View Full Version : [PF] Pacifist Eidolon, am I insane?

2013-01-06, 03:56 PM
Tired of seeing eidolons built to be killing machines, I took a look at the First Worlder archetype [Inner Sea Magic], and decided to build my extraplanar fey BFF as a skill-monkey who never deals lethal damage to another creature.

Current eidolon stats:
Base form: small biped

Evolutions: (+1 from extra evolutions feat)
Skilled: diplomacy
Skilled: disable device
Skilled: use magic device
Improved natural armor

Notable skills at level 1 are
+12 diplomacy
+11 disable device
+12 use magic device
+6 stealth (untrained)
+4 perception

Plans for advancement are to continue to take the Skilled evolution to boost the eidolon at roguey things.

Problem: While I know what the eidolon will be doing outside of combat, what can it do in combat with out compromising its pacifist code (no lethal damage to another creature). I looked at the various spellcasting evolutions, but they seem underpowered and overpriced. Do I have better options then UMDing wands of healing and buff spells?

2013-01-06, 04:30 PM
You could use it to simply provide Flanking bonuses and have it constantly use the Aid Another. That would be a way to provide a reliable +4 to an ally's chance to hit an enemy. You might also consider taking some of the sensory evolutions to help find enemies, like Scent or Tremorsense.

2013-01-06, 04:56 PM
Use Summon Monster while in combat and your Eidolon while out of combat.

2013-01-06, 05:02 PM
Use Summon Monster while in combat and your Eidolon while out of combat.

pretty much that. Since you can't summon monster while your eidolon is out, it actually works pretty well.

2013-01-06, 05:11 PM
make sure to give it flight as soon as you can, Thief types that set off pressureplates have a much lower life expentancy than don't.

2013-01-06, 06:11 PM
While i really like the First Worlder archetipe, i think the kind of Eidolon you suggest would work very well with the Master Summoner one.
MS would allow you to keep your kittle skilly-monkey buddy out, acting somewhat like a souped-up improved familiar, while pumping an insane amount of summons.

2013-01-06, 06:35 PM
Have it take Mount, then ride it. Be a Master Summoner, and toss summons at people from atop your crazy monster. Don't forget to summon 10ft away from enemies so they can Charge/Pounce (when it's advantageous, anyway). And don't forget Augment/Superior Summoning either, for pumped-up summon goodness.

So yeah, you can spam summons, or be a support mini-Sorcerer, or UMD. Or be a hilariously overpowered Fighter+Spells with Synthesist.

2013-01-06, 08:21 PM
This character is for Pathfinder Society, so Master Summoner and Synthesist are both out.

I'm mostly considering First Worlder for flavor, even if it does seem inferior to the regular summoner.

However, I noticed that the Summon Nature's Ally text lacks the text indicating that it cannot be out at the same time as the eidolon. Oversight, or intentional feature for an otherwise weak archetype?

2013-01-06, 08:53 PM
If you're going to have it as a biped, you could have it use nonlethal methods of hindering foes; give it a whip or a net and have it simply run around trying to trip or entangle foes. Alternately, have it UMD nonlethal scrolls/wands like Sleep or Grease.

If it's truly pacifistic, though, it might take umbrage to contributing to its targets' (presumed) deaths at all, so you might be better served having it stick to UMD buffing.

2013-01-06, 11:19 PM
You could make it a trip/bullrush focus during battle?

2013-01-06, 11:28 PM
If it's truly pacifistic, though, it might take umbrage to contributing to its targets' (presumed) deaths at all, so you might be better served having it stick to UMD buffing.

That is a serious consideration. It's one thing to be a pacifist, and quite another to go about subduing people, and holding them down for your friends to murder them, so they can give you a cut of whatever was inside his wallet. At that point you've really trampled the spirit of pacifism, and are just as much a murderer as your friends.