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View Full Version : Human-raised drow [3.5, PEACH]

Rogue Shadows
2013-01-05, 11:21 AM
So, a brief history.

This is brief
So I got introduced to D&D via Baldur's Gate II. Not the game, the novelization by Phillip Athens: the tagline on the back "Bhaal is Dead!," just caught my eye and so I bought the book, and found myself liking it just enough to want to buy the game. Yes, Abdel was a very unlikeable protagonist, but the book was enough to get me hooked on the idea of playing the game. For complicated reasons I couldn't play Baldur's Gate II on my computer at the time, but I bought and found that Baludr's Gate, the first one, ran just fine, so I played that, before getting a better computer and playing II

The part I liked the most in the novelization was the bit in the dark elf city. They just seemed cool, and I, being 12ish years old and easily enraptured by such things and convinced of my own originality, decided that I was going to play a CG human-raised drow who wields two weapons in Baldur's Gate (well, the two-weapon fighting thing had to wait for BGII)! Yes, technically, "drow" was not an available option for a race in Baldur's Gate, but I could and did imagine otherwise, just rolling up an elf and making her black skinned and white haired.

So basically I managed to rip-off Drizzt without ever even having heard of him. Still, this drow elf - whom I named Iliira Ii'ilmerias - was my first character, and I think our first characters in D&D always hold a special place in our heart

Naturally, as I gradually got into PnP D&D, specifically 3rd Edition right as it was coming out, my first instinct was to recreate Iliira. Which I could do, basically, but that LA +2 on drow really sucks, and frankly so does LA +1 when you want to be able to run a character from 1st level. Also, in the vast majority of games, Iliira cannot in fact be the child of the dead God of Murder, as this has a tendency to throw off game balance and raise serious questions as to how and why Bhaal had a kid in Greyhawk. So, I set about re-writing her backstory into something more generic and easily applicable anywhere. The key thing of it all, though, was that she was human-raised: born on the surface of the world, in fact, raised by an innkeeper, and having never been further underground then the wine cellar. Giving her full drow traits didn't make sense: why would a human-raised drow, for example, gain proficiency with the hand crossbow automatically?

So, the result is the below. Thanks for reading this if you did.
Short version of the above: I have a special snowflake drow character who was raised by humans, and I want to give her racial stats that reflect that she was raised by humans. So, the below. Please note that this "race" is really only meant to be used by a single character who will be sticking pretty close to the "rogue" ideal, and certainly never become a spellcaster in any meaningful sense.

Human-raised drow
- +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Iliira is agile but frail, like all elves. She retains the strong sense of self of her drow heritage. Note: I am not married to the +2 CHA
- Medium-sized
- Iliira's base speed is 30 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet. Iliira's darkvision has become stunted due to constant exposure to daylight. However, Iliira does not suffer from light blindness nor light sensitivity, unlike most drow.
- 1 extra skill point per level, x4 at 1st level: Iliira's intelligence is considered stunted by drow standards. However, living amongst humans all her life has taught her versatility.
- +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells: Iliira retains some drow resistance to magic. However, her spell resistance, like her intelligence, is atrophied considerably next to a drow raised in the Underdark. Similarly, having never learned how to make use of them, Iliira is incapable of casting the normal drow spell-like abilities.
- Immune to sleep spells and effects: Iliira retains the standard elf immunity to sleep. However, she never learned to meditate as elves do, and as a result she does herself need to sleep (for 8 hours) to be considered rested.
- Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any
- Favored Class: Any.

2013-01-06, 09:56 PM
Pretty sure you think this is cool and all but this has to be one of the most pointless homebrews I've seen. Why does being raised by humans make a Drow magically change it's physical makeup.

Cipher Stars
2013-01-06, 10:02 PM
Pretty sure you think this is cool and all but this has to be one of the most pointless homebrews I've seen. Why does being raised by humans make a Drow magically change it's physical makeup.

Why don't you stare at my sig for a while.

This looks nice, but it looks like they should still have LA 1. They're notably better than humans, and I don't see LA anywhere. *shrug* Perhaps snip off the +2 dexterity and I couldn't see much problem with it as an LA 0.

2013-01-06, 10:04 PM
I'm not a nice person, and theirs a reason PEACH isn't PEABM. I'll leave it to your imagination what it means.

2013-01-06, 10:05 PM
Why don't you stare at my sig for a while.
It says PEACH. He EAC'd it H'ly. I don't see a problem (and, incidentally, happen to agree).

2013-01-06, 10:06 PM
Why don't you stare at my sig for a while.

This looks nice, but it looks like they should still have LA 1. They're notably better than humans, and I don't see LA anywhere. *shrug* Perhaps snip off the +2 dexterity and I couldn't see much problem with it as an LA 0.



That bonus feat is literally worth more than those stat adjustments, the dark vision, the save bonus and the sleep immunity. I could throw on two or three skill bonuses and MAYBE compensate for not getting the bonus feat.

Cipher Stars
2013-01-06, 10:20 PM
That bonus feat is literally worth more than those stat adjustments, the dark vision, the save bonus and the sleep immunity. I could throw on two or three skill bonuses and MAYBE compensate for not getting the bonus feat.

If you say so :/ Though I'm hardly one to care if something may or may not be strong or anything.
This thread is sour. *Walks away from it until such a time as I intend to play such a drow*

2013-01-06, 10:35 PM


That bonus feat is literally worth more than those stat adjustments, the dark vision, the save bonus and the sleep immunity. I could throw on two or three skill bonuses and MAYBE compensate for not getting the bonus feat.

This. As far as the OP's concerned, if you want a watered-down drow, Player's Guide to Faerun has it, no need for homebrew. There is, quite simply, no point to this.

Tanuki Tales
2013-01-06, 11:03 PM
This. As far as the OP's concerned, if you want a watered-down drow, Player's Guide to Faerun has it, no need for homebrew. There is, quite simply, no point to this.

Going to third this.

Originally I was going to comment before Wolf_Haley, but I got kind of sidetracked, so I apologize in that regard.

This race is honestly weak compared to the good base race choices that are out there and is comparable to the mentioned Half-Drow (which is terrible compared to the Half-Elf, which was pretty bad to begin with).

Here's my crack at it and I'm going to be calling them Iliirans (after your character) or Surface Drow:

Iliiran Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Surface Drow are as nimble and command the same presence as their subterranean kin, but being distanced from the radiation of the Underdark has "stunted" their minds, leaving them less intelligent.
Medium Sized: An Iliiran gains no special bonuses or takes any special penalties because of their size.
Base Land speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: A Surface Drow's ability to see in total darkness has diminished by being raised under a sun, but they can still see outwards to 60 feet. This vision is rendered in black and white.
Magic Resistant: Iliirans may no longer be a stone in the flow of magic, but they do not erode easily before its assault. Iliirans receive a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
Skilled: Having spent much time in contact with the surface races, especially humans, Surface Drow find that they excel when dedicating themselves to one niche over the course of their long life spans. They gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. For every six hit dice the Surface Drow possesses, increase the bonus from Skill focus by +3.
Unique Rhythm: Iliirans lost their ability to trance as a side effect from the lack of exposure to Underdark radiation, but still do not tire as other races do. Iliirans are immune to sleep effects and only need to physically rest for one day out of every three they are active. An Iliiran still must rest 8 hours to regain cast spells and similar resources.
Weapon Aptitude: Along with many of their fabled traits, the Surface Drow lost their innate skill with the weapons that are infamously wielded by their darker kin. But their martial prowess could not be completely robbed from them, a proclivity still existing in their souls. A Surface Drow may select one weapon at character creation, which they are automatically proficient in. Additionally, they are considered as if having a Fighter level equal to half their total Hit Dice (minimum 1) for the purpose of qualifying for Fighter only feats that are applied to the selected weapon.
Languages: Common and Drow Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic)

I took some liberties when crafting these guys (such as how trancing and such works), but I hope they're to at least someone's liking. It's been awhile since I did anything for 3.5 edition though, but I see these guys being LA+0 (other than the +4 against Spells, I don't think I gave them anything particularly good or useful that'd knock them into +1. You can always drop the Cha bonus after all).