View Full Version : Tainted Scholar ideas

2013-01-06, 11:14 AM
I was reading through Heroes of Horror to lool for interesting ways to develope a Dread Necromancer character and i came across the monstrosity that is the Tainted Scholar. At first i was enamored with it but when i read the Taint system more throughly my first though was "wow, this looks like it would be exploitable" and lo and behold, i look it up on this forum and it turns out it's one of the most exploitable classes ever.
Getting to the point, i'm looking for a way to make this prestige class playable- that is to say, not massively overpowered- and the obvious route is to remove the Taint system in general.
Removing the tainted spellcasting feature altogether seems enough to dispel the main problem of this class' balancement. Obviously there still remains the fat that Taint is one of the requirements; i was considering altering it to require instead a feat such as Willing Deformity or Dark Speech (from The Book Of Vile Darkness). However the Taint also plays a part in other powers of the Tainted Schoar and i'm not sure how i would alter those.
My problem here is that i know very little about mechanics and balancement; can someone halp me with this?
More specifically, i'd like to ask:
Is the Tainted Spellcasting aspect the only unbalanced thing about the Tainted Scholar?
Do the modifications i propose here make sense?
How could the other powers depended on Taint be modified?

2013-01-06, 03:37 PM

I think you might be better off playing an archivist if you want to play the fluff of a tainted scholar, instead of trying to rewrite the whole class.

However, I did find this (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Xh-xP-F5jp8J:brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php%3Ftopic%3D11303.0+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) (it's a cached link because Brilliant Gameologist is down atm).

2013-01-06, 03:54 PM
Wow, i like the one you linked. As far as the Archivist idea, it really doesn't fit the concept i had in mind... now to find out if my DM will allow that homebrew!

2013-01-06, 04:01 PM
Glad I could help.