View Full Version : looking for infos on the Dragon Rage

2013-01-06, 05:08 PM

after finishing the year of the rogue dragons trilogy for the second time i decided to build a campaign around the rage theme.

i have most neccesary (and quite some unneccesary) books for it but could not find any info on the rage of dragons so far.

so if anyone knows where to find it please point me in the right direction.

tyvm donner

2013-01-07, 12:34 PM
help anyone ?

2013-01-07, 01:24 PM
Dragons of Faerun should have information on the topic; it even has spells to abate or produce it.

2013-01-07, 02:01 PM

What exact info do you lack after reading one of the best sources for info on it? (the triology)

Maybe someone can answer if you are a bit more specific? :)

2013-01-07, 03:24 PM
Dragons of Faerun should have information on the topic; it even has spells to abate or produce it.

This, though I believe there's also info on Samaster in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. That would be 3.5, though, so you'd have to convert it. The setting also has some info on the cult of the dragon. Also look to the Draconomicon for the most recent version of the Dracolich template (and the only version of the vampiric dragon template, or the magma drake) that I'm aware of.

2013-01-07, 03:24 PM
thx for the replies.
i m looking for rules mostly. the only source to dragons i have is the draconomicon so far - which is a good book but doesn t cover everything i need.

aditionally some opinions would help me too as to which lvl would you start it.
i m aiming at lvl 14 at the moment. its a lvl where you have quite some power already and can best a lot of different dragon creatures CR wise.

are the characters from the novels printed down somewhere ?

greetz donner