View Full Version : New to Pathfinder Society

2013-01-04, 10:17 PM
I saw another thread similar to this but I didn't want to jack the thread...

This is my first Barbarian and I have a few questions..

I used the Invulnerable and Urban archetypes and I'm not sure everything I used was completely legal, I've been checking out some paizo stuff (found via other thread) and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything.

This PC has been through 1 session so far and gained enough money to buy the masterwork greatsword and such. I changed my character around mainly so I can actually hit the broad side of the barn (originally I had a +4 to hit without rage... Now I have a +7 without rage).

Galahad the Barbarian (Professor of Smack)


My questions are...

Is this a legal character?

Is there any mundane equipment I should pick up? Something fun like 3.5 marbles (which somewhat acts like grease).

Is there any rule changes that won't show up on d20pfsrd.com? I tend to use that site since it works on my phone.

Is there any pitfalls I may want to consider avoiding?

Thanks for any help in advance!

PS: Also do note I'm using google doc for the first time so if the link doesn't work I'll fix it as soon as possible.

2013-01-04, 11:22 PM
I don't see anything offhand that looks questionable, though I only skimmed your sheet.

Paizo has a complete list of stuff legal for PFS (http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/additionalResources). You should look through that. d20pfsrd generally shows which book a given thing is published in at the bottom of that thing's page, so you can use that to cross-reference.

2013-01-04, 11:51 PM
Everything seems to be in order, except:
Barbarian, 7 Int, 7 Cha and a rank in Profession: Professor? How do you combine that?

2013-01-05, 05:46 PM
Everything seems to be in order, except:
Barbarian, 7 Int, 7 Cha and a rank in Profession: Professor? How do you combine that?

Well I was thinking the TA would do most of the Int/Cha work...

"Galahad's Traveling School of Smack"

Yeah I need a covered wagon with a sign that says that...

Of course he wouldn't be an accredited professor or anything like that :p

Edit: I'm making a reach cleric as a secondary character, does anyone have any experience with this type of PC?