View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Return of Donrhar (IC)

2013-01-07, 12:05 PM
Nysiest, one of the five great kingdoms of the world. Under the rule of King Rayendu, the kingdom has known many years of peace and diplomacy with the other four nations. Yet now, with no warning or provocation, the enemy forces are marching toward castle Nysiest, with no success in stopping them.



The soldier stumbles slightly as he races up the stairs into the throne room. "My lord, the enemy forces have crossed the river and are heading right for us! Their number seem to have almost doubled since the last report!"
"What?!" King Rayendu immediately stands up from his throne as the soldier relays the news. "So Fort Turina has fallen... Against those numbers, it would be no surprise though." King Rayendu slowly sits back down into his throne, his head hung low in thought as he often does, but not for long before the soldier takes another step forward.
"My Lord, the forces... They're flying a Garym banner."
The King looks back up at the soldier in shock. "Garym...? No, that's impossible! The skirmishes so far have claimed to be mercenaries and bandits! Gar'hin would never do this!"
Lord Gar'him, the King of Garym, has been known as King Rayendu's closest friend, and the look on King Rayendu's face showed that he could not believe it.
He quickly raises from the throne again, taking a few steps towards the centre of the room. "No matter the banners, they threaten our home, so they must be defeated. Kerian!" King Rayendu looks over his shoulder towards his young son over by the throne. "You must flee. Escape the castle, and head to Estarr. You will be safe there with your mother and sister. Queen Inyo will see to it that none of you are harmed. Odin, make sure he arrives safely please."
A brawny man standing behind Kerian steps forward and with a knight's bow, quietly replies "Yes, my lord."

2013-01-07, 08:11 PM
Kerian shifts quickly forward into the center of his father's vision, expression serious and stance steadfast.
http://i.imgur.com/suKmR.png"Father, I wish to stay and fight here, not flee like some defenseless child." Kerian finishes his statement with a flash of determination in his eyes.

2013-01-07, 10:14 PM
"No! You are not a defenceless child, I understand that, but you must flee. I can not guarantee your protection during this, so I want you no where near here. Now go, head to Estarr, and find your mother and your sister. Odin!"

Odin nods as he takes Kerian by the wrist and guides him past his father and through the halls of castle Nysiest. The majority of the castle has already been evacuated when word of the enemy forces were advancing just to be safe. Now these bare halls, that use to echo with the hum of a small crowd, seem almost creepy with how quiet it is.

Just as you prepare to turn around another corner towards the back exit of the castle, three armed men step out from the other hall and quickly spot you and Odin. "You there! That's far enough! Waint... Oi boys, look what we have here! The young prince and his noble knight. Imagine the promotion when we bring 'em to general Vlad, eh?!"

Odin quickly pulls two lances from his sling and tosses one down into your hands. "Let's see if you can keep your word about not being a defenceless child lad."

The words from the wounded soldier was correct. Caden and Rikke round the last bend and see the dozen or so soldiers running into the castle. A few of the last soldiers catch a glimpse of you as you approach and quickly turn direction and head towards you, yelling "For the Empire!"

Player Cards:
Enemy Cards:

Bad Situation
2013-01-07, 10:30 PM
Scanning through the hall, the swordsman takes stock of the situation. Clicking his tongue with distate at their banners, he draws his sword and whips his head to say something to his companion.

"Do not overextend yourself Rikke, they outnumber us 5:1 at the very least. I will advance to draw their attention away from you. Do as you must to protect our prince." Sneering at the assembled soldiers he puts on an arrogant front to attract their focus, "Surrender your arms or die in obscurity, rabble! You will not leave these halls alive, I promise you."

Move: 4 Squares immediately left.

2013-01-07, 10:52 PM
Catching his lance, Kerian quickly recognizes it as his own personal spear. "Guess the old man was more thoughtful than I took him for..." Wasting no time in his musings, Kerian rushes the closest sword user, remembering that one of the first lessons he was taught was that the reach of a lance makes the quickness of a blade nigh useless. "Take the one on the right, Odin!" Kerian shouts to his companion as he charges the surly looking soldier.

Kerian moves 4 spaces southward and attacks the Mercenary. The preferred Odin move would be to have him move 5 spaces south and attack the soldier to the west of that space with the Silver Lance.

2013-01-07, 11:25 PM
"Do not overextend yourself Rikke, they outnumber us 5:1 at the very least. I will advance to draw their attention away from you. Do as you must to protect our prince." Sneering at the assembled soldiers he puts on an arrogant front to attract their focus, "Surrender your arms or die in obscurity, rabble! You will not leave these halls alive, I promise you."

"Troops in the capital, what horrible tides..."
The envoy's daughter composes herself before suggesting recklessly.
"Absolutely, sieur Caden. To the monarch!"

The lady departs swiftly with a kick of the stirrups, bow in hand. Not yet near enough to draw, Rikke's white knuckles grip rein beneath rider's gloves.

6-mov; 5 west, 1 south

2013-01-08, 12:00 AM
Player Turn:
Attack 1
Hit:[roll0] vs 87
Damage: 11
Crit:[roll1] vs 9

Counter 1
Hit:[roll2] vs 71
Damage: 3
Crit:[roll3] vs 0

Attack 1
Hit:[roll4] vs 85
Damage: 21
Crit:[roll5] vs 0

Counter 1
Hit:[roll6] vs 64
Damage: 0
Crit:[roll7] vs 0

Attack 2
Hit:[roll8] vs 85
Damage: 21
Crit:[roll9] vs 0

Enemy Turn:
In progress

2013-01-08, 12:13 AM
Enemy Turn:
Attack 1
Hit: [roll0] vs 71
Damage: 3
Crit: [roll1] vs 0

Counter 1
Hit: [roll2] vs 87
Damage: 11
Crit: [roll3] vs 9

Soldier: Moves 2 north, 1 east, and attacks Kerian
Attack 1
Hit: [roll4] vs 79
Damage: 3
Crit: [roll5] vs 0

Counter 1
Hit: [roll6] vs 76
Damage: 11
Crit: [roll7] vs 7

Soldier: Moves 4 east towards Caden

HP: 13/22
Exp: +30
Reginlief: 42/45
Lance: +6
Exp: +1
Silver Lance: 18/20
Lance: +2

Mercenary: HP: 4/26
Soldier: HP: 11/22


2013-01-08, 12:37 AM
Accelerating to a gallop, Rikke draws an arrow breathlessly and releases. Without pausing to review the target, her hand pulls the reins in a veering motion to retreat.

6-mov; 1 north, 1 west, attack, 3 east

Attack: [roll0] for 12 Atk

"Have at him, sieur!"

2013-01-08, 01:01 AM
After seeing his spearhead find it's mark, Kerian let himself gloat as the soldier recoiled in pain. He quickly realized his mistake as the soldier quickly returned his blows, though Kerian was able to deflect the brunt of strikes to his small shield. He countered with a riposte, and was immediately set upon by another soldier, this one wielding lance, who gets a piercing strike at Kerian's side, though it is deflected by his armor.

"I guess you guys really want that promotion, eh?" Kerian quips through the shooting pain in his arm and side. Seeing his opportunity at the now open sword-wielder, he aims his spear at the gaping hole in the defense and strikes.

Kerian attacks the mercenary again, preferred Odin move is to move south one space and attack the soldier.

Bad Situation
2013-01-08, 01:50 AM
Taking stock of the situation the young lord dashes in, blade poised at the man's throat. "So be it." Scoffing at the meager defense, the swordsman's blade quickly enters its target and makes its equally vicious exit.

Move: 1 up, 1 left.
Accuracy [77]: [roll0]

2013-01-08, 02:23 AM
Player Turn:
Hit: [roll0] vs 95
Dmg: 11
Crit: [roll1] vs 9

Hit: [roll2] vs 71
Dmg: 3

Hit: [roll3] vs 85
Dmg: 21

Hit: [roll4] vs 64
Dmg: 0

Hit: [55]
Dmg: 6

Counter Attack
Hit: [roll5] vs 89
Dmg: 7

Hit: [87]
Dmg: 7

2013-01-08, 02:35 AM
Enemy Turn:
Soldier vs Caden:
Hit: [roll0] vs 89
Dmg: 7

Hit: [roll1] vs 77
Dmg: 6

HP: 13/22
Exp: +50
Reginlief: 42/45
Lance: +6
HP: 4/18
Exp: +20
Iron Sword: 43/45
Sword: +2
Exp: +10
Iron Bow: 44/45
Bow: +1
Exp: +2
Silver Lance: 17/20
Lance: +3


2013-01-08, 02:48 AM
Peering on toward the melee from cavalier heights, Rikke winces in empathy at the thrashing Caden was receiving in kind. The archer spurs onward leisurely, picking a shot at a trotting pace.

4 mov: 4 west, attack [results], canto...
if hit: 1 north, 3 west
if miss: 4 east
Attack:[roll0] vs 88
Crit: [roll1] vs .5 :smalltongue:
(why do these mooks have such high LCK? They don't have LCK, that's why they're mooks.

2013-01-08, 02:49 AM
D'oh, I previewed and didn't replace the roller.

Attack: [roll0]
1 north, 2 west

Bad Situation
2013-01-08, 03:12 AM
The swordsman twists his body away to avoid the worst of it but the unmistakable sensation of the steel tearing through flesh causes him to grit his teeth in pain. Propping his sword up in spite of his pain, he watches for Rikke's response before doing anything else. "Rikke, now."

Seeing her follow through with his command, Caden releases a pained sigh and downs a significant portion of his vulnerary and lets the potent, if bitter restorative fluids heal him.

Move: 3 up, 1 left.
Action: Use Vulnerary.

2013-01-08, 03:19 AM
The quarrel *thrummed* with a precise trajectory. As the noblewoman rides upon the scene, she comes to a halt just above the lifeless body. Circling the haggard house scion, she asks concernedly about his condition.

"Officier Caden, are you quite alright?"

Bad Situation
2013-01-08, 03:21 AM
"Well enough," he manages in between gulps. "Worry not for me, think only of what our prince must be dealing with."

2013-01-08, 06:31 PM
Seeing his lance find it's mark and the soldier fall, Kerian finally surveys his surroundings.
http://i.imgur.com/suKmR.png"...I guess I still have a lot to learn from you, eh, Odin?" Kerian muses after seeing the two slain soldiers next to Odin. "No time to gloat, best make the best of this while we can..." he thinks to himself as he runs behind Odin as he takes a chug of the healing salve he had kept on himself at all times for weeks.

Kerian and Odin move 5 spaces west, Kerian uses a Vulnerary.

2013-01-08, 07:42 PM
Player Turn:
Vulnerary: +10 HP
Vulnerary: +10 HP
Hit: 17[/B[
Dmg: 11

Enemy Turn:
Soldier vs Kerian
Hit: [roll0] vs 82
Dmg: 3

Kerian vs Soldier
Hit: [roll1] vs 78
Dmg: 11

HP: 19/22
Exp: +60
Reginlief: 41/45
Lance: +8
HP: 14/18
Exp: +20
Iron Sword: 43/45
Sword: +2
Exp: +40
Iron Bow: 43/45
Bow: +2
Exp: +2
Silver Lance: 17/20
Lance: +3


2013-01-08, 07:44 PM
Kerian Crit Roll:
[roll0] vs 7

2013-01-08, 09:11 PM
http://i.imgur.com/suKmR.png"Persistant, are they not,?" Kerian thought to himself as he was beset by yet another soldier. "I'll show you what true dedication can achieve!" He yells as he strikes again at his aggressor.

Kerian attacks the knight. Odin moves 5 west.

2013-01-08, 09:29 PM
Spying their run on the next soldier, Rikke refrains from engaging the footslogger openly.

"Pardonne-moi, missieur. Allow me first."

Rikke moves 2 spaces west; end turn
Wait until the start of the next turn to Shove Rikke; the soldier can only attack from one space, so by then we'll have seeded the 6-space run.

Unless he runs at us like dumb A.I. :smallwink::smallwink:

Bad Situation
2013-01-08, 09:36 PM
Caden nods at the archer's plan, giving her the go ahead. "Just don't get yourself hurt. Your father would have my head if he knew I let his youngest risk herself so"

2013-01-08, 10:16 PM
Player Turn:
Hit: [roll0] vs 78
Dmg: 11
Crit: [roll1] vs 7
Killed: Recieved 1 door key

Enemy Turn:

HP: 19/22
Exp: +90
Reginlief: 40/45
Lance: +10
HP: 14/18
Exp: +20
Iron Sword: 43/45
Sword: +2
Exp: +40
Iron Bow: 43/45
Bow: +2
Exp: +2
Silver Lance: 17/20
Lance: +3


Bad Situation
2013-01-08, 10:41 PM
Seeing their falling into place Caden runs toward Rikke giving her only a scant few words as his warning, "Do not tell your father of this," before slapping the flank of her horse with an openhanded smack.

Move: Down 2, Left 1
Command: Shove Rikke

2013-01-08, 10:59 PM
"Ah ja kut!" Rikke exclaims with surprise. As Orvil kicks into a wicked turn, Rikke grips by her whole sternum to stay battened down. The cavalier archer raises her head and bow with abandon, taking a shot parallel to the castle wall she faced.

From the space Caden shoved Rikke to;
7-mov; 2 north, 2 west, attack, 3 east
Attack (vs 88):[roll0]
(Crit is .5%; no roll)

2013-01-09, 01:57 PM
As his opponent falls, Kerian notices something other than formerly occupied armor hit the ground. "What in the name of..." he muses as he reaches down and picks up the small object. He immediately recognizes it as a key to a nearby door. "Now why would they have this?" thinking to himself as he quickly strides to the door.

Kerian moves 3 west and opens door

2013-01-10, 07:53 AM
Turn 5

Player Turn:
Hit: [32] vs 88
Dmg: 7

As you open the door, you find behind it 4 unarmed and scared civilians that you quickly recognize as a family of servants for castle Nysiest.

Odin rides forwards toward the stairs and challenging the group of soldiers there. "Stand down, or you will face the might of a true Nysien Knight!"

Enemy Turn:
Soldier vs Rikke:
Hit: [roll0] vs 77
Dmg: 9

Soldier vs Odin:
Hit: [roll1] vs 67
Dmg: 0

Hit [roll2] vs 88
Dmg: 21

Soldier vs Odin:
Hit: [roll3] vs 67
Dmg: 0

Hit [roll4] vs 88
Dmg: 21

As the enemy soldiers take a quick step back and realize their mistake to challenge Odin, a large, brawny man walks past the two knights at the exit. "What the hell is taking you so long?! Hurry up already!! Lemme show you how to do it!"
Kerian, lv1 Soldier Lord
16ATT, 93% hit, 12.5% crit, 15% dodge
19/22HP, 6 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 3 LCK, 8 DEF, 3 RES, 11CON

Reginleif – 40/45 [8wt, 10mt, 80%hit, 10%crit] PRF
Vulnerary - 2/3

Wind Affinity

Caden, lv1 Mercenary
11ATT, 110% hit, 3% crit, 20% dodge
14/18HP, 6 STR, 7 SKL, 7 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 2 RES, 8 CON

Iron Sword – 43/45 [5wt, 5mt, 90%hit, 0%crit] PRF
Vulnerary - 2/3

Thunder Affinity

Rikke de Lys, lv1 Mounted Knight (Bow)
12ATT, 103% hit, 3% crit, 20% dodge
18/18HP, 6 STR, 6 SKL, 7 SPD, 6 LCK, 2 DEF, 2 RES, 8CON

Iron Bow – 42/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85%hit, 0%crit] PRF
Vulnerary - 3/3

Fire Affinity
Iron Bow|D|3|40[/table]

Odin, lv1 Paladin
26ATT, 105% hit, 5% crit, 30% dodge
28/28HP, 12 STR, 11 SKL, 12 SPD, 6 LCK, 12 DEF, 4 RES, 10 CON

Silver Lance – 15/20 [10wt, 14mt, 75%hit, 0%crit] PRF
Steel Sword - 30/30 [10wt, 8mt, 75%hit, 0%crit] PRF
Vulnerary - 3/3

Thunder Affinity

His card has been edited to show the proper stats

2013-01-10, 02:34 PM
"Francis! Agatha! I'm glad to see you safe. Stay here until the sound of combat stops, then run." Kerian exclaims, hurrying to rejoin the melee alongside Odin.
Kerian moves 5 west.

2013-01-10, 03:10 PM
Rikke evades the piker's wonky charge. Trotting backwards with a twist of the reigns, she looses her stallion southward and fires a departing shot at the duped infantryman.

"At your leisure, sieur," she hails Caden on her return.
6-mov; 1 east, attack, 1 east, 4 south
(Attack vs 88)
Caden can either stand his ground and engage the Soldier or cool his heels for another turn; Rikke is out of the soldier's reach either way.
(He has a greater chance of scoring the killing blow if he leaves Rikke to attack once more)

Bad Situation
2013-01-10, 04:08 PM
The arrogant swordsman smirks as the archer rides past, choosing to fall back a ways himself. They would run circles around the fool soldier if need be.
Move 3 right.