View Full Version : Human Sorcerer to drow ranger maybe???

2013-01-06, 05:42 AM
Ok guys so I have a good one for you. In our game I had a human sorcerer level 6 who died by teleporting one of his party members out of the way and putting himself in the line of fire ( I had a better AC then the Dwarf cause I was a tren at the time but thats a whole nother story) So anyway I died and was creamated and burried so I rerolled a drow ranger 6 and really liked him well I did something stupid and drew a card from a deck of many things and well my soul is now trapped in a different plane and my body is a veggie. So I looked in the book of exaulted deeds and apparently you can come back as a marter if you sac yourself for someone. So My dm Kinda liked this idea but wanted to cross it with Full metal alchemist and Put my sorcerers soul into my drows empty shell because my party is only level 6 and probably have no way of getting to another plane or defeating any monsters on said plane. So what would this make my drow would he still be a ranger? Im pretty sure he would not be a sorcerer anymore because of the lack of dragon blood in the drow but maybe a wizard because dont they get their spell casting from books and knowledge. So let me know what you guys think kinda an odd situation

2013-01-06, 06:15 AM
If you just put the sorcerer's soul into the drow's body, you'd have a Sorcerer 6 with the physical stats of a drow. Your body has nothing to do with the class features you get from Sorcerer (you could be a skeleton and still have the same casting).

You would usually have no access to the drow's SLAs, or their mental stat boosts unless the DM rules otherwise. You might lose the human bonus feat unless the DM rules otherwise.

2013-01-06, 06:15 AM
since this is strictly home brewed, you can do whatever you want.

My idea?

The body is still there (so Ranger's Str, Con and Dex)
The mind is of the sorcerer (So sorcerer's Int, Wis and Cha)

I'd say the character is a Ranger, BUT he slowly gets back some of his sorcerer spells.

Start out as a Ranger 6 and, instead of Ranger spells, you gain Sorcerer spellcasting (starting from level 1)

So at 8th level you'd still be a 8th level ranger, but instead of ranger spells you'd have the casting of a 3rd level Sorcerer.

Sounds good?

2013-01-06, 07:20 AM
You treat it as reincarnate.

You remove his racial modifiers for his physical ability scores, then add those of a drow instead. He retains his mental scores and his class abilities, feats, or skill ranks. His class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and hit points are unchanged.

Reincarnate does give 2 permanent negative levels, but the GM might want to overlook or reduce that. (or you could go find a cleric with restoration)

2013-01-06, 08:35 PM
since this is strictly home brewed, you can do whatever you want.

My idea?

The body is still there (so Ranger's Str, Con and Dex)
The mind is of the sorcerer (So sorcerer's Int, Wis and Cha)

I'd say the character is a Ranger, BUT he slowly gets back some of his sorcerer spells.

Start out as a Ranger 6 and, instead of Ranger spells, you gain Sorcerer spellcasting (starting from level 1)

So at 8th level you'd still be a 8th level ranger, but instead of ranger spells you'd have the casting of a 3rd level Sorcerer.

Sounds good?

I like the way that sounds

2013-01-06, 08:42 PM
Does anyone know of a way for me to get my drows soul back from the plane its on? I know it would take a wish to find where it is then go get it but I dont think we have the strength to fight something like that so any other ideas?