, 07:43 AM
Hearing Alexus' comment spurred Hugh's mind into gear. His knowledge of gang territories, the kind of knowledge that any self-respecting professor who doesn't like getting mugged would have, had led him to conclude that the gang was definitely not from this area of Taldin. Hugh spoke up on the matter.

"She's right, the Mobats aren't based in this area and Brackan, their leader, did seem very vocal in his leading of the attack. That being said, he has developed a bit of a reputation for being boisterous and loud when he leads the gang, so he may well be like that all the time. As for their quick retreat, History has shown that this gang's bark is much fiercer than it's bite, so it would make sense for them to make a cowardly retreat once it seemed like defeat was imminent."

Hugh then turned his attention back to Lady Blackheart's flirtation with the wounded gang member. As Hugh knew where their hideout was rumoured to be, he was very interested to see if his rumours were in line with the goblin's reply.

2013-01-24, 06:05 PM
Again, the goblin's eyes darted around the room, from person to person. "Well..."


"Okay. We hang out at the old wharehouse on Penker and Wide, you know the one? The one that's all boarded up and a fire nearly burned down a year or two back. That was us actually, we were smoking out some-" the goblin bit his tounge, realizing he was about to say something damning.

The Reverned walked over to Jameson. Pressing his hands against the gunslinger's side, he spoke soft, lilting words. White light began to seep from his fingers, and Jameson could feel the pain being relieved and the wound sewing itself shut.


He walked over to the goblin, healing it as well.

"Does anyone else need aid?" The Half-Elf looked somehow more tired, one could see sweat bead on his forehead. "I'm not sure that I have much left in me."

Ricard looked downcast, but he dropped the weapon. "I guess I'll go check on the horses, make sure there all right."

2013-01-24, 07:19 PM
Gwybodaeth winked at the girl who called him out on his antics. Alexus always did have a clever quip ready for him. Though that transformation was something Gwy had not seen before. Perhaps he would ask her about it sometime. "Well, y'know how it is Alexus. I prefer to listen to my own noise. Explosions are much more amusing when they aren't intentional. And a typewriter? Well, I can't promise anything, but I'd be more than happy to take a look at it." Gwy listened as various bits and pieces of information regarding these Mobats came forward. Goblins. Right rogues, the lot of them. Not that Gwy normally minded rogues. He could be considered a rogue, after all. But Lady Blackheart had been good to him, and if she was threatened, then something would have to be done.

2013-01-26, 01:26 PM
Manfred turns and flips the somewhat disheartened lad a coin from his pocket. "Careful with my beast, Harbinger, boy. You'll know him when you see him."

Then, turning back to the Lady and the interrogated Goblin, "That's a good starting point. If I were Brackan, I'd likely have some sort of safehouse I'd return to first, but investigating their headquarters would be the first step towards finding that, and who knows, they may have thrown such precautions to the wind. Milady, I'd be happy to lead a foray against these gangs on your behalf." He says, sweeping off his helmet and bowing ever so slightly.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-01-28, 07:31 PM
Lady Blackheart

Emilia chuckled softly at Manfred's comment. From time to time, there were people who didn't realize that she was not actually a Lady, or held any official title. She had chosen the name simply because she preferred it to her own name, and there was also the hope that the Madame of a brothel calling herself a Lady might rankle the nobility who looked down upon the district.

She reached over to ruffle Ricard's hair before he left before turning her attention back to the goblin, "Thank you. You've been very helpful to me, and I certainly appreciate it."

With that, the Lady simply stood and turned her attention to the others, "There's no need to start a war, Manfred. We will see to Brackan and the rest of his men. I'm not going to allow myself or my patrons be intimidated by a common thug."

Retrieving the rest of her cards and cleaning the blood from them, she put her deck away, grabbed a heavy coat and headed for the door, "Seems we will be closing early today for renovations. Angear, hold down the fort while we pay Brackan a visit, would you?"

2013-01-29, 12:30 AM
Alexus Mert

"Thank you, gents - quick lot you gentlemen are".

She rolled her shoulders while treating the gnome, the officer and the professor to a smile, finishing with a small nod at each of them. Then she winked at Gwobodaeth.

An Officer, A Tinker and a Professor walk into a brothel. One wants a beer, one wants a bomb and one wants a bibliography. The Madame despairs, all she offers is a brawl with Brackan. Heh.

Shaking her head back into focus, she took a few steps away from the reverend. He was sweating, and occupied with administering aid, but people of faith were not fungible. Their reactions perplexing. The good Reverend might declare anathema at any moment and so she would have to bolt. Besides, her shoulder was fine - the icy cold had abated and the sting merely a pleasant reminder of mortality. And now, clearly, she was going to roll her marble between her finger again while returning to her items, finishing up the last bit of coloration and then perform a few extra tricks for that nicely crumpled, ostensibly chic detailed, faux-authentic look the Combe ward preferred these days. Winter Festival money well earned, delivery to be made at some address later, task well accomplished, hurrah, time then hole up somewhere with a warm broth, gloves and a book. Besides, if she left early tonight maybe she could even manage to claim one of the better squats. A roof would be fantastic in this weather. Walls would be a joy. Somewhere down near the Whites, far away from old warehouses and entirely dislocated from Wide street and certainly far-gone from even a whiff of incendiaries and hobgoblin singing. Yes, somewhere with a roof, instead of that windswept thing she'd been sleeping in lately, the snow'd be piled up all over that abandoned thing.

But. The hastily advancing form of Lady Blackheart boded ill. Alexus liked the Nymph. She liked the peopled she met here. Oh well, they'd sort it out like the tough, striking figures they were.

"Madame Blackheart? Captain? You hardly need more fighters for a foray. I'll just..."

Alexus muttered an epitaph, then straightened her back. Sleepers Below, she could always think up another face and fix some paperwork. And frankly, the goblins had been right impolite. And they were holed up in an old warehouse. They tended towards having roofs, walls and even sometimes an office with a fireplace.

"... Suggest I and the Tinker and Thinker tag along?

And let's grab the Minstrel over there! You show up with him, the Captain in his fine gear cloth in fear, flanked by Fast Jack - guns a-swinging - and with witnesses like a Girlie, a Thinker and a Tinker, in tow then tell the Boss you want to parlay. That zero coppers for your inn is a good price, please don't hurt me no more big, strong, Sir, then when he sticks his head out Fast Jack shoots the new target and all is resolved? Knock the Singer over the head, they can't tell in this storm and the runners'll have gone straight there to tell the Boss you had aid here? I can play a mean legislator and our good Professor there talks a mighty fine speech. Boss won't have a clue, he likes to bragger and swagger, so he'll come straight to the poor vulnerable Lady 'bout to lose her livelihood to gloat and then bang! Blood in the streets. Theirs, mind."

Alexus blinked.

"... Shiners bless us against violence on our common humanoids, 'course, Reverend, at this fine moment leading up to the joys of the Winter Festival."

2013-01-29, 05:30 AM
Jack holstered his guns once the lady was finished, and gave the goblin one last look. "You. Do as Angear tells you, or the Lady's favor or not, he'll run you through with a skewer, nethers first, and serve you up as the Two-Copper Special", he growled to the runt. He had hoped that the Lady would have allowed him to dispatch the creature; if released, he would surely run right back to Brackan and spill his guts in the hopes of not spilling his guts. "Angear, you got this under control?" he called out to their surly barkeep as he picked up his heavy winter jacket and coat, his worn tricorne finding its way back on top of his head.

As he listened to Alexus's suggestion of a plan, he started thinking of a good place for such an ambush. If he knew anything about gangs, Brackan had probably come here with low-ranking goons, believing he could easily shake down the lady. There were certainly more powerful servitors awaiting for them...

Knowledge (Local) check: [roll0]

2013-01-29, 06:20 AM
Hugh turned to the fast amassing group of adventurers and said, "I think this attack is a capital idea. The Mobats used to operate in Orange Ward until they were kicked out by a group of vigilantes, so we have history on our side, and there is no reason to think that we could not achieve the same effect here." Hugh then looked around and, upon turning his gaze onto the goblin flunkie, a plan started to form in his mind. He immediately tore up a bar towel and stuffed the pieces in the flunkie's ears. With this done, Hugh went about explaining his plan to the group with a sense of excitement in his voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, while I believe Alexus' plan has merit, I propose an alternate solution. Instead of approaching the front ourselves and possibly risking death, I suggest that we use our goblin friend here instead. Either the Lady shall convince him to walk into his hideout, or I shall cast a spell to convince him to do so. Once he agrees to this, we will get some of the explosives that The Tinkerer is so fond of using, and strap them to his coat."

Remembering how excited Gwybodaeth can get around explosives, he turned to him and added. "While these explosives should be powerful, I would prefer it if they weren't deadly. We want to leave everyone alive if we can."

Having put his mind at ease, Hugh returned to the explanation of his plan." When the flunkie walks inside he will throw the coat at Brackan, detonating the explosives while hopefully leaving Brackan alive enough for us to talk to him. This is where we come in. We heroically swoop down from all angles and flank the remaining goblins before issuing them an ultimatum that either they leave immediately and never return, or they die tonight. Hopefully this plan should leave us unharmed, not kill any goblins, and at the same time signal that we mean business."

Hugh finished his speech by giving a thumbs up to the rest of the group.

2013-01-29, 10:31 AM
"Foolhardy. Dangerous. Possibly explosive", Jack weighed in, a wolfish grin splitting the young man's face. "I like it. Most dramatic, Professor."

2013-01-29, 09:04 PM
Manfred listens to the two plans evaluating their respective merit. "I tend to agree with the idea of using this fellow as bait, if at all possible. If not, we can always fall back on the young . . . 'lady's' plan. For my own part I favor any tactics which will draw our quarry into the open where Harbinger and I can take full advantage of the situation, and offer our opponents as little cover as possible." He only dwells briefly on his reference to Alexus, having seen nothing concrete to suggest anything about her otherworldly nature, but just enough to leave him a tad skeptical.

2013-01-29, 11:12 PM
Alexus Mert

Alexus rolled the marble between her fingers. If she was going to fidget, she might as well attempt to make it seem purposeful. Looking askance at the tiny goblin with the stuffed ears, she cracked a quick grin. This was all going rather well. Why, the Captain was even being polite. What a proper gentleman.

"Professor, that is positively devious! Scandalous. I swear, I'm just as shocked as my complete lack of surprised indignation indicates. Good call."

Under different circumstances it probably would have been surprising, but, he was making this plan in an establishment managed by a lady styling herself Blackheart while being both charming and seemingly kind - if a little flummoxing - so perhaps it was all merely meant to be. Twist of fate, that sort of thing.

"I guess there is more to the Academical Arts than books. So, a bright flash and then an heroic charge through the sleet with your steed, Captain, - Harbringer? Omnious, theatrical. Good name - with us covering the angles. Fascinating. Yell at them to surrender, they do, home in time for tea. So now we simply need permission from the Lady and the Thinker, with some time to rig something up. I've got a bag of caltrops and some smoke pellets, if you'd need them, you tumbling rapscallion."

Dancing Owlbear
2013-02-03, 07:58 PM
Lady Blackheart

The Lady stopped in her tracks, listening to the others discussing their plan. Honestly, she hadn't planned any further beyond raiding their hideout and killing every last one of them for daring to assail her place of business. Still, it made sense to formulate some sort of strategy for dealing with Bracken and his men.

"Very well, Professor. The rest of you.. make any preparations that you need to. I will attempt to convince our 'friend' here to return to Bracken's base of operations."

Setting her coat aside, Emilia returned to the side of the goblin, helping him to his feet as she walked him up the stairs to one of the more private rooms so as to allow the others to better discuss their plans.

2013-02-03, 08:03 PM
Fast Jack

"Shall I escort you, milady?" Jack asked as he tightened his winter coat around his lean form. Whatever one wished to say about the young rake of a gunslinger, he certainly took his duties as a bodyguard seriously - at least as long as there were no other attractive women save for his employer around. And since there seemed to be a shortage of wenches to fawn over him at that particular moment...

Dancing Owlbear
2013-02-03, 08:21 PM
Lady Blackheart

The Lady let out a soft chuckle as she looked back at her bodyguard, "He's one little goblin. I hardly think I'm in any danger. Stay down here and make sure the others are safe. If I need you, I'll be sure to call for you."

2013-02-03, 08:25 PM
Fast Jack

"By your command, milady", Jack simply answered with a bow and a tip of his tricorne. He then tightened his gun belt and made sure his starknife was bound at his hip as well. The night's battles would hardly be over yet...

2013-02-04, 02:40 AM
Manfred took another pull at his ale before going out back to make sure his horse was well stabled and calm him down a bit after the excitement. "When the Lady is ready to depart, I'll need only a moment to shake the chill off before we leave."

2013-02-04, 03:26 AM
"Hmmm. It's been a little bit since I've cooked up any intentional explosions. I don't know if I have the supplies for a big one right now. But I'll give the wagon a check. Might be able to throw something together with a little time." Gwy headed out to the stables where his wagon was stored, mumbling quietly to himself. "Course, if I had some strong tubing, I could rig up a makeshift shotgun to fire those marbles I have...a marble cannon. I'll have to put that one in the concept book. Maybe I could do something with the oil. Flamable enough, though not very reliable..."

2013-02-04, 04:57 AM
Alexus Mert

The tall captain and the smaller gnome cut an interesting contrast as they went out back. Caine was probably still cowering out there, if he hadn't made headfirst for the cold outside. Then again, knowing him, getting stuck in between a firefight and the distinct chance of mild discomfort would be quite a dilemma.

"Well gents, that leaves us while they're out getting ready. Did he really mutter the phrases "marble" and "shotgun" in the same sentence?""

Glancing around the Bawdy Nymph was an oddly contrasting experience. In the far end her own table was still perfectly poised, while the rest of the place was a mess of overturned tables, scorch marks, ash, blood splatter, bullet holes and discarded weaponry. Good stage production, even if the elements outside was a less than perfect orchestra. Then again, billowing wind and sleet did make an excellent ominous tone.
Taking two long steps towards a hastily flipped table, lithe limbs straining, Alexus attempted to restore a modicum of order. The table itself wasn't too heavy and with gravity doing most of the deed, the action left her with enough breath to chuckle at the charred surface. And wince at the faint phantom pain in her shoulder. She slumped into a chair while massaging her temples with one hand and rooting through her backpack with the other.

"So gather around, if it pleases you. We're apparently playing the waiting game. Fast Jack, Sir, could you possibly get me a drink? The way I see it, while the Lady is upstairs taking care of business and the Captain and our impromptu explosives expert out back, we have time for a game of Continental."

Alexus carefully pocketed her marble, shook her head and began mixing cards.

"Unless you're both too hopped up on the after shock to keep a cool face. And I'd appreciate a chance for the Professor there to enlighten me with another wild, rambunctious tale of dungeons deep and mountains low. Like, say, oh, anything non-standard moving about in the depths or the latest dig site news. Distracts me from restraining myself from going through yonder goblins belongings."

She dealt two cards to either end of the table, near the few chairs still standing, then fished out a coin to flick towards the middle. Alexus then turned around, one eyebrow raised and a smile on her lips.

"Oh hey! Paydirt. I bet all of a single coin that neither of you can play a proper game of cards nor tell me any more about the Mobats and if you surprise me, I'll even add a ticket to some off-the-cuff re-enactment of Officers, Gentlemen and Goblins"

2013-02-04, 06:29 AM
"I think something suitable could be organized", Jack answered with a shrug to Alexus's call, picking up one of the readied tankards of mulled wine from behind the bar. Something hot and spicy to keep them alert, and not too strong to dull their wits. "This'll put some fire in your veins, I reckon", the young man said with a smile as he pulled up a chair and brought some pints to the table. "But let's make it a short game, I believe the Lady will wish us to move forward as soon as we are able."

Ever the wary soul, Jack kept eyeing the cards Alexus dealt to the table. He didn't mind if there was cheating in a card game; he just preferred to be the cheater, rather than the cheatee.

Perception check to see if the cards are marked: [roll0]

2013-02-04, 07:21 AM
Alexus Mert

"If your reputation is anything to go by, it will be a short game and you will fleece me. Thank you for the drink. Joining us, Professor?"
Alexus replied with a smile as she continue to shuffle the fairly frayed cards. The deck was clearly old, with its good share of ruffled corners and creases, although the haphazard ruffles were probably just marks of time rather than some intricate system useful for hustling the unwary. Yet one folded corner there, one crease running diagonally there, time puts down the markings just the same as a Continental card shark.

Fast Jack easily susses out a system of timeworn marks. Considerable advantage.

Interesting, lean figure that gunslinger. And he was most likely going to flip the cards here and win the game, but then, that was why you only ever bet a single gold coin on people with reputation.s
"Why do you guard the Lady? A man known and renowned for being a good shot should be out on some venture, scratch, adventure, so, uh, how come? If you'll tell.."

I'm going to assume Fast Jack wins the game or perhaps Hugh, if he joins, since Alexus isn't a card player and I flipped a coin for the marked cards. Card gaming cad! Would you prefer opposed checks, then:
Sleight of hand:

2013-02-04, 07:32 AM
Jack will likely prefer to keep his coin and not fleece Alexus at this point. He likes her, and he doesn't fleece people he likes :smallwink: So just assume there's a pretty even exchange of coins/tokens/beans back and forth across the table.

"Oh, I used to do that", Jack answered with a shrug as he played the game. He didn't feel the need for extra coin at this juncture, so he let the game go as it went - only steering it when he felt he was losing too much ground. "Thing is, not all people are too keen on having a handsome man who knows how to handle a gun near their daughters, if you catch my drift. The Lady was kind enough to give me this position so I can lay low for a while. Maybe one day I'll take up the road again."

"Besides, it's not like I've just been lurking in the back of the Nymph all the time. Ask the Professor; I've gone on a dig or two with him. Not much digging, though... mostly just making sure they weren't bothered while they were knee-deep in this ruin or that." The young man chuckled at the memory. There had been some manner of digging going on, mostly the kind that involved getting one of the Professor's fairer assistances out of her unwieldy leather breeches...

2013-02-04, 07:42 AM
Hugh continued to smoke from his pipe as he headed over to Alexus and Fast Jack's card game with the intention of playing, until Jack's comment about going on his expeditions reminded Hugh of the complaints which he had received about Jack's skill with cards. "I would play, but Jack's skill with cards became infamous on our last expedition. Not the only one of his skills which became infamous mind you, but the only one I care to mention in mixed company. So I would be careful if I were you Alexus, some of the other members of the expedition lost so much money that they even accused Jack of being a cheater." Hugh sat down, pulled out his journal and pen, and began to watch the game with great interest.

2013-02-04, 07:49 AM
"Why Professor, you wound me", Jack answered with all the dramatic flare of a life-long stage shooter. "That you could ever believe such malicious rumors? How am I to blame if the gods of chance choose to favor me with a decent hand? I thought so much better of you, not taking such talk at face value."

"Besides, I was very lenient in expecting payment... or substitutes thereof." And it was a good system, too... While camping, a good bottle of rum or a pair of warm boots were a much better deal than a few coin here or there. And Jack still had fond memories of the darkhaired half-elf with freckles all the way down to her bosom, who had certainly enjoyed paying off her debt. More than once even.